The valence and distribution of iron in vivianite, lazulite, babingtonite, rockbridgeite, acmite, aegirine-augite, hedenbergite, and ilvaite were studied with optical and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Optically activated intervalence charge transfer between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in neighboring sites through common edges or faces is observed in all these minerals irrespective of the polymerization of the iron-oxygen polyhedra ranging from finite clusters to infinite structural units. However, a distinct decrease occurs in the energy of the corresponding optical absorption band with increasing number of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions involved in the charge transfer process. Thermally activated electron delocalization between Fe2+ and Fe3+ occurs only if Fe2+ and Fe3+ occupy crystallographically equivalent or geometrically very similar neighboring sites which share common edges to form extended structural units such as the ribbon in ilvaite. If the Fe-O polyhedra form finite clusters of two, three, or four polyhedra (e.g., in vivianite, lazulite, and babingtonite, respectively) no thermally-activated mixed-valence states of iron are observed. In aegirine, extended regions of the M1 chain are statistically occupied by Fe2+ and Fe3+ giving rise to thermally-activated electron delocalization in addition to the intervalence band in the optical absorption spectrum. The intensity of the optical intervalence absorption has been measured in a number of systems: ɛ values range from 60 to 210.
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Amthauer, G., Rossman, G.R. Mixed valence of iron in minerals with cation clusters. Phys Chem Minerals 11, 37–51 (1984). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00309374
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00309374