Extraction and normalization of temporal expressions from documents are important steps towards deep text understanding and a prerequisite for many NLP tasks such as information extraction, question answering, and document summarization. There are different ways to express (the same) temporal information in documents. However, after identifying temporal expressions, they can be normalized according to some standard format. This allows the usage of temporal information in a term- and language-independent way. In this paper, we describe the challenges of temporal tagging in different domains, give an overview of existing annotated corpora, and survey existing approaches for temporal tagging. Finally, we present our publicly available temporal tagger HeidelTime, which is easily extensible to further languages due to its strict separation of source code and language resources like patterns and rules. We present a broad evaluation on multiple languages and domains on existing corpora as well as on a newly created corpus for a language/domain combination for which no annotated corpus has been available so far.

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Recently, we were able to add resources for Dutch. These were developed and kindly provided by Matje van de Camp (Tilburg University).
HeidelTime, the German corpus as well as additional scripts and components are publicly available at http://dbs.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/heideltime/. Thus, all our evaluation results are reproducible.
The details of the attributes are described in the TimeML annotation guidelines including further attributes, e.g., to capture the function of a temporal expression in a document. For details, see http://www.timeml.org/.
The 2004 and 2005 training sets and the 2004 evaluation set are released by LDC (LDC2005T07, LDC2006T06, LDC2010T18); see: http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/.
The TERN evaluation script is available at http://fofoca.mitre.org/tern.html.
TimeBank 1.2 is released by LDC (LDC2006T08); see: http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/.
The TempEval-2 data are available at http://timeml.org/site/timebank/timebank.html. While TempEval-2 had a task for the extraction and normalization of temporal expressions, the first TempEval evaluation challenge concentrated on tasks for identifying temporal relations. Thus, we do not consider the corpus of the first TempEval here.
WikiWars is available at http://www.timexportal.info/wikiwars/.
WikiWarsDE is publicly available at http://dbs.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/heideltime/.
Due to this feature, we were able to include Dutch language resources recently developed at Tilburg University, see, http://dbs.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/heideltime/.
Our UIMA components as well as conversion scripts described in this section are available at http://dbs.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/heideltime/.
Results slightly differ from HeidelTime-1 due to some bug fixes.
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Strötgen, J., Gertz, M. Multilingual and cross-domain temporal tagging. Lang Resources & Evaluation 47, 269–298 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-012-9179-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-012-9179-y