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This template adds a link, or frame, which will display map data – either from:

  • data stored in GeoJSON format on Commons
  • line/polygon features in OpenStreetMap.
  • coordinates, either supplied or from Wikidata
  • raw GeoJSON, preferably transcluded from another page


  • If you have a very large/slow map, you should use the mapframe extension tag directly instead of this template, as was done in Special:Diff/970846012. The reason for this is that using the template to call the extension tag will result in the map rendering counting as Lua time, which may result in time exceeded errors.
  • GeoJSON files cannot currently be directly uploaded. Instead, on Commons, create a page that is in the Data: namespace and ends in .map – see mw:Help:Map Data for further information.
  • To make OpenStreetMap (OSM) features available, add the Wikidata key to the OSM relation (and wait 1 or 2 days) – see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer#External_data and mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/OSM for further information.

This template is intended for linear or polygon features, including (but not limited to):

  • Roads
  • Rivers
  • Subway or train lines
  • Ship courses
  • Flight paths
  • Explorers journeys
  • Animal habitats
  • Countries and their subdvisions

and more... This template can also be used to display point features on a map, i.e. coordinates.

Basic usage

  • Data page on Commons (e.g. Data:ecos.fws.gov/Endangered habitat 58938/Plethodon neomexicanus.map):
    {{maplink|from=}} (specify .map data page in from=, excluding Data prefix)
  • <maplink>: Couldn't parse JSON: Syntax error
    (e.g. {{Wikipedia:Map data/Main Roads Western Australia/Forrest Highway}}):
    {{maplink|raw=}} (specify raw GeoJSON, preferably transcluded from a subpage of Wikipedia:Map data)
  • Line of a border or a linear feature from OSM:
    {{maplink|type=line|id=}} (Wikidata id only required if another article's Wikidata page is to be used)
  • Shape from OSM:
    {{maplink|type=shape|id=}} (Wikidata id only required if another article's Wikidata page is to be used)
  • Inverted shape from OSM:
    {{maplink|type=shape-inverse|id=}} (Wikidata id only required if another article's Wikidata page is to be used)
  • Point feature (coordinates):
    ...from Wikidata:
    {{maplink|type=point|id=}} (Wikidata id only required if another article's Wikidata page is to be used)
    ...from specified coordinates:
    {{maplink|type=point|coord=}} (specify coordinates using {{Coord}} template)
  • Lua error: Page 'Netherton Tunnel Branch Canal' not found. from a page or section ({{coord}} templates using the |name= parameter)
    ...from the current page: {{maplink|type=named}} or {{maplink|type=named|from=#Section}}
    ...from another page: {{maplink|type=named|from=Other page}} or {{maplink|type=named|from=Other page#Section}}
  • Circle (centred on a point's coordinates):
    ...from Wikidata:
    {{maplink|type=circle|radius=|id=}} (Wikidata id only required if another article's Wikidata page is to be used)
    ...from specified coordinates:
    {{maplink|type=circle|radius=|coord=}} (specify coordinates using {{Coord}} template)
  • To show in a frame, add the parameter |frame=yes.
Mapframe example

  • Additional parameters are available to customise the displayed map.

Full parameter set – data page


Full parameter set – raw data

|raw= <!-- preferably {{Wikipedia:Map data/subpage}} -->

Full parameter set – geoline/geoshape


Full parameter set – point features/coordinates


Full parameter set – circles

|radius=  <!-- in metres, alternative parameters available for other units --> 

For overall display

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]
How the template is displayed. Valid values are:
inline - Only displays the inline link (you can forego this, as it is the default)
title - Only displays the title link
inline,title - Displays the inline link as well as the title link
title,inline - Same as above
Text to display for the link (or caption if using mapframe); default is "Map"
Set to "no" to turn off the icon that appears next to the link
Zoom level, from 1 to 19 (larger numbers zoom in further); default is automatically determined by the map, unless you the only feature is a single point.

Mapframe parameters (only work with inline display)

Set to "yes" to show a map frame instead of a link
Set to "yes" to show just the map without the surrounding frame, and without a caption (text parameter will be ignored)
Alignment with respect to the page: left, center, or right; default is right
Width of the map frame, default is 300
Height of the map frame, default is 200
(or frame-coord)
Optional - alternate coordinates for initial placement of map. Use {{Coord}} template to specify coordinates (e.g. |frame-coordinates={{Coord|12.34|S|56.78|W}}). If not set, coordinates will be retrieved from Wikidata.
(or frame-lat)
(ignored if |frame-coordinates= or |frame-coord= is set)
Optional - alternate latitude coordinate for initial placement of map.
(or frame-long)
(ignored if |frame-coordinates= or |frame-coord= is set)
Optional - alternate longitude coordinate for initial placement of map.
Template:A note If frame latitude and longitude are not set by parameters, then frame coordinates can be determined automatically, either:
  • Based on the line and shape objects (if any have been specified), or
  • From the point feature specified in |coord= (if set), or
  • Retrieved from Wikidata (if available – for either the item specified in |id= parameter, or for the page the template is placed on)
Raw GeoJSON (preferably transcluded from a subpage of Wikipedia:Map data) as well as <maplink> functionality not available via the other parameters. See below for more information.

For each feature

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

Multiple features can be displayed on a single map. For each additional feature, add a sequential number to the end of the parameter name. For example, the second uses parameters like |type2=, |id2=, etc., the third feature |type3=, |id3=, etc., and so on.

Type of data. Valid values are:
line – a geoline feature from OSM (e.g. a road)
shape – a geoshape feature from OSM (e.g. a state or province)
shape-inverse – a geomask feature from OSM (the inverse of a geoshape - allows an unobstructed view of the map beneath)
data – a geoJSON data page on Commons (parameter is optional in this case)
point – a point feature (coordinates)
named – all named coordinates in an page or section ({{coord}} templates with |name= parameter)
circle – a circle centred on a point's coordinates
(or ids)
Wikidata id (Q-number) of the point feature, Wikidata id that the OSM line/shape feature is tagged with. Separate multiple ids with a comma. Defaults to the current page's Wikidata id (if |from= not set).
Source of map data:
  • If type is data or omitted: The JSON (.map) file from Commons to display (excluding the Data: prefix)
  • If type is named: Page name, or name#section, to get named coordinates from. If omitted, or specified as just #section, then current page will be used.
Title of the feature (for features from OSM), displayed when the feature is clicked on; default is the page title
Description of the feature (for features from OSM), displayed when the feature is clicked on; optional
(or stroke-colour)
Color code for the color used to draw the feature (for features from OSM); default is #ff0000 (red)
Width for the lines used to draw the feature (for features from OSM); default is 6
Opacity for the lines used to draw the feature (for features from OSM) – a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque); default is 1
Color code for the fill color of the feature (for shape or shape-inverse features from OSM); default is #000000 (black). Note that a semi-transparent version of the specified color will be used by default, allowing the map below to still be seen.
Opacity for the fill color of the feature (for shape or shape-inverse features from OSM) – a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque); default is 0.5
Coordinates to display for a point feature. Use {{Coord}} template to specify coordinates (e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|S|56.78|W}}). If not set, coordinates will be retrieved from Wikidata.
Name of Maki marker image to display at the point feature. See mw:Maps/Icons for options. If not set, a plain marker will be shown without an image.
(or marker-colour)
Color code (Hex triplet) specifying marker background color. Default is 5E74F3 (    )
Size of the marker. Can be small, medium (default) or large.
(or radius_m), or alternative parameters radius_km, or radius_mi, or radius_ft
Radius of the circle. In metres by default, or in kilometers or miles or feet if the alternative parameters are used.
Number of edges used to construct the circle. Default is 32. Higher numbers will result in a smoother circle but use more Lua processing resources.

Multiple map switcher

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

An option for Template:Switcher-style switching of multiple mapframes, where specified parameters like zoom, or frame coordinates, or a shape's item id are switched between different values. When using, ensure the number of values in each list are the same.


  1. Add parameter switch to specify labels for the different options: a list separated by either,, or ; if the labels contain commas, or ### if the labels contain semi-colons. Each label will be displayed with a prefix of "Show ".
    Example: |switch=zoomed out, zoomed mid, zoomed in
  2. For each parameter that is to be switched, set its value to Template:Kbd followed by a list of values to switch between, again separated by , or ; or ###
    Example: |zoom=4,9,14
    Parameters frame, plain, and text should not be switched
  3. Make sure each list has the same number of entries. The position of value in a Template:Kbd list corresponds to the same position in the list of labels set in |switch=.
Example: Page Template:Maplink/styles-multi.css has no content.
{{mapframe|frame=yes|type=point|id=Q100|text=Boston|zoom=SWITCH:4,9,14|switch=zoomed out, zoomed mid, zoomed in}}

Examples and tips

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

Multiple features

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

Multiple features allow you to:

  • Use external data from both Wikimedia Commons and OpenStreetMap together
  • Apply different styles to different external data features from OpenStreetMap
  • Include multiple links to external data from Wikimedia Commons
|type=shape|id=Q3495894|title=Shape|description=Description of shape
|type2=line|id2=Q1318331|title2=Line|description2=Description of line
|type3=point|coord3={{coord|32|S|116|E}}|title3=Point|description3=Description of point



Mapframes can be included in infoboxes. Using |plain=yes to remove the outer frame is recommended.

For simple cases with a single feature, {{infobox mapframe}} can be used instead (see that template's documentation for details). Template:Infobox Australian road

{{Infobox Australian road
| location = {{maplink |type=line |frame=yes |plain=yes |frame-align=center |frame-lat=-31.8262 |frame-long=115.7877 |zoom=9}}
  ...  (other parameters omitted)  ...

The raw parameter

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

The "raw" parameter allows the same inputs as the full <maplink> function. It allows you to:

  • Use GeoJSON data directly
  • Use Wikidata queries to obtain information for the map
  • Use templates - if a map includes direct GeoJSON or many components, placing the data in a template will avoid cluttering the article text

See mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer for instructions.

Raw GeoJSON example

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]
<maplink>: Couldn't parse JSON: Syntax error
{{maplink|raw={{Wikipedia:Map data/Main Roads Western Australia/Forrest Highway}}|text=Route map}}

(Link to GeoJSON data subpage: Wikipedia:Map data/Main Roads Western Australia/Forrest Highway)

Raw Wikidata query examples

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]
Ten countries
{{maplink|frame=yes|text=Ten countries|raw={
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "query": "
  ?id wdt:P463 wd:Q1065 .
} LIMIT 10

  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "query": "
SELECT ?id ?head
  (SAMPLE(?img) as ?img_) 
  (min(?partyId) as ?party) 
  (if(?party = '0', '#800000', if(?party = '1', '#000080', '#008000')) as ?fill)
  (concat('[[', substr(str(?link),31,500),  '{{!}}', ?headLabel, ']]') as ?title)
  (concat(?stateLabel, '\\n', '[[File:', substr(str(?img_), 52, 500), '{{!}}200px]]') as ?description)
  ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q35657 .
  ?id wdt:P6 ?head .
  ?head wdt:P102 ?party .
  BIND(if(?party = wd:Q29468, '0', if(?party = wd:Q29552, '1', '2')) as ?partyId) 
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' .
    ?head rdfs:label ?headLabel .
    ?id rdfs:label ?stateLabel .
    ?head wdt:P18 ?img .
  ?link schema:about ?head .
  ?link schema:isPartOf <https://en.wikipedia.org/> .
} GROUP BY ?id ?head ?headLabel ?link ?stateLabel

  • When retrieving lines or shapes from OSM, you can't style the fill color or the opacity level of fills or strokes (unless you use the |raw= parameter)
  • The following code utilising the |raw= parameter won't work because the curly brace to close the GeoJSON is adjacent to the curly braces to close the template:
{{Maplink|raw= {"type": "ExternalData","service": "geoshape","ids": "Q13518258"}}}
To fix it, put a space before the two template braces or move them to a separate line.
  • {{Map link}}
  • {{Mapframe}}
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