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Edit notices disconnected from their pages in mainspace
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Edit notices attached titles that are either redlinks or redirects. In the latter case, the edit notice must not also be a redirect, with the unchecked assumption that it points to an edit notice for the page the redirect is pointing to. For [[WP:RAQ#Orphaned editnotices]] circa 25 Dec 2024.
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WITH editnotices(en_title, en_is_redirect) AS ( SELECT page_title, page_is_redirect FROM page WHERE page_namespace = 10 AND page_title LIKE 'Editnotices/Page/%' ), -- unfortunately, trying to use these ctes for the non-0 namespaces kills performance - -- if there's a less fugly way of doing it than all of these unions, I can't think of it. ns(ns_n, ns_s) AS (VALUES (-2, 'Media:'), (-1, 'Special:'), (0, ''), (1, 'Talk:'), (2, 'User:'), (3, 'User talk:'), (4, 'Wikipedia:'), (5, 'Wikipedia talk:'), (6, ':File:'), (7, 'File talk:'), (8, 'MediaWiki:'), (9, 'MediaWiki talk:'), (10, 'Template:'), (11, 'Template talk:'), (12, 'Help:'), (13, 'Help talk:'), (14, ':Category:'), (15, 'Category talk:'), (100, 'Portal:'), (101, 'Portal talk:'), (118, 'Draft:'), (119, 'Draft talk:'), (126, 'MOS:'), (127, 'MOS talk:'), (710, 'TimedText:'), (711, 'TimedText talk:'), (828, 'Module:'), (829, 'Module talk:')), prefixes AS (SELECT CONCAT('Editnotices/Page/', REPLACE(REPLACE(ns_s, ':', ''), ' ', '_')) FROM ns WHERE ns_n <> 0) -- mainspace SELECT 0 AS namespace, CONCAT('Template:', en_title) AS title, page_is_redirect AS 'exists as redirect' FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 0 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) NOT IN (SELECT * FROM prefixes) UNION SELECT 1, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 1 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Talk' UNION SELECT 2, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 2 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/User:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/User' UNION SELECT 3, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 3 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/User_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/User_talk' UNION SELECT 4, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 4 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Wikipedia:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Wikipedia' UNION SELECT 5, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 5 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Wikipedia_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Wikipedia_talk' UNION SELECT 6, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 6 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/File:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/File' UNION SELECT 7, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 7 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/File_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/File_talk' UNION SELECT 8, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 8 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/MediaWiki:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/MediaWiki' UNION SELECT 9, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 9 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/MediaWiki_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/MediaWiki_talk' UNION SELECT 10, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 10 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Template:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Template' UNION SELECT 11, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 11 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Template_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Template_talk' UNION SELECT 12, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 12 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Help:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Help' UNION SELECT 13, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 13 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Help_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Help_talk' UNION SELECT 14, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 14 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Category:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Category' UNION SELECT 15, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 15 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Category_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Category_talk' UNION SELECT 100, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 100 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Portal:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Portal' UNION SELECT 101, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 101 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Portal_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Portal_talk' UNION SELECT 118, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 118 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Draft:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Draft' UNION SELECT 119, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 119 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Draft_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Draft_talk' UNION SELECT 126, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 126 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/MOS:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/MOS' UNION SELECT 127, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 127 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/MOS_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/MOS_talk' UNION SELECT 710, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 710 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/TimedText:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/TimedText' UNION SELECT 711, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 711 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/TimedText_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/TimedText_talk' UNION SELECT 828, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 828 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Module:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Module' UNION SELECT 829, CONCAT('Template:', en_title), page_is_redirect FROM editnotices LEFT JOIN page ON page_namespace = 829 AND page_title = SUBSTRING(en_title, LENGTH('Editnotices/Page/Module_talk:') + 1) WHERE (page_is_redirect IS NULL -- doesn't exist OR (page_is_redirect = 1 -- exists as redirect AND en_is_redirect = 0)) -- but the editnotice isn't also a redirect AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(en_title, ':', 1) = 'Editnotices/Page/Module_talk' ORDER BY namespace ASC, title ASC;
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