Rock Lord
From Transformers Wiki
In uncharted regions of the universe, creatures from Quartex sleep undisturbed by light or civilization. Though their dormant state may resemble common asteroids, this camouflage conceals their true ferocity. Feared by robots, their appetite for metal is matched only by their ferocious strength in battle. They are legend. They are... the Rock Lords!
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Animated continuity family
Animated cartoon
After untold aeons of peaceful slumber, a cluster of Rock Lords was abruptly awakened by an unexpected, light-emitting intruder in their midst. No sooner did they swarm over the massive alien than it vanished. Still, the disturbance was not a complete disappointment: a moment later, a small but tasty-looking... thing appeared in the intruder's place, and was quickly devoured by the nearest Rock Lord.
Sated, the devourer prepared to return to sleep, but was disturbed to find itself suddenly alone in an alien, gravity-bound environment. Even worse, light now constantly poured down on it from some new, horrible menace. Destroying everything in its path, it might have found an escape from this terrible place if it weren't for a tiny, irritatingly quick assailant that shattered the Rock Lord into hundreds of pieces. The three smaller Rock Lords that regenerated from its shattered body hardly stood a chance. TransWarped
The Cool comic
A Rock Lord battled Team Athenia somewhere in space, easily trouncing them until Rodimus got everyone working together to figure out its weakness and destroying it. The Cool Extra #2
Ask Vector Prime
There were Rock Lords in the Xobitor universes too! Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/02
In the universe of Aurex 615.03 Epsilon, Maximals and Predacons took the form of Rock Lords as part of the "Colossus War" on Rock Planet. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/03
Sideways boasts he's dated some "fem-rocks". Ask Sideways, 2015/07/05
When Gong and Sideways mucked about with time and space, mixing up a Gargent world with a Primax universe circa 2005, the Rock Lords showed up in a universe in place of the Junkions. The evil warlord Magmar launched an attack on a combined Guardian/Autobot force and almost wiped them out, but Hot Rod and Kup had made contact with the goodie rocks under Boulder. These Rock Lords drove off Magmar's goons, allowing Major Mo and his Autobot/Guardians to head after Galvatron. Echoes and Fragments
Renegade Rhetoric
Eons ago, a civilization of advanced, organic Ro-Beings on the planet Quartex were threatened by the stellar radiation from a nearby star. Their connection to nature and dislike of technology prompted them to hatch a plan: every living being would be fused with rock at the moment the radiation wave hit, turning them into living rocks. The process was imperfect, and almost all of the Rock Lords had forgotten who they once were. Several important battles in the conflict between Guardian and Renegade involved Rock Lords. The Combiner Wars which ultimately decided the conflict decisively for the Guardians involved a team up between the Renegades and the evil Rock Lords and the Guardians and the good Rock Lords. Renegade Rhetoric (2)
When asked about the advantages of turning into an immobile rock, Cy-Kill admitted that he found the Rock Lords to be somewhat pathetic. Renegade Rhetoric (1), 2015/10/20
Go-Bots comic
The Go-Lems were encountered by the human astronauts brought to Earth by Spay-C. Go-Bots #3 When Leader-1 and his Guardians set off to find the Lazer Lance, they travelled past Skull Mountain, where they were attacked by Sticks 'n Stones, Tombstone, and Stoneheart. The party were rescued by the arrival of Boulder, Nuggit, and Solitaire. After driving off the followers of Magmar, they introduced themselves as the Go-Lems. They claimed to be created by neither humans nor Go-Bots, and stated that their main interest was in meditating to achieve a state of oneness with the planet before they left. The trio, joined by an army of others including Granite, Marbles, Flamestone, and Pulver-Eyes, later intervened when the Guardians confronted Cy-Kill's Renegades and Zod—who had disturbed their meditation in the state of being known as Quartex. As a result, they opened the Earth itself, dropping Zod down inside a canyon where he was eventually killed. Go-Bots #4 After Road Ranger detached Gobotron from Earth, the Go-Lems remained, living peacefully with the remains of humanity, who christened them the Rock Lords. Go-Bots #5
- The Rock Lords began as a one-off homage to Tonka's GoBots' spinoff toyline the Rock Lords (tagline: Powerful Living Rocks!), which appeared in GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords and came from the planet Quartex. Actual Tonka Rock Lords characters Nuggit, Brimstone, Boulder, Granite, and Spearhead make Easter egg appearances as crowd-filling NAILs in IDW's Robots in Disguise #4.
- Finally, in 2024, the Rock Lords concept got a revival of sorts-in the form of the Armorizers from Legacy United of the Infernac Universe, though with parts of Daira's rock avatars mixed in, too.
- The AllSpark Almanac II retconned in that the GoBots were their universe's Transformers, with Gobotron as a form of Primus. This would presumably make these Rock Lords those Rock Lords as well! Hasbro franchise Robotix (also retconned into being versions of Transformers) also had transforming rock creatures and in 2015 Fun Publications' Ask Vector Prime explicitly made them the same Rock Lords! See what happens when you let fans run the asylum?
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