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Starscream (WFC)/toys

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Starscream-Prime-stock render-toy packaging.jpg

Many Aligned toys have been made of Starscream.



War for Cybertron

So I'm Cybertron Starscream in Generation 1 Starscream colors as Prime Starscream. Confused? Good! *BLAM*
  • Starscream (Legends Class, 2010)
This redeco of Legends Class Cybertron Starscream appeared pretty much out of the blue one day, when, without fanfare, it was offered as a promotional giveaway in the United Kingdom to those who purchased the Transformers: War for Cybertron video game from ShopTo.Net. He transforms into a Cybertronic jet fighter and features hidden weapons in his wing-sections/biceps: the right arm hides a blade, while the left arm has a non-firing cannon.
This toy was later offered as a gift to attendees at the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong fair 2010 if they made a combined purchase of Transformers toys amounting to more than HK$400.
This mold was also used the make Cybertron Ramjet, Skywarp, and Sunstorm, Universe Ramjet and Thrust, and Dark of the Moon Cybertronian Starscream.
At least a few of these loose units are dumped to Hobby Shop dealers in Asia.


First Edition

He's got legs, and he knows how to attach them to the underside of his jet mode.
  • Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2011)
    • Number: 003
    • Japanese release date: 2011-12-28
    • Accessories: 2 missile pods, stand (Hasbro only)
Part of the first wave of Prime: First Edition Deluxe Class toys, Starscream transforms from a jet resembling a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon into a skinny robot and back! He comes with two missile pod accessories that can either attach onto tabs on the underside of his wings, or onto the rear wings on his arms in robot mode. Additionally, he has a 5mm peg hole that goes through each arm, both of which become the sides of his jet mode tail. Since the tail stabilizers fold into the sides of the tail to become the arms, the hole isn't very deep in robot mode unless you leave these fins folded out.
Undocumented in either of his Hasbro and TakaraTomy instructions, Starscream has a couple of features that help make him slightly more show-accurate: he has a deployable winglet on the back of each of his legs, and his large wing kibble can tilt slightly upward.
Some units have the head aerial deformed in-package due to being made of soft plastic. This is due to friction preventing it from hinging back. The aerial is supposed to fold back along the head for transformation, but can be tough enough to get in place due to simply flexing instead of changing position. His knee spikes also tend to deform.
As with all Hasbro-release "First Edition" toys, a cardboard stand is included. The Takara release omits the stand in order to fit the toy into the bubble in robot mode.
This mold was retooled/redecoed to make TakaraTomy Prime Skywarp and Thundercracker, and was differently retooled to make Timelines Slipstream.


Do these bits of red make me look a little Megatron-y?
  • Starscream (Cyberverse Commander, 2012)
    • Series / Number: 2 / 003
    • Japanese number: EZ-03
    • Japanese release date: March 31, 2012
    • Accessories: 2 missile cannons
Part of the first wave of Prime Series 2 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, this smaller-scale Starscream is cast partly in translucent plastic so that the toy can be lit using the electronic lights featured in the larger playsets. He also comes with two translucent "missile cannon" weapons that can peg in various ways onto Starscream and each other via their numerous 3mm posts and ports.
Starscream's arms can separate from the nosecone fuselage on the elbow joint for greater show-accuracy, if you ignore the giant jet pieces hanging off his arms. He features a small, almost irrelevant partial autotransform gimmick: When his shoulders are swung out into place, his head moves out a little bit, allowing you to swing the head into position easily.
The Hasbro release comes with a pack-in file card. In addition to the regular version, Starscream was also released in a special "advance release" assortment alongside Optimus Prime, Bulkhead and Megatron, with each figure including a mini-DVD that contains the Transformers: Prime episode "Masters & Students". Yes, all four of them come with the same episode.

No, I'm not that guy.
  • Decepticon Set (EZ Collection 6-pack, November 24, 2012)
    • ID number: EZ-SP2
    • Accessories: 2 missile cannons
This redeco of Starscream is cast in bluish plastics (possibly homaging most of Animated Starscream's toys). He was only available in a TakaraTomy six-pack with Megatron, the Vehicon, Breakdown, Knock Out, and Terrorcon Cliffjumper.
Oddly, his weapons are cast in a significantly more flexible (and also more creamy and less translucent) plastic than the ones that come with his Hasbro counterpart. In addition, the ridge on the forehead is slightly thicker and thus less pointy. Usually, it's the other way round.
Unfortunately, because of how the figure is packaged, most Starscreams in this set had rear tail fins bent in-package. It also had a tendency to slightly green over time.

  • Starscream (Cyberverse Commander, 2013)
    • Series / Number: 3 / 006
    • Accessories: Launcher & missile (combine to form Thunder Talon)
Part of the third wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Starscream is a redeco and extensive retool of Series 2 Starscream. He features 3mm ports in the same places as before, loses the post on his back, and gains a new port on his chest/jet underside. He now comes with the "Thunder Talon", a massive claw-like weapon which can mount via 3mm post, and launch its "claw" as a missile via pressure-launch.

Robots in Disguise

I'd be a poor man's Skywarp if I didn't cost more to import.
  • Bumblebee vs. Starscream: Ultimate Opponents (Entertainment Pack, 2012)
    • Accessories: 2 missile pods
This Deluxe Class Prime: Robots in Disguise Starscream is a redeco of his First Edition release in lighter gray plastic with several purple highlights, possibly intended to represent his powering up with Dark Energon in the episode "Shadowzone". Unlike the original release of this mold, this version features paint operations on its soft plastic parts, such as his forehead crest and missile-tips.
Starscream came packed-in with a redeco of First Edition Bumblebee, small unarticulated figurines of Silas and a MECH soldier, as well as a DVD containing the episodes "Convoy", "Sick Mind", and "Out of His Head". The two-pack was also available in Australian markets virtually unchanged, except the DVD was replaced with a booklet including short (and by that, we mean one sentence) bios as well as Tech Specs for most of the characters.
The stock photography on the packaging depicts Starscream's cockpit and abdomen as translucent, and with the stripes on his wings being on the leading edges instead of their final placement.

Oh, that can't be aerodynamic.
Much better.
  • Starscream (Voyager Class, 2012)
    • Series / Number: 1 / 003
    • Japanese release date: 2012-06-30
    • Japanese ID number: AM-07
    • Accessories: Missile pod/light-up null-ray blaster & two missiles (Hasbro only), "Guru" Arms Micron (TakaraTomy only)
Part of the second wave of Prime: Robots in Disguise Voyager Class toys, Starscream now comes with two missiles, as well as a missile pod attached to a half-translucent base of random parts, both of which can be mounted (via 5 mm posts) behind his canopy/on his back, or onto his wings, arms, and hands. Additionally, the missile pod itself features a peg-hole on each side, and his wings each feature a Mini-Con-compatible peg. The missile pod transforms into his "null-ray blaster", all while being illuminated by a red LED as a sort of "Energon glow". As with other Robots in Disguise Voyager Class toys, the deployed weapon cannot lock into place.
His prototype stock photography depicts additional paint operations on the wings and vertical stabilizer that were omitted in the final product. His instructions and stock photos also incorrectly show his completed robot mode's shoulder-pads as being left flipped-up, despite the instructions telling you to flip them down just a few steps before.
The TakaraTomy release, which was part of the fourth wave of Prime product in Japan (despite his ID numbering placing him before toys released in the third wave), loses many of his detail-based paint operations, replacing them with customer-applied foil stickers. Instead of the light-up cannon-thing, he comes with the Arms Micron Guru, a robotic eagle that transforms into a bladed plasma weapon.

So, does this mean "Synthetic Energon Starscream" will be in Acid Storm's colors?
  • Starscream (Dark Energon Series Deluxe Class, 2012)
    • Number: 003
    • Accessories: 2 missile pods
Prime: Dark Energon Starscream is a BigBadToyStore-exclusive redeco of "First Edition" Starscream in translucent black, opaque pink, and dark blue, as a possible homage to Skywarp.
Though he was packaged on an individual card, he was initially sold as part of a set with the Dark Energon versions of Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Knock Out. He was eventually made available on his own, and the Dark Energon Series toys were eventually made available in Singapore as mass-retail releases.

Beast Hunters

"Why does everyone keep pointing their remote controllers at me!?"
  • Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2013)
    • Series / Number: 2 / 005
    • Accessories: Thunder Talon, two missiles
Part of the second wave of Prime: Beast Hunters toys, Starscream transforms into an armored fighter jet resembling a heavily-modified General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. He features 5mm ports for his hands, forearms, and fuselage/robot back. He comes with two missiles which each feature tabs on one side and a slot on the other, allowing them to peg onto his wings, or be pegged onto his forearms/jet underside.
He also comes with a larger-scale "Thunder Talon" with clenching claws and a small, molded circular saw at the end. It features a 5mm peg on its underside and on the tail-end, allowing the weapon to be held/mounted in different ways, as well as store on his back. The weapon also features places to mount the missiles onto, with a pair of slots on its top and underside, as well as a pair of tabs on top. The slots also allow the weapon to be mounted onto the underside of the jet mode.
His instructions include the seventh chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.


Oh geeze, it's going to be Seeker-Gate all over again.
  • Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2012)
    • Series / Number: 01 / #010
    • Accessories: Two assault cannons (combine to form Neutron assault rifle), tail-fin
Part of the third wave of 2012-onwards Generations Deluxe Class toys, Fall of Cybertron Starscream transforms into a Cybertronian jet fighter, in particular his high-speed mode. He comes with two spinning, triple-barreled "assault cannons" which can combine to form a larger hand-held weapon that is geared to spin its two triple-barrels together, and resembles the Neutron assault rifle from Fall of Cybertron. Each of the weapon halves features two 5 mm posts, as well as a peg-hole on their hollow sides, while the combined form features another peg-hole at the top, but makes the peg-holes on the hollow sides inaccessible. Starscream features numerous 5mm peg-holes, such as his hands, forearms, lower legs, and wing undersides.
In an undocumented feature, Starscream's tail-fin is attached via a 5 mm post on its underside, and can be detached to reveal three additional peg-holes, with two of these peg-holes being just the right distance to accommodate the combined assault cannons/rifle, with the tail-fin pegging on the rifle's top peg-hole. This allows the weapon to mount on top of the vehicle mode, and store on his back in robot mode. He was repurposed as Generation 1 Starscream in IDW Publishing's Robots in Disguise comic series.
This toy was later redecoed into TakaraTomy Skywarp and Thrilling 30 Thundercracker and Skywarp.
Generations mold: Starscream (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:

Generations (Japan)

  • Starscream (February 23, 2013)
    • ID number: TG09
    • Accessories: Two assault cannons (combine to form Neutron assault rifle), tail-fin
The TakaraTomy version of the Fall of Cybertron Starscream above, is noticeably shinier. Among other deco changes, his gray vehicle parts have been coated in silver paint, and most of his red parts in glossy metallic red paint, all while featuring numerous additional paint details. His gray plastic is slightly warmer in tone, and his gunmetal plastic has been replaced with metallic blue.
Generations mold: Starscream (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:


Instead of being sorry like his other counterpart, He's gonna get his sorry-afterburners kicked instead.
  • Beast Hunters Starscream (Scout, 2014)
    • Pieces: 33
    • Accessories: 1 pair of 3-in-1 Missiles
Construct-Bots Beast Hunters Starscream is a build-able toy that transforms from a robot into a jet. While he doesn't come with his own handheld weapons, Starscream features a pair of missile packs instead, which can be attached to his robot forearms or underneath the wings.
As with the majority of the Construct-Bots toys, Starscream's rubber ball joints can harden over time, preventing his ball-jointed parts from swiveling smoothly.
Like most Beast Hunters Construct-Bots, Starscream never saw release in the United States.


  • Hunter Starscream (Deluxe Class, 2013-04-27)
    • Japanese ID number: G17
    • Accessories: "Hunting Claw", two missiles
Part of the first wave of TakaraTomy Transformers Go! toys, Hunter Starscream is a redeco of Beast Hunters Deluxe Class Starscream, hewing closer to the character's original Prime color scheme. His claw weapon is now blue.


Snoopy better watch his back.
  • Army Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Set number: B0945
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: Stand-plate, 2 clip-on rifles
Part of the first wave of Kre-O Kreon Warriors, Starscream has been re-imagined as if he was part of a World War I era fighting force, with prop-plane vehicle kibble deco and an old-timey leather pilots' helmet and goggles (originally used by Age of Extinction Crosshairs). His face deco (like all of the Kreon Warrior Starscreams) is very, very Prime Starscream, even if his colors owe more to the original Starscream.
Like all the Kreons released that year (at normal retail at least), he uses the new 2015-tooling Kreon body, which basically involves small construction changes on every part below the head, making them largely incompatible with the prior Kreon parts (heads still work fine), but the new tooling adds some extra functionality and structural support.
The Kreon Warriors were only released in Canada, Australia, and various Asian markets. The individual bags had also abandoned any kind of coding that identified the contents. This means getting the one you want from an unopened bag involves either trying to feel out the unique parts, or just buying the whole dang case.

Captain Jackass Sparrow.
  • Pirate Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Set number: B0945
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: Stand-plate, clip-on cannon
Also part of the first wave of Kreon Warriors, Pirate Starscream is a fancy-dancy buccaneer, with a frilly neck-ruffle and a plume in his hat. What a toff! The plume can also be plugged into the back of his old-timey cannon to simulate a hissing fuse (which other Pirate-themed Kreons in the series actually do).
All the aggravation of the blind-bagged, non-US distribution above applies to this one as well.

Kung Lao wants his hat back.
  • Ninja Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Set number: B0955
    • Series: 2
    • Accessories: Stand-plate, 2 sais, 2 pegged shuriken
Back for more in the second assortment of Kreon Warriors, the backstabber is now literally a backstabber, having been re-envisioned as a ninja! His sais are clipped to his arms by a pair of small double-clips, evoking his arm-cannons, while his bladed straw hat (originally from the Hard Master Kreon in the G.I. Joe Kre-O series) can be held by its edge as a massive weapon.
Still fully blind-bagged, still not sold at US retail.

Pull a comb through your coal black hair, for crying out loud, it's a mess.
  • Wiseguy Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Set number: B0955
    • Series: 2
    • Accessories: Stand-plate, 2 clip-on gatling guns
Who's that whisperin' in the trees? It's Starscream in full-on gangster mode, with an old-fashioned car-parts deco and a pair of gatling guns. His helmet replacement is oddly a black "wild-hair" piece originally from the CityVille Invasion sets, possibly because Wiseguy Bumblebee already used the only fedora-like hat mold back in Series 1.
Take a guess on how he was distributed.

  • Gladiator Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Collection: 3
    • Accessories: Clip-on spiked balls, display stand
Part of the canceled third assortment of Kreon Warriors, Gladiator Starscream has replaced his arm-mounted guns with arm-mounted spiked balls. Owie!
The Collection 3 Kreon Warriors were never released anywhere, but sets of complete and bagged samples made their way onto the secondary market.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Knight Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Collection: 3
    • Accessories: Clip-on blades, display stand
Part of the canceled third assortment of Kreon Warriors, Knight Starscream has a wicked cool talon sigil on his chest.
The Collection 3 Kreon Warriors were never released anywhere, but sets of complete and bagged samples made their way onto the secondary market.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Samurai Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Collection: 4
    • Accessories: Clip-on scythes, display stand
Part of the canceled fourth assortment of Kreon Warriors, Samurai Starscream has no honor. He does have a pair of sycthes though.
The Collection 4 Kreon Warriors were never released anywhere, but a complete (presumably unbagged) set eventually was found in China in 2023.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Wild West Starscream (Kreon Warrior, 2015)
    • Collection: 4
    • Accessories: 2 pistols, display stand
Part of the canceled fourth assortment of Kreon Warriors, Wild West Starscream is quick on the draw with his twin pistols.
The Collection 4 Kreon Warriors were never released anywhere, but a complete (presumably unbagged) set eventually was found in China in 2023.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robots in Disguise (2015)

Virtually every toy in this list has a scannable insignia sticker on it. For Hasbro releases, it temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. TakaraTomy releases simply check that off on their mobile app's collection list. It's honestly quicker and less redundant to say which toys don't have this feature. Meanwhile, scanning the Combiner Force toys' (including re-releases of several toys) insignia stickers gives the player Tickets, which can be spent by giving them to Cryostase via the main map menu.

And this is my fourth and final form. (Hasbro version/Toys"R"Us Japan exclusive pictured)
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
  • Starscream (Warrior Class, 2016-2017)
    • Japanese ID number: TAV62 (second release)
    • Japanese release date: October 2016 (Toys"R"Us exclusive version), November 26 2016 (TAV62 version)
    • Accessories: 2 rifles
Warrior Class Starscream transforms from robot to Cybertronian fighter jet. He comes with two rifles with 5 mm posts which can be hand-held, mounted on his forearms (as small null-rays), or mounted under his wings. The small tabs on top of the guns also allow them to fit into the slots on his shoulders, which can each hold both guns at once. The fandom knew nothing about the existence of this toy before it suddenly appeared at retail—something that basically never happens in the modern era.
His scannable Decepticon insignia is on his left shoulder. Scanning the badge temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. While accessible in Robot Mode, the badge is impossible to be scanned in vehicle mode.
Starscream was initially released in mid-2016 as part of the Toys"R"Us exclusive Clash of the Transformers subline imprint (though oddly co-branded as part of the Mini-Con Weaponizers subline imprint, which was also used for non-exclusive releases), but was later re-released in late 2016/early 2017 as part of the general retail Warrior Class assortment, now branded as part of the Combiner Force subline imprint. The only difference with the original release is a new sticker badge: scanning it now unlocks eight Ultra Sparks and two tickets for Cryostase to unlock a random character.
In Japan, Starscream saw two releases under TakaraTomy's Adventure line as well: The first version was also available as a Toys"R"Us exclusive under the Clash of the Transformers subline imprint, with no differences compared to the Hasbro release other than the obligatory different scan badge. The packaging used the same cardback as the Hasbro version, but featured a different cardboard name insert and covered half of the back of the card with a Japanese language sticker. The second release, which came out merely a month after the exclusive version, was given the new designation "TAV62" and was sold at general retail under the Prime of Micron subline imprint. Unlike all the other releases, this version features additional paint operations to more closely match his appearances in the cartoon.
This sculpt was also used to make Skywarp, but shockingly, was not made into a Thundercracker.

(Hasbro version/Toys"R"Us Japan exclusive pictured)
(TakaraTomy Version Pictured)
  • Power Surge Starscream (Power Hero, 2016)
    • Japanese ID Number: TAV57
    • Japanese Release Date: 2016-10-29
    • Accessories: Lancelon Mini-Con
Released as a Toys"R"Us exclusive under the Clash of the Transformers subline, Power Surge Starscream is a Voyager-sized figure that transforms from robot to fighter plane and back in just a few steps. He also comes with Lancelon, a Mini-Con that transforms into a sword and can also be worn as chest armor for Starscream. Power Surge Starscream also features a voice gimmick, activated by pressing down his head. Voice lines include:
  • "No one can stop me now!"
  • "Decepticons Unite!"
  • "Mini-Con Power Up!"
  • A flying sound effect.
When you leave the toy idled for several seconds, he will play a transforming sound accompanied with a flying sound effect.
As with the Warrior Class figure, his scannable Decepticon insignia is on his left shoulder, accessible when in-package.
The Adventure release of the toy, released under the name Hyper Surge Starscream, features some show-accurate paint details, and a different insignia sticker which is compatible to TakaraTomy's Transformers Chronicle app. The Hasbro version of the toy was also released as a Toys"R"Us Japan exclusive, with no changes on the original deco with an exception of the badge.

  • Starscream (Legion Class, 2016)
Part of the first wave of Combiner Force Legion Class figures, Starscream changes from fighter jet to robot in a few steps. While otherwise a completely new figure, his arms are borrowed from Legion Class Windblade. He features 3mm port compatible hands, allowing him to wield Cyberverse weapons. For some reason, his nose cone has been completely covered in the same light blue as his shoulders and feet, presumably to better match the small hinge that connects it to his body. He is decently articulated for a Legion class figure, but lacks forward movement at the shoulder. He features a scannable badge on his left wing, impossible to access in-package. Instead of unlocking the character, his badge only gives a few Ultra Sparks and two tickets.
There are a few differences between the CG stock photos and the final product: the joint that attaches the cockpit is now replaced with the same unpaintable turquoise plastic used for the majority of the joints and arms, and the feet feature slightly more paint.
Along with his wave-mate Springload, Starscream was released at retail in Australia without any prior announcement by Hasbro whatsoever.

Studio Series

Starscream, you fool! Your lollipop is touching the ground!
  • Gamer Edition Starscream (Voyager Class, 2024)
  • Game: War for Cybertron
  • Hasbro ID number: +06
  • TakaraTomy ID number: SS GE-06
  • Accessories: Null-ray, two-part mace, "Fuel of War" backdrop
  • Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Tomoki Tatsumi (TakaraTomy)[1]
Part of the 3rd wave of Studio Series Gamer Edition Voyagers, Starscream is based on his appearance in the War for Cybertron video game and transforms into a Cybertronian jet in 27 steps, in particular based on the jet's "hover" mode. Though accurate to the CAD model used, the hover mode's tail fins should be angled outward per the game itself. He also a lacks the Decepticon symbol on the jet's rear that could be prominently seen during gameplay. Due to it storing his head and neck for transformation, this figure features a notably larger cockpit than the in-game model.
He comes with a mace and a Fire Blast effect-compatible Null-ray. Like other Gamer Edition figures, his right forearm can be detached to equip the Null-ray or other Gamer Edition weapons.Unfortunately, there is no storage for the detached arm. Following feedback from previous figures, the Null-ray also has a 5 mm post to allow it to be held normally, though the very short length of the post can make it difficult for other figures to hold. For some reason, the very bottom of the mace's handle features a nonstandard 4mm post that goes unused. Both weapons can store on his back in robot mode and on the rear of the jet mode. Starscream's collar pieces are packaged with the shaft of his mace and are user-assembled.
Coincidentally, Starscream can also wield his Generations figure's Neutron Assault Rifle using the Gamer Edition arm gimmick as the rifle's combined mode sports a 5mm port.
Likely due to how he is packaged, most copies of Starscream have slightly warped mushroom pegs on his wing assemblies; this results in the wings not sitting flush with the back in robot mode but otherwise has no effect on the figure. His instructions use an unusual dark burgundy color rather than the typical Decepticon purple.
Starscream was discovered at a local store the day before his official reveal alongside the rest of the first wave of 2024 Studio Series product at MCM London 2023. He was redecoed with a new weapon into Gamer Edition Skywarp.



  • Starscream (Happy Meal, 2012)
  • McNumber: 4
Part of McDonald's Transformers: Prime promotion, Starscream is depicted as a non-transformable, simplified version of his jet mode, cast in light and dark gray plastic with some blue, black, and purple paint applications. Pressing the raised Decepticon symbol on the fuselage causes the cockpit to pop up on a hinge, revealing two non-firing missiles.

  • Starscream (Happy Meal, 2013)
  • McNumber: ?

Kinder Surprise

  • Transformers: Prime (2014)
Only available inside a blindpacked chocolate egg as part of Kinder's Transformers: Prime series, this buildable Starscream mini-figure consists of a generic "cog" onto which his limbs and armor can be clipped to construct him. He has articulation on his shoulders and upper legs.

Thrilling 30

  • Starscream (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 1 / #9
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Starscream was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: 5 collector's bases
The same Starscream figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Megatron, Ratchet and Bulkhead.

Eaglemoss cards

Collect them all!

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  1. Design notes on Gamer Edition Starscream from Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on Instagram
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