We show that both the Lempel–Ziv-77 and the Lempel–Ziv-78 factorization of a text of length n on an integer alphabet of size \(\sigma \) can be computed in \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n\right) \) time with either \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n \lg \sigma \right) \) bits of working space, or \((1+\epsilon ) n \lg n + \mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n\right) \) bits (for a constant \(\epsilon >0\)) of working space (including the space for the output, but not the text).

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In the initial submission, the \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n\right) \) deterministic time suffix tree construction algorithm of Munro et al. [43] was not yet published. Our former results were \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n\right) \) randomized or \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n \lg \lg \sigma \right) \) deterministic time based on the suffix tree construction algorithm of [2].
More precisely, we use the permuted longest common prefix array that can access \(\mathsf {LCP}\) only in conjunction with \(\mathsf {SA}\).
The time bound for computing the suffix array has recently been improved to \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n\right) \) by two in-place suffix sorting algorithms [19, 40]. Our succinct suffix tree is composed of both \(\mathsf {SA}\) and \(\mathsf {ISA}\), yielding \((1+\epsilon )n \lg n\) bits and \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n/\epsilon \right) \) construction time. This construction time is the bottleneck of the succinct suffix tree construction and the later described algorithms. Hence, we can lower the time \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n/\epsilon ^2\right) \) to \(\mathop {}\mathopen {}\mathcal {O}\mathopen {}\left( n/\epsilon \right) \) in Theorem 2.8 and Corollaries 3.2, 3.7, and 4.10.
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We thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and their insightful comments and suggestions. We are especially grateful for the reviewer pointing out a simplification of our original solution on how to store the exploration counters for the LZ78 factorizations (Sect. 4.1). Further, we are grateful to Sean Tohidi, who spell-checked the initial submission of this paper during his DAAD RISE internship at TU Dortmund. This research was supported by CREST, JST.
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Appendix: List of Identifiers
Appendix: List of Identifiers
While describing both factorization algorithms, we used several data structures, among others bit vectors, some with rank or select-support, to achieve the small space bounds. We denote bit vectors with \(B_{\alpha }\) for some letter \(\alpha \).
For all types of LZ-factorizations we use
\(B_{W}\) marking all witness nodes,
the array W mapping witness ids to
(LZ77) text positions, or
(LZ78) factor indices.
In LZ77 we use
\(B_{V}\) marking visited nodes
In LZ78 we use
\(B_{C}\) counts \(n_v\) of each partially explored node v,
\(B_{V}\) marking suffix tree nodes represented in the LZ trie (their ingoing edges are fully explored),
\(B_{LZ}\) marking explicit LZ nodes, and
the array \(W'\) mapping LZ nodes to factor indices,
\(B_{E}\) marking the edge witnesses.
The algorithms based on the SST additionally use
\(B_{T}\) marking the factor positions, used also for representing the length of a factor.
We count the number of
factors by z
witnesses by \({z_{\text {W}}}\)
referencing factors by \({z_{\text {R}}}\)
fresh factors by \({z_{\text {F}}}\).
Figure 14 highlights the kind of suffix tree representation (either compressed or succinct suffix tree) used in each subsection of the algorithmic part of the article. Table 2 lists the particular data structures of each such subsection.
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Fischer, J., I, T., Köppl, D. et al. Lempel–Ziv Factorization Powered by Space Efficient Suffix Trees. Algorithmica 80, 2048–2081 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-017-0333-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-017-0333-1