Welcome to the Web of Hiram
This website began when Dr Robert Lomas of the University's School of
Management, decided to create an electronic database of the Masonic material held
in many of the University's Special Collections as part of his on-going research
into the cultural origin of scientific ideas.
As other material has been donated to this work it has been added to the
archive. None of the rituals and statutes recorded in the data are currently in
use. It is in effect a scrap heap of discarded ritual and belief. But just as an
archaeologist can search through ancient midden heaps and in doing so discover a
lot of information about the people who dumped the rubbish, so this archive
gives valuable insight into the cultural contributions of Freemasonry.
Whilst researching the book Turning the Hiram Key Dr Lomas obtained copies of out-of-copyright published material by the Masonic writer Walter Leslie Wilmshurst and transposed them into web-format. A section of Wilmhurst's writings, with the full text of rare items, has now been added to this site.
Dr Lomas is currently conducting a survey on public attitudes towards Freemasonry. If you would like to contribute to this survey please click on this link. SURVEY
If any readers have old and discarded Masonic material they would like to
contribute to this conservation project then please click on the link marked
Content Manager at the foot of this page.
For further information regarding the University of Bradford's J.B.Priestley Library Special Collections, either visit http://www.bradford.ac.uk/library/special or email special-collections@bradford.ac.uk.