Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1982



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14th Rhode Island Artillery Regiment, 134

20th Bomber Command, microfilm publications, 39

21st Bomber Command, microfilm publications, 39

26th Infantry Division, records opened, 37

54th Massachusetts Regiment, 132-133, 134-135

55th Massachusetts Regiment, 134-135

394th Infantry Division, records opened, 37

1910 Census, 41, 243; opened, 35

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Adams, Sherman, 120-121, 124, 125; photo, 126

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, 175-176, 242-243

"Accessions and Openings." See National Archives and Records Service

Acheson, Dean, and the China White Paper of 1949, 142-144, 148-155; demands for his resignation, 215, 217; in debate on presidential powers, 220; papers declassified, 37; photos, 142,223; quoted, 142, 151, 217, 218

Adolf Hitler, by John Toland, papers relating to opened, 93

The Afro-American and the Second World War, by Nell A. Wynn, 49

Ager, Paul W., interviews with accessioned, 170

Agriculture, Department of, Foreign Operations Administration, 121, 124; records accessioned, 36; role in Wolf Ladejinsky case, article on, 109-127

Aiken, George, 214, 217, 225; quoted, 217

All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Smolensk Oblast, 40

Allen, James S., Reconstruction: The Battle for Democracy, 60

Allison, John M., 113

Ambiguous Partnership: Britain and America, 1944-1947, by Robert M. Hathaway, 100

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 121

American China Policy Association, 141, 148

American history, Sources for, 89-92

"American Indian Genealogy: Selected Sources on the Eastern Cherokee," comp., Cynthia Fox, 227-236

American Party, 198-199

American Revolution Bicentennial Celebration, State Department participation in, 35

Amtorg, 112

Anderson, Marian, 50

Andrew, John A., 131, 132, 134: letters to, 137, 139

Andrews, Stanley, oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Anti communism, in the United States, article on, 109-127

Apaches, records accessioned, 97

Arbuckle, Matthew, 16

Archives policy, article on, 89-92

Archivists, 89-92

Atkinson, Dorothy, quoted, 211

Atlantic Charter, 56

Atomic bomb, development of, microfilm publication, 39

August 1914, 211

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Bacon Rind, Chief (Osage), 198

Bakhmeteff, Boris A., 5-6, 10, 11

Bakhmeteff, George S., 11

Balderston, John L, 62, 64, 65

Baldwin, Daniel, 162

Baltimore Sun, 116

Banks, Nathaniel P., 132; photo, 133

Bard, Ralph, records accessioned, 169

Barker, Joseph W., records accessioned, 169

Bataan (film), 67; photo from, 57

Beaumont, William, 19; photo, 18

Bell, David E., papers accessioned and opened, 37-38

Bendetsen, Karl R., oral history interviews with accessioned, 94, 170

Bennett, Augustus G., 134

Bennett, Augustus G., 134

Benson, Ezra Taft, 113-114, 116, 118-122, 124-127; photo, 121; quoted, 118

Benton, Thomas Hart, 25-26

Berlin, Ira, Barbara J. Fields, Joseph P. Reidy, and Leslie S. Rowland, "Writing Freedom's History," 129-139

Black Americans, and the Civil War, article on, 129-139; and race relations, article on, 49-67; family life and structure, article on, 81-88; federal employees, 237; in Dougherty County, Georgia, article on, 81-88: soldiers, article on, 131-139; women, 82, 84-86

Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race, by John B. Kirby, 49

Black Americans in World War II, by A. Russell Buchanan, 49

Black Hawk War, 17

"The Black Household in Dougherty County, Georgia, 1870-1900," by Edmund L. Drago, 81-88

The Black Military Experience, 130, excerpts from, 131-139

Black Reconstruction, by W. E. B. Du Bois, 60

Blaine, James G., Jr., 198

Boggs, Elizabeth, papers opened, 95

Bohlen, Charles E., 153

Bonnel, Nathaniel, 164

Book, Klas E., oral history interview with accessioned, 94

Booth, John Wilkes, 64

Boutin, Bernard, papers opened, 38

Bowman, Welbern, oral history interviews with accessioned, 239

Breen, Joseph I., quoted, 54

Bricker, John W., 214,225, quoted, 225

Bridges, Styles, 142, 148; photo, 214

Brinsmead, Ann E., and Howard H, Wehmann, US Army General's Reports of Civil War Service 1864-1887, microfilm publication, 373

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 50

Brown, John H, "The Disappearing Russian Embassy Archives, 1922-49," 5-13

Brown, William J., letter by, 138

Brownell, George A., papers accessioned, 238-239

Buchanan, A. Russell, Black Americans in World War 11, 49

Buchheim. Lothar-Gunther, as author of Das Boot, article on, 203-211; as war artist, 204-205; service with German forces, 204-205, 207-208

Buck, Solon, 12

Budd, Edna Van Sickle, 159, 161

Budget, Bureau of the, legislative background files opened, 95

Bullitt, William C., 10

Bundy, Harvey H., records published, 39

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Files, 208

Burkhart, Ernest, 196

Burns, Arthur F., papers accessioned, 94

Butler, Benjamin F., 131, 132, 134; photo, 131

Buttersworth, W. Walton, 142, 143, 149; photo, 142

Byrd, Harry F., 214, 221, 222

Byroade, Henry A., 143

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Cabin in the Sky (film), 67

Cain, Harry P., 114, 122, 214

Cairncross, Sir Alexander, oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Caldwell, Peter F., oral history interviews with opened, 94

Calhoun, John C., 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80; photo, 71; quoted, 70, 78

Califano, Joseph, 95

Cameron, Simon, 26

Capehart, Homer, 214

Carlisle, Rodney P., 177

Carlson, Frank, 122

Carney, Robert B., records declassified, 171

Carter Presidential Materials Project, records acquired by, 35

Carver Hospital, D.C., picture of, 22

Cassity, John, 116, 118, 124

Catudal, Honore M., oral history interviews with accessioned, 239

Cayton, Horace R., 52

Census Bureau, records accessioned, 35

Census, federal population (1910). See 1910 Census

"Census Making and Local History: In Quest of the People of a Revolutionary Village," by Donald W. White, 157-168

Census, Reconstructed, 157-168

Center for Cartographic and Architectural Archives, 36

Center for Machine-Readable Records, 35

"Challenge of Documenting the Federal Government in the Latter 20th Century," by Anna Kasten Nelson, 89-92

Chapman, Alfred, 232, 234

Chatham, New Jersey, 157-168; census sources for, 161-164; drawing of, 159; family structure in, 164, 166-167; maps of, 160, 163, 165

Chatham, New Jersey during the Revolution (drawing), by Barbara Kellogg, 159

Chen Cheng, quoted, 153

Cherokee Council, 69, 70, 72, 75-76, 78

"The Cherokee Indian Council of 1843 at Talleque" (painting), 68

Cherokee Indians, and the right of internal taxation, article on, 69-80; genealogical resources for, article on, 227-236; interstate commerce and the, article on, 69-80

The Cherokee Nation v. The United States, 228

"Cherokee Nationalism and the Right of Internal Taxation," by William G. McLoughlin, 69-80

Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 176

Chiang Kai-shek. See Jiang Jieshi Chiang Kai-shek, Mme., photo, 141

Chief of Engineers, Office of the, records accessioned, 238

China, communists in, 141, 149-156; Nationalists, 141-156; Republic of, 143, 150

The China Story, 150

China White Paper of 1949, article on, 141-156; Letter of Transmittal, 144, 146, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154; quoted, 151

Choteau, Rosana, quoted, 197

Chou En-lai, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154; photos. 150, 152

Chou Yu-king, 154

Christian Science Monitor, 116

Christidis, Theodore, oral history interviews with accessioned, 94

Chu The, photo, 152

Citizenship admissions, South Carolina, microfilm publication, 98

Civil Rights Movement, 49

Civil War, Black soldiers in the, article on, 131-139; military service of Union generals, microfilm publication, 173

Clark, Edwin N., papers accessioned, 239

Clark, Robert E., oral history interviews with opened, 94

Clark, Wayne, 94

Clarke, Sir Ashley, oral history interviews with accessioned, 94

Clifford, Clark, 143, 148

Cloyd, George W., military bounty land warrant of (facsimile), 31; sales receipt for military bounty land warrant of (facsimile), 32

Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1860-1965, photographic file accessioned, 237

Cobb, John, 84; quoted, 84

Cohen, Stanley, 177

Cochran, Jacqueline, papers opened, 239-240

Coffey, Cornelius, quoted, 34

Colegrove, Kenneth, 144, 146, 151, 153; photos, 145, 146; quoted, 144, 146

Collins, J. Lawton, papers accessioned, 94; papers opened, 239

Communism, in China, article on, 141-156

Communist Control Act, 122

Confiscation Act, 132, 134, 135

Communists, in the United States, 56, 62, 64, 65, 66

Connally, Tom, 218, 221-222, 224; photo, 223

Connelly, Marc, The Green Pastures, 54

Conrail. See US Railway Association

Conway, Agatha, 199

Conway, Jack, oral history interviews with accessioned, 38

Cook, Nancy, home movies on loan, 36

Cookson, Robin E., Japanese Resources Reference Notebooks 1945, microfilm publication, 193; Joint Army Navy Intelligence Studies (JANIS), 1944-45, 39-40: Tactical Mission Reports of the 20th and 21st Bomber Commands, 1945, 39

Corbet, Wilbur, 194-195

Coren, Robert W., US Army Investigation and Trial Records of War Criminals: United States v. Jurgen Stroop et al., March 29, 1945-August 21, 1957, microfilm publication, 98-99

Correspondence ("Top Secret") of the Manhattan Engineer District, by Elizabeth P. Epis. and Robert H. Grubber, 39

Council of Economic Advisers, papers opened, 95

Covington, Floyd, 64

Crash Dive (film), 67

Crevelli, John P., "The Final Act of the Greatest Conservation President," 244

Cripps, Thomas, "Movies, Race, and World War II: Tennessee Johnson as an Anticipation of the Strategies of the Civil Rights Movement," 49-67

Cuba, paper on declassified, 94

Culbertson, John, 30

Cumings, Bruce, 100; The Origins of the Korean War: Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes, 100

Cunningham, John, Chatham, 167

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Daily Journal-Capital, 200

Daily Worker, 62, 64, 66

Darling, Keyes, 30

DAs Boot, by Lothar-Gunther Buchheim, article on, 203-211; quoted, 205, 207

Davies, John Paton, 125, 142, 152, 155, 156; photo, Davis, Jefferson, 23

Day, Paul, 164

Decentralization of archives, 91

"Declassified Records." See National Archives and Records Service

Defense Intelligence Agency, records accessioned, 36

Defiance College, papers relating to opened, 240

Dement, Charles, 30

Dement, John, 30

Demographic data, compiling, 158-168

Dent, John, quoted, 88

Des Moines Register, 114, 116, 118

Des Moines Tribune, 114

Dewey, Thomas, 215

Dickson, David, 84

Dieterle, William, 62, 65

Dietz, Howard, 64, 66; quoted, 66

"The Disappearing Russian Embassy Archives, 1922-49," by John H. Brown, 5-13

"Distribution of Sample Illiterates" (chart), 33

District Court for the District of Columbia, records accessioned, 35

District Court, Southern District of Georgia, microfilm publication, 97

District of Columbia, District Court for, records accessioned, 35

Dr. Kildare's New Assistant (film), 56

Documentation of Federal Government, article on, 89-92

"Documerica" (slide collection), 172

Doenitz, Karl, 203, 204, 207, 208

Dolan, Joseph, papers opened, 95

Donnahoo, Chief (Cherokee), 232

Dorchester, Merial A., quoted, 188, 189, 191

Dougherty County, Georgia, 81-88

Drago, Edmund L, "The Black Household in Dougherty County, Georgia, 1870-1900," 81-88

Draper Committee, records declassified, 240

Drennen, John, 232, 234

Drummond, Roscoe, 116, 124

Du Bois, W. E. B., Black Reconstruction, 60; The Souls of Black Folk, 88

Duff, James, 225

Dulles, John Foster, 114, 116, 119, 120, 125, 148; papers declassified, 94; photo, 111

Durbrow, Elbridge, 10, 12; quoted, 10-11

Durdin, Tillman, 144

"Dwight D. Eisenhower and Wolf Ladejinsky: The Politics of the Declining Red Scare, 1954-55," by Mary S. McAuliffe, 109-127

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, accessions and openings, 37, 94-95, 170-171, 239-240; conference sponsored by the, 244; records declassified, 37, 94, 170-171, 240

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Eastern and Emigrant Cherokees v. The United States, 228

Eastern Cherokee Applications of the US Court of Claims, 1906-1909, microfilm publication, 227, 231, 235-236

The Eastern Cherokees v. The United States, 228

Eastland, James O., 144, 146; quoted, 144, 146

Edwards, India, papers accessioned, 36

Edwards, William P. N., oral history interviews with accessioned, 94

Eisenhower, Dwight D., and Wolf Ladejinsky, article on, 109-127; as general in Europe, 217, 221, 224; correspondence with Arthur F. Burns accessioned, 94; pay files accessioned, 35; personal records opened, 240; photo, 123; quoted, 120, 124-125; records declassified, 170-171

Eisenhower Diaries and Memorabilia, papers opened, 240

Eisenhower Foundation, 244

Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, 41

Elkins, Mary, 194-195

Enrollment Act, 132

Epis., Elizabeth P., Correspondence ("Top Secret") of the Manhattan Engineer District, 39

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, records accessioned, 35

Erskine, Robert, 162; map drawn by, 163

Estabrook, Susan, 177

Eves, Jeffrey P., papers opened, 241

Executive Order 8802, 52

Executive Order 10450, 119

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Fair Employment Practices Commission, 50, 52

Family Records: Or Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley (and Vicinity) Above Chatham, by John Littell, 164

Fechtler, William M., records declassified, 171

Federal Archives and Records Centers, 36

Federal Government, documentation of, 89-92

Federal One (newsletter), 41

Federal population censuses, 82, 83

Federal Records Act, 91

Federal Records Centers, 91

Fetter, Frank W., oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Fields, Barbara J. See "Writing Freedom's History"

"Fighting on Two Fronts: The Struggle for Equal Pay," 131-139

"The Final Act of the Greatest Conservation President," by John P. Crevelli, 244

Finletter, Thomas K., papers accessioned, 36

"First Person America: Voices from the Thirties" (radio series), 243-244

Fisher, H. H., 6

Fisher, R. H., 12

Flanders, Ralph, 214, 225

Florida, 17-19

Foot, Lyman, 19

Ford, Betty, 171

Ford, Gerald R., papers accessioned, 38, 95; papers opened, 96

Foreman, Anthony, 72

Foist History Society, 244

Fort Cummings, New Mexico, microfilm publication, 97

Fort Douglas, Utah, records accessioned, 238

Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Territory, 15, 19-20

Fort Monroe, Virginia, 16

Fort Smith, Arkansas, 15

Fort Wagner, 132

Fort Wayne, 19

Fortress Monroe, Virginia, drawing, 20

Founding Fathers Papers, Inc., 176

Fox, Cynthia, comp., "American Indian Genealogy: Selected Sources on The Eastern Cherokee," 227-236

Foy, Peter, military bounty land warrant of (facsimile), 29

Frankel, Noralee, 82

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, accessions and openings, 36, 93, 170, 238

Frazier, E. Franklin, quoted, 66

Freedmen, 81-85, 129-139

Freedmen and Southern Society Project, 130

Freedmen's Bureau. See Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of

Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867, 130

Frelingheysen, Peter, 122

Fund for the Republic, 121

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Gaither, James, files opened, 95

Gates, Artemus, records accessioned, 169

Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, by Francis Bazley Lee, 164

Genealogical research, 25-34, 81-88, 157-168, 227-236

General Accounting Office, records accessioned, 35

General Records of the Department of the Navy, 208

"Geographical Distribution of Warrantees" (Chart), 33

George Mason University, 41

George, Walter, 221, 222; quoted, 220, 222

Georgia, District Court records, microfilm publication, 97. See also Dougherty County, Georgia

Gerald R. Ford Fellowship in American Government and Politics, 100

Gerald R. Ford Library, accessions and openings, 38, 95-96, 171, 240-241

German Armed Forces High Command, 40

German records, 40

Germany, navy, article on, 203-211

Germany, Navy Propaganda Staff-West, 204

Gilbert, Richard V., papers accessioned, 36

Gillett, Mary C., "Thomas Lawson, Second Surgeon General of The US Army: A Character Sketch," 15-24

Gillmore, Q. A., letter by, 138

Girard, Corine, 198, 200

Girard, Leona, 198, 200

Glennan, T. Keith, papers accessioned, 239

Golden, Clinton, correspondence with D. Alan Strachan accessioned, 93

Goldwyn, Samuel, 60

Gone with the Wind (film), 54; photo from, 65

Goode, Maggie, 199

Gooding, James Henry, letter by, 136

Gordon, Kermit, papers opened, 95

Gordon, Lincoln, oral history interviews with accessioned, 38

Gorman, Angela, 200-201; quoted, 201

Gorog, William F., papers opened, 240

Gotwals, Charles P., papers opened, 37

Graham, Leroy, Records Relating to the 1811 and 1815 Courts-Martials of Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson, microfilm publication, 98

Grants and fellowships, 41, 100, 177, 244

Gray, Gordon, papers accessioned, 93

The Green Pastures (film), 54; photo from, 55

Grube, Esther M., oral history interviews with accessioned, 93

Gruber, Robert H., Correspondence ("Top Secret") of the Manhattan Engineer District, 39; Harrison-Bundy Files Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1942-46, 39

Gruenther, Alfred, correspondence with J. Lawton Collins accessioned, 94

Guggenheim, Mark, 30

Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians, comp., Edward E. Hill, 172

Guide to the Records of the Smolensk Oblast of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1917-41, by Robert Wolfe, 40

Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., by Robert Wolfe, 40

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Hagerty, James, 120, 121, 124; photo, 123; quoted, 119, 120-121

Hale, William K., 196

Hall, Leonard W., 124

Hallowell, Edward N., 134, 135; letters by, 137, 139

Hallowell, Norwood P., 134

Handy, Thomas, correspondence with J. Lawton Collins accessioned, 94

Harper, Roy W., oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Harriman, Averell, records declassified, 171

Harrison-Bundy Files Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1942-46, by Clifford L. Muse and Robert H. Gruber, 39

Harrison, George, records published, 39

Harrison, L. M., quoted, 12

Harry S Truman Book Award, 100

Harry S Truman Library, 177; accessions and openings, 36-37, 93-94, 170, 238-239; records declassified, 94

Harry S Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, 41, 177, 244

Harry S Truman, President's Secretary's Files, papers declassified, 94

Harry S Truman Statue Committee, papers accessioned, 93

Harsch, Joseph C., 122

Hartmann, Robert, slides accessioned, 96

Hartwell, Alfred S., 134

Haruna (ship), 60

Haskell Institute, 191

Hathaway, Robert M., Ambiguous Partnership: Britain and America, 1944-1947, 100

Havlik, Hubert F., oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Hawkins, Mary Ann, Index Book, 1789-1928, and Minutes and Bench Dockets, 1789-1870, for the District Court, Southern District of Georgia, microfilm publication, 97; Records of Admissions to Citizenship, District of South Carolina, 1790-1906, microfilm publication, 98

Headquarters Records of Fort Cummings, New Mexico. 1863-1873 and 1880-1884, by Howard H. Wehmann, microfilm publication, 97

Henderson, Loy, 8, 10-11, 12; quoted, 8, 10

Henry, Joseph, 23

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 238

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, Inc., fellowships and grants, 177

Hester, Joseph, 232, 234

Hickenlooper, Bourke, 214

Hicks, Charles, 71-72, 76, 78; quoted, 71-72

Hicks, Elijah, 72

Higginson, Thomas W., 134

Hill, Edward E., comp., Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians, 172; The Preparation of Inventories, 172-173

History of Morris County, by W. W. Munsell, 159, 161

Hitler, Adolph, 52, 207

Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, 58

The Holocaust: Selected Documents, ed., John Mendelsohn, 243

Holt, Pat M., oral history interviews with accessioned, 38

Hoover, Herbert C., 214, 225, 226; pay files accessioned, 55; quoted, 217-218; records accessioned, 170

Hoover Institution, Stanford University. See Hoover War Library

Hoover Presidential Fellowship and Grant competition, 177

Hoover War Library, 6, 8-9, 11-13

Huang Hua, 154

Hudson River Conservation Society, Inc., records accessioned, 93

Huffacre, Michael, 70, 72, 75, 76

Huffaker, Homer, 194-195

Huffaker, Michael. See Huffacre, Michael

Humphrey, Hubert H., 122

Hunter, David, 131, 132, 134; photo, 131

Huntington, Albert H., Jr., papers accessioned, 239

Hurley, Patrick, 148, 149, 150, 152; photo, 150

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Ickes, Harold L., 49-50; photo, 51; quoted, 50

Illiteracy among Mexican War Warrantees, 31, 33-34

Imperial Russia, ambassador to the United States, 5-6; records of, 13

Index Books, 1789-1928, and Minutes and Bench Dockets, 1789-1870, for the District Court, Southern District of Georgia, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 97

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 232; and Osage Indians, 188-198

Indian School Service, 188-189, 191

Indianapolis Star, cartoon from, 147

Institute on the Federal Theatre Project and New Deal Culture, 41

International Business Machines, 242

Intrinsic Value, Committee on, 173

Intrinsic Value in Archival Material, 173

Irving, Washington, 187

Ives, Irving, 217, 224, 225, 226

Ives, Robert, 30

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Jackson, Andrew, 17; photo, 71

Japan, 112-114, 119; captured World War II film accessioned, 36

Japanese Resources Reference Notebooks 1945, by Robin E. Cookson, 173

Jefferson, Thomas, 193

Jenner, William, 214

Jessup, Philip, 142, 143, 144, 148, 149, 151; photo, 142

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek), 141-144, 148-156

John F. Kennedy Library, accessions and openings, 37-38, 95

Johnson, Andrew, 60, 64, 65, 66

Johnson, Lyndon B., 95

Johnson, U. Alexis, oral diary transcript received, 96

Johnston, Olin D., 122

Joint Army Navy Intelligence Studies (JANIS), 1944-45, by Robin E. Cookson, 39-40

Joint Chiefs of Staff, presentation by chairman declassified, 37

Joint US Military Assistance GroupThailand, records accessioned, 2.38

Jones, Dorothy B., 64

Jones, J. Weldon, papers accessioned, 239

Jones, James R., files opened, 95

Judd, Walter, 114, 118-119, 121, 122, 141, 148; oral history interview with accessioned, 170; photo, 115; quoted, 114

Judicial Conference of the United States, 176, 242-243

Justice, Department of, 12-13

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Kansas Committee for the Humanities, 244

Keisler, Margaret, 159, 161

Kelley, Robert F., 5, 8, 10-11, 13

Kellogg, Barbara, Chatham, New Jersey, during the Revolution (drawing), 159

Kellogg, Peter J., quoted, 50, 52

Kelly, Colin P., Jr., 60, 67

Kern, James P., 214

Kennan, George F., 8, 142

Kennedy, John F., pay files accessioned, 35

Kennedy, Joseph P., 217

Kennedy, Robert F., papers opened, 95

Kenney, W. John, oral history interviews with accessioned, 37; papers accessioned, 239

Kepley, David R., The Senate and the Great Debate of 1951," 213-226

Kieve, Robert S., oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Kirby, John B., Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race, 49; quoted, 50

KIRO, broadcasts accessioned, 36

Kistiakowsky, George, oral history interviews with opened, 37

Klash-kah-she Club, 201

Knowland, William, 142, 148, 149, 214: quoted, 222

Koen, Ross, 155

Kohlberg, Alfred, 141, 148

Korea, exhibit at Truman Library, 177; records of the United Nations Command and of US Forces in accessioned, 238

Kosters, Marvin H., papers opened, 240-241

Krock, Arthur, 116

Krynitsky, Aleksandr, 8, 10

Kyle, Mollie, 196

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Ladejinsky, Wolf, article about, 109-127; photo, 108; quoted, 112-113

Land Brokers, 30

Land Speculators, 30

Lane, James H., 131, 134, 135; photo, 131

Langer, William, 217

Langton, York, 114

Lape, Esther Everett, papers accessioned, 238

Lattimore, Owen, 148; quoted, 151

Lawrence, David, 116

Lawson, K. B., quoted, 57-58

Lawson, Thomas, article on, 15-24; as regimental surgeon, 15-17; as surgeon general (Army), 17-24; photo, 14; quoted, 17

Lee, Francis Bazley, Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, 164

Lehmann-Willenbrock, Heinrich, 205, 208; logs quoted, 205, 207

Leon, Rene, papers accessioned, 36

Leonard, John W., papers accessioned, 37

Levin, Meyer, 60; photo, 61

Library of Congress, 56

Lichfield Trials, records accessioned, 238

Lifeboat (film), 67; photo from, 65

Lincoln, Abraham, letters to, 136, 138-139

Lippmann, Walter, 116, 125; quoted, 125

Littell, John, Family Records: Or Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley (and Vicinity) Above Chatham, 164

Littlejohn, James M., 167; map drawn by, 160

Litvinov, Maxim, 5, 8-9, 1041; photo, 7

Lizzie Q, 196

Local history research, 81-88, 157-168, 227-236

Lodge, George C., The New American Ideology, 95; papers accessioned, 9,5

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 214, 215, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226; photo, 216; quoted, 220, 225

Loeb, William, 141

Longitudinal Retirement History Study, accessioned, 36

Longitudinal Retirement History Survey of 1969-1979, records accessioned, 170

Lovell, Joseph, 15-17, 19, 24; photo, 17

Lovett, Robert A., 97; oral history interviews with accessioned, 94, 170

Lowrey, George, 72; painting of, 77

Lure, Edward H., 159

Lutes, LeRoy, oral history interviews with opened, 37

Lutz, Ralph H., 6, 8

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 41, 100, 244

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, accessions and openings, 38, 95, 240; grants for research at, 170; to sponsor symposium, 41

Lyndon B. Johnson Museum, 177

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MacArthur, Douglas, 9, 112, 114, 122, 215

McAuliffe, Mary S., "Dwight D. Eisenhower and Wolf Ladejinsky: The Politics of the Declining Red Scare, 1954-55," 109-127

McCann, Kevin, papers opened, 240

McCarran, Pat, 142, 148

McCarthy, Joseph R., 110, 111, 113, 122, 127, 224

McCarty, Edward, 30

McCarty, John S., 70, 71, 72, 75, 76

McClellan, John L, 214, 225, 226

McCullough v. Maryland, 69, 74

Mace, Turley, papers accessioned, 38

MacEachran, Clinton E., 5, 8-9, 10-11; quoted, 9

McGhee, John, 70, 71, 72

McGovern, George, papers relating to opened, 95

McKenney, Thomas L., 75, 78, 80: quoted, 78

MacKnight, Jesse M., papers accessioned, 93

McLeod, Scott, 113, 114, 116, 120, 122

McLoughlin, William G., "Cherokee Nationalism and the Right of Internal Taxation," 69-80

McMinn, Joseph, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80; quoted, 71, 72

Maduro, Reynaldo P., records opened, 171

Malone, Dumas, quoted, 89

Malone, George, 214

Manatos, Mike, files opened, 95

Manhattan Engineer District, microfilm publication, 39

Mankiewicz, Frank, papers opened, 95

Mannix, Eddie, 65

Mao Tse-Tung. See Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), 146, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 156; photos, 150, 152; quoted, 154-155

Maritime Commission, Office of the Secretary of the, records accessioned, 237

Marine Safety Council, records accessioned, 237

Marshall, George C., 97, 141-142, 149, 150; records declassified, 171

Marshall, John, 69, 74, 75; photo, 70

Marshall/Lovett Memoranda to President Truman 1947-48, microfilm publication, 97

Martin, Edwin M., oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

Mary Chesnut's Civil War, C. Vann Woodward, ed., 176

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation Laboratory, World War II records accessioned, 36

Mathews, John Joseph, 192

Mayer, Louis B., 62, 64, 65; photo, 61; quoted, 64

Meck, John F., papers opened, 238

Meeker, Joseph, 164

Mendelsohn, John, ed., The Holocaust: Selected Documents, 243: Reviews of the Yokohama Class B and Class C War Crimes Trials by the US Eighth Army Judge Advocate, 1946-49, microfilm publication, 173

Meigs, Return J., 70, 71, 72, 74: quoted, 70

Melby, John F., 142, 144, 146, 149, 150: quoted, 148-149, 150

Mellett, Lowell, 54, 56, 64, 65

Merchant Marine Council, records accessioned, 237

Meritt, E. B., 198

Meserve, Charles, 191

Mexican War, 21, 23: military bounty land warrants of the, article on, 25-34

Meyer, Paul T., 13

MGM, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 67

Michel, Anthony L., records accessioned, 169

Microfilm publications, 39-40, 97-99, 173, 204, 227, 231-236; atomic bomb development, 39; citizenship records, South Carolina, 98; Civil War military service, 173; courts-martials, 98; District Court, Southern District of Georgia, 97; Fort Cummings, New Mexico, 97; Manhattan Engineer District, 39; memoranda to President Truman, 97; Prologue, 97-98; war crimes trials, 98-99, 173; World War II, 39-40, 173

"The Middle Atlantic Coal Industry: History and Contemporary Perspectives" (conference), 41

Miles, Laban, 193

Military Bounty land warrants, article on, 25-34; assignment of, 26, 28, 30; buyers of, 30; description of contents, 26: use in recruitment, 25: warrant location, 28; warrantee characteristics, 30-34

"Military Bounty Land Warrants of the Mexican War," by James W. Oberly, 25-34

Militia Act, 132, 134, 135

Miller, Dorie, 60

Miller, Guion, 228, 230-232, 234-236

Miller, Merle, 244

Millikin, Eugene, 215; photos, 214; quoted, 215, 217

Milo Ryan Phonoarchive, accessioned, 36

Milwaukee Journal, 116

Minneapolis Star, 114

Minneapolis Tribune, 114, 118

Mission to Moscow (film), 52; photo from, 53

Mitchell, Thomas. military bounty land warrant of (facsimile), 27

Mitscher, O. A., quoted, 188

Mollenhoff, Clark, 114, 116, 178, 123, 124; photo, 117; quoted, 116, 118

Montgomery, Hugh, 76, 78

Morgan, Gerald, oral history interviews with opened, 37

Morgan, Gideon, 70, 72

Morgenthau, Henry J., Jr., 10

Morris, Newbold, papers accessioned, 238-239

Morse, Wayne, 214, 217

Mosley, Ray, 175-176

Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association of America, 54

"Movies, Race and World War II: Tennessee Johnson as an Anticipation of the Strategies of the Civil Rights Movetrent," by Thomas Cripps, 49-67

Mower, Thomas, 17

Mueller, Frederick, papers declassified, 94

Mulligan, Timothy, "Tracking DAs Boot: Records of U-96 in the National Archives," 203-211

Mundt, Karl, 214; quoted, 225

Munsell, W. W., History of Morris County, 159, 161

Murphy, Charles S., records accessioned, 170

Muse, Clifford L, Harrison-Bundy Files Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1942-46, 39

Museum of Modern Art, 56

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Nation, 52

National Archives, 12-13. 130; problems facing the, article on, 89-92; reorganization, 174

National Archives and Records Service, accessions and openings, 35-38, 93-96, 169-171, 237-241; Appraisal and Disposition Task Force, 243; Audiovisual Archives Division, 36: Civil Archives Division, 35, 169, 237; declassified records, 37, 94, 169-171, 240; gift collection, 35; Machine-readable Archives Division, 35-36; Military Archives Division. 35, 1&9-170, 238; news and notices, 41, 100, 174-178, 242-244; publications, 39-40, 97-99, 172-173; records used in writing DAs Boot, article on, 203-211; role in documenting the federal government, article on, 89-92; Science and Technological Archives Division, 36; Special Archives Division, 170, 237

National Archives Conference on Research in the History of Indian-White Relations, 172

National Archives Trust Fund Board, 227

National Assessment of Educational Progress, records transferred, 35

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 65, 66, 67

National Farmers Union, 119; quoted, 119-120

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 130, 176, 243; Annual Report, 243

National Institute of Education, records accessioned, 36

National Negro Congress, 66

National Security Agency, 207; records accessioned, 35, 238

National Security Council, records declassified, 37, 94, 240

National Socialist German Labor Party, 40

Native Americans, 169; Apaches, 97; Cherokee Nation, articles on. 69-80, 227-236; genealogical resources, article on, 227-236; Osage Indians, article on, 185-201; right of internal taxation, article on, 69-80; wars against, 17-21; women, article on, 185-201

Naval Historical Center, 208

Navy, Office of the Secretary of the, records accessioned, 169

Near East, documents concerning declassified, 94

The Negro Soldier (film), 67

Nelson, Anna Kasten, "Challenge of Documenting the Federal Government in the Latter 20th Century," 89-92

The New American Ideology, by George C. Lodge, papers relating to accessioned, 95

New Deal, 49-50

A New Deal For Blacks: The Emergence of Civil Rights as a National Issue, by Harvard Sitkoff, 49

New Jersey, census records, 157-168

New Jersey Archives, 162

New Jersey Journal, 162

New Orleans, Louisiana, 26

New Republic, 52

New York Herald Tribune, 116

New York Times, 116, 119, 121, 148, 151; quoted, 114, 116, 148, 151

Newman, Robert P. "The Self-Inflicted Wound: The China White Paper of 1949," 141-156

"News and Notices." See National Archives and Records Service

Nixon, Richard M., 111, 169

No Man's Land, by John Toland, papers relating to opened, 93

North Atlantic Council, 217

North Atlantic Treaty, 219-222, 224-225

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, records declassified, 170-171

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O'Neill, James E., 242

Oberly, James W., "Military Bounty Land Warrants of the Mexican War," 25-34

Oklahoma, Osage Indians in, article on, 185-201

Okamoto, Yoichi, 172

On the US White Paper, 154; quoted, 154-155

Operation Cobra, papers relating to accessioned, 94

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 125

The Oppenheimer Story, by Philip Stern, papers relating to opened, 95

Oral history interviews, accessioned, 37-38, 93-94, 170, 239, 240

Oral History Interviews Program, 41

The Origins of the Korean War: Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes, by Bruce Cumings, 100

Orphan Apprentice Law (Georgia), 84

Osage Allotment Act, 197, 198

Osage Council, 197-200

"Osage Indian Women during a Century of Change, 1870- 1980," by Terry P. Wilson, 185-201

Osage Indians, article on, 185-201: acculturation of, 188, 197-198; attempts to defraud, 194-196; dress, 188; education, 188-189, 191; effects of contacts with whites, 187-188; income, 191-192; Indian Office policies toward the, 188-189, 191-198; intermarriage with whites, 188, 191-197, 201; marriage among, 186, 191-193; mixed bloods, 188, 192. 197; murders of, 196; orphaned girls, 193; personal habits of the, 187; polygamy among, 193; protection of girls, 186; self-government, 197; wealth from oil, 191-192, 194, 200; women as wives, 186-187; women's role in acculturation, 188, 201; women's role in tribal government, 197-201; woman suffrage among, 197-199

Overfelt, Ferol D., records accessioned, 169

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Pangburn, Camille, 199-200; quoted, 200

Parsons, J. Graham, papers accessioned, 238-239

"A Partial List of Omissions and Errors in the State Department White Paper on China" (pamphlet), 148

The Past Before Us, Michael Kammen, ed., 92

Patton, James G.. 119

Peacocke, James L., 19

Pearl Harbor, 60

Peffer, Nathaniel, 144, 151; quoted, 144

Peter Vogt and Associates, The Presidency Restored (film), 38

Peterson, Aaron, letter by, 136-137

Peterson, David F., 242

Peterson, Hiram A., letter by, 137

Philhower, Charles A., Brief History of Chatham, 159

Philippine Insurrection, records declassified, 169

Phillips, William, 6, 10; photo, 12; quoted, 10

Pittsburgh Courier, 50

Pitzer, Hugh, 193; quoted, 194

Platt, David, 62, 64

Plimer, C. T., letter by, 194

PM, 67

Pogue, L. Welch, papers accessioned, 238-239

Poindexter, Betty Pledge, 232

Poitier, Sidney, 60

Pollock, William J., 188, 191-193; quoted, 188, 191-192, 193

Poole, Dewitt Clinton, 13

Post-Revolution Chatham, by George C. Southworth, 159

Powell, Joseph, records accessioned, 169

Powell, Sumner Chilton, quoted, 168

Powers, David F., papers opened, 95

Poynter, Nelson, 54, 56, 64, 66

The Preparation of Inventories, by Edward E. Hill, 172-173

The Presidency Restored (film), by Peter Vogt and Associates, 38

Presidential Libraries, accessions and openings, 36-38, 93-96, 170-171, 238-241; records declassified, 37, 94, 170-171, 240

Presidential Powers, article on debate of, 213-226

President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties, records accessioned, 35

President's Committee to Study the US Military Assistance Program, records declassified, 240

President's Science Advisory Committee, 1962-64, Limited War Panel, papers accessioned, 94

"Private Lives: Conflicting Trends in the World of Confidentiality" (symposium), 41

Prologue, 174, 244

Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives, 1969-78, microfilm publication, 97-98

"Publications of the National Archives and Records Service." See National Archives and Records Service

Pullen, Frances Kay, records opened, 171

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Quezon, Manuel, 60

Quinine, use in Seminole War, 18

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RaceA Basic Issue in This War (pamphlet), by Walter White, 60

Radical Reconstruction, 88

Rain, Belinda, 172

Randolph, A. Philip, 50

The Rape of the Taxpayer, by Philip Stern, papers relating to opened, 95

Rapport, Leonard, 243-244

The Real Glory (film), 60

Reconstruction, 66, 129-139

Reconstruction: The Battle for Democracy, by James S. Allen, 60

Records inventories, preparation of, 172-173

Records management, 90-91

Record of Admissions to Citizenship. District of South Carolina, 1790-1907, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 98

Records of Former Russian Agencies. 13

Records of the G-2 (Intelligence) Division of the US War Department General Staff, 208, 211

Records of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der WehrmachtOKW), Part V, German Armed Forces Operation Staff (Wehrmacht-fuehrungsstabWFST), by Robert Wolfe, 40

Records of the German Navy, 1850-1945, microfilm publication, 204

Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterparteiNSDAP), Part IV, by Robert Wolfe, 40

Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, 208

Records of the US Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Johann Halder et al. Sept. 3-12, 1947, by Wilma Uebrick-Pacheli, microfilm publication, 98

Records of US Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Kurt Goebell et al. Feb. 6-March 21, 1946, and United States of America v. August Haesiker June 26, 1947, by Bryant van Sweringen, microfilm publication, 99

Records of the Waffen-SS, Part II, by Robert Wolfe, 40

Records Relating to the Enrollment of Eastern Cherokee by Guion Miller, 1908-1910, microfilm publication, 227, 231-232

Records Relating to the 1811 and 1815 Courts-Martials of Maj. Gen. James Wilkinson, by Leroy Graham, microfilm publication, 98

Red Scare, article on, 109-127

Reed, Ellen, 28

Reed, Richard, 28

Reeves, Richard, 244

Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of, 84, 129-130

Regional Economic History Research Center, 41

Reidy, Joseph P. See "Writing Freedom's History"

Reinhardt, G. Frederick, oral history interviews with accessioned, 94

Republican Party, effect of debate of presidential powers on, 213-226

Reston, James, quoted, 119

Revard, Catherine, 200

Reviews of the Yokohama Class B and Class C War Crimes Trials by the US Eighth Army Judge Advocate, 1946-49, by John Mendelsohn, 173

Revolutionary Census of New Jersey, by Kenn Stryker-Rodda, 158, 161

Revolutionary War, 25

Revolutionary War Period, 157-168

Ridge, Major, 72; painting of, 75

Ridgway, Matthew B., correspondence with J. Lawton Collins accessioned, 94

The Rising Sun, by John Toland, papers relating to opened, 93

Rogers, Isabel, 200

Rogers, Will, photo, 229

The Roll of Eastern Cherokees, 231-232

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 49-50

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 8-9, 10, 49-50, 56, 90, 148, 149: pay files accessioned, 35; records accessioned, 170

Ross, John, 72, 75, 76, 78; painting of, 79: photo, 73

Roth, William, 242

Rowland, Leslie S. See "Writing Freedom's History"

Rumbarger, John J., 174-175; photo, 174: quoted, 174-175

Russell, F. H., 153

Russell, J. Stuart, 1!3, 120; quoted, 120

Russell, Richard, 221-222

Russian consulates in the United States, records of, 6, 10, 13

Russian Embassy in the United States, archives of the, article on, 5-13: possible destruction of records, 11-13; removal of records from, 9-10

Russian Provisional Government, ambassador to the United States, 5-6, 8

Russian Revolution, 6, 11

Russian Supply Committee, 6, 8-9, 10-11, 13

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Sacks, I. Milton, papers accessioned, 240

Sadat, Anwar, materials relating to funeral of accessioned, 38

Sahara (film), photos from, 62-63, 67

Saltonstall, Leverett, 214, 225

Sanders, Barefoot, papers opened, 95

Sanford, Horatio, 30 Saxton, Rufus, 131, 134, 135

Scaboo, George N., 175, 242

Scenic Hudson, Inc., records accessioned, 93

Scott, Inez G., oral history interviews with opened, 37

Scott, Winfield, 21

Scowcroft, Brent, papers accessioned, 38, 240

Scudders, Jacob H., 70, 72

Seabury, Nathaniel, 164

Seaton, Fay N., papers accessioned, 37

Seaton, Fred A., papers accessioned, 37

"The Self-inflicted Wound: The China White Paper of 1949," by Robert P. Newman, 141-156

Selznick, David O., quoted, 54, 65

Selznick, Mrs. David O., 64

Semerad, Roger D., records opened, 171

Seminole War, 17-21

"The Senate and The Great Debate of 1951," by David R. Kepley, 213-226

Service, John Stewart, 150, 152, 155; quoted, 149, 155

Shanley, Bernard M., 125

Shaw, Hannah, 85-86

Shaw, Nat, 85-86

Shaw, Robert G., 132, 134

She-ah-ku, Nannie, 191

Sherman, John, 30

Shoe Shine Boy (film), 67

Short, Dewey, photo, 215

Shorter, John F., et al., letter by, 138-139

Sioux Indians, 169

Sioux Ordnance Depot, records accessioned, 169

Sisters of Loretto, 188, 201

Sitkoff, Harvard, A New Deal [or Blacks: The Emergence of Civil Rights as a National Issue, 49

Sizemore, Ned, 232

Skvirsky, Boris, 11

Smith, H. Alexander, 214, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225; quoted, 220

Smith, Margaret Chase, 214, 217

Smith, Milan D., 116, 118, 124

Smithsonian Institution, 23

Snyder, John P., The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries, 161

Snyder, Murray, 120-121

Social Security Administration, photographic files accessioned, 237; records accessioned, 36, 170, 237

Sokolsky, George, 114, 116

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 211

"Sources of the National Archives for Genealogical and Local History Research," 25-34, 81458, 157-168, 227-236

South Carolina, citizenship admissions, microfilm publication, 98

Southwestern Power Administration, records accessioned, 36

Southworth, George C., Post-Revolution Chatham, 159

Sprague, Irvine, files opened, 95

Sprouse, Philip D., 142, 143, 146, 149-150, 153

Stanton, Edwin M., 131, 133, 134-135; letters to, 136-137, 138; photo, 131

Stassen, Harold, 121, 124; photo, 111; quoted, 124; records declassified, 171

State, Department of, and the Russian Embassy archives, article on, 5-13; and the China White Paper of 1949, article on, 141-156; and the Wolf Ladejinsky case, article on, 109127; records accessioned, 35

Stern, Philip, The Oppenheimer Story, 95; papers opened, 95; The Rape of the Taxpayer, 95

Stevens, Thaddeus, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66

Stockholm, Andrew, 164

Stormy Weather (film), 67; photo from, 65

The Story of New Jersey's Civil Boundaries, by John P. Snyder, 161

Strachan, D. Alan, papers accessioned, 93

Strauss, Lewis L., papers opened, 238

Stryker-Rodda, Kenn, Revolutionary Census of New Jersey, 158, 161

Stuart, John Leighton, 143-144, 148, 152, 153-154

Stuart, Wallace, 149

Stueck, William W., Jr., 100, 177

Submarine warfare, World War II, article on, 203-211

Summerfield, Arthur E., papers accessioned, 239; papers opened, 94

Sun Shipbuilding Company, 52

Sustaining Effects Study, accessioned, 36

Swails, Stephen A., letter by, 137-138

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Tactical Mission Reports of the 20th and 21st Bomber Commands, 1945, by Robin E. Cookson, 39

Taft, Robert A., 213-215, 218-220, 224-726; photos, 212, 214, 219; quoted, 215, 217, 218

Tales of Manhattan (film), 67; photo from, 66-67

Tallchief Maria, 201

Tallchief Marjorie, 201

Teal, Fred T., quoted, 13

Ten Regiments Act, 34

Tennessee Johnson (film), 60, 62, 64-66

Thailand, records of the Joint US Military Assistance Group in, accessioned, 238

Theodore C. Blegan Award, 244

Thomas Lawson, Second Surgeon General of the US Army: A Character Sketch," by Mary C. Gillett, 15-24

Three Mile Island, records accessioned, 36

Time, 66

Tobey, Charles, 214, 225

Toland, John, 93; Adolf Hitler, 93; No Man's Land, 93; papers opened, 93; The Rising Sun, 93

Tom L. Evans Research Grant, 41, 100, 177, 244

Townsend, E. D., letter to, 137-138

"Tracking DAs Boot: Records of U-96 in the National Archives," by Timothy Mulligan, 203-211

Trade and Intercourse Law, 70, 72

Trail of Tears, 228

Transportation, Department of, records accessioned, 36

Treasury Department, records accessioned, 237

Treaty of Holston, 76; quoted, 76

Treaty of Hopewell, 74, 76, 80

Treaty of New Echota (1835), 228, 232

Truman, Harry S, and the China White Paper, article on, 141-156; and the Great Debate of 1951, article on, 213-226; memoranda to, microfilm publication, 97; pay files accessioned, 35; President's Secretary's Files declassified, 170; quoted, 219; records accessioned, 170

Tuchman, Barbara, 149

Tuttle, Samuel L, 159

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U-96 (submarine), article on, 203-211: daily operations summary, 209; logs quoted, 205, 207

Uebrick-Pacheli, Wilma, Records of the US Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Johann Haider et al. Sept. 3-12, 1947, microfilm publication, 98

Ughet, Serge, 5-6, 8, 10-11, 12-13

Unicoi Turnpike Company, 78

Union Army, article on, 131-139

United Nations Command in Korea, records accessioned, 238

U.S.S.R., diplomatic relations with, 8-10

US Adjutant General's Office, records accessioned, 169

US Army, Medical Department, article on, 15-24

US Army Airforce Bomber Commands, 39

US Army General's Reports of Civil War Service 1864-1887, by Ann E. Brinsmead and Howard H. Wehmann, 173

US Army Intelligence, records accessioned, 169

US Army Intelligence and Security Command, records accessioned, 35

US Army Investigation and Trial Records of War Criminals: United States of America v. Jurgen Stroop et al., March 29, 1945-August 21, 1957, by Robert W. Coren, microfilm publication, 98-99

US Army Unit Records Collection, records opened, 37, 94

US Court of Claims, Cherokee claims for compensation, 228, 230-232

US courts, records disposition schedules, 175-176, 242-243

US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk, records accessioned, 36

US Forces in Korea, records accessioned, 238

US Information Service, records accessioned, 35

US Railway Association, records accessioned, 35

US Senate, Concurrent Resolution 18 (1951), 224; Resolution 8 (1951), 213, 219, 221, 226; Resolution 99 (1951), 224

U.S.S. Reuben James, 207; daily operations summary, 209

US Shipping Board, 8

US Supreme Court, records accessioned, 237

US v. Liddy et al., records accessioned, 35

United States v. National City Bank, 12

University of Michigan, 100

University of Texas, to sponsor symposium, 41

Utley, Freda, 150

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Vandenberg, Arthur H., 143, 214, 215, 219, 2,20, 221, 222; photos, 219, 221; quoted, 214, 219-220, 221

Van Sant, Thomas H., papers accessioned, 36

Van Slyke, Lyman P., 143

Van Sweringen, Bryan T., Records of US Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Kurt Goebell et al., Feb. 6-March 21, 1946, and United States of America v. August Haesiker June 26, 1947, microfilm publication, 99

Vanity, quoted, 54

Vitale, Timothy, 176-177

Vitt, George N., 116; quoted, 118

Voice of America, records accessioned, 35

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Waffen-SS, 40

Walker, Addison, records accessioned, 169

Walker, William, 134

Wallace, Henry A., 50

Walling, L. Metcalfe, papers accessioned, 238-239

War crimes trials, microfilm publications, 98-99, 173

War Department, 72, 78; policies towards black Americans during the Civil War, article on, 131-139

War Information, Office of, 54, 56-58, 60, 62, 64-67

War of 1812, 15, 25

War Powers Resolution of 1973, 213, 226

Warner, Robert M., 175, 242; quoted, 172, 175

Warner Brothers, 52, 54; The Green Pastures, 54-55; Mission to Moscow, 52-53

Warrantees (Mexican War Army), geographical distribution of, 30, 33; illiteracy among, 31, 33-34

Washburn, Elihu, 30

Washburn, Israel, 30

Washington Daily News, 6, 10

Washington National Records Center, 13

Washington Post, 89, 116

Washington Star, 116

Watergate Court Proceedings, records accessioned, 35

Watergate Special Prosecution Force, records accessioned, 169

Watkins, Arthur, 214

Watkins, Nick, letter by, 230

Watt, Ruth Young, oral history interviews with accessioned, 38

Webb, James E., papers accessioned, 93

Weddie, Margaret, oral history interviews with accessioned, 93

Wehmann, Howard H., Headquarters Records of Fort Cummings, New Mexico, 1863-1873 and 1880-1884, microfilm publication, 97. See also US Army General's Reports of Civil War Service 1864-1887

Weldon, Edward, 175; photo, 174

Wherry, Kenneth S., 142, 148, 214, 217-220, 224-226: photos, 214, 224; quoted, 221

White Cargo (film), 58

White, Donald W., "Census Making and Local History: In Quest of the People of a Revolutionary Village," 157-168

White, Elias, 30

White House Meeting Notes File, opened, 38

White House Office, National Security Council Staff, records accessioned, 239

White, Hugh L., 70-71, 74; quoted, 71

White, Richardson, Jr., papers opened, 38; Youth and Opportunity: The Federal Anti-Delinquency Program, 38

White, Simon, 72

White, Walter, 56, 58, 62, 64, 66, 67; quoted, 67; RaceA Basic Issue in This War (pamphlet), 60

Whiting, Allen, 149, 150; quoted, 149

Whitman, Ann, 109

Wiley, Alexander, 122; photo. 215

Wilkins, Roy, 67

Wilkinson, James, microfilm publication. 98

Williams, James M., 134

Willkie, Wendell, 58, 67; photo, 59; quoted, 58

Wilson, Terry P., "Osage Indian Women During a Century of Change, 1870-1980," 185-201

Wirt, William, 69, 74-75, 76: quoted, 74-75

Wolfe, Robert, Guide to the Records of the Smolensk Oblast of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1917-41, 40; Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., 40; Records of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der WehrmachtOKW), Part V, German Armed Forces Operations Staff (Wehrmacht-fuehrungsstabWFST), 40: Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterparteiNSDAP), Part IV, 40; Records of the Waffen-SS, Part II, 40

Women's Airforce Service Pilots, papers opened, 239-240

Wood, C. Tyler, oral history interviews with accessioned, 94, 170

Wood, Rose Mary, 35

Woodin, Harry, 10

Woodman, Cyrus, 30

Woodward, C. Vann, ed., Mary Chesnut's Civil War, 176

Woods, James, 164

Worcester v. Georgia, 74

World War II, 49-50, 52, 54, 98-99; microfilm publications, 39-40, 173: records accessioned, 35, 36: submarine warfare during, article on, 203-211

Wright, J. Butler, papers accessioned, 35

Wright. J. George, 195

"Writing Freedom's History," by Ira Berlin, Barbara J. Fields, Joseph P. Reidy, and Leslie S. Rowland, 129-139

Wynn, Nell A., The Afro-American and the Second World War, 49

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Yancey, Benjamin C., 84

Yingling, Raymond T., 12-13

Young, Milton, 214

Yost, Charlie, 149

Youth and Opportunity: The Federal Anti-Delinquency Program, by Richardson White, Jr., 38

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Zarb, Frank, papers accessioned, 95-96

Zile Hyde, Henry van, oral history interviews with accessioned, 37

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