Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1983



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A Historian's Impact on Federal Policy: W. P. Webb as a Case Study," by Walter Rundell, Jr., 214-228

"A Matter of Identity: Chronicles of the Family in the National Archives," exhibit, 106-107

A Preface to Politics, by Walter Lippmann, 152

A Tale of Two Rivers, film, accessioned, 189

"A Test of the News," by Walter Lippmann and Charles Merz, 155

Abelow, Miriam S., papers opened, 251

Abernathy, Cathryn, 67

"Accessions and Openings." See National Archives and Records Service

Adams, John Quincy, 255

Adams, Mark, 216

Adee, Alvee, quoted, 29-30

Admiralty Final Record Books and Minutes for the District Court, District of South Carolina, 1790-1857, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 63

Africa, files on opened, 120

Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, article on the history of the, 165-178

Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 165, 166, 169, 170, 173-174, 175, 177

Akerson, George, papers opened, 250

Alaska, records relating to accessioned, 55

Alaska Railroad, records relating to accessioned, 55

Aleuts, treatment of during World War II, records relating to accessioned, 188

Allied Forces Headquarters, World War II, records declassified, 250; Psychological Warfare Branch, South West Pacific Area, records declassified, 250

Allied Military Government, United States-British Zone (Trieste), World War II, records declassified, 250

Allied Screening Commission (Italy), World War II, award claims case files declassified, 250

Allison, John M., papers opened, 190

Altmeyer, Arthur, 136, 140, 143, 148; photo, 139, 148; quoted, 134, 138, 141, 145, 146

American art, as historical record, 5-21

American China Development Company, 29

American Commission to Negotiate Peace, 156

American Commonwealth, The, by James Bryce, 229-230

American Emigrant Company, 235-236 American Expeditionary Forces, 155-156, 160 American Farm Bureau Federation, 167, 169, 174, 176, 178

American Historical Association, 245-246 American Samoa, records relating to accessioned, 55

"American West, Perpetual Mirage, The" by Walter P. Webb, 225

Ann Whitman File, papers opened, 123, 190

Annual Reports of the Department of the Navy, 1822-66, by Lawrence H. McDonald and Howard Wehmann, microfilm publication, 61

Archival acquisition techniques, article on, 243-248

Archival research, 115-119

"Archivaphobia: Its Causes and Cure," by Virginia C. Purdy, 115-119

"Archivist's Perspective: The Four Eras in the History of Presidential Papers," by Raymond Geselbracht, 37-42

Area Resource File. See U.S. Public Health Service Army Center of Military History, Historical Manuscript Collection accessioned, 189

Army Corps of Engineers, records and maps accessioned, 189

"Artistic Patronage of Franklin D. Roosevelt: Art as Historical Record, The," by William B. Rhoads, 5-21

Ashabranner, Brent, papers opened, 57

Atlantic Council, 66

Atomic bomb, article on development of, 73-87

Atomic Energy Commission, papers relating to opened, 123

Atomic Scientists of Chicago, 87

Aurand, Evan P., papers opened, 123

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Bacon, John, pension certificate for, 109

Bailey, Josiah, 93

Bakeman, Daniel F., 111

Baker, Jake, 206

Baker, Newton D., 155

Ballantine, Arthur Atwood, papers opened, 250

Bane, Frank, quoted, 202-203

Banker's Magazine, The, quoted, 34

Bankruptcy case files, as record of local history, 44-47, 52, 54

Bard, John, 17, 21

Barkley, Alben, photo, 90

Barriere, John E., papers accessioned, 190

Bates, Jim, 128

Bedford-Stuyvesant Corporation, papers relating to opened, 123-124

Behind the Ballots: The Personal History of a Politician, by James A. Farley, 90

Bellino, Carmine S., files opened, 252

Benjamin, Louise M., 195

Berkowitz, Edward D., "The First Social Security Crisis," 133-149

Berle, Adolf A., papers accessioned, 189

Berman, Ronald, records accessioned, 121

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 211

Biddle, George, 7; quoted, 5

Big Bend National Park, 215, 220-221, 223, 228

"Big Bend: Where the River Comes Through the Mountain, The," by Walter P. Webb, 221

Bigge, George, photo, 149

Bilbo, Theodore G., 212

Billings, Henry, 18

"The Billion-Dollar Cure for Texas' Drought," by Walter P. Webb, 224

Binns, John, 255

Bissell, Daniel, property schedule for, 110

Blackmun, William, photo, 163

Blankenhorn, Heber, 155, 156, 158, 159; quoted, 160, 161

Bliss, Tasker H., photo, 156

Bohr, Neils, photo, 76

Bolieau, Gerald, 177, 178

Booth, Mary, sampler by, 112-113

Borah, William E., quoted, 172

Borglum, Gutzon, 8

Bosch, John, 169

Boston Naval District, records accessioned, 56

Boston Navy Yard, records accessioned, 56

Boulder Dam, 8; pictures of, 7, 9

Bounty-land warrants, 113-114

Bowers, Claude, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 101; photo, 96

Bowman, Isaiah, 155

Brademas, John, 66

Brezezinski, Zbigniew, quoted, 23

Brinton, Ellen Starr, quoted, 243

Brophy, William, records accessioned, 121

Brown, J. Douglas, 143, 145; photo, 144; quoted, 141, 142, 146

Brown, Patrice C., Subject File Headings for the Records of the Allied Control Commission (Italy), 1943-47, microfilm publication, 64

Brown, Prentiss, 93

Bruce, Edward, 12, 15, 16, 19; quoted, 14

Bryce, James, The American Commonwealth, 229-230; quoted, 229, 230

Buchenwald concentration camp, records of, 182, 186; records reproduced, 183

Bundy, Harvey Ft., photo, 75

Bundy, McGeorge, papers opened, 252

Bunnell, Frederick P., 67

Burns, Arthur F., papers accessioned, 58, 123

Burns, James MacGregor, quoted, 20

Bush, Vanevar, 77, 85, 87; photo, 75, 80; quoted, 78, 79

Butler, Stuart L., Registers of the Records of the Proceedings of the U.S. Army General Courts-Martial, 1809-90, microfilm publication, 63

Byrd, Harry, 89, 96, 101; quoted, 91

Byrnes, James F., 79, 80

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Cahill, Holger, 19; quoted, 5, 19

Calhoun, John C., 108-109

Cambodia, file on opened, 120

Campbell, Charles, 26

Cannon, James, papers accessioned, 252

Capper, Arthur, 172; photo, 171; quoted, 175

Captured German Records Filmed at Berlin, microfilm publication, 186-187

Carmen, Gerald P., 65, 66; quoted, 194

Carroll, John A., 224-225

Carter, Kent, Enrollment Cards for the Five Civilized Tribes, 1898-1914, microfilm publication, 63

Case Files of Chinese Immigrants, 1900-23, from District No. 4 (Philadelphia) of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, by Robert J. Plowman, microfilm publication, 63

Case Filing, 192

Castle, Alfred Lowrey, 195

Central Intelligence Agency, papers relating to opened, 252

Chadwick, James, photo, 76

Chapman College, 127

Charles Thomson Prize, 1982, article, 73-87

Chase, OK, 239-240

Cherwell, Lord, quoted, 81

Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory, 75, 77

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company, 239-240

China, and international loan for railroads, 29-30; and the Twenty-One Demands, 27; article on U.S. policy towards, 23-36; files relating to opened, 120; relations with Japan, 27, 29, 30, 33-

Christian, George, papers accessioned, 252

Churchill, Marlborough, 155; photo, 154

Civil Aeronautics Board, records declassified, 249

Civil War: Soldiers and Civilians, The, 60

Civil Works Administration, 201, 203, 204, 209

Civil Works Map File, accessions, 189

Cochran, Jacqueline, papers opened, 123, 190, 251

Cody, Thomas G., papers accessioned, 253

Cohen, Benjamin, 141

Cohen, Wilbur, 141; photo, 143

Cole, Charley Tidd, quoted, 213

Colegrove, Kenneth, papers opened, 56

Collier, John, records accessioned, 121

Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, records accessioned, 188

Committee on Public Information, 155, 156, 159, 160

Commodity Credit Corporation, 166, 175, 176, 177, 178

Compton, Arthur H., photo, 78; quoted, 76, 77, 79

Conant, James B., 77, 85, 87; photo, 75, 81; quoted, 78

Concentration camp records, World War II, article on, 179-187

Confederate Papers Relating to Citizens or Business Firms, by Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 62

Conger, E. H., 29

Continental Congress, 104-106, 113

Corcoran, Tommy, 93, 95

Correspondence of the Office of Civil Affairs of the District of Texas, the 5th Military District, and the Department of Texas 1867-70, microfilm publication, 192

Council for a Liveable World, 74

Council of Economic Advisers, records accessioned, 58, 191

Creel, George, 156; photo, 154

Crowley, Karl A., 216

Cuba, records relating to declassified, 251

Cudahy, John, 98, 99

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Dakota Territory, railroad disputes, 231-232, 235-236

Damon, Esther S., 112

Damon, Noah, 112

Daniels, Farrington, quoted, 86

Daniels, Josephus, 95

Dann, John, quoted, 113

Danville, VA, 238-239

Davis, Stuart, 19

DDD Company, 126, 254

de Tocqueville, Alexis, Democracy in America, 229; quoted, 229

Decimal files (Department of State), declassified, 55, 120, 188

Decimal Subject Files of the State-War-Navy and State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committees, 1944-49, microfilm publication, 64

Declaration of Independence, engraving of found, 255-256

Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville, 229

Democratic National Committee, records preservation, article on, 243-248

Democratic Party, and FDR's decision to run for third term, 89-102

Department of the Interior Appointment Papers: Florida 1849-1907, by James C. Staubach, microfilm publication, 64

Dewey, John, quoted, 151

Dewson, Mary W. (Molly), 203, 212; quoted, 244

Dickerson, Dennis C., 67

Digest of Decisions under the Interstate Commerce Commission Act from 1908, by Herbert Lust and Ralph Merriam, 240, 242

Disability insurance, 146-147

Divided We Stand, by Walter P. Webb, 215-216, 218-220

Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 117

Dixon, Paul Rand, papers accessioned, 124

Document preservation, research on, 255

Documenting Alaskan History: Guide to Federal Archives Relating to Alaska, comp., George S. Ulibarri, 60

Domestic Council, papers relating to accessioned, 252

Doughton, Robert, quoted, 148

Downs, Charles F., II, Records of United States Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Ernst Dura et al. June 9-23, 1947, microfilm publication, 62

Dows, Olin, 17, 19, 20; picture by, 4; quoted, 5, 17-18, 21

Draper Committee, records declassified, 57

Dulles, John Foster, papers opened, 190

Dunning, John R., 84

Dutchess County, NY, 12

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, accessions and openings, 57, 121, 123, 190, 251; and Republican National Committee records, 244

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Early, Steve, 96

Eaton, Fynnette, "Preserving the Last Hurrah: The Records of the Democratic and Republican National Committees," 243-248

Economic Policy Board, papers relating to opened, 125

Edwards, Tom R., papers opened, 57

Einstein, Albert, 74; photo, 72, 76

Eisenhower, Dwight D., and preservation of presidential papers, 39; papers opened, 123, 190

Emory University, Carter Center, 127

Employment and Training Administration, records accessioned, 122

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 122

Enrollment Cards for the Five Civilized Tribes, 1898-1914, by Kent Carter, microfilm publication, 63

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, papers relating to accessioned, 253

Equatorial Islands, records relating to accessioned, 55

European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

Evans, Rudulph, 10-11; statues by, 10, 11

Executive Orders 1-7531, 1862-1936, by David A. Langbart, microfilm publication, 62

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Fanshawe, OK, 239-240

Far East Command, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

Farley, James A., article about, 89-102; Behind the Ballots: The Personal History of a Politician, 90; photo, 88, 91, 92, 102; quoted, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96-97, 98, 99, 101

Farmers' Holiday Association, 169

Farrar & Rinehart, 219

Federal Archives and Records Centers, 56

Federal Bureau of Investigation, records disposition, 255

Federal Emergency Relief Administration, article on, 201-213

Federal Farm Board, 166, 167

Federal Republic of Germany, 127

Federal Reserve Board, files accessioned, 58

Federal Trade Commission, papers relating to accessioned, 124

Federation Aeronautique lnternationale, papers opened, 123

Fehner, Terrence R., 67

Fellman, Anita Clair, 195

Fermi, Enrico, 75, 76, 77, 84; photo, 76

Final Record Books of the U.S. Circuit Court for West Tennessee, 1808-39, and of the U.S. Circuit Court .for the Middle District of Tennessee, 1839-65, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 193

Final Record Books of the U.S. District Court for West Tennessee, 1803-39, and the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, 1839-50; Land Claims Record for West Tennessee, 1807-20, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publications, 193

"The First Social Security Crisis," by Edward D. Berkowitz, 133-149

Fischer, John, 216

Fletcher, Willard, Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chef der Deutschen Polizei-RFSS), Part IV, 60

Florida and Successor Commands, April 1861-January 1869, microfilm publication, 61

Folsom, Marion, 141-142, 143, 145, 146; quoted, 142

Ford, Betty, papers accessioned, 124

Ford, Gerald R., 66; papers accessioned and opened, 124, 125, 252

Ford, Thomas G., materials from accessioned, 191

Foreign policy, towards Asia, 23-36

Foreign Service, records declassified, 121, 188

"'Forgotten Woman, The': Ellen S. Woodward and Women's Relief in the New Deal," by Martha H. Swain, 201-213

"The Formation of the Union, 1774-89," exhibit, 65-66

Former Members of Congress Association, 66

Foster, Gerald, 13-14, 15; drawing by, 12-13

Fowler, Henry H., papers accessioned, 252

Franklin D. Roosevelt Foundation, grants by, 195

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 66; accessions and openings, 189, 250-251; creation of, 38-39; expansion of, 40

Frazier, Lynn, 176

Free Europe Committee, papers relating to accessioned, 189

Free Europe University in Exile, papers relating to accessioned, 189

Freeman, Joseph, 26

Freud, Sigmund, 152

"From Reaction to Multilateral Agreement: The Expansion of America's Open Door Policy in China, 1899-1922," by John Allphin Moore, Jr., 23-36

Frost, Max, 51

Fuller, Walter D., 143, 146; quoted, 142

Fulton, Hugh, papers accessioned, 189

Funigiello, Philip J., 67

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Galbraith, John Kenneth, 66

Gammon, Samuel R., 128, 194

Gamer, John Nance, 89, 96-97, 99, 216; photo, 98

Genealogical research, 103-114, 179-187

"Genealogy and the Holocaust: Selected Sources at the National Archives," by John Mendelsohn, 179-187

General Orders and Circulars of the War Department and Headquarters of the Army 1809-1860, by Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 64, 193

General Records Schedules (GRS), 61

Gentile, Richard Hugh, 195

George, Walter, 93

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 67; grants by, 196, 256

Gerald R. Ford Library, 66; accessions and openings, 58, 124-125, 191, 252-253

Germany, and the Holocaust, research resources, 179-187

Geselbracht, Raymond, "Archivist's Perspective: The Four Eras in the History of Presidential Papers," 37-42

"Gestapo Transportation Lists," in microfilm publication, 187

Gibboney, Stuart G., 9-11, 12

Gilbert, Richard V., papers opened, 189

Glass, Carter, 89, 93, 95, 96, 99; photo, 100; quoted, 89, 91-92, 101

Goldschmidt, Arthur, 216

Goldstein, Ernest, files opened, 57

Gonzales, Gregario, 52

Goodell, Charles, papers accessioned, 124

Graham, Leroy, Letters Sent by the Department of

Grants and fellowships, 66-67, 195-196, 256

"Graphic Portrayal of American Troop Shipments," leaflet, reproduction of, 161

Great Frontier, The, by Walter P. Webb, 215, 216

Great Plains, The, by Walter P. Webb, 215, 220, 221

Greenspan, Alan, records accessioned, 188

Greenstein, H., quoted, 84

Gribble, Bernard F., 6-7, 19-20

Griswold, A. Whitney, 24, 26

Grotjan, Capt., quoted, 84

Groves, Leslie R., 79-81, 85-86; memo prepared by, 82; photo, 81, 83, 87; quoted, 77, 80, 86

Gruber, Carol S., "Manhattan Project Maverick: The Case of Leo Szilard," 73-87

Gruber, Robert H., Confederate Papers Relating to Citizens or Business Firms, microfilm publication, 62; General Orders and Circulars of the War Department and Headquarters of the Army, 1809-60, microfilm publication, 64, 193; and Name and Subject Index to the Letters Received by the Appointments Commission, and Personal Branch of the Adjutant General's Office 1871-94, microfilm publication, 64

Gruenther, Alfred M., papers accessioned, 251

Guam, photographs accessioned, 122; records relating to accessioned, 55

Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives, 59

Guide to the Archives of the United States, 117

Gutierrez and Sons, bankruptcy case file, 44-45; store inventory, 44-45

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Haas, Warren, 65

Hackman, Larry J., 194

Hagerty, James, 95-96

Hahn, Otto, photo, 76

Haig, Alexander, files accessioned, 253

Hamilton, Alexander, 109

Hamilton, John, photo, 102

Hanes, John W., papers opened, 123

Hansen, Alvin, quoted, 141

Harding, Warren G., and Asian policy, 33; photo of, 33; speech regarding accessioned, 250-251

Harriman, W. Averill, oral history interview accessioned, 251

Harrison, Pat, 203, 212

Harry S. Truman Book Award, 128

Harry S. Truman Library, accessions and openings, 56-57, 123, 189-190, 251; creation of, 39; expansion of, 40

Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, 66, 128; grants by, 195-196, 256

Hart, Robert, quoted, 25

Hartford Empire Glass Company, 218-220

Hartgrove, J. Dane, The Palestine Reference Files of Dean Rusk and Robert McClintock, 1947-49, microfilm publication, 62-63

Hatfield, Mark, 128

Hawaii, records relating to accessioned, 55

Hawkins, Mary Ann, Admiralty Final Record Books and Minutes for the District Court, District of South Carolina, 1790-1857, microfilm publication, 63; Final Record Books of the U.S. District Court for West Tennessee, 1803-39, and the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, 1839-50; Land Claims Record for West Tennessee, 1807-20, and Minute Books of the U.S. Circuit Court for West Tennessee, 1803-39, and of the U.S. Circuit Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, 1839-64, microfilm publications, 193

Hay, John, 27, 29; picture of, 31

Haymon-Krupp, invoice from, 44-45

Headquarters Records of Fort Stockton, Texas, 1867-1886, by Robin L. Zeltner, microfilm publication, 193

Health Resources Administration, records accessioned, 121-122

Heintzleman, P. S., quoted, 35

Hemphill, Jim, 128

Henderson, Deirdre, papers opened, 124

Henderson, Leon, papers opened, 189

Henry, Linda, 247; quoted, 245

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 56, 250

Hill, Edward E., 66

Hill, James J., 232

Hill, Lister, quoted, 218

Hill, T. Arnold, 211

Historic New Orleans Collection, 127-128

Historical Reports of State Acting Assistant Provost Marshals General and District Provost Marshals, 1865, microfilm publication, 193

Hogan, William R., 221; quoted, 223

Holbrook, Wm. M. et al v. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba R.R. Co., ICC case docket, 231-232, 235

Holcombe, Arthur, papers opened, 124

Holland, Max M., 67

Holman, Charles W., 169

Holmes, William, letter by, 103-104, 105

Holocaust victims, research resources at the National Archives, article on, 179-187

Hoover, Herbert, 174

Hoover Library Association, 195

Hoover Presidential Fellowship and Grant competition, 195

Hopkins, Harry 11., 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 201-203, 206, 207, 208, 212, 213; photo, 94, 204; quoted, 204, 209

Horowitz, David A., 195

Hot Springs, NC, 239

House, Edward M., 155, 156; photo, 156

Housing and Urban Development, Department of, papers relating to accessioned, 253

Hughes, Charles Evans, 33; quoted, 35

Hull, Cordell, 89, 96-97, 98, 99, 172; photo, 97

Hunsaker, J. C., photo, 74

Hutchinson, Edward, papers transferred, 252

Hyde Park, NY, 17, 20

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Ickes, Harold, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99; photo, 95

Ifft, George N., 155, 160

Immigrants, naturalization of, 47-48

Indexes and Register to the Secret and Confidential Correspondence of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 1919-27, by Timothy K. Nenninger, microfilm publication, 64

Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for Maryland, 1797-1951, by Robert J. Plowman, microfilm publication, 62

Indexes to Registers and Registers of Declarations of Intention and Petitions for Naturalization of the U.S. District and Circuit Courts for the Western District of Pennsylvania 1820-1906, by Robert J. Plowman, microfilm publication, 193

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 117; photographs accessioned, 122; records accessioned, 121

Indian Territory, railroad disputes, 239-240

Indochina, files on opened, 120

Inquiry, 155, 159

Interior, Department of the, Office of Territories, records accessioned, 55

International Banking Corporation, 29

International Cooperation Administration, records relating to declassified, 251

"The Interstate Commerce Commission Formal Case Files: A Source for Local History," by Leonard Rapport, 229-242

Investigative Case Files of the Bureau of Investigation, 1908-22, microfilm publication, 193

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J. P. Morgan and Company, 29, 35

Jackson, Andrew, statue of, 8

Jackson Committee, records accessioned, 190

Jackson, Gardner, papers accessioned, 189

Jackson, Robert, 99

Jacobs, Richard, 126

James Carter Presidential Library, 194; plans for the, 127

Japan, and the Russo-Japanese War, 29; and the Twenty-One Demands, 27, 33; relations with China, 27, 29, 30, 33-34; U.S. policy towards, 24, 25, 27, 29; World War II propaganda documents declassified, 250

Japanese Americans, relocation and internments during World War II, records relating to accessioned, 188

Japanese peace treaty negotiations (World War II), papers relating to opened, 190

Jefferson, Thomas, memorial to, 8-12

Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri, 67

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, document preservation analysis by, 255

Jews, and the Holocaust, genealogical resources, 179-187

"Jim Farley and Carter Glass: Allies Against a Third Term," by John Syrett, 89-102

John F. Kennedy Library, accessions and openings, 123-124, 191, 252

Johnson, Lyndon B., 215, 223, 224, 225, 228; photo, 222, 225; preservation of presidential papers of, 39-40

Johnson, Marion M., Numbered Documents of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, microfilm publication, 63

Johnston, Thomas, papers opened, 123

Joint Chiefs of Staff, decimal series accessioned, 189

Joliot-Curie, Frederick, photo, 76

Joliot-Curie, Irene, photo, 76

Jones, T. O., 80

Jossett, Raoul, 10, 11; statue by, 11

Judge Advocate General, inventory, of records of the, 61

Justice, Department of, photographs accessioned, 122; records management, 127

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Kansas City Community Services Administration, records accessioned, 56

Kansas City, MO, Board of Election Commissioners, records accessioned, 189-190

Kearney, James, records relating to accessioned, 189

Keen, Catherine, Records of the United States Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Michael Vogel et al. July 8-15, 1947, microfilm publication, 62

Kennedy, Edward M., papers accessioned, 124

Kennedy, John F., 121; papers accessioned and opened, 124, 191, 252

Kepley, David R., Records of the U.S. Senate Select Committee That Investigated John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry., Va., 1859, microfilm publication, 63

Kerby, Mary, letter to, 103-104, 105

Kerr, Florence, 213

Kerr-Tener, Janet, 67

Kettl, Donald F., 67, 195

Key, V. O., papers opened, 123

Kieffer, Jarold A., papers opened, 190

Kimball, Fiske, 11

Klitgaard, Georgina, 15, 16, 19

Kloeb, Frank L., 220

Knox, Philander Chase, 25, 30

Korea, file on opened, 120

Kreps, Juanita, quoted, 23

Krock, Arthur, 93, 97

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Lamont, Thomas W., quoted, 35

Land frauds, 51

Land grants, 51

Landon, Alfred, 89, 90; quoted, 135-136

Lane, Joe, 221

Langbart, David A., Executive Orders 1-7531, 1862-1936, microfilm publication, 62

Langer, William, 212

Lansing, Robert, 34, 155; photo, 31, 156; quoted, 35

Laos, files on opened, 120

Lape, Esther, papers opened, 189

Lathrop, Julia, 118, 119

Latin America, files on opened, 120

Lawrie, Lee, 9-10, 11; statue by, 10

Leon, Rene, papers opened, 189

Leopold, Richard W., 65, 126

Letters Sent by the Department of Florida and Successor Commands, April 1861-January 1869, by Leroy Graham, microfilm publication, 61

Letters Sent by the Department of Texas, the District of Texas, and the 5th Military District, 1856-58 and 1865-70, by Ivadnia E. Scott-Cora, microfilm publication, 63, 193

Letters Sent, Registers of Letters Received, and Letters Received by Headquarters, Troops in Florida and Headquarters, Department of Florida 1850-58, microfilm publication, 192

Library of Congress, role in preserving presidential papers, 37-38, 39

Lie, Jonas, 7-8; painting by, 9

Linton, W. Albert, 143, 146; quoted, 140, 141, 142

Lippmann, Walter, "A Test of the News," 155; article about, 151-163; A Preface to Politics, 152; Public Opinion, 151-163; quoted, 152, 155, 163; photo, 153, 163

Livingston, Rebecca A., and Thomas Whitfield, Subject File of the Confederate States Navy, 1861-65, microfilm publication, 193

Local history research; 43-54, 229-242 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 143

Loosbrock, Richard Joseph, 195

Lorenz, John, 254

Lubin, Isador, papers accessioned, 189

Lusk and Son, 127

Lust, Herbert, and Ralph Merriam, Digest of Decisions Under the Interstate Commerce Commission Act from 1908, 240, 242

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 66-67; grants by, 256

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 66; accessions and openings, 57-58, 124, 252; creation of, 39-40

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Mac Leish, Archibald, quoted, 5

Madison, James, 109

Mag, Arthur, papers accessioned, 190

Makino, Baron, 34

"Manhattan Project Maverick: The Case of Leo Szilard," by Carol S. Gruber, 73-87

Mann, Mrs. Horace, 117

Manuscripts research, 115-119

Mariannas-Bonin Base Command, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

Marine Corps. See United States Marine Corps

Marshall, Burke, papers opened, 123-124

Mauthausen concentration camp, records of, 182, 186; records reproduced, 184-185

Mauthausen Death Books, microfilm publication, 182

Maverick, Maury, photo, 217; quoted, 216

Mayer, Henry, inventory of records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General prepared by, 61

McAlester, OK, 239

McCall, Charles, files opened, 253

McCone, John A., papers opened, 123

McCoy, Donald, 243; quoted, 246

McCracken, Paul W., files opened, 191

McDonald, Lawrence H., and Howard Wehmann, Annual Reports of the Department of the Navy, 182266, microfilm publication, 61

McGehee, Abner Judson, papers accessioned, 250; When FDR Came Home, original accessioned, 250

McGhee, George C., papers accessioned, 251

McHugh, Godfrey T., files opened, 252

McKay, Douglas, 224; photo, 225

McKinzie, Richard, 20

McMahon, Theresa, quoted, 142

Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Allied Forces Headquarters, Special Troops, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

Mellett, Lowell, 216

Mendelsohn, Hans Eduard, 183; letter by, 180; photo, 181

Mendelsohn, John, "Genealogy and the Holocaust: Selected Sources at the National Archives," 179-187

Menocal, D. A., 34-35

Merill, Dennis J., 67

Merriam, Ralph. See Lust, Herbert.

Merz, Charles, 155; "A Test of the News," 155

Messer, Robert L., 196

Metcalfe, James W., 221

Microfilm publications, 61-64, 192-193; Adjutant General's Office, 64, 193; Bureau of Indian Affairs, 63; Confederate records, 62; Department of the Interior, 64; Department of the Navy, 61, 63; district courts, 62-63, 193; executive orders, 62; Federal Bureau of Investigation, 193; Immigration and Naturalization Service, 63; international commissions, 193; John F. Kennedy, 63; Judge Advocate General's Office (Army), 63; naval records, 193; Palestine, 62-63; Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War), 193; U.S. Army Continental Commands, 61-64, 192-193; U.S. House of Representatives, 63; U.S. Senate, 63; war crimes trials, 62; World War II, 64 Military commission, sample, 106-107

Military Government for Germany, Office of, records of the, 187

Military History, Historical Manuscript Collection of the Army Center of, accessioned, 189

Military Intelligence Branch (World War I), 155-156, 158, 160

Military pensions, article on, 103-114

Milk, transport by railroads, disputes, 236, 238

Miller, Earl, letters from opened, 251

Millikin, W. S., 46

Mills, Clark, 8

Miltich, Paul A., files opened, 191

Minute Books of the U.S. Circuit Court for West Tennessee, 1803-39, and of the U.S. Circuit Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, 1839-64, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 193

Minute Books of the U.S. District Court for West Tennessee, 1797-1893, and of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, 1839-65, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 193

Minutes of the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Georgia, 1790-1842, and Index to Plaintiffs and Defendants in the Circuit Court, 1790-1860, by Charles Reeves, microfilm publication, 63

Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company, 239

Monteon, Michael P., 195

Moore, Charles, 8

Moore, John Allphin, Jr., "From Reaction to Multilateral Agreement: The Expansion of America's Open Door Policy in China, 1899-1922," 23-36

Moores, Charles Herbert, 6

More Water for Texas, by Walter P. Webb, 215, 224

Morgan, J. P., Jr., quoted, 32

Morgenthau, Elinor, 12; quoted, 12

Morgenthau, Henry, 97; quoted, 148

Morris, Joseph D., 46-47

Mount Rushmore, sculpture at, 8

Mowbray, A. H., quoted, 145

Moyers, Bill, files opened, 252

Mulligan, Timothy, Record of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres-OKH/FHO), Part IV, 60-61

Murphy, Bruce Allen, 67

Murphy, Frank W., 95; photo, 94; speeches accessioned, 250-251

Murray, Philip, 140

Muskogee Commercial Club and Muskogee Traffic Bureau v. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company, 239

Muskogee, OK, 239

Myer, Dillon, records accessioned, 121

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Name and Subject Index to the Letters Received by the Appointment, Commission, and Personal Branch of the Adjutant General's Office 1871-94, by Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 64

Name Index of Jews Whose German Nationality Was Annulled by the Nazi Regime, microfilm publication, 186

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, records declassified, 249

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, document preservation research, 255; records declassified, 249

National Aeronautics Association, papers opened, 123

National Archives, exhibits at the, 65-66; fire protection system installed, 194; research at the, 115119; role in preservation of presidential papers, 38-39

National Archives Advisory Council, 65, 126

National Archives and Records Service, accessions and openings, 55-58, 120-125, 188-191, 249-253; Adequacy of Documentation staff, 65; and Democratic and Republican national committee records, article on, 243-248; Appraisal and Disposition Task Force, 65; budget passed, 254; Civil Archives Division, 55-56, 120-121, 188-189, 249; congressional hearings, 194; declassified records, 55, 188, 249-250; document preservation research, 255; documentation standards program, 194; 50th Anniversary celebration, 126; Military Archives Division, 56, 122, 189, 249-250; news and notices, 65-67, 126-128, 194-196, 254-256; Office of Federal Records Centers, 254-255; Office of Presidential Libraries, 245; publications, 59-64, 192-193; records disposition activities report, 254-255; Special Archives Division, 121-122

National Commission on Social Security Reform, records accessioned, 188

National Defense Research Committee, 77, 84

National Endowment for the Humanities, Office of the Chairperson for the, records accessioned, 121

National Genealogical Society, 126

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 66, 194; grants budget passed, 254; grants by, 128, 256; new appointee, 254; reauthorization hearings, 128

National Institute of Mental Health, records accessioned, 121

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, accessioned, 122

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, records and maps accessioned, 188-189

National Park Service, 221, 223; records accessioned, 56

National Security Council, Operations Coordinating Board, 120-121; papers reclassified, 190; records accessioned, 120-121

National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials, 40, 41

Naturalization case files, as record of local history., 44, 47-48, 54; declarations of intention, 47-48; sample declaration of intention, 49; sample affidavit of citizenship, 50

Naval Personnel, Bureau of, records transferred, 122

Nearing, Scott, 26

Nehring, Earl A., 244, 245; quoted, 246

Nenninger, Timothy K., Indexes and Register to the Secret and Confidential Correspondence of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Office of the Secretary. of the Navy,, 1919-27, microfilm publication, 64; Secret and Confidential Correspondence of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 1919-27, microfilm publication, 63

Nessen, Ron, files opened, 253

New Deal, and women's relief programs, article on, 201-213

New Mexico, article on local history of, 43-54

New Orleans, LA, 127-128

New York Review of Books, quoted, 133

New York Times, 218; quoted, 136, 174

Newport Rhode Island Naval Training Station, records accessioned, 56

"News and Notices." See National Archives and Records Service

Nicaragua, records relating to accessioned, 56

Nichols, John, records accessioned, 121

Nichols, K. D., 86

Nine-Power Open Door Treaty of 1922, 33 1910 Census, microfilm rental program, 254

1920's, The, 60

Nixon, Richard M., and preservation of presidential papers, 40-41

Nolan, Dennis, 155

Northern Pacific Railroad, 235-236

Norton, T. L., 146

Nuclear weapons, article on development of, 73-87

Numbered Documents of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, by Marion M. Johnson, microfilm publication, 63

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O'Day, Caroline, 212

O'Mahoney, Joseph, 216

O'Neal, Edward, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175; quoted, 176

O'Neill, James E., 127

O'Neill, Thomas P., 133

Ohio and Erie Canal, records relating to accessioned, 189

Open Door Policy in China, 23-36

Operations Coordinating Board, records accessioned, 120-121

Orben, Robert, files opened, 191

Organization archives, article on, 243-248

Ossman, Albert J., Jr., 254

Oswego Emergency Relief Shelter, records of, 187

Owens, John E., 67

Owings, Chloe, 204

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Palestine Reference Files of Dean Rusk and Robert McClintock, 1947-49, The, by J. Dane Hartgrove, microfilm publication, 62-63

Panama Canal Company, records accessioned, 55

Papers of the Continental and Confederation Congresses, indexing of, 115-116

Parks, Lewis S., papers accessioned and opened, 56

Patent policy, U.S. government, 77, 84-85

Paterson, Thomas G., 195

Patman, Wright, 218

Patterson, Bradley, Jr., files opened, 253

Payne, Ethel, quoted, 203

Peabody, Elizabeth, 117

Peabody, Robert, 67

Peace Corps, papers relating to opened, 252

Peckham, Howard H., quoted, 114

Pelham, Richard, 52

Pension Bureau, 111, 112, 113

Pensions, Office of the Commissioner of, 111

Peoples, Christian Joy, 13; quoted, 16

Perkins, Frances, quoted, 15-16

Periman, Robert, papers opened, 124

Peterson, Howard C., papers accessioned, 251

Peterson, Peter, quoted, 133

"The Philippine Hour," transcripts declassified, 250

Philippine Islands, files on opened, 120; papers relating to declassified, 190

Philippines Command, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

Philippines-Ryukyus Command, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

Phillips, Franklin, papers opened, 123

Phillips, William, 30

Pillsbury, Charles A., 232, 235

Plotke, David, 67

Plowman, Robert J., Case Files of Chinese Immigrants, 1900-23, from District No. 4 (Philadelphia) of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, microfilm publication, 63; Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for Maryland, 1797-1951, microfilm publication, 62; Indexes to Registers and Registers of Declarations of Intention and Petitions for Naturalization of the U.S. District and Circuit Courts for the Western District of Pennsylvania 1820-1906, microfilm publication, 193

Policy Planning Staff Numbered Papers 1-63, 1947-49, microfilm publication, 64

"The Politics of Change: The Battle for the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938," by Michael W. Schuyler, 165-178

Pope, John, 51-52

Pope, John Russell, 9

Portsmouth New Hampshire Navy Yard, records accessioned, 56

Poughkeepsie, New York, 16, 18; post office, murals in, 12-13; reproduction of murals, 12-13, 14-15

"Preserving the Last Hurrah: The Records of the Democratic and Republican National Committees," by Fynnette Eaton, 243-248

President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical Research, records accessioned, 188

President's Committee on Information Activities Abroad, records accessioned, 190

President's Committee on International Information Activities, records accessioned, 190

President's Committee to Study the U.S. Military Assistance Program, records declassified, 57

Presidential Clemency Board, papers relating to accessioned, 124

Presidential Libraries, accessions and openings, 56-58, 123-125, 189-191, 250-253; plans for, 127; records declassified, 190

Presidential Libraries Act of 1955, 39, 42, 244, 247

Presidential papers, preservation of, 37-42

Presidential Railroad Commission, records opened, 124

Presidential Records Act of 1978, 37, 41, 42

Presidential Records and Materials Preservation Act, 40

Pressman, Lee, 146

Prisoner of War Claims Screening Commission, Allied Forces Headquarters, World War II, records declassified, 250

Prisons, Bureau of, photographs accessioned, 122

Progressive Years, 1898-1917, The, 60

"Prologue to Public Opinion: Walter Lippmann's Work in Military Intelligence," by Stephen Vaughn, 151-163

Public domain, case files relating to, as record of local history, 48, 51-54

Public Opinion, by Walter Lippmann, article about background, 151-163

Public Papers of the Presidents, 59-60

Puerto Rico, photographs relating to accessioned, 122; records relating to accessioned, 55

Pugwash Movement, 74, 75

Purdy, Virginia C., "Archivaphobia: Its Causes and Cure," 115-119

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Quimby, Thomas, papers opened, 124

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Rabi, I. I., quoted, 75

Rabinowitch, Eugene, quoted, 74

Railroads, rates, case files, 230-242

Rapport, Leonard, "The Interstate Commerce Commission Formal Case Files: A Source for Local History," 229-242

Rayburn, Sam, 216

Reagan, Ronald, and social security system, 133

Reclamation, Bureau of, 223-224

Record of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres-OKH/FHO), Part IV, by Timothy Mulligan, 60-61

Records disposition, annual report on, 254-255

Records management, article on, 243-248

Records of the American Delegation, U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Korea, and Records Relating to the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK), 1945-48, microfilm publication, 193

Records of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW), Part VI, by George Wagner, 60

Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chef der Deutschen Polizei-RFSS), Part IV, by Robert Wolfe and Willard Fletcher, 60, 186

Records of the Territorial Court of Michigan, 1815-36, by W. Kenneth Shanks, microfilm publication, 193

Records of the United States Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Hans Joachim Georg Geiger et al. July 9-August 5, 1947, by Dewilda Williams, microfilm publication, 62

Records of the United States Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Michael Vogel et al. July 8-15, 1947, by Catherine Keen, microfilm publication, 62

Records of the U.S. Senate Select Committee that Investigated John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry, Va., 1859, by David R. Kepley, microfilm publication, 63

Records of the War Relocation Authority, Record Group 210, National Archives, 187

Records of United States Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Ernst Dura et al. June 923, 1947, by Charles F. Downs II, microfilm publication, 62

Records of U.S. Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Martian Gottfried Weiss et al. November 15-December 13, 1945, by Amy K. Schmidt, microfilm publication, 63

Records of United States Occupation Headquarters World War II, Record Group 260, National Archives, 187

Records preservation, article on, 243-248

Records Relating to Political Relations between the United States and Turkey, 1930-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Afghanistan, 1930-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Albania, 1910-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Argentina, 1930-39, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Austria, 1930-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of the Balkan States, 1940-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of the Baltic States, 1910-44, microfilm publication,

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of' Bulgaria, 1910-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Iran, 1930-39, microfilm publication,

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Poland, 1916-44, microfilm publication,

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Romania, 1910-44, microfilm publication,

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Turkey, 1930-44, microfilm publication, 64

Records Relating to the Internal Affairs of Yugoslavia, 1930-44, microfilm publication, 64

Reeves, Charles, Minutes of the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Georgia, 1790-1842, and Index to the Plaintiffs and Defendants in the Circuit Court, 1790-1860, microfilm publication, 63

Registers of Letters Received and Letters Received by Headquarters, Department of New Mexico, 1854-65, by Roslyn R. Wright, microfilm publication, 64, 193

Register of Letters Received and Letters Received by Headquarters, 9th Military Department, 1848-53, by Ivadnia E. Scott-Cora, microfilm publication, 62, 193

Register of Letters Received by Headquarters, District of New Mexico, September 1865-August 1890, by James C. Staubach, microfilm publication, 62, 193

Registers of the Records of the Proceedings of the U.S. Army General Courts-Martial, 1809-90, by Stuart L. Butler, microfilm publication, 63

Rehnquist, William R., 128

Reinsch, Paul, quoted, 35

Republican National Committee, records preservation, article on, 243-248

Republican Party, 1936 platform quoted, 135

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, microfilm publication, microfilm publication, 104

"Revolutionary War Pension Applications: A Neglected Source for Social and Family History," by Constance B. Schulz, 103-114

Reynolds, Helen Wilkinson, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18; quoted, 16

Rhinebeck, New York, 16-17, 18

Rhoads, James B., 194

Rhoads, William B., "The Artistic Patronage of Franklin D. Roosevelt: Art as Historical Record," 5-21

Rhodes, Samuel V., 52

Richard M. Nixon Library, plans for, 127

Richards, A. N., photo, 74

Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, 238-239

Rinehart, Stanley, 219

Ritter, Charles, 67

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation, papers accessioned, 124

Roberts, Priscilla Mary, 67

Robinson, Joe, 92

Roche, Josephine, 119

Rockhill, William W., 29,

Rockwell, Lydia, marriage certificate, 114

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 101; and women's relief programs during the New Deal, 201-202, 203, 206, 209, 210, 211, 212; photo, 204, 205; quoted, 20

Roosevelt, Franklin D., and agricultural policy, article on, 165-178; and decision to run for third term, article on, 89-102; and records preservation, 244; and the creation of the social security system, 134, 143; and Walter P. Webb, 216; and women's relief programs, article on, 201-213; as art patron, article on, 5-21; home movies accessioned, 251; picture of, 4; photo, 7, 98, 163; preservation of presidential papers of, 38, 39; quoted, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 95, 169

Roosevelt, James, photo, 92

Roosevelt, Theodore, and Asian policy, 25, 29-30; photo, 28

Root, Elihu, 29; photo, 31

Root-Takahira Agreement of 1908, 29

Rosen, Charles, 15; painting by, 14-15

Rowan, Edward, quoted, 16

Rundell, Walter, Jr., "A Historian's Impact on Federal Policy: W. P. Webb as a Case Study," 214-228

Russo-Japanese War, 29

Rutherford, Ernest, photo, 76

Ruttan, Charles E., 6-7; picture by, 6

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Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 6, 8

St. Germain, D. Joseph, papers opened, 56

St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, 239-240

Salinger, Pierre, files opened, 191

Sanchez, Pedro, 51

Sanders, H. Barefoot, papers opened, 124

Scaboo, George, 65, 126-127

Schmidt, Amy K., Records of U.S. Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Martian Gottfried Weiss et al. November 15-December 13, 1945, microfilm publication, 63

Schmults, Edward C., files accessioned, 253

Schneidman, Whitney W., 67

Schulz, Constance B., "Revolutionary War Pension Applications: A Neglected Source for Social and Family History," 103-114

Schuyler, Michael W., "The Politics of Change: The Battle for the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938," 165-178

Scientific research, ethics and, article on, 73-87

Scott-Cora, Ivadnia E., Letters Sent by. the Department of Texas, the District of Texas, and the 5th Military District, 1856-1858 and 1865-1870, and Register of Letters Received and Letters Received by Headquarters, 9th Military Department, 1848-1853, microfilm publications, 62-63, 193

Scottish Lunacy Commission, 117

Seaborg, Glenn, 84

Seaton, Fred, papers opened, 123

Secret and Confidential Correspondence of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, 1919-27, by Timothy K. Nenninger, microfilm publication, 63

Seidman, L. William, papers opened, 125

Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, microfilm publication, 104

Shanks, W. Kenneth, Records of the Territorial Court of Michigan, 1815-36, microfilm publication, 193

Shiskin, Julius, papers accessioned, 58

Shriver, R. Sargent, papers relating to opened, 252

Shuman, James B., files opened, 191

Silver, Harold, 67

Simon, John, quoted, 128

Skaggs, Thomas V., 221

Slotkin, Helen, 128

Small, Melvin, 67

Smith, Al, 89

Smith, Alfred Edgar, 210-211

Smith, Ellison "Cotton Ed," 169, 175, 176; photo, 171; quoted, 171

Smith, W. V., 235-236

Social Security Board, 138, 140, 141, 145-146

Social security system, article about, 133-149; records relating to accessioned, 188

Society of American Archivists, 66

"Sources at the National Archives for Genealogical and Local History Research," 43-54, 103-114, 179187, 229-242

Sprague Committee, records accessioned, 190

Squanturn Massachusetts Naval Reserve Aviation Base, records accessioned, 56

State, Department of, records accessioned, 55, 120, 188, 251; records declassified, 55, 120, 188

Staubach, James C., Department of the Interior Appointment Papers: Florida 1849-1907, microfilm publication, 64; Register of Letters Received by Headquarters, District of New Mexico, September 1865-August 1890, microfilm publication, 62, 193

Stevens, Frederick, 35

Stilwell, Joseph W., 160

Stimson, Henry L., 79-80; photo, 83

Stoessel, Walter J., quoted, 23

Stone, Sara, 255

Stone, William J., 256

Stuart, Gilbert, 14

Subject File Headings for the Records of the Allied Control Commission (Italy), 1943-47, by Patrice C. Brown, microfilm publication, 64

Subject File of the Confederate States Navy, 1861-65, by Rebecca A. Livingston and Thomas Whitfield, microfilm publication, 193

Sullivan, Mark, quoted, 24, 136

Sullivan, Terry, 67

Sully, Thomas, 255

Swain, Martha H., " 'The Forgotten Woman': Ellen S. Woodward and Women's Relief in the New Deal," 201-213

Syrett, John, "Jim Farley and Carter Glass: Allies Against a Third Term," 89-102

Szilard, Leo, article on, 73-87; disagreements with Manhattan Project management, 76-79; patent disputes, 77, 81, 83-86; photo, 72, 86; quoted, 77, 78, 84; surveillance of, 80-81, 86-87

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Taber, Louis, 169

Taft, William Howard, and Asian policy, 25, 29-30, 35; photo, 32

Tait, J. S., quoted, 34

Taylor, Edith, guest book accessioned, 189

Taylor, James Spear, papers opened, 250

Teller, Edward, quoted, 87

Temple, Larry, files opened, 57

Temporary National Economic Committee, 218-219

ter Horst, Jerald, files opened, 253

"Territorial Court Records and Local History: New Mexico as a Case Study," by Thomas E. Wiltsey, 43-54

Texas Rangers, The, by Walter P. Webb, 215, 220

Thailand, files on opened, 120

Thatcher, M. W., 169

Theis, Paul, files opened, 191

Thomas, Elbert D., papers transferred, 251

Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission, 9

Thomason, R. E., 85

Thorne, Judith Z., Transcripts of the Hearings of the House Select Committee that Investigated the Race Riots in East St. Louis, 1917, microfilm publication, 63

Tibet, files on opened, 120

Tolley, Howard, 170

Tom L. Evans Research Grant, 66, 195-196, 256

Transcripts of the Hearings of the House Select Committee that Investigated the Race Riots in East St. Louis, 1917, by Judith Z. Thorne, microfilm publication, 63

Treasury Department, Section of Painting and Sculpture, 12, 14; Section of Fine Arts, 18, 19

Trivers, Howard, papers accessioned, 190

Truman, Bess Wallace, letters to opened, 123; photographs accessioned and opened, 56-57

Truman, Harry S., papers opened, 56, 123; papers relating to accessioned, 190; preservation of presidential papers of, 39

Trust Territory of the Pacific, records relating to accessioned, 55

Tuchman, Barbara, 194

Tydings, Millard, 93

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Ulibarri, George S., comp., Documenting Alaskan History: Guide to Federal Archives Relating to Alaska, 60

United States Army Commands, records declassified, 249; see also specific commands

United States Army Forces, Middle Pacific, records declassified, 249

United States Army Forces, Pacific, records declassified, 249

United States Army, Hawaiian Department, records declassified, 249

United States Army, Military Intelligence Division, records declassified, 250

United States Army, Pacific, records declassified, 249

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, records accessioned, 56

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, records accessioned, 56

U.S. District Courts of Iowa, records accessioned, 56

U.S. District Courts, records of, 43-54

United States Element, Allied Control Commission, Austria, records declassified, 249

United States Marine Corps, records accessioned, 55

United States Metric Board, records accessioned, 55-56

U.S. Office of Military Government for Germany, 127

U.S. Public Health Service, records accessioned, 121-122

U.S.S. Dyer, Flagship of Assistant Secretary of the Navy in Harbor Ponta del Gada, Azores, July, 1918, painting, 6

United States Sugar Corporation, 170

United States v. Samuel V. Rhodes, 52

United States v. Victorio Land and Cattle Company and Gregario Gonzales, 52

University of Texas at Austin, 66

Uranium Committee, 74, 77

Urey, Harold, 77

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Vance, Cyrus, quoted, 23

Vandenberg, Arthur, 143, 145, 147; and agricultural policy, 169-171; photo, 170; quoted, 137, 138, 174

Vaughn, Stephen, "Prologue to Public Opinion: Walter Lippmann's Work in Military Intelligence," 151-163

Veterans Administration, 104

Victorio Land and Cattle Company, 52; map, 53

Vietnam, records relating to declassified, 251

Virgin Islands, records relating to accessioned, 55

Virgin Islands Corporation, records relating to accessioned, 55

Virginia Commonwealth University, 66

Vista, photographs accessioned, 122

Voluntary Action Programs, photographs accessioned, 122

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Wagner, George, Records of the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW), Part VI, 60

Wagner, Robert, 141

Waldo Gifford Leland Prize, 66

Waldron, Agnes M., papers accessioned, 125

Wallace, Henry A., 96, 99, 101, 165, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177; photo, 167, 168

Wallas, Graham, 152

Wappingers Falls, NY, 18

War, Department of, 108-109, 111, 113

War Relocation Authority, records of the, 187

Ware, Caroline, papers accessioned, 189

Warner, Robert M., 128; quoted, 59, 65, 126

Washington Conference of 1921-22, 33, 34

Washington, George, presidential papers, 37

Water rights, 51-52

Water Supply and the Texas Economy: An Appraisal of the Texas Water Problem, 223-224

Watkins, Birge S., papers opened, 125

Watson, Richard, 128

Webb, Walter P., "The American West, Perpetual Mirage," 225; article on, 214-228; "The Big Bend: Where the River Comes Through the Mountain," 221; "The Billion-Dollar Cure for Texas' Drought," 224; Divided We Stand, 215-216, 218220; The Great Frontier, 215, 216; The Great Plains, 215, 220, 221; More Water for Texas, 215, 224; photo, 214, 218, 220, 225; quoted, 225, 228; The Texas Rangers, 215, 220

Wehmann, Howard, Annual Reports of the Department of the Navy, 1822-66, microfilm publication, 61

Weiher, Claudine, 126

Wheat, I. David, Jr., files opened, 191

When FDR Came Home, by Abner Judson McGehee, original accessioned, 20

White, H. Wilson, photo, 156

White House Central Files, files opened, 125, 252-253; records declassified, 251

White House Conference on the Emergency Needs of Women, 203

White House Office, Office of the Secretary, records opened, 57; Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, records declassified and opened, 57, 251

Whitfield, Thomas. See Livingston, Rebecca A.

Widows' pensions, 106, 112-114

Wigner, Eugene, 78; quoted, 74, 77

Wikstrom, Gunnar, Jr., 195

Wilbur, Ray Lyman, papers accessioned, 250

Wilcox, Alanson, quoted, 147

Williams, Aubrey, 203; quoted, 204

Williams, Dewilda, Records of the United States Army War Crimes Trials: United States of America v. Hans Joachim Georg Geiger et al. July 9-August 5, 1947, microfilm publication, 62

Williams, William Appleman, 26

Wilson, Henry Hall, papers opened, 124

Wilson, James M., Jr., papers accessioned, 124

Wilson, Woodrow, 156, 159-160; and Asian policy, 25-26, 30, 32-33, 34, 35; photo, 33, 156

Wiltsey, Thomas E., "Territorial Court Records and Local History: New Mexico as a Case Study," 43-54

Winnemucca, Sara, 117

Winters, Melvin, papers opened, 57-58

Wirtz, W. Willard, papers opened, 123

Witte, Edwin, 147; photo, 140; quoted, 143, 145, 146

Wolfe, Robert, and Willard Fletcher, Records of the Reich Leader of' the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer-SS and Chef der Deutschen Polizei-RFSS), Part IV, 60

Women's history, archival resources, 115-119

Women's relief programs, article on, 201-213

Wood, Enoch, marriage certificate, 114

Woodward, Ellen S., article on, 201-213; photo, 149, 204; quoted, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213; role in Works Progress Administration, 205-213

Works Progress Administration, article on, 201-213; Federal Art Project, 19, 206, 213; Women's and Professional Projects Division, 206-213

World War I, Allied propaganda during, article about, 151-163; German prisoners of war, 158-159, 160, 163

World War I--The Home Front, 60

World War II, effect on FDR's decision to run for a third term, 96, 99

World War II--The Home Front, 60

Wright, J. Butler, papers opened, 55

Wright, Roslyn R., Registers of Letters Received and Letters Received by Headquarters, Department of New Mexico, 1854-65, microfilm publication, 64, 193

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Yarborough, Ralph W., quoted, 220

Yokohama Command, U.S. Army, records declassified, 249

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Zeltner, Robin L., Headquarters Records of Fort Stockton, Texas, 1867-1886, microfilm publication, 193

Zuercher, Frederick W., 67

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