Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1984



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"A Temple to Clio: The National Archives Building," by Virginia C. Purdy, 91-104

"Accessions and Openings," See National Archives and Records Service

Acklen, Joseph H., 238-239

Adams, John, 184

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, 265

Advisory Committee on the National Archives Building, 94, 112

African Redemption movement, 216

Air Force, Department of, records accessioned, 201

Aitkin, Robert I., 98

Alabama, court records accessioned, 62

Alien Property, Office of, records appraised, 207

Alien Property Custodian, Office of the, 23, 33

Allied Occupational and Operational Headquarters, 38

American-Canadian Migratory Bird Treaty of 1916, 233, 240, 247

American Game Protective and Propagation Association, 236-237

American Geographical Society, 11

American Historical Association, 79, 81, 83, 91, 120, 137; Committee on the National Archives, 81; Conference of Archivists, 79, 81, 94, 117; Historical Manuscripts Commission, 79; Public Archives Commission, 79; resolution of reproduced, 82

American Indians, papers relating to accessioned, 271

American Legion, 86, 91

American Library Association, 273

American political history, mapping of, 5-21

American Political Science Association, 137

American State Papers, 196-198

Ann Whitman File, papers opened, 65

"Archives at 50" (slide show), 205

Arkansas, 238-239

Army Air Forces, 38, 39

Army Crops of Engineers, records accessioned, 62

Asia, papers relating to declassified, 64, 203

Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, 244

Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, by C. O. Paullin and John K. Wright, 11

Atomic Energy Commission, records accessioned, 62

Audubon Societies, National Association of, 236

Aurand, Evan P., papers accessioned, 64

Austria, 33

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Bahmer, Robert, 111, 122

Ball, George W., The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs, 276

Baltimore, Maryland, article on, 49-61; city archives, 53-54

Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency, 52, 53, 57,

Bank of America, records relating to accessioned, 199

Bankruptcy court, 213

Barnes, Michael D., 205

Barrows, Isabel, quoted, 254-255

Barton, William, 184; design by, 185

Becher, Kurt, 36

Belize, 219-220

Bell, Alexander Graham, 199

Berle, Adolf A., papers opened, 202

Bicentennial of the Constitution, Commission on the, 137

Biological Survey, Bureau of, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243

Black Americans, 215-232

Black Star Line, Inc., 216, 222, 223-224, 226, 229, 230

Black Studies (catalog of microfilm publications), 273

Bliven, Bruce, correspondence with opened, 202

Bloom, Sol, 89

Boone and Crockett Club, 235-236, 237

Boren, David L., 206

Boudinot, Elias, 184

Bradley, John G., 109, 110

Brandeis, Louis, 263

Brennan, E. J., 224

British Eighth Army, Jewish Brigade, 39

British Honduras, 219-220

Brooks, Jack, 275

Brooks, Philip C., Sr., 112, 117, 120

Brophy, Sophie Aderle, papers accessioned, 271

Brophy, William A., papers accessioned, 271

Buck, Solon J., 109, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123; photo, 116, 122; quoted, 101, 104

Bulletin of the American Game Protective Association, 237, 244

Burnham, John B., 237

Burns, Arthur F., papers opened, 204

Burns, William J., 216; quoted, 229

Byers, James, quoted, 207

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Caminetti, Anthony, 221, 226

Camp-Fire Club of America, 236, 239

Canada, 233, 239

Cannon, James M., papers opened, 204

"Capturing the Spirit of the National Archives," by Herman J. Viola, 125-132

Carnegie Institution, 11

Carter, Jimmy, papers relating to opened, 65

Cartographic records, 191-198

Cartography, congressional roll call votes, 5-21

Census, Bureau of the, data accessioned, 202

Census Microfilm Rental Program, 206-207

Censuses, 149

Central Intelligence Agency, records accessioned and opened, 201

"Charting a New Land: Mapmaking and the Congress, 1774-1861," by Herman R. Friis, 191-198

Chase, Benjamin, 126-127

Chase, Margaret A., papers accessioned, 64; papers opened, 271-272

Childbearing patterns, 147, 151-153

Children's Bureau, records accessioned, 270

Chiles, Rosa Pendleton, 83

Chirdon, Nancy C., files opened, 65

Christopher, Warren, papers opened, 272

Columbia University, 11, 12, 16

Community Services Administration, records accessioned, 270

Concentration camps, World War II, 23-39

Confederation Congress, 191-196

Conference of Archivists, 79, 81, 94, 117

Congressional Serial Set, 196-198

Connor, R. D. W., 96-97, 108, 109-110, 113, 118, 119-120, 123; photo, 106, 113; quoted, 99, 114

Constitution, Commission on the Bicentennial of the, 137

Constitution, U.S., 99, 101

Constitutional Convention of 1787, 6

Constitutional law, 233-247

Consular Despatches from the United States Consuls in Guam, 1854-56, microfilm publication, 274

Continental Congress, 184, 191-196

"The Continentals of Peterborough, New Hampshire: Pension Records as a Source for Local History," by John P. Resch, 169-183

Coolidge, Calvin, 87, 91

Coudert, Frederic R., 239

Cowen, Myron M, papers accessioned, 64

Cox, Richard J., and Anne S. K. Turkos, "Local History Research and the Records of Baltimore's Housing and Community Development Agency," 49-61

Crackel, Theodore J., 136; "Revolutionary War Pension Records and Patterns of American Mobility, 1780-1830," 155-167

Criminal justice, 249-259

Cuba, 33; records relating to declassified, 65

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Dann, John C., The Revolution Remembered: Eye-Witness Accounts of the War for Independence, 136, 141,156

"Daughters of Liberty: The History of Women in the Revolutionary War Pension Records," by Constance B. Schulz, 139-153

Daughters of the American Revolution, 83, 86

De Lapp, W. L., 243, 244

de Tocqueville, Alexis, quoted, 155

Decedent Public Use File, accessioned, 202

Declaration of Independence, U.S., 99, 101

Dennett, Tyler, 94, 95

Der Stuermer (newspaper), 26, 36

Despatches From Special Agents of the Department of State, 1794-1906, microfilm publication, 274

DeWitt, Simeon, 193-194; map by, 194

Diamond, William, 180-181,183

Doer, Edd, 205

Domestic Council, papers relating to opened, 204

Draper Committee, papers declassified, 65, 203

Dulles, John Foster, papers opened, 64

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, accessions and openings, 64-65, 203-204, 271-272; records declassified, 64-65, 203204, 272

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Eagleton, Thomas, 275

Eason, J. W. H., 225

Eisenhower, Dwight D., papers accessioned, 203; papers declassified, 272; papers opened, 65; papers relating to accessioned, 203

Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, papers relating to accessioned, 203

Eisenhower, Milton, S., correspondence with opened, 202

English, Glenn, 206, 275

Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, records accessioned, 270

Erickson, Thurman C., papers accessioned, 203; papers opened, 271

Erskine, Robert, map by, 193; quoted, 193

Etheridge, Richard, 127-128

European Defense Study, records accessioned, 271

Evans, Luther H., 11, 12, 99

Ewald, William B., papers accessioned, 203

Ewing, Oscar R., papers accessioned, 202-203

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Fairness Committee, records declassified, 203

Family history, 41-48

Federal Assistance Award Data System, data accessioned, 202

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 213; picture files accessioned, 200; records, 264

Federal Home Loan Bank Board, records accessioned, 200

Federal Register, by Ruth Pontius, microfilm publication, 66

Federal Register, Office of the, publications, 274

Federal Reserve Board, papers relating to opened, 204; records accessioned, 200

Federal Savings and Loan Advisory Council, records accessioned, 200

Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, records accessioned, 200

Federal Security Agency, papers relating to accessioned, 202-203

Fifteenth Photo Reconnaissance Squadron, Army Air Forces, 38

Fine Arts, Commission of, 91, 97

First Lady's Committee for a More Beautiful Capital, files opened, 65

Fischer, Willi, 30

Fitt, Alfred B., papers opened, 65

Flippin, Percy S., 109

Flynn, Edward J., papers accessioned, 202

Foley, Edward H., Jr., papers opened, 271

Ford, Betty, files relating to opened, 65

Ford, Gerald R., daily diary opened, 272; files opened, 272; scrapbooks microfilmed, 66

Ford Foundation, 16

Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, 38

Foreign Service, records declassified, 270-271; records relating to accessioned, 62

"'The Foremost Radical Among His Race': Marcus Garvey and the Black Scare, 1918-1921," by Robert A. Hill, 215-232

Frankfurter, Felix, quoted, 234

Franklin, Benjamin, 184

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 36, 120; accessions and openings, 64, 202 Fraser, James Earl, 98 Fraser, Laura, 98

Free Europe Committee, papers relating to opened, 202 Free Europe University in Exile, papers relating to opened, 202

Freedman, Estelle B., 212; "Sentiment and Discipline: Women's Prison Experiences in Nineteenth Century America," 249-259

Fremont, John C., 198

Friis, Herman R., "Charting a New Land: Mapmaking and the Congress, 1774-1861," 191-198

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Gage, Lyman J., 79

Garvey, Amy Ashwood, 225

Garvey, Marcus, article about, 215-232

Geer v. Connecticut, 234, 239

Genealogical and Biographical Research (catalog of microfilm publications), 273-274

Genealogical research, 41-48

General Intelligence Division, 216

"The Generation of '76," by Robert M. Warner, 136-137

Geography, 191-198

Georgia, court records accessioned, 62

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, grants, 208, 276

Gerald R. Ford Library, accessions and openings, 65, 204, 272

Gerald R. Ford Scrapbooks, 1973-1978, microfilm publication, 66

German American Bund, poster by, 29; records of the, 36

Germany, and the Holocaust, 23-39; records relating to accessioned, 63

Goodrich, James P., papers opened, 64

Gose, John T., 244

Gouvion, Jean Baptiste, 194

Grant, Madison, 236

Grants and fellowships, 207-208, 276

"The Great Seal of the United States," 184-189

Grey, Edgar M., 221

Gridley, Richard, 192; map by, 192

Grinnell, George Bird, 236, 237

Grover, Wayne C., 99, 11, 122; photo, 121

Grover, William D., Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Virginia, 1871--84, microfilm publication, 274

Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives, 198

Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives, 45, 273

Guide to the Archives of the Government of the United States in Washington, by Claude H. Van Tyne and Waldo G. Leland, 79

Guide to the National Archives of the United States, 265, 268-269

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Hill, Roscoe, R., 109

Himmler, Heinrich, 26, 38, 39

Historical Atlas of the United States, by Clifford L. Lord and Elizabeth H. Lord, 16

The Historical Atlas of the United States Congressional Districts: 1789-1983, by Kenneth C. Martis, 5, 17, 19-21; map from, 18

Historical Records Survey, Congressional Vote Analysis Unit, 5, 11-17, 19-21

Hoess, Rudolf, 27

Holland, Ray, 243, 247; quoted, 241,243, 244

Holmes, Oliver, 111, 126

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 121,263; quoted, 233-234, 247

"The Holocaust: Records in the National Archives on the Nazi Persecution of the Jews," by John Mendelsohn, 2339

Hoover, Herbert, 86, 94, 96, 98, 107, 112; correspondence with opened, 202; photo, 95; quoted, 89, 99

Hoover, J. Edgar, 216, 219, 222, 225, 229; photo, 217; picture files accessioned, 200; quoted, 225-226

Hoover Presidential Fellowship and Grant competition, 207-208

Hopkins, Harry L., 12

Hopkins, Richard J., 244

Hornaday, William Temple, 236, 237-238

Horton, Frank, 275

Housing and Urban Development, Department of, records accessioned, 199

Houston, William Churchill, 184

Hudson River Conservation Society, papers opened, 64

Hughes, Charles Evans, 261

Human Events, papers relating to opened, 202

Hungary, 36

Hutchins, Thomas, 194-196

Hyde, Dorsey W., Jr., 108, 109, 111, 112, 117, 118, 123

Hamer, Philip M., 109, 111, 117, 118

Handlin, Oscar and Lillian, A Restless People: Americans in Rebellion, 1770-1787, 155

Harding, Warren G., 86, 87

Harriman, W. Averell, correspondence with opened, 64

Harris, Collas G., 108, 109, 110, 117, 123

Harrison, Hubert H., 225

Harry, S. Truman Book Award, 274

Harry S. Truman Library,, accessions and openings, 64, 202-203, 271

Harry S. Truman Library, Institute, fellowship and grants, 208

Hart, John Fraser, 17

Hartmann, Robert, files opened, 204

Harvey, J. G. L., 244

Haskell, William S., 238, 239

Hatfield, Mark, 275

Hazard, Ebenezer, 75, 76, 79

Headquarters Records of Fort Verde, Arizona Territory: 1866-1891, by Duncan McCollum, microfilm publication, 274

Hebrew Committee of National Liberation, 39

Hecht, Arthur, 125

Heed, Thomas J., 276

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 64, 202

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, grants, 207-208

Herron, W. C., 239

Heydrich, Reinhard, 38, 39

Heynen, William J., Township Plats of Selected States, microfilm publication, 66

Hill, Robert A., 212; "'The Foremost Radical Among His Race:' Marcus Garvey and the Black Scare, 1918-1921," 215-232

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Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals (catalog of microfilm publications), 273

Immigration, Bureau of, 221, 223, 226

Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1795-1951, by Robert J. Plowman, microfilm publication, 6

Indiana Women's Prison, 249, 252, 254

Industrial Workers of the World, 224

Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath, by John Toland, papers relating to accessioned, 64

Inter-American Affairs, Bureau of, records accessioned, 200

Internal Revenue Service, records accessioned, 202

International Military Tribunal, 26, 27

International Monetary and Financial Policy, National Advisory Council on, records accessioned, 199-200

Interstate Sportsmen's Protective Association, 241,243, 244

Inter-university Consortium for Political Research, 16, 17, 19

Investigation, Bureau of, 216, 220, 221-223, 226, 229

Irvine, Dallas, 111, 126

Iserlis, Boris (the Negus), 30, 32

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Jackson, C. D., records declassified, 204, 272

Jackson Committee, records reviewed, 204

Jameson, J. Franklin, 75, 79-80, 81, 83-84, 86-87, 89, 91, 94, 111; photo, 74; quoted, 83, 87

Jefferson, Thomas, 184, 185

Jenkinson, Hilary, A Manual of Archive Administration, 117

Jewish Brigade, British Eighth Army, 39

Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Inc., 28

Jews, and the Holocaust, 23-39

Jim Farley's Story, by James Farley, draft opened, 64

Joerg, W. L. G., 109, 110

John F. Kennedy Library, accessions and openings, 65; records declassified, 65

Johnson, Ellen Cheney, 254

Johnson, Ladybird, files opened, 65

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, transcripts of speeches opened, 272

Johnson, Marion M., Numbered Documents of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 274

Judge Advocate General (Army), records accessioned, 201

Judge advocates general, records, 267-268

Judicial Conference, 213

Justice, Department of, 213, 215-232, 236, 239, 240; records, 263-264, 269

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Kahn, Herman, 111

Kansas, 244

Kennedy, Bernard R., 110

Kennedy, Edward M., papers accessioned, 65

Kennedy, John F., papers declassified, 65; papers opened, 65

Kimberly, Arthur E., 109; Repair and Preservation in the National Archives, 117-118

King, Alex, 244

Korean War, papers relating to declassified, 271

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Lacey, John F., 235, 236

Landon, Alf M., correspondence with opened, 202

Lanigan, James S., files opened, 64

Lansing, Robert, 240

Laos, papers relating to opened, 65

Laski, Harold, correspondence with opened, 202

Latin America, records relating to accessioned, 200

"The Law and American Society," by Robert M. Warner, 212-213

"Law and American Society: New Historical Perspectives and Resources" (conference), 212

Lawrence, George P., 81

Lawyer, George M., 241, 243

Leahy, Emmett, 112, 120, 122

Leavitt, Arthur, 111, 117

"Legacy of Justice: Legal Records in the National Archives," by R. Michael McReynolds, 261-269

Legal records, 261-269

Leland, Waldo G., 80-81, 83, 89; Guide to the Archives of the Government of the United States in Washington, 79; photo, 78; quoted, 81

Leppert, Charles, files opened, 272

Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Virginia, 1871-84, by William D. Gover, microfilm publication, 274

Lewinson, Paul, 111

Libby, Orin G., 8, 11

Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Company, 101

Library of Congress, 79, 80, 99, 101, 109, 110

Lichtman, Allan J., "Personal Family History: A Bridge to Your Past," 41-48

Lidice Massacre, 39

Life course analysis, 42

Lilenthal, David E., files accessioned, 63

Lincoln, Abraham, 199

Lincoln, Mary Todd, 199

Local history research, 169-183

"Local History Research and the Records of Baltimore's Housing and Community Development Agency," by Richard J. Cox and Anne S. K. Turkos, 49-61

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 80, 81

Loen, Vernon, files opened, 272

Lord, Clifford L., 11, 19; and Elizabeth H. Lord, Historical Atlas of the United States, 16; photo, 12, 20; quoted, 11-12, 15, 20

Lovell, James, 184

Lubin, Isador, papers opened, 64

Lyndon B. Johnson: A Bibliography, 204

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, accessions and openings, 65, 204, 272

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, grants, 208, 276

Lyons, Clarence F., 212

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Main, Jackson Turner, The Social Structure of Revolutionary America, 166

Management and Budget, Office of, records accessioned, 200

Manhattan Project, records accessioned, 62

Mapmaking, 191-198

"Mapping Congress: Developing a Geographic Understanding of American Political History," by Ruth A. Rowles and Kenneth C. Martis, 5-21

Marine Corps. See United States Marine Corps

Marshall, Louis, 244

Martin, W. H., 238

Martis, Kenneth C., 19; The Historical Atlas of United States Congressional Districts: 1789-1983, 5, 17, 19-21; "Mapping Congress: Developing a Geographic Understanding of American Political History," 5-21

Massachusetts Reformatory Prison for Women, 249, 254, 256, 257

Mathias, Charles, 275

Matthews, William C., 228

McAdoo, William G., 84

McAllister, Frank W., 243, 244

McAuliffe, Anthony C,, photo, 122

McCaffree, Mary Jane, papers accessioned, 203

McCloy, John J., 38, 39

McCollurn, Duncan, Headquarters Records of Fort Verde, Arizona Territory: 1866-1891, 274

McCoy, Donald R., 72; "The Struggle to Establish a National Archives in the United States," 75-89

McKellar, Kenneth, 89, 123

McLean, George P., 235, 236, 240

McReynolds, James Clark, 239

McReynolds, R. Michael, 212; "Legacy of Justice: Legal Records in the National Archives," 261-269

Meigs, Montgomery C., 91; drawing by, 92

Meisburger, Edward P., papers accessioned, 203

Melmer, Bruno, 28

Mencken, H. L., correspondence with opened, 202

Mendelsohn, John, "The Holocaust: Records in the National Archives on the Nazi Persecution of the Jews," 23-39

Mengele, Josef, 32

Merriam, C. Hart, 237, 238

Microfilm publications, 66, 274; consular despatches, 274; Federal Register, 66; Fort Verde, Arizona Territory, 274; Gerald R. Ford scrapbooks, 66; Guam, 274; Justice, Department of, 274; military attaches, 274; naturalization petitions, 66; Nicaragua, 274; Pine Ridge Indian Agency, 274; President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 274; State, Department of, 66, 274; township plats, 66; Virginia, 274

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, 233, 240, 243, 244, 247

Military Government for Germany, Office of, records of the, 28

Military history research, 169-183

Military legal systems, 267-268

Mills, Ogden L., 98; quoted, 91

Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Agents or Superintendents at the Pine Ridge Indian Agency, 1876-1914, microfilm publication, 274

Missouri, 240-241, 243, 244, 247

Missouri v. Holland, 233-247

Model Cities Plans, accessioned, 199

Mondell, Frank C., quoted, 240

Moore, Charles, 95

Moore, Samuel W., 243, 244

Moore, William L., 241, 243; quoted, 243

Morgan, A. E., files accessioned, 63

Morley, Felix, papers opened, 202

Mosler Safe Company, 101

Muller v. Oregon, 263

Mutual Security Program, U.S. President's Citizens Advisers on the, papers relating to declassified, 203

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National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policy, records accessioned, 199-200

National Archives, Advisory Committee, 94; Constitution Study Group, 137, 205; independence, 275-276; procedures and practices, 107-123

National Archives Act, 89, 94, 108-109, 110, 111

National Archives and Records Administration Act of 1984, 275-276

National Archives and Records Service, 120; accessions and openings, 62-65, 199-204, 270-272; Adequacy of Documentation staff, 72-73; anniversary celebration, 72-73; Archival Research and Evaluation staff, 72-73; Civil Archives Division, 62-63, 199-201, 270-271; commemorative stamp, 72; declassified records, 64-65, 203-204, 270-272; Documentation Standards staff, 206; independence, 275-276; Military Archives Division, 63-64, 201; military service records procedures changed, 206; news and notices, 205208, 275-276; passenger arrival records procedures changed, 206; publications, 66, 273-274; Special Archives Division, 202, 271

"The National Archives at Fifty," by Robert M. Warner, 72-73

National Archives Building, article on, 91-104; design for, 77, 92-93

National Archives Council, 108, 109, 113

National Archives Day, 205

"The National Archives of the United States: The Formative Years, 1934-1949," by Rodney A. Ross, 107-123 National Endowment for the Humanities, 19, 21

National Genealogical Society, 86

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 53, 61

National Historical Publications Commission, 109

National Park Service, records accessioned, 62-63

National Security Affairs, Office of the Special Assistant for, records declassified, 272

National Security Council, papers declassified, 64-65; policy papers declassified, 203

National Socialist German Workers Party, 23-39

Navy, U.S., Naval Operating Forces, records relating to accessioned, 201

Negro Factories Corporation, 229

The Negro World, 220, 223, 225, 229

Nelson, Edward W., 236, 237, 238, 241, 243, 244; quoted, 244

Nenninger, Timothy K., Registers of Communications Received From Military Attaches and Other Intelligence Officers ("Dispatch Lists"): 1889-1941, 274

Never Too Late, by Margaret A. Chase, galley proof accessioned, 64; galley proof opened, 271-272

New Jersey, 156, 161-162, 164, 166-167

New Negro radicals, 215

New York, court records accessioned, 199

New York Houses of Refuge for Women, 249, 254

Nicollet, Joseph N., 198

Nixon, Richard M., papers relating to opened, 271; ruling on tapes, 206

Numbered Documents of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, by Marion M. Johnson, microfilm publication, 274

Nuremberg war crimes trials, 23, 26-28, 30, 36, 39

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O'Hare, Kate Richards, 264

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, records pertaining to accessioned, 62

Offenback Central Collection Point, records of the, 28

Open Market Committee, records accessioned, 200

Operations Coordinating Board, minutes declassified, 203

Organization of American States, records relating to accessioned, 200

Osborne, Sarah, 141; portrait of, 141

Oswego Emergency Refugee Shelter, 36, 39

Owens, Thomas M., Jr., 109

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Page, Thad, 109

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 221, 225, 264

Palmer, Robert R., The Age of Democratic Revolution, 167

Palmer, Theodore S., 237, 238

Pan American Union, records relating to accessioned, 200

Panama Canal Office, 222

Parker, John, 177, 180

Pate, Maurice, papers opened, 64

Paullin, C. O., and John K. Wright, Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, 11

Pearson, T. Gilbert, 236; quoted, 238, 239

Pehle, John W., 36, 38-39

Pension records, Revolutionary War veterans, 139-153, 155-167, 169-183

"Personal Family History: A Bridge to Your Past," by Allan J. Lichtman, 41-48

Peterborough, New Hampshire, in the American Revolution, by Jonathan Smith, 172-173

Phelan, Wanda, files opened, 65

Philippine Alien Property Administration, records appraised, 207

Plowman, Robert J., 212; Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1795-1951, microfilm publication, 66 Poe House (Baltimore, Md.), 54; photo, 55

Poindexter, Miles, 83, 84, 87

Poland, 38; papers relating to declassified, 64, 203

Political Animals, by Walter Trohan, draft opened, 64

Pontius, Ruth, Federal Register, microfilm publication, 66

Poole, William F., 79

Pope, John Russell, 95, 97-98, 101, 108; quoted, 88, 95

Porembka, Carolyn K., files opened, 65

Posner, Ernst, 118, 123 Post Office, 223, 229-231

Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Supreme Court, 269

Presidential Libraries, 265; accessions and openings, 64-65, 202-204, 271-272; funding of, 205-206; legislation regarding, 205-206; records declassified, 64-65, 203, 204, 271272

Presidential Libraries Act of 1955, 120, 205-206

Presidential Paperwork Logs, opened, 204

Presidential Vote for Puerto Rico, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the, records accessioned, 201

Price, Marcus, 118, 119

Prisons, 249-259

Project Solarium, report on declassified, 272

Prologue, 125, 126-128

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 36

Pruitt-Igoe projects (St. Louis, Mo.), records relating to accessioned, 201

Public Debt, Bureau of, records accessioned, 199

Public housing, 49-61

Public Housing Administration, records accessioned, 201 "Public Papers of the Presidents," 274

Puerto Rico, papers relating to opened, 204

Puerto Rico, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the Presidential Vote for, records accessioned, 201

Purdy, Virginia C., 72; "A Temple to Clio: The National Archives Building," 91-104; "Archivaphobia: Its Causes and Cure," 273

Putnam, Eben, 86; photo, 85

Putnam, Herbert, 81

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Quincy, Josiah, 91

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Raoul-Duval, Michael, papers opened, 204

Reagan, Ronald R., 275; public papers published, 274; quoted, 205

"Recent America: 1934-84" (exhibition), 205

Records Codification Manual, State Department Central Decimal File, 1950-1963, microfilm publication, 66

Records of the Department of State Relating to Relations Between the United States and Other American States, 1910-49, microfilm publication, 274

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of the Dominican Republic, 1930-39, microfilm publication, 274

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of the Dominican Republic, 1940-44, microfilm publication, 274

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Nicaragua, 1930-44, microfilm publication, 274

Reed, James A., 240, 244

Registered Offerings Statistics, data accessioned, 202, 271

Registers of Communications Received From Military Attaches and Other Intelligence Officers ("Dispatch Lists"): 1889-1941, by Timothy K. Nenninger, microfilm publication, 274

Resch, John P., 136; "The Continentals of Peterborough, New Hampshire: Pension Records as a Source for Local History," 169-183

Revolutionary War, 136-137; pension records, 139-153, 155-167, 169-183; veterans, mobility patterns, 155-167, 177

Revolutionary War Pension Act of 1818, 169-173

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, microfilm publication, 139

"Revolutionary War Pension Records and Patterns of American Mobility, 1780-1830," by Theodore J. Crackel, 155-167

Rockefeller, Nelson A., papers relating to opened, 204

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 12

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 89, 96, 97, 107, 108, 120

Roosevelt, Theodore, 81, 236, 237; photo, 80

Root, Elihu, 236, 240

Ross, Rodney A., 72; "The National Archives of the United States: The Formative Years, 1934-1949," 107-123

Rowles, Ruth A., and Kenneth C. Martis, "Mapping Congress: Developing a Geographic Understanding of American Political History," 5-21

Russell, John R., 109-110

Russell, Nelson Vance, 109, 118

Rutledge, Edward, 184

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St. Louis, Mo., records relating to accessioned, 201

Samples, George L., 243, 244

Sayre, Francis, records accessioned, 200

Schaefer, William Donald, 54

Schellenberg, Theodore, 111; European Archival Practices in Arranging Records, 118

Schroyer, Martin Philip, 30

Schulz, Constance B., 136, 155; "Daughters of Liberty: The History of Women in the Revolutionary War Pension Records," 139-153

Scott, John Morin, 184

Seaton, Fred A., papers opened, 271

Securities and Exchange Commission, records accessioned, 202, 271

Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, microfilm publication, 139

"Sentiment and Discipline: Women's Prison Experiences in Nineteenth Century America," by Estelle B. Freedman, 249-259

Shauver, Harvey C., 238-239

Sheppard, Morris, 83

Shipman, Fred, 111

Shiras, George, 3rd, 235, 236, 239

Shiskin, Julius, papers opened, 65

Simon, Louis A., 94, 97; quoted, 94

Smith, Howard R., 17

Smith, Jonathan, Peterborough, New Hampshire, in the American Revolution, 172-173

Smith, Sarah, 252; quoted, 249

Smoot, Reed, 86-87

Social Security Administration, study by accessioned, 202

Social Target Club, 240

Society of American Archivists, 72, 117, 120, 126

Sommervell, Brehon B., 12

"Sources at the National Archives for Genealogical and Local History Research," 49-61

South American Affairs, Office of, records accessioned, 200

South Asia, papers relating to declassified, 203

South Carolina, court records inventoried, 62

Soviet Union, and the Holocaust, 26; records relating to accessioned, 63

Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, reports declassified, 203

Spivak, Lawrence E., correspondence with opened, 202

Spring-Rice, Cecil, 240

"State Against Nation: The Conservation Case of Missouri v. Holland," by Clement E. Vose, 233-247

State, Department of, 79, 113, 114, 239; cartographic records, 194; records accessioned, 62, 200, 270-271; records declassified, 270-271

Statistics of Income Corporation Source Book, accessioned, 202

Strategic Bombing Survey, 38

Strategic Services, Office of, 36-37, 122-123; records accessioned and opened, 201

Streicher, Julius, 26

"The Struggle to Establish a National Archives in the United States," by Donald R. McCoy, 75-89

Student Financial Assistance, National Commission on, records accessioned, 63

Supreme Court, 234, 239, 240, 244, 247; records, 261, 263, 269; transcripts accessioned, 201

Swoyer, Martha Ann, photographs opened, 203

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Taft, Robert A., correspondence with opened, 202

Taft, William Howard, 81, 84; quoted, 81

Tate, Vernon D., 109, 120

Tennessee Valley Authority, records accessioned, 63

Terrell, Marjory, 108

Thomson, Charles, 75, 184-185, 188; design by, 188; photo, 186; report written by, 186-187

Tietsch, Theodore W., architectural drawing by, 77

Toland, John, papers accessioned, 64

Tom L. Evans Research Grant, 208, 276

Township Plats of Selected States, by William J. Heynen, microfilm publication, 66

Treasury, Department of the, records accessioned, 199

Trefethen, James B., quoted, 235

Trieber, Jacob, 238-239, 244; quoted, 239

Trohan, Walter, papers opened, 64

Truman, Bess, correspondence with accessioned, 203; photographs of opened, 203

Truman, Harry S., correspondence with accessioned, 203; papers declassified, 271; photographs of opened, 203

Truman Library Institute, grants, 276

Truman, Mary Jane, photographs opened, 203

Turkos, Anne S. K., "Local History Research and the Records of Baltimore's Housing and Community Development Agency," 49-61

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 5, 8, 11, 17, 155; map prepared by, 9; photo, 7; quoted, 11; "The Significance of the Section in American History," 11; The United States, 1830-1850, 11

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Underwood, E. Marvin, 239

United Kingdom, 239

U.S. Coast Guard, records accessioned, 270

United States Congress Bicentennial Atlas Project, 19, 20-21

U.S. district courts, 213; records, 264-265; records accessioned, 62, 199

United States Food Administration, 113

The United States Government Manual, 1984-85, 274

U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, records accessioned, 63

United States Information Agency, records accessioned, 63, 271

United States Marine Corps, records accessioned, 63-64

U.S. President's Committee on International Information Activities, records reviewed, 204

U.S. President's Committee to Study the U.S. Military Assistance Program, papers declassified, 65, 203

United States v. De Lapp, 244

United States v. Samples, 244

United States v. Shauver, 238-239, 240

Universal Negro Improvement Association, 216, 225, 228, 229

Urban homesteading program (Baltimore, Md), 54-56

Urban renewal, 49-61

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Van Valkenburgh, Abra, 243, 244

Veterans, Revolutionary War, 139-153, 155-167, 169-183

Veterans Administration, 113-114; records opened, 204

Vinson, Fred M., 101

Viola, Herman J., 72; "Capturing the Spirit of the National Archives," 125-132

Virginia, map of congressional districts, 1843, 14

Voice of America, records relating to accessioned, 271

Vose, Clement E., 212; "State Against Nation: The Conservation Case of Missouri v. Holland," 233-247

Vrba, Rudolf, 37

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Wallace, Mrs. George P., photographs opened, 203

Walworth, Ellen Hardin, 79

War Department, records accessioned, 201

War Information, Office of, 38

War Refugee Board (World War II), 23, 36, 38

War Relocation Authority (World War II), 23, 36

Warner, Robert M., 128, 205; comments on independence, 275-276; "The Generation of '76," 136-137; "The Law and American Society," 212-213; "The National Archives at Fifty," 72-73; quoted, 275-276

Washington, George, 184-185, 191-193, 195; quoted, 192

Washington Post, quoted, 86

Watergate Special Prosecution Force, 206

Webster, Edward M., papers accessioned, 271

Weeks, John W., 235, 236

Weeks-McLean Act, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240

Weiman, Adolph A., 98

Wesberry v. Sanders, 8

Westbrooke, E. L., 238, 241, 243, 244

Wetzler, Alfred, 37

White House Central Files, files opened, 65

White House Congressional Relations Office, files opened, 272

White House Office, files opened, 272; records declassified, 203, 272

Widow pension applications, 139-153

Wilmot Proviso, map of voting on, 9

Wilson, Francis M., 240, 243, 244

Wilson, Woodrow, 84, 86

Wines, Frederick H., quoted, 254, 255

Withington, Lothrop, 80, 84

Women's history, 139-153

Women's prisons, 249-259

Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey, 5, 11-17, 19-21

World War II, 122-123; and the Holocaust, 23-39; records relating to appraised, 207

Worldwide Surveys (U.S.I.A.), records accessioned, 271

Wright, John K., 17; Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, 11

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