Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1986


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5th Naval District, files accessioned, 136

89th Calvary Reconnaissance Squadron, records opened, 268

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Abell, Bess, 125

"Accessions and Openings," see National Archives and Records Administration

Acheson, Dean, papers declassified, 199

Adams, John, 98, 100, 148, 149, 171, 174; portrait, 99, 167, 176

Adams, John Quincy, 147, 148; portrait, 149

Adkins, Bertha S., papers accessioned, 59

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, records accessioned, 262

Admiralty Case Files of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 1801-1861, microfilm publication, 271

Admitted Alien Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco, 1896-1921, microfilm publication, 272

Africa, article about Comoro Islands, 241-249

Agency for International Development, records declassified, 130, 194

Agresto, John, 273

Agricultural Research Service, records accessioned, 134, 265

Agriculture, Office of the Secretary of, records accessioned, 56

Air Force, Department of the, records accessioned, 58

Air-Sea Rescue Agency, records declassified, 57 Alaska, photo article on, 41-45

Alien Property Custodian, Office of, records accessioned, 263-264

Allen, Evelyn White, letters to accessioned, 197

Allison, John Moore, files accessioned, 131

Alphabetical Index to Canadian Border Entries through Small Ports in Vermont, 1895-1924, microfilm publication, 204, 272

"The American Experiment: Creating the Constitution" (exhibition), 205-206, 276

"The American Experiment: Creating the Constitution," by Stacey Anne Bredhoff, 189-191

American Indian Movement, film of activities accessioned, 133

American Interest in Cuba, by Basil Rauch, 32

"The American Presidency and Texas: 1836-1845" (exhibition), 64

Anderson, Samella T., Interior Department Appointment Papers: Alaska, 1871-1907, microfilm publication, 63; Records of the Northern Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1851-1876, microfilm publication, 204

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 144, 209, 278 Anheuser-Busch Company, 258; photo, 256-257

Annual Reports of the War Department, 1822-1907, by Robert B. Matchette, microfilm publication, 62-63

Antifederalists, 166, 168, 171

Apprenticing of Black children, 116-117

The Archival Appraisal of Photographs: A RAMP Study With Guidelines, by Bill Leary, 61

Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, records accessioned, 56-57

Army, Department of the, records accessioned, 201

Army desertion, Civil War, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83

Army Signal Corps, 41; photos from the files of, 42-45

Asbestos industry, 275

Asia, files relating to accessioned, 60; records relating to declassified, 261

Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, records accessioned, 262; records opened, 206

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Bancroft, George, 30, 32 35; picture, 27

Banks, Nathanial, picture of, 116

Bassett, Richard, 171; portrait, 157

Battle of the Bulge, records relating to accessioned, 264

Beach, Moses Y., 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 35

Bell, James D., records accessioned, 131

Bickford, Charlene Bangs, "The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress," 173-179; Bickford et al., "Documentary Editing: Its History and Meaning," 147-151; and Helen E. Veit, eds., Documentary History of the First Federal Congress, 1789-1791, 65

Bill Books of the U.S. Senate, 1795-1845, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 204

Bill of Rights, 161, 166

Biological Warfare, records relating to declassified, 268

Black Americans, families, article about, 109-122; report relating to declassified, 200

The Blessings of Liberty: Bicentennial Lectures at the National Archives, by Ralph Pollock and Robert Peck, 270

Bloom, Sol, The Story of the Constitution, 203

Bolger, Eileen, Records Created by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Field Agencies Having Jurisdiction Over the Pueblo Indians, 1874-1900, microfilm publication, 63

Bonsal, Philip W., records accessioned, 131

Boyd, Julian P., 174; The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, 149

Bradley, Omar N., records declassified, 261

Brand, Robert A., records accessioned, 131

Brazil, records relating to declassified, 260, 261

Bredhoff, Stacey Anne, "The American Experiment: Creating the Constitution," 189-191

British Broadcasting Company, tapes accessioned, 60

Broadcasting, Museum of, 263, 273

Brunauer, Stephen, letters to transferred, 66

Buchanan, James, 30, 32, 35, 38; picture, 27, 37

Bundy, William P., manuscript opened, 268

Burke, Frank G., "The Impact of Technology on Documentary Editing," 144-145; quoted, 273; "Taking the Presidency to the People," 72-73; "That Funny Little Office Down the Hall," 4-5; "You Don't Have to Live in Washington to Visit the National Archives," 220-221

Burma, records relating to accessioned, 131

Burns, Arthur F., papers accessioned, 201; papers opened, 199

Burr, Aaron, 27-28, 38; picture, 26; quoted, 28

Bush, George, 98, 103

Butler, Pierce, portrait, 157

Butow, Robert J.C., files accessioned, 197

Byrd, Richard E., film related to accessioned, 196

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Cabot, John N., records declassified, 260

Campbell, Wallace J., papers accessioned, 59

Capa, Robert, retrospective exhibition, 64

Capital Legal Foundation, papers accessioned, 268

Carpenter, Liz, 125, 127; photo, 127

Case Files of Disapproved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Dependents of Civil War and Later Navy Veterans, 1861-1910, by Ivadnia E. Scott-Cora, microfilm publication, 63

Cazneau, Jane Storms, article about, 25-40; Eagle Pass, Or Life on the Border, 35; The Queen of the Islands and the King of the Rivers, 35; quoted, 30, 32, 35

Cazneau, William Leslie, 32, 35, 36, 38

Census, Bureau of the, 41, 138; publications, 204

Central America, records relating to declassified, 260-261

Central Intelligence Agency, records declassified, 60

Challenger Accident, Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle, records accessioned, 263, 264; records opened, 206, 274

Challinor, Joan R., "Observing the Unknown Treaty: The Bicentennial of the Treaty of Paris," 95-108

Chanock, Foster, files opened, 201

Charleton, James H., Robert G. Ferris, and Mary C. Ryan, Framers of the Constitution, 270

Chase, Salmon P., 255; photo, 251

China, immigrants from, records relating to accessioned, 267

China, People's Republic of, 207

Chinese Exclusion Act, records relating to accessioned, 136, 267

Christian, George M., Jr., 231

City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health, Inc., recordings accessioned, 273

Civil defense, records relating to accessioned, 57

Civil Service Commission, records accessioned, 57

Civil War, 75-93; article about taxes for, 250-259; maps, 270-271

Clark, Jerry L., Post Office Department Reports of Site Locations, 1837-1950, microfilm publication, 204

Cleveland, Grover, 224

Clinton, George, 171

Cochran, Jacqueline, papers opened, 268

Collaborative Perinatal Project, records relating to accessioned, 58-59

Collins, J. Lawton, papers accessioned, 199

Commodity Exchange Authority, files accessioned, 136

Commodity Futures Trading Commission, files accessioned, 136

"The Communist Party and the Negro" (FBI report), declassified, 200

Community Analysis Reports and Community Analysis Trend Reports of the War Relocation Authority, by Jeanne Young, microfilm publication, 203

Comoro Islands, article about Johanna, 241-249

Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the, records accessioned, 263

Confederacy, 75-93

Confederation Congress, 165-166

Congress, First Federal, 165-166, 171; article about, 173-179

Connelly, Timothy D.W., Selected Documents From the Records of the Weather Bureau Relating to New Orleans, 1870-1912, microfilm publication, 272

Consolidated Edison Electric Company of New York, papers relating to opened, 59

Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe McCarthy, A, by David M. Oshinsky, 208-209

Constitution, U.S., article about ratification documentary history, 153-161; bicentenary commemoration, 276-277; book about, 270; documentation project, 150, 151; exhibit about, 189-191

Constitutional Convention, 189-191

Coolidge, Calvin, 231, 233-234; photo, 232

Copland, Peter, sketches by, 47, 48, 52, 53

Cortelyou, George B., 224; photo, 224

Cost Comparison of Selected Alternatives for Preserving Historic Pension Files, 203

Cowen, Myron, papers declassified, 199

Coxe, Tench, 161; "An American Citizen," quoted, 158

Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco, 1905-1954, microfilm publication, 204

Criminal procedures, records relating to accessioned, 262

Crouch, Barry A., and Larry Madaras, "Reconstructing Black Families: Perspectives from the Texas Freedmen's Bureau Records," 109-122

Cuba, 32, 35, 36; article about, 7-23; records relating to appraised, 56

Cushing, William, 187; portrait, 183

Customs Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Port Townsend and Tacoma, Washington, 1894-1909, microfilm publication, 204

Customs Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco, 1903-1918, microfilm publication, 272

Cuthell, David C., records accessioned, 131

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Dale (ship), 244-246, 248; photo, 246, 247

Dauntless (ship), 11-13

Davis, Jefferson, 79, 85

Dean, Arthur H., records accessioned, 131

Declaration of Independence, 96

Defense, Office of the Secretary of, records declassified, 57-58

Democratic National Committee, records opened, 201

Denali National Park and Preserve, film relating to transferred, 133

DenBoer, Gordon, 163; "The Documentary History of the First Federal Elections," 163-171

DePauw, Linda Grant, 174, 177

Despatches from Special Agents of the Department of State, 1794-1906, by Sally M. Marks, microfilm publication, 272

Diplomacy, article about, 95-108

Diplomatic Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, by John H. Hedges, 271

Disarmament, Special Assistance for, records declassified, 200

District of Columbia, 125; police, 224, 226, 230, 231, 234-235

Documentary editing and technology, 144-145

"Documentary Editing: Its History and Meaning," by Charlene B. Bickford et al., 147-151

"The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress," by Charlene Bangs Bickford, 173-179

Documentary History of the First Federal Congress, 1789-1791, edited by Charlene Bangs Bickford and Helen E. Veit, 65, 278

"The Documentary History of the First Federal Elections," by Gordon DenBoer, 163-171

"The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution," by John P. Kaminski, Richard Leffler, and Gaspare J. Saladino, 153-161

The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, 157, 158, 161, 278

"The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States," by Maeva Marcus et al., 181-188

The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800, edited by Maeva Marcus and James R. Perry, 65, 181-188

Dominican Republic, 35-36, 38; photographs relating to accessioned, 133

Doty, Dale E., oral history interviews accessioned, 198

Draft evasion, Civil War, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83

Drunk Driving, Presidential Commission on, records relating to accessioned, 56

Dulles, John Foster, fries accessioned, 131

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 72; accessions and openings, 59, 199-200, 268; exhibits at, 64

Dye, Ira, "The Philadelphia Seamen's Protection Certificate Applications," 46-55

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East Asia, records relating to accessioned, 131-132 Economic Opportunity, Office of, records accessioned, 194-195

Einstein, Albert, letters transferred, 66

Eisenhower, Dwight D., papers accessioned, 59, 268

Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, papers opened, 268

Elections, first federal, article on, 163-171

Electoral College, 169, 171

Electronic records, 138

Ellsworth, Oliver, 183; portrait, 185

Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, records accessioned, 262

Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1893-1956, microfilm publication, 203

Environmental Protection Agency, records accessioned, 265-266

Equal employment opportunity for women, 123-129 Ethiopia, records relating to declassified, 59

Everly, Elaine C., Records of the United States Exploring Expedition Under the Command of Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, 1838-1842, microfilm publication, 63, 65

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Fair Employment Board, records accessioned, 57

Federal Aviation Administration, records accessioned, 265

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, records accessioned, 265

"The Federal Government and the Law" (learning packet), 207

The Federal Population and Mortality Schedules, 1790-1910, in the National Archives and the States, 204

Federal Power Commission, records accessioned, 265

Federal Records Act of 1950, 149, 153

Federal Register, Office of the, publications, 62, 202; workshops, 276

Federal Reserve Board, material relating to opened, 197

Federalists, 166, 168, 171

Ferris, Orange, photo, 86

Ferris, Robert G., Framers of the Constitution, 270

Fifth Naval District, files accessioned, 136

"Fightin' Fred Funston and the Rebellion in Cuba," by Lester D. Langley, 7-23

Filibusters, in the Cuban rebellion of 1895, article on, 7-23

First Federal Congress Project, 4, 150

First Federal Elections Project, 4

"First in Peace" (engraving), by John MacRae, 180

Flemming, Arthur S., papers accessioned, 59

"The Flight of the Condor" (film), accessioned, 196

Flynn, William J., 229, 230; photo, 227; quoted, 227

Ford, Betty, files relating to opened, 269

Ford, Gerald R., 72, 95; papers accessioned, 201,268; quoted, 236

Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Office of the, records accessioned, 132

Foreign relations, 95-108

Foreign Service, post records transferred, 132; records accessioned, 194, 195

Forest surveys, opened, 135

Fort Totten Indian Agency, records accessioned, 267

Foster, William C., copies of statements accessioned, 57

Foulon, Robert C., records accessioned, 131

Fox, Cynthia G., "Income Tax Records of the Civil War Years," 250-259; Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Kentucky, 1871-1884, microfilm publication, 63; and Constance Potter, Military Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm, 271

Fox, Frederick E., papers accessioned, 200

Framers of the Constitution, by James H. Charleton, Robert G. Ferris, and Mary C. Ryan, 270

France, 98, 103, 104

Frankfurter, Felix, 158; photo, 187; quoted, 154

Franklin, Benjamin, 98, 100, 101, 106,149; portrait, 159; quoted, 107

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 72; accessions and openings, 59, 197, 267

Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation Papers, opened, 197

Freedmen's Bureau, article on, 109-122

"Freedom From Want" study, files relating to opened, 197

Funston, Frederick, article about, 7-23; Memories of Two Wars, 23; photo, 12, 22; quoted, 13, 16

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Garcia, Calixto, 15, 16, 21

Genealogical research, 46-55, 109-122, 250-259

General Land Office, records accessioned, 132, 135; records opened, 135

General Services Administration, 138; records appraised, 56

Geological Survey, records accessioned, 266

George Washington University, 4, 163, 174, 177

Gerald R. Ford Library, 199; accessions and openings, 201, 268-269

German-American Vocational League, records accessioned, 263-264

Germany, guides to microfilmed records published, 61-62; papers relating to accessioned, 59; records relating to declassified, 57, 131

Gomez, Maximo, 13, 16, 21

Graham, William A., 244; photo, 248

Grants and fellowships, 66, 207-209, 278

Gray, Gordon, files accessioned, 206, 267; files declassified, 267

Great Britain, 46, 49, 95, 96, 98, 103, 104, 107

Gregory, Francis H., 244

Grinnell, Joseph, 244, 248

Grover, William D., Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Alabama, 1871-1884; Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Virginia, 1871-1884, microfilm publications, 63

Gruenther, Alfred M., papers accessioned, 199; papers opened, 200, 268

Guide to Civil War Maps in the National Archives, A, 270-271

Guide to Record Retention Requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations, 202

Guided missiles, files relating to accessioned, 57

Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., No. 83. Records of the SS Economic and Administrative Office, by George Wagner, 61-62

Guides to Microfilmed Records of the German Navy, 1850-1945: No. 2, Records Relating to U-Boat Warfare, 1939-1945, by Timothy Mulligan, 61

Gunboat diplomacy, article about, 241-249

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Hamilton, Alexander, 148, 149; portrait, 155; The Federalist No. 77, quoted, 158

Hancock, John, 171

Harding, Warren G., 230, 231, 232, 233

Harlow, Bryce N., records declassified, 268

Harry S. Truman Library, 72; accessions and openings, 59, 197-198, 267

Harry S. Truman Library Institute, grants, 208

Haskell Indian Junior College, records accessioned, 267

Hechler, Kenneth, papers accessioned, 198

Hemingway, Ernest, manuscript opened, 200

Henry, Patrick, 168, 171

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, 72; accessions and openings, 196-197; exhibit at, 64

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, grants, 207-208

Heroes of America, 81, 83, 86

Highway Beautification Act of 1965, 125

Hildreth, Melvin, files accessioned, 198

Historical records, preservation of, 203

Hoffman, Anna Rosenberg, 125, 127

Holland, Henry F., records declassified, 260

Holm, Jeanne, files opened, 201

Honey, Michael K., "The War Within the Confederacy: White Unionists of North Carolina," 75-93

Hoover, Herbert, 234, 235; artwork about, 64; papers relating to opened, 196

Hoover, J. Edgar, 236

Hoover, Lou Henry, clothing donated, 197; papers relating to opened, 196

House Un-American Activities Committee, 274

Housing and Urban Development, Department of, records accessioned, 262

Howard, O. O., letter by, 115; picture of, 115

Humphrey, Hubert H., 66

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Immigration and Naturalization Service, files accessioned, 136, 266

"The Impact of Technology on Documentary Editing," by Frank G. Burke, 144-145

Impressment, of seamen by British, 46, 49

Inaugural committees, records accessioned, 198

"Income Tax Records of the Civil War Years," by Cynthia G. Fox, 250-259

Index (Soundex) to Passengers Arriving in New York, New York, 1944-1948, microfilm publication, 204

Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Montana Territorial and Federal Courts, 1868-1929, by Phillip E. Lothyan and Candace D. Lein, microfilm publication, 63

Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Thurston County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1850-1974, by Phillip E. Lothyan and David M. Piff, microfilm publication, 63

Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court Western District of Washington, Northern Division (Seattle), 1890-1952, by Phillip E. Lothyan and David M. Piff, microfilm publication, 203

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, files accessioned, 56, 264, 267; photographs collected by accessioned, 133; records accessioned, 134, 263, 265; records opened, 135

Indian reservation and trust lands, files relating to accessioned, 56

Institute for Inter-American Affairs, records declassified, 130

Interior Department Appointment Papers: Alaska, 1871-1907, by Samella T. Anderson, microfilm publication, 63

Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Minnesota, 1862-1866, by Mario F. Lopez-Gomez, microfilm publication, 63

Internal Revenue Service, article about, 250-259; records accessioned, 58

International Communications Agency, photographs accessioned, 133, 136

International trade, records relating to declassified, 57 Iredell, James, quoted, 187

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Jackson, Andrew, 64

Jackson, C.D., papers declassified, 59

Jameson, J. Franklin, 148, 149, 153, 154, 158, 161, 174, 177; "Gaps in the Published Records of United States History," 148

"Jane Storms Cazneau: Disciple of Manifest Destiny," by Anna Kasten Nelson, 25-40

Japan, records relating to accessioned, 131; records relating to declassified, 261

Jay, John, 98, 100, 103, 104, 171,183; portrait, 97, 182; quoted, 187

Jefferson, Thomas, 148; portrait, 148

Jenckes, Joseph, files opened, 269

Jenkins, Walter, transcripts opened, 200

Jensen, Merrill, 156, 163, 174; photo, 160

Jerusalem, Israel, records relating to accessioned, 195

Jervis, Richard L., 227, 230, 233, 234

Jimmy Carter Library, 72; dedicated, 273

Johanna (island), article about, 241-249; illustration, 242-243, 245

John F. Kennedy Library, 72; accessions and openings, 60, 200; grants awarded, 278

Johns Hopkins University Publication Project, papers accessioned, 59, 268

Johnson, Andrew, III

Johnson, Lady Bird, 123-129; photo, 124, 129; quoted, 125

Johnson, Lyndon B., 73, 123-129, 149-150; files opened, 00-201; photo, 127, 128, 129; quoted, 125, 127, 128

Johnson, Rebekah Baines, 123; photo, 126; quoted, 123

Johnson, U. Alexis, records accessioned, 131; records declassified, 261

Jones, John Wesley, papers opened, 268

Judicial Conference of the United States, records accessioned, 262

Justice, Department of, Bureau of Investigation, 229, 236; records accessioned, 262; records appraisal project, 64

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Kaminski, John P., Richard Leffler, and Gaspare J. Saladino, "The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution," 153-161

Kammen, Michael, quoted, 157, 161

Karnow, Stanley, files accessioned, 60

Kelley, William A. ("Spike"), records accessioned, 57

Kendall, William, files opened, 201

Kennedy, John F., 223, 236; quoted, 149

Kepley, David, and Mary Rephlo, Bill Books of the U.S. Senate, 1795-1845; Transcribed Reports of Committees of the U.S. Senate, 1817-1827; Transcribed Reports and Communications Transmitted by the Executive Branch to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1819; Transcribed Treaties and Conventions Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1836, microfilm publications, 204; Register of Credentials of United States Senators, 1789-1821; Register of Documents Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1814-1828, microfilm publications, 271

King, Rufus, 171

Korea, records relating to accessioned, 131; records relating to declassified, 57

Korean War, photos relating to accessioned, 133

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La Verdad, 32, 35

Labor, Department of, records relating to accessioned, 131

Lamar, Mirabeau B., 32

Land Management, Bureau of, records accessioned, 132, 135, 264

Langbart, David A., Records of the Department of State Relating to Problems of Relief and Refugees in Europe Arising from World War 11 and Its Aftermath, 1939-49, microfilm publication, 63

Langley, Lester D., "Fightin' Fred Funston and the Rebellion in Cuba," 7-23

Larkin, Felix E., records accessioned, 57, 198

Latin America, records relating to declassified, 260-261

Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, recordings transferred, 196

Leafy, Bill, 207; The Archival Appraisal of Photographs: A RAMP Study With Guidelines, 61

Lee, Fitzhugh, 21

Lee, Robert E., 84

Leffler, Richard, "The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution," 153-161

Lein, Candace D., Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Montana Territorial and Federal Courts, 1868-1929, microfilm publication, 63

Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Alabama, 1871-1884, by William D. Grover, microfilm publication, 63

Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Arkansas, 1871-1884, microfilm publication, 204

Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Kentucky, 1871-1884, by Cynthia G. Fox, microfilm publication, 63

Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Virginia, 1871-1884, by William D. Grover, microfilm publication, 63

Letters Sent to the Office of Indian Affairs by the Pine Ridge Agency, 1875-1914, microfilm publication, 271

Libya, records relating to declassified, 59

Lincoln, Abraham, 253, 255, 258; photo, 253; quoted, 106

Lindh, Patricia, files opened, 201

Lists of Chinese Passengers Arriving at San Francisco, 1882-1914, microfilm publication, 204

Lists of Navy Veterans For Whom There Are Navy Widows' and Other Dependents' Disapproved Pension Files, microfilm publication, 63

Lists of U.S. Citizens Arriving at San Francisco, 1930-1949, microfilm publication, 272

Livingston, Rebecca, Subject Index to Naval Intelligence Reports, 1940-1946, microfilm publication, 63

Local history research, 250-259

"Looking for an Out-of-Print U.S. Government Publication?" (leaflet), 64

Lopez-Gomez, Mario F., Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Minnesota, 1862-1866, microfilm publication, 63

Lothyan, Phillip E., and Candace D. Lein, Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Montana Territorial and Federal Courts, 1868-1929, microfilm publication, 63

Lothyan, Phillip E., and David M. Piff, Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Thurston County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1850-1974, microfilm publication, 63; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court Western District of Washington, Northern Division (Seattle), 1890-1952, microfilm publication, 203

Lynch, Thomas J., papers accessioned, 198

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, grants, 66, 208, 278

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 72, 123-129, 277; accessions and openings, 60, 200-201, 268; exhibits at, 64; grants, 208-209

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"Machine Gun Kelly," records relating to accessioned, 266

MacLafferty, James H., correspondence and diaries opened, 196-197

Maclay, William, 158, 174, 179; portrait, 178

"MacNeil/Lehrer Report," videotapes accessioned, 263, 273

MacRae, John, "First in Peace" (engraving), 180

Madison, James, 147-148, 149, 157, 168, 171, 178; portrait, 154, 183; quoted, 153

Management and Budget, Office of, records accessioned, 132, 263

Manifest destiny, article about, 25-40

Manifests of Passengers Arriving in the St. Albans, Vermont, District through Canadian Pacific Ports, 1929-1949, microfilm publication, 204

Mao and China: From Revolution to Revolution, by Stanley Karnow, files relating to accessioned, 60

MARC/Life Cycle Tracking Project, 137-138

Marcus, Maeva, et al., "The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States," 181-188

Marcus, Maeva, and James R. Perry, editors, The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 17891800, 65

Marcy, William L., 35, 36, 38, 248; picture, 34; quoted, 35

Maria (ship), 243-244, 247, 248; photo, 240

Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 266; records transferred, 134

Marjolin, Robert, oral history interviews accessioned, 198

Marks, Sally M., Despatches from Special Agents of the Department of State, 1794-1906, microfilm publication, 272

Marsh, John O., 102; files opened, 201

Marshall, John, 183

Marshall, Ray, records accessioned, 131

Matchette, Robert B., Annual Reports of the War Department, 1822-1907, microfilm publication, 62-63

Matchette, Teresa, Registers of Lighthouse Keepers, 1845-1912, microfilm publication, 271

Matthews, H. Freeman, files accessioned, 131

The Maury Abstract Logs, 1796-1861, by Sharon Gibbs Thibodeau, microfilm publication, 204

McAdoo, William G., 230; photo, 228; quoted, 229

McCloy, John J., files declassified, 57

McCormack-Dickstein Committee, records opened, 195

McKinley, William, 23, 224, 229

Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of, photographs relating to accessioned, 133

Melby, John F., papers accessioned, 131, 198; papers declassified, 59

Mellon, Andrew W., 234-235

Mendelsohn, John, Nuernberg Trials Records Register Cards to the NG Document Series, 1946-1949, microfilm publication, 63; Nuernberg Trials Records Register Cards for the NI Document Series, 1946-1949; Nuernberg Trial Records Register Cards to the NOKW Document Series, 1946-1949, microfilm publications, 204 Mexican Revolution, films of accessioned, 132-133

Mexican War, 25, 31, 32

Mexico, 23; records relating to declassified, 260, 261

Microfilm publications, 62-63, 203-204, 271-272; catalogs published, 61-62, 271; Immigration and Naturalization Service, 62, 63, 204, 272; income tax records, 257; Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 63, 204, 271; Interior, Department of the, 63; internal affairs, foreign countries, 272; Internal Revenue Service, 63; Justice, Department of, 63, 204, 271; Navy, Department of the, 63; Nuernberg war crimes trials, 63, 204; passenger and crew lists, 63, 204; Post Office, 204; President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 271; Pueblo Indians, 63; rental program, 277; State, Department of, 63, 272; U.S. Coast Guard, 271; U.S. district courts, 63, 203, 271; U.S. Senate, 204; Veterans Administration, 63; War Department, 62-63; War Relocation Authority, 203; Weather Bureau, 204, 272; Wilkes, Charles, 63; World War II, 63, 204

Miles Brothers, photos by, 42-45

Military records, plan for management of, 139

Military Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm, by Cynthia G. Fox and Constance Potter, 271

Miller, Edward G., files declassified, 260

Mines, Bureau of, records accessioned, 264; records transferred, 206

Minnesota Historical Society, 65-66, 102

Mint, Bureau of the, records accessioned, 264

Minutes of Boards of Special Inquiry at .the San Francisco Immigration Office, 1899-1909, microfilm publication, 204, 272

Moley, Raymond, oral history interviews opened, 197

Mondale, Walter, papers transferred, 65-66

Monroe, James, 171

Mooers, Charles C., 243-244, 247, 248

Moran, William H., 230, 233, 234, 236; quoted, 229, 233

Morgan, Charles W., 243, 248

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 236

Morris, Robert, quoted, 174

Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus, portrait, 175

Mulligan, Timothy, Guides to Microfilmed Records of the German Navy, 1850-1945: No. 2, Records Relating to U-Boat Warfare, 1939-1945, microfilm publication, 61

Murphy, Joseph E., 227, 230, 233, 236; photo, 231, 232

Mutual Defense Assistance Program, Country Files declassified, 57

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, documents relating to accessioned, 199

National Archives Act of 1934, 148-149

National Archives and Records Administration, 174; accessions and openings, 56-60, 130-136, 194-201,260-269; Chicago Branch, 134; Civil Archives Division, 56-57, 131-132, 194-195, 262-263; declassified records, 57-60, 130-132, 135-136, 194, 260-262; Denver Branch, 134, 264-265; documentation projects, 154, 156; exhibits, 189191; Field Archives Division, 220-221; Fort Worth Branch, 265-266; Kansas City Branch, 134-135, 267; Legislative Records Division, 195; Los Angeles Branch, 135-136; Military Archives Division, 57-58, 195-196; New York Branch, 136, 266-267; news and notices, 64-66. 137139, 205-209, 273-278; Philadelphia Branch, 136, 277; publications, 61-63, 64, 202-204, 270-272; Records Declassification Division, 194, 260-262; San Francisco Branch, 136; Seattle Branch, 267; Special Archives Division, 58-59, 132-134, 196, 263-264; Still Pictures Branch, 276

The National Archives and Records Administration Annual Report for the Year Ended September 30, 1985, 206

National Archives Gift Collection, 132-133, 196, 263, 273

National Archives, Office of the, 138

National Archives Preservation Advisory Council, 276

National Archives Trust Fund Board, 270

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, 278

National Audiovisual Center, publications, 202-203

National Bureau of Economic Research, papers relating to opened, 199

National Bureau of Standards, publications, 203

National Cancer Institute, files accessioned, 195

National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 22,6

National Council for U.S.--China Trade, records accessioned, 201

National Criminal Justice Defense Center, recordings transferred, 196

National Endowment for the Humanities, 100, 158; Program for Editions, 163

National forests, records relating to opened, 135

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, films by accessioned, 133

National Historical Publications Commission, 4-5, 148-149, 153-161, 163-171, 174-179, 181-188

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 4-5, 65, 150, 158, 161, 174-179, 181-188; brochure, 202; conference on automation, 144-145; conference of State Historical Records coordinators, 209; grants, 209, 278; photo, 151

National Institutes of Health, records accessioned, 58-59, 195

National Intelligence Estimates Files, declassified, 60

National Park Service, film relating to transferred, 133

National Personnel Records Center, 275

National Public Radio, recordings accessioned, 196

National Science Foundation, 161; records accessioned, 206

National Security Affairs, Special Assistant for, records declassified, 59, 200

National Security Council, records declassified, 59, 199, 268

Navajo Indians, photographs of accessioned, 133; records relating to opened, 135

Naval districts and shore establishments, records accessioned, 136; records declassified, 135-136, 261

Naval Medical Battalion, photographs of accessioned, 133

Naval Sea Systems Command, letters to transferred, 66

Nelson, Anna Kasten, "Jane Storms Cazneau: Disciple of Manifest Destiny," 25-40

New Community Development Corporation, records accessioned, 262; records transferred, 206

New York Sun, 28, 30, 32

New York Times, quoted, 233, 235-236

New York Tribune, 88

"News and Notices," see National Archives and Records Administration

Nicaro Project, records relating to appraised, 56

Niles, David K., papers accessioned, 198; papers declassified, 199

Nixon Presidential Materials Project, 274

Nixon, Richard M., 65, 139; access to presidential papers, 205; audiovisual materials opened, 205

"North to Alaska: Photographs of the Last American Frontier," 41-45 North Carolina, article about, 75-93

Nuernberg Trials Records Register Cards to the NG Document Series, 1946-1949, by John Mendelsohn, microfilm publication, 63

Nuernberg Trials Records Register Cards for the NI Document Series, 1946-1949, by John Mendelsohn, microfilm publication, 204

Nuernberg Trials Records Register Cards to the NOKW Document Series, 1946-1949, by John Mendelsohn, microfilm publication, 204

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O'Brien, "Dynamite Johnny," 9, 11-13

O'Donnell, Patrick, files opened, 269

O'Sullivan, John L., 32, 38

"Observing the Unknown Treaty: The Bicentennial of the Treaty of Paris," by Joan R. Challinor, 95-108

Odum, Reathel M., papers accessioned, 198

"Of Whaling Ships and Kings: The Johanna Bombardment of 1851," by Kenneth R. Stevens, 241-249

Official Records of the United States Department of State, microfilm catalog, 62

Oil industry, records relating to accessioned, 266

Optical Digital Image Storage System, 275

Organization of American States, photographs relating to accessioned, 133; records relating to declassified, 260

Orphan children, 114, 116, 117, 119

Osgood, Winchester Dana, 15, 16

"Other Individuals and Organizations" File of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 1963-64, microfilm publication, 271

Otis, Samuel A., 177; portrait, 174

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Panama, records relating to declassified, 260

Passenger And Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco, 1954-1957, microfilm publication, 272

Passenger And Crew Lists Of Vessels Arriving At Seattle, Washington, 1890-1957, microfilm publication, 62

Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, Maryland, 1851-1948, microfilm publication, 272

Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco, California, 1893-1953, microfilm publication, 63

Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving in San Francisco from Honolulu, 1902-1907, microfilm publication, 204, 272

Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at San Francisco from Insular Possessions, 1907-1911, microfilm publication, 204, 272

Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Seattle from Insular Possessions, 1908-1917, microfilm publication, 204

Patman, Wright, papers opened, 201 Peace Corps, records accessioned, 195

Pearson, William, 244-247, 248

Pelley, William Dudley, files opened, 195

Perry, James R., editor, The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800, 65

Perry, Matthew C., 248

Peterson, Esther, 125, 127; photo, 128; quoted, 123

Peterson, Howard C., papers opened, 199

"The Philadelphia Seamen's Protection Certificate Applications," by Ira Dye, 46-55

Philippines, 22; records relating to accessioned, 131

Phoenix (ship), 243, 247

Photographs, archival appraisal of, 61

Pierce, Franklin, 248

Pierre Agency, records accessioned, 267

Piff, David M., Indexes to Naturalization Records of the Thurston County Territorial and Superior Courts, 1850-1974, microfilm publication, 63; Indexes to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, Northern Division (Seattle), 1890-1952, microfilm publication, 203

Pima Indian Agency, records opened, 135

Planned Parenthood Association v. Ashcroft, recordings accessioned, 273

Polk, James K., 25, 30, 31, 64

Pollock, John C., letters accessioned, 135

Pornography, Attorney General's Commission on, records accessioned, 262; records opened, 206

Port Security and Law Enforcement Division, U.S. Coast Guard, records declassified, 57

Post Office Department Reports of Site Locations, 1837-1950, by Jerry L. Clark, microfilm publication, 204

Potter, Constance, compiler, Military Service Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm, 271

Powers, Samuel L., 236; quoted, 224; photo, 225

"The President and the People: Presidential Protection Procedures, 1901-1933," by Richard B. Sherman, 223-239

President's Committee on Government Policy, records accessioned, 57

President's National Security File, records declassified, 60

Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving, records relating to accessioned, 56

Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, records accessioned, 263, 264; records opened, 206, 274

Presidential Inaugural Committee (1985), records accessioned, 132

Presidential libraries, 72-73; accessions and openings, 59-60, 196-201, 267-269; exhibits at, 64

Prisons, Bureau of, records accessioned, 262-263

Project Mohole, records transferred, 206

Property Management and Disposal Service (GSA), records accessioned, 56

Pryor, Charles, films by accessioned, 132-133

Psychological Strategy Board, records declassified, 59, 198, 199, 267

Public Housing Administration, records accessioned, 263

Public Roads, Bureau of, records accessioned, 134-135, 264

Publications from the National Archives (booklist), 271

Pueblo Indians, photographs of accessioned, 133

"The Pumpkin Papers": Evidence Used in United States v. Alger Hiss, 1948-1951, by John W. Roberts, microfilm publication, 271, 274

Purnell, Lewis M., records accessioned, 131

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Radio Liberty, records relating to accessioned, 198

Railroads, records relating to, 137

Randall, Clarence, report by declassified, 268

Reagan, Ronald, 98, 132; Public Papers published, 202; quoted, 273

Reclamation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 264-265

"Reconstructing Black Families: Perspectives from the Texas Freedmen's Bureau Records," by Barry A. Crouch and Larry Madaras, 109-122

Reconstruction, 88, 90; article on, 109-122

Recordkeeping responsibilities, federal employees, 202

Records Created by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Field Agencies Having Jurisdiction Over the Pueblo Indians, 1874-1900, by Eileen Bolger, microfilm publication, 63

Records Declassification Division, 137

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of the Balkan States, 1910-1939, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of the Free City of Danzig, 1919-1939, microfilm publication, 63

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Italy, 1930-1939, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Norway, 1910-1939, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Pakistan, 1945-1949, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Palestine, 1945-1949, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Spain, 1910-1929, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Sweden, 1910-1939, microfilm publication, 272

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Problems of Relief and Refugees in Europe Arising from World War II and Its Aftermath, 1939-1949, by David A. Langbart, microfilm publication, 63

Records of the Northern Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 18511876, by Samella T. Anderson, microfilm publication, 204

Records of the United States Exploring Expedition Under the Command of Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, 1838-1842, by Elaine C. Everly, microfilm publication, 63

Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of, article on, 109-122

Register of Credentials of United States Senators, 1789-1821, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 271

Register of Documents Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1814-1828, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 271

Registers and Indexes for Passport Applications, 1810-1906, microfilm publication, 272

Registers of Lighthouse Keepers, 1845-1912, by Teresa Matchette, microfilm publication, 271

Rephlo, Mary, Bill Books of the U.S. Senate, 1795-1845; Transcribed Reports of Committees of the U.S. Senate, 1817-1827; Transcribed Reports and Communications Transmitted by the Executive Branch to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1819; Transcribed Treaties and Conventions Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1836, microfilm publications, 204; Register of Credentials of United States Senators, 1789-1821; Register of Documents Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1814-1828, microfilm publications, 271

"The Retribution of Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker" (film), transferred, 196

Richards, George J., papers accessioned, 197; papers declassified, 197-198

Rickard, Edgar, diaries opened, 196

"Robert Capa: A Retrospective, 1932-1954" (exhibition), 64 Roberts, John W., "The Pumpkin Papers": Evidence Used in United States v. Alger Hiss, 1948-1951, microfilm publication, 271

Rodman, Samuel W., 243, 244, 248

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 72, 150, 227, 235; material relating to opened, 197; photo, 235

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., papers accessioned, 197

Roosevelt, Theodore, 13, 23, 148, 224, 226, 231; photo, 20

Rowe, James, Jr., papers opened, 267

Rowe, Libby, 125, 127-128

Russell, Francis H., records accessioned and declassified, 132

Ryan, Mary C., editor, Framers of the Constitution, 270

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Saladino, Gaspare J., "The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution," 153-161

Santa Domingo, 35-36, 38

"Sarah Clark" File, files accessioned, 58

Sargeant, Howland H., records accessioned and declassified, 132, 198, 199

Savage, Edward J., files opened, 269

Savings bonds, records relating to accessioned, 266

Scenic Hudson, Inc., papers opened, 59

Scott-Cora, Ivadnia E., Case Files of Disapproved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Dependents of Civil War and Later Navy Veterans, 1861-1910, microfilm publication, 63

Seamen's protection certificate applications, article about, 46-55; samples, 48, 49, 52, 54

Seaton, Fred A., papers opened, 200

Secret Service, article about, 223-239; records accessioned, 200

Selected Documents From the Records of the Weather Bureau Relating to New Orleans, 1870-1912, by Timothy D.W. Connelly, microfilm publication, 272

Selim, Sultan, article about, 241-249

Seward, William Henry, 26, 36, 38; picture, 34

Sherman, Richard B., "The President and the People: Presidential Protection Procedures, 1901-1933," 223-239

Sherrill, Clarence O., 231, 232, 234

Shriver, Sargent, files accessioned, 195

Silver Shirts of America, files relating to opened, 195

Sirica, John J., 138-139

Sixth Army, records declassified, 130

Slaveholders, 75, 78, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90

Smith, Nancy Kegan, "Women and the White House: A Look at Women's Papers in the Johnson Library," 123-129

Snyder, Howard McC., papers opened, 200

Snyder, John, papers declassified, 198

Soil Conservation Service, records accessioned, 263

Soul City, North Carolina, records relating to accessioned, 262

Soundex Index to Canadian Border Entries through the St. Albans, Vermont, District, 1895-1924, microfilm publication, 204

Soundex Index to Entries Into the St. Albans, Vermont, District through Canadian Pacific and Atlantic Ports, 1924-1952, microfilm publication, 204

"Sources at the National Archives for Genealogical and Local History Research," 46-55, 109-122, 250-259

South America, records relating to declassified, 260-261

Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee, records accessioned, 131

Southern Claims Commission, 77, 80-86, 89, 90

Spain, and the Cuban rebellion of 1895, 7-23

Sparks, Jared, 147, 148

Special House Committee on Un-American Activities Authorized to Investigate Nazi Propaganda and Certain Other Activities, records opened, 195

Special War Policies Unit, records accessioned, 262

Starling, Edmund W., 227, 230, 233, 234, 235; photo, 231, 235; quoted, 234

State, Department of, 102; declassification review agreement, 137; records accessioned, 131-132, 194; records declassified, 132, 260; records opened, 132, 137

Stein, Harold, papers accessioned and declassified, 59

Stevens, Kenneth R., "Of Whaling Ships and Kings: The Johanna Bombardment of 1851," 241-249

The Story of the Constitution, by Sol Bloom, 203

Strategic Services, Office of photographs accessioned, 134; records accessioned, 58; records declassified, 261-262

Subject Index to Naval Intelligence Reports, 1940-1946, by Rebecca Livingston, microfilm publication, 63

"Support the War Effort: The Philadelphia Home Front, 1917-1919" (exhibition), 277

Supreme Court, 150; article on documentary history of, 181-188; circuit courts, 186-188; records accessioned, 132, 264, 273-274; use of documentary history, 158, 161

Supreme Court Historical Society, 150, 181

Synthetic Fuels Demonstration Plant (Louisiana, MO), records transferred, 206

Swoyer, Martha Ann, oral history interviews accessioned, 198

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"Taking the Presidency to the People," by Frank G. Burke, 72-73

Tax assessment lists, 257-258

Taxes, article about, 250-259

Taxpayers, records relating to surveys of attitudes accessioned, 58

Tennessee Valley Authority, photographs relating to accessioned, 133

Texas, 27-28, 35, 36; article about, 109-122; exhibition on, 64, 277

Texas Railroad Commission, records relating to accessioned, 266

"That Funny Little Office Down the Hall," by Frank G. Burke, 4-5

Thibodeau, Sharon Gibbs, The Maury Abstract Logs, 1796-1861, microfilm publication, 204

"'Tis Done! We Have Become a Nation" (exhibition), 276

Trade Agreements Committee (Department of Defense), records declassified, 57

Transcribed Reports of Committees of the U.S. Senate, 1817-1827, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 204

Transcribed Reports and Communications Transmitted by the Executive Branch to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1819, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 204

Transcribed Treaties and Conventions Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1789-1836, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 204

Treasury, Department of the, records accessioned, 266; Secret Service Division, article about, 223-239 Treaty of Paris, article about, 95-108

Trist, Nicholas, 25, 32

Truman, Harry S., 149, 223, 236; photos, 150, 238; records relating to accessioned, 199; Secretary's Files declassified, 197-198, 267

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Union Army, 86-88, 90

United Nations, records relating to declassified, 57

United States Air Force Commands, films accessioned, 196

U.S. Army Commands, records accessioned, 264

U.S. Army Hawaii, records declassified, 194

U.S. Army Japan, records declassified, 194

U.S. Army Pacific, records declassified, 194

U.S. Army Ryukyu Islands, records declassified, 194

U.S. Army Signal Corps, photographs accessioned, 133-134

U.S. Army Unit Records, opened, 200, 268

U.S. attorneys and marshals, case files processed, 136; records accessioned, 266

U.S.-Brazil Military Commission, records declassified, 261

U.S. Coast Guard, records accessioned, 134; records declassified, 57

U.S. Congress, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, records accessioned, 195; Joint Library Committee, 148

U.S. Council on Foreign Economic Policy, papers declassified, 59

U.S. Court of Appeals, case files accessioned, 265; case files transferred, 134

U.S. Courts, Administrative Office of the, records accessioned, 262

United States Customs Service, records accessioned, 135, 136, 266-267

U.S. district courts, case files accessioned, 265, 267; films transferred, 196; naturalization records accessioned, 135; records accessioned, 134, 135, 136

The United States Government Manual, 1985-86, 62; 1986-87, 202

U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, files declassified, 57, 131, 194

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, records declassified, 261

United States Marine Corps, reports accessioned, 58

U.S. Naval Home (Philadelphia), records accessioned, 136

U.S. Navy, Department of the, records accessioned, 195-196

U.S. Park Police, 231, 234-235

The United States and Russia: The Beginning of Relations, 1765-1815 (book), records relating to accessioned, 195

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, records opened, 139

U.S. Study Commission-Texas, records accessioned, 266

U.S. v. Bob Jones University, recordings accessioned, 273

U.S. v. Caceres, records accessioned, 273

U.S. v. UpJohn Co., recordings accessioned, 273

Urban Mass Transportation Administration, photographs accessioned, 196

Ursomarso, Frank A., papers accessioned, 201, 268

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Valdez, Alaska, 41-45

Valdez, Copper River and Yukon Railroad Company, 41; photos relating to, 42-45

Van Fleet, James G., records accessioned, 57

Vance, Zebulon, 84; photo, 77; quoted, 80

Veit,Helen E., editor, Documentary History of the First Federal Congress, 1789-1791, 65

Vietnam, papers relating to accessioned, 199

Vigilantes, 84, 85

"The Visualization of the Urschell Kidnapping Showing the Federal Government's Determined Drive on Crime" (film), transferred, 196

Voice of America, records accessioned, 136

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Wagner, George, Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., No. 83. Records of the SS Economic and Administrative Office; No. 84. Records of the German Armed Forces High Command, Part VIII; War Economy and Armament Office, microfilm publications, 61-62

Walch, Victoria I., 278

Walker, William, 8, 27, 38

Wallace, Edward S., Destiny and Glory, 26, 32, 38; quoted, 26

Wanamaker, Temple, records accessioned, 131

War crimes (WWII), records relating to accessioned, 264

War Department, records declassified, 58

"The War Within the Confederacy: White Unionists of North Carolina," by Michael K. Honey, 75-93

Ward, Barbara, 125; photo, 129

Ware, Caroline, records relating to opened, 197

Warren, Earl, 158, 161; photo, 187; quoted, 154

Washington, George, 168, 169, 171; portrait, 162, 165, 169; quoted, 165, 187, 191

Watergate tapes, access regulations, 65

Watergate Special Prosecution Force, records opened, 139

Watershed Protection Program, records relating to accessioned, 263

"We, The Japanese People" (exhibition), 277

Webster, Daniel, 244, 247; quoted, 241, 244

Weidenfeld, Sheila R., files opened, 269

Welcome to the National Archives, translations available, 62

Westmoreland, William C., files relating to accessioned, 268

White House, Security, article about, 223-239

White House Communication Agency, files opened, 274

White House Press Secretary Files, 125

White House Social Files, 123-129

Wilkie, John E., 224, 226, 227; photo, 222

Williams, D.A., speeches accessioned, 263

Wilson, James, 158; portrait, 184

Wilson, James M., papers accessioned, 201

Wilson, Woodrow, 23, 226-227, 229, 230

Wind River Agency, records accessioned, 134, 264

Window Rock Agency, records opened, 135

Women, Interdepartmental Committee on the Status of, 128

"Women and the White House: A Look at Women's Papers n the Johnson Library," by Nancy Kegan Smith, 123-129

World War II, records relating to accessioned, 262; records relating to declassified, 261-262

Wounded Knee, film of 1973 incidents accessioned, 133

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, files accessioned, 58

Wyatt, Walter, correspondence opened, 197

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Young, Jeanne, Community Analysis Reports and Community Analysis Trend Reports of the War Relocation Authority, microfilm publication, 203

"You Don't Have to Live in Washington to Visit the National Achives," by Frank G. Burke, 220-221

Young, Kenneth T., records accessioned, 131

pFad - Phonifier reborn

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Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy