Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1988


Note: All references to the Celebrating the Constitution issue have page numbers preceded by a C-.

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339th Infantry, 30

3480 Class Tape Cartridge Drives and Archival Data Storage, by Thomas E. Weir, Jr., 293

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ABC, C-21, C-42, C-49

Abrams, Floyd, C-80; photo, C-80

"Accessions and Openings," see National Archives and Records Administration

Accounts, Bureau of (Treasury), records declassified, 283

Acheson, Dean, records accessioned, 54, and declassified, 59

Adams, John, 44

Adjutant General's Office, files declassified, 118

Adkins, Bertha S., papers accessioned, 60

Admiralty Case Files of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, 1850-1900, by Kathleen M. O'Connor, microfilm publications, 64

Admiralty, Continental Board of, 45, 46, 47, 48

Admiralty Court (PA), 44

Admiralty Final Record Books, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, 1858-1907, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 216

Admiralty Final Record Books, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, Key West, 1829-1911, by Gayle P. Peters, microfilm publication, 216

Aeronautics, Bureau of, records declassified, 206

Agency for International Development, records declassified and opened, 53, 207, 284

Agriculture, Department of, records accessioned, 57, 285

Air Force, U.S. Department of the, records accessioned, 289-290

Airman's Guide, master copies accessioned, 211

Alabama, 193

Alaska, records relating to accessioned, 289

Alaska Communications System, records accessioned, 289-290

Alaska Purchase Centennial Commission, records relating to accessioned, 289

Aldrich, Nelson, 191-192, ]98

Alexander v. U.S., 17

Alexandra, Princess, photo, C-28

Alexandria, VA, 176, 177, 178

Alexandria Light Dragoons, 51

Alfred (ship), 49

Allen, Martin J., Jr., 127

Allied Control Commission (World War II), 296

Allison & Allison, article about, 101-113

Allison, David Clark, 101, 102, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112; photo, 102

Allison, George B., 106

Allison, James Edward, 101, 104, 105, 106, 111-112, 113; photo 105

Allison, John, 17-18

Alphabetical Card Name Indexes to the Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served in Union Organizations not Raised by States or Territories, Excepting the Veteran Reserve Corps and the U.S. Colored Troops, by Paul A. Schmidt, microfilm publication, 216

American Association for State and Local History, 126

American Bar Association, C-61-62, C-64, C-79

American Commonwealth, The, by James Bryce, 182

"American Experiment: Creating the Constitution, The" (exhibit), C-30 34, C-38

"American Experiment: Living with the Constitution, The" (exhibit), C-30, C-34, C-36-37, C-38

American Historical Association, 126

American Institute of Architects, 104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 113

American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 253, 255

American Law Review, The, 17

American Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation, C-79

American Passenger Arrivals, by Michael Tepper, 215

American Relief Administration, 256

American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, 143

"American Voices" (exhibit), 224

Ames, Herman, 182

Anch, Sam, oral history interview with opened, 290

Anders, Roger M., 225; photo, 275; "The President and the Atomic Bomb: Who Approved the Trinity Nuclear Test?", 268-282

Anderson, David A., 154

Andrews, Patricia, 65

Annals of Congress, 159

Anthony, Susan B., 246; photo, 245

Antifederalists, 144, 146-147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 163, 165

Appeal of the Thirty-one, 259, 260

Apple Computer, C-34

Archangel, Russia, 30

Archives: A Guide to the National Archives Field Branches, The 215

Archives and Records Information Coalition, 296

Archives Library Information Center, 296

Arkansas, 7-20

Armour, Norman, 31

Armstrong, Anne, files opened, 61

Army, Department of the, records accessioned, 55, 210, 213, declassified and opened, 53, 118, 207, 283, and opened, 119

Asia, records relating to accessioned, 54, and declassified, 53, 206

Association for Documentary Editing, 126

AT&T, C-55

Atomic bomb, article about, 268-282

Atomic Energy Commission, correspondence accessioned, 286

Augusta Chronicle (Georgia), 190

Austin & Ashley, 105, 113

Austria, 255; records relating to accessioned, 54, and declassified, 206

Aylward, James P., oral history interview with opened, 290

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Bacon, Francis H., C-11

Bagge, Beverly, 64

Bailey, Joseph W., 191, 192

Baker, George Barr, 262

Baker University, 129 Balderston, Lloyd, 51

Baldridge, Holmes, papers opened, 59

Baltimore, MD, 167, 172-173

Bankruptcies, court records of accessioned, 120, 209, 210-211

Barnes, Michael D., C-77, C-82

Barnet, Richard, C-77, C82

Barry, Marion, C-25, C-49; photo, C-27

Barton, William, 48

Basic Magnesium, Inc., records relating to accessioned, 58

Baxter, Elisha, 9

Beard, Charles, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150; photo, 147

Bearss, Edwin, 67

Becker, Ralph, papers accessioned, 290

Becker, William H.., files accessioned, 288

Beelman, Claud, 111, 112

Begin, Menachem, 296-297

Belgium, 249, 262

Berlin, Ira, et al., "'To Canvass the Nation': The War for Union Becomes a War for Freedom," 224-225, 227-247

Bernhard, Berl I., papers opened, 60-61

Best, Gary Dean, 258

Beveridge, Albert, 192

Beverly Hills, CA, 102, 109-111, 113; post office, photos, 100, 111 "Bicentennial Daily Digests," C-41, C-53

Bicentennial '87 Lecture Series, C-82

Bickford, Charlene, 68, C-75, C-76

Biden, Joe, 93

Bill of Rights, 140, 141, C-16, C-31, C-34; article about, 143-159

Bill of Rights, The (booklet), C-69-70

Bill of Rights Day, C-76

Birch, William R., View of the Capitol (watercolor), 162

"Birth of the Bill of Rights: The State of Current Scholarship, The" by James H. Hutson, 143-161

Blackmun, Harry As, C-7, C-71, C-77

Blakefield, William, "Constitutional Celluloid: Bicentennial Films," C-18-24

Bloom, Sol, C-7, C-68-69

Bolshevik Revolution, 30, 32

Bolsheviks, 25, 27, 28, 34, 35

Bonura, Zeke, 89

Boomer Movement, 13

Borah, William, 191, 192, 194

Boulder Laboratories (NBS), records accessioned, 57

Bound Volumes of the General Records of the U.S. Consulate at Yokohama, Japan, 1936-1939, by Michael G. Knapp, microfilm publication, 216

Bowling, Kenneth R., 140, 141, 154; "Neither in a Wigwam Nor the Wilderness: Competitors for the Federal Capital, 1787-1790," 163-179

Boy Scouts of America, C-7, C-47

Bragdon, John Stewart, records opened, 60

Brant, Irving, 150-151, 153

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of, 26, 27

Bretton Woods Conference, records relating to accessioned, 54

Brewer, David J., 193

Brewster, Benjamin, 12

Brinkley, David, C-42

British Broadcasting Company, C-50

British Commonwealth of Nations, records relating to accessioned, 54

Brooks, Joseph, 9

Brown, Henry, 189

Brown, Linda, C-50

Brown, Robert E., 149

Brownell, Herbert, Jr., papers accessioned, 212

Bruns, Roger, 217

Bryan, William Jennings, 186, 187, 190, 191

Bryce, James, 182

Buchen, Philip W., files accessioned, 292

Buck, Rufus, 9

Buck, Solon, C-13

Buckler, William H., 250

Bukowski, P. I., 31

Bull, Stephen B., 86

Bunce, Peter, C-23, C-64

Burchman, Leonard, papers accessioned, 212

Burger, Warren, C-25, C-71, C-80, C-81; photo, C-26

Burgess, John W., 184

Burke, Frank G., 65, 66, 68, 215, 217, C-43, C-49, C-50, C-51, C-53; "A Celebration at the National Archives," C6-7, photo, 217, C-7, C-29

Burnham, David, C-76; photo, C-75

Burns, Arthur, papers accessioned, 213

Burns, James MacGregor, C-80

Bush, Vannevar, 272; photo, 273

Butler, Benjamin F., 233; photo, 232

Butler, Pierce, 173

Butterfield, Alexander P., 84, 86, 87

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Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN), C-50, C-75; tapes accessioned, 119-120, 285

California, 256, 258, 259, 261; records relating to accessioned, 57, 58, 211

California Edison Building, Los Angeles, CA, 102; photo, 114

California Institute of Technology, C-16

"California Post Offices of Allison & Allison, The" by Susan L. Richards and Sally R. Sims, 101-113

Calley, William, audiotapes of court-martial trial accessioned, 286

Calmes, Alan, C-50; photo, C-17

Cameron, Simon, 233; photo, 232

Camp David Accords, exhibit relating to, 296-297

"Can the Constitution Be Amended? The Battle Over the Income Tax, 1895-1913," by David E. Kyvig, 181-200

Canada, records relating to accessioned, 56

Cannon, James M., papers accessioned, 213 214, 292

Cannon, Joe, 191

Cappon, Lester, 144

CARE, papers relating to opened, 61

Carey, George, 151

Carlisle, PA, 168, 171

Caroline Islands, records relating to accessioned, 212

Carroll, Charles, 178

Carroll, Daniel, 178; photo, 177

Carter, Jimmy, 90, 189, 296-297; photo, 94

Carter, Rosalyn, 128

Case Files of Approved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Dependents of Civil War and Later Navy Veterans ("Navy Widows' Certificates") 1861-1910, by Ivadnia E. Scott-Cora, microfilm publication, 216

Cause of Liberty, The (film), C-2021

CBS, C-7, C-21, C-26, C-42; records relating to accessioned, 55

"Celebrating a Special Anniversary," by Wayne Cook, C-40-55

"Celebration at the National Archives, A" by Frank G. Burke, C-6-7

Chamber of Accounts, 46

Chandler, Jefferson, 18

Chapin, Dwight, photo, 80

Charters of Freedom: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights (booklet), C-70

Chase, Samuel, 149, 154

Cheney, Dick, photo, 65

Cherokee Bill, portrait, 11

Cherokee Nation, 7

Chesapeake Bay, 164, 171-172, 173

Chicago Public Library, C-23

Chiles, Lawton, 68

Chickasaw Nation, 7

Child, Richard W., 262

China, People's Republic of, records relating to accessioned, 54, and declassified, 118

Chinese Exclusion Acts, records relating to accessioned, 211

Choate, Joseph H., 187, 189, 194, 195

Choctaw Nation, 7

Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA, 42

Christie, Ned, photo, 13

Christy, Howard Chandler, Signing the Constitution (painting), C-9

Civil Aeronautics Administration, records accessioned, 211

Civil rights and justice, materials relating to opened, 122

Civil War, 186, 224, 227-247

Clark, Edwin M., papers opened, 290

Clark, Walter, 182

Classroom materials, C-58-67

Clayton, Powell, 9; photo, 18

Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals (Japanese), records accessioned, 208

Cleveland, Grover, 186, 187

Climatology, records relating to accessioned, 58-59

Cobscook Bay, records relating to accessioned, 56

Cochran, Jacqueline, papers opened, 213

Cockran, Bourke, 186, 187

Colby, William E., C-77

Collazo, Oscar, trial transcript opened, 290

Collins, J. Lawton, papers opened, 213

Colonial Cotillion of Alexandria, C-48

Columbia Basin--Pacific Northwest Interagency Committee, records accessioned, 58

"Commemoration in Print, A," by Mary C. Ryan, C-68-73

Commercial Fisheries, Bureau of, records accessioned, 289

Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, 129-130, C-49

Committee of Americans for the Canal Treaties (COACT), files opened, 122

Communist Party, U.S.A., papers relating to declassified, 60, 213, 291

Compiled military service records, 218

Compiled Military Service Records of Michigan and Illinois Volunteers Who Served During the Winnebago Indian Disturbances of 1827, by Katherine Londos, microfilm publication, 294

Conant, James B., 272; photo, 273

Confederacy, 228, 233, 238

Confederate Court Records, Eastern District of North Carolina, 1861-1864, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 216

Congress, First Federal, 150, 153, 154, 159, 164, 165, 171, 173, 176, 177, 178

Connally, John B., papers accessioned, 291

Connor, Robert, C-11, C-12

Constitution Day 1987, C-7, C-41, C-43, C-53-55, C-67

Constitution: Evolution of a Government, The (teaching package), C-60-61, C-62

"Constitution on Film, The" (film series), C-18-21, C-23, C-24

"Constitutional Celluloid: Bicentennial Films," by William Blakefield, C-18-24

"Constitutional Compromise," by Don W. Wilson, 140-141

"Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties" (teaching package), C-62

Continental Board of Admiralty, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51

Continental Board of Treasury, 45, 46, 47, 48

Continental Board of War and Ordnance, 49, 51

Continental Congress, 42, 44, 46, 48

Continental Loan Office, 44

Continental Marine Committee, 48

Continental Navy Board, 44, 48, 51

Cook, Wayne, "Celebrating a Special Anniversary," C-40-55

Coolidge, Calvin, 265, C-11

Cooper, Dexter P., records accessioned, 56

Cooperative Forest Fire Protection Program, records accessioned, 284

"Creating the Constitution" (slide/talk program), C-66

Creek Nation, 7

Cret, Paul P., 106

Criminal Appeals Act (1889), 14, 17

Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment (film), C-21

Cronkite, Walter, C-7

Crowl, Philip, 149

Crump, George, 19

Crumpton v. U.S., 17

Cuba, papers relating to accessioned, 213

Cuban-Haitian Task Force, records opened, 123

Culberson, David, 14, 17

Cull, Richard, Jr., oral history interview with accessioned, 121; papers opened, 59

Cummins, Albert B., 191, 192

Curlett, William, 111

Cutler, Lloyd, C-25; files opened, 122

Cutler, Manasseh, 164; photo, 165

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Daly, Charles U., 66

Dams, records relating to accessioned, 56

Danieri, A. E., 105, 106

Danish Red Cross, 35

Davis, Leslie A., 36-38

de Cramm, Mathilda, 29

Dean, John, 87

Debnam, Betty, C62

Declaration of Independence, 42, 44, C-8, C-16, C-31

Declaration of Independence (painting), by John Trumbull, 46

Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, records accessioned, 287

DeLand, Clyde, painting by, 47

Delaware, 165

Delaware River, 164, 166

Democratic party, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 186, 187, 190, 191, 195, 229, 255, 256, 258

Democratic Vistas: Post Office and Public Art in the New Deal, by Marlene Park and Gerald E. Markowitz, 108, 109

Demographics, 97

Devens, Charles, 13

Directory of Archives and Manuscripts Repositories in the United States, 2nd Edition, 62

Disarmament, papers relating to accessioned, 60

District of Columbia, 141, 178, 235-237, 238, 241; files relating to accessioned, 208; petition from, 336

District of Columbia Community Humanities Council, C-75

D.C. Statehood Committee, C-64

Dix, John, 195

Document preservation, C-8-9, C-10, C-13, C-16-17

Documentary History of the First Federal Congress, 141

Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, 141

Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789-1800, The, 219

Doerr, Edd, C-77

Dole, Robert, 94

Dollar, Charles, 69

Dolliver, Jonathan, 192

Donovan, Hedley, materials relating to opened, 122

Dorsey, Stephen, 9

D'Otrange Mastai, Boleslaw, 48-49

D'Otrange Mastai, Marie-Louise, 48-49

Drinan, Robert, C-77, C-78; photo, C-78

Drug Enforcement Administration, photographs accessioned, 285

Dry, Murray, 151

Du Simitière, Pierre Eugene, 44, 48

Dulles, John Foster, 252, 261; files declassified, 206

Dumbauld, Edward, 144

Dunlop, John T., papers accessioned, 291

Dutch Elm Disease, photographs relating to accessioned, 285

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 67; accessions and openings, 60, 212-213, 290-291; conference, 128

Dworkin, Ronald, 157

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Eastern Europe, records relating to accessioned, 54, 119, 121, and declassified, 118

Eberhardt, Charles, 37, 38

Eckstein, Otto, papers accessioned, 213

Economic Administration, records declassified and opened, 53

Economic Development Administration, photographs accessioned, 285; records accessioned, 289

Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, An, by Charles Beard, 144, 146

Educational Press Association of America, C-63

Ehrlichman, John D., 82, 86; photo, 80

87-Hour Vigil, C-7, C-25-29, C-41, C-42, C-43-50, C-53, C-58, C-64, C-65, C-69, C-71

Eisenhower, David, 127

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 81; papers declassified, 60, 213, and opened, 290, 291; photo, 94

Eisenhower, Milton S., correspondence with accessioned, 212

Electronic records, 69

Ellerbe Becket, 68

Ellsworth, Oliver, 156-157, 176; photo, 156

Elsey, George M., 127

Emancipation Proclamation, 228, 242

Emancipation Society of Boston, 238-239, 241

Embassies, American, in Russia, 4, 25-40; Norwegian, in Russia, 28, 31, 32, 34, 38; Swiss, in Russia, 34; Danish, in Russia, 34, 35

Emergence of a Free Press, by Leonard W. Levy, 150, 151

Emergency Preparedness, Office of, records accessioned, 288

Emory University, Carter Center, 128

Employment and Training Administration, files accessioned, 121

Ends of Power, The, by H. R. Haldeman, 79

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 56, 209, 210, 211, 286, 289

Environmental Protection Agency, records accessioned, 57 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, case files accessioned, 287, 289

Ervin Committee, 86

Europe, article relating to, 249-267; records relating to accessioned, 54, 207, and declassified, 206, 207, 283

Evans, Frank, 215

Evans, Luther, C-13-14

The Evolution of the American Flag, by Lloyd Balderston, 51

"Evolution of Frontier Justice: The Case of Judge Isaac Parker, The" by Mary M. Stolberg, 7-20

Executions, 7, 10, 11, 14

Executive Protective Service, First Family Locator System, 84

"Exhibiting Constitutional Documents," by Emily Soapes, C-30-39

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Fallaci, Oriana, 87

"'Fancy Work, The' of Francis Hopkinson: Did He Design the Stars and Stripes?" by Earl P. Williams, Jr., 42-51

Far East, records relating to accessioned, 54, 119, 284, and declassified, 53, 118, 283, 284

Farm Credit Administration, case files accessioned, 289

Farmers Home Administration, files accessioned, 210

Faulkner, Barry, 218, C-15, C-58

Fawcett, Sharon, 126-127

Federal Aviation Administration, records accessioned, 120, 211

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 219; files accessioned, 208

Federal capital, 140-141, 163-178

Federal Court Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, compiled by Mary C. Ryan, Constance Potter, and Beverly Bagge, 63-64

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, minutes of meetings accessioned, 208

Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, files accessioned, 289

Federal Highway Administration, files accessioned, 209-210, 211, 288

Federal Interagency River Basin Committee, records accessioned, 58

Federal Judiciary Act Bicentennary, 297

Federal Music Project, 112

Federal Records Act, 126

Federal Records Centers, 76-77, 295, C-30, C-38, C-55, C-67

Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, records accessioned, 56

Federalists, 144, 146-147, 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 163, 171

Federation of Genealogical Societies, 129

Feminists, 245-246

Ferraro, Geraldine, 93

Field, Hermann, records relating to accessioned, 119

Field, Noel, records relating to accessioned, 119

Field, Stephen J., 189

Findley, William, 149-150

Finland, 25, 31, 35, 36, 40

First Confiscation Act, 233, 234

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, papers relating to accessioned, 291

Fitzgerald, Frances, C-76

Five Civilized Tribes, 7, 9, 11-12, 13, 20

Flag, American, 4; article about, 42-51

Flewelling, Ralph C., 109, 110, 111

Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 195

Focus on Research (Ford Library), 63

Food Aid Convention (1980), records accessioned, 284

Food for Peace, papers relating to opened, 61

Forbes, Helen K., 108-109

Ford, Betty, materials accessioned, 61

Ford, Gerald R., 90; materials accessioned, 61, 214; photo, 95

Foreign Aid Steering Group, records accessioned, 284

Foreign Service, 25-40

Forest Service, records accessioned, 284, 287

Forman, Ezekiel, 47

Fort, John Franklin, 194

Fort Smith, AR, 7-14, 17-20

Fort Smith Weekly Herald, 9

Fort Stanton, NM, records of Marine hospital accessioned, 288

Framers of the Constitution, C-7, C-69

France, 255, 262, 277; records relating to declassified, 283

Francis, David R., 26, 27-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; photo, 27

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 212

Franklin, Benjamin, 44, 165, C-42

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, accessions and openings, 212

Freedmen and Southern Society Project, 224-225, 228, 232

Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867 (project), 224, 229

Freightliner Corporation 128

Friends of Human Progress, petition from, 237-238

Frontier justice, 720

Fuller, Melville, 17, 18, 189; photo, 15

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Gaines, Joan B., papers accessioned, 212

"Gallant and Lawless Act" (play), C-48

Gatov, Elizabeth Smith, papers opened, 291

Gelber, Steven M., "Working to Prosperity: California's New Deal Murals," 111

General Services Administration, records accessioned, 58, 290

Genoa Conference, 262

Geological Survey, records accessioned, 56, 58, 287

Georgetown, MD, 164, ]72 173, 176, 177

Georgia State University, 128

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 69, 297

Gerald R. Ford Library, 63; accessions and openings, 61, 213-214, 292

Gerald Rafshoon Advertising, Inc., files opened, 122

Gerig, Benjamin, files accessioned, 207

Germantown, PA, 163-164, 165-166, 176

Germany, 26, 27, 30, 251, 252, 255, 262; High Commissioner for, files accessioned, 54; records relating to accessioned, 119, declassified, 206, 283, and opened, 53, 54

Gerry, Elbridge, 176; photo, 167

Gibson, Hugh, 255, 256

Gibson, John, 47

Girl Scouts of America, C-7, C-45

Gladstone, William, 181-182

Glasgow, William A., 256

Glenn, John, 68

Glick, Edward M., papers accessioned and opened, 212

Goode, Wilson, C-25; photo, C-27

Goodpaster, Andrew J., 81

Government Films, Office of the Coordinator of, photographs opened, 286

Government Printing Office, record set of publications moved, 295

Graf, Leroy P., 68

Grant, Ulysses S., 9, 178

Grants and fellowships, 69, 130, 297

Gray, Thomas, C-64

Grayson, William, 150 154

Great Britain, records relating to declassified, 118, and opened, 53

Great Depression, film series relating to, 297

Great Seal of the United States, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51

Greece, records relating to accessioned, 207

Greene, Harold H., C-51

Grey, Joel, C-25, C50

Griffith, Clark, 92; photo, 92

Grispo, Renato, 296

Grover, Wayne, C-13-14

Groves, Leslie R., 272, 273-274, 277-278, 281; photo, 269, 271, 274

Gruenther, Alfred, papers opened, 213

Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives, The compiled by George S. Ulibarri and John P. Harrison, 293

Guide to the National Archives, The 215

Gustafson, Milton, C-50

Guthrie, William D., 187, 189, 194, 195

Gutierrez, Annie, materials opened, 122

Gutkind, Gabriele, 212

Gwirtzman, Milton, papers opened, 61

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Haiti, records relating to opened, 123

Haldeman, H. R., "The Nixon White House Tapes: The Decision to Record Presidential Conversations," 79-87; photos, 78, 80

Hamilton, Alexander, 151, 153, 177 178; photo, 153

Hamilton, William, 167 168

"Hanging Judge," see Parker, Isaac Charles

Harding, Warren G., 249, 258-259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, C-10; photo, 265; portrait, 259

Harlan, John Marshall, 189, 190

Harmon, Judson, 14 l

Harris, Kenneth, photo, C-15

Harrisburg, PA, 167

Harrison, John P., 293

Harry S. Truman Award for Public Service, 128

Harry S. Truman Book Award, 219

Harry S. Truman Library, accessions and openings, 59, 121, 212, 290

Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, 128; grants, 130

Hart, Gary, 90

Hartley, Thomas, 168

Hastings, George, quoted, 48

Hastings, James, 87

Hatfield, Mark, 68

Hawaii, records relating to accessioned 211

Hawaiian Sugar Waste Pollution Study, records accessioned, 57

Hays, Will, 259

Headquarters Records of the District of the Pecos, 1878-1881, by Robert B. Matchette, microfilm publication, 294

Headquarters Records, Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, 1830-1857, by Fred J. Romanski, microfilm publication, 216

Headquarters Records, Fort Sumner New Mexico, 1862-1869, by Fred Walters, microfilm publication, 216

Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, records accessioned, 56, 285

Heath, Ferry K., 102, 105, 109, 111 l

Heinz, John, 68

Hellmuth, Obata, & Kassabaum, 67-68

Helmand River Project, records relating to accessioned, 54

Helsinki, Finland, 25, 36, 39, 40

Hemingway, Ernest, papers accessioned, 291, and opened, 61, 291

Hengstler, Herbert C., 36

Henry, Patrick, 154, 156

Herbert Hoover Library, 66, 217, C-55; exhibition at, 127-128

Herter, Christian, 263

Heuvel, William J. vanden, 127

Hiester, Daniel, 165, 167

Higby, Lawrence M., 84, 86

Higgins, Henry Bourne, 184

Historical Documentary Editions, 1988, 215

Historical Documents, Institute for the Editing of, 217

Historical Materials in the Gerald R. Ford Library, 63

Historical Materials in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 293

Hobson, Julius, files relating to accessioned, 208

Holl, Jack M., 268

Hollings, Ernest "Fritz," 90

Hollywood, CA, 102, 111-113; post office, photo, 112

Hollywood Citizen-News, 112

Holtz, Don, 51

Hoover, Herbert, 225, C-11, C-14; article about, 249-267 photo, 248, 252; portrait, 263

Hoover, J. Edgar, 80

Hopkinson, Francis, 4, 5; article about, 42-51; portrait, 43

House, E. M., 250, 252

Howard, A. E. Dick, C-77, C-78, C-80; photo, C-28

Hoxie, Gordon, C-76

Hughes, Charles Evans, 36, 193-194, 195, 260, 261, 262, 263, C-10, C-11, photo, 193, 261

Hull, Cordell, 191

Hutson, James H., 140; "The Birth of the Bill of Rights: The State of Current Scholarship," 143-161

Hyde, James F. C., oral history interview with accessioned, 214

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Immigration and Naturalization Service, C-55; files accessioned, 211

The Impossible War (film), C-20-21

"In Search of the Constitution" (film series), C-42

"In the Service of Their Country: Women During the Eisenhower Era" (conference), 128

Income tax, 181-198

Independence, MO, 128

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, photographs accessioned, 285; records accessioned, 120, 121, 209, 286-287, 288

Indian agents, 12-13

Indian courts, 17

Indian Territory, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 18, 20

Indian wars, 9

Indonesia, records relating to accessioned, 54

Inter Agency Committee on Water Resources, records accessioned, 57

Interior, Department of the, 12; records accessioned, 56

Interior, Office of the Secretary of the, records accessioned, 208, 287-288

International Monetary Fund, records relating to accessioned, 208

International Passamaquoddy Engineering Board, records accessioned, 56

International Regional Economics, Office of, records declassified, 283

International Wheat Agreement (1971), records accessioned, 284

Iran-Contra hearings, records accessioned, 208; videotapes accessioned, 120, and opened, 286

Isaacson, Walter, 219

Island Trading Company of Micronesia, records accessioned, 211-212

Italian Archives, 296

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Jackson, Sara, 219

Jackson, William, C-9

Jacobs, Richard, 65

Japan, constitution, C-38; records relating to accessioned, 208, declassified, 53, 206, and opened, 53, 54

Japan-U.S. Economic Relations Group, records opened, 123

Jefferson, Thomas, 44, 153, 154, 156, 177, C-9

Jenkins, Ray, files opened, 122

Jennings, Peter, C-42, C-50

Jessup, Philip C., files accessioned, 207

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, C-16

Jimmy Carter Library, accessions and openings, 122-123; exhibit, 296-297; symposium, 128

John F. Kennedy Library, 66, 68-69; accessions and openings, 60-61, 291

John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, grants, 69, 130

Johnson, Hiram, 256, 258; photo, 258

Johnson, Lyndon B., 80, 81, 83, 84, 89, 97, C-36; bibliography on published, 216; files opened, 121; photo, 96

Johnson, Tom, 127

Johnstone, Frederic Bruce, 184

Joint Committee on the Library, C-14

Jones, John Paul, 49

Jones, Norvell, C-50

Jordan, Barbara, C-51-52, C-55; photo, C-51

Jordan, David Starr, 256

Jordan, Philip, 26, 28, 29, 30

Jordon, Hamilton, files opened, 122

Journals of the Continental Congress, 45

Judge Advocate General, Office of the, audiotapes accessioned 286

Justice, Department of, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 18; financing of frontier courts, 10-11; records accessioned, 207; records relating to opened, 59

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Kammen, Michael 143, 182, C-80; photo, ]44

"Kansas City Illustrated" (television program), C-62

Kansas City Star, 129

Kansas State Historical Society, ]29

Kassler, Charles 11, 110, 111; paintings by, 108, 110

Kelham, George W., 101

Kellogg, Vernon, 255, 259; photo, 259

Kemp, Percy G., 40

Kendall, Willmoore, ]51

Kennedy, Edward M., papers accessioned, 291

Kennedy, John F., 93, C-20, C-21; papers opened, 60; photo, 91; tapes opened, 69, 291

Kennedy, Robert F., C-21; papers relating to opened, 61

Kennedy, Mrs. Zenaida, 26, 30, 33, 34, 35

Kennedy's Inaugural Address of 1961, 64

Kenyon, Cecelia, 146 147, ]49, 150, 151, 157

Ketcham, Ralph, 153

Kiesinger, Kurt, 82-83

King, Larry, C-7, C-50

Kissinger, Henry, 82, 87; photo, 83

Koppel, Ted, C-42

"Korea: America's First Limited War" (exhibit), 128-129

Korean War, photographs relating to opened, 286

Korsström, Karin Sante, 4, 5; article about, 25-41

Korsström, Lars Gustaf Herman, 38

Krug, Judith, photo, C-77

Kuralt, Charles, 128

Kurowsky, Agnes von, papers opened, 291

Kyvig, David E., 140-141; "Can the Constitution be Amended? The Battle Over the Income Tax, 1895-1913," 181-200

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LaFarge, Henry, 112, 113

Lafayette, Marquis de, 154

LaFollette, Robert, 185, 192

Lancaster, PA, 167-168

Land Management, Bureau of, records accessioned, 207 208, 210, 287

Lansing, Robert, 252

"Larry King Show" (radio), C-50

Lash, Joseph P., papers accessioned, 212

Latin America, records relating to accessioned, 119, 121

Law and order, 4, 7-20

Lawson, Michael L., 67

League to Enforce Peace, 255, 259, 262, 263

League of Nations, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265

League of Women Voters, 265

Lebanon, records relating to accessioned, 207

Lee, Charles, 47

Leibach, Dale, files opened, 122

L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 177; photo, 177

Lenin, Vladimir, 26; photo, 34

Leonard, Sugar Ray, C-7, C-26, C-48; photo, C-29

Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of Alabama, 1871-1884, by Michael E. Hopkins and William D. Grover, microfilm publication, 125

Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of Arkansas, 1871-1884, by Jestine M. Turner, microfilm publication, 125

Letters Received by the Department of Justice From the State of Kentucky, 1871-1884, by Michael E. Hopkins and Cynthia G. Fox, microfilm publication, 125

Letters Received by the Department of Justice from the State of Texas, 1871-84, by Nancy Y. McGovern, microfilm publication, 216

Levi, Edward, scrapbooks opened, 214

Levy, Leonard W., 150, 151, 153, 157, photo, 149

Liberty Bell, 201-203, 204

Library of Congress, 25, 40, 68, C-8, C-10-14, C-16; records transferred, 120

Lincoln, Abraham, 228, 232, 238, 241, 243, photo, 231

Lipshutz, Robert, 127; files opened, 122

Little Rock, AR, 9

Lloyd George, David, 262

Lloyd, Thomas, 159

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 252, 260; photo, 253

Londos, Katherine, 294

Long, Joseph R., 198

Lorentz, Pare, photographs from his films opened, 286

Los Angeles Federal Building, CA, 105, 113

Loucheur, Louis, 262

Louisiana Purchase Treaty of 1803, 64

Lovell, James, 44

Lovin, Clifford, 225; "Herbert Hoover, Internationalist, 1919-1923," 249267

Lowell, Lawrence, 262, 263

Lusitania, cargo manifest accessioned, 121

Lutz, Donald, 157

Lyndon B. Johnson, a Bibliography, Volume Two, compiled by Craig H. Roell, 216

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 130, 297

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 293; accessions and openings, 121-122, 213, 291-292; exhibit, 128-129

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MacArthur, Douglas, 129, C-38

Macdonald, David R., papers accessioned, 292

Maclay, William, 165, 167-168

MacLeish, Archibald, C-12-13, C-21

Madison, James, 141, 153-154, 156,157,176, 177-178, C-40 C-52, C-70; photo, 152

Magna Carta, 67

Main, Jackson T., 149

Maine, records relating to accessioned, 56

Major, John, C-75

Malson, Robert, materials opened, 122

Man Behind the Quill: Jacob Shallus, Calligrapher of the United States Constitution, The, by Arthur Plotnik, C-69

MARC/Life Cycle Tracking of Archival Records, 63, 125

Manhattan Engineer District, 225, 268, 272-274, 278, 281; records accessioned, 209

Marcus, Maeva, C-76

Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of, files accessioned, 210

Marjorie Kovler Research Fellowship, 130

Marsh, John, C-49

Marshall, George C., 272, 273, 274, 277

Marshall, Thurgood, C-42

Martin, Louis, files relating to opened, 122

Maryland, 167, 172-173, 176

Maryland, University of, 228

Mason, Alpheus T., 150, 151

Mason, George, 157; photo, 158

Massachusetts, records relating to accessioned, 56

Matchette, Robert B., 294

Mathias, Charles McC., Jr., C-25; photo, C-28; correspondence accessioned, 55

Matteson, Robert E., papers accessioned, 60, 212-213

Mauna Loa Observatory, records accessioned, 58

Maxwell, Lawrence, 187

Mays, Willie, 99

McCarthy, Joseph, 144

McDonald, Forrest, 147, 149, 150; photo, 147, C-77

McGovern, Nancy Y., 293-294

McGrath, Nettie, C-64

McKenna, Margaret, files opened, 122

McMillan, Benton, 186

Means, Dennis R., C-49

Means, Gardiner C., papers accessioned, 212

Mearns, David, C-14

Media Resource Catalog Supplement, 124-125

Megronigle, James, 126, C-50

"Men of Little Faith: The Anti-Federalists on the Nature of Representative Government," by Cecelia Kenyon, 146-147

Merced, CA, 101, 102, 104-109, 113; high school, photo, 105; post office, photo, 100, 106, 107

Merced Sun-Star, 106

Merchant Marine, vessel logs accessioned, 57

MGM Studios, Culver City, CA, 112

"Microenvironmental Research and New Directions in the Care of Collections" (conference), 66

Microfilm publications, 64, 125, 216, 294, Adjutant General's Office, 216, 294; Alabama, 125; Arkansas, 125; Brazil, 64, 125, 216; catalog of, 63-64; Civil War, 216; Japan 216; Justice, Department of, 125, 216; Kentucky, 125; North Carolina, 216; Patent Office, 125, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 125; Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of, 64; State, Department of, 64, 216; Texas, 216; U.S. Army commands, 216, 294; U.S. District Courts, 64, 216; U.S. Senate, 216; Virginia, 216

Middle East, records relating to accessioned, 54, and declassified 60

Milbank, Jeremiah, 127

Milbourn, Jane E., 294

Miles, Basil, 36

"Milestone Documents in the National Archives" (publication series), 64, C-70

Militia Act, 238

Milk Fund trial, 79

Miller, Page Putnam, 68

Milligan, James, 46

Mines, Bureau of, records accessioned, 57, 287

Mini Page (newspaper insert), C-62-63

Mining, photographs relating to accessioned, 285

Minute Books, U.S. Circuit Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, Raleigh, 1791-1866, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 216

Minute Books, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, Cape Fear Division at Wilmington, 1795-1796 and 1858-1911, by Mary Ann Hawkins, microfilm publication, 216

Moffett, George D., papers opened, 122

Monroe, James, C-10

A More Perfect Union: The Creation of the U.S. Constitution (booklet), C-69, C-70

Morris, Gouverneur, 156-157; photo, 157

Morris, Ira N., 35

Morris, Robert C., 65, 165-166, 176

Morrow, Irving, 101

Moscow, Russia, 26, 27, 30, 35

"Most Gracious Wit" (play), C-48-49

Mount, Charles Merrill, 127, 219

Mowrer, Hadley Richardson Hemingway, papers opened, 61

Moyers, Bill, C-42

Mueller, Jean West, "Teaching and the Constitution," C-58-67

Murphy, Betty Southard, C-79

Musick, Michael, 219

Mutual Security Administration, records declassified and opened, 53

Mutual Security Assistance Program, records relating to accessioned, 284, and declassified, 206

Mutual Security Program, report on declassified, 291

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Nader, Ralph, photo, C-29

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, C-16

National Archives and Records Administration, 4, 5, 68, 141, 201, 274; accessions and openings, 53-61, 118-123, 206-214, 283-292; Archives II, 67-68, 76-77, 126, 295, 296; Atlanta Branch, 286; Boston Branch, 55-57, 209, C-38; budget, 67; celebrating the Constitution, whole special issue; Chicago Branch, 209, C-23, C-38, C-64; Civil Archives Division, 54, 119, 207-208; conferences and workshops, 66-67, 69, 128, 129-130, 217; Denver Branch, 57, 209, 286-288, C-38; exhibits, 67, 69, 127-128, 129, 201-203, 296-297, C-30-39; field branches, C-22-23, C30, C-38, C-53; Fort Worth Branch, C-38; Kansas City Branch, 120-121, 129, 209-210, 288-289, C-38, C-62; Legislative Archives Division, 54-55, 284-285; Los Angeles Branch, 121, 210; Military Archives Division, 55, 119; New York Branch, 65, C-38; news and notices, 65-69, 126-130, 217-219, 295-297, Office of the Federal Register, 62, 68, 216, 294; Office of Public Programs, 63, C-58-67; Philadelphia Branch, 69, 290, C-23; presidential libraries, 59-61, 121-123, 212-214, 290-292; publications, 62-64, 124-125, 215-216, 293-294; Records Administration Information Center, 68; Records Declassification Division, 53, 118, 206-207, 283-284; San Francisco Branch, 57-59; Seattle Branch, 289-290, C-64; Special Archives Division, 55, 119-120, 285-286; Textual Records Division, 284

National Archives and Records Administration Annual Report for the Year Ended September 30, 1987, The, 124

National Archives Building, C-11, C-12-17, C-30, C-40-55

National Archives Gift Collection, 119-120, 207, 285

National Archives Gift Fund, 129, 218

"National Archives II," by Don W. Wilson, 76-77

National Archives Trust Fund Board, 62

National Archives Volunteers Association, C-7, C-65-66, C-74

National Archives Volunteers Constitution Study Group, C-74-82

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, 126

National Association of Government Communicators, 295

National Bureau of Standards, 69, C-16; records accessioned, 57

National City Bank of New York, 34

National Committee for the Bicentennial of the Treaty of Paris, records accessioned, 207

National Council for the Social Studies, C-62

National Genealogical Society, 129

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 65, 68, 126, 129, 141, 159, 215, 217, 219, 228, 296; grants and fellowships, 218-219, 297

National Historical Publications Committee, 62

National Industrial Recovery Act, 102

"National Institute on Genealogical Research" (workshop), 67

National Intelligence Survey Committee, records accessioned, 208

National Marine Fisheries Service, records accessioned, 289

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, records accessioned, 58, 289

National Park Service, 67, files accessioned, 210, 289

National Personnel Records Center, 4-5

National Register of Historic Places, 113

National Security Council, records declassified, 60, 213, and opened, 60; records relating to accessioned, 207

Native Americans, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14

Naturalization, ceremonies, C-7, C-50-52, C-55; court records accessioned, 56, 209, 288

Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of, records declassified, 206

NBC, C-20

NBS War Works Projects (World War II), reports accessioned, 57

Near East, records relating to accessioned, 54

Nebraska, records relating to accessioned, 120

Nebraska Council for the Social Studies, C-64

"Neither in a Wigwam Nor the Wilderness: Competitors for the Federal Capital, 1787-1790," by Kenneth R. Bowling, 163-179

Neuborne, Burt, C-76, C-77

New England River Basins Commission, records accessioned, 57

New England-New York Inter-Agency Committee, records accessioned, 56

New Era, 9

New Deal, 102, 109, 111

New Jersey, 164; seal, 42

New York, 194-195; records relating to accessioned, 56

New York City, 163, 164

New York Farmers Loan and Trust Company, 187, 189

New York Life Insurance Company, 34

New York Tribune, 186

New York World, 190

Newell, Gordon, 112, 113

Newhart, Bob, C-26; photo, C-28

Newman, William A., 112

"News and Notices," see National Archives and Records Administration

Newspaper Preservation Act, records relating to accessioned, 207

Nichols, Kenneth D., 272

Nicholson, Claudia J., C-50; "Patriotic Patents," 201-205

Niger, papers relating to opened, 291-292

1988 Supplement to the Guide to Record Retention Requirements, 62

Nisbet, Charles, 171

Nixon Presidential Materials Project, accessions and openings, 61

Nixon, Richard M., 128; article about, 79-87; files opened, 61; photos, 78, 80

"The Nixon White House Tapes: The Decision to Record Presidential Conversations," by H. R. Haldeman, 7987

Norstad, Lauris, papers opened, 60, 213

North American Review, 182, 184

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, records relating to accessioned, 207

North Moller Company, 106

Northeastern Resources Committee, records accessioned, 57

Norton, Edward J., 39

Norway, 26, 28, 31

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, anniversary celebration, 68-69

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O'Conner, John, 176

Oatis, William, records relating to accessioned, 119

"Odyssey of the Constitution, The," by Arthur Plotnik, C-8-17

Ofte, Donald, 268

Oklahoma Territory, 8, 11, 13, 20

Olney, Richard, 13-14, 187, 189; photo, 188

Olympia (ship), 34

On His Own: Robert F. Kennedy, 1964-1968, by Milton Gwirtzman and William vanden Heuvel, papers relating to opened, 61

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 277; photo, 269, 271

Optical Digital Image Storage System, 218

Ordnance, Office of the Chief of, records declassified, 118

Organization of American Historians, 126

Oryx Press, 62

"Other Individuals and Organizations File of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, by Marion M Johnson, microfilm publication, 125

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Pacific Ocean islands, records relating to accessioned 58, 59

Pacific Southwest Interagency Committee, records accessioned, 58

Palmet, Martta, 36

Palo Alto, CA, 101

Panama Canal, records relating to declassified and opened, 53, 118, 122

Papenfuse, Edward, photo, C-77

Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, The, 219

Papers Relating to the Administration of the U S. Patent Office During the Superintendency of William Thornton, 1802-1828: A Guide to Accompany Federal Documentary Military Edition No. 1, by C. M. Harris and Daniel Preston, microfilm publication, 125

Papers of Salmon P. Chase, The, 218-219

Paris Peace Conference, 250

Park, Marlene, and Gerald E Markowitz, Democratic Vistas: Post Office and Public Art in the New Deal, 108, 109

Parker, Isaac Charles, 4, 5; article about, 7-20; portrait 6, 10

Parkinson & Parkinson, 105, 113

Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project, records accessioned, 56

Patents, 201-205

"Patriotic Patents," by Claudia J. Nicholson, 201-205

Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, 191, 192

Payne, David, 13

Peace and Prosperity: 1953-1961 (learning package), 63

Peale, Charles Willson, 51; portrait by, 50

Peale, James, 51

Pearson, Drew, papers opened, 121-122, 213

Peck, Gregory, C-25-26, C-42; photo, 25

Pennoyer, Sylvester, 189-190

Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of, 149-150, 164, 165-168, 176, 178; Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, 129-130

"Perils of a Foreign Service Clerk: The Career of Karin Sante Korrström, The" by Benjamin D. Rhodes, 25-40

Permanent Court of International Justice (World Court), 263

Perot Foundation of Dallas, 67

Perot, Ross, 67

"Personalities Share in the Celebration," C-25-29

Peterson, Trudy, 65, 219, 295

Petitions, 224-225, 227-247

Petrograd, Russia, 25-29, 30-35, 36, 38, 49, 40

Petroleum Research Program, records accessioned, 57

Phelan, William, 259

Philadelphia, PA, 42, 165-166, 167, 178

Philippines, records relating to accessioned, 207

Pierre Indian Agency, files accessioned, 288

Pierrepont, Edwards, 10

Pine, Robert Edge, portrait by, 43

Pleasanton, Stephen, C-10

Plotnik, Arthur, C-69; "The Odyssey of the Constitution," C-8-17

Policy Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, records accessioned, 54

Pollock, Charles, 187

Pollock, Ralph, C-50; "Sharing Constitutional Ideas," C-74-82

Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust Co, 187, 189-190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198

Pony Express, painting by Charles Kassler, 11, 108

Poole, DeWitt, 31, 34, 36; photo, 38

Poole, F. C, 30

Pope, John Russell, C-6, C-1]

Populist party, 190

Porter, Susan, files opened, 214

Post offices, article about, 101-113; photos, 100, 106, 110, 111, 112

Potomac Harmony Chorus, C-48

Potomac River, 164, 167, 173, 176-178

Potter, Constance, 64

Potter, William P., 184

Potts, Barbara, 128

Pound, Ezra, records relating to accessioned, 284

Powell, Lewis, C-25, C-43; photo, C-25

"Preparing for the Celebration of the Bicentennial" (symposium), C-79-80

Presbyterians, petition from, 237

Presentation of the Constitution (mural), by Barry Faulkner, 218

"President and the Atomic Bomb: Who Approved the Trinity Nuclear Test?, The," by Roger M. Anders, 268-282

Presidential elections, article about, 89-99; Super Tuesday, 90

Presidential libraries, 126-128, 129; accessions and openings 59-61, 121-123, 212-214, 290-292; exhibits, 128-129, 296-297

Presidential Libraries Act, 296

Presidential Libraries, Advisory Committee on, 127

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974, 126, 128

Presidential records, administration of, 124

President's Management Improvement Council, records opened, 123

"Primarily Teaching" (workshop), 66-67, C-64

Prisons, 13-14

Proceedings of U.S. Army Courts-martial and Military Connnissions of Union Soldiers Executed by U.S. Military Authorities, 1861-1866, by Jane E. Milbourn, microfilm publication, 294

Prologue, 295, C-7, C71

Property Management and Disposal Service, files accessioned, 121

Psychological Strategy Board, records declassified, 59, 121, 290

Public Broadcasting System, C-42

Public Buildings Act of 1926, 102

Public Citizen, 128

Public Health Service, records accessioned, 56, 288

Public Laws Update Service, 68

Public Papers of President Reagan for 1985, 293

Public Papers of Ronald Reagan, 62

Public Roads, Bureau of, records accessioned, 120

Public Works Administration, 102, 110

Puccinelli, Dorothy, 108, 109; mural by, 107

Puck, illustration from, 180

Purnell, Lewis, 68

Purnell, William R., 273

Putnam, Herbert, C-10-12

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Quakers, 149-150; petition from, 237-238

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Racial integration, C-21, C-34, C-36-37

Rafshoon, Gerald M., papers opened, 122

Railroad companies, records relating to accessioned, 207-208

Rakove, Sack, 154

Randolph, Edmund, 153, 154

Rather, Dan, C-50; photo, C-26

Read, James, 18

Reagan, Ronald W., 94, 95, 126, 293, 296, C-49, C-55; photo, 65; public papers published, 62; records relating to accessioned, 54

Reconstruction, 8, 9

RECORDFACTS UPDATE (newsletter), 68

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Brazil, 1940-1944, microfilm publication, 216

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Brazil, 1945-1949, by Milton O. Gustafson, microfilm publication, 125

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954, by J. Dane Hartgrove, microfilm publication, 64

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Political and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1955-1959, by Milton Gustafson, J. Dane Hartgrove, and Larry Koger, microfilm publication, 64

Records of Impeachment, 64

"Records in the National Archives Relating to the Early Involvement of the U.S. Government in Data Processing, 1880s to 1950s," by Nancy Y. McGovern, 293-294

Records of the New Orleans Field Offices. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869, by Timothy D. W Connelly, microfilm publication, 64

Records preservation, 66, 69

"Red Spiderweb" (play), C-49

Reedy, George E., papers accessioned, 291

Reese, Edward J., 274; photo, 275

"Reference Information Papers" (publications series), 293-294

Reformed Presbyterian Church, petition from, 237

Register of Credentials of U.S. Senators, 1789-1821, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 216

Register of Documents Presented to the U.S. Senate, 1814-1828, by David Kepley and Mary Rephlo, microfilm publication, 216

Reparations Commission, 252, 253

Rephlo, Mary, C-49

Republican party, 8, 9, 89-93, 95-97, 99, 103, 186-187, 190, 191, 228, 255, 256, 258-261, 263, 265

Research Libraries Group, 129

Residence Act of 1790, 178

Reuss, Henry, C-76

Reuter, Richard, papers opened, 61

Rhoads, James B., C-6, C-53-54; photo, C-54

Rhode Island, 192-193, 246-247

Rhodes, Benjamin D, "The Perils of a Foreign Service Clerk: The Career of Karin Sante Korsstrom," 25-40

Richards, Susan L., and Sally R. Sims, "The California Post Offices of Allison & Allison," 101-113

Richardson, Edward W., 49, 51

Rickard, Edgar, 256

Ridgway, Matthew, 129

"Right to Petition: Making Their Voices Heard, The," by Don W. Wilson, 224-225

Right to Vote, The, 64

Road and highway construction, records relating to accessioned, 120

Robert Saudek Associates, C-20

Roell, Craig H., 216

Rogers, John H., 14, 17, 20; photo, 19

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, 296

Roosevelt, Franklin D, 225, 253, 268, 272, 274, 277-278, 281, C-12, C-13; photo, 277

Roosevelt, Theodore, 190-191, C-10

Root, Elihu, 192, 194-195; photo, 193

Rosen, Bruce, 69

Rosenn, Meyer, C-76

Ross, Charles G., diaries and interviews by opened, 59

Rowan, Carl, C-42

Rowan, Edward B., 108, 109

Rufus Buck gang, photo, 9

Rumble, Wilfred, 153-154

Rupp, Peter E, 128

Russian Revolution, article about, 25-40

Rutland, Robert A., 151; The Birth of the Bill of Rights, 144; photo, 146, C-76

Ryan, Frederick J. Jr, 127

Ryan, Mary C., 64; "A Commemoration in Print," C-68-73

Ryan, Robert J., papers opened, 291-292

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Sachs, Alexander, papers opened, 212

St. Elizabeths Hospital, records accessioned, 284

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 190

San Francisco Conference (1945), records relating to accessioned, 119

Sandburg, Carl, photographs from films opened, 286

Sandifer, Durward V., files accessioned, 207

Santa Monica High School, CA, photo, 104

Sarbanes, Paul, 68

Sasser, Jim, 68

Saudek, Robert, C-20

Saulnier, Raymond J., papers opened, 290

Savings bonds, motion pictures relating to accessioned, 120

Schewe, Don, 128

Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy, 127

Scholastic, Inc., C-34

Schorr, Daniel, C-77, C-79; photo, C-81

Schurman, Jacob, 259

Schwabe, Captain, 31, 35-36

Schwartz, Bernard, 151 "Search for Justice: Three American Stories" (television program), C-42

Second Confiscation Act, 238

Secret Service, 84

Selective Service System, records accessioned, 121

Seminole Nation, 7

Seney, Joshua, 167

Serapis (ship), 49

"Serving the American People," by Don W. Wilson, 4-5

Seward, Clarence A., 187

Shallus, Jacob, C-9

Shantz, Harold, 40

"Sharing Constitutional Ideas," by Ralph Pollock, C-74-82

Shaw, John, 49

Sherman, Roger, 154, 156, 157

Sherman, Thomas W., 233

Sherman, William T., 274

Sherwin, Martin, 274

Shortridge, Samuel, 259, 260

Signers of the Constitution, C-7, C-69

Signing the Constitution, painting by Howard Chandler Christy, C-9

Sims, Sally R., and Susan L. Richards, "The California Post Offices of Allison & Allison," 101-113

Singer Building (Petrograd, Russia), 34

Singing Capital Chorus, C-48

Singletary, Amos, 147

SIRS, Inc., C-61

Slavery, C-31, C-33; abolition of, 224-225, 227-247

Small Business Administration, films and videotapes accessioned, 55

Smilie, John, 149-150

Smith, H. P., petition from, 241-242

Smith, Lewis A., 263

Smith, Monroe, 184

Smith, Paul, 48

Smith, Richard Norton, 66

Smithsonian Institution, 51

Smokey Bear program, records relating to accessioned, 284

Snyder, John W., papers opened, 212

Soapes, Emily, "Exhibiting Constitutional Documents," C-30-39

Social Education (journal), C-62

Social Security, 96, 97

Society of American Archivists, 126

Soil Conservation Service, records accessioned, 57, 212

Solomon, Anthony M., files opened, 122-123

South Carolina, 233

Southeast Asia, records relating to accessioned, 207, declassified, 53, 121, and opened, 119

Spahn, Warren, 99; portrait, 98

Spangler, Frank LeRoy, 36, 37, 38

Spanish Civil War, records relating to declassified, 206

"Special Files" Created by the Military Division of the Missouri, by Donald L. Singer and Robert H. Gruber, microfilm publication, 216

Special Study on Economic Change, papers relating to opened, 123

Specifications for Cold Storage of Color Film Materials, 63, 125

"A Spectator's Guide to the 1988 Presidential Election," by George F. Will, 89-99

"Spoils of War, Running the Blockade During the Civil War," (exhibit), 69

Springfield Republican (Massachusetts), 190

Standards and Colors of the American Revolution, by Edward W. Richardson, 49, 51

Standing Rock Agency, records accessioned, 209, 288

Starr, Belle, 7; photo, 16

Starr, Henry, 17

Stars and Stripes, article about, 42-51, illus., 49

The Stars and the Stripes, by Boleslaw and MarieLouise D'Otrange Mastai, 48-49

State, Department of, 25, 26, 29, 35, 36, 38, 40, C-9, C-10-11; records accessioned, 54, 119, 207, 284, and declassified, 53, 118, 206, 283, and opened, 253

State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 217

States' rights, 227

Stedman, Charles, 69

Stennis, John, C-25, C-45

Stevens, Moses Tyler, 186

Stimson, Henry L., 272, 273, 274, 277-278, 281; photo, 277, 281

Stockman, David, 99

Stockton, Gilchrist, 255-256

Stofft, William A., 67

Stolberg, Mary M., "The Evolution of Frontier Justice: The Case of Judge Isaac Parker," 7-20

Stone and Webster Corporation, records relating to accessioned, 209

Storing, Herbert, 144, 151, 154, 157

Storm Over the Supreme Court (film), C-21

Story of the Constitution, The, by Sol Bloom, C-7, C-68-69

Story, William, 10

Strategic Service, Office of, film accessioned, 286

Straus, Oscar, 260

Strong, Benjamin, 250-251, 253

Stuart, David, 176-177

"Student Voices: 1937-1987/Intergenerational Views of the Constitution" (panel discussion), 129

Styer, Wilhelm D., 273

Suez Canal, records relating to accessioned, 54

Sukhodrev, Viktor, 81

Sundquist, James, C-76

Supreme Command Allied Powers (Japan), C-38

Supreme Court Historical Society, C-7

Supreme Economic Council, 249, 250, 252, photo, 252

Susquehanna River, 164, 167-168, 171, 176

Sweetser, Arthur, 263

Swerczek, Ronald, 219

Switzerland, records relating to declassified, 283

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Taft, Robert, 260

Taft, William Howard, 191-192; port., 191

Tape recordings of presidential conversations, article about, 79 87

Task Force on NARA Responsibilities for Federal Records and Related Documents, report released, 124

Tax code, 94-95

"Teaching and the Constitution," by Jean West Mueller, C-58-67

Teaching materials, 63

"Teaching the Teachers: How to Create Supplemental Teaching Units" (college course), 129

Technical Cooperation Administration, records declassified and opened, 53, 118 "Technical Information Papers" (publications series), 63, 125, 293

Technology Assessment Report: Digital Raster Scanning, Optical Character Recognition:, Speech Pattern Recognition, 63, 125

Tennessee, 218

Tennessee State Archives, 218

Tepper, Michael, 215

Territorial Case Files of the U.S. District Courts of Utah 1870-1896, by Eileen Bolger, microfilm publication, 64

Territories, Office of, records accessioned, 211-212

Teti, Frank, photographs by accessioned, 291

"Thirty-nine Men: Memories and Mementos" (exhibit), 127-128

Thomas, Evan, 219

Thomson, Charles, 48, C-9

Thornburgh, Richard, photo, C-27

Thornton, William, 125

Threlkeld, Richard, C-50

Thurmond, Strom, 68, C-25; photo, C-27

Tipping, Phyllis, 40

"'Tis Done! We Have Become a Nation" (exhibit), C-30, C-37-38, C-70

Tisch, Preston, photo, C-27

"'To Canvass the Nation': The War for Union Becomes a War for Freedom," by Ira Berlin et al., 224-225, 227-247

Trailways, Inc., records relating to accessioned, 287

Transportation, Department of, records accessioned, 55-56

Transportation Systems Center, reports accessioned, 55-56

Treasury Board, 45, 46, 47, 48

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 102, 105, 108, 109, 110, 113; motion pictures accessioned, 120; Supervising Architect's Office, 102-103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112; Treasury Relief Art Program, 110, 112, 113

Treaty of Versailles, 251, 255, 261

Trenton, NJ, 163-164, 165

"Trial by Jury" (film series), C-18, C-21-22, C-2324

Trinity nuclear test, 225; article about, 268-282

Trotsky, Leon, 26; photo, 35

Truman, Harry S., 129, 268, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, C-13, C-15; photo, 281; records relating to accessioned, 54, 212, and opened, 59

Trumbull, John, painting by, 46

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Ulibarri, George S., 293

Underwood, Gilbert Stanley, 111, 113

Underwood-Simmons tariff, 195

Unemployment insurance, records relating to accessioned, 121

U.S.S.R., 4, 25-40; records relating to declassified, 206, 283

United Kingdom, 30, 31, 255, 262, 277

United Nations, records relating to accessioned, 207

United Nations Conference on International Organization, records relating to accessioned, 119

United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (Bretton Woods, 1944), records relating to accessioned, 54

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, records relating to accessioned, 119

United Presbyterian Church, petition from, 237

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 225, 268, 272-274, 278, 281; records accessioned, 209

U.S. Army Field Band, C-52, C-72

U.S. Army Third Infantry Continental Color Guard and Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, C-43; photos, C-42, C-43

U.S. Circuit Courts, records accessioned, 56

U.S. Coast Guard, records accessioned, 57, 210

U.S. Congress, 13, 20

U.S. Constitution, amendments, 143-159, 181-198

U.S. Court of Appeals, 128; case files accessioned, 121, 299

U.S. District Courts, records accessioned, 56, 120, 209, 210-211, 287, 288, 290

United States Film Service, photographs opened, 286

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, records accessioned, 289

United States Government Manual, 216

U.S. House of Representatives, 8, 126, 218; Armed Services Committee, 268; Foreign Affairs Committee, records accessioned, 284; Government Operations Committee, 68, 126, records transferred, 54-55; Judiciary Committee, 14; lobbying reports transferred and opened, 284; Select Committee on Aging, records transferred, 54; Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran, records accessioned, 208; videotapes of proceedings, 68, accessioned, 120, 285; Ways and Mean Committee, 186

U.S. Marine Band, C-43, C-45

U.S. Marine Corps, photographs opened, 286

U.S. Postal Service, C-42

U.S. Senate, Appropriations Committee, records accessioned, 284; Armed Services Committee, records accessioned, 55; Commerce Committee, records accessioned, 55; documents declassified, 283; Finance Committee, 192, records transferred, 285; Foreign Relations Committee, 252, records relating to opened, 59; Government Operations Committee, 68, records accessioned, 55; Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, 86; Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, records accessioned, 208, videotapes accessioned, 120, and opened, 286

U.S. Supreme Court, 8, 13, 14, 17-18, 19, 20, 186, 187, 189-193, 195, 198; audiotapes accessioned, 55; film about, C-21

U.S. v. Connally, 79

U.S. v. Mitchell et al., 79

U.S. Weather Bureau, records accessioned, 59, 289

University of California, Los Angeles, 101; Royce Hall, photo, 103

Utah, records relating to accessioned, 287

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Valley Forge Historical Society, 51

Van Fleet Mission to the Far East, records relating to declassified, 60

Vienna-Falls Church Chorus, International, C-48

Vietnam, records relating to declassified, 118, and opened, 119

Villanova University, C-23

Vinson, Fred M., C-15

Virginia, 172, 173, 176, 177, 235, 238

Vologda, Russia, 26, 27, 28-29, 30, 33-34, 36, 40

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Wahpeton Indian School, records accessioned, 120

Walch, Timothy, 217

Walker, George, 173, 176

Wallace, George, C-21, C-36-37

Wallace, Henry A., 272; records relating to opened, 59

Wallace, Henry C., 260

Wallace, Robert Ash, papers opened, 123

Walters, Lt. Gen. Vernon, 82-83; photo, 82

War and Ordnance, Continental Board of, 49, 51

War Assets Administration, records accessioned, 58, 284, 290

War crimes, records relating to accessioned, 119, and declassified, 283

War of 1812, C-10

Warren, Mercy, 163

Warren, Robert Penn, C-12-13

Washington, George, 42, 49, 51, 141, 154, 156, 177-178, 201-202, 204, 205; port., 50, 155

Washington Naval Conference, 262

Washington Post, C-65

Watergate scandal, 79, 86

Watergate Special Prosecution Force, 79

Wayne, Anthony, 51

Wayne, Stephen J., oral history interview with accessioned, 214

"We, the Japanese People: U.S. Influences on Japan's Constitution" (exhibit), C-30, C-38

We the People: To the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution (audiocassette), C-72

Weaver, Earl, 99

Weiher, Claudine, 65

Weir, Thomas E., Jr., 293

West, American, 4, 7-20

West Virginia, 238

Western Independent, 9, 10

Westmoreland, William C., records relating to accessioned, 55, and opened, 213

Wetmore, James A., 102

Whiskey runners, 12

White, Franklin, materials opened, 122

White House Central Files, opened, 61

White House Conference on Children and Youth, records opened, 213

Whitehill, Robert, 149-150

Whitehouse, Sheldon, 34

Whitney, Edward B., 18, 189

Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 261

Wilcox, Francis O., files accessioned, 207; papers opened, 59

Willkie, Wendell, 89, 90

Wilkinson, James R., 39-40

Will, George F., "A Spectator's Guide to the 1988 Presidential Election," 89-99; photo, 93

William C. Westmoreland v. CBS, records relating to accessioned, 55

Williams, Earl P., Jr., "The 'Fancy Work' of Francis Hopkinson: Did He Design the Stars and Stripes?" 42-51

Williams, Otho Holland, 173

Williams, Ralph E., oral history interview with completed, 291

Williamson, Joann, 219

Williamsport, MD, 173, 176

Wilson, Don W., 65, 68, 126, 127, 129, 217, 218, 296; "Constitutional Compromise," 140-141; "National Archives II," 76-77; photo, 65; "The Right to Petition: Making Their Voices Heard," 224-225; "Serving the American People," 4-5; "State of the Archives" address, 126

Wilson-Gorman tariff, 187

Wilson, James, 151, 153, 154, 156; photo, 151

Wilson, Josephine E., materials relating to accessioned, 61

Wilson, Thomas M., 39-40

Wilson, William L., 186

Wilson, Woodrow, 30, 182, 249, 250, 252, 255, 259; photo, 251; portrait, 182

Wind River Agency, files accessioned, 286-287

Wisconsin, University of, 217

The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made, by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, 219

"Women and the Constitution: A Bicentennial Perspective" (symposium), 128

"Women in War, Politics, and Government: 1942-1960" (conference), 67

Women's Loyal National League, 225, 246

Wood, Gordon, 147, 151, 157

Wood, Marie, photo, C-63

Wood, Robert S., 66

"Working to Prosperity: California's New Deal Murals," by Steven M. Gelber, 111

World Bank, records relating to accessioned, 208

World Court, 249, 263, 265

World War Foreign Debt Commission, 262

World War I, 26, 27, 30, 249

World War II, films and records relating to accessioned, 119, 207, 286; records relating to declassified, 118; photographs relating to opened, 286; prisoner-of-war camps, 119

"Would You Have Signed the Constitution?" (exhibit), C-30, C-34

Wright, J. Butler, 36, 38-39

Wright, Jim, photo, C-29

Wright, Samuel, 167

Wright's Ferry, PA, 167, 168, 176

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Yeates, Jasper, 168

Yoder, Edward, photo, C-78

Yoes, Jacob, 11

York, PA, 168

Young, Michael, C-64

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Zobrist, Benedict K., 128

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