Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1992


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4-H clubs, 253

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Aaron Wood, USS, 401-402

Abrams, Floyd, 4; "The First Amendment: 1991," 48-54

Acheson, Dean, papers opened, 83

Ackerman, Frederick L., 35-36, 40, 41, 42

Adams, Lt. Comdr. Arthur Stanton, 376

Adams, Henry, 150

Adams, John, 148, 149, 216

Adams, Porter, 361

Adee, Alvey A., 220

Adjutant General's Office, records accessioned, 414, and declassified, 80

Aeronautical Board, 363

Aeronautical research, 361-374

Aeronautical Research Facilities, Special Committee of, 363

Aeronautics, Bureau of, records declassified, 78, 297, 405

Aeronautics, National Advisory Committee for, 361-374; records declassified, 405

Afghanistan, 354

African Americans, 58, 73-74, 76, 170, 171, 253, 377, 382, 388

Agence Télégraphique Suisse, 233

Agency for International Development, records declassified, 79

Agent Orange, records relating to opened, 82

Agricultural colleges, 245, 246, 253

Agricultural Economics, Bureau of, records accessioned, 304, and transferred, 305, 307, 308, 309

Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of, records transferred, 305

Agricultural Marketing Service, records accessioned, 304, and transferred, 301, 305, 307, 309, 423

Agricultural Research Service, records accessioned, 300, 316, opened, 82, and transferred, 422

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, records declassified and opened, 406, and transferred, 423

Agriculture, 395-396

Agriculture, Office of the Secretary of, files opened, 80; photographs accessioned, 193; records accessioned, 407, and transferred, 204

Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 245, 246, 247, 252-253, 254; posters accessioned, 194

Air cooling systems, 138

Air Coordinating Committee, records declassified, 407

Aircraft development, 362-374

Alaska, 169, 170

Alaska Railroad, records transferred, 204

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Bureau of, case files accessioned, 310

Allen, Marie, 92

Allen, William D., 134

Alphabetical Series of Defense Documents Presented for Evidence and Rejected by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1945-1947 (microfilm publication), 427

Amar, Akhil, 278, 279

America Since Hoover: Selected Documents from the Presidential Libraries, 1929-1980, collection opened, 317

American Battlefield Protection Program, 91

American Council on Education, 375, 376

American Council of Learned Societies, 325

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy, 194

American Expeditionary Forces, 56-58

American Indians, 169-170, 171, 173

American Legion, 94

American-Mexican Agrarian Claims Commission, records accessioned, 409

American National Exhibition in Moscow (and Trade Fair), records declassified, 406

American Red Cross, 337; photos, 58, 60

American Society of Friends, 162

American Society of Testing Materials, records accessioned, 411

American Task Force Butler, 262

American Telephone and Telegraph, records relating to accessioned, 415

American Women and the U.S. Armed Forces: A Guide to the Records of Military Agencies in the National Archives Relating to American Women, compiled by Charlotte Palmer Seeley, revised by Virginia C. Purdy and Robert Gruber, 319

Ames, Joseph S., 362, 363

Analyses of the Documentary Evidence Introduced by the Prosecution Before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946-1948 (microfilm publication), 428

Anderson, Gwen, papers accessioned, 316

Anderson, Harry R., papers opened, 85

Anderson, Sherwood, 339-340

Anderson, Stanton D., papers accessioned, 85

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 324

Androscoggin River Basin, records relating to accessioned, 417

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, records accessioned, 198

Annual Report of the Postmaster General (1942), 103

Anthony, Susan B., papers published, 92

Antifederalists, 147, 148

Archival Affairs of the Government of the Russian Federation, Committee for, 320

Archives, Russian, 332-333

Archives of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 358

"Archives of the Future: Archival Strategies for the Treatment of Electronic Databases, The," 323

Archives II, 91, 427-428

Argentina, 177

Armor and Engineer Board, records accessioned, 413

Army Air Corps, 106, 107, 113, 114

Army-Air Force Exchange Service, records accessioned, 306

Army Air Forces, records transferred, 418, 419, 423, 425

Army General Classification Test, 377

Army and Economic Mobilization, 1945-54, The, 298

"Army Reports, The," videotapes accessioned, 299

Army Specialized Training Program, 375-383

Arnett, Peter, 52-53; photo, 53

Arnold, Maj. Gen. Henry H. (Hap), 364, 366, 368, 369, 370; photo, 365

"AROS" Society, Ltd., 320

Art-in-Architecture Program, records relating to accessioned, 415

Arthur, Chester, 131, 132, 139

Ash, A. Russell, records accessioned, 412

Assassination Materials Review Board, 429

Assassinations, James A. Garfield, 129-139; John F. Kennedy, 193, 333, 384-388, 429

Atomic Energy Commission, photographs accessioned, 310; records accessioned, 82, 310, 412-413, 416, declassified, 298, and opened, 82

Atomic power, records relating to declassified, 78

Auel, Lisa Benkert, 87; "Ties That Bind: Communities in American History," 169-171

Auman, George, files described, 411

Austria-Hungary, 234-236

Aviation, 368

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Baby Week Campaigns, 248

Baeumker, Adolph, 363

Baker, Carlos, correspondence opened, 200

Baker, Charles, 7

Baker, Newton, 36-37

Ball, George, papers opened, 316

Baltic countries, 355, 358-359

Bank notes, 62-67

Barnes, Gerald, records transferred, 301

Baroody, William J., Jr., papers opened, 317

Bayh, Birch, photo, 48

Beard, Maj. Oliver, 14

Becker, Benton L., papers opened, 85

Behrman, Jack N., papers accessioned, 199

Belarus, 320

Bell, Alexander Graham, 137-138

Bell, Terrel H., papers accessioned, 200

Bell Aircraft Co., 368

Bell Telephone System, records relating to accessioned, 415

Bellamy, Francis J., 390-393, 430; photo, 391

Bertelli, Angelo, 378

Bertrand, 260, 266-268, 272-273, 274

"Best Foot Forward: White House Social Rules in the Time of Theodore Roosevelt," by William Seale, 215-225

Bethany College, 378

Bethlehem, PA, 38-39; photo, 39

Better Baby Movement, 247-249

Bibendum, 258, 259, 260

Bill of Rights, 4-5, 279, 283; anniversary celebration, 144; debate over, 146-147

"Bill of Rights and an Independent Judiciary, The," by William H. Rehnquist, 144-152

Bill of Rights: Evolution of Personal Liberties, The (teaching kit), 319

Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 176

Bismarck, ND, Relocation Center, 155, 163

"Bittersweet Reality of Indian Depredation Cases, The," by Larry C. Skogen, 290-296

Black, Charles, 279

Black, Hugo L., 51-52, 54

Black Americans. See African Americans

Blackmun, Harry A., 52

Blaine, James G., 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136

Bledsoe, Ralph C., 88

Bliss, D. W., 136, 137, 138

Blockade-running (Civil War), 11, 14-15

Bloomfield, Meyer, 37

Bohlen, Charles E., files accessioned, 81

Bork, Robert, 280

Boston Navy Yard, records accessioned, 417

Boy Scouts of America, 191

Brady Bill, 284-285

Brazil, 176, 177, 178, 179

Bredhoff, Stacey, 4

Bremen (ship), 174, 175, 180, 181-182

Bremen Land Commission, records relating to declassified, 407

Brennan, William J., Jr., 52, 53, 282, 284

Brezhnev, Leonid, 122-123; photo, 122

Brice, Melanie, 7; photo, 8

Bridgeport, CT, 34, 36, 38; photos, 38, 39

Bridgeport Housing Corporation, 38

Bromwell, Col. Charles S., 223

Brown, Joseph Stanley, 130

Brown v. Board of Education, 280, 281

Brussels Exhibition, records relating to declassified, 405

Buchanan, James, 219

Buchanan, Mrs. Wiley T., papers accessioned, 311-312

Buckles, Andre, files opened, 316

Bucyrus, OH, 36

Buekema, Col. Herman, 376

Bullfighting, 345

Bülow, Bernhard von, 174, 149

Bundy, McGeorge, 54

Burger, Warren E., 52

Burkley, Robert, 385

Burns, Arthur, files opened, 85

Burr, Aaron, 149, 151, 152; portrait, 149

Bush, Barbara, 88

Bush, George, 88, 89, 426; photo, 89

Bush, Vannevar, 366-367

Bustard, Bruce I., 426; "Homes for War Workers: Federal Housing Policy during World War I," 33-43; "Managing Nature: Environmental Images of the American West," 394-397

Butt, Archibald Wellingham, 220-221, 222, 223, 224, 225

Butterfield, Alexander P., files opened, 85

Butz, Earl, files opened, 85

Buzhardt, J. Fred, 50

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California, 154, 396

California Heritage Preservation Commission, 321

California Institute of Technology, 364, 365-366, 367

California War Board, records transferred, 423

Callender, James, 149, 150

Camden, NJ, 40

Canada, 51

Cannon, Joe, 222

Cape Fear River, 7-17

Capital punishment, 282, 284

Captured German Documents, 177, 321; article based on, 174-183; posters of, 193; returned to Poland, 320

Card, 403

Caribbean Sea, 174, 178-179

Carter, Jimmy, 88, 89; oral history interviews opened, 318; photo, 89

Carter, Malinda, photo, 8

Carter, Rosalyn, 88; oral history interviews opened, 318

Cartoons, 4-5, 18, 20, 178, 179, 180, 427

Census, Bureau of the, records accessioned, 300

Census, 1920, 245; opened, 91

Central Intelligence Agency, 388, 429; records opened, 82, and declassified, 412

Central Security Service, records accessioned, 414

Chalou, George C., 202, 430

Chaplains, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 411

Charleston, SC, 13, 16

Chase, Samuel, 147, 148-151, 152; portrait, 147

Chemical Corps School, records accessioned, 411

Chemical Warfare Service, records accessioned, 411, and declassified, 406

Cherne, Leo, papers opened, 85

Cheyenne, WY, 173

Cheyenne Indians, 293, 295

Chickamauga Battlefield, TN, 100

Chief Signal Officer, Office of the, records accessioned, 410

Child health care programs, 248

Child labor, 250, 253-254

Children's Bureau, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252-253, 254

China, 145, 345

Chinese laborers, records relating to accessioned, 302, and declassified, 298

Christgau, Victor, records opened, 81

Christie, Alexander, papers accessioned, 199, 314

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 91, 101

Churchill, Winston, photo, 398

Civil Rights, Commission on, records accessioned, 300

Civil Service Act, 139

Civil Service Commission, 139; records accessioned, 414; records relating to declassified, 314, and transferred, 204

Civil War, 12-16, 17, 100-101, 188-192, 388, 391

Civil War Database project, 91

"Civil War Soldiers System, The," by Don W. Wilson, 100-101

Civilian Conservation Corps, records transferred and opened, 195

Claims, U.S. Court of, 291-292, 293, 295

Claims cases, 290-296; veracity of, 292-293, 295, 296

Clark, James C., "The Murder of President James A. Garfield," 129-139

Clean Air Act, records relating to accessioned, 409

Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals (Japanese), records declassified, 406

Cleveland, Grover, 217

Clifford, Clark M., 50; papers accessioned and opened, 84; photo, 50

Clifton, Chester, papers accessioned, 314

CNN, 52-53

Coast and Geodetic Survey, records opened, 199, and transferred, 204

Coast Signal Service, records transferred, 302, 418, 420-421

Coates, C. N., records described, 411

College Entrance Examination Board, 376

Collier's, 345

Collins, Robert, 28

Colon, Gilbert, files opened, 318

Colorado State Historical Society of Denver, 313

Columbus Day, 390-393

Commerce, U.S. Department of, records accessioned, 408

Commission of Fine Arts, records accessioned, 409

Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, 153

Committee for Economic Development, 27, 28

Committee on Public Information (CPI), 227-238

Commodore Hull, USS, 11, 15; engravings of, 11, 14

Commonwealth of Independent States, 119, 125, 320

Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 118, 122, 123, 125, 332, 353, 354-355, 357; Archives of the, 358

Communist Party of the United States of America, 356

Communist Underground (FTP), 257, 258-259, 262

Company towns, 171

Compton, Karl Taylor, 375

Conant, James B., 375

Confederate army, 191

Confederate Veterans and Sons, 190

Conkling, Roscoe, 131, 132, 136; photo, 131

Consumer Product Safety Commission, records accessioned, 414, 416-417

Cook, Rear Adm. Arthur B., 365

Cook, Gen. Gilbert R., papers accessioned, 311

Cook, Lodwrick, 88

Coolidge, Louis, 34-35

Cooperative Commonweal, 339

Cooperative Fire Prevention Program, posters and public service spots accessioned, 194

Corsica, 106, 108, 109, 111, 114

Cortelyou, George B., 216, 218, 219, 220, 221

Couch, Virgil L., papers accessioned, 83

Council of Foreign Ministers, records declassified, 78

Creel, George, 227-238

Crime prevention posters accessioned, 193

Cruz, Miriam, files opened, 318

Cuba, 12, 13, 16, 346, 347

Cuban Missile Crisis, papers relating to declassified and opened, 315

Cuneo, Ernest, papers opened, 82

Current Tax Payment Act of June 1943, 20, 25

Cushing, Lt. Col. Harvey, 57

Customs, Bureau of, records opened, 196-197

Cutter, Victor M., files transferred, 301

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Dallas Police Department, audio records accessioned, 193

Dana, Marshall N., records transferred, 425

Danish West Indies, 174, 178-179

Davis, Gen. Benjamin O., 94

Day, Edmund E., 375

Debs, Eugene V., letters published, 92

Declaration of Independence: The Adventures of a Document, 319

"Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen," 145, 146, 147-148

Declassified records, 78-80, 83-84, 297-299, 311, 313, 314, 315, 405-407, 412; Soviet, 357

Defense, Office of the Secretary of, records accessioned, 416

Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, records accessioned, 413

Defense Plant Corporation, 21

Defense Transportation, Office of, records accessioned, 304, and transferred, 305, 309, 311, 423

de Gaulle, Charles, photo, 398

Dengler, Harry M., records accessioned, 408

Denmark, 178, 179

Dentists, 375, 379, 380, 381

Denver Wildlife Research Center, records accessioned, 198

Deschamps-Adams, Helene, "An OSS Agent Behind Enemy Lines in France," 257-274

Desnoyers, Megan Floyd, "Ernest Hemingway: A Storyteller's Legacy," 335-351

Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, 362

DeWhitt, Benjamin L., "World War II Ships' Logs," 400-404

Disasters, 171, 173

Disease Control, Centers for, records transferred, 422

District of Columbia, 281

Dixon, Ruth Priest, "Genealogical Fallout from the War of 1812," 70-76

Doctors, 375, 379, 380, 381

"Document Commandos," 177

Documents from the National Archives: Internment of Japanese Americans, 319

Documents from the National Archives: Watergate, 319

Documents from the National Archives: Women in Industry, World War II, 319

Dodds, Harold W., 378

Dominican Republic, 174, 178

Doolittle, Col. James, 404

Doud, Elivera, 313

Doughton, Robert L. "Muley," 25-26

Douglas, William O., 51-52

Douglass, Frederick, 73

Downs, Maria, papers accessioned, 316-317

"DRAW! Political Cartoons from Left to Right" (exhibit), 4-5

Drought and Disaster Task Force, records accessioned, 413

Dryfoos, Orvil, 50

Dudley Automatic Pitching Machine, records relating to accessioned, 414

Dulles, Allen, 230, 231

Dulles, John Foster, records accessioned, 409

Durand, William F., 369

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 93, 94; accessions and openings, 83-84, 311-314; Collection of 20th Century Military Records, 1918-1950, 83, 313; exhibits, 322; lectures, 323

Dworkin, Ronald, 278

Dye, Ira, 73

Dykstra, Clarence A., 375

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Earle, George H., 188

Eaton Shale, records relating to transferred, 421

Eccles, Marriner, 23

Economic Survey Mission to South East Asia, records declassified, 78

Economy, of the Soviet Union, 117, 126-127

Education, Office of, 393; files transferred, 204; records accessioned, 407

Eidlitz, Otto M., 36, 37; photo, 36

Eighth Amendment, 284

Eisenger, Jean, files opened, 85

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 238; medical records opened, 313; papers accessioned, 83, and declassified, 83-84; photographs of accessioned, 299; records accessioned, 311, declassified, 313-314, and opened, 313; records relating to opened, 312-313

Eisenhower, John S. D., 313

Eisenhower, Mamie, materials relating to opened, 313

Eisenhower-Doud Collection, material opened, 313

Electronic records management, 323

Eleventh Amendment, 276

Ellis, Col. Edmund, papers opened, 312

Ellsberg, Daniel, 50

Ellsworth, Oliver, 147

Emergency Fleet Corporation, 37-38, 40

Emergency Preparedness, Office of, records accessioned, 413

Empire State Campaign Committee, 227

Employment and Training Administration, records accessioned, 310

Employment of Negro Troops, The, 377

Employment Security, Bureau of, records transferred, 305

Energy, U.S. Department of, photographs of accessioned, 299

Energy Research and Development Administration, records accessioned, 310

Engineer School, records accessioned, 409

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, files accessioned, 303, 305, 308-309, 409, and opened, 196, 197; Records of the, 171; records transferred, 302, 417, 420, 422, 423

England, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180

Englis, John, 12, 15

Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress accessioned, 414

Environmental issues, 394-397

Environmental Protection Agency, 396; case files accessioned, 308, 310

"Ernest Hemingway: A Storyteller's Legacy," by Megan Floyd Desnoyers, 335-351

Espionage, 257-274

Esquire, 347

Ethnic communities, 170, 172

European Advisory Committee, reports opened, 313

Evergreen (ship), 9

"Exceptional Young Americans: Soldiers and Sailors on College Campuses in World War II," by Louis E. Keefer, 375-383

Executive Order No. 9066, 153, 156

Exhibitions, 4-5, 91, 92, 93, 169-171, 202, 322, 394-397, 426, 430-432

Experiment Stations, Office of, records transferred, 423, 425

Extension Service, records accessioned, 408

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Fales, Robert, 9

Fallows, Jim, files opened, 318

Farm Credit Administration, case files opened, 195

Federal Aviation Administration, case files accessioned, 306, 309, and transferred, 422, 424

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 155, 321, 388; posters accessioned, 193; records accessioned, 409

Federal Commission for the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, 188, 190-192

Federal Communications Commission, records accessioned, 415, and declassified, 406

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, records accessioned, 408

Federal Emergency Management Agency, records accessioned, 412

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, records accessioned, 410

Federal Highway Administration, maps opened, 195; records accessioned, 302, 304, 306, 414, and opened, 82

Federal loan guarantees, 21

Federal loans, 21

Federal Power Commission, records accessioned, 410

Federal Property Resources Service, files accessioned, 198, declassified, 406, and transferred, 424-425

Federal spending, 21, 22

Federal Trade Commission, records accessioned, 410

Federalist No. 78, 147

Federalists, 147, 148, 150, 151

Federation of Genealogical Societies, 91, 101

Fifth Amendment, 281

"Films of Persuasion" (film series), 431

Fir Production Board, records transferred, 311

First Amendment, 4-5, 152, 279

"First Amendment: 1991, The," by Floyd Abrams, 48-54

First Lady's Lady, by Sheila R. Weidenfeld, notes for accessioned, 317

First Regional Assistance Command, records described, 413

Fisher, Jack H., "Researching National Banks and Bank Notes," 62-67

Fisher, Robert, 354

Fisher, William L., papers opened, 86

FitzGerald, Dennis A., papers opened, 312

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 342-343, 344, 346

Flag Code of the United States, 393

Flags, distribution of, 390-391

Fleming, Ian, 177

Flemming, Arthur S., papers opened, 313, and declassified, 314

Flood insurance study files accessioned, 411

Flood management studies accessioned, 412

Food and Nutrition Service, posters accessioned, 194

Food Safety and Inspection Service, posters accessioned, 194

Food Stamp Program, posters accessioned, 194

Ford, Betty, 88; papers relating to accessioned, 316-317

Ford, Gerald R., 88-89; materials relating to accessioned and opened, 317; photo, 89

Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of, records accessioned, 415, and declassified, 406

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, records accessioned, 412, and opened, 82

Foreign Service, 229; files accessioned, 409, and declassified, 78, 406

Forest Service, files opened, 197; posters and public service spots accessioned, 194; publications accessioned, 304; records accessioned, 307, and transferred, 421-422, 424

Forrestal, James V., 376

Fort Benjamin Harrison, records accessioned, 304

Fort Benning, GA, 376-377

Fort Fisher, NC, 7, 10

Fort Hood, TX, 376-377

4-H clubs, 253

Fourteenth Amendment, 280-281, 283, 284

Fowler, Henry H., papers accessioned, 85, and opened, 315

France, 56, 58, 145-146, 147-148, 177, 178, 257-274, 362

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, accessions and openings, 82, 311

Frary, Michael, 395-396

Fredericks, Sgt. H. W., photograph by, 61

Freedmen, 170

Freedom of Information Act, 67, 384-385, 386, 388

Freedom of speech, 4-5

Freedom of the press, 48-54

French Revolution, 145-146, 147

French Underground (FFI), 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 270

Fried, Charles, 280

Fries, John, 149, 150

Fries's Rebellion, 149

"From Better Babies to 4-H: A Look at Rural America, 1900-1930," by Marilyn Irvin Holt, 245-254

"From the Beginning to the End of the Beginning: 1941-1943," 430

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"Garden City Idea," 35

Gardner, John, papers declassified, 315

Garfield, James A., article about the assassination of, 129-139; photos, 128, 134, 135

Garfield, Lucretia, 131, 136

Gellhorn, Martha (Marty), 345, 346, 347; photo, 346; materials relating to opened, 314

"Genealogical Fallout from the War of 1812," by Ruth Priest Dixon, 70-76

Genealogical research, 70-76, 188-192, 290-296, 320, 388, 400-404

Genealogical Society of Utah, 91, 101, 321

General Howard (ship), 9

General Services Administration, 385

Geologic Names Committee, records accessioned, 414

Geological Survey, records accessioned, 198, 310, 414, and declassified, 405

George, Walter F., 24

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, grants, 206, 326, 432

Gerald R. Ford Library, accessions and openings, 85-86, 316-317; guide to holdings, 203

German archives, 177

German army, 258, 261, 263, 264

German navy, 179-180

"Germans in the Backyard: Weltpolitik Versus Protective Imperialism," by Nancy Mitchell, 174-183

Germany, 55, 119, 174-183, 362-363, 365, 368, 370; records relating to declassified, 80, 407, and opened, 81

Germany, U.S. Commissioner for, records declassified, 407

Germany, U.S. High Commission for, records accessioned, 414

Gettysburg, PA, 188, 190-192

Gettysburg, Battle of, seventy-fifth anniversary reunion, 188-192

Gettysburg College, 191

Gettysburg National Battlefield Park, 192

GI Bill of Rights, 111-112, 382

Gila River Relocation Center, AZ, 160

Gillenwaters, Edgar M., papers accessioned, 200

Gillman-Bryan, Julep, photo, 8

Gilpin, William, 394

Girard, Martha, 427

Glennan, T. Keith, records accessioned, 82

Glory, 388

Goldwin, Robert A., papers accessioned, 316

Gompers, Samuel, 35; photo, 34

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 119, 122-123, 127; photos, 122, 357

Gordon, Ann D., 325

Gordon, Shana, papers opened, 86

Göring, Herman, 362-363

Grand Army of the Republic, 188, 190, 390, 393

Grant, Ulysses S., 131

Grants, 204-206, 323-325, 432

Great Britain, 35-36, 58, 362, 369-370

"Great Reunion: The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Gettysburg, The," by Mitchell Yockelson, 188-192

Green, Fitzhugh, 238

"Green Scene, The," videotapes accessioned, 299

Greenshields, Elco, papers accessioned, 82

Griffin Mission, records declassified, 78

Griswold, Erwin N., 51, 54

Gruber, Robert, 319

Gruenther, Gen. Alfred, papers declassified, 314

Guadalcanal, 403

Guam, 404

Guam Agricultural Experiment Station, records transferred, 423

Guatemala, 174, 175, 176, 180, 181-182

Guffey, Joseph F., 188

Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (GALCIT), 364, 365-366, 367

Guiteau, Charles, 129-139; cartoon of, 133; photos, 131, 135

Gun control, 284-285

Gurfein, Murray, 50, 53

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Hagemann, E. R., papers opened, 200, 314

Hagner, Isabel, 220

Haiti, 174, 178; cartoon about, 178

Halpern, Joel, papers accessioned, 314

Hamilton, Alexander, 147, 149

Hardy, Frank, files accessioned, 304

Harlan, John M., 51, 54

Harper, Edwin L., files accessioned, 316

Harrell, Woody, 100

Harris, William T., 393

Harrison, Benjamin, 217, 390, 393, 430

Harry S. Truman Library, 429-430; accessions and openings, 82-83, 311; exhibits, 322; grants, 204-205; Institute for National and International Affairs, 429

Hartinger, James, 381

Havana, Cuba, 346, 347

Havel, Vaclav, 332

Hawaii, 169-170

Hawkins, John, 14, 16, 17

Health Services Administration, records accessioned, 410

Hedgecock, George C., files transferred, 304

Hedges, R. S., 315

Heidelberg, Paul, articles by opened, 314

Hemingway, Clarence, 335-336, 343, 344; photo, 340

Hemingway, Ernest, 200; article about, 335-349; letters accessioned, 315; photos, 334, 336, 337, 338, 340, 344, 345, 347, 349; research grants, 432

Hemingway, Grace Hall, 335, 336-337, 343, 348; photo, 340

Hemingway, Gregory, 344; photo, 344

Hemingway, Hadley Richardson, 336, 339-340, 341-342, 343-344; photos, 336, 340

Hemingway, John Hadley Nicanor, 336, 341-342, 343, 346-347; photos, 336, 343, 344

Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn. See Gellhorn, Martha

Hemingway, Mary Welsh, 200, 335, 346, 347, 348; photo, 347

Hemingway, Patrick, 342, 344; photo, 344

Hemingway, Pauline Pfeiffer, 343-344, 345, 348; photo, 344

Hemingway Collection, 335-349, 432; accessions, 200, 314

Hemingway in Love and War, by Henry Villard, 338

Henry Clay Papers Project, 91-92

Hepburn, A. H., 38

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 82; rededicated, 430

Hermach, Francis L., records accessioned, 411

Herschensohn, S. Bruce, files opened, 85

Higgs, Robert, 19

Higley, Harvey V., papers accessioned, 312

Hinshaw, Carl, 365

Hirsch, Elroy, 378

Hispanic Affairs, Office of, White House Files of opened, 318

Hiss, Philip, 33, 35, 36, 37, 41

"Historical Archive," 357

Historical Documents, Institute for the Editing of, 92

Historical Documents in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 203

Historical Documents Study, 325

Hitler, Adolf, 362

Holmes and Narver, 310

Holocaust, 177; records relating to coordinated, 320-321

"Holocaust: The Documentary Evidence" (poster set), 193

Holt, Marilyn Irvin, "From Better Babies to 4-H: A Look at Rural America, 1900-1930," 245-254

Home economics courses, 247, 253

Home Extension Units, 253

"Homes for War Workers: Federal Housing Policy during World War I," by Bruce I. Bustard, 33-43

Hoover, Herbert, 23, 27-28

Hopkins, Harry, 366

Hopman, Albert, 174, 180; report by, 175, 181-182

Horn, Robert J., papers accessioned, 317, and opened, 85

Hornet, 404; log, 404; photo, 404

House, Edward M., 231

House Executive Document 125, "Indian Depredation Claims," Forty-ninth Congress, first session, 291

Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of, records accessioned, 411

Housing Expediter, Office of the, records transferred, 303, 309

Housing policy, 33-43

Houston, Sam, 212, 213

Howard, Harry N., files declassified, 78

Hoyt, Michael P.E., papers opened, 84-85

Hughes, Charles Evans, 53

Hunsaker, Jerome C., 365, 366, 367; photo, 366

Huntoon, Robert D., records described, 411

Hurricane Agnes Relief Programs, records relating to accessioned, 411

Hutcheson, Rick, files accessioned, 200

Hyde, Henry, 262, 263, 266, 274

Hyde, James F. C., Jr., interview with opened, 317

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"'I Pledge Allegiance . . .,'" by Marilyn H. Paul, 390-393; exhibit, 430

"'I Wish That I Could Hide Inside This Letter': World War II Correspondence," by Judy Barrett Litoff and David C. Smith, 103-114

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, records accessioned, 310

Ide, John H., 362

Ikle, Fred C., papers accessioned, 201

Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, 322

Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 87

Immigration, 170

Immigration and Naturalization Service, microfilm publications, 203; records accessioned, 308, 310, and transferred, 302-303

Impeachment, of Supreme Court justices, 149-151

Inaugural Committee of 1957, records opened, 83

Inaugural Committees, National Archives Collection of Records of, material opened, 201

Income taxes, 19-31

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 290, 291; files opened, 197; records accessioned, 198, 199, 304-305, 307, 308, 409, and transferred, 420, 421, 422, 424

Indian Affairs, Office of, 321

"Indian Depredation Cases Under the Acts of 1891 and 1915," by Constance Potter and Jean West, 290

Indian nations, 292

Indian Office, 290, 291, 293, 295

Industrial Housing and Transportation, Bureau of, 37

Inland Waterways Corporation, records accessioned, 410

Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents, 323

Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-65, The, by Morris MacGregor, 298

Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission on, records accessioned, 411

Interior, Office of the Secretary of the, files transferred, 421, 424

Interior, U.S. Department of the, 290, 291

International Commission of Jurists, films and audio recordings accessioned, 194

International Red Cross, 320-321

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), 320

International trade, 176, 181

Internment camps, U.S., 153-168, 171, 431-432

"Internment of Japanese Americans, The" (exhibit), 431-432

Inuits, 169-170

Irrigation, 395-396

Isenbergh, Max, papers declassified, 78

Italian-United States Conciliation Commission, records accessioned, 409

Italy, 179, 337-338, 343, 362


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Jackson, Andrew, 216, 219

Jackson, Robert, 152

Jackson, Sara, 325-326

Jacobs, Rear Adm. Randall, 380-381

James E. O'Neill Lecture, 4

Japan, 119; records relating to declassified, 79

Japanese Americans, internment of, 153-168, 171, 319, 431-432; records relating to accessioned, 412, and transferred, 423; reparations to, 168; teaching kit, 319

Jefferson, Thomas, 147, 148, 151, 215, 216

Jehovah's Witnesses, 152, 393

Jelloian, Charles H., 88

JEROME, 264-265

Jet propulsion research, 369-370

JFK (film), 333, 384, 385, 388

Jimmy Carter Library, accessions and openings, 86, 200, 318; exhibits, 430-431

Job Corps, records accessioned, 310

John F. Kennedy Foundation, grants, 205-206

John F. Kennedy Library, 205-206; accessions and openings, 199-200, 314-315; grants, 432; Hemingway donations to, 335-349; holdings description, 202

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (booklet), 202

Johns Hopkins University Publications Project, 83

Johnson, Earl D., papers accessioned, 83

Johnson, Hirschle J., files described, 411

Johnson, Lady Bird, 88

Johnson, Lyndon B., letters accessioned, 315; papers opened, 316; photographs of accessioned, 299

Johnson, Samuel, 149

Johnson, W. Thomas, papers opened, 84, and declassified, 84

Johnson Space Center, records transferred, 420

Judge Advocate General (Army), Office of the, records accessioned, 410

Judicial review, 148

Judiciary Act of 1801, 148, 150

Judiciary Act of 1789, commemorative posters accessioned, 193

Jurden, Jack, 427

Justice, U.S. Department of, 321, 384; audio records transferred, 193; records accessioned, 409


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Kalugin, Oleg, 124

Kansas City Star, 337

Kass, Dennis M., files accessioned, 415

Keefer, Louis E., "Exceptional Young Americans: Soldiers and Sailors on College Campuses in World War II," 375-383

Keller, Vicki, files opened, 85

Kemp, Jack, 88

Kempton, Greta, 429

Kennedy, Anthony, 280, 281

Kennedy, Edward M., papers accessioned, 199

Kennedy, Jacqueline, film about opened, 200; photo, 385

Kennedy, John F., 50; letters declassified and opened, 315; papers accessioned, 315; papers relating to opened, 199, 200; photographs of accessioned, 299; records relating to the assassination of, 333, 384-388, 429, accessioned, 193

Kennedy, Robert, 385

Key West, FL, 344

Keynes, John Maynard, 28; photo, 22

KGB, 119, 121, 123, 124, 332, 353, 358, 359

Khrushchev, Nikita, 120, 122, 123; letters declassified and opened, 315; photo, 121

King, Rear Adm. Ernest J., 363

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 387

Kissinger, Henry, 54

Kleberg, Richard, letters by accessioned, 315

Knapp, Michael G., "A World War I Retrospective," 55-61

Knox, Frank, 376, 377

Kohl, Edith Ammons, 394

Kohn, Robert D., 40, 42

Korean War, 356, 359; papers relating to accessioned, 82

Kraft, Tim, White House Files opened, 318

Kravchuk, Leonid, 119, 125

Kuropas, Myron, papers accessioned, 316

Kurowsky, Agnes von, 338-339; photo, 339


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Labor, U.S. Department of, 37; files accessioned, 415, and transferred, 204

Labor Statistics, Bureau of, records accessioned, 416, and described, 411-412

Land and Minerals Management, Office of, records accessioned, 414

Land Grant Colleges and Universities, Association of, records accessioned, 408

Land Management, Bureau of, records accessioned, 198, 306, 308, 414, and transferred, 421

Lange, Dorothea, 153, 431-432

Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, 362, 363, 365, 368-369, 370

Lansing, Robert, 232

Last Reunion of the Blue and Gray, The, by Paul L. Roy, 188

Lathrop, Julia, 250

Latin America, article about, 174-183

Launius, Roger D., "'Never Was Life More Interesting': The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1936-1945," 361-374

Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Foundation, 23

Lee, Gen. Harry Rene, 188, 190

Lee, Russell, 153

Lee, Gen. William Lecel, papers opened, 312

LeFrak, Samuel J., papers declassified and opened, 315

Leland Prize, Waldo Gifford, 92

Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., records accessioned, 81

Lenin, Vladimir, 353, 354, 355-356; photo, 352

Letterman General Hospital, CA, records accessioned, 308

Letter-writing during World War II, 103-114

Lewis, George W., 362-363, 367, 368; photo, 368

Library of Congress, 218, 358

Life magazine, 348

Lincoln, Abraham, 388; legal papers discovered, 321-322

Lincoln, Evelyn, 385

Lincoln, N. S., 137

Lincoln, Robert, 136

Lincoln Legal Papers project, 322

Lindbergh, Charles A., 362, 363-364, 366, 370; photo, 367

Litchfield, Electus D., 40, 42

Litoff, Judy Barrett, and David C. Smith, "'I Wish That I Could Hide Inside This Letter': World War II Correspondence," 103-114

"Living Documents, Priceless Freedoms," by Don W. Wilson, 4-5

Logan, John A., 130, 131, 132

Long Beach Naval Shipyard, records transferred, 422

Loukides, George, "The Rice of Strangers: A One-Act Play," 153-168

Lowe, Alan C., "Reagan Library Opening Ceremonies," 88-90

Lowrey, Susan, 337

Lubken, Walter, 396

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 92; grants, 206, 326, 432

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 92, 93; accessions and openings, 84-85, 315-316; exhibits, 322; guide to holdings, 203

Lyon, France, 264, 265, 266, 274


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McAlmon, Bob, 345

MacArthur, Douglas, 220

McClory, Robert, 194

MacDonald, David R., papers opened, 85-86

McGhee, George C., files declassified, 78

MacGregor, Morris, papers declassified, 298

McGuin, Frank, 14

McIntyre, James, papers opened, 86, 200

McKim, Charles, 215, 218, 220

McKim, Mead & White, 215

McKinley, William, 217, 218

MacLeish, Archibald, 337

McNair, Lt. Gen. Lesley J., 376

McNamara, Robert S., 48; photo, 50

Macomber, William B., 50-51; photo, 51

MacPherson, Archibald T., files described, 411

McReynolds, R. Michael, "Records on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy," 384-388

Macy, John, files accessioned, 85

Madison, James, 147, 148; papers published, 92

Mahan, Capt. Alfred, 178

"Managing Nature: Environmental Images of the American West," by Bruce I. Bustard, 394-397

Manhattan Engineer District, photographs relating to accessioned, 299; records accessioned, 409, declassified, 298, and opened, 82

Manpower Administration, records accessioned, 310

Manumission, 73, 74, 75

Maquis, 257, 261

Marburg Castle, Germany, 177

Marbury v. Madison, 148

Margarita, Venezuela, 178, 179

Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of, files transferred, 204

Marsden, R. D., records transferred, 305

Marseilles, France, 263

Marshal Space Flight Center, AL, records accessioned, 303

Marshall, Gen. George C., 376, 379; photo, 376

Marshall, John, 148, 151; portrait, 151

Marshall, Thurgood, 282, 285

Marshall, Wilbur B., 52

Martin, Ferman, cartoons by accessioned, 314-315

Martin, Luther, 150

Maryland, 147, 148, 150

Maryland v. Craig, 282, 283, 284

Mason, George, 147

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, records transferred, 418

Masursky, Harold, records accessioned, 198

Maternal health care, 248, 249

Maynard, George, 132

Mead, George J., 367

Mead, James M., 371

Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of, records transferred, 302, 418

Medina, Dennis, 93, 322

Mediterranean Theater of Operations, 104, 106; records declassified, 80

Merchant seamen, 70-76

Merck, Baron von, 181, 182

Merrifield, J. B., files transferred, 301

Mexico, 176, 177, 178

Microfilm publications, assassination of President Kennedy, 387; Bureau of Indian Affairs, 319; Federal Bureau of Investigation, 319; Japanese war crimes trials, 427-428; logbooks, 400-401; naturalization petitions, 203; U.S. House of Representatives, 319; U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 427

Microfilming, of Civil War military records, 100-101; of mail during World War II, 104, 105

Middleton, Harry J., 92

Midway, Battle of, 404

Milan, Italy, 337-338

"Milestone Documents," 319

Military Assistance Command, records declassified, 406

Military aviation, 363-364

Military intelligence agents, 257-274

Military service records, 190-191; Civil War, 100-101

Miller, Michael, 92

Millikin, Robert A., 364

Mine Safety and Health Administration, files transferred, 425

Mines, Bureau of, audiovisual records accessioned, 299; records accessioned, 307, 409, 415, and opened, 81

Minority Business Development Agency, records accessioned, 414

Mint, Bureau of the, records accessioned, 410

Mississippi-Warrior Service, records relating to accessioned, 410

Mitchell, Nancy, "Germans in the Backyard: Weltpolitik Versus Protective Imperialism," 174-183

Mitscher, Vice Adm. M. A., 404

Mixed Parole and Clemency Board, records accessioned, 409

Mobil Oil Corporation, records relating to transferred, 421

Modern Archives Institute, 93

Moffitt Field, CA, 365

Monroe, James, 217

Monroe Doctrine, 174, 176, 178, 179; cartoon about, 179

Morale, of soldiers, 103, 110

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 18, 22-23, 24, 25, 26

Mormons, 171, 173, 395

Morris, Robert, 11

Muñoz de Moncada, Don Francisco, 13, 16-17

"Murder of President James A. Garfield, The," by James C. Clark, 129-139

My Lai, Vietnam, report on accessioned, 416

Myer, Dillon S., 154

"Mystery of the Nuestra Señora de Regla: Underwater Archaeology in North Carolina, The," by Richard Triebe and Mark Wilde-Ramsing, 7-17


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Narcotics traffic, files relating to declassified, 78

Nashville, 404

National Academy of Public Administration, 323

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 361-374; photo, 367

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 361, 372; records accessioned, 303, 304, 306, 416, declassified, 298, opened, 312, and transferred, 420

National Archives Gift Collection, 192; accessions, 194

National Archives and Records Administration, 333, 384-388, 393, 402; accessions and openings, 78-86, 193-201, 297-318, 402-425; annual report available, 426; Center for Electronic Records, 300; Civil Records Division, 70; Civil Reference Branch, 65, 66, 290, 291, 292; conferences, 202, 430; exhibitions, 4-5, 91, 92, 93, 169-171, 202, 322, 394-397, 430-431; Exhibits and Educational Programs Division, 319; Gift Catalog, 426; microfilm publications, 203, 319, 387; Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch, 386; News and Notices, 88-94, 204-206, 320-326, 427-432; Office of Public Programs, 4, 93, 193, 431; Office of the Federal Register, 426, 429; posters accessioned, 193; publications, 87, 202-203, 319, 426; Records Declassification Division, 78-80, 297-299, 405-407; Special Archives Division, 193-195, 299-300, 428; Still Picture Branch, 153, 192, 193, 194, 323; Suitland Reference Branch, 188, 192, 291, 405; Textual Projects Division, 80-82, 407-418

National Archives Regional Archives System, Alaska Region, 204, 425; Central Plains Region, 197-198, 204, 304-305, 420; Great Lakes Region, 196-197, 204, 303-304, 419-420; Mid Atlantic Region, 196, 302-303, 418-419, 431; New England Region, 195-196, 204, 300-302, 417-418; Northeast Region, 11, 196; Pacific Northwest Region, 204, 310-311, 424-425; Pacific Sierra Region, 199, 204, 308, 423; Pacific Southwest Region, 198-199, 308-310, 321, 422; Rocky Mountain Region, 198, 306-308, 421-422; Southeast Region, 94, 196, 204, 303, 419; Southwest Region, 305-306, 420-421

National Archives Volunteer Association, 320

National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), 92-93

National Banking Acts of 1863 and 1864, 62

National banks, 62-67

National Bureau of Standards, records accessioned, 411

National Capital Planning Commission, records accessioned, 413

National Council for Defense, 248

National Defense, Advisory Commission to the Council of, 367

National Defense, Council of, 34, 36, 37; Housing Section, 33, 35, 36; Labor Committee, 34-35

National Defense Research Committee, 367

National Guard, 191

National High Blood Pressure Education Program, posters accessioned, 193

National Historic Landmarks Program, files opened, 81; records relating to accessioned, 409

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 91-92, 323-324, 325; grants and fellowships, 323, 324

National Housing Association, 37, 41

National Institute of Standards and Technology, records accessioned, 411

National Institutes of Health, records accessioned, 300

National Labor Relations Board, records accessioned, 408

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, films accessioned, 299; records transferred, 301

National Park Service, 91, 100-101; records accessioned, 302, 409, opened, 81, 199, and transferred, 424

National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings, and National Monuments, Advisory Board on, records accessioned, 409

National Personnel Records Center, 310

National Research Advisory Committee, 366-367

National Resources Committee, 23

National Resources Planning Board, 23; records transferred, 301, 307, 419, 423, 425

National Rifle Association, 284

National School Celebration of Columbus Day, 390, 391

National Security Agency, records accessioned, 414

National Security Council, records accessioned, 412, declassified, 83-84, 311, 313, 316, and opened, 83, 84, 311, 315-316

National Trust for Historic Preservation, audiovisual records transferred, 299

National War Labor Board, records accessioned, 303, 304, and transferred, 305, 306, 307, 309, 311, 418, 419-420, 421, 423

National Youth Administration, records transferred, 301, 303, 305, 423

Native Americans, 253, 290-296, 321

Natural resources, 394-397

Naturalization records, 73, 302, 310, 418, 419, 423, 425; files opened, 199

Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, records accessioned, 304, 417-418, declassified, 79, 298, opened, 81, and transferred, 422

Naval Intelligence, Office of, 177

Naval Material, Chief of, photographs accessioned, 194

Naval Operating Forces, records declassified, 298, 406

Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of, 402; records accessioned, 408, declassified and opened, 297, 405

Naval Personnel, Bureau of, 400-401; records accessioned, 414, and transferred, 302, 418, 420-421

Navigation, Bureau of, 400, 402

Navy, U.S. Department of the, records transferred, 425

Navy Alaska Coal Commission, records transferred, 425

Navy V-12 program, 375-383

Nesmith, Achsah, files opened, 318

"'Never Was Life More Interesting': The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1936-1945," by Roger D. Launius, 361-374

New Deal, 21, 22, 23

New England Economic Development Region, records transferred and opened, 196

New Hanover County (NC) Library, 8-9

New Hanover County (NC) Museum, 9

New Harmony, IN, 171, 172

New York, 131; Port of, 70, 76

New York Quarantine Station, records accessioned, 196

New York State Woman Suffrage Party, 227, 237

New York Times, 50, 51, 52, 54, 144, 385

New York World, 180

Newark, NJ, 36

Newport News Shipbuilding Company, 37

Newsweek, 120

Nichols, David A., 290

Nicholson, Joseph, 148

1920 Federal Population Census, The, 87

Ninth Amendment, 278, 279

Nixon, Diane S., 321

Nixon, Pat, 88

Nixon, Richard M., 50, 54, 88; materials transferred, 321; photo, 89

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, 427; accessions and openings, 85, 316

"(No) Politics, as Usual," by Don W. Wilson, 212-213

Nobel Prize for literature, 348-349

Nolen, John, 35, 40

Norstad, Gen. Lauris, papers declassified, 314

North American Newspaper Alliance, 345

North Carolina, 7, 11, 13

North Carolina, University of, 11-12

North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Unit, 10, 11

Noyes, David M., papers accessioned and opened, 311

Nuestra Señora de Regla (ship), 7-17

Nürnberg trials, records relating to declassified, 79


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Oakes, James, 53-54

O'Connor, Sandra Day, 282, 284

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, records accessioned, 410

Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies, 11

Old Age and Survivors Insurance, Bureau of, materials opened, 81

Olszewski, Jan, 320

O'Neill, Paul, papers accessioned, 85, and opened, 317

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, records relating to accessioned, 412-413

Order and Law, by Charles Fried, 280

Ordnance, Bureau of, files declassified, 78, 406

Ordnance, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 304, 410-411, and declassified, 79

Oregon, 154

Organization of American Historians, 323, 325

"OSS Agent Behind Enemy Lines in France, An," by Helene Deschamps-Adams, 257-274

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 384, 386, 429; diary, 388; photo, 387

Oswald, Marina, photo, 387

Owen, Robert, 171, 172


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Pacific Islands, High Commissioner for the Trust Territories of the, records declassified, 406

Pacific Mutual v. Haslip, 281, 282

Pacific Northwest Economic Development Region, records transferred, 425

Panama Canal, photographs relating to construction of accessioned, 194

Panama Canal Company, records opened, 81

Panama Canal Zone, photographs, audio recordings, and films relating to accessioned, 194

Pardon Attorney, Office of the, records accessioned, 411

Patch, Lt. Gen. Alexander M., 262

Patent and Trademark Office, Records of the, 171; records opened, 81-82

Patriotism, 390-393

Patronage, 129-132

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, records accessioned, 302

Paul, Marilyn H., "'I Pledge Allegiance . . . ,'" 390-393

Paul, Randolph, 18, 22-23, 24, 25

Pay-As-You-Go tax plan, 19-31

Peabody, Endicott, papers accessioned, 315

Peace Corps, photographs accessioned, 314; posters accessioned, 195

Peace Corps Collection, accessions, 199, 314; material opened, 200

Pearl Harbor, attack on, 155, 403

Pearson, Drew, papers opened, 84, 315

Peers Report, accessioned, 416

Pender County (NC) Academic Enrichment Program, 7

Penns Grove, NJ, 34

Pennsylvania, 149, 188, 191

Pentagon Papers, 48-54

Perestroika, 117-127, 354

Perkins, Max, 342, 348

Persian Gulf, 52-53

Personnel Management, Office of, records accessioned, 414

Petit-Jean, 257, 258, 259

Philadelphia, PA, 36; Port of, 70, 71, 73, 76

Philadelphia North American, 178

Philippine Sea, Battle of the, 404

Photographs, accessioned, 193-195; relating to internment of Japanese Americans, 153-168; relating to seventy-fifth anniversary reunion of the Battle of Gettysburg, 192

Photography, World War I, 56-58

"Pictures of World War II" (slide set), 323

Pierce, Newton B., letters transferred, 309

Piez, Charles, 37

Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of, records transferred, 304, 309

Platt, Thomas, 131, 132

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, 390-393, 430

Plockschis, Kristoph, 135

Plumer, William, 150

Poland, return of records to, 320

Polk, Frank, 230-231

Polk, James K., 216-217, 222

Poore, Charles, 344

Popov, Gariel, 118

Portsmouth (NH) Navy Yard, records accessioned, 417-418

Post offices, records relating to the construction of accessioned, 417

Posters, accessioned, 193-195; available, 202-203

Poston, AZ, 160, 161

Potter, Constance, 290, 292, 293, 295

Pound, Ezra, 340, 341, 343

Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Company, 106, 107-108

President Ford Committee, records opened, 317

Presidential Clemency Programs for Military Deserters, records accessioned, 417

Presidential libraries, 88-90; accessions and openings, 82-86, 199-201, 311-318; grants, 204-206, 323-325

Presidential Records Act of 1978, 90

President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, 384

President's Committee of the Handicapped, minutes declassified and opened, 315

President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, minutes declassified and opened, 315

President's Committee on War Relief, records declassified, 406

President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives, records accessioned and opened, 201

Price, Harold Lee, papers accessioned, 82

Price Stabilization, Office of, records accessioned, 416

Princeton, 404

Prisoners of war, 356, 359; records relating to accessioned, 412

Prize court records, 11, 15, 17

Progressive Era, 34

Propaganda, American, in World War I, 229-238

Property Management and Disposal Service, records declassified, 406

Prospect Before Us, The, by James Callender, 149

Protective imperialism, 174-183

Provost Marshal General, Office of the, files accessioned, 413, and declassified, 299

Prucha, Francis Paul, 290

Pruitt-Igoe Projects, records transferred, 420

Psychological Strategy Board, records declassified and opened, 311

PT-109, 401-402

Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, Records of the Office of, 202

Public Buildings Service, drawings accessioned, 309; records accessioned, 415

Public Contracts Division, case files transferred, 307

Public Health Service, posters accessioned, 193; records accessioned, 196, 300, 409-410, and transferred, 305

Public Housing Administration, records accessioned, 415, and transferred, 420; Records of the, 171

Public Papers of President Bush, 426

Public Roads, Bureau of, files opened, 195

Public Works Administration, records relating to transferred, 425

Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, 181, 182

Puget Sound Navy Yard, WA, plan, 34

Pugo, Boris, 124

Puig, Emilio, 13, 15, 16

Purdy, Virginia C., 319

Pyle, Ernie, 103


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Quartermaster General, Office of the, 188, 192; records accessioned, 410

Quayle, Dan, 320

Quincy, MA, photo, 36, 37


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R. H. Macy department store, 20, 23, 24, 25

Rabinovich, Alexander, 358

Radford, Adm. Arthur W., records accessioned, 415-416

Radio America, 94

Rand Corporation, 50

Rand Manufacturing Company, 138

Randolph, John, 150; portrait, 150

"Reading the Constitution," by Laurence H. Tribe, 276-285

Reagan, Maureen, 90

Reagan, Nancy, 88, 90

Reagan, Patrick D., "The Withholding Tax, Beardsley Ruml, and Modern American Public Policy," 19-31

Reagan, Ronald, 88-90, 168, 428; photo, 89

Reaves, William, 10; photo, 10

Reclamation, Bureau of, 395-396; photographs accessioned, 307; records relating to transferred, 421

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 21; records described, 416

Records management practices, posters promoting accessioned, 193

"Records on the Assassination of John F. Kennedy," by R. Michael McReynolds, 384-388

Records preservation, 323

Red Cross, 109, 111, 320-321

Reedy, George F., papers accessioned, 84

"Reeling Through History" (exhibit), 91

Rehnquist, William H., 52, 281; "The Bill of Rights and an Independent Judiciary," 144-152

Reichley, A. James, interviews by opened, 85

Reign of Terror, 146, 148

Religious communities, 171

Religious freedom, 152

Remington Arms, 34, 38

Rendon, Armando, files opened, 318

Reparations, to Japanese Americans, 168

Republican National Committee, records accessioned, 311, and opened, 312

Republican party, 131, 132, 134, 148, 150, 151

"Researching National Banks and Bank Notes," by Jack H. Fisher, 62-67

Resettlement Administration, Office of, records transferred, 204

Revenue Act of October 1942, 20, 25

Reyburn, Robert, 136, 137

Reynals, Capt. Ignacio, 12-17

"Rice of Strangers: A One-Act Play, The" by George Loukides, 152-168

Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace, materials transferred to, 321

Richards, George J., papers declassified and opened, 311

Rilley, Harry, 177

Rivenbark, Danny, photo, 8

"Road to War, The" (film series), 93-94, 431

Roberts, J. W. "Bill," papers accessioned, 85

Rochester, University of, Library, 393

Rockefeller, John D., 23

Rodert, Lewis A., 369

Role of Federal Forces in Civil Disturbances, 1945-1971, The, background material for accessioned, 412

Ronald Reagan Foundation, 90

Ronald Reagan Library, 88-90; accessions and openings, 200-201, 318

Roosevelt, Edith Carow, 220, 222, 223

Roosevelt, Eleanor, correspondence accessioned, 311

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 20, 21, 23, 24, 25-26, 112, 144, 153, 161, 164, 188, 366, 376, 379; photos, 356, 376, 398

Roosevelt, Theodore, 215-225, 232, 245-246

Roots, 388

"Roots and Path of Perestroika, The," by Hedrick Smith, 117-127

Rostow, Walt W., files opened, 84

Roy, Paul L., 188, 190

Rules of the Road for Those Invited to Accompany the President on Horseback Rides, by George B. Cortelyou, 221

Ruml, Beardsley, 18, 19-28; photo, 23

Rural life, 245-254

Russia, 320, 353-359

Russian-American Genealogical Archival Service (RAGAS), 320

Russian Revolution, 353


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St. Tropez, France, 262

Saipan, 404

Salinas, CA, Assembly Center, 158; photo, 158

San Antonio Museum of Art, 93

San Carlos Indian Agency, AZ, 173

San Francisco, CA, 172

Sano, Isuke, correspondence accessioned, 311

Sara Jackson Award, 325-326

Saxton, Capt. Rufus, 14, 17

Scalia, Antonin, 52, 281, 282, 283, 284

Schleede, Glenn, papers opened, 86

Schlieffen, Alfred von, 179-180

Schneider, James, 377

Schoolcraft, Henry R., 321

"Schoolcraft Map, The," 321

Schoonmaker, Frank, 263, 264

Schweiker, Richard S., papers accessioned, 201

Schwimmer, Rosika, 235-236

Science and Technology, Office of, records accessioned, 413

Scientific Research and Development, Office of, 367; files transferred, 195, 204, and opened, 195

"Scientists against Time," 366

Scowcroft, Brent, papers opened, 86

Scribner, Charles, Jr., 337, 339, 340, 347, 348, 349

Scribner's, 342, 343

Scribner's Magazine, 344

Seale, William, 431; "Best Foot Forward: White House Social Rules in the Time of Theodore Roosevelt," 215-225

Seamen, 400-404

Seamen's Protection Certificates, 70-76, 204

Seaplane research, 363

Sears, Thomas, 38

Second Amendment, 284-285

Secrets War: The Office of Strategic Services in World War II, The, edited by George C. Chalou, 202

Securities and Exchange Commission, files accessioned, 416

Sedition Act of 1798, 149

Seeley, Charlotte Palmer, 319

Segregation, 253

Selective Service System, 164; records opened, 197-198, 199; registration cards accessioned, 306

Seventeenth Amendment, 279

Shakers, 171

Shaposhnikov, Yevgeny, 124

Sheehan, Neil, 50

Sheppard-Towner Act, 248

Sherman, Gen. Thomas W., 14, 17

Sherman, Gen. William T., 134, 136

Ship construction, photographs accessioned, 194; plans accessioned, 417-418

Shipbuilding industry, 33, 36, 37; records relating to accessioned, 425

Ships, Bureau of, records accessioned, 417-418, and declassified, 78, 297

Ships' logs, 400-404

Shipwrecks, 7-17

Shoemaker, Eugene, records accessioned, 310

Shurtleff, Arthur, 38, 40

Simon, Bill, files opened, 200

Simon, William E., papers accessioned, 317

Simpson, Alan, 52

Sisson, Edgar, 234

Sixteenth Amendment, 19

Sixth Amendment, 282-283

Skogen, Larry C., "The Bittersweet Reality of Indian Depredation Cases," 290-296

Smith, David C., and Judy Barrett Litoff, "'I Wish That I Could Hide Inside This Letter': World War II Correspondence," 103-114

Smith, Hedrick, "The Roots and Path of Perestroika," 117-127

Smith, William French, papers accessioned, 201

Smith-Lever Act, 253

Smokey Bear, posters accessioned and opened, 194

Sobchak, Anatoly, 118

Social rules, in the White House, 215-225

Social Security Act of 1935, 23

Social Security Administration, records accessioned, 408, and opened, 81

Society of American Archivists, 92

Society of Colorado Archivists, 93

Soil Conservation Service, photographs accessioned, 193; records transferred and opened, 195, 196, 310, 422

"Soldiers TV Magazine," videotapes accessioned, 299

Solid Fuels Administration for War, records transferred, 418, 419

Solis, Hilda, files opened, 318

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 122

South Carolina, 13-14

South Dakota Farmer, 250

Southport Steamboat Company, 8

Spain, 12, 13, 14-15, 151, 174, 340, 342, 345

Spanish-American War, 174

Spanish Civil War, 345

Sparrows Point, MD, 36

Special Committee on Future Research Facilities, 365

Special Committee on the Relation of NACA to National Defense in Time of War, 363

Special Instructions to the Chief Doorkeeper and Those Under His Immediate Supervision, by George B. Cortelyou, 219

Special List 44: List of Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, and Miscellaneous Units, 1801-1947, 400-401

Speechwriters, Office of the, White House Files of opened, 318

Spingarn, Stephen J., papers declassified and opened, 311

Spruce Production Corporation, records transferred, 425

SS Panzer Divisions, 258, 260, 261, 262, 264

Stalin, Joseph, 119, 122, 123, 353, 354, 355, 357; photos, 121, 356

Stallforth, Frederick, papers accessioned, 411

Stamps, posters advertizing accessioned, 195

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, papers published, 92

State, U.S. Department of, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 238, 388; records accessioned, 81, 316, 408-409, 414-415, declassified, 78, 297, 405, 406, and opened, 81, 297, 312-313

State archives, 212-213

State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 92

Stein, Gertrude, 340, 342, 343; photo, 343

Stein, Herbert, files opened, 85

Stevens, John Paul, 282

Stevenson, Adlai, audiovisual materials accessioned, 314

Stewart, Potter, 52

Stillman, John, papers accessioned, 314

Stimson, Henry L., 376, 378, 379, 380; photo, 376

Stone, Oliver, 388

Story, Joseph, 149

Stovall, Pleasant A., 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236

Strategic Services, Office of, 202, 257-274; records accessioned, 81, 415, and declassified, 79, 298

Studebaker, John W., 375

Sturgis, R. Clipson, 38

Sulzer, Hans, 233

Sunshine Mine fire, files on transferred, 425

Supplies and Accounts (Navy), Bureau of, files accessioned, 297-298, and declassified, 406

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), records opened, 83

Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), records declassified, 314

Surgeon General (Army), Office of the, files transferred and opened, 195; records accessioned, 304, 410, and opened, 196, 313

Swaim, Gen. D. G., 139

Switzerland, 227-238

Sykes, Tyree, photo, 8

Sylvan Grove (ship), 7, 8-9, 10


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Taft, Helen Herron, 225

Taft, William Howard, 220, 224-225

Tambach Castle, Germany, 177

Tapia, Raul, files opened, 318

Tax policy, 19-31

Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., records accessioned, 81, 415-416

Teaching kits, 319

Technical Information, Office of, records accessioned, 411

Tender Is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 343

Tennessee (battleship), 403

Tenth Amendment, 278, 279

Texas, 212-213

Texas, University of, 92

Thacker, Robert, 358

Thompson, George N., records accessioned, 411

"Ties That Bind: Communities in American History," by Lisa B. Auel, 169-171

Ties That Bind: Communities in American History, edited by Lisa Benkert Auel, 87

"Ties That Bind: Communities in American History" (exhibit), 92, 169-171

Time-Life Corporation, 386

Tin Study Group, International, records declassified, 406

Tirpitz, Rear Adm. Alfred, 174, 176, 180

"'Tis Done! We Have Become a Nation" (poster set), 193

Todd Dry Dock and Construction Corporation, records transferred, 425

Toklas, Alice B., 343

Toland, John, papers accessioned, 82

Toom, Malcolm, 356

Toronto Star, 339, 340, 341

Torres, Esteban, files opened, 318

Townsend, Smith, 136, 137

Tracy, Uriah, 150

Trade Negotiations, Office of the Special Representative for, files opened, 316

Training programs, 93

Transportation, U.S. Department of, records described, 414

Travel writers, 340

Travels with Myself and Another, by Martha Gellhorn, 345

Treason, 149, 151

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 22, 24, 25-26; records accessioned, 408

Tribe, Laurence H., "Reading the Constitution," 276-285

Triebe, Richard, and Mark Wilde-Ramsing, "The Mystery of the Nuestra Señora de Regla: Underwater Archaeology in North Carolina," 7-17

Tripler General Hospital, HI, records accessioned, 308

Trotsky, Leon, 355

Truman, Harry S., 22, 428, 429-430

Truth, The, by Charles Guiteau, 132

"'Truth Above All Else, The,'" by Don W. Wilson, 332-333

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 291, 394

Turner, Randy, 315

Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 122, 123

Twenty-first Amendment, 276-278

Twenty-seventh Amendment, 427


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Underwater archaeology, 7-17

U.S.S.R., 117-127, 144-145, 332-333, 353-359

United Confederate Veterans, 188, 190

United Daughters of the Confederacy, 190

United Daughters of Union Veterans, 190

United Nations, files relating to accessioned, 409, and declassified, 78, 405

U.S. Air Force, Office of the Secretary of the, records declassified, 298, 407

U.S. Air Force Academy, files and photographs accessioned, 198

U.S. Air Force Commands, records declassified, 80, 299, 407

U.S. Air Force Headquarters, records declassified, 79-80, and opened, 82

U.S. Army, 14, 15, 17, 154, 156, 164, 165, 375-383; in France, 262, 263, 264, 266, 272; records opened, 83

U.S. Army, Vietnam, records declassified, 407

U.S. Army Chaplain's School, records accessioned, 411

U.S. Army Commands, records accessioned, 304, 308, 413, 417, declassified, 79, 298, 407, and transferred, 310; videotapes accessioned, 299

U.S. Army Hospitals, records transferred, 310

U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, records accessioned, 412

U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, records accessioned, 417

U.S. Army Medical Corps, 57

U.S. Army Services of Supply (SOS), 57

U.S. Army Signal Corps, 56-58

U.S. Army Staff, records accessioned, 82, 412, and declassified, 79, 298

U.S. Attorneys and Marshals, files accessioned, 198, and transferred, 422

U.S. Coast Guard, logbooks accessioned, 300, 308, transferred, 195, 204, 417, 418-419, 424, and opened, 195, 196, 199; records accessioned, 408, and opened, 81

U.S. Commissioner for Germany, records declassified, 80

United States Congress, 333

U.S. Constitution, 146-147, 276-285, 393, 427; ratification of, 147

U.S. Courts, Administrative Office of the, records accessioned, 415

U.S. Courts of Appeals, records accessioned, 303, 306, 308, and transferred, 419, 422; transcripts opened, 195

U.S. Customs Service, records accessioned, 301, 303, 308, opened, 196-197, 199, and transferred, 204, 417

U.S. District Courts, 15, 17; case files accessioned, 196, 300, 303, 306, 309-310, transferred, 195, 417, 418, 419, 420, 422, 424, and opened, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199; commemorative posters accessioned, 193; microfilm publications, 203; naturalization records accessioned, 302, and transferred, 418, 419, 423, 425

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, records accessioned, 302, and transferred, 420

United States Flag Association, 391

U.S. Grain Corporation, records transferred, 302, 306, 419

U.S. House of Representatives, 149, 150, 429; Select Committee on Assassinations (1978), 193, 384, 386, 387-388

United States Housing Corporation, 37-38, 39, 40, 41-42

United States Information Agency (USIA), 238; records accessioned, 416, and declassified, 406

U.S. International Trade Commission, records described, 415

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, records accessioned, 81, 415

U.S. Life Saving Service Stations, records transferred, 195, 204, and opened, 195, 196, 199

U.S. Marine Corps, 377, 381; motion picture films transferred, 194

U.S. Maritime Commission, records declassified, 406

U.S. Naval Historical Center, records declassified, 298

U.S. Navy, 15, 17, 375-383, 402; Steam Engineering Bureau, 138

United States Postal Service, posters accessioned, 195

U.S. Railroad Retirement Board, records transferred, 419

U.S. Secret Service, 385, 386

U.S. Senate, Finance Committee, 24; Government Affairs Committee, 429; Records of the, 171; trials before the, 148, 149-151

United States Shipping Board, 37; records transferred, 301, 305, 308, 311

U.S. Supreme Court, 48, 50, 51-54, 276-285, 393; article about, 144-152; audio records transferred, 299; records accessioned, 412

U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration, records accessioned, 413

United War Work Campaign, posters accessioned, 194

"Unlocking Russia's Unknown History," by Dmitri A. Volkogonov, 353-359

Upham, James B., 391

Using the Nation's Documentary Heritage, the Report of the Historical Documents Study, by Ann D. Gordon, 325

Utah, 160, 395

Utopian communities, 171, 172


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Valdez, AK, photo of, 172

Venezuela, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179

Veterans, 188, 190-192

Veterans Administration, 190; records accessioned, 407

Victory, John F., 361-362, 365, 368, 372; photo, 365

Victory Mail, 104, 105

Vietnam, films relating to transferred, 194

Vietnam War, 48-54, 356; records relating to accessioned, 416

Vietnam War Crimes Working Group, records declassified, 79

Villard, Henry, 337-338

Virginia, University of, 318

Virginia Declaration of Rights, 147

Volkogonov, Gen. Dmitri A., 332-333; "Unlocking Russia's Unknown History," 353-359

von Kurowsky, Agnes, letter opened, 200

von Ohain, Hans, 369-370

Von Schrenk, Hermann, files transferred, 304


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Waccamaw (ship), 9, 10-11

Wage and Hour Division, case files transferred, 195, 196, 204, 307, and opened, 195, 196, 197, 199

Wales, Philip S., 136, 137

Walker, David M., records accessioned, 415

Wallace, Robert A., papers accessioned, 314, 315

Walters, Vernon, 323

War crimes, microfilm publications relating to, 427-428; records relating to accessioned, 409, and declassified, 298, 406

War Department, 188, 290, 364, 365, 376, 379, 380

War Information, Office of, 24, 431-432

War Manpower Commission, records relating to declassified, 314

War Mobilization Office, records relating to declassified, 314

War of 1812, 70-76

War Production Board, records declassified, 406

War Relocation Authority, 154; Records of the, 153

Warren Commission, 384-388, 429

Washington, George, 149, 216

Washington, DC, 202

Washington State, 154

"Washington Debates of the Seventies and Eighties" (television series), tapes accessioned, 194

Washington Post, 134, 144, 384, 388

Water resources management, 395-396

Waterbury, CT, 34; plan, 35

Watergate, 384; teaching kit available, 319

Wayne, Stephen, interview with opened, 317

Weather Bureau, records accessioned, 303, and transferred, 300-301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 308

Webster, William H., audio recordings accessioned, 193

Weidenfeld, Sheila R., papers accessioned, 317

Weltpolitik, 174-183

Wenk, Edward, Jr., papers accessioned, 315

West, Jean, 290, 292, 293, 295

West Coast Lumber Commission, records transferred, 311

West Virginia (battleship), 403

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Walter Barnette et al., 152, 393

Western Historical Quarterly, 290

Western Ways: Images of the American West (catalog), by Bruce I. Bustard, 426

"Western Ways: Images of the American West" (exhibit), 394-397, 426, 430

Weston, S. Burns, speeches transferred, 303

Westover, Maj. Gen. Oscar, 363, 364

Westover Committee, 363

Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., records accessioned, 415-416

White, Byron R., 52

White, Margita E., papers accessioned, 316

White House, remodeling of the, 215-216, 220; social rules in the, 215-225

White House and Executive Office: Organization and Rules, by George B. Cortelyou, 218-219

White House Central Files, accessioned, 315, and opened, 85, 313

White House Files, accessioned, 200, declassified, 311, and opened, 311, 316

White House Office of Budget and Accounting, records accessioned, 317; records transferred and opened, 313

White House Office of Records Management, records accessioned, 200, 318

White House Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, records declassified, 313-314

White House Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology, records declassified, 313-314

Whitehouse, Norman, 229, 231-232, 235, 236

Whitehouse, Vira, 227-238; photo, 226, 237

Whitman, Ann C., papers accessioned, 83

Whittle, Frank, 369-370

Wichers, Edward, files described, 411

Wick, Charles Z., papers accessioned,201

Wilde-Ramsing, Mark, and Richard Triebe, "The Mystery of the Nuestra Señora de Regla: Underwater Archaeology in North Carolina," 7-17

Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 174, 176, 178-179, 180

Williams, John H., files accessioned, 416

Wilmington, DE, 40

Wilmington (NC) Star, 9, 10

Wilson, Don W., 89-90, 92, 319, 427, 428, 429; "The Civil War Soldiers System," 100-101; "Living Documents, Priceless Freedoms," 4-5; "(No) Politics, as Usual," 212-213; "'The Truth Above All Else,'" 332-333

Wilson, Hugh R. 229, 230-231

Wilson, Pete, 88

Wilson, Woodrow, 34, 37, 41, 227, 230-232, 234, 236

Wind tunnels, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368-369, 370

Winters, Jonathan, 194

Wisconsin, University of, 92

"Withholding Tax, Beardsley Ruml, and Modern American Public Policy, The," by Patrick D. Reagan, 19-31

Wolper, Gregg, 325; "Woodrow Wilson's New Diplomacy: Vira Whitehouse in Switzerland, 1918," 227-238

Women, in overseas propaganda work, 227-234; teaching kit, 319; as undercover agents, 257-274; in wartime, 58

Women's Relief Corps, 390

Women's suffrage, 227-228

"Woodrow Wilson's New Diplomacy: Vira Whitehouse in Switzerland, 1918," by Gregg Wolper, 227-238, 325

Woodward, J. J., 136-137

Work Projects Administration, 70, 73, 76

World in Flames (poster exhibit), 202

World War I, 19, 55-61, 154, 174, 180, 245; housing policy during, 33-43; photography, 56-58; posters accessioned, 194; propaganda during, 227-238

"World War I Retrospective, A," by Michael G. Knapp, 55-61

World War II, 5, 19, 20, 21-22, 24, 25, 26, 152, 177, 356-357, 366, 367-371, 372; commemoration of, 83, 93-94, 431; conference about, 430; correspondence between families and soldiers, 103-114; exhibits, 322; military personnel on college campuses during, 375-383; papers relating to solicited, 312; poster exhibits, 202-203; records relating to accessioned, 408, 409, declassified, 79, 80, 298, 314, and transferred, 418, 420, 421, 423; teaching kits, 319

"World War II Audiovisual Brochure," 323

World War II: Personal Accounts--Pearl Harbor to V-J Day (catalog), compiled by Gary Yarrington, 426

"World War II: Personal Accounts--Pearl Harbor to V-J Day" (exhibit), 93, 322, 426

World War II Resources from the National Archives and its National Audiovisual Center (catalog), 202, 323

"World War II Ships' Logs," by Benjamin L. DeWhitt, 400-404

World War II Studies Association, 430

"World War II: The Artist's View" (exhibit), 94, 322

"World War II: The Homefront in the South" (symposium), 94

"World War II: Views From the Front" (exhibit), 93

World's Columbian Exposition, 390


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Yale Law Review, 278

YANK magazine, 380

Yanov, Alexander, 358

Yarrington, Gary A., 93, 426

Yavlinski, Gregory, 117

Yazov, Marshal, 124

Yeltsin, Boris, 118-119, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 332, 358, 359; Mrs., 429; photo, 359

Yockelson, Mitchell, "The Great Reunion: The Seventy-fifth Anniversary of Gettysburg," 188-192

York, Alvin C., 56

Yorktown (battleship), 404

Youth's Companion, The, 391


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Zapruder, Abraham, 386

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 125

Zobrist, Benedict K., 430

Zook, George F., 375

Zulauf, Frances McGiboney, 103-114; photos, 102, 108, 113

Zulauf, Robert, 103-114; photos, 102, 109, 113

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