Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1994


Note: This index does not include references to Volume 26, Number 2, Prologue: 25th Anniversary Issue. The articles reprinted in that issue have been indexed previously in the volumes in which they originally appeared.

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Abram, Morris, oral history interview opened, 300

Acheson, Dean, 121-122, 162, 163, 164; letters from opened, 198; photo, 164

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, National Commission on, records accessioned, 188


Adams, Abigail, 9

Adams, Arlin M., records accessioned, 291

Adams, Henry, 223

Adams, John, 8, 9, 15

Adjutant General's Office, 80, 82, 171; records accessioned, 291, and transferred, 193, 194, 195, 293, 296

Admiralty case files, accessioned, 92, 97, 190, 291, 293

Aeronautics, National Advisory Committee for, records accessioned, 89

African-American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation, 107

African Americans, 19, 40-41, 66, 80, 82, 83-84, 104-105; Civil War memorial, 107; poster, 201; records relating to declassified, 187; in World War II, 171

African Americans During World War II (select list), 104-105

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, survey accessioned, 190

Agency for International Development (AID), records declassified, 87, 187

Air Coordinating Committee, records relating to declassified, 186

Air Material Command, records declassified, 88

Alaska, purchase of, 261-269

Alcohol, bootleg, 225-233

Alesch, Robert, 251-252, 254, 256; photo, 252

Alesh, Abbé, 251-252, 254, 256; photo, 252

Alexander, Tsar (Russia), 261, 267

Alexie, Sherman, 305

Allegheny Portage Railroad, The (videotape), 202

Allen, George E., 155, 156

Allred, Elias Walter, 24-25

Allred, Lemuel, 24-25

"Amending America--Or Fiddling with the Constitution?" by Richard B. Bernstein, 64-72

Amendment politics, 69-70

America First Committee, 237, 240, 241, 243, 245-246

American Passages (poster), 201

American Soldier in World War II Series, 1942-1945, 168

America's First Crusade, by Herbert Hoover, 146

America's Infrastructure, Commission to Promote Investment in, records accessioned, 89

Ames Aeronautics Laboratory, records accessioned, 97-98

Amos, James, 217, 222, 223

Anderson, Clinton, 150

Anderson, Capt. Erik, 56

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 109

Andrews, James J., 21

Anti-Semitism, 243-244, 245

Armbrister, Trevor, 200

Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, records accessioned, 291

Army, Office of the Secretary of the, records declassified, 289

Army-Air Force Wage Board, records declassified, 289

Army List and Directory, The, 180

Army Research Institute, 168

Army Staff, records accessioned, 189, declassified, 88, 187, and transferred, 194, 197, 293, 296

Arnow, Philip, records relating to accessioned, 290

Asbury, Herbert, The Great Illusion, 226

Atlanta, GA, 22, 82, 83

Atlantic, Battle of the, 123, 124, 125, 126, 135

Atlantic Charter, 127, 134, 147, 240

Atlantic Conference (1941), 126, 127

Atomic bomb, 138, 149, 163-164; records relating to accessioned, 188

Atomic Energy Commission, 164; record accessioned, 90, 98, 189, 196, 291, 295

Auel, Lisa B., "The Face of War," 170-177

Axis alliance (World War II), 125-126, 145

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Baker, Lafayette C., 17

Baker, Newton D., 45

Ball, George, 109

Bankruptcy, records relating to accessioned, 91, 92, 97, 98, 190, 195, 293-294

Banks, Brenda Sherrill, 108

Banks, Gen. Nathaniel P., 19-20; portrait, 19

Baruch, Bernard M., 141, 144, 145, 148, 154, 164

Bates, Dorothy E., 301

Battle, Lucius D., papers opened, 198

Beard, Charles A., 37

Beckman, Lt. Charles, 227

Belgium, 141, 142, 144, 150

Bell, John O., files accessioned, 290

Bell, Ulric, 243

Bennett, William J., name file opened, 200

Berlin airlift, 162-163, 164

Berlin Document Center, 116, 186

Bernstein, Richard B., "Amending America--Or Fiddling with the Constitution," 64-72

Berryman, Clifford, drawings accessioned, 91

Bevin, Ernest, 163

Bigelow, John, 269

Bill of Rights, 67

Blanton, DeAnne, "Confederate Medical Personnel," 80-84

Blondo, Rick, 204

Bodisco, Waldemar, 267; portrait, 269

Boggs, Elizabeth, oral history interview accessioned, 299

Bohr, Niels, 138

Bone, Homer, 238, 239, 243

Bonneville Power Administration, records accessioned, 99

Bootlegging operations, 225-233

Borah, William E., 238; photo, 238

Borgman, Jim, 261; cartoon by, 262

Boston Series, 1941-1945 (Intelligence Files, Office of the Director, OSS), The, microfilm publication, 105

Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Walther von, 50

Bredhoff, Stacey, "Powers of Persuasion," 73-77

Breen, Joseph, 236

"`Bride at Every Wedding, The': Theodore Roosevelt in the White House," by Nathan Miller, 215-223

British Special Operations Executive, 249, 250-252, 254, 257

Brokaw, Tom, 108

Brooks, C. Wayland, 243

Brown, James George, article about, 17-28

Brown, Joseph E., 20, 24-25

Brownlow, Louis, quoted, 219

Bruce, Col. David K. E., 55

Bruenn, Lt. Comdr. Howard G., 154; photo, 154

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, papers accessioned, 102

Buchanan, James, 67, 261

Buchenwald, 252, 254, 256

Buckley, James C., files on opened, 103

Buckmaster networks, 249, 250-251

Bunker, Ellsworth, papers accessioned, 300

Burner, David, 142-143

Burns, Arthur, papers accessioned, 300

Burns, James MacGregor, The Lion and the Fox, 33

Bush, George, 68, 69; papers published, 201; photo, 70

Butler, Gen. Benjamin F., 19, 20; portrait, 19

Butler, "Duckboards," photo, 224

Butler, Landon, files opened, 103

Byrnes, James F., 156-158, 159; photo, 156

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Caldwell, Oliver J., records declassified, 186

Canada, 17, 75, 171

Cannon, Joe, 215

Cannon, Lou, 33

Capital Issues Committee, records transferred, 94

Capone, Al, 225; photo, 226

Captured German Records, 203

Caribbean Basin Initiative, 272-273, 274

Carter, Rosalynn, oral history interview opened, 301

Casey, Lt. William J., 55-56

Cassini, Marguerite, 222

Catin, Eugénie, 251, 252, 257

Census, Bureau of the, catalogs to population schedules, 212; electronic records, 166-167; records accessioned, 190

Census of Population and Housing, 1940, Public Use Sample, 166

Central Intelligence Agency, 49, 249, 258-259, records accessioned, 89-90, 188, 291, and opened, 101, 106

Chaplin, Charlie, 236, 245; cartoon featuring, 246; photo, 236

Chase, Salmon P., 20

Chattanooga, TN, 20, 21

Chemical industry, 225-233

Chemical Warfare Service, records transferred, 193-194, 296

Chiang Kai-shek, 137, 145, 148; photo, 137

Chief Signal Officer, Office of the, records transferred, 193, 195, 197, 292, 296, 297

China, 120, 127, 129, 136-137, 138, 145, 148, 150, 162, 163

Christian Advocate, 147

Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission, records accessioned, 290

Churchill, Winston, 123, 125, 126, 135, 136, 138, 143, 144, 147, 160, 240; photos, 47, 127

City Point, VA, 17, 18

Civil rights legislation, 40-41, 67

Civil War, 66, 67; African-American memorial, 107; articles about, 17-28, 80-84; records, 203-204, 282-286

Civil War Draft Records: Exemptions and Enrollments," by Michael T. Meier, 282-286

Civilian Conservation Corps, 36-37; records relating to accessioned, 96

Civilian Defense, Office of, records transferred, 195, 197

Clapper, Raymond, 143

Clark, Bennett, 239, 243

Clark, D. Worth, 243; quoted, 246

Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 162-163

Clemenceau, Georges, 142

Cleveland, Grover, 282, 284, 285; photo, 286

Clinton, Bill, 13, 33-34, 39, 43, 46, 71, 108; cartoon of, 262

Colby, William, interview accessioned, 300

Cold war, 131-132, 137-138, 160-162

Colson, Charles, 204

Commander in Chief, by Eric Larrabee, 135

Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 240

Confederate Army, 20; medical personnel, 80-84

"Confederate Medical Personnel," by DeAnne Blanton, 80-84

Confederate States of America, 17-28, 80; Bureau of Special and Secret Service, 18; Signal Corps, 17; War Department, 80-84

Congress of Industrial Organizations, 147-148, 157

Congressional Record, 37

Consolidated Ethyl Solvents Corporation of America, 231

Constitutional convention, 69

Conway, Rose A., 160

Corwin, Thomas, 66-67

Costanza, Margaret "Midge," files opened, 103

Costigan, Edward P., 37

Couch, Virgil L., 298

Crowley, Leo T., 156

Cruse, Victor R., records accessioned, 291

Cryptology, records relating to accessioned, 291

Cuban Missile Crisis, records relating to accessioned, 89

Curious Civil War Career of James George Brown, Spy, The," by Robert Scott Davis, Jr., 17-31

Currency, Office of the Comptroller of the, records transferred, 95

Curtiz, Michael, 236, 241

Cutting, Bronson M., 37

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Dalton, GA, 22, 23, 25, 26

Daniels, Lt. Jack, 51, 55

Daniels, Josephus, 133

Darby, Harry, papers accessioned, 198

Davis, Norman, 143

Davis, Robert Scott, Jr., "The Curious Civil War Career of James George Brown, Spy," 17-31

Day, Charles U., 108

Day, Laraine, 235; photo, 234

Declassified Document Reference System, 100

Declassified records, 85-89, 100, 101, 103, 186-187, 198-199, 287-289, 298, 299

Defense, Office of the Secretary of, electronic records, 168; records accessioned, 91, 190, 291, and declassified, 288-289

Defense Intelligence Agency, records accessioned, 189

Democratic government, development of, 70-71

DeMohrenschildt, George, records relating to accessioned, 290

Depew, Chauncey, 219

Desvernine, Raoul, 145

Dewart, Capt. William T., Jr., 50

Dewey, Thomas E., 147, 148, 155; photo, 147

Dickinson, O. B., 225

Dickson, Dick, papers opened, 198

Disarmament, 164

District of Columbia, 107; Summer Youth Employment Program, 107

Documentary editing, 109-110

"Documenting the Career of Federal Employees," by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, 180-185

Dodge, Grenville, 21

Dolvin, Emily Gordy, papers accessioned, 200

Donovan, William J., 49, 55, 56, 121 249, 257-258; portrait, 48, 248

Drug Enforcement Administration, records accessioned, 296

Duderstadt, James, 304

Dulles, Allen W., The Craft of Intelligence, 17

Durbrow, Elbridge, files declassified, 86

Dutch East Indies, 120, 123, 128

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, accessions and openings, 101-102, 198-199, 297-299; Collection of Twentieth-Century Military Records, accessions, 101; exhibits, 108, 304

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Education, National Institute, National Assessment of Educational Progress accessioned, 190

Ehrlichman, John, interview with accessioned, 102, 301

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 56; papers accessioned, 101-102, 298, and declassified, 101, 198-199; in World War II, 135

Eizenstat, Stuart, oral history opened, 200

Electronic information, 5, 205-206, 212-213

"Electronic Records in the National Archives for World War II Research," by Theodore J. Hull, 166-169

Elliot, William, records declassified, 186

Elliott, Roland, files accessioned, 102

Emancipation Proclamation, The (booklet), 201

Energy, Department of, records accessioned, 90, 197, 291

Energy Research and Development Administration, records accessioned, 197

Engelhard Foundation, Charles, 91

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 89, 92,

95, 97, 99, 188, 195, 196, 294, declassified, 86, and transferred, 93, 100, 193, 194, 295

England, 14-15

Enrollment Act of 1863, 282

Environment Protection Agency, records accessioned, 93, 296

Equal Rights Amendment, 68, 69

Espionage, articles about, 17-28, 49-61

European Children's Fund, 141

Exhibits, 73-77, 108, 170-177, 205; catalogs, 202

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"Face of War, The," by Lisa B. Auel, 170-177

"Face of War, The" (exhibition), 170-177, 205

Fair Employment Practices Committee, 40

Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, 10, 11

Fawcett, Sharon, 204

"FDR: The Illusive Standard," by Patrick J. Maney, 33-47

"FDR and the Entry into World War II," by Waldo Heinrichs, 119-129

"FDR Day by Day" (data base), 205-206

Federal Aviation Administration, records accessioned, 97, 99

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 39; records accessioned, 188, 189, 290

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 37

Federal employees, records pertaining to, 180-185

"Federal Funding for Scientific Research" (colloquium), 304

Federal Open Market Committee, records accessioned, 89

Federal Property Resources Service, records accessioned, 196

Federal Register, 4-5

Federal Reserve System, records accessioned, 89

Feldpost, 55

Ferrell, Robert H., "Harry S. Truman: A Chance President and the New World of Superpowers," 153-165

Ferrie, David, records relating to accessioned, 290

Fight for Freedom, 243

Findley, Col. James J., 26

Finland, 143-144, 151

Fish and Wildlife Service, records accessioned, 91, 289

Flagg, James Montgomery, 74; posters by 73, 76

Fleggenheimer, Albert, records relating to accessioned, 290

Fletcher, James, interview with accessioned, 102, 301

Flook, Maria, 305

Flynn, Edward J., 155, 157-158

Flynn, Errol, 236, 241; photo, 247

Flynn, John T., 240, 243

Forces Francaises d'Interieur (FFI), 255

Ford, Gerald, audio tapes accessioned, 300, and opened, 199; papers relating to A Time To Heal opened, 200

Ford (Gerald) for Vice President Committee, papers relating to accessioned, 300

Foreign Broadcast Information Service, records accessioned, 89

Foreign Economic Policy, Commission on, records relating to accessioned, 290

Foreign Economic Policy, U.S. Council on, records declassified, 199

Foreign Service, files accessioned, 89, and declassified, 86-87, 187, 287-288

Forest Service, records accessioned, 95, 96, 97, 99, 195, 196, 292; videotape, 202

Forgan, Col. J. Russell, 55, 257, photo, 258

Forney, John W., 269

"Forty Months: Franklin D. Roosevelt as War Leader, 1941-1945," by Gaddis Smith, 131-139

"Four Freedoms" posters, by Norman Rockwell, 74-75

France, 14, 43, 163, 238, 249, 250-252, 254-258

Franklin, John Hope, 201

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 109, 206

Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Medal, 109

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, accessions and openings, 100, 197-198, 297; electronic access, 205-206, 212

Frazier, Paul, "Profitable Trickle: The Diversion of Industrial Alcohol in Prohibition Philadelphia," 225-233

Freedom of Information Act, 304

French, Mary S., records declassified, 186

French First Army, 256

French Resistance Forces, 255, 258

French underground, 251, 255

Fry, Col. James Barnet, 282

Fuchs, Klaus, 164

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Gallagher, Joyce, 301

Garnett-Patterson Middle School, D.C., 107

Gellhorn, Martha, 43

Genealogical and Biographical Research: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 181

Genealogical research, 80-84, 107-108, 180-185, 203-204, 212, 282-286

General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, 184-185

General Services Administration, records accessioned, 292-293

Geneva Conventions, 56

George VI, King (England), 249, 254

George, Lloyd, 244

Georgia, 20, 21-28, 67, 82

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 305

Gerald R. Ford Library, 108; accessions and openings, 102, 199-200, 300-301; colloquium held, 304; records transferred, 107

Gergen, David, files on opened, 103

German army, 49-61

German prisoners of war, 49-61

Germany, 148, 149-150; captured records, 203; influence on U.S. movie industry, 236-237; invasion of Russia, 121, 124-125, 126; records relating to accessioned, 88, 90, 289, 291; in World War I, 142, 237-238; in World War II, 119, 120, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 131, 134-139, 251, 252-253, 254, 255-256

Gestapo, 252, 254, 255, 258

Gibson, Hugh, 146-147

"Gift of Historical Perspective, The," by Trudy Huskamp Peterson, 116-117

Gilb, Dagoberto, 305

Gish, Lillian, 244; photo, 244

Gladwin, Lee A., "Hollywood Propaganda, Isolationism, and Protectors of the Public Mind, 1917─1941," 235-246

Glass, Carter, 238

"Go in Peace: The Peace Corps Experience," by Alan Walker, 270-274

Goillot, Paul, 256, 259; photo, 256

Goillot, Virginia Hall, article about, 249-259; photos, 248, 255, 256

Gonzalez, Henry B., 305

Government Printing Office, 4

Grant, Ulysses S., 21, 23

Grants and fellowships, 109-110, 206, 306

Great Britain, 143, 148, 163, 237, 261; World War I, 142, 244; World War II, 120-124, 126-127, 129, 134, 136, 144, 147, 150, 240, 241-242, 244, 249, 254, 255, 258

Greece, 144, 161-162

Greek Orthodox Church, 264

Greeley, Horace, 264

Griswold, Dwight P., papers accessioned, 198

Guerin, Germaine, 251, 252, 257

Guerrilla Warfare (World War II), 255

Guide to the National Archives of the United States, 181

Guide to U.S. Government Publications, 181

Gurewitsch, A. David, letters to accessioned, 198

Gustafson, Milton O., "Seward's Bargain: The Alaska Purchase from Russia," 261-269

Gwin, William, 261

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Hagner, Isabelle, 221

Hague Conventions, 56

Haines, Gerald K., "Virginia Hall Goillot: Career Intelligence Officer," 249-259

Haldeman, H.R., diaries opened, 303-304

Hale, William Bayard, quoted, 219

Hall, Adrian, oral history interview opened, 299

Hall, Virginia, article about, 249-259; photos, 248, 255, 256

Haller, Mark, 225, 226

Hamilton, Alexander, 13, 14; portrait, 13

Hammon, Wendell P., 301

Hannegan, Robert E., 155-158; papers opened, 100

Harratt, Peter, 255

Harriman, W. Averell, 160

"Harry S. Truman: A Chance President and the New World of Superpowers," by Robert H. Ferrell, 153-165

Harry S. Truman Democratic Club, records opened, 100

Harry S. Truman Library, 160; accessions and openings, 100-101, 198, 297; renovations, 305

Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 110, 206, 305, 306

Hartman, Edwin P., records transferred, 196

Hartmann, Robert T., papers opened, 200, 300

Hays Office, 236

Health Care Policy and Research, Agency for, records accessioned, 91

Heinrichs, Waldo, "FDR and the Entry into World War II," 119-129

Helmick, Charles G., papers accessioned, 101

Helmick, Maj. Gen. Eli A., memoirs accessioned, 101

Hemingway Society, 305

Herbert Hoover Library, accessions and openings, 297

Herron, Frederick, 236

Hertzberg, Hendrick, interview with opened, 102

Hesburgh, Theodore, 109

Hickerson, John D., 163

Hillman, Sidney, 148, 157, 158

Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)/Historic American Engineering Records (HAER) Division, records accessioned, 90

Hitler, Adolf, 49, 75, 119, 120, 121, 124-125, 126, 134, 136, 138, 144; photo, 120

Hoff, Max "Boo Boo," 225, 226; photo, 226

Hogan, Michael J., 162

"Hollywood Propaganda, Isolationism, and Protectors of the Public Mind, 1917-1941," by Lee A. Gladwin, 235-246

Holmes, F. Owen, Jr., 204

Holocaust: The Documentary Evidence (booklet), 201

Hood, Gen. John Bell, 26

Hoover, Herbert, 39; America's First Crusade, 146; article about, 141-151; photos, 140, 142, 147, 149, 150, 151; The Problem of Lasting Peace, 147; quoted, 142; and World War II, 141-151

Hoover, "Ike," 215

Hoover, J. Edgar, audiotapes opened, 199

Hopkins, Harry, 121, 146

Hospitals, 82-84

House, Col. Edward M., 250; photo, 250

Howard, Gen. Oliver O., 28

Hull, Cordell, 121, 144, 145, 250; photo, 251

Hull, Theodore J., "Electronic Records in the National Archives for World War II Research," 166-169

Humanitarian aid, post-World War II, 150; in World War I, 141, 142; in World War II, 143

Humphrey, Hubert, 270

Hyland, William G., papers accessioned, 102

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Immerman, David, 206

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 182, 184

Independent counsels, records accessioned, 291

Index to Records Relating to War of 1812 Prisoners of War, microfilm publication, 105

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, records accessioned, 95, 96, 97, 98, 197, 295, 296, and transferred, 100, 195, 196

Indian Arts and Crafts Board, records transferred, 94, 96, 97, 197

Indochina, 119, 120-121, 127, 129

Information management, 4-5

Ingalls, John J., 218

Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents, 109

Intelligence operations, 120, 121, 124

Interior, Office of the Secretary of the, records accessioned, 98

International Civil Aviation Organization, records relating to declassified, 186

Internet, 5, 212-213

Interstate Child Support, Commission on, records accessioned, 89

Interstate Commerce Commission, 243

Island of Hope, Island of Tears (videotape), 202

Isolationism, 39-40; article about, 235-246

Italy, 49-61, 150, 236

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Jackson, Andrew, 22, 34, 45

Jackson, C.D., records declassified and opened, 101

Jackson, Samuel D., 158; photo, 157

Jackson, Sarah, Award, 204-205

James, Henry, 223

Japan, 163-164; in World War II, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125-129, 131, 134, 136-139, 145, 148-149

Japanese, stereotypes of, 75

Japanese Americans, 34-35; relocation of, 167-168, 175

Jay, John, 14-15

Jay's Treaty, 15

Jedburgh teams, 255, 258

Jefferson, Thomas, 10, 13, 14, 15, 45, 67; portrait, 13; teaching packet on, 205

Jews, 236, 243-244, 245

Jimmy Carter Library, accessions and openings, 102-103, 200, 301; guide to, 302

John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection, 106, 189, 203, 289, 290, 291, 299, 304

John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, 89, 90-91, 102, 106

John F. Kennedy Library, 108, 305; accessions and openings, 299; Peace Corps Collection, 299; finding aid, 299; records transferred, 106

Johnson, Andrew, 262, 264, 267, 269

Johnson, Lady Bird, 305

Johnson, Louis, 164

Johnson, Lyndon, 39, 40; photo, 38; tape recordings opened, 199

Johnson's Inner Circle, by Charles Roberts, papers relating to accessioned, 297

Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., 20

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 163; files declassified, 187

Jones, Joseph, 162

Jordan, Capt. Benjamin F., 26

Judge Advocate General (Army), Office of the, records declassified, 288

Jurney, Chesney W., 243

Justice, Department of, 246; records accessioned, 89, 188, 290; Civil Rights Division, 167-168

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Katz, Mark, 304

Katzenbach, Nicholas, papers accessioned, 299

Kaysen, Carl, oral history interview opened, 299

Kellogg, Col. John Azor, 26

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 238

Kelly, Edward J., 156, 157, 158

Kennedy, Cornelia G., files on opened, 103

Kennedy, Edward, 305

Kennedy, John F., 41, 305; memorial to, 273; papers opened, 299; and the Peace Corps, 270, 272; records relating to the assassination of accessioned, 89, 90-91, 188, 189, 190, 289, 290, 291, and opened, 90-91, 102, 106, 199, 300

Kennedy, Robert F., papers accessioned and opened, 299

Kerrey, Bob, 206

Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 54

Keyserling, Leon H., papers declassified, 297

Kim Il Sung, 163

Kindleberger, Charles P., papers declassified, 198

King, Adm. Ernest, 135

Kolisch, Capt. Joseph M., 56

Komer, Robert W., oral history transcripts opened, 199

Korda, Alexander, 244, 246

Korea, 148

Korean War, 163, 164, 165; records relating to declassified, 187

Kosinski, Jerzy, Being There, 43

Ku Klux Klan, 17

Kurusu, Saburo, 145, 146

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Labor, Department of, records accessioned, 290

Labor Statistics, Bureau of, records accessioned, 190

Labourier, Eugene, 251, 257

LaFollette, Robert M., Jr., 37, 39

LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 37

Lamb, Christopher, interviews by accessioned, 300

Lance and Paul Go Fishing (videotape), 202

Land, Rear Adm. Emory S., 122

Land Management, Bureau of, oral history audiotapes accessioned, 96; records accessioned, 89, 98, 295

Lane, Neal, 304

Larkin, Felix E., papers accessioned, 198

Larrabee, Eric, Commander in Chief, 135

Larson, Arthur, papers accessioned, 297

Launius, Roger, interviews by accessioned, 102

Laurie, Clayton D., "The 'Sauerkrauts': German Prisoners of War as OSS Agents, 1944-1945," 49-61

Lauwers, Pvt. Barbara, 50

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, records accessioned, 98

Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D., 160

Lear, Tobias, 10

LeBlanc, Diane, 305

Lederer, Francis, photo, 237

Lee, Gen. Raymond E., 250

Lehman, Herbert, 146, 147, 150

Leigh, Vivien, 241, 246; photo, 246

LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 162-163

Lend-Lease, 122, 124, 134; records relating to declassified, 86

Lend-Lease Act, 240

Leutze, Emmanuel, painting by, 269

Lew, Elizabeth Van, 18

Lewis, David J., 37

Lewis, John L., 39; port., 39

Liberty magazine, 142

Life magazine, 245

Lighthouses, records relating to accessioned, 91

Lilienthal, David E., 164

Lincoln, Abraham, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 40, 45, 67; portrait, 16

Lincoln, Francis F., files declassified, 85

Lindbergh, Charles A., 240, 241; photo, 240

Lindner, Edmund, 55, 59

Lippmann, Walter, 159-160

Loeb, William, 218, 219; photo, 219

London Naval Treaty, 238

Longanecker, David E., files declassified, 85

Look magazine, 150

Lorentz, Pare, 206; papers accessioned, 198

Lowe, Col. W. W., 24

Luciano, "Lucky," 225

Lundegaard, E. H., files transferred, 94

Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 110, 206, 305, 306

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 101, 108, 110; accessions and openings, 102, 199, 300; electronic access, 212; lectureship endowed, 305; records transferred, 106

Lyon, France, 251, 252, 257

Lyons, Clarence, 204

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MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 149, 163

McClernand, Gen. John, photo, 16

McCrea, Joel, 235; photo, 234

McCullough, David, 33, 157-158

McDonald, Al, interview with opened, 102

McFarland, Ernest, 243; quoted, 245

McGhee, Roy L., oral history transcript opened, 102

McIntire, Vice Adm. Ross T., 154

MacIntyre, Malcolm A., papers accessioned, 298

McKim, Charles F., 221

McKinley, William, 219

McKnight, Jesse M., files declassified, 86

McNamara, Robert S., transcripts opened, 199

Madison, James, port., 67

MAGIC (code), 120, 121

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 133

Manchuria, 120, 127, 148

Maney, Patrick J., "FDR: The Illusive Standard," 33-47

Manhattan District, 164

Mann, K. D., 55

Maquis, 249, 255

Marcum, Deanna Bowling, 108

Marist College, 205-206, 212

Markey, Edward, 305

Marshall, Gen. George C., 128, 135, 136, 161-162, 163, photo, 164

Marshall, John, 8

Marshall Plan, 162

Martin, William McChesney, papers accessioned, 102, 199

Matthews, Christopher, interview with opened, 102

Maury, Gen. Dabney H., 20

"May We Serve You Electronically?" by Trudy Huskamp Peterson, 212-213

Mayer, Louis B., 241; photo, 241

Medical personnel, military, 80-84

Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of, records accessioned, 188, 289, and declassified, 287

Medina, Dennis, 304

Meier, Michael T., "Civil War Draft Records: Exemptions and Enrollments," 282-286

Merit Systems Protection Board, records accessioned, 91

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 237, 241, 243

MIA/POW declassification project, 103, 200, 290

Michel, André, 251, 252

Michigan, University of, 305

Microfilm publications, Adjutant General's Office, 105; catalogs, 104, 212; Chief of Naval Operations, 202; Office of Strategic Services, 105; Russian Agencies, 202; State Department, 105, 202; U.S. Government, 202

Microfilm Resources for Research: A Comprehensive Catalog, 181

Middleton, Harry, 305

Milestone documents, booklets, 201

Military Assistance Command Vietnam, records accessioned and declassified, 88-89, 289

Military intelligence, 17-28, 49-61

Military personnel, records pertaining to, 180

Miller, Arthur, 109

Miller, Merle, audiotapes and papers opened, 101

Miller, Nathan, "`The Bride at Every Wedding': Theodore Roosevelt in the White House," 215-223

Miller, Sylvia, records declassified, 186

Minnesota, University of, 212

Mitchell, George J., 206

Mobile, AL, 20, 23

Mondale, Walter, oral history interview opened, 299

Monroe Doctrine, 237

Moran, Andrew, interview of Gerald Ford accessioned, 199

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., papers accessioned, 100

Motion picture industry, article about, 235-246

Mount Vernon, 7, 13

Moyers, Bill, 270

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 206

Murphy, Pvt. Frederick C., 305

Murray, Dennis, 205, 206

Murray, Philip, 157

Mussolini, Benito, 75

Mutual Life Insurance Company, 297

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Nabokov, Constantine, correspondence from accessioned, 297

Nalley, Thomas J., files accessioned, 96

Nastanovich, Robert, files opened, 103

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, exhibit about, 108; oral histories related to accessioned, 301; records accessioned, 89, 97-98, 102, and transferred, 196

National Air and Space Commission, records declassified, 187

National Archives and Records Administration, accessions and openings, 85-103, 186-200, 287-301; Cartographic and Architectural Branch, 203, 204; catalog, 302; Center for Electronic Records, 91, 166-169, 189-190, 203, 204; Center for Legislative Archives, 90-91, 204, 205; Education Branch, 107-108; exhibits, 73-77, 170-177; JFK Assassination Collection, 189, 289, 290, 291; microfilm publications, 105, 202; Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch, 106, 203; News and Notices, 106-110, 203-206, 303-306; Nontextual Archives Division, 205; Office of the Federal Register, 4-5; Office of Public Programs, 202; publications, 104-105, 201-202, 302; Records Declassification Division, 85-89, 287-289; Still Picture Branch, 104-105, 203, 274; summer interns, 107; Textual Projects Division, 89-90, 188-189, 289-291; User Services Division, 204

National Archives Regional Archives System (NARAS), accessions and openings, 91-100, 190-197, 291-297; Alaska Region, 197, 297; Central Plains Region, 94-95, 194; Great Lakes Region, 94, 193-194, 295; Mid Atlantic Region, 92-94, 192-193, 293-294; New England Region, 91-92, 190-191, 291-293, 305; Northeast Region, 92, 191-192; Pacific Northwest Region, 98-100, 196-197; Pacific Sierra Region, 97-98, 196, 296; Pacific Southwest Region, 96-97, 195-196, 296; Rocky Mountain Region, 95-96, 194-195, 295-296; Southeast Region, 294-295; Southwest Region, 95

National Association of Government Communicators, 109

National Cancer Institute, records accessioned, 90

National cemeteries, records relating to accessioned, 289

National Commission on Children, records accessioned, 89

National Committee Against Repressive Legislation to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee, records relating to accessioned, 188

National Committee for a Free Europe, 258

National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies, 144

National Council on the Arts, records accessioned, 90

National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, files declassified, 88

National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, records accessioned, 90

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, records accessioned, 190

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 304; appointments, 108; catalog, 104; Distinguished Service Award, 106-107; fellowships and grants, 109-110, 304; Sarah Jackson Award, 204-205

National Institute on Genealogical Research (course), 108

National Institutes of Health, records accessioned, 90

National Labor Relations Act, 37

National Labor Relations Board, records transferred, 294

National Mediation Board, records transferred, 191

National Medical Expenditure Survey, accessioned, 91

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, records accessioned, 98

National Park Service, records accessioned, 92, 95, 97, 193, 194, 196, 296; videotape, 202

National Parks: An American Legacy (videotape), 202

National Recovery Administration, records transferred, 191

National Security Agency, records accessioned, 189, 291

National Security Council, formation of, 122; records declassified, 101, 198, 199, 298

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation, accessioned, 91

National Wildlife Refuge system, reports accessioned, 289

Naturalization records, accessioned, 190, 195, 294, 295, 296

Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, records accessioned, 97, 99, 190, 295, declassified, 87, and transferred, 191, 193

Naval Intelligence Command, records accessioned, 187

Naval Operating Forces, files declassified, 288

Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 289, declassified, 85, and transferred, 93

Naval Personnel, Bureau of, records accessioned, 188, 189-190, declassified, 287, and transferred, 192

Nazism, 236-237

Neographics awards, 109

Nesbit, Donald W., papers accessioned, 297

Nesmith, Achsah, interview with opened, 102

Netherlands, The, 127, 144, 150

Neue Deutschland, Das, 50, 54, 55

Neutrality acts, 1793, 237; 1935, 239; 1936, 239; 1939, 240

New Deal, 36-37

New Orleans, LA, 19, 20

New York Herald Tribune, 146

New York Times, 219

News from the Archives, 302

Newton, Verne, 116, 205, 206

Nixon, Richard M., 40

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, 106, 108, 203, 204, 303

Nomura, Kichisaburo, 146, 145; photo, 145

Norris, George W., 37

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 162, 163, 165

Norway, 119, 144

Nuclear weapons, 163-164, 165

Nye, Gerald P., 238-239, 240-241, 243-246; photo, 239; quoted, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245-246

Nye Committee, 238-239, 240

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Oakie, Jack, photo, 236

Oatis, William, files declassified, 86

O'Connell, William Cardinal, 46

O'Connor, Basil, 145

Official Register of the United States, The, 180, 181

Ohly, John H., papers accessioned, 290, and declassified, 198, 297

Old State House: Building for a New Nation, The (videotape), 202

Olivier, Laurence, 246; photo, 246

"On the Outside Looking In: Herbert Hoover and World War II," by Richard Norton Smith, 141-151

On the Trail of Tragedy: The Excavation of the Donner Party Site (videotape), 202

Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, records relating to accessioned, 90

Operation SAUERKRAUT, 51-59

Opinion surveys, 168

Oral history interviews, 299, 300, 301

Ordnance, Bureau of, records declassified, 186-187, 287

Ordnance, Office of the Chief of, records accessioned, 93, 292, declassified, 87, and transferred, 93, 98, 100, 191

Oregon Trail, teaching package on, 201

Oswald, Lee Harvey, records relating to accessioned, 90

Oswald, Marguerite, records relating to accessioned, 290

Oswald, Marina, records relating to accessioned, 290

Ozzie Award, 109

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Pacific Northwest River Basin Commission, records accessioned, 99

Paine, Michael, records relating to accessioned, 290

Paine, Ruth, records relating to accessioned, 290

Painter, Uriah H., 267

Panama Canal, 216

Parham, Byron A. "Scott," 204

Passport Applications, 1795-1905, microfilm publication, 105

Patterson, Isabel, papers accessioned, 297

Pauley, Edwin W., 155, 156, 158

Peace Corps, 270-277; records accessioned, 274, 299

Pearl Harbor, 34, 119, 127, 134, 141, 146; photo, 35; records relating to declassified, 88

Pearson, Drew, 143; papers opened, 102

PEN, 305

Pendergast, Thomas J., 160-161

Pension files, index to, 184-185

"People at War, A," electronic images available, 212

Perkins, Dexter, 162

Perkins, Francis, 37, 46, 122-123; photo, 122; quoted, 122-123

Perot, Ross, 70

Persico, Joseph, 56

Personnel Management, Office of, records accessioned, 190

Peshchurov, Capt. Alexis, 267

Peterson, Jan, files opened, 103

Peterson, Trudy Huskamp, 107, 206; "The Gift of Historical Perspective," 116-117; "May We Serve You Electronically?" 212-213; "The Right to Information," 4-5

Petroleum Administrative Board, records transferred, 98, 194, 197

Philadelphia, PA, 225-233

"Philadelphia Bootlegging and the Report of the Special August Grand Jury," by Mark Haller, 226

Philadelphia Bulletin, 227

Philip, Prince (Great Britain), file on opened 103

Philippine Islands, 128, 129; lighthouse records accessioned, 188; records relating to accessioned, 291

Pickens County, GA, 24-25, 26

Pinkerton, Allan, 17; photo, 16

Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, by Merle Miller, papers and tapes relating to opened, 101

Poindexter, John M., records relating to accessioned, 289

Poland, 137, 143-144, 150

Polish Relief, Commission for, 143

Polk, Gen. Leonidas, 19

Posters, 201; exhibits of, 73-77, 205, 302

Potter, David, 43

Powell, Gen. Colin, 109

Powers, David F., 108

"Powers of Persuasion," by Stacey Bredhoff, 73-77

Powers of Persuasion (exhibit catalog), 202, 205, 302

Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire, "Documenting the Career of Federal Employees," 180-185

"Presidency of Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809, The" (teaching packet), 205

President, Executive Office of the, records transferred, 203

Presidential Commission on World Hunger, records opened, 102

Presidential libraries, accessions and openings, 100-103, 197-200, 297-301

Presidential Records Act, 103, 200, 301

Price Administration, Office of, records transferred, 94, 100

"Primarily Teaching" (institute), 108

Prisoners of war, electronic records pertaining to, 168-169; German, 49-61; Italian, 50; records relating to accessioned, 290, and declassified, 187; World War II, 49-61, 251

Prisons, Bureau of, records transferred, 100

Problem of Lasting Peace, The, by Herbert Hoover, 147

Production Code Administration, 236

Profile in Courage Award, 305

"Profitable Trickle: The Diversion of Industrial Alcohol in Prohibition Philadelphia," by Paul Frazier, 225-233

Prohibition, 67, 225-233

Prologue: The Quarterly of the National Archives, 109, 166, 204-205

Propaganda, World War II, 49-61, 73-77, 235-246

Proulx, E. Annie, 305

Provost Marshal General, Office of the, electronic records, 168-169

Provost Marshal General's Bureau, 282, 285

Psychological Strategy Board, records declassified, 101, 198, 199, 297

Psychological warfare, 49-61

Public Buildings Service, records accessioned, 97, 292

Public Papers of George Bush for 1992, 201

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Quartermaster General, Office of the, records transferred, 95, 96, 98, 100, 191, 193, 197, 291-292, 294, 296

Quirk, James T., papers accessioned, 297

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"Race for Space: NASA at 35" (exhibition), 108

Race relations, 40-41, 75, 171

Racial segregation, 171

Radio Free Europe, 258; papers relating to declassified, 298

Radko, Christopher, file on opened, 103

Railroad commissions, mediation records transferred, 191

Randolph, A. Philip, 40; portrait, 40

Randolph, Edmund, 13

Rankin, Jeannette, 171

Rankin, Karl, files declassified, 86

Ratified Amendments XI-XXVII of the United States Constitution, microfilm publication, 202

Rayburn, Sam, 37

Reagan, Ronald, 33, 68, 69, 272-273; papers accessioned, 103, 200, 301; photo, 70

Reclamation, Bureau of, records accessioned, 96, 195, 295

Record, The, 302

Records Disposition Act (1939), 166

Records of Imperial Russian Consulates in Canada, 1898-1922, microfilm publication, 202

Records of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1918-1940, microfilm publication, 202

Red Cross, 143

Reilly, John, oral history interview opened, 299

Reiman, Rick, files opened, 103

Republican party, 147, 148, 155

Research and Special Programs Administration (Transportation), records accessioned, 190

Research Publications International, 100

Revolutionary War, 11-12

Rhee, Syngman, 163

Rice, Don, interview with accessioned, 102, 301

Richmond, VA, 18, 80, 83-84

"Right to Information, The," by Trudy Huskamp Peterson, 4-5

Riggs, George, 267

Riggs Bank, 267

Riley, Lt. Gen. William E., files declassified, 86

Road West, The (teaching package), 201

Robert F. Kennedy Oral History Program, 299

Roberts, Charles, Johnson's Inner Circle, 297; papers accessioned, 297

Robin Moore (ship), 240

Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt, 222

Robinson, Edward G., photo, 237

Robson, John E., papers accessioned, 300

Rockefeller, John D., 282, 284, 286

Rockefeller Commission, records opened, 106; records relating to accessioned, 189

Rockwell, Alvin J., papers opened, 198

Rockwell, Norman, "Four Freedoms" posters, 74-75

Rogers, Will, 37

Ronald Reagan Freedom Award, 109

Ronald Reagan Library, 109; accessions and openings, 103, 200, 301

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, awards, 109

Roosevelt, Alice, 217, 222-223; photos, 222, 223

Roosevelt, Archie, 215, 217, 221; photos, 216, 218

Roosevelt, Edith Kermit, 217, 218, 219, 221-222, 223; photos, 220, 223

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 40, 43, 45, 143, 147, materials relating to accessioned, 197, 198; papers processed, 100

Roosevelt, Ethel, 215, 217; photo, 223

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 33-47, 116, 141, 143, 145, 153, 154-159, 160, 162, 165, 245, 250; booklet on published, 302; campaign poster, 34, 44; data based on, 205-206; papers relating to accessioned, 297, and processed, 100; photos, 32, 35, 36, 45, 46, 47, 127, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139, 154, 155, 159, 240; portrait presented, 206; and World War II, 119-129, 131-139, 146, 240

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., papers accessioned, 100

Roosevelt, Kermit, 217, 221; photo, 223

Roosevelt, Quentin, 215, 217, 221; photos, 216, 223

Roosevelt, Ted, 217; photo, 223

Roosevelt, Theodore, 38; article about, 215-223; photos, 38, 214, 216, 221; quoted, 215, 216, 220-221

Rosenthal, Joe, 74

Rosie the Riveter, 75

Rossiter, Clinton, 36

Rostow, Walt, 162

Rousseau, Brig. Gen. Lovell H., 267

Rousset, Jean, 251, 252, 254

Rowny, Michael, interviews by opened, 102

Ruby, Jack, records relating to accessioned, 290

Rules of Land Warfare, The, 55, 56

Ruppe, Loret, 272-273

Russia, 261-269

Russian America, 261-269

Russian-American Company, 261, 262-263, 264

Rutledge, John, 13

Ryukyu Islands, U.S. Civil Administration of the, records declassified, 87, 288

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Sabotage, World War II, 57, 255, 256

St. Albans, VT, 17

Saint-Mémin, portrait by, 14

Salkind, Michael, 225, 226

Salvatori, Henry, file on opened, 103

San Francisco, CA, 264

Saturday Evening Post, 146

"`Sauerkrauts': German Prisoners of War as OSS Agents, 1944-1945, The," by Clayton D. Laurie, 49-61

Savage, Carlton, records declassified, 186

Saville, Victor, 244

Scali, John, oral history interview accessioned, 299

Schamel, Wynell, 201

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 46

Schlesinger, James, oral history opened, 200

Scowcroft, Brent, interview accessioned, 300

Securities and Exchange Commission, records accessioned, 90

Selective Service Act, 240

Selective Service System, records transferred, 94, 97, 98, 192, 193, 194, 195-196, 197, 292, 296

Seward, Frederick, 263-264; portrait, 269

Seward, William, 19, 25, 262-264, 267, 269; photo, 263; portraits, 25, 269

"Seward's Bargain: The Alaska Purchase from Russia," by Milton O. Gustafson, 261-269

Shahn, Ben, 75

Sharp, Philip R., 108

Shays, Daniel, 11

Shelton, Isabelle, papers accessioned, 102

Shepardson, Whitney, 56

Sheppard, Morris, 67

Sherman, Gen. William Tecumsah, 25, 27

Sherwood, Robert, 46

Shipstead, Henrik, 238

Shriver, Eunice, 109

Shriver, R. Sargent, 109 270

Siberia, 127, 129

Sikes, Col. H. F., 27

Sino-Japanese War, 119

Skidmore, Marylou P., files accessioned, 103

Slavery, 66, 82, 83-84

Small Business Administration, records accessioned, 99

Smith, Ed, files opened, 103

Smith, Frank, Jr., 107

Smith, Gaddis, "Forty Months: Franklin D. Roosevelt as War Leader, 1941-1945," 131-139

Smith, L. L., 267

Smith, Mary Louise, name file opened, 200

Smith, Richard Norton, "On the Outside Looking In: Herbert Hoover and World War II," 141-151; "The Surprising George Washington," 7-15

Smith, Thor M., papers accessioned, 298

Smuggling, records relating to accessioned, 92

Snider, Dwight E., oral history opened, 199

Social and Rehabilitation Service, records accessioned, 99

Solid Fuels Administration for War, records transferred, 197, 294

Soundex, 104

South Carolina, 27

South Pacific Commission, records accessioned, 289

Southeast Federal Regional Council, records accessioned, 295

Spain, 249, 254

Spanish-American War, 237

Spinner, Francis, 267

Stafford, Henry, 27-28

Stalin, Josef, 124-125, 126, 127, 131, 135, 137, 138, 139, 144, 151, 160-161, 163, 240; photos, 125, 160

Stanton, Edwin M., 20; portrait, 20

State, Department of, 250, records accessioned, 89, 101, 188, 289, 291, declassified, 85-87, 186-187, 199, 287, opened, 89, and transferred, 203; in World War II, 121

State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 109-110

Steagall, Henry B., 37

Steedman, Maj. Gen. James B., 23-24, 27

Stevens, Thaddeus, 269

Stever, H. Guyford, interview with accessioned, 102, 301; papers accessioned, 300

Stewart, Gordon, interview with opened, 102

Stilwell, Gen. Joseph W., 137

Stimson, Henry, 128-129, 148

Stoeckl, Edouard de, 261-264, 267, 269; photo, 263; portrait, 269

Stouffer, Samuel, 168

Strategic Air Command, 164, 165

Strategic Services, Office of (OSS), 49-61, 121, 203, 249, 254-256, 257-258; records accessioned, 290, and declassified, 288

Strong, George Templeton, 282, 284, 285

Stuart, Gilbert, 8; portrait by, 8

Sullivan, Mark, quoted, 221

Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, name file opened, 200

Sumner, Charles, 263-264, 267; portrait, 269

Supersonic Transport, President's Advisory Committee on, records opened, 199

Supplies and Accounts (Navy), Bureau of, files declassified, 87

Surgeon General (Army), Office of the, records declassified, 288, and transferred, 193, 196, 296

"Surprising George Washington, The," by Richard Norton Smith, 7-15

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Taft, William Howard, 218

Taylor, Christina, 297

Taylor, Mary, 297

Teaching packages, 201, 205

Texas, University of, 212

Thomas, Gen. George Henry, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28; portraits, 21, 27

Thornton, Capt. Thomas, papers accessioned, 297

Thornton, William, 7, 8

Tidwell, William A., Come Retribution, 18

Time magazine, 74-75

Toby, Charles W., 243, 245

Trans-Mississippi West, 1804-1912, Part I: A Guide to Records of the Department of State for the Territorial Period, The, 104; Part II: A Guide to Records of the Department of Justice for the Territorial Period, 302

Transportation, Office of the Chief of, records transferred, 94, 100

Treasury, Department of the, 267

Treasury, First Auditor of the, 184, 267

Truman, Bess, 160, 163

Truman, Harry S., 33, 43, 257-258; article about, 153-165; interviews with opened, 101; photos, 150, 152, 157, 159, 160; and World War II, 138, 148-151

Truman Doctrine, 160, 161-162, 163, 165

Tugwell, Rexford, 46

Turkey, 161-162

Twenty-First Century Fund, 305

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Unger, Leonard, files declassified, 86

United Artists, 235, 237, 241

U.S.S.R., 43, 119, 120, 127, 128, 129, 131, 136, 137, 138, 143-144, 148-149, 151, 159-165; invasion of, 121, 124-126

United Nations, 146, 148, 163, 164, files relating to declassified, 86

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 150

U.S. Air Force Commands, records accessioned, 189

U.S. Air Force Headquarters (Air Staff), records declassified, 187

U.S. Army, Adjutant General's Office, 80; African Americans in the, 19; Civil War, 19, 21-28; Fifth, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59

U.S. Army Air Forces, records transferred, 94, 98, 191, 193, 293

U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratories, records accessioned, 293

U.S. Army Commands, records accessioned, 90, 99, 189, 293, and declassified, 88, 187, 289

U.S. Army Register, 180, 181

U.S. Assistance Agencies, records declassified, 88, 289

U.S. Attorneys and Marshals, records accessioned, 93, 188

U.S. Central Command, records accessioned, 90

U.S. Coast Guard, Academy records opened, 91; records accessioned, 91, 92, 188, 190, 294, declassified, 186, opened, 91, and transferred, 93, 95, 97, 191, 192, 196

United States Colored Troops, 107

U.S. Constitution, 4; amendments to the, 64-71; Fifth Amendment, 4

U.S. Courts of Appeals, records accessioned, 93

U.S. Customs Service, records accessioned, 91-92, 96, 97, 98

U.S. District Courts, records accessioned, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 190, 192, 193, 289, 291, 293-294, 295, 296, and transferred, 94, 195, 196

U.S. Forces in Southeast Asia, records declassified, 88-89, 187, 289

U.S. High Commission for Germany, records accessioned, 90, 291, and declassified, 88, 289

U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Public Expenditures, 267; Select Committee on Assassinations, records opened, 90-91, 106; Un-American Activities Committee, 246

U.S. Information Agency, records accessioned, 90, 189

U.S. International Trade Commission, records accessioned, 290

U.S. Marine Corps, records declassified, 288, and transferred, 292, 294

U.S. Maritime Commission, records transferred, 94

U.S. Mint, records transferred, 93, 95, 96, 295

U.S. President's Committee on Information Activities Abroad, records declassified and opened, 101

U.S. Regular Army Mobile Units, records accessioned, 90

U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on POW/MIAs, records accessioned, 291

U.S. Senate, 264; Foreign Relations Committee, 263-264; Special Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry, 238-239

U.S. Signal Corps, 18, records declassified, 289

U.S. Steel Corporation, records relating to accessioned, 93

U.S. Submarine War Patrol Reports, 1941-45, microfilm publication, 202

U.S. Supreme Court, audiotapes opened, 106, 203; records accessioned, 90

United We Stand America, 70

University of California at Berkeley, 167; Bancroft Library Oral History Program, 301

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Van de Water, John R., file on opened, 103

Vance, Cyrus, 109

Vance, Zebulon, 20

Vandenberg, Arthur H., 37, 39, 162, 239; photo, 239

Vander Till, Gordon, papers accessioned, 300

Veterans Administration, electronic records, 168-169; records accessioned, 289, and transferred, 191, 193, 293

Vichy France, 249, 250-251, 252

Videotapes, 202; Boston, 202; Donner Party site excavation, 202; Ellis Island, 202; fossils, 202; National Parks, 202; Pennsylvania, 202

Vietnam War, 40, 43, records relating to accessioned, 189, 290, and declassified, 289

Village Engineering Company, 301

Virginia, 82-84

Virginia, University of, 200; White Burkett Miller Center Oral History Program, 102

"Virginia Hall Goillot: Career Intelligence Officer," by Gerald K. Haines, 249-259

Voluntary assistance programs, 270-277

Volunteer Infantry Battalion, First Georgia, 26

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Wagner, Robert F., 37; oral history interview opened, 299

Wagner Act, 37

Walker, Alan, "Go in Peace: The Peace Corps Experience," 270-274

Walker, Frank C., 155, 156-158

Walker, Robert J., 267, 269

Wallace, Henry A., 43, 155-156, 158-159; photos, 155, 158

Wallenberg, Raoul, records relating to accessioned, 291

War Assets Administration, records accessioned, 90, 95, 97, 98, 99, 188-189, 197

War crimes, records relating to declassified, 288

War Department, 21, 26, 55, 80

War Information, Office of, 74

War production, 123-124, 135, 144

War Relocation Authority, electronic records, 167-168

Ward, Geoffrey, A First-Temperament, 33

Warm Springs Foundation, papers accessioned, 297

Warner, Eugene, 50

Warner, Jack, 236-237

Warner Brothers, 236-237, 241

Warren Commission, records relating to accessioned, 189, 290; and opened, 106; tape recordings related to opened, 199

Washington, George, article about, 7-15; portraits, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; quoted, 9, 10, 11-12, 14, 237

Washington, Martha, 14, portrait, 14

Washington Edpress, 109

Washington Evening Star, 245

Washington Peace Conference, 66

Water use programs, records relating to accessioned, 99

Watson, Maj. Gen. Edwin M. (Pa), 155

Watson, Gregory D., 69-70

Watt, James G., name file opened, 200

Weather Bureau, records transferred, 94, 99, 192

Weems, Parson, 8, 9

Weinberger, Caspar, interview with accessioned, 102, 301

Welles, Gideon, 19

Wenk, Edward, Jr., papers accessioned, 199

Wesley, Dorothy Porter, 106-107

Western & Atlantic Railroad, 21, 22

Wheeler, Burton, 243, 246

Wheeler, Clyde A., papers accessioned, 298

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, 23, 25, 26

White, William Allen, 240

White House, 215-223

White House Central Files, declassified, 298

White House Communications Agency, 204

White House Office, exit interviews opened, 200, 301; papers declassified, 101, 298, and opened, 200

White House Office of Public Liaison, files opened, 103

White House Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, records declassified and opened, 101, 298-299

White House Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology, records declassified and opened, 101

White House Social Office, files opened, 300

Widnall, Sheila A., 303

Wiggins, Warren, 270

Wilkinson, Frank, records relating to accessioned, 188

Williams, G. Mennen, records declassified, 186

Willkie, Wendell, 147, 243-244, 245; photo, 243

Wilson, Woodrow, 38-39, 40, 43, 45, 133, 142-143, 146, 237-238; photo, 142

Winchell, Walter, 146

Wirthlin, Richard B., name file opened, 200

Wisconsin, University of, 109-110; Center for Demography and Ecology, 166

Wishman, Seymour, files opened, 103

Wister, Owen, 223; quoted, 221

Wofford, Harris, 270

"Woman's War Too: U.S. Women in the Military in World War II, A" (conference), 303

Wood, Gen. Robert E., 144, 240

World Court, 238-239

World War I, 133, 142, 237-238, 239

World War II, 116; electronic records, 166-169; exhibitions, 170-177, 202; fiftieth-anniversary commemoration, 117, 303, 304; German prisoners of war, use of, 49-61; and the holocaust, 201; and Herbert Hoover, 141-151; intelligence operations during, 249-259; posters, 73-77, 205; records relating to accessioned, 89, 92, 97, 188-189, and declassified, 87, 88, 288; and Franklin Roosevelt, 34-35, 39-41, 119-129, 131-139; U.S. entry into, 119-129; war aims, 126; women in, 303

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Yalta Conference, 34, 137

Yancey, William Lowndes, 19

Yards and Docks, Bureau of, records transferred, 93

Yeagley, J. Walter, oral history interview opened, 299

Yee, Elena, file on opened, 103

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Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 261; cartoon about, 262

Zinder, Edward, 56; sketch of, 56

Zuni Nation, records relating to accessioned, 290

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