Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1996


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Abilene Travel Grants Program, 173, 254

Acheson, Dean, 113

Adams, Abigail, 57, 58, 273

Adams, John, 58

Aerial reconnaissance, 108-121, 130

Aeronautical Photographic Laboratory, 108

African Americans, 96-97, 183-191, 271-275, 277

Agriculture, 196-206

Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 203

Air Force Development Planning, Assistant for, 115, 118

Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 115; photo, 115

Air Research and Development Command, 114, 117

Alabama, 191

Albright, Madeleine, 254

Aldrin, Edwin (Buzz), Jr., 303; photo, 303

Allen, Eugene, 275-276, 277; photo, 275

Allen, H. C., 17

Allen, Joseph P., photo, 298

Altschul, Frank, 132

American Equal Rights Association, 59

American Homecroft Society, 195-206

"American Propaganda in Britain During World War I," by James D. Startt, 17-33

American Rocket Society, 128, 137

America's Answer (film), 27-28

Anders, William, 302

Andersen, David, illus. of work by, 155

Anderson, Alan, 99, 102, 104

Angel Island, California, 280-283, 285

Anglo-American relations during World War I, 17-33

Animals, theft of, 185, 188-189, 190

Annabella, 38, 41, 42

Annals of Congress, 164

Anthony, Susan B., 5, 57, 59

Archival Research Coordinating Committee, 173

Arkansas, 184

Arkansas Genealogical Society, 78

Army Air Corps, 108

Army Ballistic Missile Agency, 135

Army Emergency Relief Fund, 100, 102

Arnold, General Henry H. (Hap), 107, 109, 114, 121

Arnold, Perry, 21, 22, 24

Arts, federal support for the, 323

As Thousands Cheer, by Laurence Bergreen, 95

Asama Maru (ship), 281

Ashbrook, John, 227

Ashcroft, John, illus. of work by, 156

Assassination Records Review Board, 85, 171

Associated Press, 148

Astor, Mary, 38

"Astronaut as Photographer: A Personal View of the Universe" (exhibit), 296

"Astronaut as Photographer: Exploring Earth and the Universe through Photographs, The," by Shawn P. Aubitz, 296-303

Astronauts, 296-303

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, 196

Atomic Energy Commission, 314, 317

Atomic warfare, 107, 109-110, 112-113, 116-117, 121, 130

Aubitz, Shawn P., "The Astronaut as Photographer: Exploring Earth and the Universe Through Photographs, 296-303

Auel, Lisa B., "Buddies: Soldiers and Animals in World War II," 232-238; "Tokens & Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents," 152-161

Aurand, Evan P., 224

Australia, 30

Austria, 7, 9-12, 13, 14

Autobee, Robert, "Every Child in a Garden: George H. Maxwell and the American Homecroft Society," 195-206

Avila, Orlando Bosch, 85

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"Back to the 60s" (exhibit), 324

Bailey, Joseph H., 161

Baker, James G., 108, 115; photos, 108, 115

Baker, Leonard, 148, 149

Baker, Russell, 36

Balderston, John Lloyd, 21, 22, 24-26, 28-29, 30; quoted, 26

Balfour, Arthur, 30; port., 33

Balogh, Brian, 129

Barnett, Armstead, 271-272

Barrymore, Lionel, 37

Barton, Clara, 5, 57, 59, 61

Baruch, Bernard, 135

Baukhage, H. R., 224

Beacon Hill Group, 115-116, 118

Beacon Hill Report, 115, 116

Beaverbrook, Lord, 19-20; photo, 19

Begin, Menachem, 223, 227-228; photo, 228

Bell, Edward Price, 19

Bell Aircraft Company, 117

Bergman, Ingrid, 101

Bergreen, Laurence, "Irving Berlin: This Is the Army," 95-105

Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 280

Berlin, Irving, 95-105; photos, 94, 95, 99, 102, 104, 105

Berlin, Isaiah, 102

Best, Alvin C., 291-292

Biddle, Francis, 283-284, 285, 290

Bikini Atoll, 108-109

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress: 1774-1989, 162, 164-165

Biographical research, 162-167

Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 118, 119, 120; photo, 118

Black Studies: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 248

Blake, Kellee,"'First in the Path of the Firemen': The Fate of the 1890 Population Census," 64-81

Blatch, Harriot Stanton, 62

Block, A. L., 204

Bly, Nellie, article about, 7-15; books by, 8, 9; business dealings, 9, 13-14; photos, 6, 8, 13; quoted, 10

Bolshevism, 10, 11, 12-13

Bondy, Oscar, 13-14

Bornstein, Saul, 98

Bournville, England, 197, 204

Braden, Cody J., 145

Bradley, General Omar N., 113

Brannan, Charles F., papers opened, 323

Brezhnev, Leonid, 226

Brisbane, Arthur, 14

British Press Bureau, 22, 24

Britt, Barbara, 56

Broadway Theatre, 98

Bruce, Preston, 272; From the Door of the White House, 275; photo, 271

Bryce, James, 18

Bryson, Lyman, 151

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 228

Buchholz, Col. Berthold, 172

"Buddies: Soldiers and Animals in World War II," by Lisa B. Auel, 232-238

"Buddies: Soldiers and Animals in World War II" (exhibit), 232

Bunker, Ellsworth, photo, 226

Bureau of Standards, 68

Bureau of the Budget, 314-315

Bush, Barbara, 312

Bush, George, 225, 229, 312

Bush, Vannevar, 133; photo, 133

Butow, R.J.C., "How Roosevelt Attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor: Myth Masquerading as History," 209-221

Byrd, Robert, 253

Byrnes, John, 150

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Cabell, Lt. Col. H. C., 264, 265

Cadbury, George, 197

Cadbury Brothers, 197

California, 200-201

Cameras for use in space, 298-300

Camp David, Maryland, 223-231

Camp David Accords, 227-228

Camp Upton, New York, 96, 98, 99, 102

Capra, Frank, 38-39

Carlin, John W., 170, 252-253, 323; "Celebrating Diversity: Records of the Immigrant Experience," 260-261; "Democracy and the Historical Record," 92-93; "Discovering Family," 180-181; "In the Records: Women's Lives and Voices," 4-5

Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, 8

Carroll, Madeleine, 35-36

Carter, Jimmy, 227-228, 229, 310; photo, 228

Carter, Rosalynn, 227, 228, 310

Cartoons, 253

Carusi, Ugo, 316-317

"Casualty List of the 5th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, A" (online exhibit), 248

Catledge, Turner, 149

Catoctin Recreational Demonstration Area, 223

Catt, Carrie Chapman, 57, 63

"Celebrating Diversity: Records of the Immigrant Experience," by John W. Carlin, 260-261

Censorship, 99, 100; in Great Britain, 19, 22

Census, Bureau of, 64, 67-68, 69, 71, 75

Central Intelligence Agency, 85, 113, 120, 121

Ceremonial Brass Quintet, The, 56

Cernan, Eugene, 298, 299, 303

Chancellor, John, 225

Chandelier Club, 274

"Chicago and the Midwest in the Civil War Era" (symposium), 252, 324

Chicago Civil War Roundtable, 252, 324

Chicago Historical Society, 252, 324

China, People's Republic of, 158, 161

Christmas gifts of Presidents, 304-313

Churchill, Winston, 36, 102-103, 213, 224

City Commercial Club (Duluth, Minnesota), 201-202

Civil War, 59, 183, 184, 252, 324; diaries, 263-268; veterans, 66, 71-78

Civilian Conservation Corps, 279, 285-286

Classified records, 85

Cleveland, Grover, 274

Clifford, Clark M., 229

Clinton, Bill, 228, 229-230; and Chrismas, 304, 312-313; and NARA budget, 85, 172; photo, 230; public papers published, 82-83, 168, 320

Clinton, Chelsea, photo, 230

Clinton, Hillary, 312-313; photo, 230

Cobb, James, 162, 164, 165, 166-167; port., 164

Cobblestone Publishing, Inc., 248

Cochran, Elizabeth Jane. See Bly, Nellie.

Cochrane, Mary Jane, 14

Code of Federal Regulations, 321

Cohan, George M., 104

Cold war, 107, 111, 128-129, 130, 131-132, 133, 137

Collaer, N. D., 283-286, 290, 291, 292

Collins, Michael, 298, 302

Colored Man's Reminiscences, A, by Paul Jennings, 272-273

Columbus, SS, 279-293; photo, 280

Commerce, U.S. Department of, 69

Commerce Building (D.C.), 66-68, 77, 78

Committee on Public Information (CPI), 17, 18, 20, 21-31; Foreign Press Bureau, 23; Foreign Press Service, 26-27; London bureau, 21-29

"Company in Waiting: The Presidents & Their Guests at Camp David," by W. Dale Nelson, 223-231

Condon, Richard, 37

Confederate Army, 263-268

Conger, Dean, 299

Congressional Directory, 162, 164, 165

Congressional Globe, 164

Congressional Information Service, 164

Congressional Pictorial Directory, 165

Congressional Record, 162, 164-165, 167

Connally, John, 226

Conrad, Charles "Pete," 298; photo, 298

Constitution Day, 260

Continental Congress, 162

Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago), 111

Convict leasing, 183-184, 185, 187

Conzen, Kathleen Neils, 261

Coogan, Nat, 299

Cook, Theodore, 24-25

Coolidge, Calvin, 304, 305

Cooper, Gary, photo, 41

Cooper, Gordon, 298

Cornerstones of American Democracy (booklet), 168

Cox, Edward, 226

Coxe, Col. A. B., 10, 12

Craig, Charles, 202

Craigie, Robert, 281

"Creation and Destruction of Ellis Island Immigration Manifests, The," by Marian L. Smith, Part I, 240-245; Part II, 314-318

Creel, George, 20, 21, 22; photo, 16; quoted, 21

Criminal behavior, 183, 187, 188-190, 191

Crocker, Burbank and Co. Association, 317-318

Crouch, Barry A., "The Fetters of Justice: Black Texans & the Penitentiary During Reconstruction," 183-193

Cryptologic History, Center for, 324

Cuba, 225, 322-323

Cuban Missile Crisis, 322-323, 324

Cullen, Col. Paul T., 108-109

Culley, John Joel, "A Troublesome Presence: World War II Internment of German Sailors in New Mexico," 279-295

Curtiz, Michael, photo, 99

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Daehne, Wilhelm, 280, 282, 283, 285-286, 287, 288-290, 292; photo, 285

Daniels, Harry, 25

Daughters of the American Revolution, 69

Davis, Bette, 42-43

Dayan, Moshe, 227-228

Declaration of Sentiments, 1848, 4

Declassified records, 170-171

Dean, John, 226

Dean, Maureen, 223, 226

Deaver, Michael, 228

Declassified records, 322, 324

Defense, Office of the Secretary of, 113

Defense, U.S. Department of, 127-128, 131, 135, 137, 139, 170

Defense Mobilization, Office of, 112, 116

"Democracy and the Historical Record," by John W. Carlin, 92-93

Democratic Party, 147, 149, 150, 151

Dennett, Mary Ware, 62

Deshazior, Senior M. Sgt. Juanita, 56

Detroit, Michigan, 203

Devine, James C., 185-186

DeWitt, Lt. Col. John L., 283

Diaries, 263-68

Dickson, D. C., 190

Dietrich, Marlene, 36, 38, 40, 41, 43; photo, 42

"Different View on the War: The Civil War Diary of Richard M. Venable, A," by Michael E. Pilgrim, 263-269

Digital Classroom, 83

"Discovering Family," by John W. Carlin, 180-181

District of Columbia, 164, 273

Document preservation, 260-261

Donovan, Allen F., 115; photo, 115

Doolittle, James A., 119, 120, 133

Doser, Trent, 317

Douglas, Lt. Col. Henry T., 265-266; photo, 266

Douglas, William O., 224

Douglass, Frederick, 57, 59, 273

Dudley, N.A.H., 187, 191

Dulles, Allen, 118, 119, 120; photo, 121

Dulles, John Foster, 118

Duluth, Minnesota, 201-202

Duluth (Minnesota) Herald, 201, 202

Durrie, George H., 310

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, grants, 173, 254

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Earth satellites, 127-140

Eastman Kodak Company, 108, 300

Eban, Abba, 254

Educational programs, 144-146, 303

Egypt, 227-228

Ehrlichman, John, 226

Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, 113-114

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 103, 112, 116-117, 118, 119, 120-121, 223-229, 271; article about, 127-140; Christmas gifts from, 307; photos, 112, 127, 132, 225, 308

Eisenhower, Mamie, 224, 276; photo, 308

"Eisenhower, Sputnik, and the Creation of NASA," by Roger D. Launius, 127-140

Eisenhower Foundation, 173, 254

Eisenhower World Affairs Institute, 173, 254

El-Baz, Farouk, 299

Electrical tabulating systems, 64

Electronic records, 85, 86, 93, 166, 169, 320

Ellis Island, 240-244, 280, 282, 287, 314-318

Emerging Nation: A Documentary History of the Foreign Relations of the United States Under the Articles of Confederation, 1780-1789, The, 250

Engineer Corps (Confederate), 264-266

Engineers, Office of the Chief of, 266

England, 197

English Electric Company, 114-115, 117, 118

Equal Rights Convention (1851), 59

"Eskimo with Dog Sled" (carving), by Charlie Iyapana, illus., 152

Evans, Ronald, 302

"Every Child in a Garden: George H. Maxwell and the American Homecroft Society," by Robert Autobee, 195-206

Executive Office of the President, 93

Executive Order No. 7797, 280

Exhibits, 152-161, 169, 171, 232-238, 253, 272, 296, 323-324; online, 83-84, 248, 320

Explorer 1, 135, 136

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"Failure Is Impossible: Dramatic Readings Celebrating the Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment," by Rosemary H. Knower, 56-63

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 38, 39; photo, 39

Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, 117

Farrell, James T., 38

Fay, Sgt. Edwin H., 266

Fay, Paul, 225

"FDR & the Court-Packing Controversy," by Ilyana Kuziemko, 145, 147-151

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 85, 280-281, 282, 283-284

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 86

Federal Food Commission, 203

Federal Records Centers, 252

Federal Register, 83, 168, 250, 320, 321

Fehrenbach, T. R., 191

Fenard, Adm. Raymond, photo, 39

"Fetters of Justice: Black Texans & the Penitentiary During Reconstruction, The," by Barry A. Crouch, 183-193

Ficklin, John, photo, 270

Field, the Farm, the Garden: The Country Gentleman's Newspaper, The, 24-25, 27

Fields, Alonzo, 272, 274, 275-277; My 21 Years in the White House, 275; photo, 277

Finding aids, 249-250

Fine arts, 323

"'First in the Path of the Firemen': The Fate of the 1890 Population Census," by Kellee Blake, 64-81

Fitzgerald, T. J., 67-68

"Flexing the Nation's Muscle: Presidents, Physical Fitness and Sports in the American Century" (exhibit), 323-324

Flynn, Errol, 35, 36, 38, 41; photo, 36

Fonda, Henry, 35, 39

Ford, Betty, 309-310

Ford, Gerald R., 128-129, 154, 171, 226-227, 309-310, 323-324; caricature of, 161; photo, 227

Ford, Henry, 203

Ford Island, Hawaii, 213; photo, 217

Ford Motor Company, 203

Fort McDowell, California, 281-283

Fort Stanton, New Mexico, 279-280, 285-293

"41 Men" (exhibit), 171

Foster, James, 66

Foundation for the National Archives, 5, 253

Framers of the Constitution, 248

France, 45-55; and World War I, 20, 21, 23, 27, 30

Frankfurter Zeitung, 29

Franklin Roosevelt Library and Museum, 323

Frazier-Lemke Act, 148, 149

Freedmen's Bureau, 185, 186, 187, 190-191, 248

Freidel, Frank, 150, 151

"From Concept to National Policy: Strategic Reconnaissance in the Cold War," by R. Cargill Hall, 107-121

From the Door of the White House, by Preston Bruce, 275

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Gable, Clark, 38-39, 42; photo, 38

Gage, Frances, 57, 59

Gannett, Frank, 151

Gardening, 195-206

Gardner, Trevor, 117, 118

Garfield, John, 42

Garner, John, 150-151; cartoon of, 150

Garrison, Jim, 171

Garvin, Edwin L., 14

Garwin, Richard, 121

Gavin, Gen. James, 36, 43

Gemmell, William, 312

Genealogical research, 162, 166, 167, 168, 180-181, 240-244

General Services Administration's Fine Art Collection, 323

General Waste Products, Inc., 317-318

Geneva Convention, 287, 289-290, 292

George, Gerald, 253

George, Lloyd, 30

George Mason University, 252

George V, King of England, photo, 31

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 171

Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum, 171, 323-324

German Army, 46-55; Second SS Panzer Division, 46; Seventeenth Division, 46

Germans, internment of, 279-293

Germany, American policy towards, 18-19; propoganda, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29; records pertaining to opened, 171; visitors from to Archives, 172; and World War I, 18-19, 25, 29; and World War II, 280, 281, 282, 284-285

Gift giving, 152-161, 304-313

Gillespie, James, 185, 186

Gilruth, Robert I., 137

Gleason, Arthur, 29

Glenn, John, 298

Glennan, T. Kieth, 128, 138-139, 140; photo, 137

Goddard, Brig. Gen. George W., 108, 121; photo, 108

Goodwyn, Albert T., 162, 164, 167

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 154, 229

Gore, Albert, Jr., 229

Goree, Thomas J., 183

Government Information Locator System (GILS), 83

Government Printing Office, 321

GPO Access service, 321

Grable, Betty, 37, 38, 42; photo, 37

Graham, Billy, 225

Grant, Julia, 273

Grants, 5, 85, 172, 173-174, 250, 254

Great Britain, 108, 109; Ministry of Information, 19-20; public opinion in, 18, 19, 29, 30, 35; U.S. propaganda in, 17-33; and World War I, 17-33; and World War II, 280, 281, 283, 285, 293

"Great German Bluff About America, The," by Booth Tarkington, 29

Griffin, Charles, 186, 187, 191; port., 186

Grimke, Angelina, 58

Grimke, Sarah, 58

Grimmette, Bill, 56

Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States, 247, 319-320

Guide to Records Relating to U.S. Military Participation in World War II, Part I: Policy, Planning, Administration, 249

Guide to Research Collections of Former Members of the United States House of Representatives, 1789-1987, 165

Guide to Research Collections of Former United States Senators, 1789-1982, 165

Guide to the Records of the United States House of Representatives at the National Archives, 1789-1989, 166

Guide to the Records of the United States Senate at the National Archives, 1789-1989, 166

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Hackman, Larry, 253, 323

Hagen, John P., photo, 128

Halberstam, David, 155

Halderman, H. R., 226

Haley, Alex, Roots, 180-181

Hall, Joyce C., 307

Hall, R. Cargill, "From Concept to National Policy: Strategic Reconnaissance in the Cold War," 107-121

Hallmark Cards, 307

Hampton, Mark, 312

Harris, Bernard, Jr., 301

Harrison, Earl G., 314, 316

Harrison, Rex, 37

Harry S. Truman Library, 253, 254, 323; exhibits, 253; grants, 173

Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 254

Hassett, William, 224

Hatfield, Mark, 253-254

Haverkamp, Beth, 248; "National History Day: A NARA Partnership with Secondary History Education," 144-146

Hayden, Sterling, 35-36, 38, 39

Hayes, Rutherford, 61, 273, 277

Heath, Edward, photo, 222

Hell of a War, A, by Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., 39

Henry, Hank, 99

Hestness, Abby, 145

Hickam Field, Hawaii, 213

Higby, Larry, 226

Hightower, Cynthia A., 57

Hill, Elizabeth S., 199

Hilton, James, Lost Horizon, 223

Holland, 23

Hollerith, Herman, 64

Hollywood, 100-101

Hollywood Canteen, 42

Hollywood stars, 35-43

Homecroft Institute (Detroit), 203

Homecrofting, 195-206

Hoopes, Roy, "When the Stars Went to War: Hollywood and World War II," 35-43

Hoover, Herbert, 69, 71, 272, 274, 275, 277, 305-306; photos, 64, 71, 306

Hoover, J. Edgar, 282-284, 293

Hoover, Lou, 305-306; photo, 306

Hope, Bob, 35, 38, 41

Hopkins, Harry, 214-215, 216

Horchem, Benjamin J., 199

Hostetter, A. B., 201-202

Houghteling, James L., 280, 282

House, Col. Edward M., 19, 20, 30

"How Roosevelt Attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor: Myth Masquerading as History," by R.J.C. Butow, 209-221

Howard, Leslie, 43

Howells, William Dean, 23

Hughes, Charles Evans, 147, 148, 149, 150; port. 149

Hughes, Col. Don, 226

Hughes, William, 30

Hull, Cordell, 210, 213-214, 215; photo, 213

Humphrey, Hubert, 128-129, 137

Hunt, Marjorie, and Richard Kurin, "In the Service of the Presidency: Workers' Culture at the White House," 271-277

Hunt, Mark A., 172

Huntsville, Texas, state penitentiary, 183, 184, 185-186, 187, 189, 190, 191; photo, 184

Hurricane Marilyn, 85-86

Hurty, J. N., 204

Hussein, Saddam, 92

Huston, Tillinghast L., 205

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Ickes, Harold L., 210; photo, 210

"I'm Just Mild About Harry" (exhibit), 253

Imboden, Otis, 299

Immigrants, 198, 204, 240-244, 260-261

Immigration, U.S. Bureau of, 242

Immigration Acts, 240, 242

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 240, 242-244, 279-293, 314-318

Immigration Experience, The (teaching kit), 248

Immigration manifests, 240-244, 314-318

"In the Records: Women's Lives and Voices," by John W. Carlin, 4-5

"In the Service of the Presidency: Workers' Culture at the White House," by Richard Kurin and Marjorie Hunt, 271-277

"Indiana Plan, The," 204

Indiana State Chamber of Commerce, 204

Indianapolis, Indiana, 203-204

Indochina, 210, 214, 216

Information About the Center for Electronic Records in the National Archives for Prospective Researchers (leaflet), 169, 320

Information Security Oversight Office, 85

Integration, in the U.S. Army, 96-97; in the White House staff, 275

Intelligence Division, 213

Interior, U.S. Department of the, 64, 66, 205, 273, 319

International Conference on Aerial Navigation, 110-111

International Convention for Aerial Navigation, 111

International Council of Scientific Unions, 131

International Geophysical Year (1957-1958), 119, 130-131, 135

International Red Cross, 286-287

Internment camps, World War II, 279-293

Iraq, 92

Ireland, 25-26

Irish Press Bureau, 26

Irish Recruiting Council, 26

Irrigation, 196, 198

"Irving Berlin: This Is the Army," by Laurence Bergreen, 95-105

Irwin, Jim, photo, 300

Irwin, Will, 22; photo, 23

Israel, 227-228

Iyapana, Charlie, illus. of carving by, 152

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Jackson, Allen W., 199

Jackson, Arthur, 276

Jackson, Robert H., 283

Jameson, J. Franklin, 68

Jemison, Dr. Mae C., photo, 297

Japan, 195, 200-201, 205; records pertaining to opened, 171; and World War II, 209-217, 280-281, 284-285

Japan Times and Advertiser, cartoon from, 208

Jefferson, Thomas, 272, 273-274

Jennings, Paul, 272-273; A Colored Man's Reminiscences, 273

Jimmy Carter Library, 85, 145-146, 171

John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, 85, 171

John F. Kennedy Library, 322

Johnson, Andrew, 274

Johnson, Clarence L. (Kelly), 117, 118

Johnson, Lady Bird, 225, 308-309

Johnson, Lyndon B., 128-129, 132, 133, 136, 137, 140, 153, 225, 227, 228, 229, 276, 308-309, 322, 324; photos, 133, 140, 226

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 112-113

Jones, Thomas, 303

Jones, Thomas William, 312

Jones, W. Alton, 224

Jordan, Barbara, "Remarks on the Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment," 60

Journalism, 7, 8, 13, 14, 23-27, 28-29

Judd, Neil M., 224

Judiciary Reform Bill (1937), 147-148

Jupiter program, 135-136

Justice, U.S. Department of, 279-280, 282, 283, 288, 292-293, 315

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Katz, Amrom H., 108, 109; photos, 108, 125

Katzenbach, Nicholas de B., 225

Keckly, Elizabeth, 273

Keegan, Maj. George, 115

Kellogg, E. Howard, illus. of work by, 159

Kelly, W. F., 291, 292

Kennady, Paul, 23

Kennedy, Caroline, 225; photo, 225

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 225, 308

Kennedy, John F., 85, 128, 140, 171, 225, 229, 308, 322, 324; photos, 140, 225

Kennedy, Robert F., 322-323

Kentucky, 187

Kerley, Lt. Ralph, 46, 47-51, 53, 54

Kerry Committee, 170

Keyzer, David, photo, 145

Khrushchev, Nikita, 119-120, 225-226

Kiddoo, J. B., 186; port., 187

Kiefer, Capt. Eugene, 118

Killian, James, 115, 116, 118, 120, 137; photo, 127

Klein, Burton, 115, 118

Knower, Rosemary H., "Failure Is Impossible: Dramatic Readings Celebrating the Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment," 56-63

Korda, Alexander, 37

Korean war, 112-113, 114

Kresa, Helmy, 97

Kreuz, Greta, 56

Kroeger, Brooke, "Nellie Bly: She Did It All," 7-15

Kubik, Kamil, 312

Kuhn, Fritz, 290, 291

Kurin, Richard, and Marjorie Hunt, "In the Service of the Presidency: Workers' Culture at the White House," 271-277

Kurusu, SaburÇ, 213, 214

Kutler, Stanley, 170

Kuwait, 92

Kuziemko, Ilyana, "FDR & the Court-Packing Controversy," 145, 147-151; photo, 151

Kvasnicka, Robert M., comp., Trans-Mississippi West: 1804-1912, Part IV: A Guide to Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period; Section I, Records of the Offices of the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Railroads, The, 319

Kwajalein Atoll, 109

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La Guardia, Fiorello, 280

Labor, U.S. Department of, 280, 282

Ladd, Alan, 35, 40

Laessig, Robert, 309

Lainhart, Ann, State Census Records, 78

Lake, Veronica, 37, 38, 39; photo, 38

Lamarr, Hedy, 42, 43; photo, 42

Land, Edwin, 115, 116, 118, 120; photo, 115

Landis, Carole, 41-42

Langford, Frances, 41

Launius, Roger D., "Eisenhower, Sputnik, and the Creation of NASA," 127-143

League of Nations, 10, 29, 30

Lee, Sue, 261

Leffler, Melvyn, 172

Leghorn, Richard S., 108-110, 111, 114-115, 116, 117, 119-121; photos, 109, 119

Lehman, Edward, 308

Lemay, Lt. Gen. Curtis E., 112, 117-118, 120; photo, 118

Levison, Walter, 108; photo, 125

Libbey, E. M., 68

Libertador, El, 104

"Liberty" gardens, 203

Librarian of Congress, 69

Library of Congress, 71, 165, 323

Life magazine, 99

Life of Billy Yank, The, by Bell Irvin Wiley, 263

Lincoln, Abraham, 59, 61-62, 273-274; port., 308

Lincoln, Mary Todd, 273

Lisowski, Lori, 145

Lissauer, Bob, 98

Lockhead Aircraft Corporation, 117-118, 119

Logan, Joshua, 98

Lombard, Carole, 38, 42, 43

Loomis, F. W., 115

"Lost Battallion" (2d Battalion, 120th Infantry Regiment), 45-55

Lost Horizon, by James Hilton, 223

Louisiana, 184, 188

Louisiana Reclamation Association, 202

Lousma, Jack, 298; photo, 301

Lovett, Robert A., 113

Lowell, Waverly, 146

Lowman, Paul, 299

Loyola University, 252, 324

Luce, Henry, 96

Lucero, G., illus. of work by, 157

Lupton, Cora J.S., 203

Lynchings, 187-188

Lyndon B. Johnson Foundation, 173-174, 254

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 322; grants, 173-174, 254

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MacAyeal, Rita, 146

McCandless, Bruce, 301

McClellan, John M., 137

McCrea, Capt. John, 223-224

McCullough, David, 254, 260

Macdonald, Duncan, 108, 109

MacDonald, Keith, 292

McDougall, Walter A., 140

McElroy, Neil, 135; photo, 136

McGrath, Daniel E., 283-284

McKnight, Thomas, 313

MacLeish, Archibald, 36, 223; photo, 224

Macmillan, Harold, 223, 224

Madison, Dolley, 272-273

Madison, James, 272-273

Magna Carta online, 248

Magruder, Maj. Gen. John B., 265

Manchester, William, 41

Manning, Michael, illus. of work by, 161

Manson, Alan, 99-100, 101, 102, 103

Marcello, Carlos, 85

Marshall, Gen. George C., 96, 103, 104, 214

Märtha, Crown Princess of Norway, 154

Martin Company, Glenn L., 117, 118

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 115

Massingham, H. W., 30

Maxwell, George H., 195-206; Our National Defense, 200; photo, 206

Maxwell's Talisman, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203; illus., 197, 198

Meese, Edwin, 228

Merchant seamen, 279-293

Mexican War, 72

Mexico, 195, 205

Microfilm publications, 71, 77, 84, 168, 169, 247, 248, 250-251, 321; African-American studies, 248; black soldiers, 250; cadet applications, 250; captured German records, 249-250; catalogs of, 84, 168-169, 247, 248; census schedules, 84, 247, 248; Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren River Bridge Co., 251; Civil War, 84, 169, 250, 321; compiled military service records, 321; Confederate records, 84, 169, 321; District of Columbia, 321; 1890 census, 71, 77; Grant, Ulysses S., 251; indentures of apprenticeship, 321; Industrial Workers of the World, 251; Lee, Robert E., 251; Military Academy registers, 251; military burial records, 250; military records, 248, 249, 250, 251, 321; naturalization records, 84; Nevada, 321; New Orleans, La., 321; nonpopulation census schedules, 84; Oregon, 321; orphans, 321; pardon case files, 250; Parker, Isaac C., 250; "Passenger Acts," 250; passenger lists, 169, 240, 243-244, 321; Poe, Edgar Allan, 251; Poland, 84; prisoners of war, 169; Russian consulates, 84; Union Army, 321; U.S. circuit courts, 248; U.S. Department of Justice, 250; U.S. district courts, 84, 248; War of 1812, 169, 250; Work Projects Administration, 321; World War II, 84, 250

Microfilmed records, 240-244, 314-318

Middle East, 227-228, 254

Milestone documents, booklets, 83

Military intelligence, 107-121; records pertaining to opened, 171

Military Intelligence, Office of, 10, 13

Miller, Melvin H., 292

Milliken, Max, 119

Minneapolis, Minnesota, 66

Minnesota, 201-202

Missouri, 184

Mitchell, Edgar, 302

Molotov, Viacheslav M., 112; photo, 112

Monroe, Winnie, 277

Montgomery, Robert, 38, 39

Morgan, J. P., 201

Morgan, Ted, 147-148, 149, 150-151

Moriarty, Harvey, 310

Morris, Wayne, 38, 39

Mortain, Battle of, 45-55

Mott, Lucretia Coffin, 4

Mount, James A., 197-198

Murphy, George, 101; photo, 101

Musgrave, F. Story, 298, 299

My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House, 275

My 21 Years in the White House, by Alonzo Fields, 275

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Nagler, Kenneth, 299

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 127-128, 133, 137, 138

National Aeronautics and Space Act, 138; illus., 126

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), articles about, 127-143, 296-303; astronaut photography training program, 298-299; creation of, 127-140; Langley Research Center, 296

National American Women's Suffrage Association, photo of officers, 59

National Archives and Records Administration, Archives II fellowships, 172-173; budget, 85, 172; catalogs, 168, 247, 248; Center for Electronic Records, 169, 320; Center for Legislative Archives, 5, 165-167; Constitution Day celebration, 260; declassified records, 170-171; and destruction of immigration manifests, 314; Digital Classroom, 248; Education Branch, 83, 146, 252-253; educational programs, 144-146, 172; Exhibits Branch, 252-253; Genealogy Center, 180; history, 68; inspector general, 172; Legislative Archives Congressional Research Center, 166; microfilm publications, 71, 77, 84, 168, 169, 247, 248, 250-251, 321; mission, 296; Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch, 83; news and notices, 85-86, 170-174, 252-254, 322-324; Office of Federal Records Centers, 248; Office of Public Programs, 146, 248; Office of the Federal Register, 82, 83, 166, 320; online exhibit hall, 83-84, 248, 250, 320-321; online services, 83-84, 166, 248, 250, 320-321; Preservation Conference, 324; publications, 82-84, 168-169, 247-251, 319-321; Spanish language leaflet, 250; Still Picture Branch, 83, 232, 296; World Wide Web site, 166

NARA Audiovisual Information Locator (NAIL) Database, 83

National Archives Building, 4, 71

National Archives Microfilm Resources for Research: A Comprehensive Catalog, 247

National Archives Posters & Facsimiles (catalog), 83

National Archives Presidential Library System, 152, 158, 161, 168, 323-324

National Archives Regional Archives System, Alaska Region, 261; Central Plains Region, 181; Great Lakes Region, 181, 252, 324; Mid-Atlantic Region, 296, 303; Pacific Sierra Region, 261

National Christmas Tree, 304, 305, 306-308, 310, 312, 313

National Emergency Food Garden Commission, 203

National Genealogical Society, 69

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 5, 85, 145, 172, 250, 252-253

National History Day, 144-146, 252-253

"National History Day: A NARA Partnership with Secondary History Education," by Beth Haverkamp, 144-146

National Institute on Genealogical Research, 181

National Irrigation Association, 196, 199-200, 204

National Media Lab, 86

National Museum of American Art, 323

National Park Service, 223

National Register of Historic Places, 252

National Science Foundation, 137

National Security Agency, 324; records declassified and opened, 170-171

National Security Council, 93, 112, 130, 134, 170

National Theater, Washington, D.C., 99

National War Aims Committee (Great Britain), 22, 23, 24, 29

Native Americans, 158, 171

Naturalization, 260

Naval Research Laboratory, 131

Nazi Party, finding aids to records of the, 249

Nealand, Dan, 145

Nellie Bly: Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist, by Brooke Kroeger, 7-8

"Nellie Bly: She Did It All," by Brooke Kroeger, 7-15

Nelson, W. Dale, "Company in Waiting: The Presidents & Their Guests at Camp David," 223-231

New Deal, 147-148, 149, 323

"New Deal for the Arts, A" (exhibit), 323

New Mexico, 279-280, 285-293

New Orleans, Louisiana, 202-203

New York, 66

New York Evening Journal, The, 8, 13, 14

New York Times, 38, 149

New York World, The, 8, 14

Newlands, Francis G., 196

Newlands Act of 1902, 196, 198

1900 Federal Population Census, The (microfilm catalog), 168, 247

Nineteenth Amendment, 4, 56-63

Nixon, Pat, 309

Nixon, Richard M., 92, 137, 154, 158, 161, 170, 225-226, 227, 228, 248, 309, 322; photos, 132, 222

Nixon, Tricia, 226

Nolan, Brig. Gen. D. E., 10, 12; quoted, 10-11

Nomura, KichisaburÇ, 213, 214-215; photo, 213

"Normandy: Recollections of the 'Lost Batalion' at the Battle of Mortain, August 1944," by Robert Weiss, 45-55

North, Oliver, 229

North German Lloyd Line, 280, 281-282

North Star, The, 59

Northcliffe, Lord, 19, 30

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Objective, Burma! (film), 35

Official Register of the United States, 164

"Oh! How I Hate To Get Up in the Morning," by Irving Berlin, 101-102, 103, 105

Ohio State Water Conservation Board, 205

Olav, Crown Prince of Norway, 154

Oliver, Perry M., 314, 315, 316-317

Online and Electronic Services from the National Archives and Records Administration, 250

Online Computer Library Center, 165

Online Exhibit Hall, 83-84, 248, 250, 320-321

"Open Skies" doctrine, 119-120

Operation "Magic," 211-212, 213, 214, 216

Origins of the New South, by C. Vann Woodward, 183

Ormsby-Gore, David, 225

"Our Mothers Before Us" (project), 5

Our National Defense, by George H. Maxwell, 200

Overhage, Carl F.J., 115

Oyen, Meredith, 145

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Pacific Fleet, 212-213, 215-216

"Pack Life" plan, 199

Page, Jeffrey, 261

Page, Walter Hines, 18, 19

Pageant of Peace, 304, 307-308

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza Shah, 154

Pan-American (Havana) Convention on Commercial Aviation, 111

"Panorama" (exhibit), 320

Paris Peace Conference, 7, 10, 30

Parks, Lillian Rogers, 274, 276; My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House, 275; photo, 274

Passenger arrival lists, 240-244, 261, 314-318

Passport Office, 85

Patterson, Robert, 107, 109

Patton, Gen. George, 36, 43

Patton, John, 115

Pearl Harbor, attack on, 209-217; photo, 211

Penfield, Frederic, 9

Pension Office, 72, 77

"People at War, A" (online exhibit), 248

Peres, Shimon, 154

Perkins, Bradford, 17

Perry Alan, 86

Pershing, Gen. John J., 10, 12; photo, 10

Philbrick, Richard, 108

Philippine Islands, 214, 216, 232

Phillipson, Gen. Irving J., 97-98

Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 30th, 108

Photography, 296-303

Pilgrim, Michael, "A Different View on the War: The Civil War Diary of Richard M. Venable," 263-269

Pittsburg[h] Dispatch, The, 8

Plummer, Kenneth, Sr., 225

Poole, Ernest, 23

Popiolek, Frank, 260

Population censuses, 1890, 64-81; 1900, 168

Porter, Cole, 101

Porter, Robert, 64

Posters, 83

Potts, Bill, illus. of work by, 160

Poulos, Paula Nassen, ed., A Woman's War Too: U.S. Women in the Military in World War II, 319

Powell, Jody, 228

Power, Tyrone, 38; photo, 43

POW/MIA Affairs, Office of, 170

President, Office of the, 273

President Line, 284-285

"President of the U.S.A., Saxophonist Bill Clinton" (sculpture), by Bill Potts, illus., 160

Presidential Clemency Board, 227

Presidential libraries, 85, 152, 272, 323-324

Presidential Libraries of the National Archives System (leaflet), 168

Presidential Materials Review Board, 322

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974, 170, 322

Presidents, U.S., and Camp David, 223-231; Christmas gifts from, 304-313; exhibit of personal memorabilia of, 171; gifts to, 152-161; public papers, 168

President's Committee on National and Community Service, 146

President's Science Advisory Committee, 136, 137-138

Primary Sources of the Civil War: An Activity Book for Teachers, 248

Prisoners of war, 170-171, 184

Prisons, 183-191

Privacy Act Issuances, 1993 Compilation, 83

Project AQUATONE, 119, 120

Project CROSSROADS, 108-109

Project GOPHER, 116

Project Lincoln, 115

Prologue: Quarterly of the National Archives and Records Administration, 320

Propaganda, American, 17-33, 40; British, 19-20, 22; German, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29; and Ireland, 25-26; motion pictures used for, 27-28; pamphlets, 28-29

Public Citizen, 170

Public opinion, 20; American, 19, 36; British, 18, 19, 29, 30, 35; French, 30

Public Papers of President William J. Clinton for 1994, 82-83, 168; for 1995, 320

Public Works Administration, 205

Purcell, Edward, 115

Putt, Gen. Donald, 117, 118

"Puttin' on the Ritz," by Irving Berlin, 96, 97

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Quarles, Donald A., 119

Quesada, Brig. Gen. Elwood, 108

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Racial injustice, 183-191

Racism, 200

Rand Corporation, 116

Randolph, George W., 264-265

Rappaport, Armin, 18

Reagan, Nancy, 228, 312

Reagan, Ronald, 35, 36, 40, 95, 101, 154, 225, 228-229, 310, 312; photos, 40, 101, 229

Reaser, Capt. Joseph C., photo, 50

Reconnaissance aircraft, 113-115, 116, 117-118, 119, 120-121

Reconnaissance satellites, 116, 119, 135

Reconstruction, 183-191

Records Act of 1943, 240, 243-244, 316

Records management, 92-93, 243-244, 316

Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command, Part VII, 249

Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories and Other Rosenberg Organizations, Part II, 249

Records preservation and restoration, 85-86

Redmond, T.Sgt. Laurence K., photo, 110

Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Land, Bureau of, 185, 186, 187, 190-191, 248

Register of Debates, 164

Rehnquist, William, 149

Reilly, Mike, 216

Reitzel, Albert E., 316

Research Libraries Information Network, 165

Reuters, 25

Richter, William L., 186, 191

Rickey, H. N., 21, 22, 27

Ridenour, Louis, 115

Riley, Richard, 229

Rios, Eli, illus. of work by, 156

Rios, Zeferino, illus. of work by, 156

Ritland, Col. Osmand J., 119; photo, 119

Rivers and Harbors Act of 1917, 201

Roberts, Cokie, 56

Robinson, Edward G., 41

Robinson, Joe, 150

Rockefeller, Nelson, 119

Rogers, Emmett, photo, 272

Rogers, Ginger, 37-38

Rogers, Lillian, photo, 272, 274

Rogers, Maggie, 274; photo, 272, 273

Rogers, Sam, 67, 68, 69

Rogers, Walter S., 22-23

Roley, Diana Alper, 85-86

Ronald Reagan Library and Museum, 172, 324

Rooney, Mickey, 35, 40; photo, 34

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 98-99, 205, 271-272, 275, 276, 306-307

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 36, 96, 98-99, 102, 223-224, 229-230, 271, 272, 275, 323; articles about, 147-151, 209-217; cartoons of, 150, 208; Christmas gifts from, 306-307; and German internees, 282-283, 284-285; gifts to, 153, 154; photos, 150, 213, 215, 224

Roosevelt, Theodore, 61-62, 273; port., 311

Root, Eugene, 115

Roots, by Alex Haley, 180-181

"Roots in the Rotunda: Finding Bibliographic Information about Former Members of Congress," by Kristen Wilhelm, 162-167

Rosenberg, Alfred, records relating to, 249

Rosenman, Samuel, 224

Rosenstock, Milton, 99, 102, 104

Rossenzweig, Les, 115

Rostow, Walt, 119

Roswell Field, New Mexico, 108-109

Ruffin, James E., 283-284

Ruppert, Kurt, 287

Russell, Charles Edward, 18, 21, 24

Russell, John, 21-22, 25, 27; quoted, 22

Russia, 23

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Sadat, Anwar, 223, 227-228; photo, 228

Sadat, Jehan, 227, 254

Sailors, German, 279-293

St. Paul, Minnesota, 66

St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 85-86

San Francisco Chronicle, 40

Savoretti, Joseph, 314-316; photo, 317

Scandinavia, 21, 23, 25

Schirra, Walter, 298

Schofield, Maj. Lemuel B., 283-284

Schriever, Brig. Gen. Bernard A., 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 128; photo, 114

Schuler, Nettie Rogers, 63

Scotland, 25

Scott, David R., photo, 299

Scott, Merrill H., 288, 292

Scouten, Rex, photo, 270

Scowcroft, Brent, 227

"Season's Greetings from the White House: Presidential Words and Pictures," by Mary Evans Seeley, 304-313

Seeley, Mary Evans, "Season's Greetings from the White House: Presidential Words and Pictures," 304-313

Segregation, 96-97, 274-275, 277

Seminole War, 74

Seneca Falls, New York, 4, 58

Shalikashvili, Gen. John M., 260

Shangri-La (Camp David), 223-224, 229-230

Shaw, Clay, 171

Sheridan, Philip H., 191

Shiffer, James Eli, 180

Shoemaker, Thomas B., 316-317

Shubert, J. J., 98

Shubert, Lee, 98

Signoret, Simone, 36

Sinatra, Frank, 41

Sinclair, Upton, 205

Sinclair, William H., 186-187, 188, 189-191

Sinclair, Winston, 274

Sisario, Kelly A., 172

Slade, William, 274

Slater, Ellis, 224

Slaves, 183, 184, 185, 186, 272-273

Slavin, Neal, 312-313

Sloane, Arthur A., 149

Smith, Gen. E. Kirby, 265-266

Smith, Maj. Gen. Foster Lee, 120

Smith, James, 272-273

Smith, Marian L., "The Creation and Destruction of Ellis Island Immigration Manifests," Part I, 240-245; Part II, 314-318

Smith, W. H., 29

Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell, 112, 113

Smith College, 8

Smithsonian Institution, 272

Smoot, Reed, 68

Social Security Act, 149, 150

Space exploration, 127-140, 296-303

Space shuttle, 298, 299, 300, 301-302, 303

"Spirit of Camp David," 225-226

Sputnik, article about, 127-143

Stafford, Thomas, 298, 303

Stalin, Joseph, 225

Stanhope, David, 145-146

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 4, 57, 58, 59, 61-62

Stark, Adm. Harold R., 214

Startt, James D., "American Propaganda in Britain During World War I," 17-23

Stassen, Harold, 119

State, U.S. Department of, 10, 68, 85, 111-112, 113, 212, 280, 282

State Census Records, by Ann Lainhart, 78

Steerage Act of 1819, 240

Steinbeck, John, 225

Stempel, Theodore, 204

Steuart, William, 69

Stevens, Ted, 253

Stewart, Jimmy, 37, 38; photos, 36, 41

Stimson, Henry L., 210-211, 213, 214, 283

Stone, Ezra, 96, 97, 98, 99-100, 102; photo, 100

Stone, Lucy, 59

Strategic Air Command, 112, 113, 114, 117-118, 120

Strategic reconnaissance, 107-121

Subsistence Homesteads Division, 205

Suffrage Convention (1870), 59, 61

Suharto, 227

Sullivan, Kathryn, 298, 301

Swayne Wager, 191

Sweet Adelines International, Midnight Special Quartet, 57, 63

Switzerland, 286-287, 289, 290

Symington, Stuart, 112, 128-129

Symposium on Cryptologic History, 324

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Tactical Air Command, IX, 108

Taft, William Howard, 274

Tarbell, Ida, 23; photo, 23

Tarkington, Booth, 23, 29; photo, 23

Task Unit 1.52, 108-109

Taylor, John, 10

Teacher training, 146

Teaching kits, 248

"Teaching With Primary Sources" (teaching kit series), 248

Technological Capabilities Panel, 118

Tenney, Ammon M., 288-289, 290-292

Texas, 183-191

Texas Republican, 185, 186

Thatcher, Margaret, 228, 229; photo, 229

This Is the Army (film), 40

This Is the Army (play), by Irving Berlin, 95-105

Thomas, George, 277

Thomsen, Hans, 280-281

Throckmorton, James W., 185, 186, 190-191; port., 185

Tierney, Gene, 42

"Tokens & Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents," by Lisa B. Auel, 152-161

"Tokens & Treasures: Gifts to Twelve Presidents" (exhibit), 82, 152-161; catalog, 169

Topical Press, 27

Torpy, Charles R., 227

Townsend, Leonard G., 314-315

Trans-Mississippi West: 1804-1912, Part IV: A Guide to Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period; Section I, Records of the Offices of the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Railroads, The, comp. by Robert M. Kvasnicka, 319

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 42, 240

Trevor, Capt. J. B., 12-13

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, 62

"Triumph of America" (carving), by Anastasio Perez Vargas, illus., 160

"Troublesome Presence: World War II Internment of German Sailors in New Mexico, A," by John Joel Culley, 279-295

Truax, Robert C., 137

Truman, Bess, 307

Truman, Harry S., 108, 112-113, 116, 120, 224, 229, 253, 254, 271, 272, 273, 275, 307, 323; photo, 112

Truth, Sojourner, 57, 59

Tubman, Harriet, 5

Turner, Sgt. Clyde, 102

Turner, Lana, 38, 42, 43

Tuscaloosa, USS, 280

Twentieth Century Club of Detroit, 203

Twining, Gen. Nathan, 113

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Underwood, Richard, 298, 299

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 111-114, 115, 116-117, 119-120, 121, 128-140, 225

United Nations, 92

United Services Organization (USO), 41, 42

U.S. Air Force, 107, 111, 113, 120

U.S. Alien Property Custodian, 14

U.S. Army, 233; First Division, 46; Thirtieth Division, 46; 120th Infantry Regiment, 46-55; 230th Field Artillery Battalion, 46, 47, 48, 54

U.S. Army Signal Corps, 36, 40

"United States at War, The," 25

U.S. Coast Guard, 233

U.S. Congress, and 1890 census, 69, 71, 77; records of the, 5; and woman suffrage, 61

U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 162

U.S. Constitution, Nineteenth Amendment, 4-5, 56-63

U.S. Constitutional Convention, 248

U.S. Customs Sevice, 240, 242

United States Government Manual (1995-1996), 82; (1996-1997), 320

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 252

U.S. House of Representatives, 133; Historian, 162; Historical Office, 165; Journal, 162, 164-165; members, 162-167; Select Committee on Assassination, 85

U.S. Marine Corps, 233

U.S. Navy, 77

U.S. Public Health Service, 279, 285-286

United States Secret Service, 85, 224, 228, 312

U.S. Senate, Armed Services Committee, 132, 137; Journal, 162, 164-165; members, 162-167; Office of the Historian, 162, 165; Select Committee for POW/MIA Affairs, 170; Special Committee on Space and Aeronautics, 133; and woman suffrage, 61, 63

United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Europe), 109

U.S. Supreme Court, article about, 147-151

University of Maryland at College Park, 144-145, 173, 252-253

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Val-Kill Industries, 306

Vandal, Gilles, 188

Vanguard satellites, 130, 131, 135, 136-137

Vardaman, James K., Jr., 224

Vargas, Anastasio Perez, illus. of work by, 160

Venable, Abraham W., 264, 265; photo, 267

Venable, Charles Scott, 264-265

Venable, Maj. Richard M., 263-268; maps by, 268, 269; photos, 263, 266, 267

Veterans, Confederate, 72, 74, 75; enumeration of, 64, 71-78; pensions, 72, 75; Union, 64, 71-72, 74, 75, 77; widows of, 64, 71-72, 74, 75, 77

Veterans Administration, 77

Victory Caravan of Hollywood Stars, 42

Vidal, Gore, 37, 38

"View from Space: Studying the Earth and Its Natural Resources, The" (educational program), 303

Virgin Islands, U.S., 85-86

Von Braun, Wernher, 128, 129, 130, 131-132, 135-136; photo, 137

Vonnegut, Franklin, 204, 205

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Wagner Act, 149, 150

War bonds, 42-43

War Department, 72, 77, 98, 101

War of 1812, 72

War Plans Division, 213

Ward, Lt. Col. Cabot, 10, 11

Warner, Jack, 100, 102

Warner Brothers Studio, 98, 100-101, 102

Washington, George, 271

Washington Post, 68

Water rights, 196

"Watergate and the Constitution" (online classroom lesson), 248

Watergate materials, 92, 170

Watertown, Massachusetts, 198-199, 200; illus., 198

Watkins, W. Frank, 314, 315-317

Watson, Brig. Gen. Edwin M., 282-283

Wayne, John, 35, 38, 41

Wegmann, Edward, 171

Weidemann, Fritz, 281

Weiss, Robert, "Normandy: Recollections of the 'Lost Battalion' at the Battle of Mortain, August 1944," 45-55; photos, 44, 52

Welles, Orson, 37; photo, 37

Welles, Sumner, 285

West, Jean, 248

"When the Stars Went to War: Hollywood and World War II," by Roy Hoopes, 35-43

Where's the Rest of Me, by Ronald Reagan, 40

White, Edward, 301

White, Gen. Thomas D., 117-118

White, William Allen, 23

White House, artistic renderings of, 305, 307, 308, 310, 312

White House Central Files, 322

White House Historical Association, 82, 161, 169

"White House in Miniature, The" (model) by John and Jan Zweifel, 171-172

White House staff, 271-277, 304-313

White House tapes (Watergate), 92, 170, 322

Whitman, Ann, 129-130

Wienberg, Maj. Harold, 115, 121

Wiley, Bell Irvin, The Life of Billy Yank, 263

Wilhelm, Kristen, "Roots in the Rotunda: Finding Bibliographic Information about Former Members of Congress," 162-167

Williams, G. Mennen, 132

Williams, Norwood, 275

Wilmoth, Grover C., 288

Wilson, M. E., 205

Wilson, Woodrow, 7, 10, 12, 24, 27; photos, 18, 28, 31; speeches, 29; and woman suffrage, 62-63; and World War I, 18-19, 20-21, 29, 30

Woman suffrage, 4-5, 56-63

Woman's War Too: U.S. Women in the Military in World War II, A, ed. by Paula Nassen Poulos, 319

Women prisoners, 185, 186, 190

Women's Party, 63

Women's Rights Convention (1848), 58

Wood, Brig. Gen. Floyd B., 118

Woodhull, Victoria, port., 58

Woodward, C. Vann, Origins of the New South, 183

Worden, Al, 298, 299, 302

"Workers at the White House" (exhibit), 272

Works Progress Administration, 243

World War I, 7, 9, 17-33, 42, 203; and woman suffrage, 62-63

World War II, 95, 223, 306-307, 324; animals in, 232-238; articles about, 35-43, 209-217; Battle of Mortain, 45-55; German records, 249-250; guide to records of, 249; internment of German sailors, 279-293; online exhibit, 248; photographs, 232-238; records pertaining to opened, 170-171; and women, 319

World Wide Web, 166, 171, 321

Wright, Carroll, 64, 77

Wright Air Development Center, 114, 117

Wright Field, Ohio, 108

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 114

Wyman, Jane, 40; photo, 40

Wyoming, 61

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Yamamoto, Adm. Isoroku, port., 214

Yip! Yip! Yaphank, by Irving Berlin, 96, 97, 101

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Zanesville, Ohio, 205

Zanesville (Ohio) Signal, 205

Zanuck, Darryl, 39

Zimmerman, Lt. Comdr. Gerald A., 227

Zimmermann Telegram, 171, 248

Zweifel, Jan, 171-172

Zwiefel, John, 171-172

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