Prologue: Index 1997
Accomplished Women (film), 157 Ackerman, George W., photo by, 63 Adams, Maj. Charity, photo, 149 Adams, John Quincy, 347 Adjutant General's Office (Army), Records of the (RG 94), 340-341; Records of the (RG 407), 343; records relating to African Americans, 136 Adler, Dankmar, 222 Aero Squadron, First, 336 Afghanistan, 76 African Americans, 36, 191-200; and banks, 170-180; celebrities, photos of, 151; as citizens of the Creek Nation, 36-37, 39; as Civil War soldiers, 91-94, 96, 105, 107, 170, 276; as cooks at military posts, 297; desire for land, 108; equal employment opportunity, 120; equal pay for equal work, 114; in federal records, summer issue; genealogical research, 170-180; and labor unions, 113-120, 279-288; military records relating to, 148-153, 165-169; and the Panama Canal, 122-126; photos by, 141-146; photos of, 148-153; pilots, 152-153, 167-169; political rights and activity, 108-110; and USIA-produced motion pictures, 154-159; and World War II, 148-153, 155, 165-169, 279-288 "African Americans and the American Labor Movement," by James Gilbert Cassedy, 113-121 African American Civil War Memorial, D.C., 92, 276 Agricultural Adjustment Act, 117, 118 Agricultural Adjustment Administration, records relating to African Americans, 118 Agricultural Economics, Bureau of, 24 Agricultural workers, 117-118, 120 Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 17, 20, 21-22, 24; motion pictures produced by, 155 Ailey, Alvin, 156 Alabama, 116, 309 "Alan Turing, Enigma, and the Breaking of German Machine Ciphers in World War II," by Lee A. Gladwin, 203-217 Alaska, 70, 72, 191, 197-198, 199 Aleuts, 197-198 Allentown, Pennsylvania, 23 Alma Halfa, battle of, 214 Alsberg, Henry, 142-143 Alton Railroad, 54 Alvord, John W., 170, 172, 179 America (yacht), 327; sketch of, 332 American-African Student Foundation, 137 American Committee on Africa, 137 American Council for Learned Societies (ACLS), 86, 87-89; Committee on Negro Studies, 88-89 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 116, 117, 120, 280 American Heritage Foundation, 57 American Institute Register of Premiums, 319 "American Originals" (exhibit), 76, 347 American Red Cross, 70-71 American Samoa, 72 American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 238, 240 Ames, Oliver, 55 Anderson, General Joseph R., 311 Anderson, Mary, 128, 233 Andrew, John, 91, 276 Andrew, John A., 195 Andrews, Col. George P., 294-295, 298 Andrews Sisters, 57 Angsten, Peter, 248 Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo, 269 Archival administration, 78 Arctic Diary of Russell Williams Porter, The, 324 Arctic Eagle, The, 327 Arctic explorers, 324-329 "Arctic Sketches of Russell W. Porter, The," by Mary C. Ryan, 324-333 Arizona, 43, 44, 45, 50, 337, 338 Arizona, U.S.S., 43 Arizona Daily Star, 48 Arkansas, 117-118 Armas, Col. Castillo, 269 Armstrong, Donald, 23 Armstrong, Scott, 345-346 Armstrong v. Executive Office of the President, 345-346 Armstrong's Foundry v. The United States, 309 Army Air Forces, records relating to African Americans, 152, 169 Army Medical Department, 70 Arnold, Charles Dudley, 220, 221, 222 Artois, Capt. Gaston d', 297 Arts, federal support for, 62-69, 74 Arts and Craft movement, 12 Ash, Roy, oral history interview with, 269 Ashe, Arthur, 157 Assimilation of Native Americans, 29-40 Associated Publishers, Inc., 87 Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), 86, 87, 88, 89 Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, 55 Atlantic Monthly, 19 Auchinleck, Gen. Sir Claude, 214 Austin, Darrel, 14 Austine, Bvt. Maj. William, 293 Auxiliary Boilermakers Union A-32, 282-283 Aylesworth, Allison L., 34-35 Babbage, Charles, 203 Baffin Island, 326 Bailey, Edward, 45, 46, 48-49 Baker, Newton, 259-260, 334, 339 Baldwin, James, 155 Baldwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition, 327, 328 Bale, Shelby, 163 Baltimore, Maryland, 52, 54 Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Railroad, 52, 54 Banburismus, 210 Banks, Gen. Nathaniel, 170 Barcelona Exposition, panoramic photo of, 252, 254; illus., 246-247 Barrie, George, 226 Barthelow, Capt. Jasper M., 297 Baseball in Old Chicago, 65 Battle, Thomas, 163-164 Beanfield, R. McC., 21, 22 Bear (U.S. Revenue Cutter), 191, 197-199; illus., 190, 200 Beaufort, South Carolina, 170, 172 Beautiful Scenes of the White City, by Laird and Lee, 226 Berle, Adolph, 46 Berlin, Ira, 84; "Dedication in Memory of Sara Dunlap Jackson," 85 Berlin, Irving, 57 Bertrand, Capt. Gustave, 207, 208-209 Bethune, Mary McLeod, 116, 131 Bickford, F. T., 228 Bicknell, Lt. Col. George W., 47-48 Biddle, George, 68 Bilbo, Theodore, 146 Birch, Frank, 209 Bissell, Maj. Gen. Clayton, 215 Bitter, Karl, Fire Controlled (sculpture), 224; photo, 219 Bixby, Tams, 34, 35, 36, 37-38, 39; photo, 33 "Black Domestics During the Depression: Workers, Organizers, Social Commentators," by Phyllis Palmer, 127-131 Black History: A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives, by Debra Newman, 154-155, 161, 166 Bletchley Park, England, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216 Blue Dashiki-Jeffrey and His City Neighbors, The (film), 159 Board of Management for the U.S. Government Exhibits (World's Columbian Exposition), 219-221, 227, 228; Committee on Photographing, 220-228 "Boat Exercises-Naval Training Station, Hampton Roads, Va.," photo by G. L. Hall Optical Co., 251-252; illus., 248-249 Bolton & Co. Photographic Studio, 224-225, 226 Bomba (Polish), 203, 208, 210-211 Bombe (British), 203, 209-211; photos, 211, 215 Boston, Massachusetts, 18, 19, 25 Bradley, Tom, 156 Bradsher, Greg, 268 Brady, Mathew B., 316-323; photo of, 317; photos by, 318, 320, 321, 322 Brady Company, 319-320 Branch, George Verne, 21 Brand, Charles J., 17 Bricker, John, 268-269 Bricker amendment, 268-269 British Tabulating Machine Company, 211 Broder, David, oral history interview with, 269 Brophy, John, 282 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 116, 279, 282 Brown, Dorothy, 157 Brown, H. M., photo by, 251; illus., 246-247 Brown, Julie K., "Recovering Representations: U.S. Government Photographers at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893," 219-231 Brown, Patrice C., "The Panama Canal: The African American Experience," 122-126 Brown, Sterling, 142-143 Buck, Solon, 88; photo, 88 Bulge, Battle of the, 215 Burger, Barbara Lewis, "The Lions' History: Researching World War II Images of African Americans," 148-153 Burke, Marshall, 134 Burnham, Daniel, 227 Bush, George, 76; photo, 146 Bustard, Bruce I., "A New Deal for the Arts," 62-69; "Timberline Lodge: Oregon's WPA Masterpiece," 7-15 Butler, Gen. Benjamin, 170, 322 Butz, Earl, oral history interview with, 269 Calhoun, C.H.C., 125 California Supreme Court, 287 California Volunteers, 291, 297 Camden Yards, Baltimore, Maryland, 52, 54 Cameras, 244, 245-249 Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, photos by Duce & McClymonds, 252, 254; illus., 249, 252 "Camp Meigs; Washington, DC," photo by H. M. Brown, 251; illus., 246-247 Campbell, Capt. Abbie, photo, 149 Campbell, Thomas E., 234 Captured and Abandoned Property Act of 1863, 308 Cardinell, John, photo by, 252; illus., 250 Carlin, John W., 345; "Echoes from the New Deal," 4-5; "NARA's Electronic Access Project," 188-189; "Voices of African Americans in Federal Records," 84; "Volunteering for History," 276-277 Carney, Sgt. William H., 276 Carranza, Venustiano, 256, 259, 260, 334, 336-338, 339 Carter, J. F., 19 Carter, Jimmy, 347 Carter, Kent, "Snakes & Scribes: The Dawes Commission and the Enrollment of the Creeks," 29-41 Cartographic and Architectural Branch (leaflet), 266 Cascade Development Association, 7 Casey, Bernice, 77 Casey, Bernie, 158 Casey, Gen. Thomas, 227 Cassedy, James Gilbert, "African Americans and the American Labor Movement," 113-120 Castagne, Alfred, photo, 66 Censorship, 341-342 Census, Bureau of the, 24; records of African Americans, 114 Censuses, 1900, 70, 72; 1910, 70, 72; 1920, 70, 72; and American citizens in territories, 70-73; and military personnel, 70-73; of Native Americans, 34, 36 Central Intelligence Agency, 269 Chapin, Dwight, 269 Cheadle, J. Kennard, 240 Cherokee tribe, 29, 30 Chicago Exposition Board, 220; Department of Photography, 220, 224-225, 228 Chickasaw tribe, 29, 30 Chief Signal Officer, Office of the, records relating to African Americans, 149-150 Chief Signal Officer, Records of the, 244 Children's Bureau, 233, 235 China, 269 Choctaw tribe, 29, 30 Chuck Davis Dance Company, 156 Churchill, Winston, 213 Cities, food for, 17-25 Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States, 344 Citizenship in Creek Nation, 29-40 City Beautiful movement, 20 City Point, Virginia, 321 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 345 Civil rights movement, motion pictures relating to, 155-156; records relating to, 120, 133-134 Civil Service Commission, 233, 235 Civil service examinations, and women, 233-234 Civil War, 276; African American troops, 91-94, 100, 105, 107, 170, 179, 276; Boston draft riots, 194; and Fort Point, California, 291-298; freedmen's camps, 96-98, 176; photographers, 316-323; and property seizures, 301-312; quartermasters, 319-320; records microfilming project, 276; tax assessments, 311; and U.S. Colored Troops, 91-94, 276 Civil War Conservation Corps (CWCC), 92-93, 276 Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS), 92 Civilian Conservation Corps, 64, 66 "Civilian Guards of the National Shipyard; Orange, Texas," 251; illus., 254 Claims, Civil War property seizures, 301, 306, 308-309, 311-312 Clarke, Robert L., 162, 165-166 Classification Act of 1923, 234-235 Clinton, Hillary, 345 Clinton, William J., 264, 345 Coal miners, 116 Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPAR), 151 Cobb, Gen. Howell, 305 Coker Prize, C.F.W., 264 "Col. Cummins's Indian Congress; Sesqui-Centennial Int'l Expo, Philadelphia, Pa., 1926," photo by John Cardinell, 252; illus., 250 Colbert, James, 32, 33 "Cold and Cheerless Habitation: Military Records and the Interpretation of Historic Interiors at Fort Point National Historic Site, A," by Mary K. Grassick, 291-299 Cold war, 76, 344 Coleman, William, 156-157; oral history interview with, 269 Colonia Dublan, Mexico, 334, 337, 338 Colored National Labor Union, 114 Colored Troops, U.S. War Department Bureau of, 78, 92, 105, 107, 276 Colossus (computer), 203, 213-214 Columbus, New Mexico, 256, 259, 260, 334, 337, 341-342 Comly, Maj. Clifton, 220-221, 226, 227, 228 Commission on the Equitable Use of the Waters of the Lower Rio Grande, 236 Commissioners of Claims, 311-312 Committee for Congested Production Areas, 88 Committee of Special Advisers on Reclamation (Fact Finders Committee), 234-235 Compiled military service records, and U.S. Colored Troops, 91-94 Comprehensive Report of the U.S. Side of the U.S.-Russia Joint Commission on POW/MIAs, 76-77 Comptroller of the Currency, records relating to the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, 180 Computers, early development of, 203, 213, 215-216 Confederate States of America, 301, 303, 308-309, 311 Confiscation Act of July 17, 1862, 309, 311 Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 117, 120, 280 Connor, R.D.W., 4 Construction workers, African American, 116-117, 122-126; on the Panama Canal, 122-126 Cook, Frederick, 326, 328 Cooks at military posts, 297 Coolidge, Calvin, 235 Courts-martial, 191, 198-199 Crawford, Hanford, 21 Creek Nation, 29-40 Creek National Council, 30, 32-33, 34, 35 Crosby, Bing, 57 Crowe, Thomas, 282 Croxton, Brig. Gen. John T., 306, 308-309 Cryptanalysis, 203-216 Cuba, 70, 346 Curtis, Charles, 34 Curtis Act, 34, 35, 36, 37 Cuyler, Lt. Col. Richard Matthaei, 304-305, 306, 311, 312 Daguerreotypes, 245-246 Darcé, Virginia, 13-14 Daugherty, D. H., 87-88 Davis, Gen. Benjamin O., Jr., 158, 168; photo, 169 Davis, David W., 235 Davis, George R., 221, 226, 227-228 Davis, Robert Scott, Jr., "Without Right of Conquest: The Civil War Occupation and Restoration of the Findlay Foundry of Macon, Georgia," 301-315 Davis, William C., 316 Dawes, Henry L., 29, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38; photo, 29 Dawes Commission, 29-40 Dawson, O. B., 13, 14 De Russy, Col. René, 295 Dean, Gerald, photo by, 146 Debow's Review, 304 Debs, Eugene, 114 Defense, U.S. Department of, 76 Denmark, 236-237 Denniston, Alastair G., 208-209 Dent, Porter, 239 Diana (ship), 327 Diaz, Porfirio, 256 DictaBelt recordings, 268-269 Dictaphone Corporation, 269 Diem, Ngo Dinh, 346 Dioramas, 221 Diplomatic personnel, Japanese, 43-50 Diplomatic Records: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 344 District of Columbia, 18, 22, 23, 97-98; records concerning, 97 Doar, John, 134 Document management, 78 Document preservation, 276-277 "Documenting African Americans in the Records of Military Agencies," by Lisha Penn, 165-169 Domestic workers, 127-131 Douglass, Frederick, 172 Downton, Dorothy, oral history interview with, 269 Dragoon, Arizona, 43, 45 Dream City, 226 Duce & McClymonds, photo by, 252; illus., 252 Dun & Bradstreet, 306 Duval, Ben T., 32, 33, 36 Dwight, Mabel, 14 Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 268-269, 347 East, Henry Clay, 118 "Echoes from the New Deal," by John W. Carlin, 4-5 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, 345 Education, Office of, 264 Education, U.S. Department of, 77 Edwards, Ernest, 222 Ehrlichman, John, 269 Eisenhower, Dwight David, 138, 214, 268-269, 347 Elaine (Arkansas) Massacre, 118 Electronic publications, 344 Ellington, Duke, 156 Emancipation of slaves, 93, 105-111, 309 Emancipation Proclamation, 91, 105 Employee's Compensation Commission, 235 Engineers, Army Corps of, 227 Enigma (cipher machine), 203-216 Eppinga, Jane, "Pearl Harbor, Japanese Espionage, and Arizona's Triangle T Ranch," 43-50 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 120 Espionage by Japanese diplomats, 43-50 Everly, Elaine C., "Freedmen's Bureau Records: An Overview," 95-99 Executive Orders, 8802, 280, 282, 284; 9346, 280, 282, 284, 286; 12958, 269 Exhibits, 62-69, 74, 76, 267, 347 "Expanded View: Panoramic Photographs at the National Archives, An," by Richard E. Schneider, 244-254 Fair Employment Practice Committee, photo of members, 280; records relating to African Americans, 119; and World War II shipyard disputes, 279-288 "Fair Employment Practice Committee and the Shipyard Hearings of 1943-1944, The," by James S. Rush, Jr., 279-289 Faneuil Hall Market, Boston, Massachusetts, 18, 19, 20 "Far from Home: American Citizens in the United States Military and Territorial Census Records," by Jeanne Cannella Schmitzer, 70-73 Farm women, 233, 236, 238-239 Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act, 25 Farmers, 17-25 Farmers' markets, 25 FDR Memorial Commission, 5 "Federal Archives as Sources for Research on Afro-Americans" (conference), 86 Federal Arts Project, 13, 65, 67, 68 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 133-134 Federal Maritime Commission, records relating to African Americans, 120 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, records relating to African Americans, 115, 116 Federal Railroad Administration, records of the, 54-55 Federal Theatre Project, 65, 66, 67-68, 74 Federal Works Agency, 142, 280; Photographic Section, 145 Federal Writers' Project, 65, 66, 67-68, 74, 141, 142-143, 145 "Feeding the Cities: Public Markets & Municipal Reform in the Progressive Era," by Helen Tangires, 17-26 Fiala, Anthony, 327 Fiala-Ziegler Expedition, 327-328 Findlay, Charles S., 305-306; photo, 303 Findlay, Christopher DeSwan, 303, 304, 305-306, 311, 312; photo, 303 Findlay, George W., 305-306 Findlay, James Nelson, 303, 304, 305-306, 311, 312 Findlay, Mary DeSwan, 306, 312 Findlay, Robert, 303, 306, 311, 312 Findlay, Robert Burns, 304, 306, 312; photo, 303 Findlay Foundry, Macon, Georgia, 301-312 Findlay Iron Works, Macon, Georgia, 301-312 Fire Controlled, sculpture by Karl Bitter, 224; photo, 219 First World Festival of Negro Arts (film), 158 Fish (German enciphered messages), 212-213 Fitch, Thomas F., 44 Fitzpatrick, John, 194 Five Civilized Tribes, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37 Flash! (magazine), 142 Fleming, Gen. Philip, 145 Fletcher, Ben, 115-116 Fletcher, Rear Adm. Frank R., 258 Food distribution, 17-25 Ford, Gerald, 267 Fort Point National Historic Site, California, 291-298 Fort Seward, SS (photo), 252; illus., 248 Fort Wagner, South Carolina, 276 Fort William McKinley, Rizal, Philippines, photo by E. O. Goldbeck, 254; illus., 250-251 Fouloius, Benjamin, 336 Frankfurter, Felix, 4, 5 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 5, 77 Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 4, 5, 62, 64, 68, 74; computer access system, 77 Frassanito, William, 321 Freedman's Bank, 170-180; microfilmed records, 172-173 Freedmen, 36-37, 39 Freedmen and Southern Society Project, University of Maryland at College Park, 105 Freedmen's Bureau. See Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of. "Freedmen's Bureau Records: An Overview," by Elaine C. Everly, 95-99 Freedmen's camps, wartime superintendents of, 96-98 Freedmen's Inquiry Commission, 98 Freedmen's Village, Washington, D.C., 98, 176, 178 Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867, 84, 105, 113-114, 120 Freedom of Information Act, 345-346 Freedom Riders, 134 Freedom Train (traveling exhibit), 57 "Freedom Train, The" (song by Irving Berlin), 57 Freeman, Roland L., 158 French, Daniel, The Teamster (sculpture), 224; photo, 218 Friends of Timberline, 15 Funston, Brig. Gen. Frederick, 258-259, 260, 336, 337, 338, 339 G. L. Hall Optical Co., photo by, 251-252; illus., 248-249 Gaillard, D. D., 123 Gardener, Helen H., 233 Gardner, Alexander, 316 Garvey, Marcus, 115-116; photo, 116 Gee, Raymond L., 287-288 Geller, Todros, South of Chicago, illus., 62 Genealogical research, African Americans, 170-180; online resources, 267-268; Mexican Punitive Expedition, 256-261, 334-343; volunteers and, 276-277 General Allotment Act (1887), 29, 31 General Information Leaflets, 265-266, 344 General Land Office, 265-266 General Services Administration, Fine Arts Collection, 62, 64, 74 George, Walter, 268-269 George Eastman House, 318-319 Georgetown University, 194, 195 Georgia, 192-193, 194, 306, 308, 309 Georgia Archives Institute, 78 Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 269; grants, 78, 270 Gerald R. Ford Library, 78, 269, 270 Gerald R. Ford Museum, 267 German navy, 204, 206, 209 Germany, and assets stolen by Nazis, 268; faith in Enigma, 214, 215; machine ciphers, 203-216; and World War II, 203-216 Gesbeck, Charles, 248 Gibson, Althea, 157; photo, 158 Gibson, Truman, 137 Gladstone, William, "With the Compliments of...," 316-323 Gladwin, Lee A., "Alan Turing, Enigma, and the Breaking of German Machine Ciphers in World War II," 203-217 Glenn Springs, Texas, 337, 342 Glory (film), 276 Goethals, George W., 124-125 Goldbeck, Eugene O., 250; illus., 250-251; photo by, 254 Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 291-292, 298 Goode, George Browne, 221 Government Code & Cipher School (Great Britain), 208-209, 211-212 Government Collection of Original Views, The, 226 Graninger, Fernleigh, 145, 146 Grant, George, 145 Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 319-320, 321; photo, 320 Grant and Lee, by William Frassanito, 321 Grants, 77-78, 270 Grassick, Mary K., "A Cold and Cheerless Habitation: Military Records and the Interpretation of Historic Interiors at Fort Point National Historic Site," 291-299 Great Britain, and Enigma, 203, 208; and World War II, 204 Great Depression, 7, 8, 12, 24, 62, 64, 66-67, 68, 70, 116, 118, 127-131, 143 Greaves, William, 158 Green, Ernest, 155 Greenberg, Hyman, 145 Greenland, 326-327 Gregory, James, 36 Griffith, Emerson J., 8-9, 10, 11, 13, 14 Guam, 70, 72 Guatemala, materials relating to opened, 269 Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States, 264 Guide to Records Relating to U.S. Military Participation in World War II, Part I: Policy, Planning, Administration, 74 "Guiding Light, A," by Debra Newman Ham, 161-164 Haas, Francis J., 282; photo, 282 Haldeman, H. R., 269 Ham, Debra Newman, 89, 120, 128, 154; "A Guiding Light," 161-164 Hampton, Lionel, 156 Handy, Levin C., 322 Hanson, Sgt. Charles J., 225 Harjo, Chitto "Crazy Snake," 30, 37-38, 39 Harmon Foundation Film Collection, 158 Harriman, W. Averill, 5 Harrington, Col. Francis C., 11 Harris, Lt. Henry L., 220-221, 222, 224-225, 226, 227, 228 Harrison, Marvin, 282 Harry S. Truman Library, 77 Harry S. Truman Library Institute grants, 78, 270 Hastie, William H., 168 Hawaii, 43, 70, 72 Hayes, George E. C., 282 Healy, A. Sherwood, 194, 195, 199-200; photo, 193 Healy, Eliza Clark, 192-193, 194 Healy, James A., 194, 195, 199-200; photo, 193 Healy, Mary Jane, 196, 198 Healy, Capt. Michael A., 191-200; photos, 192, 193 Healy, Michael Morris, 192-193, 194 Healy, Patrick, 194, 195, 199-200; photo, 193 Heath-Robinson machines, 203, 213 Higinbotham, Harlow D., 220 Hills, Rod, oral history interview with, 269 Hinsley, Francis Harry, 206 Historic American Buildings Survey, 264 Historic American Engineering Record, 264 Historic Furnishings Reports, 292, 295-297 History of Southern Illinois, mural by Paul Kelpe, 65; illus., 66, 67 Hitler, Adolf, 203, 212, 214 Hodge, David, 39 Hodges, H. F., 125 Holt, O. W., photo by, 251; illus., 250-251 Holt, Thomas, 104 Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 194, 195 Home Economics, Bureau of, 235 Hoover, J. Edgar, 44, 46 Hopkins, Harry, 8-9, 11, 14, 64, 68 Hopkins, Phillip B., 35, 36 Hospital ships, 70 Howard, Maj. Gen. Oliver Otis, 96, 227, 306, 308 Howard University, 88, 141, 145 Howe, Arthur, 142-143 Howerton, Joseph, 163 Huerta, Gen. Victorio, 256, 258-259 Hull, Cordell, 44 IBM, 5, 77 Ickes, Harold, 145, 239-240, 241-242 Immigration and Naturalization Service, 45 Independence, Missouri, School District, 77 Index of American Design, 67, 68, 74 Indian Affairs, Office of, 29, 32, 33, 37 Indian Territory, 31-40 Infantry Brigade, Fifth, 258-259, 343 Institute of Inter-American Transportation, 57 Interagency Group on Nazi Assets, 268 Interior, secretary of the, 35, 38, 39, 55, 236-237, 241 Interior, U.S. Department of the, 30, 39; Lands and Railroads Division, 55; and Mae Schnurr, 234, 236-237, 239-242; Photographic Section, 145; records of the, 55; territorial records, 265 International Astronomical Union, 329 International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, and Helpers of America, 281-288; Lodge 72, 281-288 International Water Commission, 237; photo of members, 238 Internet, 188-189, 347 Interstate Commerce Commission, 59-60; records of the, 52, 54, 55, 56 Inuits, 197-198 Irrigation projects, 235-242 Isparhecher, 32-33, 34-35, 36 Ives, H. A., photo by, 251; illus., 244-245 Jackson, Jesse, 155-156 Jackson, Mahalia, 159 Jackson, Sara Dunlap, 84, 85, 162 Jackson, Sheldon, 197-198 Jackson, William Henry, 220, 222 Jacobs, T4g. Walter, 214 Janes, Maj. Henry Warner, 316, 318, 319-322; photos of, 318, 319, 320, 322 Janney, Eli H., 56-57 Japan, espionage by, 43-50 Jefferson, Thomas, 4 Jimmy Carter Library, 78 John F. Kennedy Library, 346 Johnson, Andrew, 108, 308, 309, 311 Johnson, George M., 281-282, 288 Johnson, Gordon, 282 Johnson, Gen. Hugh, 129 Johnson, Lyndon B., and the civil rights movement, 134, 138; photo, 132; tapes released, 345 Johnson, Olin D., 5 Johnson, Rafer, 157 Johnson, William, 48 Johnston, Bvt. Brig. Gen. Albert Sidney, 291; photo, 292 Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 220-221, 222, 223-225, 227; photo, 220; photos by, 222, 227 Johnston, William J., 248 Jones, Hayes, 157 Journal of Negro History, 87, 88 Judge Advocate General (Army), Office of the, records relating to African Americans, 136 Justice, U.S. Department of, records relating to African Americans, 114, 115, 120, 133-134; records relating to Martin Luther King, Jr., 133 Kaiser, Edgar F., 283 Kaiser Shipbuilding Company, 281-288; photo of Vancouver, Washington, yard, 286 Keen, Harold "Doc," 211 Keith, Whitney, 146 Kelpe, Paul, History of Southern Illinois (mural), 65; illus., 66, 67 Kennedy, John F., 346; and the civil rights movement, 134, 138 Kennedy, Robert, photo, 132 Kent, Rockwell, Mail Service in the Tropics, 67 Kerbey, McFall, 24 Kessler Field, Mississippi, 168 Kier, Caroline Porter, 324, 328 Kilburn, Benjamin, 222 Kilgore, Mary, 267 King, Donald, 162 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 137, 155-156; assassination of, 133, 155; holiday, 156; investigation of, 133-134; photo, 132 Kingman, Harry L., 281-282 Kissinger, Henry, 267 Kita, Nagao, 44-45, 46-47, 48, 49; photos, 42, 45, 46 Kluger, James, Turning on Water with a Shovel: The Career of Elwood Mead, 235 Knok, A. Dillwyn, 208-209 Kohnstamm, Richard, 15 Korean War POW/MIAs, 76, 344 Krogh, Egil, 269, 347 Kuehn, Otto, 44, 46-47, 50; photo, 46 Kurtz, Michael, 267 Kvasnicka, Robert M., comp., The Trans-Mississippi West: 1804-1912, Part IV: A Guide to the Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period; Section 2, Records of Select Agencies, 264 Labor, U.S. Department of, records relating to African Americans, 115, 120, 128, 163; women as heads of bureaus, 233 Labor contracts, and Freedmen's Bureau, 102, 103, 108; and Kaiser Shipbuilding Company, 281-288 Labor Statistics, Bureau of, records relating to African Americans, 114, 117, 130 Labor strikes, 288; by African Americans, 113, 114, 118 Labor unions and African Americans, 113-120, 279-288 Laird and Lee, 226 Laman, Tom, 13-14 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 22 Land grant railroads, 55-56 Land Management, Bureau of, 265-266 Land offices for allotment of land to Creeks, 35, 39 Landscapes of the Civil War, 321 Lange, Dorothea, 66 Langer, Gwido, 208 Lansing, Robert, 334 Lathrop, Julia C., 233 Laundresses at military posts, 295-298 Lawrence, Jacob, painting by, 115; photo of, 159 LBJ Foundation, 78, 270 Leland, George Thomas "Mickey," 157; photo, 156 Lewandowski, Edmund, Fishermen's Village, illus., 65 Lewis, Carl, 157 Lewis, Roscoe, 142-143 Lewis, Tab, 120 Lewison, Paul, 88 Library of Congress, 62, 64, 74, 77, 164, 318, 322; Prints and Photographs Division, 220, 320 Life and Death of an American, by George Sklar, 66 Lincoln, Abraham, 84, 91, 105, 170, 301, 303, 308, 316; photo, 321 Lincoln, Mary L., 19-20 "Lions' History: Researching World War II Images of African Americans, The," by Barbara Lewis Burger, 148-153 Lippincott, Achsah, 21, 22 Lokke, Carl, 87 Lorenz SZ42 teleprinters, 203, 211-212, 213, 214 Los Angeles Times, 347 Lumiere Brothers, 248 Lynch, Douglas, 13 Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 78, 270, 345 Lynn, James, oral history interview with, 269 MacDill Army Air Field, Florida, 169 MacDougall, Randolph, 145 MacGowan, Charles, 282-283 Macon, Georgia, 301-312 Macon Arsenal, Georgia, 303, 304-306 Macon Confederate Central Laboratory, 311; photo, 309 Madero, Francisco I., Jr., 256 Madison, Wisconsin, 20 "Mae Schnurr: A Woman's Rise to Prominence," by Christine Pfaff, 233-242 Mahon, A. P., 209, 210 Malone, Vivian, 155 Manumission documents, 93, 276 March on Washington (1963), 137; motion picture of, 155 March on Washington movement (1941), 279-280 Marist College, 5, 77 Markets, Bureau of, 22, 24 Markets, Office of, 17, 20, 21, 22 Marshall, Lt. Andrew D., photo, 165 Marshall, Capt. William L., 227 Martin, Fletcher, Mine Rescue, 67 Masekela, Hugh, 159 Mason, Lt. Col. James L., 291 Mason, Lucy Randolph, 129 Massachusetts, 22-23 Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Fifth-fourth, 105, 276 Matthews, David, oral history interview with, 269 Matthews, William, 48 Maxwell Army Air Field, Alabama, 168 McCulloch (U.S. Revenue Cutter), 199 McFarlane, Robert, oral history interview with, 269 McKellop, A. P., 30, 32 McKennon, A. S., 34, 35 McNeill, Robert, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146; photo by, 142 Mead, Elwood, 235-238, 239-240, 241; photo, 235 Medford, Massachusetts, Historical Society, 320-321 Mehaffey, Col. J. C., 11 Menzie, Col. Stewart, 209 Merchant seamen protection certificates, 277 Mexican Border Service Medal, 338-339, 340 Mexican Northwestern Railway, 334 Mexican Punitive Expedition, 256-261, 334-343 Mexican Revolution, 256, 258, 334, 340 Mexican Service Badge, 338-339, 340 Mexico, 57-58, 237, 334, 337, 339, 341-342, 343 Microfilm publications, Bureau of the Budget, 266; Bureau of Indian Affairs, 266; census rolls, 266; Civil War, 266, 344; Committee on Public Information, 266; compiled military service records, 266, 344; Confederate soldiers, 266; Engineer Department, 344; Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, 172-173, 180; Harper's Ferry, 75; impressed seamen, 266; Native Americans, 266, 344; naturalization records, 344; nonpopulation census schedules, 344; Office of Education, 266; passenger lists, 266, 344; passport applications, 344; Treasury Department, 75; United States Colored Troops, 266, 344; U.S. Marine Corps, 344; U.S. Military Academy, 344; U.S. Navy, 344; World War II, 266 Migrant workers, 117, 118, 120 "Miles Glacier Bridge, CR & NW Ry," photo by H. A. Ives, 251; illus., 244-245 Military intelligence, World War II, American, 203; British, 203, 205-206, 208; French, 207, 208-209; Mexican Punitive Expedition, 341-342; Ultra, 203, 214-216 Military pension applications, from African Americans, 96, 100-104, 110; Civil War, 96, 100, 110 Military personnel and population censuses, 70-73 Military Railway Service, 59, 60 Military service records, 339-340, 341 Miller, Cyrus C., 20, 21 Miller, Doris (Dorie), 150, 151 Miller, Trevelyan, 320 Miller's Photographic History of the Civil War, 320, 321 Mines, Bureau of, 264 Miranda (steamer), 326 Missing-in-action personnel, 344, 345 Mississippi, 134 Mitchell, Bobby, 159 Mitchell, Henry L., 118 Mock, James, 87 Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 214 Moore, James, 163 Moses, Edwin, 157 Motion pictures relating to African Americans, 154-159 Mount Hood Development Association, 9 Mount Hood National Forest, 7-15 Mount Palomar, California, 328, 329 Mowry, Don E., 19 Mulattoes, 192-194, 195 Murray, Dennis, 77 Muster rolls, 319, 340, 342 Napier, John, 203 NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL), 188-189 "NARA's Electronic Access Project," by John W. Carlin, 188-189 National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, 120 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 267 National Archives and Records Administration, 76, 318; appropriations for, 188; Award for Outstanding Entry Using Documentary Sources, 267; Cartographic and Architectural Branch, 266; Center for Electronic Records, 74; Center for Polar Archives, 324; Collection of Donated Materials, 324; Digital Classroom, 268; Document Conservation Branch, 245; Educational and Museums Programs staff, 267; Electronic Access Project, 188-189; exhibits, 62-69, 74, 76, 267, 347; Genealogy Page, 267-268; home page, 188-189, 268, 269, 344; leaflets, 74, 75, 265-266; microfilm publications, 75, 266, 344; Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch, 68, 155; news and notices, 76-78, 267-270, 345-347; Office of the Federal Register, 264-265; Office of the National Archives, 163; online catalogs, 188-189, 344; Online Exhibit Hall, 5, 74, 347; publications, 74-75, 264-266, 344; Still Picture Branch, 68, 148-149, 244, 245, 320, 322; Textual Reference Branch, 324; volunteers, 276; World Wide Web site, 188-189, 267-268, 269, 347 National Archives Trust Fund Board, 161 National Archives Volunteer Association, 92 National Association for Domestic Workers, 129 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 125, 133, 137, 279 National Consumers' League, 129 National Council on Organized Crime, 269 National Defense Act of 1916, 337 National Defense Advisory Commission, 280 National Defense Mediation Board, 119 National Foundation of Arts and Humanities, 269 National Guard, 337, 338-339, 340, 341, 343 National historic sites, 291-298 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 84, 267, 277; grants, 77-78 National History Day, 267 National Institute of Standards and Technology, 188 National Labor Relations Act, 287 National Labor Relations Board, records relating to African Americans, 117; and shipbuilding industry, 283, 284 National Mediation Board, 269; records relating to African Americans, 114-115, 116 National Municipal League, 19, 23 National Museum of American Art, 62, 64, 74, 77 National Park Service, 9, 92, 264, 292; Division of Historic Furnishings, 292, 295; Interpretive Design Center, 292 National Personnel Records Center, 339-340 National Portrait Gallery, 318, 322 National Railways of Mexico, 57-58 National Recovery Administration, 128-129 National Register of Historic Places, 15 National Security Agency, 203 National Security Council, status of records, 345-346 National Standards for History, 268 National War Labor Board, 118, 119-120 National Youth Administration, Division of Negro Affairs, 116, 131; motion picture produced by, 155; records relating to African Americans, 116, 128, 131 Native Americans, 29-40; Alaskan, 197-198 Naval Records Collection of the Office of the Naval Records and Library, 340 Navy, U.S. Department of the, records relating to African Americans, 150-151, 167 Negro Economics, Office of the Director of, 115 Negro in Virginia, The, 142-143, 145 Nenninger, Timothy, 76 Neufer, Ray, 12, 13 New Deal, 4-5; and African American women, 127-131; and the arts, 62-69, 74; and labor unions, 117 "New Deal for the Arts, A," by Bruce I. Bustard, 62-69, 74 "New Deal for the Arts, A" (exhibit), 5, 62-69, 74 "New Deal Network" (Web site), 5, 77 New Mexico, 256, 259, 337, 338 New Reclamation Era (magazine), 235-236, 237-239, 240 New York City, New York, 19, 20, 22, 23 New-York Historical Society, 319 New York State, 23 New York Terminal Market Commission, 20 New York Times, 316, 318 Newman, Debra, 89, 120, 128, 154, 161-164 Newton, Verne, 77 Nichols, O. A., 306 Nine from Little Rock (film), 155 Nisbet, E. A., 305 Nixon, Richard M., 138, 156, 269, 345, 347 Nixon Presidential Materials Project, 269, 345, 347 Norfolk, Virginia, 170, 172 North Pole, expeditions to, 324-333 Northrup, Herbert, 283-284, 286 Obregon, Alvaro, 337 Of Black America-In Search of a Past (film), 159 Office of Inter-American Affairs, records, 57, 58 Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 146 Office of the Chief of Transportation, U.S. Army, 58-59 Office of War Information (OWI), 142, 149, 152-153 Okuda, Otojiro, 44, 46, 47; photo, 45 Oral history projects, 269 Ordnance Bureau, Confederate Army, 304 Oregon, 7-15 Oregon Shipbuilding Company, 282, 284, 285; photo, 187 O'Toole, James M., "Racial Identity and the Case of Captain Michael Healy, USRCS," 191-201 Pacific Monthly, 294 Page, John, 239, 240 Palmer, Charles, 5 Palmer, Phyllis, "Black Domestics During the Depression: Workers, Organizers, Social Commentators," 127-131 Panama Canal, 58, 70, 71, 72, 122-126 "Panama Canal: The African American Experience, The," by Patrice C. Brown, 122-126 Panzer, Mary, 318 Patent Office, 324 Patents, 56-57 Patton, Lt. George S., Jr., 260 Pearl Harbor, attack on, 43-50 "Pearl Harbor, Japanese Espionage, and Arizona's Triangle T Ranch," by Jane Eppinga, 43-50 Peary, Robert E., 326-327 Penn, Lisha, "Documenting African Americans in the Records of Military Agencies," 165-169 Pension records, 319 Perryman, Legus C., 30, 33 Pershing, Brig. Gen. John J., 256, 260, 334, 336-337, 338, 339; photos, 261, 336, 340 Pfaff, Christine, "Mae Schnurr: A Woman's Rise to Prominence," 233-242 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18, 22, 25 Philadelphia Tap Dancers, The, 156 Philippine Islands, 70, 71 Philippine Scouts, photo by E. O. Goldbeck, 254; illus., 250-251 Phillips, Geraldine N., "Documenting the Struggle for Racial Equality in the Decade of the Sixties," 133-134 Photograph printing processes, 224-225 Photographers, African American, 141-147; Civil War, 316-323 Photography, group photographs, 249-250; panoramic, 244-254; preservation of, 244, 245; and World's Columbian Exposition, 218-228 Pickens, Lt.(jg) Harriet Ida, 151; photo, 150 Pictures of African Americans During World War II, by Barbara Lewis Burger, 148-149 Platt, Orville, 32 Plessy v. Ferguson, 114 Poitier, Sidney, 155 Poland, Cipher Bureau, 206-209; and Enigma, 203, 205, 206-208, 210; and World War II, 204, 209 Political activity by freedmen, 108-110 Porter, Pleasant, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39; photo, 32 Porter, Russell Williams, 324-333; papers, 324; sketches by, 324-333 Portland, Oregon, 7, 281 Portland Winter Sports Association, 7 Posner, Ernst, 88 Post offices, murals for, 68 Poston, Theodore, 153 "Powers of Persuasion: Poster Art of World War II," 268 Preliminary Study on U.S. and Allied Efforts To Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II, 268 "Preserving the Legacy of the United States Colored Troops," by Budge Weidman, 91-94 Presidential Library System, 4, 188, 189, 270; volunteers, 276-277 Presidential Records and Materials Preservation Act, 269, 345-346 President's Commission on Crime in the District of Columbia, 269 President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 120 President's Committee on Farm Tenancy, 118 President's Committee on Migratory Labor, 120 Presidio, San Francisco, California, 292, 293, 294, 296; photo, 292 Presley, Elvis, 347 Price, C. S., 14 Price, Leontyne, 156 Prisoners of war, American, 76-77, 344, 345 Production Management, Office of, 1, 279, 280 Progressive Era, 17-26 Progressive Farmers and Householders Union, 118 Public Building Service, records, 68 Public markets, 17-25 Public Papers of President William J. Clinton for 1995, 264-265 Public Works Administration, 24 Public Works of Art Project, 68 Puchberger, Joseph, 246, 248 Puerto Rico, 70, 71, 72 Pullman Company, 59-60, 114, 116 Purdy, Virginia, 163 Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906, 20-21 Quartermaster General of the Army, 308-309 Quartermaster General's Office, records of the, 98, 340 R.G. Dun Company, 306 Race riots, at military bases, 168 Racial classification, 191-200 Racial discrimination, in defense housing, 280; and education, 134; by employers, 118-119, 120, 122-126, 297-288; by labor unions, 114, 116, 117, 279-288; by military services, 118-119, 136-137, 167, 168, 297; and women's work, 127-131 "Racial Identity and the Case of Captain Michael Healy, USRCS," by James M. O'Toole, 191-201 Railroad accident reports, 54-55, 60 Railroad inspection reports, 54 Railroad Retirement Board, 59-60 Railroad valuation records, 52, 54 Railroads, 52-60; and African American workers, 114-115, 116 Railroads, Commissioner of, records, 55, 56 Raleigh, North Carolina, 20 Randolph, A. Philip, 115-116, 118-119, 120, 279-280 Ray, Thomas, 281, 282, 283 Reclamation, Bureau of, 233-242, 264 Reconstruction, and African American women, 100-104; and banks for African Americans, 170-180; and land for African Americans, 108; and trade union organizations, 114 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Railroad Division, 60 Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing-in-Action Personnel from the Korean War and During the Cold War Era, comp. by Tim Wehrlkamp, 344 "Recovering Representations: U.S. Government Photographers at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893," by Julie K. Brown, 219-231 Reese, Della, 159 Reeves, Frank, 287 Reference information papers, on POWs and MIAs, 344; on records of military agencies relating to African Americans, 165 Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of, 95-99, 100, 102-104, 108, 110, 178, 179, 306, 308 Regional archives system, 188-189; Great Lakes Region, 276-277; volunteers, 276-277 Reidy, Joseph P., "Slave Emancipation through the Prism of Archives Records," 105-111 Rejewski, Marian, 206-207, 208, 209 Research in the Land Entry Files of the Genreal Land Office (leaflet), 265-266 Resettlement Administration, 64, 66 Revolt of the Beavers (play), 67 Reynolds, Alexander, 304 Richardson, Eudora Ramsay, 142 Riles, Wilson, 156 Rines, W.A., 304 Robertson, Walter, 162 Robinson, Charles W., 282 Robinson, Jack "Jackie" Roosevelt, 268; article about, 135-139; photos, 135, 138 Robinson, Reed, 43, 45; photo, 46 Robinson, Rhea, 43 Roe, Donald, "The USIA Motion Picture Collection and African American History," 154-159 Roman Catholic Church, 194-195, 196 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 68, 131, 238; letters to, 128, 129-130, 136 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4-5, 66, 118, 238; and African American military personnel, 118-119; and African American workers, 118-119, 279; and the arts, 64; and attack on Pearl Harbor, 49-50; "Four Freedoms" speech, 347; and Japanese consular staff, 46; letters to, 128, 136; memorials to, 4-5; papers, 68; photo, 279; and race relations, 279-280; and Supreme Court, 268; and Timberline Lodge, 8, 14 Ross, Malcolm, 282, 287-288 Rousseau, H. H., 125 Rowan, Carl, 157 Royal Commission on Market Rights and Tolls, 19 Rozycki, Jerzy, 206-207 Rudolph, Wilma, 157 Ruggles, John, 56 Rush, James S., Jr., "The Fair Employment Practice Committee and the Shipyard Hearings of 1943-1944," 279-289 Russell, Maj. Daniel A., 306 Ryan, Mary C., "The Arctic Sketches of Russell W. Porter," 324-333 Sale, Tony, 213 Sampson, Edith, 157; photo, 157 San Francisco, California, earthquake (1906), 244; harbor defenses, 291-294 San Ygnacio, Texas, 337 Sanders, Fred, 156 Sandwich, Comdr. Humphrey, 208-209 Sanford, George, 239 Saxbe, William, oral history interview with, 269 Saxton, Gen. Rufus, 170 Scherbius, Arthur, 204 Schmidt, Hans-Thilo, 207 Schmitzer, Jeanne Cannella, "Far From Home: American Citizens in the United States Military and Territorial Census Records," 70-73 Schneider, Richard E., "An Expanded View: Panoramic Photographs at the National Archives," 244-254 Schnurr, Mae A., article about, 233-242; photos, 232, 235, 238, 239, 241 Schofield, John S., 303-304; photo, 304 Scott, Maj. Gen. Hugh, 260, 337 "Search for Jackie Robinson, The," by John Vernon, 135-139 Seattle, Washington, 25 Second Confiscation and Militia Act (1862), 91 Secretary of War, Office of the, records relating to African Americans, 136 Seki, Kohichi, 44, 46, 48 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, 167 Seminole tribe, 29 Seward, William, 93-94 Sewell, Howard, 14 Shahn, Ben, Lest We Forget, illus., 64; painting by, 119 Sharecroppers, 117-118 Shipbuilders at the Grant-Smith-Porter Company's Gray's Harbor Yards (photo), 252; illus., 247 Shipbuilding, and African Americans, 113, 120, 279-288 Shipyard Workers Committee for Equal Participation, 281 Shishkin, Boris, 282 Shoun, Alexander, 48-49 Sicherheitsdienst (Nazi party security service), 208 Siemens T52 teleprinters, 212 "Sketching under Difficulties or The Trials of an Arctic Artist," by Russell W. Porter, 328 Sklar, George, Life and Death of an American, 66 "Slave Emancipation through the Prism of Archives Records," by Joseph P. Reidy, 105-111 Slavery, 192, 194 Slaves, emancipation of, 93, 105-111, 309; marriages, 100-104 Smalls, Camp Robert, 150 Smillie, Thomas W., 220, 221, 222, 223, 224-225; photo, 220 Smith, Cole, 267 Smith, Margery Hoffman, 12-13 Smith, Richard Norton, 267 Smith, Roger, 142, 145 Smithsonian Institution, 220, 221-222, 226-227, 228 Snakes (Creek resistance group), 29, 37-40 "Snakes & Scribes: The Dawes Commission and the Enrollment of the Creeks," by Kent Carter, 29-41 Social history, use of federal records for, 100 Society of American Archivists, 264 "Sophie's Alley," photograph by Robert McNeill, 142, 143 Soundex, 344 Soundex Coding Machine, 267-268 South Carolina, records concerning, 97 South Carolina Freedmen's Savings Bank, 170 South of Chicago, by Todros Geller, illus., 62 South Vietnam, 346 Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 137 Southern Claims Commission, 179, 311-312 Southern Railway System, 59-60 Southern Tenant Farmers Union (STFU), 117-118 Southhall, Sara, 282 Soyer, Raphael, 66 Space flight program, photographic records of accessioned, 267 Spanish-language materials, 74, 265 Springer, William A., 33, 36 Stakes, Carl, 155 Stanford, Lt. Col. Norman, 50 Stapp, Will, 318 State, U.S. Department of, 44-45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 76, 155, 260, 268; photographic operations, 142, 146; records of African Americans, 114 Steedman, Maj. Gen. James B., 306 Steiner, Henry, 10 Stevens, Oliver, 58 Stewart, Capt. Joseph, 293-294; photo, 293 Stickney, W. M., 24 Strauss, Joseph P., 291-292 Stuart, Gen. D., 319 Sullivan, Leon, 158 Sullivan, Louis, 222 Sumner, Charles, 170 Sun and Shade (magazine), 222 Surgeon General, Records of the Office of the (RG 112), 341 Sweet Auburn-Coming Home-Gift to America (film), 159 Taft, William H., 256 Taj Mahal, photos of, 244 Take a Giant Step (film), 158-159 Tampico, Mexico, 256, 258, 340 Tangires, Helen, "Feeding the Cities: Public Markets & Municipal Reform in the Progressive Era," 17-26 Tanner, Leland, 282, 284 Teamster, The, sculpture by Daniel French, 224; photo, 218 Teleprinters, 211-212 Terra Nova (ship), 328; sketch of, 332 Territories, Office of, 264 Texas, 337, 338 These Are Our Lives, 66 Thomas, Maj. Gen. George H., 306 Thomas, General Lorenzo, 91-92 Thomas, Norman, 118 Tilden, Samuel Jones, 303 Tillman, Fred, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49 Tillson, Brig. Gen. Davis, 308 "Timberline Lodge: Oregon's WPA Masterpiece," by Bruce I. Bustard, 7-15 Tobin, James J., 282 Tompkins, Maj. Frank, 259 Trans-Mississippi West: 1804-1912, Part IV: A Guide to Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period; Section 2, Records of Select Agencies, The, comp. by Robert M. Kvasnicka, 264 Transportation Corps, Rail Division (Army), 59 Travis, Comdr. Edward, 209 Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 197, 308, 309, 311; Revenue Cutter Service, 191, 195-200; Section of Painting and Sculpture, 64, 68; and World's Columbian Exposition, 220, 221, 227 Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond, Virginia, 311 Triangle T Ranch, Dragoon, Arizona, 43-50 Tribal governments, 29-40 Trimble, Ernest G., 282 Truman, Harry S., 269, 270, 288, 347 Tsukikawa, Sainon, 44, 46, 48 Tucson Daily Citizen, 48 Tunny (cipher machine), 211-212, 213-214 Turing, Alan Mathison, 203, 209-211, 215-216; photo, 203 Turing-Welchman "bombe," 203, 210-211 Turner, Nap, 156 Turner, William I. (Tim), 9-10 Tuskegee Army Air Field, 152-153, 167, 168 Tuskegee Institute, 168; Civilian Pilot Training Program, 167 Underwood, Gilbert Stanley, 9-10 Union army, African American officers, 92, 276; and freedmen's camps, 96-98, 108 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 76-77 United Daughters of the Confederacy, 312 United Mine Workers of America, 116 United Nations Conference on International Organization (San Francisco Conference), 146 United Nations Service Center, 145 U.S. Air Force, records relating to African Americans, 166, 167 "United States Armed Forces & the Mexican Punitive Expedition, The," by Mitchell Yockelson, Part 1, 256-262; Part 2, 334-343 U.S. Army, and African Americans in World War II, 149-150; command records, 107-108; Department of Tennessee, 96-97; Department of the Gulf, 97; Department of the Pacific, 291, 294, 296, 297; group photographs, 244; Mexican Punitive Expedition, 260, 334; Military Division of the Mississippi, 319; records relating to African Americans, 149-150, 166-167; Southern Department, 342; and venereal disease, 338 U.S. Army Continental Commands, Records of (RG 393), 342 U.S. Army Military History Institute, 318, 319, 320 U.S. Army Mobile Commands, Records of (RG 391), 342 U.S. Army Overseas Commands, Records of (RG 395), 342-343 U.S. Border Patrol, 43, 45, 48, 49 U.S. Cavalry, Seventh, 336; Tenth, 337; Thirteenth, 259 United States Coal Commission, records relating to African Americans, 116 U.S. Coast Guard, 199; and African Americans in World War II, 151 United States Colored Infantry, 91-94 United States Colored Troops, 91-94, 276, 297 U.S. Congress, African American petitions to, 114; and Mexican Punitive Expedition, 338-339; and Native Americans, 29-40; and Southern Claims Commission, 311; testimony to on reclamation projects, 237 United States Court of Claims, 311 United States Daily, 239 U.S. District Courts, 32, 33, 35, 38 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 264 U.S. fleet movements, Japanese espionage regarding, 44, 46-47, 49-50 United States Forest Service, 7-8, 9, 14-15 U.S. Geological Survey, 233, 264 United States Housing Authority, records relating to African Americans, 116-117 United States Information Agency (USIA), motion pictures relating to African Americans, 154-159; photographic collections, 136 U.S. Lighthouse Board, 225 U.S. Marine Corps, 340; Records of the (RG 127), 341; records relating to African Americans in World War II, 151-152 U.S. Maritime Commission, 284 U.S. National Museum, 220, 221-222, 224-225, 226-227, 228 U.S. Naval District, Fourteenth, 44 U.S. Navy, 196; and African Americans in World War II, 150-151; Atlantic Fleet, 340; and Mexican Revolution, 256, 258, 340 U.S. Navy Personnel, Records of (RG 24), 340 United States News, 239 U.S. Railroad Administration, records relating to African Americans, 116 United States Railway Mission to Mexico, 57, 58 U.S. Reclamation Service, 233 U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, 191, 195-200 U.S. Senate, records pertaining to African Americans, 114; testimony before, 137 U.S. Signal Corps, 155 U.S. Supreme Court, 36; and Confederate States of America, 303, 308, 309; decisions affecting African Americans, 114, 287; and NSC records, 345-346; and Franklin Roosevelt, 268; and George Washington, 347 University of Maryland, 84, 105, 267 "USIA Motion Picture Collection and African American History, The," by Donald Roe, 154-159 Using the Census Soundex, 344 Van Sant, John, 294-295 Van Voast, Maj. James, 295 Vancouver, Washington, 281 Vera Cruz, Mexico, 256, 258-259, 338-339, 340, 341, 342-343 Vernon, John, "The Search for Jackie Robinson," 135-139 Vietnam War, Kennedy and, 346; POW/MIAs, 76-77 Villa, Francisco "Pancho," 256, 259, 334, 336-338, 339, 341-342; photos, 258, 334 Virgin Islands, 72 Virginia, and African Americans, 142-144; records concerning, 97 "Voices of African Americans in Federal Records," by John W. Carlin, 84-85 "Volunteering for History," by John W. Carlin, 276-277 Voting Rights Act of 1965, 134 Wage and Hour and Public Contract Divisions, records relating to African Americans, 120 Wages and hours, regulation of, 129-130 Wahlman, Maude, 157 Wake Island, 70 Walters, Ronald, 156 War Department, 319, 321, 322; and Civil War property seizures, 306, 308; and Mexican Punitive Expedition, 334, 338-339, 340-341; and World's Columbian Exposition, 220-221, 222, 225, 227, 228 War Department General and Special Staffs, Records of the (RG 165), 244, 341-342 War Food Administration, records relating to African Americans, 120 War Manpower Commission, 280 War savings bond program, 241-242 Waring, George E., Jr., 19 Warne, W., 241 Washington, Booker T., photo, 160 Washington, George, 347 Washington, Walter, 156 Washington Evening Star, 239 Washington Star, 237 Watergate break-in, 268 Waves, and African American women, 150-151 Webb, Lt. H. P., 306, 308 Webb, Nathan, 267 Webster, Milton P., 282 Wehrkamp, Tim, comp., Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing-in-Action Personnel from the Korean War and During the Cold War Era, 344 Weidman, Budge, 276; "Preserving the Legacy of the United States Colored Troops," 91-94 Welchman, Gordon, 210-211 Wentworth, Jennie Wells, 23 West Virginia and African Americans, 116 Whalers, 197, 198 "When Nixon Met Elvis" (exhibit), 347 "Whistle Stop" (online project), 77 White, Bryan, 134 White, Garland, 93-94 White, W. Wilson, 134 White, Walter, 118 White House Central Files, 269 "White Trucks in Service at Fort Riley," photo by O. W. Holt, 251; illus., 250-251 Whitman, Ann, 268-269 Whittle, Lewis N., 306 Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 237 Wilder, Douglas, 156 Wiley, Harvey W., 21 Williams, Brig. E. T., 214-215 Williams, Walter E., 281 Willits, Edwin, 227 Wills, Ens. Frances, 151; photo, 150 Wilson, Gen John. H., 305-306, 308 Wilson, William, 115 Wilson, Woodrow, 256, 258-260, 337 Winey, Mike, 319 "With the Compliments of...," by William Gladstone, 316-323 "Without Right of Conquest: The Civil War Occupation and Restoration of the Findlay Foundry of Macon, Georgia," by Robert Scott Davis, Jr., 301-315 Women, African American, 127-131; as consumers, 21; as domestics, 127-131; employed abroad, 70-71; employed at military installations, 295-298; on farms, 233, 236; in federal government, 233-242; and racial discrimination, 127-131 Women's Army Corps, and African American women, 149, 150 Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), 206 Women's Bureau, 233, 235; records relating to African Americans, 116, 128 Women's history, African Americans, 100-104 Women's movement, 238, 240 Women's Reserve Naval Service (Wrens), 211 Woodhull, Victoria, 233 Woodrum, Clifton, 142 Woodson, Carter G., 87, 88, 89; photo, 86 Woodward, Pfc. Luther, 152; photo, 152 Wooten, Howard, photo, 153 Work, Hubert, 234 Work Projects Administration, 128 Works Progress Administration (WPA), 4, 7-15, 64, 66-67, 74, 130-131, 155; records, 67-68 World War I, and African American Workers, 115-116; panoramic photographs from, 244; Zimmerman telegram, 268 World War II, and African American military personnel, 88, 136, 148-153, 165-169; and African American workers, 118-120, 279-288; and Army railroad operations, 58-59; and Enigma, 203-216; and food distribution, 24; and German machine ciphers, 203-216; and gold stolen by Nazis, 268; guide to records relating to, 74; and Japanese espionage, 43-50; and Mexican railroads, 57-58; prisoners of war, 76; and Timberline Lodge, 14 World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago 1893), 218-231 Wright, James Stephen ("Steve"), 142, 145-146; photos by, 140, 143; photo of, 144 Wyman, William, 234 Yeltsin, Boris, 76 Yockelson, Mitchell, "The United States Armed Forces & the Mexican Punitive Expedition," Part 1, 256-262; Part 2, 334-343 Yoshikawa, Takeo, 44, 46, 47-48, 50; photo, 47 Young, P. E., Sr., 282 Youngblutt, Mrs. F. C., photo, 242 Yuge, Kyonosuke, 44, 46, 48 Zapata, Emiliano, 339 Ziegler, Ronald, 269 Ziegler, William, 327 Zimmerman telegram, 268 Zygalski, Henryk, 206-207, 208 Zygalski sheets, 208, 209 |