Prologue Magazine

Prologue: Index 1998


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Abert, Col. J. J., 258-259, 260-261, 262-263; portrait, 259

Adams, John, copy of portrait of by Gilbert Stuart, 104

Adams, John Quincy, 76

Adams, Nathaniel A., 213-214, 218; photo, 212

Adjutant General's Office (Army), 15-16, 71

Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Records of the (RG 94), 314

"African American Sailors and the Unvexing of the Mississippi River," by Charles C. Brewer, 279-286

African Americans, and the Civil War, 156, 157, 269-276, 279-285; and the Congressional Medal of Honor, 4, 65; discrimination against, 272-275, 279-281; farmers, 137; and Living

Newspapers, 95-96; in the military services, 231, 232; in the Navy, 279-285; and rent control in Chicago, 111, 113, 115, 117-118, 120; and the Spanish-American War, 4, 10, 12, 13, 65, 66, 70-71; veterans, 307; and World War I, 231, 232

Agit-prop theater, 92, 93

Agricultural Adjustment Act, 88, 89, 90

Agricultural Adjustment Administration: 139

Agricultural Extension Service, 136-145

Air Service, 222-223, 224, 233

Alaska, 77

Alcoholism, 305-313

Alger, Russell A., 8-9, 15, 16, 17

Alien enemies, detention of, 133, 134

Allen, William Joshua ("Josh"), 250, 252

Allied Commission of Prisoners of War, 189

Alsobrook, David E., 75

Alsop, Stewart, 196

Alvares, Olga de, 56

American Council of Learned Societies, 205

American Expeditionary Force, Siberia, 175-176, 184, 186-187, 189, 197

American Expeditionary Forces, 228, 232, 233

"American Film Propaganda in Revolutionary Russia," by James D. Startt, 167-179

American Knights, Order of, 297, 298, 300

American North Russian Expeditionary Force, 175-176, 181, 184, 185

American Red Cross, 48-49, 51

American Veterans Committee, 118

America's Answer (film), 174

"Amistad Case, The" (digital classroom exercise), 76-77

Ammonium nitrate, 47, 48, 51

Anderson, First Lt. Edward D., 13-14

Andersonville prison, 248, 251-252, 253

"Angel Island: 'Guardian of the Western Gate'," by Valerie Natale, 125-135

Angel Island Association, 134

Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation, 134

Angel Island State Park, California, 134

Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy for the Year 1898, 35-36, 65

Annunziata, Nicola, 103; photo, 98

Anthony, Susan B., 155

"'Any woman who is now or may hereafter be married...': Women and Naturalization, ca. 1802–1940," by Marian L. Smith, 146-153

Archangel, Russia, 181, 184, 185

Architect, Office of the Supervising, 56, 60

Arent, Arthur, 89, 95

Argosy, USS, 284

Arizona, 102-103

Arkansas, 136-145

Arkansas Post, Arkansas, 279, 280

Arkansas River, 279

Arlington Memorial Bridge, 60-61

Army and Navy Journal, 215

Army code of discipline, 308, 316

Army Nurse Corps, 65

Army of the Potomac, 270

Asiatic Squadron, 43

Atherton, Lewis, 211

Atkins, Oliver F., files opened, 158

Austria, 100, 101

Autobiography, An, by Theodore Roosevelt, 7

Auxiliary Naval Force, 1898, 69

Ayala, Don Juan Manuel, 125

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Bache, Hartman, 262-263

Bacon, Henry, 60; sketch by, 56

Baker, Jacob, 100; photo, 100

Baker, Newton D., 228, 231

Barnes, H. Y., 171

Battle of Shiloh, 248

Battle of the Crater, 271, 275

Baxter, James Phinney, III, 196

Beehler, Comdr. William H., 41

Bell, Maj. Gen. J. Franklin, 57; illus. by, 60-61

Benchley, Robert, 88

Bently, Elizabeth Petty, Genealogist's Address Book, 229

Benton, Daniel, 247, 248, 250-253

Benton, USS, 283

Bill of Rights, 4-5, 156

Bingham, J. J., 299, 300, 301

"Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois: The Story of the Twenty-ninth U.S. Colored Infantry, The," by Edward A. Miller, Jr. 269-276

Black Hawk, USS, 279, 280, 281, 282; photo, 283

Blake, Kellee L., "Ten Firkins of Butter and Other 'Traitorous' Aid," 289-293

Board of Engineers for the Improvement of Lake Harbors and Western Rivers, 262-263

Board on Auxiliary Vessels (Navy), 43

Board on Construction (Navy), 43

Bolsheviks, 168, 169-170, 171-172, 174, 181-190

"Bolsheviks, Polar Bears, and Military Law: The Experiences of Army Lawyers in North Russia and Siberia in World War I," by Fred L. Borch III, 181-191

Bonslagel, Connie, 140-141

Borch, Fred L., III, "Bolsheviks, Polar Bears, and Military Law: The Experiences of Army Lawyers in North Russia and Siberia in World War I," 181-191

Bothwell, George, 171, 173, 177

Boundary monuments, 101-102

Bowles, William A., 295, 301; portrait, 294

Braden, Thomas, 196

Bradley, John G., 200

Brady, Mathew, 77, 223

Brevet Board, 15-16, 17

Brewer, Charles C., "African American Sailors and the Unvexing of the Mississippi River," 279-286

Brooklyn, USS, 175-176

Brooks, Thorndyke, 289-290

Bross, Lt. Col. John Armstrong, 270, 271, 272; portrait, 271

Browder, Earl, 90-91

Browder, Laura, "Finding a Collective Solution: The Living Newspaper Experiment," 87-97

Brown, D. Clayton, "Prosperous Farms and Happier Homes: Arkansas Agricultural Extension Service, 1911–1966," 136-145

Brown, William Adams, Jr., 171

Bruce, Edward, 103

Bruno, Angelo, 236

Bryan, Austin, Jr., 50

Buchanan, Patrick, files opened, 158

Buck, Solon J., 196, 197, 201, 202, 203, 205; photo, 196

Bullard, Arthur, 169-170, 171-172, 173, 174-175, 177; photo, 168

Burgess, Lauren Cook, 238

Burnside, Maj. Gen. Ambrose, 270, 271, 290, 299; photo, 290, 299

Burton, Stephen G., 300

Bush, George, 75

Bush, John Ellis "Jeb", 75

Bush Presidential Materials Project, 75

Butler, Maj. Gen. Benjamin F., 269, 309

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Cable Act, 151, 153

Cadmus, Paul, Aspects of Suburban Life (paintings), 105; illustrated, 106

Cagney, James, 205; photo, 194, 205

Cahill, Holger, 103; photo, 103

California, 134

Callahan, Edward W., 69

Camp Reynolds, California, 126, 127, 134

Camp Wallace, Texas, 48-49

Campton, James Stuart, portrait by, 104

Canada, 101-102, 107, 220

Capitol Building, designs for, 58-59, 60; designs for illustrated, 54, 55

Captain Sigsbee Relief Fund, 65-66

Carlin, John W., 75, 76, 77-78, 238; "History's in the Rotunda, Too," 4-5; "Records, Records, Everywhere: Users Help NARA's Space Planning," 164-165; "We're More Than the National Archives," 84-85; "Whatever the War, We're Preserving 'Private Ryan's' Records," 244-245

Carmi Courier, 249

Carondolet, USS, 281, 282, 291-292

Carter, Jimmy, 75, 78, 158

Carter, Rosalyn, 78

Catalogs, online, 165

Censorship, 220, 223-224

Central Intelligence Agency, 78

Chance, Fred, 58

Charles Thomson Prize, 236

Charters of Freedom, 4-5, 156

Chicago, Illinois, 111-120, 257

Chicago Civil War Round Table, 238

Chicago Common Council, 259, 260-261

Chicago Harbor, 257-264

Chicago Historical Society, 238

Chicago Rent Advisory Board, 111, 113, 115-118, 120

Chicago River, 257, 258, 261, 262

Chicago Sun Times, 115

Chicago Tenants Action Council, 117

Chicago Tenants Federation, 115, 117

Chicago Times, 298-299

Chicago Tribune, 263

Chicago Weekly Journal, 261

China, 171

Chinese exclusion acts, 128-132, 134

"Christmas on the Grand" (exhibit), 236

Churchill, Robert, "Liberty, Conscription, and a Party Divided: The Sons of Liberty Conspiracy 1863–1864," 297-305

Churchill, Winston, 77

Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, 251

Citizenship, and Chinese immigrants, 128-131, 148; and women, 146-153

"City That Refused to Die: Texas City, Texas, The," by Brian Mitchell, 46-53

Civil War, winter issue; and abolition, 270; and African Americans, 156, 157, 269-276; casualties, 271, 275, 276; and contrabands, 269, 279, 280-281, 283, 284, 285; court-martial files, 156, 314-319; deserters, 300, 314, 315, 318; opposition to, 297-304; pensions, 247-254, 272, 285; photographs, 77; and San Francisco, 125-126; symposium on, 238

Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center, 306

Cleveland, Grover, 249-250, 251

Clinton, Bill, 75, 85

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 156

"Clio's Spies: The National Archives and the Office of Strategic Services in World War II," by Jennifer Davis Heaps, 195-207

Coaling stations (Navy), 23, 28-29, 37, 42-43

Cobb, Josephine, 202, 203, 205

Cold war, 73-74, 134

Columbia University, 222

Colwell, Lt. Comdr. John C., 41

Commission of Inquiry on Cooperative Enterprise in Europe, 100-101

Committee on Public Information, 167-177, 222

Committee on the Protection of Cultural Treasures in War Areas, 205

Communist Party, Germany, 93; United States, 93

Compiled military service records, 314, 318-319; Spanish-American War, 70; U.S. Colored Troops, 157

Confederate States of America, aid to, 289-292; and black soldiers, 271; and defense of Vicksburg, 281, 282-284; and former slaves, 269-270; prisons, 248, 251-252; and the Sons of Liberty, 295, 301-302

Confiscation Acts, 269, 270, 291

Congress of American Women, 118

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 113

Congressional Medal of Honor, and African Americans, 4, 65; and the Spanish-American War, 4, 7, 15-18, 21, 28, 65; and Theodore Roosevelt, 7-18; and U.S. Marine Corps, 28

Congressional serial set, 35

Connor, Robert D. W., 196

Conscription, resistance to, 290, 298-299, 300, 301-302, 303, 304

Conspiracies Acts, 289

Constitution of the United States, 4-5

Constitutional Problems under Lincoln, by James Randall, 291

Construction and Repair, Bureau of (Navy), 34, 37

Conte, Richard, photo, 194

Cook County Fair Rent Committee, 115, 118

Cooper, Capt. Edwin H., 220

Copperheads, 290, 296

Corbett, Elizabeth, 305-306, 308, 312

Corbin, Henry C., 16

Corning Glass Museum, 156

Cosgrove, Stuart, 96

Cosmas, Graham, 17

Courts-martial, 156, 181-183, 185-190, 295, 296, 314-319

Crane, Stephen, 25

Creel, George, 167-169, 170, 171

Crimes Act of 1790, 289

Crist, Raymond, 152

Crowninshield, Arent Schuyler, 38, 42

Cuba, 7-18, 21-29, 36

Cuban revolutionaries, 9-10, 24-25, 26

Cultural interchange, international, 103, 107

"Czech Legion," 184

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Daiquiri, Cuba, 9-10

Dalehite v. United States, 50

Daniel, Price, 50

Davis, Jefferson, 263, 264, 289

Davis, Malcolm, 171, 174; photo, 171

Davis, Richard Harding, 10, 12

Dean, Eric T., Jr., 238

Dean, Philip, 260

Declaration of Independence, 4-5, 156

Declassified records, 78, 84

Deitz, William A., 57; drawing by, 57

Delaware, 271, 275, 276

DeMaet, Kenneth, 47

Democratic Party, 247, 249-250, 251, 257, 263, 264, 290, 295-302

Densmore, John, 131

Department of the Missouri, 212

"Designs for Democracy" (exhibit), 54-61, 75-76

"Designs for Democracy: 200 Years of Drawings from the National Archives," by Marilyn H. Paul, 54-61

Dewey, Adm. George, 39, 40, 41; photo, 39

Dies Committee, 94, 95, 96

Digital classroom exercises, 76-77

Digital Classroom Web site, 156-157, 237

Digital libraries, 78

Diplomatic records, 197-198

"Diplomats and the Depression: The Department of State and the New Deal," by Kenneth W. Heger, 99-108

Disaster relief efforts, 48-49, 51, 65

Discover American Originals at the National Archives (leaflet), 73

Disloyal speech, 290, 291, 292, 299, 301, 316-317

District Courts of the United States, Records of the (RG 21), 148, 151

Dobak, William A., "Quartermasters, Commerce, and Railroads: Fort Riley, Kansas, in the Nineteenth Century," 209-219

"Documenting United States Naval Activities During the Spanish-American War," by Richard W. Peuser, 33-45

DOCUMERICA project, 77

Dodd, Harrison H., 297-304

Dolphin, USS, 24-25, 28

"Don Henry Story, The" (Web site), 237

Donovan, Maj. Gen. William J. "Wild Bill," 195-196

Dorsey, Pvt. John, 275

Douglas, Stephen A., 264

Douglass, Alexander J., 299

Draft resistance, 290, 296-297, 298, 299-300, 301, 302

Dragoons, Regiment of, 210-211

Draper, First Lt. Herbert L., 23-24; photos, 20, 23

Drawings in the National Archives, exhibit of, 54-61

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, publications, 73

Dyer, William F., 211, 212

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Educational resources, 155

Ehrlichman, John, files opened, 158

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 73

Eisenhower, John S. D., 73

Eisenhower: The Prewar Diaries and Selected Papers, 1905-1941, ed. by Dan Holt and Jim Leyerzaph, 73

Eisenstein, Sergei, 92, 95

Electronic Access Project (EAP), 165, 237-238

Elliott, Edward D., 249

Elliott, Capt. George F., 24-25; photo, 29

Emancipation Proclamation, 75, 270, 298, 316

Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, 112-113

Engineering drawings, 57

Engineers, Army Corps of, 257-264

Enthoffer, T., design by, 55, 60

Environmental issues, 77

Eppinga, Jane, 236

Equipment, Bureau of (Navy), 34, 37

Evans, J. A., 139

Excel (steamer), 211

Executive Order 12958, 158

Exhibits, 4-5, 54-61, 75-76, 77-78, 156, 157-158, 236

"Experience and Meaning of Combat in the Civil War, The" (symposium), 238

Extension Service, Records of the (RG 33), 136

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"Failure Is Impossible," 156-157

Fairfield Republican, 250, 251

Farm women, 136, 137-138, 139-141, 143-145

Farmers, 89, 136, 137-145

Faulkner, Barry, 4

Federal Art Project, 61, 103, 105, 107

Federal Bureau of Investigation, records released, 236

Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 99-100

"Federal Hand in Urban Development: Chicago Harbor before the Civil War, The," by Betsy Mendelsohn, 257-265

Federal Theatre Project, 61, 87-97

Federal Tort Claims Act, 50

Federal Works Agency, 48-49

Fergusson, Robert, 131

Ferrero, Brig. Gen. Edward, 270, 271; portrait, 270; photo, 274

"Fight for Equal Rights: Black Soldiers in the Civil War, The" (Web site), 156, 157

Fillmore, Millard, 125

"Finding a Collective Solution: The Living Newspaper Experiment," by Laura Browder, 87-97

Finding aids, Spanish-American War, 37-43; State Department records, 107; U.S. Navy, 37-43

Fish, Hamilton, 9, 10

Flanagan, Hallie, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95; Arena, 88; photo, 87

Flood-control projects, 102-103, 106, 107

Flying Squadron (Navy), 43

Ford, Gerald, 75

Foreign service posts, artwork for, 103, 105, 107

Forged in Battle, by Joseph T. Glatthaar, 276

Fort Dearborn, Illinois, 257, 259, 260-261; maps, 258, 260

Fort Des Moines, Iowa, 231

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 210-212, 213-214; designs for, 57; sketch of, 60-61

Fort McDowell, California, 127, 134

Fort Riley, Kansas, 209-218

Fort Union, New Mexico, 211-212

France, 100, 184, 220, 222, 223, 233-234; U.S. embassy in, 105

Frank, Joseph A., 238

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 77, 237-238

Free elections, 299, 302, 303, 304

Freedmen and the Civil War, 269-270, 275-276, 280-281, 284

Freedom of press, 297, 299-300

Freedom of speech, 297, 299-300

Freeman, Fletcher, 297

French, Daniel Chester, 60

Friendly Word (newspaper), 172

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Galen, Lt. Col. Albert J., 181, 184, 186-189, 190; photo, 180

Galveston, Texas, 47-48, 49

Garcia, Gen. Calixto, 9-10

Gardner, Alexander, 77

Gardner, Douglas G., 251-252

Gardner, John, 247

Gavin, James, 47

Genealogical research, 62-72, 146-153, 164, 228-234, 314-319

Genealogist's Address Book, by Elizabeth Petty Bently, 229

General Education Board, 139-140

General Information Leaflets, 73

General Land Office, 149

General Order 38, 290, 299-300

George, Gilbert Jasper, 252

George Bush Library and Museum, 75

George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, 75

Gerald R. Ford Museum, 158, 236

Germany, 41, 100, 101; and propaganda in Russia, 168, 169, 171-172, 174; workers' theaters, 92-93; and World War I, 168, 169, 171-172, 174, 184, 220, 223

Gibbs, John Blair, 23, 24, 25, 28

Gilbert, Cass, 58

Gill, Corrington, 100; photo, 100

Glatthaar, Joseph T., 276

Göncz, Árpád, 157-158

Goodrell, Capt. M. D., 23

Gorrell's History of the American Expeditionary Forces Air Service, 1917-1919, 233

Government contractors, 209-218

Graham, Lt. J. D., 263-264

Grand Army of the Republic, 249, 252, 306-307

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 236

Grandcamp (ship), 47-48, 51; photo, 46

Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 270-271, 281, 282-283, 291

Grants, 78

Graphic arts, 58, 61

Graves, Maj. Gen. William S., 184, 187-188, 189; photo, 183

Great Britain, 41, 100, 101, 168, 170, 173, 184, 220, 261, 262

Great Depression, 87, 93, 99-107, 112

Great Lakes, 257-258, 262

Great Seal of the United States, design of, 56; sketch of, 58

"Great War: World War I and the American Century, The" (exhibit), 158

Green, Dwight, 113, 115

Griffiths, John W., 59

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 23-26, 28

Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States, 36-37

Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States, compiled by George S. Ulibarri and John P. Harrison, 37

Guillebon, Charles de, 47

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Habeas corpus, writ of, 290-291, 298, 299, 300

Hague Convention Respecting the Law and Customs on War on Land, 189

Haldeman, H. R., files opened, 158

Hamer, Philip, 197-198

Hamilton (Ohio) True Telegraph, 290

Hamner, Edward, 250

"Hands-Across-the-Sea" program, 143

Hannibal & St. Joseph, 212

Harbin, Manchuria, 171

Harriman, Mrs. Averill, 105

Harris, Collas G., 196-197, 199-200

Harrison, Benjamin, 249

Harrison, John P., 37

Harry S. Truman Library, 77, 237

Hart, Wilbur H., 171

Hascall, Gen. Milo, 299

Hauptman, Laurence M., 238

Hawes, Samuel, 291

Heaps, Jennifer Davis, "Clio's Spies: The National Archives and the Office of Strategic Services in World War II," 195-207

Heffren, Horace, 298; portrait, 294

Heger, Kenneth W., "Diplomats and the Depression: The Department of State and the New Deal," 99-108

Heller, Jonathan, "Photographing the Great War," 220-227; War & Conflict: Selected Images from the National Archives, 1765-1970, 224

Hendricks, Thomas, 299

Henry, Don, 237

Herbert Hoover Library and Museum, 76

Hess, Earl J., 238

Heywood, Commandant Charles, 21, 22

High Flyer (ship), 48, 51

Hill, Abram, 95-96

"History's in the Rotunda, Too," by John W. Carlin: 4-5

Hoel, Lt. Comdr. William, 283

Hogan, Leo, 113, 115

Holland, John P., 60

Holland, USS, 60

Holmes, A. A., 249, 253

Holt, Dan, and Jim Leyerzapf, eds., Eisenhower: The Prewar Diaries and Selected Papers, 1905–1941, 73

Home demonstration agents, 136, 137-138, 139-141, 143-144

Home Demonstration Clubs, 143

Homestead Act, 149

Homing pigeons, 37

Hoover, Herbert, 76, 99

Hoover, J. Edgar, 236

Hoover, Lou Henry, 76

Hopkins, Harry, 87, 99-100; photo, 100

Hopkinson, Francis, 56; drawing by, 58

Horsey, Stephen, 295; portrait, 294

House Un-American Activities Committee, 87, 94, 95

Housing and Rent Act of 1947, 113, 117

Housing and Rent Act of 1948, 113, 117

Housing and Rent Act of 1949, 120

Housing conditions, 93-94, 116-117, 118, 131-132, 133-134

Housing construction, 101, 107, 112, 120

Housing shortages, 113, 115-117, 118, 120

Howard, William, 258

Howe, Elias, 57

Hubbard, Robert D., 200

Humphreys, Andrew, 295, 298, 299; portrait, 294

Humphreys, Joshua, 58

Hungary, 157-158

Hunt, E. Howard, 236

Huntington, Lt. Col. Robert W., 22-25, 26-27; photos, 20, 21, 29

Hurst, John, 290

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"'I Am Entitled to the Medal of Honor and I Want It': Theodore Roosevelt and His Quest for Glory," by Mitchell Yockelson, 7-19

Illinois, 248, 257-264, 269-276, 279, 280, 284, 289, 290, 297, 299, 300

Illinois and Michigan Canal, 257-258, 259-260

Illinois Volunteers, Fortieth Regiment, 248

Illiteracy, 272, 273

Immigrants, Asian, 128-132, 134; detention of, 128, 130-134; women, 146-153

Immigration Service, 128, 130, 131, 132-133, 134

Immigration station, Angel Island, 127-134

Indiana, 289, 290, 291, 295, 296-297, 298, 299-300, 301-302

Industrial disasters, 46-51

Infantry Regiments, Twenty-seventh, 184, 187, 189; Thirty-first, 175-176, 184, 187; 339th, 185

Injunction Granted (Living Newspaper), 95

Instructional materials, 155

Internal improvements, federal funding for, 257-264

International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Canada, 101-102

International Boundary and Water Commission, United States-Mexico, 102-103

Inventors, drawings by, 57

Iowa, USS, 38; photo, 40; photo of crew, 32

Israel, 237

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Jackson, Robert H., 50

Jamieson, Mitchell, 103, 105

Japan, and propaganda in Siberia, 171-172; and World War I, 171-172, 184

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 156

Jimmy Carter Library, 78, 157-158

John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection (leaflet), 73

John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, 236

Johns Hopkins University Press, 73

Johnson, Lyndon B., 50

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 195-196

Jones, Harry, 24

Judge Advocate General (Army), Office of the, 156, 314-315, 318

Judge Advocate General (Army), Records of the (RG 153), 296, 314

Judge Advocate General (Navy), 34-35, 36, 68

Judge Advocate General's Department, 181-182, 190

Judge Advocate General's Reserve Corps, 187

Junction City, Kansas, 210, 212, 216-218

Junction City Weekly Union, 212, 217, 218

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Kansas, 209-218

Kansas City, Kansas, Gazette, 217-218

Kansas Pacific Railroad, 211, 212, 213-214, 215

Kansas Territory, 210, 212

Kansas Weekly Herald, 211

Kearney, James, 262-263

Kearney, Lt. Thomas A., 40

Keeley, Leslie E., 311-312

Keeley Institute, 311-312

Kehler, S. D., 57

Kendall, William Mitchell, 60-61

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 236

Kennedy, John F., 73, 236, 238

Kennedy, Joseph, photo, 100

Kennerly, Thomas, 50

Kent, Brig. Gen. Jacob F., 11-12

Kentucky, 270, 276, 290, 291, 295, 301

Kerr, Michael, 302

Kerrey, Bob, 238

Kettle Hill, Santiago, Cuba, 11, 12-14, 17, 18

Keys, Ulysses, 117-118

King, Nicholas, 58

King, William R., 105, 106

Knapp, Seaman A., 138-139

Knox, David, 77

Kolchak, Adm. Alexander, 184

Korean War, POWs/MIAs, 73-74

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Ladies Committee Relief Fund, 65-66

Lake Michigan, 257, 258, 259, 261, 263

Lambert, William, 65; sketch of, 64

Langer, William L., 197, 205

Lansing, Robert, 168, 169

Latin America, 103

Lawson, L. M., 102

Lawton, Brig. Gen. Henry W., 11, 17-18

Leavenworth, Pawnee & Western, 212

Lecompte, Samuel D., 212

Lee, Capt. Dudley, 199-200, 203

Lee, Capt. Robert E., 57

Lee, Gen. Robert E., 271, 276

Leland, Waldo Gifford, 205

Lenin, Vladimir, 184

Lewis, Wilmarth S., 196, 200-201, 205; photo, 196

Leyerzapf, Jim, ed., Eisenhower: The Prewar Diaries and Selected Papers, 1905-1941, 73

Libby-Owens-Ford, 156

Liberation Society (Angel Island), 132

"Liberty, Conscription, and a Party Divided: The Sons of Liberty Conspiracy 1863-1864," by Robert Churchill, 295-303

Liberty Deferred (Living Newspaper), 95-96

Library of Congress, 196

Lighthouses, 59, 261, 262

Lincoln, Abraham, 60, 156, 157, 237, 264, 270, 279, 284, 289, 290, 298-299, 315-316, 317, 318

Lincoln administration, 297, 299, 300, 301, 302

Lincoln Memorial, design for, 60; sketch of, 56

"Lincoln's Spot Resolutions" (Web site), 156, 157

Lindsey, Sallie, 136, 137-138

List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775-1900, ed. by Edward W. Callahan, 68

Living newspapers, 87-97

Livingston, Rebecca, "Sailors, Soldiers, & Marines of the Spanish-American War: The Legacy of USS Maine," 62-72

Lloyd, Norman, 90

Lochern, William, 250

Lockhart, Bruce, 168

Lockridge, Wilson B., 302

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 7, 14, 15, 16; photo, 15

Long, John D., 21, 29, 34, 39-40, 42, 43

Long, Stephen H., 262-263

"Long View-Panoramic Photographs from the National Archives, The" (exhibit), 236

Losey, Joseph, 89

Lowry, Beverly, 156

Lowry, Thomas P., 156, 319

Loyola University, 238

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MacArthur, Douglas, 73, 238; photo, 226

McBride, Thomas, 250, 251

McCalla, Capt. Bowman H., 23, 24, 25-26; photo, 22

McCawley, Capt. Charles L., 22, 28; photo, 20

McConnell, Stuart, "The William Newby Case and the Legacy of the Civil War," 247-255

McDowell, Maj. Gen. Irwin, 127

McElwee, John, 290

McKinley, William, 8, 14-15, 18, 28, 34, 39

McLean, Maj. George R., 181, 184, 189-190

MacLeish, Archibald, 196

"Mae Schnurr: A Woman's Rise to Prominence," by Christine Pfaff, 236

Magill, Lt. Louis, 25

Mahan, Capt. Alfred T., 35, 42-43; photo, 35

Mahoney, 1st Lt. James E., 22

Maine, 101-102

Maine, USS, 7, 8, 21, 33-34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41-42, 64, 65-68; photo, 34

Manchuria, 171

Manhattan, Kansas, 210, 212, 213, 214

Manhattan & Northwestern, 214

Manhattan Express, 212

Manhattan Flour and Meal Manufacturing Company, 213

Manhattan Independent, 213

Manhattan Standard, 214

Manila Bay, Battle of, 40-41

Mann, Michael, 113, 115, 118

Manual for Courts-Martial, 182

Marblehead (cruiser), 23, 25, 26, 38

Marcello, Carlos, 236

Maricle, R. H., 248, 249, 251, 253

Marine Battalion, First, 21-29

Marriage laws and Civil War pensions, 272-273

Married Women's Act, 151

Marten, James, "Out at the Soldiers' Home: Union Veterans and Alcohol at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers," 305-313

Martial law, 290-291, 314

Martin, George W., 217-218

Maryland, 271, 272-273, 275, 276

Massachusetts, 270

Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 54th, 75

Matinicus light house, 59; sketch of, 59

Matza, John, photo, 63

Maurer, Katherine, 132, 133

Meade, Maj. Gen. George, 270-271

Medicine and Surgery, Records of the Bureau of (RG 52), 41-42, 69

Meikeljohn, George D., 15

Memorials, designs for, 56, 58, 60

Mendelsohn, Betsy, "The Federal Hand in Urban Development: Chicago Harbor before the Civil War," 257-265

Mexico, 101, 102-103, 106, 107, 157, 271

Michigan, 289, 291

Michie, Jefferson, photo, 272, 273

Microfilm publications, 37, 41, 74, 155; Adjutant General's Office (Army), 71; alien arrivals, 155; Army Air Forces, 233; Army courts-martial, 314; Army Engineer Department, 74; censuses, 74; censuses of business, 155; Civil War, 74; compiled military service records, 70-71, 74; Justice Department, 74; Montana, 74; Nebraska, 74; nonpopulation census schedules, 74; Oklahoma, 74; passenger lists, 155; pension records, 62; postmasters, 74; radio broadcasting stations, 74; Spanish-American War, 37, 41, 42, 62, 68, 70-71; Union soldiers, 74; U.S. Army enlistments, 71; United States Colored Troops, 74; U.S. Military Academy, 74; U.S. Navy, 41, 42, 68; United States v. The Amistad, 74; veterans, 74; volunteer Union soldiers, 74; War Department, 74; World War I, 233

Microfilm reproductions, 199, 202

"Migration North to Alaska" (digital classroom exercise), 77

Military courts, 295, 296, 314-319

Military Division of the Missouri, 214, 215-216

Military insignias, 61

Military intelligence, and the National Archives, 195-205; photography used for, 197-202, 220

Military law, 181-190, 308, 316

Military service records, 228-238; Spanish-American War, 70-72

Military supply system, 209-218

Militia Act of 1862, 269-270

Miller, Edward A., 238

Miller, Edward A., Jr., "The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois: The Story of the Twenty-ninth U.S. Colored Infantry," 269-276

Miller, J. L., Our War Cry Is "The Maine," 33-34

Miller, Robert C., 211

Millett, Alan, 29

Milligan, Lambdin P., 290, 295, 298, 301; portrait, 294

Mills, Robert, 58-59; design by, 55

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 305-313

Milwaukee Illustrated, 307

Milwaukee Sentinel, 306, 307, 308, 311

Missing-in-actions, cold war, 73-74; Korean war, 73-74

Mississippi River, 257, 279-286, 291

Mississippi Squadron, 279, 280, 284, 291-292

Missouri, 210, 211, 270, 272, 276, 295, 301

Missouri, Kansas & Texas, 212, 214

Mitchell, Brian, "The City That Refused to Die: Texas City, Texas," 46-53; photo, 47

Monsanto Chemical Company, 49-51; photo, 46

Mont, John R., 169

Montana, 101-102

Montgomery, Maj. William R., 211

Morgan, Confederate Capt. John Hunt, 290, 291

Morris, Beverly M., 143-144

Moscow Blue Blouse Group, 93, 95

Most Energetic Workers Fight Against All Diseases, The (Living Newspaper), 92

Motion pictures, as propaganda, 167-177, 197; used for military intelligence in World War II, 197, 200-202, 220; of World War I, 220

Mounted Branch school, Fort Riley, Kansas, 216

Mullen, John, 88

Mullett, Alfred B., 60

Murmansk, Russia, 181, 184

Musick, Michael, 156

Muster rolls, ships, 68; U.S. Army, 71

Mutual protection associations, 297, 298, 300

Myers, Janet, 115-116

Myrtle, 285, 286

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NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL), 77, 78, 165, 237-238

NARA regional records services facilities, 84, 164; Great Lakes Region, 111, 289, 306; Mid Atlantic Region, 237-238; Pacific Alaska Region, 77, 237-238; Pacific Region, 237-238; Southwest Region, 136

Narcotics addiction, 306, 311, 312

Natale, Valerie, "Angel Island: 'Guardian of the Western Gate'," 125-135

National Archives Advisory Committee on Preservation, 156

National Archives and Records Administration, 84-85; budget, 85; Cartographic and Architectural Branch, 61; Center for Legislative Archives, 155, 237-238; development director, 77-78; Digital Classroom, 156-157; Division of Photographic Archives and Research (World War II), 198-199; grants, 78; grants to, 156; Information Security Oversight Office, 84; Military Reference Branch, 237-238; news and notices, 75-78, 156-158, 236-238; Office of the Federal Register, 84; Office of Presidential Libraries, 75; online activities, 164-165; publications, 73-74, 155; and records reproduction services in World War II, 199, 200, 201-202; Space Planning Team, 164-165; Special Photography Section (World War II), 200; Still Picture Branch, 77, 237-238; and the Office of Strategic Services, 195-205; Web site, 73, 76-77, 156-157, 237-238; and World War II, 195-205

National Archives Building, exhibits, 4-5, 54-61, 75-76, 156

National Archives Foundation, 77-78, 155

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 117-118, 120

National Bureau of Standards, 156

National Conscription Act, 290, 297, 298, 299

National Council for the Social Studies, 237

National Defense Act of 1916, 228

National Federation of Press Women, 236

National Guard, 228, 229, 231

National Historical Landmarks, 134

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 76, 78, 84, 238; grants, 78

National History Day, 77

National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 305-313

National Intelligence Estimates, 78

National Personnel Records Center, 68, 70, 228-229, 231, 234, 237-238

National Science Foundation, 78

National Security Council, files opened, 158

National Standards for Civics and Government, 237

National Standards for History, 237

National welfare state, 251

Native Americans, photographs of, 77, 238; and the Spanish-American War, 9, 65

Naturalization Bureau, 152

Naturalization records, and women, 146-153

Naval attachés, 37, 39-40, 41, 43

Naval History of the Civil War, by David Porter, 291

Naval Intelligence, Office of, 34, 39-40

Naval Operating Forces, Records of (RG 313), 43

Naval Operations, Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 38), 37, 39-40

Naval Personnel, Records of the Bureau of (RG 24), 37-39

Naval personnel records, 62, 66, 68-70

Naval Records and Library, Office of, 39-41

Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library (RG 45), 40-41, 44, 65, 66

Naval registers of enlistment, 68

Naval War Board, 34, 42-43

Navigation, Bureau of (Navy), 34, 36, 37-39, 43, 68

Navigation, improvements to, 257-264

Navy, General Records of the Department of the (RG 80), 36, 42-43

Navy, U.S. Department of the, annual reports, 35, 36; NARA record groups relating to the Spanish-American War, 33-44; organization, 1898, 34-35

Navy Chaplain Corps, 68-69

Nessler, Carl, 49

New Deal, 93, 99-107, 111, 116, 139

"'New Glory to Its Already Gallant Record': The First Marine Battalion in the Spanish-American War," by Trevor K. Plante, 21-31

New Masses, 93

New Theatre, 88

New York (ship), 23, 37, 38

New York Times, 88

New Yorker, 88

Newark, USS, 26

Newby, Fereby, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253

Newby, William, 247-254; photos, 246, 247

Newhall, Ann Clifford, 238

Newkirk, Franklin, 299

Newspapers, role in the Spanish-American War, 7, 10, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 34, 65

Nixon, Richard M., materials relating to opened, 158

Nixon Presidential Materials Project, 158

Nogales, Arizona, 102-103, 107

Nogales, Mexico, 102-103, 107

North Atlantic Fleet, 23

North Atlantic Squadron, 21, 43

North Side (Chicago) Tenants' League, 115, 117

Northwest Confederacy, 290, 299

Norton, Charles Philip, 175, 177

Norton, Mrs. Charles Philip, 175-176

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Observation balloons, 11

Office of Indian Affairs, 212

Office of Price Administration, 112-113

Office of Strategic Services, 195-205

Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI), 195, 196, 197-198, 199

Office of the Housing Expediter, 113, 115, 120

Officers' training schools, 231

Official War Review (newsreels), 174

Ogdensburg, New York, 102, 107

Ohio, 276, 289, 290, 299

Olds, Leland, 100

O'Neil, William "Bucky," 9, 14

One-Third of a Nation (Living Newspaper), 89, 93-94

Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War, 1917-19, 231

Osawkee Association, 211

Osio, Antonio Maria, 125

O'Sullivan, Timothy, 77

Our Mothers Before Us: Women and Democracy, 1789-1920 (educational resource packet), 155

Our War Cry Is "The Maine," by J. L. Miller, 33-34

Out at the Soldiers' Home, by Elizabeth Corbett, 305-306, 308

"Out at the Soldiers' Home: Union Veterans and Alcohol at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers," by James Marten, 305-313

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Palmer, C. F., 100

Panther, USS, 22, 23, 24, 25

Paper son industry, 129-131

Parker, Lt. John H., 12

Parres, Alex, 59; design by, 59

Patent drawings, 57

Pathé Weekly (newsreels), 174

Paul, Marilyn H., "Designs for Democracy: 200 Years of Drawings from the National Archives,"54-61

Pawnee, USS, 59

Payne, M. T., 138, 143

"Pearl Harbor, Japanese Espionage, and Arizona's Triangle T Ranch," by Jane Eppinga, 236

Pension Bureau, 247-248, 249, 251, 273, 285

Pension fraud, 249-254, 273

Pension records, 62, 64, 272, 275-276, 281, 285

Pensions, Civil War, 247-254, 272, 285

Perry, Charles A., 211

Pershing, Gen. John, 186

Pershing's Crusaders (film), 174

Petrograd, Russia, 170

Peuser, Richard W., "Documenting United States Naval Activities During the Spanish-AmericanWar," 33-45

Pew Charitable Trusts, 156

Pfaff, Christine, 236

Philippine Islands, 36, 40-41

Phillips, Marcelle, 141

"Photographing the Great War," by Jonathan Heller, 220-227

Photographs, added to NAIL, 238; in Agricultural Extension Service records, 144-145; exhibits of, 236; used for military intelligence, 198-200, 201, 220; of World War I, 220-222

Pierce, Franklin, 263

Pinkney, Ninian, 282

Pioneer Infantry Regiments, 232

Pittsburg, 283

Plante, Trevor K., "'New Glory to Its Already Gallant Record': The First Marine Battalion in the Spanish-American War," 21-31; "The Shady Side of the Family Tree: Civil War Union Court-Martial Case Files," 314-319

Plotkin, Wendy, "Rent Control in Chicago after World War II: Politics, People, & Controversy,"111-122

Plumb, Preston B., 217-218

Polk, James, 157, 262

Pond, Capt. George E., 216-218

Poole, Maj. Gen. Frederick C., 184

Pope, Gen. John, 212

Pope, John Russell, 4

Pope, Maj. Percival C., 22, 23

Port safety, 47, 51

Porter, Acting Rear Adm. David, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 291-292; portrait, 280, 292

Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 25-26, 27, 28

Posner, Ernst, 205

Posters, 58, 61

Presidential libraries, 84, 157-158; records held by, 55, 75

Presidential Procession in Washington, The (film), 170-171

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, 158

Prisoners of war, camps, 126, 133-134; and the Civil War, 248, 251-252, 271, 276, 290, 295,303-304, 318; cold war, 73-74; Korean war, 73-74; in Siberia, 189; Spanish, 25-26, 38; Spanish-American War, 25-26, 38, 126; World War I, 126, 133, 189; World War II, 126, 134

Prize case files, 291-292

Prologue, awards for articles in, 236; Web page, 73

Propaganda, American, 167-177; Bolshevik, 174; British, 168, 170, 173; films, 167-177; German, 168, 169, 171-172, 174; Japanese, 171-172; Russian revolution, 167-177; World War I, 167-177, 220, 224

"Prosperous Farms and Happier Homes: Arkansas Agricultural Extension Service, 1911–1966," by D. Clayton Brown, 136-145

Provost Marshal General's Bureau, Records of the (RG 110), 296

Public Building Service, Records of the, RG 121, 107

Public Buildings Service, 56

Public health, 126, 133-134

Public Housing Council, 113

Public Works Administration, 99, 101, 102-103, 107

Public Works Administration, Records of the, RG 135, 107

Publications, 73-74, 155; catalog, 155

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Quarantine station, Angel Island, 126-127, 134

"Quartermasters, Commerce, and Railroads: Fort Riley, Kansas, in the Nineteenth Century," by William A. Dobak, 209-219

Quick, Sgt. John, 25, 28

Quirk, Alfred, 115, 120

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Racial discrimination in the U.S. Navy, 65

Railroads, 209, 212-218

Rand, William, 49-50

Randall, James, 291

Raum, Green Berry, 249

Raynolds, Col. W. F., 264

Real estate industry, 113, 115-118, 120

Reclamation, Bureau of, 61

"Records, Records, Everywhere: Users Help NARA's Space Planning," by John W. Carlin, 164-165

Records inventories, 37

Records management, 84-85

Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, RG 94, 231

Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917-, RG 407, 231

Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I), RG 120, 231, 232, 233

Records of the Army Air Forces, RG 18, 233

Records of the United States Marine Corps, RG 127, 233-234

Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, RG 165, 231

Records of U.S. Army Mobile Units, 1821-1942, RG 391, 231, 232

Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing-in-Action Personnel from the Korean War and During the Cold War Era (RIP 102), 73-74

Red Rover, USS, 281, 282, 283-284; photo, 278

Reference Information Papers, 73-74

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States, and of the Marine Corps, 35

Registers of the Records of the Proceedings of the U.S. Army General Courts-Martial, 1809-1890, microfilm publication, 314

Registers of the United States Army, 231

Regular army and the Spanish-American War, 8, 13

Reina Mercedes (Spanish ship), photo, 43

Reiter, Comdr. George C., 22

Relief (hospital ship), photo, 42

Remaking the Nation (film), 174

Remey, Commodore George C., 43

Rent control, 111-120

"Rent Control in Chicago after World War II: Politics, People, & Controversy," by Wendy Plotkin, 111-122

Report of the Secretary of War, 12

Republican Party, 247, 249, 250-251, 257, 297-298, 300, 302-303, 304

Resolute, USS, 22, 25, 26, 27; photo, 27

Revolt of the Beavers (play), 94

Revzin, Naomi, 77-78

Reynolds, Maj. Gen. John, 126

Rio Grande, 102

Rives, Alfred, 58

Roberts, Nathaniel, 250, 251

Robertson, Walter, Jr., 199

Rockwell, Bertrand, 217, 218

Ronald Reagan Library, 237-238

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 60, 77, 99, 100, 118; and OSS, 195; photos, NAIL, 238; speeches, NAIL, 238

Roosevelt, Theodore, 39-40, 41, 42, 43; books by, 7, 9, 12; and the Congressional Medal of Honor, 7-18; photos of, 6, 8, 10, 18, 35; reports by, 12-13; and the Rough Riders, 7-18, 43; and the Spanish-American War, 7-18

Roosevelt, Brig. Gen. Theodore, Jr., 18

Roosevelt Dam, Arizona, 61

Root, Elihu, 168-169

Rough Riders, 7-18, 43, 62, 65, 70-71

Rough Riders, The, by Theodore Roosevelt, 7, 12

"Round Robin Affair," 14-15, 17

Royce, Col. Clark E., 272

Rural Electrification Administration, 139, 143

Russell, Charles Edward, 169

Russell, William H., 211, 212

Russian Revolution, 167-177

Ryan, John Joseph, 113, 115

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Sadler, Harley, 49

"Sailors, Soldiers, & Marines of the Spanish-American War: The Legacy of USS Maine," by Rebecca Livingston, 62-72

St. Stephen, Crown of, 157-158

Salt Creek Civil War Round Table, 238

Sampson, Adm. William T., 14, 23, 25, 37, 43

Sampson Medal, 68

Samuels, Harold, 13

Samuels, Peggy, 13

San Francisco Bay, 125-126

San Juan Hill, Cuba, Battle of, 7, 10-14, 15, 16-18

Santa Fe Railroad, 212, 214

Santiago de Cuba, 9, 10-18, 23, 25-26, 35, 40, 43

Saturday Evening Post, 88

Schlatter, Charles, 259-261, 262

Schley, Rear Admiral Winfield Scott, 35, 43

Schnadig, Edward, 113

Schofield, Maj. Gen. John M., 216, 317

Secret societies, 295-302

Secretary of war, 259, 261

Sedition, 290, 299

Segregation, 49, 269-276

Segregation in the Armed Forces, 273-274

Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, 156-157

"Shady Side of the Family Tree: Civil War Union Court-Martial Case Files, The," by Trevor K. Plante, 314-319

Shafter, Maj. Gen. William R., 9-10, 11, 14-15, 17-18; photo, 9

Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., 214, 215-216, 217

Sherman, Maj. Gen. William, 280

Sherman, Gen. William T., 214, 215-216

Ships, conduct books, 68; construction of, 37; decklogs, 38; medical logbooks, 69; muster rolls, 68

Ships, Bureau of, 56

Ships, Records of the Bureau of, RG 19, 37

Shutt, William, 252

Siberia, 171-177, 181-190

Siboney, Cuba, 10

Sickles, Brig. Gen. Daniel E., 318; photo, 318

Signal Corps, 11

Signal Corps Photographic Service, 220

Sigsbee, Capt. Charles D., 41, 65; photo, 41

Silvera, John, 95-96

Silvey, Sgt. Richard, 23

Sisson, Edgar, 169, 170

Skiff, John, 289

Skocpol, Theda, 252-253

Slaves, and the Civil War, 269-270, 272-273, 275-276, 279, 280-281

Slum eradication, 101, 107

Smith, Guy Croswell, 170-171

Smith, Marian L., "'Any woman who is now or may hereafter be married...': Women and Naturalization, ca. 1802–1940," 146-153

Smith-Lever Act, 138, 140

Social Education, 237

Society for History in the Federal Government, 236

Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act, 190

Sons of Liberty, Order of the, 295-302

Souter, David, 76

Spain, 7, 21

Spanish-American War, and African Americans, 4, 10, 12, 13, 65, 66, 70-71; and Angel Island, 126; campaign badge, 68; casualties, 10, 13-14, 17, 21, 24, 25, 41-42, 62, 65-66; and Congressional Medals of Honor, 4, 7, 15-18, 21, 28; and contract medical personnel, 72; and disease epidemics, 14, 27; and the First Marine Battalion, 21-29; and genealogical research, 62-72; and health of military personnel, 22-23, 25, 27-28; logistics, 14; medical services, 14, 22, 41-42; navy-related record groups relating to, 33-44, 65, 66, 68; and Theodore Roosevelt, 7-18; and the U.S. Navy, 14, 21, 22, 26, 33-45; and women, 65

Spanish navy, 35, 40, 41, 42-43

Spanish troops in Cuba, 9-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 25

Spaulding, Henry, 115, 120

Spears, Brig. Gen. James G., 316-317

Spirochete (Living Newspaper), 92-93

Stanton, Edwin M., 315

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 155

Startt, James D., "American Film Propaganda in Revolutionary Russia," 167-179

State, General Records of the Department of, RG 59, 107

State, U.S. Department of, and the New Deal, 99-107; records used for military intelligence, 197-198; and U.S. propaganda in World War I, 168-169, 170-171

State Sentinel (Indiana), 299

State's rights advocates, 257, 261, 264, 300, 301, 316

Steichen, Edward, 222

Steinberg, Maida, 115

Stephens, Hugh, 51

Stevenson, Adlai, 113, 115

Stone, 2d Lt. George E., photo, 221

Stone, Ron, 49

Story the Soldiers Wouldn't Tell: Sex in the Civil War, The, by Thomas P. Lowry, 319

Stovall, William H., 253

Strachen, P. A., 169

Stuart, Charles E., 100

Stuart, Gilbert, portrait by, 104

Suffrage, 297

Sumner, Brig. Gen. Samuel S., 11-12, 14, 17

Surgeon General's Office, Records of the, RG 112, 72

Suwanee, USS, 25, 26

Symbols, federal government, 55-56, 58

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Tanner, James, 249; portrait, 249

Tarnished Eagles: The Courts-Martial of Fifty Union Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels, by Thomas P. Lowry, 319

Tate, Vernon D., 198-199, 200, 202, 203

"Ten Firkins of Butter and Other 'Traitorous' Aid," by Kellee L. Blake, 289-293

Territorial Volunteer Infantry, First, 65

Texas, 51, 157, 271, 276

Texas, USS, 24, 25, 38; photo, 40

Texas A&M University, 75

Texas City, Texas, 46-51

Texas City Disaster Act, 50

"They Answered the Call: Military Service in the United States Army During World War I, 1917-1919," by Mitchell Yockelson, 228-234

Thompson, Clark, 50

Thomson, Charles, 56

Thurston, Lt. Col. Edward S., 181, 184, 185-186, 190; photo, 184

Tia Juana River, 102

Toomey, Sgt. Maj. Edmond G., 187, 189

Topographical engineers, 258-259, 262, 264

Toral, Gen. Jose, 14

Town promoters, 211

Trahan, Curtis, 46, 51

Trans-Siberian Railway, 171-172, 184, 189, 197

Trask, David F., 44

Treason, 289-292, 295-302, 318

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 56, 60, 262; Section of Fine Arts, 103, 105, 107

Treasury Relief Art Project (TRAP), 103, 105, 107

Treat, Samuel, 290-291; portrait, 291

Triak Research Corporation, 199, 200

Triple-A Plowed Under (Living Newspaper), 88, 89-92, 95

Trotsky, Leon, 184

Truman, Harry S., 113, 116, 205; photo, 230

Twentieth Century-Fox, 205

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Ulibarri, George S., 37

Uncle Sam Immigrant (film), 170-171

Unemployment relief, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107

"Unfinished Lincoln Memorial, The" (Web site), 237

Union army, 156, 157, 248, 269-276, 298, 301, 302, 314-319

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 87, 92-93, 167-177, 181-191

Union Pacific, 212, 214

U.S. Army and African Americans, 65

U.S. Army Corps, Fifth, 9-10, 11, 14

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 56

U.S. Army Signal Corps, 174, 201-202, 220, 222-224

United States Auxiliary Naval Fleet, 43

U.S. Cavalry, Tenth, 10

U.S. Coast Signal Service, 62

U.S. Colored Infantry, Twenty-ninth, 269-276

United States Colored Troops, 74, 157, 270

U.S. Congress, and appropriations for internal improvements, 258-259, 261, 262, 264; in the post-Civil War period, 247-248

U.S. Constitution, 156, 303

U.S. District Courts, 148, 151, 252, 261, 291-292

U.S. Forest Service, 77

U.S. House of Representatives, 261; Committee on Military Affairs, 216; petitions to, 155; Select Committee on Assassinations, 236

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, 153

U.S. Marine Corps, 21-29, 34-35, 36, 41-42, 62, 65, 70, 233-234

U.S. Military Academy, 58

U.S. naval courts of inquiry, regarding Rear-Admiral Schley, 35; regarding the sinking of the USS Maine, 21, 35, 36; reports, 35

U.S. Navy, and African Americans, 65, 269, 270, 279-286; and the Civil War, 279-286; ships, see Ships; and the Spanish-American War, 14, 21, 22, 26, 33-45, 62, 68; and Theodore Roosevelt, 8; and the U.S. Marine Corps, 22

"U.S. Recognition of the State of Israel, The" (Web site), 237

U.S. Senate, petitions to, 155

U.S. Supreme Court, 50, 76-77, 252, 261, 264, 290, 292, 295

United States v. Chicago (1849), 261

U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, First, 7-18, 43, 65, 70-71

U.S. Volunteers, and the Spanish-American War, 7-18, 62, 65, 70-71

Universal's Animated Weekly (newsreels), 174

Urban development, federal funding for, 257-264

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Vallandigham, Clement, 290, 295, 299; portrait, 288

Vance, Cyrus, 158

Variety, 88

Veterans, African American, 307; Civil War, 305-313; disabled, 305-313; elderly, 307

Veterans Affairs, Department of, 229, 231

Veteran's pensions, Civil War, 247-255, 272-273, 285, 306, 307, 311, 312-313, 318-319

Vicksburg, Battle of, 279, 280, 281, 282-284

Virginia, 271, 272, 275, 276

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, 299, 300

Vitaliano, 61

Vladivostok, Siberia, Russia, 171-173, 175-176, 177, 181, 184, 186-187, 189-190, 197

Volunteer soldiers, Civil War, 270, 305-313

Voorhees, Daniel, 298

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Wagon roads, 211-212

Wallace, Henry, 90, 91, 92

Walpole, Hugh, 168

Walt Disney Company, 61

Walter, Clark, portrait of, 98

War & Conflict: Selected Images from the National Archives, 1765-1970, ed. by Jonathan Heller, 224

War Department, 223, 261; and Angel Island, 125-134; and the Civil War, 279, 280; and Congressional Medals of Honor, 7, 15; General Staff, 201; organization, 231; Pictorial Section, 223-224; and Spanish-American War, 7, 8-9, 10, 14, 17; and Theodore Roosevelt, 15-18

War journalism, 167, 220, 223-224

Washington, D.C., designs for, 58

Washington, George, 181-182

Watson, Commodore John C., 43

Watson, Morris, 89

Wayne County Press, 249

Wayne County Record, 248, 249, 250

Webster, Lt. J. D., 262-263, 264

Welles, Gideon, 279, 281

Wentworth, John, 263, 264

"We're More Than the National Archives," by John W. Carlin, 84-85

"Whatever the War, We're Preserving 'Private Ryan's' Records," by John W. Carlin, 244-245

Wheeler, Cornelius, 311, 312

Wheeler, Maj. Gen. "Fighting" Joe, 10, 11, 15; photo, 10

Whig Party, 257, 261, 262, 263

White House Central Files, opened, 158

Widow's pensions, 248, 252, 253, 272-273, 285, 312-313

"William Newby Case and the Legacy of the Civil War, The," by Stuart McConnell, 247-255

Williams, Harold, 168

Wills, Herbert L., 118

Wilson, James, 302

Wilson, Robert, 212

Wilson, Woodrow, 133, 167, 168-169, 170, 177, 184, 228, 233

Wilson B. Keene (ship), 48; photo, 48

Wisconsin, 270, 271, 289, 291, 305-313

Woman suffrage, 151, 156-157

"Woman Suffrage and the 19th Amendment" (Web site), 156-157

Women, farm women, 136, 137-138, 139-141, 143-145; and naturalization, 146-153; petitions to Congress, 155; and the Spanish-American War, 65

Women's Christian Temperance Union, 311

Women's Home Missionary Society, 132

Wood, Alexander T., 57

Wood, Brig. Gen. Leonard, 8-9, 11, 12, 13-14, 15, 16, 17-18; photos, 8, 10

Woodbury, Levi, 261

Woods, Tighe E., 113

Work Projects Administration, Records of the, RG 69, 107

Workers' Laboratory Theatre, 93

Workers' theater groups, 92-93

Workers' Theatre, 93

Works Progress Administration, 87, 105

World War I, and African Americans, 231, 232; exhibit on, 158; military service during, 228-234; photographs of, 220-227; propaganda during, 167-177; records, 164; and Russia, 167-177, 181-191

World War II, 60, 61; and domestic posters, 58; and European archival buildings and holdings, 205; and farmers, 139, 143; and the National Archives, 195-205; and rent control in Chicago, 111, 112, 120

World Wide Web, 75, 76-77, 78, 164-165, 237-238

Wound Chevrons, 231-232

Wright, Gen. George, 125-126

"Writing the Living Newspaper," 93

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Yates, Richard, 270

Yazoo River, 280, 281, 282

Yellow journalism, 8

Yockelson, Mitchell, "'I Am Entitled to the Medal of Honor and I Want It': Theodore Roosevelt and His Quest for Glory," 7-19; "They Answered the Call: Military Service in the United States Army During World War I, 1917-1919," 228-234

Yost, Bartely Y., 102

Young, Brig. Gen. Samuel B. M., 10

Youth's Companion, 252

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