Prologue Magazine

Prologue: 2003 Index

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"20 July 1969," by Bruce I. Bustard, 2-6–9

1930 Census Microfilm Locator, 3-52–53

"1947 Truman Diary Is Discovered, A,", 4-96

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"AAD—A New Tool to Search NARA Databases," by David R. Kepley, 1-50–54

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 2-20

Abram, Stephen, 2-50

Access to Archival Databases (AAD), 1-50–54, 4-31–32

Adams, Ansel, photo by, 2-15

Adams, John, 3-13

Adams, John Quincy, 1-22, 3-24

Admiralty cases, 1-14–24

African Americans, in the Civil War, 1-70–71, 2-44–49, 3-60–61, 4-60–67; employed at the National Archives, 2-34; genealogical research, 2-44–49, 2-68–69, 2-70, 3-32–33; letters to soldiers, 4-60–67; in the navy, 1-70–71

Air Force One, 4-7; photo, 4-6

Air mail service, 4-13, 4-18, 4-22, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27

Aircraft, patents, 4-27; photographs of, 4-21–24; plans, 4-25

Aldrich, Richard J., interview with, 3-54–55

Aldrin, Edwin "Buzz," 2-7–9; photos, 2-7, 2-8

Allen, Marty, 4-80; photo, 4-80

Ambrose, Stephen, 4-43

American Archivist, 2-37

American Association of Museums, 3-59

American Expeditionary Forces, 4-28

American Fund, 1-33–34, 1-37

American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee for, 4-80

American Institute of Public Opinion, 3-9

"American Originals" (exhibit), 1-32, 1-37, 1-70

"American POWs on Japanese Ships Take a Voyage into Hell," by Lee A. Gladwin, 4-30–39

American Revolution, 1-76

American Textile History Museum, 1-72

American Unofficial Collection of World War I Photographs, 4-21

"American West: Publications from the National Archives and Records Administration, The" (pamphlet), 2-71

Amistad (ship), 1-13–24; illus., 1-12–13, 1-14

Amtorg Trading Company, 4-14–15

Anderson, Claudia, photo, 2-41

Anderson, Clinton, 1-9

Anderson, Mary, 2-37

Anderson, Maj. Robert, 2-62, 4-56

Angel Island Immigration Station, CA, 3-40; photo, 3-40

Antislavery movement, 1-14, 1-15, 1-21, 1-22–23

Antonio, 1-14, 1-15, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-23

Apollo 11, 2-6–9

Archetal, 4-85

Archival Research Catalog (ARC), 2-61, 4-23

"Archives Explorer, The," 3-37-39

Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 2-50–52, 3-33

Arisan Maru (ship), 4-32, 4-34, 4-38, 4-39

Armstrong, Neil, 2-7–9; photos, 2-6, 2-8

Army Medical Museum, 2-48

Artworks, conservation of, 1-26–29

Ashlin, Karen, photo, 3-58

Asian Americans, 3-40–45

Astronauts, 2-6–9

Atlantic Company of America, Inc., 1-28, 3-29

Atlas of the Battlefields of Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Vicinity, An, 2-56

Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 2-55–56

Austin, Capt. William P., photo, 1-46

Aviation history, 4-12–18, 4-20–29

"Aviation Records Take Flight at NARA: The First Twenty-Five Years," by Mary C. Ryan, 4-20–29

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Bahoo (Amistad captive), 1-15, 1-17

Baldwin, Roger Sherman, 1-15, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-21–22

Baltimore Sun, 2-32, 2-39

BAND, Inc., 1-29, 3-29

Banks, Gen. Nathaniel, 4-66

Barbé-Marbois, François, 1-33–34

Barber, A. B., 4-17

Barde, Robert, William Greene, and Daniel Nealand, "The EARS Have It: A Web Search Tool for Investigation Case Files from the Chinese Exclusion Era," 3-40–45

Baring, Alexander, 1-33–34, 1-36, 1-37

Baring and Company of London, 1-33–34

Barnes, Roy, 2-66–67; photo, 2-66

Bashore, Harry W., 2-13, 2-17, 2-20–21

Batschelet, Clarence E., 3-51

Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, Virginia, 2-46–48

Bay Foundation, 1-28, 3-29

Beasley, David, 2-66-67; photo, 2-66

Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman Behind the Legend, by John C. Miller, 4-70–71

Bennett, Floyd, 4-26

Bernier, Brenda, photo, 3-18

Beschloss, Michael, 1-74–75, 3-59; photo, 3-59

Beuhler, Dan, 4-47

Bilibid Prison, Manila, 4-31, 4-35, 4-38

Bill of Rights, 3-12–15, 3-17, 3-21, 3-23, 4-50–53

Binder, Martin, 4-34

Bingham, Hiram, 4-17

Binns, John, 3-24, 3-25

Black Family Research Reference Information Paper, 2-70

"Black Men in Navy Blue during the Civil War," by Joseph P. Reidy, 1-70–71

Blanchard, Rufus, 4-42

Blanding, Lt. Jabez, 1-48

Bletchley Park records donated to NARA, 2-69

Blondo, Richard, 1-70; "Historic Murals Conservation at the National Archives Building," 1-26–29; photo, 1-29; "A Top-to-Bottom Renovation for the National Archives Building," 3-26–29

Boidock, John, 1-74

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 1-30, 1-32, 1-33, 4-41–42; port., 1-30

Bontecou, Bvt. Lt. Col. Reed B., 2-48

Boulder Canyon Dam, 2-10-21; photos, 2-10-11, 2-13, 2-15

Boulder City, Nevada, 2-12, 2-18, 2-19, 2-21

Boulder City Evening Journal, 2-21

Bradley, Gen. Omar, 4-77

Brady, Mathew C., 2-71

Brazil Maru (ship), 4-32, 4-35, 4-36–39

Bredhoff, Stacey, 1-70

Bridgeland, John, photo, 4-47

Brown v. Board of Education, 2-72

Bruce, David, 3-58

Buchanan, James, 2-62, 2-63

Buck, Solon J., 2-29, 2-33, 2-35, 2-36, 2-39; photo, 2-34

Budget, Bureau of the, 2-39

Burial records, 1-58, 1-60, 1-61–65

Burlew, E. K., 2-16

Burn, Harry, 3-64

Burns, Ken, 2-75; photo, 2-75

Burnside, Gen. Ambrose, 2-46-47

Bush, George H. W., port., 2-66

Bush, George W., 3-58, 4-44, 4-50–51, 4-84, 4-85; photos, 4-48–49, 4-50; ports., 2-66, 3-58

Bustard, Bruce I., 1-70, 4-58; "20 July 1969," 2-6-9; "A 'Top Secret' Exhibit Previews the National Archives Experience," 3-36–39

Butler, Gen. Benjamin, 4-65–66

Butler, Patrick, 2-75; photo, 2-75

Butler, Stuart L., 2-61

Butterfield, Alexander, 2-40, 2-43; photo, 2-41

By the Shores of Silver Lake, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 4-74

Byrd, Comdr. Richard E., 4-26, 4-29

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Cahlan, A. E., 2-14

California, 2-11–12, 2-13, 2-16

Camp David Accords, 4-10

Camp Sibert, NV, 2-18

Campbell, E. G., 2-37

Campbell Playhouse, The, 3-11

Campbell Soup Company, 3-11

Cannon, James, 2-43; photo, 2-41

Cantor, Eddie, 3-10

Cantril, Hadley, 3-8–9

Capra, Frank, 2-37

Captured documents returned to Russia, 1-71

Card Records of Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, ca. 1879–1903, microfilm publication, 1-62

Care of Records in a National Emergency, The (Bulletin Number 3), 2-31–32, 2-38

Carlin, John W., 1-50, 1-71, 1-75, 2-40, 2-66, 3-58, 3-62–63, 4-51, 4-52–53, 4-80, 4-81; "Cast Your Vote! Public to Choose Most Influential Documents in American History," 3-4–5; "Construction Projects Now Under Way Will Protect Records of the Past . . . and of the Future," 1-4–5; "FDR, His Library, and the National Archives," 4-4–5; photos, 2-41, 3-58, 4-47, 4-48, 4-50, 4-53; "Reopening of Rotunda Launches New Era for National Archives," 2-4–5

Carroll, Thomas, 4-16

Carter, Jimmy, 1-70, 4-10; photo, 4-11

"Cast Your Vote! Public to Choose Most Influential Documents in American History," by John W. Carlin, 3-4–5

Castle, William R., 4-13

Catt, Carrie Chapman, 3-64

"Celebrating the Wright Brothers' First Flight: The International Civil Aeronautics Conference of 1928," by Charles F. Downs II, 4-12–18

Cemeteries, 1-58, 1-61–65

Census, Bureau of the, 3-47–53

Census records, 1920, 3-48; 1930, 3-47–53

Central Intelligence Agency, 3-54, 3-55

Chamberlain, Clarence, 4-24

Charters of Freedom, conservation of, 3-17–23; display of, 1-4, 1-27, 1-74, 1-75, 2-4–5, 2-69, 3-12–15, 3-17–23, 3-27, 3-28–29, 3-62, 4-48–53; monitoring system, 3-19–20

"Chevrolet Chronicles, The," 4-24–25

Chicago Civil War Symposium and Re-Enactment, 3-58

Chicago Historical Society, 3-58

Chinese Exclusion Act, 3-40

Chinese Exclusion investigation case files, 3-40–45

Chrysler Corporation, 4-7

Churchill, Winston, 1-10, 4-76–77; photo, 1-10

Churchville, Lida, 2-50

Cimbala, Paul A., "Lining up to Serve: Wounded and Sick Union Officers Join Veteran Reserve Corps during Civil War, Reconstruction," 1-38-49

Cinque (Sengbe Pieh), 1-13, 1-14, 1-16, 1-18-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-22, 1-23; port., 1-15

Cities, American, photographs of, 2-70

"Citizens Respond to FDR's Fireside Chats," by Mary C. Ryan, 1-66–67

City maps, 2-59–60

Civil Aeronautics Administration, 4-21, 4-26

Civil War, and Abraham Lincoln, 2-62–63; and African Americans, 3-60–61, 4-60–67; headstones for veterans of, 1-61–63; interment of war dead, 1-58–62; letters to black soldiers, 4-66–67; maps, 2-53–61; photographs, 2-70–71; reports made during, 4-56, 4-58; symposium and reenactment, 3-58; and the Veteran Reserve Corps, 1-38–48

Civil War Conservation Corps, 2-44–45, 4-67

Civil War Maps: An Annotated List of Maps and Atlases in the Library of Congress, by Richard W. Stephenson, 2-61

Claiborne, William C. C., 4-42; port., 4-41

Clark, Bud, 1-72

Clark, William, 1-72, 4-43

Claypoole, Richard, 4-7, 4-11

Clifford, Clark, 1-9; photo, 1-9

Climatological Records of the Weather Bureau, 1819–1892, The, microfilm publication, 4-73

Clinton, William, 3-59; photo, 3-59

Clinton Presidential Center, 3-59

Cochran, John J., 2-33

Cold War, 3-54–55

Collins, Michael, 2-7–9; photo, 2-8

Colot, Thora, 2-74; photo, 2-75

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 3-6, 3-8, 3-9

Commerce, U.S. Department of, 4-13, 4-14; Aeronautics Branch, 4-20, 4-26, 4-27

Commission for the Relief of Belgium, 4-11

Commissioners of Claims, 2-70

Committee on Conservation of Cultural Resources, 2-29–30, 2-32, 2-35, 2-38

Committee on Internal Security, 4-81

Communications Act of 1934, 3-8

Communist Party, records returned to Russia, 1-71

Compiled Military Service Records, 3-33, 3-60–61

Compiled Military Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served with the United States Colored Troops: Infantry Organizations, 14th through 19th, microfilm publication, 3-60–61

Confederate forces, maps, 2-54, 2-55, 2-58–59

Connecticut, 1-13–14, 1-22

Connor, R.D.W., 2-30

Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman, and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1941–1945, The, by Michael Beschloss, 1-74–75

Conscription, 2-63

Constitution of the United States, The (mural), 1-27–29; illus., 1-26–27

"Construction Projects Now Under Way Will Protect Records of the Past . . . and of the Future," by John W. Carlin, 1-4–5

Coolidge, Calvin, 4-12, 4-13–14, 4-15–16, 4-24

Cordes, Franck, 2-74; photo, 2-75

Correspondence of the War College Division and Related General Staff Offices, 1903–1919, microfilm publication, 3-60

Covey, James, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20

Cox Enterprises, 1-72

Craig, Capt. Samuel A., 1-47, 1-48

Crawford, F. Stuart, 4-17

Crowe, Frank, 2-14

C-SPAN television, 2-40

Cuba and the Amistad, 1-13, 1-15, 1-17, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-22

Curran, Hugh, photo, 1-6

Curtiss, Glenn, 4-27, 4-29; photo, 4-24

Cutter, Willard, 2-63

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Dakota Territory, 4-68–75

Daniels, John T., 4-25–26

Danish West Indies, 4-82–83

Daschle, Thomas, 4-52; photo, 4-52

Davis, Dwight F., 4-17

Dayton, OH, 4-15

De Cesar, Wayne T., and Susan Page, "Jefferson Buys Louisiana Territory, and the Nation Moves Westward," 1-30–37

De Gaulle, Charles, 4-77

De Smet, SD, 4-68–75

Dean, John, 2-41; photo, 2-43

"'Dear Husband, Please Come Home': Civil War Letters to Black Soldiers," by Budge Weidman, 4-60–67

Death on the Hellships: Prisoners at Sea in the Pacific War, by Gregory Michno, 4-31

Declaration of Independence, 3-4, 3-12–15, 3-17, 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-24–25, 4-50–53

Declaration of Independence, The (mural), 1-27–29; illus., 1-26–27, 1-28

Declassified records, 3-37-39, 3-55, 3-60, 4-81

Defense, U.S. Department of, databases, 1-51

DeLay, Tom, 4-52

Dellinger, J. Howard, 4-26

Descriptions of Census Enumeration Districts, 1830–1950, microfilm publication, 3-48, 3-53

"De Smet, Dakota Territory, Little Town in the National Archives, The," by Constance Potter, 4-68–75

Devine, Michael, 2-67, 4-96

Diebold, Inc., 3-29

Dietrich, Marlene, 2-68; photo, 2-68

Disabled veterans, 1-38–48

"Discover Your Past" (exhibit), 2-68–69

"Discovering America: The World of Lewis and Clark" (exhibit), 1-71–72

Document conservation, 1-32, 1-34–37, 2-4, 3-13, 3-17–23

Documentary History of the Cession of Louisiana to the United States, by Rufus Blanchard, 4-42

Dorsey, Sgt. Decauter, 2-47

Douglass, Frederick, 4-60; photo, 4-60

Dowd, Mary Jane, 2-51

Downs, Charles F., II, "Celebrating the Wright Brothers' First Flight: The International Civil Aeronautics Conference of 1928," 4-12–18

Doyle, William, 2-41

Dryden, Hugh Latimer, 4-26

Duffy, Maura, photo, 1-27

Dunagan, Michael, 2-75; photo, 2-75

Durbin, J. P., 2-17

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 1-4-5, 3-59

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Eales, Anne Bruner, "Fort Archives: The National Archives Goes to War," 2-28–39

Earhart, Amelia, 4-17, 4-20, 4-24

Early Arrivals Records Search (EARS), 3-40–45

"EARS Have It: A Web Search Tool for Investigation Case Files from the Chinese Exclusion Era, The," by Robert Barde, William Greene, and Daniel Nealand, 3-40–45

Eastern National, 1-70

Eidenberg, Eugene, 2-75; photo, 2-75

Eisenhower, David, photo, 2-42

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 3-59, 4-9, 4-76–77, 4-96; photos, 4-9, 4-76, 4-77; presidential tapes, 2-42

Eisenhower, John S. D., General Ike: A Personal Reminiscence, 4-76–77; photos, 4-76, 4-77

Eisenhower Foundation, 1-5, 4-9

Electronic records, 2-50–52

Electronic Records Archives program, 1-50–54

Emancipation Proclamation, 1-70, 1-74, 2-63, 4-60, 4-61

Encyclopedia of Historic Forts, by Robert B. Roberts, 2-58

Engelhart, Lt. Col. E. Carl, 4-36

Engibous, Tom, 1-74

Engineers, U.S. Army Corps of, 2-19–20

"Enhancing Your Family Tree with Civil War Maps," by Trevor K. Plante, 2-53–61

Enigma, documents relating to donated, 2-69

Enoura Maru (ship), 4-32, 4-35, 4-36–39

Enumerated institutions, 3-49

Enumeration District Maps for the Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, microfilm publication, 3-47, 3-48, 3-53

Enumeration districts, 3-47-53

Erickson, H. A., 4-21

Espionage, 3-54–55

Evans, Lt. A. Reginald, 2-25–26

Evans, Luther, 3-14

Evans, Max J., 1-71; photo, 1-71

Evans, Tom, 1-11; photo, 1-6

Everson, Erastus W., 1-38–40, 1-41, 1-44, 1-46, 1-47

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Farmer Boy, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 4-69

"Fathers and Sons: Two Families, Four Presidents" (exhibit), 2-66

Faulkner, Barry, 1-26–27, 2-4, 3-15, 3-29; illus. of works by, 1-26–27, 1-28

Fay, Paul "Red," photo, 2-22

"FDR, His Library, and the National Archives," by John W. Carlin, 4-4–5

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2-14, 2-16, 2-19, 2-20–21

Federal Communications Commission, 3-8, 3-9–11

Federal courts and slavery, 1-13–24

Federal Power Commission, 2-18

Federal Records of World War II, 2-39

Federal Register, 2-39

Fireside chats, citizen response to FDR's, 1-66–67

Firouz, Mozaffar Mirza, Prince of Persia, 4-15

First Army Aeroplane Flight, Fort Myer, Virginia (film), 4-23–24

Floyd, Sgt. Charles, 1-72

Foote, Joanna, photo, 4-47

Ford, Gerald, 2-43, 4-8, 4-80; photos, 2-40, 4-8, 4-80

Ford, Henry, 4-18; photo, 4-14

Ford, John, 2-37

Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 4-81

Forsyth, John, 1-15, 1-20, 1-21

"Fort Archives: The National Archives Goes to War," by Anne Bruner Eales, 2-28–39

Fort Hunt, VA, 2-35–36

Fort Sumter, SC, 4-56

Fortifications maps, 2-58–59

Foster, Stephen, 4-60–61

"Found at the Presidential Libraries: Dr. Seuss, Air Force One, and the San Diego Chicken," by Ellen Fried, 4-6–11

Foundation for the National Archives, 1-4, 1-74–75, 2-5, 2-74–75, 3-62-63, 4-84–85

Fox, Egbert Guy, 2-71

France, and the Louisiana Purchase, 1-30-37, 4-41–43; Treaty of Alliance with, 1-76

Franklin, Benjamin, 1-76; port., 1-76

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 1-4, 4-5

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 1-4, 1-66, 1-75, 4-4–5, 4-7

Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, 2-70

Freedmen's Bureau, 1-40, 1-41, 1-44, 1-46-48, 2-70, 2-73

"Freedom's Journey: A National Archives Fourth of July," 2-66, 2-75

Fried, Ellen, "Found at the Presidential Libraries: Dr. Seuss, Air Force One, and the San Diego Chicken," 4-6–11; "Reports from the Front," 4-54-58; "Secrets of the Cold War: Author Finds Clues among Archives Records," 3-54–55

Frist, William, 4-52

Fry, James B., 1-41; photo, 1-43

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Gaebel, Lt. Col. Frederick A. H., photo, 1-45

Gallatin, Albert, 1-33–34

Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins, 1-18

Gardner, Alexander, 2-71

Gardner, James, 2-71

Gedney, Lt. Thomas, 1-14, 1-15, 1-18, 1-20

Geisel, Theodor Seuss (Dr. Seuss), 4-9–10; illus. by, 4-10

Genealogical Publishing Company, 1-60

Genealogical research, 1-56–65, 2-52, 2-53–61, 2-68–69, 2-70, 3-31–32, 3-41–45, 3-60–61, 4-68–75

General Ike: A Personal Reminiscence, by John S. D. Eisenhower, 4-76–77

General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798–1947, Record Group 80, 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-28–29

General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1947–, Record Group 428, 4-24

George Bush Library, 2-66, 4-9

Georgia, 1-47–48

Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 1-4, 4-80

Gerald R. Ford Museum, 1-4, 4-8, 4-80

Germany, 1-74–75, 4-58

Geselbracht, Raymond H., "Harry Truman, Poker Player," 1-6–11

Giannoulas, Ted, 4-8

Gibbs, Josiah, 1-18

Gibson, James F., 2-71

"Gifts from the World to the White House: Caroline Kennedy's Doll Collection (1961–63)," 4-80–81

Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1-72

Gilpin, Henry, 1-21, 1-22

Gipp, George, 4-8–9

Glackmeyer, Lt. Adolph, 1-41–42

Gladstone, William, "Private Lewis Martin and His Brief War," 2-44–49

Gladwin, Lee A., "American POWs on Japanese Ships Take a Voyage into Hell," 4-30–39

Gorrell's History of the American Expeditionary Forces Air Service, 1917–1919, microfilm publication, 4–28

Gotthardt, Kelly, 4-85

Gould Evans, 2-67

Government Printing Office, 4-81

Grampus, U.S.S., 1-20

Granholm, Jennifer, photo, 4-80

Granoff, A. J., 1-11

Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 2-47

Grants, 2-71

Great Britain, 1-30, 1-32, 1-33, 1-67, 1-76, 3-54–55; and the Amistad case, 1-15

Great Depression, 4-18

Greene, William, "The EARS Have It," 3-40–45

Grover, Wayne, 3-14

Grundy, Felix, 1-15–16

Grunley Construction, Inc., 3-28

Guggenheim, Harry, photo, 4-14

Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives, 2-61

Guide to Civil War Maps in the National Archives, A, 2-54, 2-56–57, 2-60

Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives of the United States, 2-61

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 4-57–58

Gurnea, M. E., 2-16

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Haase, E. R., 4-37

Haig, Alexander, photo, 2-40

Haldeman, H. R., 2-66

Hamburg, Doris, photo, 3-20

Hamer, Philip, 2-35, 2-36

Hansen, Oskar J. W., 2-17

"Hard Times, Come Again No More," by Stephen Foster, 4-60–61

Harold L. Peterson Award, 1-70–71

Harper, S. O., 2-19, 2-20

Harpie Club, 1-7–8

Harris, Collas, 2-29, 2-30, 2-32, 2-33, 2-34, 2-39

Harrison, Lt. Gen. William K., Jr., 2-76

Harry S. Truman Library, 1-5, 1-8, 1-75, 2-67–68, 4-7, 4-96

Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 1-5

"Harry Truman, Poker Player," by Raymond H. Geselbracht, 1-6–11

Hartley, Jeffery, "NARA's Library Offers 'The Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel'," 2-50–52

Hartman-Cox Architects, Inc., 3-28

Harvie, Lewis, 1-34

Haskell Indian Nations University, 4-80

Hastert, Dennis, 4-51; photo, 4-52

Headstone applications, 1-58–65

Headstones, 1-56–65

Healy, G.P.A., illus. of work by, 1-76

Heger, Kenneth W., "NARA's New Research Center Features Ease, Speed, Efficiency," 3-30–34

"Hell ships," 4-30–39

Hemingway, Ernest, 2-68; photo, 2-68

Hemingway, Mary, 2-68

Henderson, Gwendolyn, photo, 3-58

Henderson, Paul, photo, 4-14

Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center, 4-4-5

Herbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman: A Documentary History, ed. by Timothy Walch and Dwight M. Miller, 2-68

Herbert Hoover Library, 2-67–68; exhibits, 4-11, 4-81

Heroes of the Air (film), 4-24

Hersey, John, 2-26

Hewes, Joseph, port., 1-28

Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence, The, by Richard J. Aldrich, 3-54–55

Hill, Marilynn, 3-63; photo, 3-63

"Historic Murals Conservation at the National Archives Building," by Richard Blondo, 1-26–29

Historical Maps of Civil War Battlefields, by Michael Sharpe, 2-61

History Channel, 4-44–45

History of the Louisiana Purchase, by James K. Hosmer, 4-41, 4-42

HK Systems, Inc., 3-29

Holabird, William S., 1-16, 1-18, 1-19, 1-21, 1-22

Hollandsworth, James, The Louisiana Native Guard, 4-65–66

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 2-51–52

Homesteading, 4-68–71

Honolulu, HI, 3-41, 3-43, 3-44

"Honoring Our War Dead—The Evolution of the Government Policy on Headstones for Fallen Soldiers and Sailors," by Mark C. Mollan, 1-56–65

Hoover, Herbert C., 2-12, 2-67–68, 4-11, 4-13; photo, 4-11

Hoover, J. Edgar, 2-16, 2-19, 2-20–21, 2-37

"Hoover & Truman: A Presidential Friendship" (web site), 2-67–68

Hoover Dam, 2-10–21; photos, 2-10–11, 2-13, 2-15

Hope and Company of Amsterdam, 1-33–34, 1-37

Hornet, USS, 2-8–9

Hosmer, James K., 4-41, 4-42

House Select Committee of Inquiry into Operations of the U.S. Air Services, 1924–1925, 4-27

House Select Committee to Investigate Contracts and Expenditures Made by the War Department during the War, 1919–1921, 4-27

H-TEACH, 4-47

Howard, Oliver Otis, 1-46, 1-47, 1-48

Hoyer, Steny, photo, 4-52

Hubbard, Robert D., 2-29

Humphreys, Bvt. Maj. Gen. A. A., 2-57

Hussey, Michael, 1-70

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Ickes, Harold, 2-11, 2-13, 2-17, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20, 2-21

Il Lavoratore, (newspaper)

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 3-40–45

Immigration records, 3-40–45

"'Incited by the Love of Liberty': The Amistad Captives and the Federal Courts," by Bruce A. Ragsdale, 1-12–24

Index to Selected City Streets and Enumeration Districts, 1930 Census, microfilm publication, 3-47, 3-53

Indian Affairs, Bureau of, 4-80

Indianapolis Daily Journal, 1-45

Indianapolis Star, 2-36

Ingalls, Charles Philip, 4-68–69, 4-71; photo, 4-69

Ingalls, Laura, 4-68–75; photo, 4-68

Interior, U.S. Department of the, 2-13, 2-16, 2-18–19, 2-20, 4-80

Internal Revenue Service, records storage, 2-69

International Aeronautical Exhibition, Chicago, 1928, 4-15

International Civil Aeronautics Conference of 1928, 4-12–18

Internet resources, 1-50–54, 2-5, 2-51, 2-52, 2-61, 2-67–68, 3-4–5, 3-40–45, 3-52–53

Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, The, by Hadley Cantril, 3-8–9

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Jacobs, John M., 4-31, 4-35, 4-36, 4-37

Jacobson, Eddie, 1-11

James, Bruce R., 4-81; photo, 3-58

James, Peter, photo, 3-58

James E. Carter Library, 1-70, 1-72, 4-10; exhibit, 4-81

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, photos, 2-42, 2-43

Japan, and prisoners of war, 4-30–39

Japanese War Prisoners Information Bureau, 4-38

Jefferson, Thomas, 3-13, 4-82; and the Louisiana Purchase, 1-30–34, 1-37, 4-41–43, 4-46; port., 1-30

"Jefferson Buys Louisiana Territory, and the Nation Moves Westward," by Wayne T. De Cesar and Susan Page, 1-30–37

Jensen, Ulf Valde, 1-70

Jessee, Randall, 1-11

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Imaging Processing Lab, 3-19

"'Jitterbugs' and 'Crack-pots': Letters to the FCC about the 'War of the Worlds' Broadcast," by Lee Ann Potter, 3-6–11

Jocelyn, Simeon, 1-15

John C. Grimberg Company, Inc., 3-28

John F. Kennedy Foundation, 2-40

John F. Kennedy Library, 1-5, 1-72, 2-68, 3-59, 4-10–11; exhibits, 4-7–8, 4-80–81; Presidential Tapes Conference, 2-40–43; presidential tapes released, 3-58

John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, 2-66–67

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 1-28, 3-29

Johnson, Allen, photo, 3-18

Johnson, Andrew, 1-47–48

Johnson, Lt. Col. Charles F., 1-44–45; photo, 1-44

Johnson, Lady Bird, 4-9–10; photo, 4-10

Johnson, Lyndon B., 1-9, 4-9–10; photo, 2-42; presidential tapes, 2-41, 2-42–43

Judiciary Act of 1789, 1-14–15

Judson, Andrew, 1-13, 1-14–15, 1-16, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19–21, 1-22; port., 1-16

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Kaysen, Carl, 2-41; photo, 2-43

Kehs, David R., 3-53

Kellogg, Frank B., 4-13–14

Kennedy, Caroline, 2-66, 4-80–81

Kennedy, Edward, 3-59

Kennedy, Jacqueline, exhibit featuring, 1-72

Kennedy, John F., 2-22–26, 3-59, 4-7–8, 4-10–11; photos, 2-22, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 4-8, 4-10; presidential tapes, 2-41, 2-42, 3-58

Kentucky, 4-63–64

Kepley, David R., "AAD—A New Tool to Search NARA Databases," 1-50–54

Kiddoo, Joseph B., 1-47

Kill Devil Hills Life-Saving Service, 4-25–26

Kimberly, Maj. Arthur, 2-39

Kissinger, Henry, photo, 2-40

Kitty Hawk, NC, 4-12, 4-16–17, 4-25–26

Knight, Jack, photo, 4-27

Knox, Maj. John J., 1-44, 1-47–48

Koch, Howard, 3-6

Korean People's Army, 2-76

Korean War, 4-56–57, 4-58

"Korean War Armistice Agreement," 2-76

Kurtz, Michael, 3-31

Kutler, Stanley, 2-41

Kuwait, 4-9

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Lafayette Escadrille, 4-28

Lahm, Lt. Frank P., 4-23

Lake Mead, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13–14

Lambert, Bruce, 1-8

Land Management, Bureau of, 4-69

Langley, Samuel, 4-28

Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, 4-16

Lardner, George, 2-43

Las Vegas Evening Review, 2-14

Lauck, Lt. (jg) J. S., 2-8–9

Laussat, Clement, 4-42

Law, Ruth, photo, 4-25

"Lawmaking for a New Nation" (web site), 4-82

League of Nations, 4-15

Leavitt, Joshua, 1-15

Leff, Deborah, 2-43; photos, 2-41, 2-43

Leland, Waldo Gifford, 2-29

Lenexa, Kansas, 4-80

Leonard, Lt. James, 1-34

Lerch, Maj. Gen. Archer L., 4-38

Levine, Charles, 4-24

Levine, Cornelia R., interview with, 1-66–67

Levine, Lawrence W., 1-66–67

Lewis, Meriwether, 1-72, 4-43

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1-32, 1-71–72, 4-43

Lexington, MA, 4-54–56

Library of Congress, 2-38, 2-53, 2-54, 2-61, 3-14; web site, 4-82

Lincoln, Abraham, 1-42, 2-62–63, 2-71, 4-60

Lincoln, Mary Todd, 2-62, 2-63

"Lincoln's Personal Retreat from the Burdens of War," by James Worsham, 2-62–63

Lincoln's Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers' Home, by Matthew Pinsker, 2-62–63

Lindbergh, Charles, 4-17, 4-18, 4-20, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24–25, 4-26; photos, 4-14, 4-25

"Lining up to Serve: Wounded and Sick Union Officers Join Veteran Reserve Corps during Civil War, Reconstruction," by Paul A. Cimbala, 1-38–49

Lion, Henry, 1-72

"List of the Photographs and Photographic Negatives Relating to the War for the Union," 2-71

"Little House" books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 4-68–75

Livingston, Robert, 1-32, 1-33, 1-34; port., 1-33

Long Winter, The, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 4-69–70, 4-73

Lorax, The, by Dr. Seuss, 4-9–10; illus., 4-10

Louis XVI, King of France, 1-76; port., 1-76

Louisiana Native Guard, The, by James Hollandsworth, 4-65–66

Louisiana Purchase Treaty, 1-30–37, 1-71–72

Louisiana Territory, 1-30–37, 1-71–72, 4-40–43

Lowe, Ann, 1-72

Ludlow, Henry, 1-20

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 1-71–72, 2-40, 4-9–10

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MI5, 3-55; MI6, 3-54

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 2-37, 4-35, 4-77, 4-96

MacCracken, William P., 4-13, 4-15, 4-17; photos, 4-13, 4-14

MacNeil, Dixon, 4-17

Maddox, USS, 4-57

Madison, James, 1-33, 3-14

"Magic" (military intelligence), 4-38, 4-39

Maguire, John E., 2-23, 2-24

Maps, aeronautic charts, 4-25; cities, 2-58–60; Civil War, 2-53–61; forts, 2-58–59

Maps in the National Archives, census, 3-47–53; Civil War, 2-53–61; used in World War II, 2-33, 2-37, 2-38

Marshall, Gen. George C., 2-37, 4-76

Martin, Lewis, 2-44–49; photo, 2-45

Massey, Lt. F. J., 1-47

Maynard, Lori, 3-5, 4-45–46; photo, 4-47

McAuliffe, Maj. Gen. Anthony, 2-39; photo, 2-38

McCarran, Patrick, 2-16

McClellan, Gen. George, 2-63

McCluggage, Graeme, 2-61

McDonald, Frances, photo, 3-58

McElfresh, Earl B., 2-54–55, 2-61

McGowan, Sue Gin, 3-62

McGowan, William G., 3-62–63; photo, 3-63

McMahon, Patrick, 2-23, 2-24

McNamara, Robert, 3-58

McNinch, Frank P., 3-8

Meade, Maj. Gen. George, 2-47

Medina, Dennis, 4-9

Meigs, Gen. Montgomery C., 1-56, 1-58, 1-59–60, 1-61; photo, 1-58

Mende people, 1-12-23

Menzies, Stewart, 2-69

Mercury Theatre on the Air, The, 3-6–11

Mexican Punitive Expedition, 4-21, 4-28

Michie, Bvt. Lt. Col. Peter Smith, 2-57

Michigan State University, 4-47

Michler, Bvt. Brig. Gen. Nathaniel, 2-57

Michno, Gregory, 4-31, 4-32

Microfilm publications, 2-52, 2-71, 2-72, 3-32–33; African Americans, 1-73, 2-72, 2-73, 3-32–33, 3-60–61; Alabama, 1-73; Alaska, 1-73; alien arrivals, 1-73; Arkansas, 1-73; aviation, 4-28; Brown v. Board of Education, 2-72, 3-61; Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1-73; California, 1-73; census records, 1-73, 2-73, 3-61, 4-83; Cherokees, 4-83; Chinese firms, 1-73; Civil War, 1-73, 2-72, 3-60-61; crew lists, 1-73; Danish West Indies, 2-72, 4-82–83; Dawes Commission, 4-83; District of Columbia, 2-73, 3-61; enumeration districts, 3-47; foreign service records, 3-33; Freedmen's Bureau, 1-73, 2-72, 2-73, 3-32–33, 3-61, 4-83; General Staff, 3-60; Georgia, 4-83; headstone applications, 1-62; immigration records, 3-33; Korean War, 1-73; marriage records, 1-73; military service records, 3-33; Missouri, 1-73; Native Americans, 4-83; Nazi-looted assets, 2-72; nonpopulation census schedules, 3-61; passenger lists, 1-73, 2-73; population censuses, 3-47; Post Office, 4-74–75; Puerto Rico, 1-73, 2-73, 4-83; seamen's protection certificate applications, 2-73; United States Colored Troops volunteers, 1-73, 2-72, 3-33, 3-60–61; U.S. House of Representatives, 4-82; U.S. Senate, 4-82; U.S. Virgin Islands, 1-73, 3-61, 4-82–83; vessel documents, 1-73; War College, 3-60, 4-83; war crimes trials, 3-61; Weather Bureau, 4-73–74; Work Projects Administration, 1-73

Microfilming of records, 2-38

Middleton, Harry, 2-42–43; photo, 2-43

Milestone documents, 3-4–5, 4-44–47

Military History Publications from the National Archives and Records Administration (brochure), 1-73

Military intelligence, 3-54–55, 3-60

Military personnel, headstones for, 1-58–65; letters to, 4-60–67; reports made by, 4-54–58

Military service records, 2-44, 2-48, 3-33, 3-60–61

Miller, Dwight M., 2-68

Miller, John C., 4-70–71

Mississippi, 1-48

Mississippi River, 1-30, 1-32–33

Missouri, 4-63–64

Mitchell, Brig. Gen. Billy, 4-28; photo, 4-23

Mollan, Mark C., "Honoring Our War Dead—The Evolution of the Government Policy on Headstones for Fallen Soldiers and Sailors," 1-56–65

Monroe, James, 1-32, 1-33; port., 1-33

Montes, Pedro, 1-13, 1-14, 1-18, 1-21, 1-22

Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard, 4-77

Moon landing, 20 July 1969, 2-7–9

Moore, James, 1-60

Moore, Stephanie, 4-58

Morgenthau, Henry, 1-75

Moritz, E. A., 2-19

Morrett, Lt. John J., 4-33–34

Morse, Stephen P., 3-53

Morse, Wayne, 2-67

Mosley, Raymond A., photo, 3-58

Motion pictures, 4-23–25

"Mount Vernon in Miniature" (exhibit), 4-81

Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, 4-81

Mulligan, Tim, 1-71; photo, 1-71

Munch, Emil, 1-42, 1-44

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Nagle, Ed, 4-35

Nam Il, Gen., 2-76

"NARA Conservators Meet the Challenge Every Day," by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, 3-18

"NARA's Library Offers 'The Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel'," by Jeffery Hartley, 2-50–52

"NARA's New Research Center Features Ease, Speed, Efficiency," by Kenneth W. Heger, 3-30–34

National Academy of Sciences, 3-24

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 4-14, 4-16–17, 4-21, 4-26–27, 4-28

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2-8

National Air and Space Museum, 4-25

National Archives and Records Administration, Access to Archival Databases (AAD), 1-50–54, 4-31; Annual Report, 2-72; Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 2-50–52, 3-33; aviation records, 4-20–29; Cartographic section, 2-53–60; Center for Legislative Archives, 4-27, 4-82; committee on protection against the hazards of war (PAHW), 2-34–35, 2-36; conferences, 2-40; construction projects, 1-4–5; Document Conservation Laboratory, 1-32, 3-18; Donated Materials, 4-24–25; education staff, 1-70; events, 1-68–69, 2-64–65, 2-66, 3-56–57; exhibits, 1-4, 1-70, 1-71–72, 2-7–9, 2-66, 2-68–69, 3-13–15, 3-28, 3-29, 3-37-39, 3-59, 4-48–53, 4-54–58; Federal Register division, 2-33; finding aids, 3-33; Learning Center, 1-74, 3-15; microfilm publications, 1-73, 3-60–61, 4-82–83; news and notices, 1-70–72, 2-66–69, 3-58–59, 4-80–81; Office of Regional Records Services, 2-69; Office of the Federal Register, 3-58; plans for protection of records during World War II, 2-29–39; Public Vaults exhibit, 1-4, 2-5; publications, 1-73, 2-70–73, 3-60–61, 4-82–83; Research Center, 3-15, 3-28, 3-30–34; role in World War II, 2-29–39; Special Media Archives Services Division, 2-70; staffing during World War II, 2-33–34, 2-38; Strategic Plan, 1-4, 1-50; Technical Evaluation Panel, 2-66; value of staff, 3-54–55; volunteers, 2-44–45; web site, 1-50–54, 1-75, 2-5, 2-72, 3-15, 4-31, 4-44

National Archives at College Park, 1-4

National Archives Building, Archives Shop, 4-84–85; murals, 1-26–29; photos of, 2-28–29, 2-30, 2-31, 2-32; renovation, 1-4, 1-27–28, 1-74, 1-75, 2-4–5, 2-69, 3-13, 3-15, 3-17, 3-18, 3-26–29, 3-31–-34, 3-62–63; reopening of Rotunda, 4-48–53, 4-84; security measures during World War II, 2-34–35, 2-36–37; uses of in World War II, 2-29–39

National Archives Experience, 1-4, 1-74, 1-75, 2-5, 2-6, 2-75, 3-13, 3-15, 3-25, 3-28, 3-29, 3-37–39, 3-62, 3-63, 4-50, 4-53, 4-54–58, 4-84, 4-85

National Archives Regional Archives System, Central Plains Region, 2-69, 4-80; Great Lakes Region, 2-69, 3-58; Mid Atlantic Region, 2-68–69; new records centers opened, 2-69; Pacific Region (San Francisco), 3-41–45; Southeast Regional Archives, 1-5, 4-26

National Bureau of Standards, 4-26

National Cemeteries, 1-61, 1-64, 1-65; Arlington, 1-58; illus., 1-59; Vicksburg, 1-5

National Council for the Social Studies, 1-70

National Endowment for the Arts, 1-28, 3-29

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1-71, 2-71

National History Day, 3-4–5, 4-44–47

"National Initiative on American History, Civics, and Service," 4-44

National Institute of Standards and Technology, 3-19, 3-23, 3-29

National Park Service, 1-4, 1-28, 1-70, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-38, 3-25, 3-29, 4-4–5

National Portrait Gallery, 1-72

National Security Council, records declassified, 4-81

Native Americans, artifacts, 1-72; records relating to, 4-80

Naughton, Jim, 4-8

Naval Appropriation Act of 1915, 4-27

Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library, Record Group 45, 4-29

Navy, U.S. Department of the, 2-33, 2-37, 2-38

Nealand, Daniel, "The EARS Have It," 3-40–45

Nelson, Christopher, 2-61

New England Spring Flower Show, 1-72

"New Era Begins for the Charters of Freedom, A," by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler and Catherine Nicholson, 3-16–23

New Orleans, LA, 1-30, 1-32–33, 1-34, 4-41-43, 4-65–66

"New World is at Hand, A" (exhibit), 4-53

New York Times, 2-39, 3-7, 4-22–23

Newsweek, 4-44–45

Nicholson, Catherine, "A New Era Begins for the Charters of Freedom," 3-16–23; photo, 3-20; "The Stone Engraving: Icon of the Declaration," 3-24-25

Nicholson, John B., 1-34

Nineteenth Amendment, 3-64

Nitrate films, 2-35-36; photo of storage for, 2-33

Nix, Robert N. C., Sr., 2-68–69

Nixon, Richard M., 2-9, 4-10, 4-81; photos, 2-8, 2-40, 4-10; presidential tapes, 2-40, 2-41, 2-43, 2-66

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, 4-10, 4-81

Nobel Peace Prize, 1-70, 4-10; illus., 1-70, 4-11

Norton, Gale, 4-80

Nourse, Joseph, 1-34

Nowell, Lt. Comdr. E. H., 4-33, 4-34

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Office of Strategic Services, 2-38, 2-51

Ohman, Stan, 4-81

Olin, David, 1-28; photo, 1-29

Olin Conservation, Inc., 1-28, 3-29

Olongapo Naval Station, Philippine Islands, 4-36

Omachi, Henry T., 4-39

Ormsby, Mark, photo, 3-18

Oryoku Maru (ship), 4-31, 4-32, 4-35–36, 4-37, 4-38–39

O'Sullivan, Timothy, 2-71

Our Documents (book), 3-4–5

Our Documents: A National Initiative on American History, Civics, and Service, 3-4–5

"Our Documents at Work in the Nations' Classrooms," by Lee Ann Potter and Daniel Rulli, 4-44–47

Our Documents project, 1-70, 4-44–47, 4-52

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Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 3-40, 3-41

Page, John, 2-13, 2-14, 2-16, 2-17, 2-18, 2-19

Page, Susan, "Jefferson Buys Louisiana Territory, and the Nation Moves Westward," 1-30–37

Pan American Mail Service, 4-22

Parker, Capt. John, 4-54–56

Patton, Maj. Gen. George S., Jr., 2-19, 4-77

Peale, Charles Willson, 1-72

Pelosi, Nancy, 4-52; photo, 4-52

People and the President: America's Conversation with FDR, The, by Lawrence W. and Cornelia R. Levine, 1-66–67

People's Vote, The, project, 4-52

Percoco, James, 4-46–47

Perkins, Elizabeth, 4-84–85

Petersburg, Virginia, 2-46–48

Peterson, Harold L., 1-70

Petitions and the Veterans Reserve Corps, 1-43–45

Pfaff, Christine, "Safeguarding Hoover Dam during World War II," 2-10–21

Philippine Archives Collection, 2-70

Philippine Islands, 4-31, 4-32–39

Phillips, David, 2-61

Photography, aircraft and aviation activities, 4-21–24; American cities, 2-70; Civil War, 2-70–71

Picket, Joel, 3-63; photo, 3-63

Pinsker, Matthew, 2-62–63; photo, 2-62

"Plans of Division: Describing the Enumeration Districts of the 1930 Census," by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, 3-46–53

Plante, Trevor K., 1-70; "Enhancing Your Family Tree with Civil War Maps," 2-53–61

Plotkin, Stephen, "Sixty Years Later, The Story of PT-109 Still Captivates," 2-22–26

Poker, and Harry S. Truman, 1-7–11

Ponder, Dan, Jr., 2-67; photo, 2-67

Pope, John Russell, 3-27, 3-28

Porter, Maura F., "Presidential Tapes Allow 'Eavesdropping on History'," 2-40–43

"Portrait of a Nation" (exhibit), 1-72

Post Office Department Reports of Site Locations, microfilm publication, 4-74–75

Potter, Constance, "De Smet, Dakota Territory, Little Town in the National Archives," 4-68–75

Potter, Lee Ann, 1-20; "'Jitterbugs' and 'Crack-Pots': Letters to the FCC about the 'War of the Worlds' Broadcast," 3-6–11; and Daniel Rulli, "Our Documents at Work in the Nation's Classrooms," 4-44–47

Powers, Dave, 4-7–8

Pratt, Charles, 1-18

Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire, "Plans of Division: Describing the Enumeration Districts of the 1930 Census," 3-46–53

Presidential libraries, 1-75, 4-4–5; exhibits, 1-71–72, 2-66, 2-67–68, 3-59; renovation projects, 1-4–5, 2-67

Presidential portraits, exhibit of, 1-72

"Presidential Tapes Allow 'Eavesdropping on History'," by Maura F. Porter, 2-40–43

Price, Steven, 4-85; photo, 4-85

Prisoner of War Information Bureau, 4-32

Prisoners of war, American, 4-30–39

"Private Lewis Martin and His Brief War," by William Gladstone, 2-44–49

Profile in Courage Award, 2-66–67

Prologue, 1-70–71

Provost Marshal General's Office, 1-41, 1-43, 1-49–4

PT-109, 2-23–26

Public Buildings Administration, 2-35–36

Public Papers of George W. Bush, 3-58

Public Vaults (exhibit), 1-4, 1-74, 1-75, 3-15, 3-25, 3-28, 3-37, 4-53

Publications of the U.S. Government, Record Group 287, 4-27

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Quartermaster General, Office of the, and headstones for soldiers, 1-58–65

Quartermaster General, Records of the Office of the, Record Group 92, 1-61–62, 1-64, 1-65

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Radio broadcasts, 3-6–11

Ragsdale, Bruce A., "'Incited by the Love of Liberty': The Amistad Captives and the Federal Courts," 1-12–24

"Raising the Stars & Stripes over Louisiana Territory," by James Worsham, 4-40-43

Reagan, Ronald, 4-7, 4-8–9; photos, 4-6, 4-9

Reclamation, U.S. Bureau of, 2-12, 2-13–14, 2-16, 2-18–21

Reconstruction and the Veteran Reserve Corps, 1-43–48

Records of the American Battle Monument Commission, Record Group 117, 1-65

Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, 4-27

Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, Record Group 217, 4-28

Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's–1917, Record Group 94, 4-21, 4-28

Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I), Record Group 120, 4-28

Records of the Army Air Forces, Record Group 18, 4-21, 4-28

Records of the Bureau of Aeronautics, Record Group 72, 4-22, 4-25, 4-29

Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Record Group 24, 4-22, 4-24, 4-29

Records of the Bureau of Ships, Record Group 19, 2-60

Records of the Committee on Public Information, Record Group 63, 4-21

Records of the Federal Aviation Administration, Record Group 237, 4-21, 4-25, 4-26

Records of the Federal Communications Commission, Record Group 173, 3-8

Records of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Record Group 255, 4-21, 4-22, 4-26

Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64, 4-24-25

Records of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Record Group 167, 4-26

Records of the Naval District and Shore Establishments, Record Group 181, 4-22

Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Record Group 77, 2-54, 2-56, 2-58, 2-59, 2-60

Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Record Group 38, 4-22, 4-29

Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Record Group 111, 2-71, 4-21-22, 4-23, 4-28

Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army), Record Group 153, 4-28

Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Navy), Record Group 38, 4-29

Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92, 2-58, 2-59

Records of the Patent and Trademark Office, Record Group 241, 4-27

Records of the Post Office Department, Record Group 28, 4-22, 4-25, 4-26

Records of the Smithsonian Institution, Record Group 106, 4-24

Records of the U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations, Record Group 342, 4-21, 4-23

Records of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Record Group 23, 2-60, 4-25

Records of the U.S. Coast Guard, Record Group 26, 4-21

Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Record Group 233, 2-56, 4-27–28

Records of the U.S. Information Agency, Record Group 306, 4-22–23

Records of the U.S. Senate, Record Group 46, 4-27–28

Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, Record Group 165, 2-71, 4-21, 4-28

Records of the Weather Bureau, Record Group 27, 4-26

Red Cross, International Committee of the, 4-32, 4-38, 4-39

Reed, James, photo, 2-22

Rees, James, 4-81

Reeves, Richard, 2-42

Reference Information Papers, 2-70

Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of, 1-40, 1-41, 1-44, 1-46–48, 2-70, 2-73

Rehnquist, William, 4-51; photo, 4-53

Reidy, Joseph P., 1-70–71

"Renewing the Spirit of Independence," 3-12–15

"Reopening of Rotunda Launches New Era for National Archives," by John W. Carlin, 2-4–5

"Reports from the Front," by Ellen Fried, 4-54–58

"Reports from the Front" (exhibit), 4-54–58

Revolutionary War, headstone applications, 1-61–62; reports made during, 4-54–56, 4-58

Rich, Doris, 4-17

Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace, 4-10

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 4-21, 4-28; photo, 4-24

Rickover, Adm. Hyman, 3-58

Rigg, Frank, 4-81

Riggs, George, 2-62

Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn, "NARA Conservators Meet the Challenge Every Day," 3-18; and Catherine Nicholson, "A New Era Begins for the Charters of Freedom," 3-16–23; photo, 3-20

Riva, Maria, 2-68

Robb, Lynda Johnson, 2-41; photo, 2-42

Roberts, Robert B., 2-58

Rogers, Leighton W., 4-14

Ronald Reagan Library, 1-5, 4-7, 4-8–9

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, 1-5

Roosevelt, Eleanor, photo, 4-5

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4-7; fireside chats, 1-66–67; and the National Archives, 2-29, 2-33, 2-35, 2-38, 2-39, 4-4–5; photos, 4-5, 4-8; and postwar Germany, 1-74–75; presidential tapes, 2-41

Roosevelt, Theodore, 4-28

Ross, George "Barney," 2-24–25; photo, 2-22

Ross, Mickie, photo, 4-47

"Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom Reopens at the National Archives, The," 4-48-53

Ruiz, Jose, 1-13, 1-14, 1-18, 1-19, 1-21, 1-22

Rulli, Daniel, "Our Documents at Work in the Nation's Classrooms," 4-44–47

Rush, Col. Richard, 1-42–43

Rush, Richard, 3-24

Russell, Charles, 1-72

Russia, records returned to, 1-71

Rutledge, Edward, port., 1-28

Ryan, Mary C., 1-71; "Aviation Records Take Flight at NARA: The First Twenty-five Years," 4-20–29; "Citizens Respond to FDR's Fireside Chats," 1-66–67

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Sabotage, prevention of at Hoover Dam, 2-11–21

"Safeguarding Hoover Dam during World War II," by Christine Pfaff, 2-10–21

Safly, Liz, 4-96

St. Augustine, Florida, 2-52

San Antonio, Texas, 1-70

San Diego Chicken, 4-8; photo, 4-8

San Francisco, CA, 3-40, 3-41

Sandoval, Will, 4-57–58

Save America's Treasures, 1-28, 3-29

Schamel, Charles E., 1-70

Science Applications International, Inc., 1-51

Scott, Robert N., 2-55

Secchia, Peter, 4-80; photo, 4-80

"Secrets of the Cold War: Author Finds Clues among Archives Records," by Ellen Fried, 3-54–55

Security at Hoover Dam during World War II, 2-12–21

Sedgwick, Theodore, 1-15, 1-17

Select Audiovisual Lists, American city, 2-70; Civil War, 2-70–71

Seuss, Dr., 4-9–10

Sharpe, Michael, 2-61

Shenkler, Marvin, photo, 1-29

Sherr, Ronald N., portrait by, 2-66

Shinyo Maru (ship), 4-32, 4-33–34, 4-38, 4-39

Ship plans, 2-60

Shipman, Fred, 2-39

Sikorsky, Igor, 4-17; photo, 4-12

"Sixty Years Later, The Story of PT-109 Still Captivates," by Stephen Plotkin, 2-22–26

Slave trade, 1-13–24

Slavery, and the federal courts, 1-13–24

Sloyer, Michael, 2-67

Small, Albert H., 1-75

Smith, Marian L., 3-41

Smithsonian Institution, 3-25, 4-17–18

"Smolensk Archives," 1-71

Social Education, 1-70, 3-11

Society for the National Archives, 2-74, 2-75

Society of American Archivists, 2-29, 2-38

Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.C., 2-62–63

Soldiers' Homes, burials at, 1-62, 1-63

Solomon Islands, 2-22–26

Sound recordings, 4-24–25

Spain, and the Amistad, 1-14, 1-15-16, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20–21, 1-22, 1-23; and the Louisiana Territory, 1-30, 1-32–33, 4-41–43

Speidel, Col. John, 1-43

Stanton, Edwin, 1-44, 1-45, 1-49n22, 4-65

Staples, Seth, 1-15, 1-17, 1-19, 1-21

State, U.S. Department of, 1-32, 1-34, 3-33, 3-55; and Apollo 11, 2-8; and the Charters of Freedom, 3-14, 3-24, 3-25; and the International Civil Aeronautics Conference of 1928, 4-12–15, 4-18; and prisoners of war in World War II, 4-38; and sabotage plots during World War II, 2-13, 2-16

Stegny, Peter, 1-71; photo, 1-71

Steichen, Edward, 4-21

Stephens, A. J., 1-8

Stephenson, Richard W., 2-53, 2-61

Stern, Sheldon, photo, 2-41

Stimson, Henry L., 2-16, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20

Stockton, Col. E. A., Jr., 2-18

Stoddard, Capt. Amos, 4-43

Stone, Elizabeth J., 3-25

Stone, William J., 3-14, 3-24–25

Story, Joseph, 1-22–23

Strait, Dennis, 2-67

Sullivan, Michael, photo, 3-58

"Summary of Prisoner of War Ship Sinkings (Far East) 1944," 4-38

Surgeon General's Office, 2-48

Symington, Stuart, 1-9

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Tallyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, 1-32, 1-33

Tappan, Lewis, 1-15, 1-16, 1-18, 1-23; port., 1-17

Tate, Vernon, 2-35-36, 2-38

Taylor, Harold A., 4-21

Taylor, John, 2-51, 3-55

Teacher Sourcebooks, 4-44

"Teaching Our Documents: A Lesson Competition for Educators," 4-45-47

"Teaching With Documents," 1-70, 3-11

Teasley, Martin, 2-42; photo, 2-41

Teichman, Raymond, photo, 2-41

Texas, 1-47

Texas Instruments, 1-74

These Happy Golden Years, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 4-74, 4-75

Thom, Ens. Leonard, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26

Thompson, Smith, 1-16–18, 1-21-22; port., 1-18

Thulstrup, Thure de, painting by, illus., 4-40

"Top Secret" (exhibit), 3-37–39

"'Top Secret' Exhibit Previews the National Archives Experience, A," by Bruce I. Bustard, 3-36–39

Topographical engineers, 2-54, 2-57

"Top-to-Bottom Renovation for the National Archives Building, A," by Richard Blondo, 3-26–29

Toshino, Lt. Junsaburo, Japan, 4-36

Townsend, William H., sketches by, 1-19, 1-20

Toy and Miniature Museum of Kansas City, 4-81

Treasury, Department of the, 1-32, 1-34–35, 1-37

"Treaty of Alliance with France, The," 1-76

Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795), 1-32–33

Trowbridge, Eleanor, 3-63; photo, 3-63

True, Allen T., 2-20

Truman, Bess Wallace, 1-7, 1-9

Truman, Harry S., 1-74–75, 2-4, 2-11, 2-39, 2-67–68, 3-55, 4-7, 4-77; diary found, 4-96; photos, 1-6, 1-9, 1-10, 4-96; as a poker player, 1-6–11

Tubby, Roger, 1-10

Tyler, Benjamin Owen, 3-24, 3-25

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UBS, Inc., 1-28, 3-29

ULTRA (military intelligence), 4-32–33, 4-38, 4-39

Undaunted Courage, by Stephen Ambrose, 4-43

Union Army, and African Americans, 4-60–67; Invalid Corps, 1-39–40; volunteer soldiers, 2-44–49

Union forces, maps, 2-54, 2-55, 2-58–59

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 4-14–15; as target of espionage, 3-55

United Aircraft Corporation, 4-24

United Daughters of the Confederacy, 2-52

United Kingdom, documents presented to NARA, 2-69

United Nations Central Training Film Library, 2-37

United Nations Club, 2-37

United Nations Command, 2-76

U.S. Air Force, intelligence operations, 3-55

U.S. Army, Office of the Adjutant General, 4-32, 4-38, 4-39; Office of the Provost Marshal General, 4-32, 4-38; and protection of Hoover Dam, 2-18, 2-19–20, 2-21

U.S. Army Air Corps, 4-23, 4-25, 4-28

U.S. Army Invalid Corps, 1-39–40, 1-41, 1-42–44, 1-49n4

U.S. circuit courts, and the Amistad, 1-14–15, 1-16-17, 1-21, 1-22–23

U.S. Civil Service Commission, 2-33

United States Colored Troops, 2-45–49, 4-60, 4-67

U.S. Congress, 4-82; and Apollo 11, 2-8

U.S. Constitution, 3-4, 3-12–15, 3-17, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-29, 4-50–53; amendments to, 3-64; ratification of amendments to, 3-64

U.S. District Courts, and the Amistad, 1-13, 1-14–15, 1-17–24

U.S. House of Representatives, 2-16, 4-82

United States Information Agency, 2-8, 2-52

U.S. Navy, and Apollo 11, 2-8–9; aviation, 4-22, 4-24, 4-25, 4-28-29; ship plans, 2-60

U.S. News and World Report, 3-5, 4-52

U.S. Senate, 4-82

U.S. Supreme Court, 1-22–23, 1-67

United States v. Cinque, et al., 1-14

U.S. Virgin Islands, 4-82–83

Universal Newsreels, 4-23, 4-24

University of Arkansas, 3-59

University of California, Berkeley, 3-41–42, 3-44

USA Freedom Corps, 3-4, 4-44

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Vaughan, Harry, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10

Vernon, John, 1-70

Veteran Reserve Corps, 1-38–48

Veterans, African American, 2-48–49; Civil War, 1-38–48, 2-48–49; disabled, 1-38-48; headstones for, 1-61-65

Veterans Administration, Records of the, Record Group 15, 1-64–65

Vietnam War, 4-57-58

Vigeland, Gustav, 1-70; illus. of work by, 1-70

Vinson, Fred, 1-9

Virginia, 1-47

Voting rights, 3-4

Vought, Chance, 4-17

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Wagner, Jim, 4-11

Wainwright, Gen. Jonathan M., 2-39

Walch, Timothy, 2-68

Wallace, Bess, 1-7

Wallgren, Monrad, photo, 1-9

War Department, and African Americans, 2-46; and burial records, 1-58–59, 1-62–63; General Staff, 3-60; and infrastructure security during World War II, 2-13, 2-16, 2-18, 2-20; Office of Chemical Warfare Service, 2-20; and prisoners of war, 4-38; records, 2-33; and the Veteran Reserve Corps, 1-41–42, 1-43, 1-44, 1-45–46, 1-48; and World War II, 2-32, 2-36, 4-38; and the Wright brothers, 4-28

War Department Map Collection, 2-54

War of 1812, headstone applications, 1-61–62

"War of the Worlds" (radio broadcast), 3-6–11

Warren, James, 2-43

Washington, George, 4-81

Washington, U.S. Brig., 1-14–15, 1-19, 1-20; illus., 1-12

Washington Post, 2-18, 2-32, 2-43

Washington Star, 2-33, 2-34, 2-37

Wasson, Lt. W. M., 2-9

Watergate tape, 2-66

We Saw It Happen (film), 4-24

Weather Bureau, 4-73–74

Webb, James, 2-42

Weidman, Budge, "'Dear Husband, Please Come Home': Civil War Letters to Black Soldiers," 4-60–67

Weintraub, Joel D., 3-53

Welles, Orson, 3-6, 3-8, 3-11; photo, 3-8

Wells, H. G., 3-6

Wheeler, Tom, 1-74, 1-75, 3-62; "A New Way to Help," 2-74; photo, 1-74, 2-74

Whiting, William F., 4-16; photo, 4-14

Whitman, Walt, 2-63

Whittlesay, Maj. Charles W., 4-56

Wilbur, Ray, 2-11

Wilder, Almanzo James, 4-69–71

Wilder, Eliza Jane, 4-69, 4-71, 4-73, 4-74

Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 4-68–75; photo, 4-68

Wilkinson, Gen. James, 4-42

Willcox, Norris, 1-15, 1-20

William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, 3-29, 3-62–63

William G. McGowan Theater, 3-15, 3-29, 3-62–63, 4-53

William J. Clinton Foundation, 3-59

William J. Clinton Library, 3-59

William T. Kemper Foundation, 2-68

Williamsburg (yacht), 1-8–9

Wings of the Army (film), 4-23

Winston Flowers, 1-72

Witte Museum, San Antonio, Texas, 1-70

Witty, Anne, photo, 3-18

Woman suffrage, 3-64

Women employed at the National Archives, 2-34, 2-35–36

Woodring, Harry H., 2-13

Woods, Rosemary, 2-66; photo, 2-40

World War I, and aviation, 4-20, 4-21–22, 4-23, 4-24–25, 4-27, 4-28–29; headstones for veterans of, 1-63–64; "Lost Battalion," 4-56; preparation for, 3-60; records used during World War II, 2-37

World War II, attack on Schweinfurt, 4-58; documents relating to donated, 2-69; and Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4-76–77; government records during, 2-39; headstones for veterans, 1-65; and the Hoover Dam, 2-10–21; infrastructure security measures during, 2-10–21; and Japan, 4-30–39; and John F. Kennedy, 2-22–26; National Archives role in, 2-29, 2-33–39; in the Philippines, 2-70, 4-30–39; prisoners of war, 4-30–39; protection of National Archives records during, 2-29–33; and the PT-109, 2-23–26

World Wide Web, 1-50–54, 1-75

Worsham, James, "Ike's Son Reminisces about 'Dad'," 4-76–77; "Lincoln's Personal Retreat from the Burdens of War," 2-62–63; "Raising the Stars & Stripes over Louisiana Territory," 4-40–43

Wright, Orville, 4-12, 4-16, 4-17–18, 4-21, 4-23, 4-25–26, 4-28; photos, 4-12, 4-14, 4-21, 4-22

Wright, Wilbur, 4-12, 4-16, 4-21, 4-25–26, 4-28; photo, 4-21

Wright Air Development Center, 4-21

Wright Brothers Memorial, 4-26

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 4-21

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Yeckley, Lt. J. Arnold, 1-43, 1-47

Young, Col. Clarence, photo, 4-13

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