Prologue Magazine

Prologue: 2005 Index

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"20th-Century Veterans' Service Records: Safe, Secure—and Available," by Norman Eisenberg, 1-52–56

Abani, Chris, Graceland, 2-70

Abcede, Salvador, 3-30, 3-33; photo, 3-29

Abraham Lincoln Institute, 2-75

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 1-36, 1-71, 1-75

Adams, Edgar J., 4-57

African Americans, Boy Scouts, 2-28, 2-30; in the Civil War, 4-22–31; congressmen, 3-63; habeas corpus case records relating to, 3-58–60; housing for, 1-49–50; marriages of, 1-58-65, 4-29–30; and the New Deal, 1-43–46; pension files, 4-22–31; presidential appointees, 4-55, 4-57; training and education for, 1-46, 1-48, 1-49, 1-51; and World War II defense industries, 1-43, 1-46-51

Agnew, Spiro, photo, 3-6

Air Force One, 4-67–68

Alabama, 1-61, 1-64, 2-55, 2-57

Alaska, 4-57

Albaugh, James, photo, 4-71

Alexander, Mrs. Lamar (Honey), 1-74

Alexander, Will, 1-48-49

Al-Jaafari, Ibrahim, 3-67; photo, 3-66

Allen, Gen. Terry, photo, 2-16

Allied Translation and Interpreter Section, 3-31–32, 3-33

American Civil Liberties Union, 4-36–37

American Court Gossip, 1-19

American Expeditionary Force Siberia, 4-33–38

American Historical Association, 1-5

American Jewish Historical Society, 1-71

"American Originals: Eyewitness" (exhibit), 4-70

"American Presidency: Photographic Treasures of the National Archives, The" (exhibit), 1-40

American State Papers, 2-54–61

"Americans in Paris," 2-42–47, 4-71

Ames, Benjamin, 4-54

Ames, C. Delano, 2-30

Amnesty oaths, 1-76

Anderson, Fred, 1-72

Anderson, Harry B., 4-55

Andrews, Lt. Col. Edwin D., 3-29, 3-30, 3-33

Andrews, Julie, 4-6, 4-12

Annals of Congress, 4-58–59

Antonucci, Don, photo, 4-48

Applegate, Lindsay, 1-28

Applegate, Capt. Oliver C., 1-35; photo, 1-24, 1-25

Apprenticeships, 3-56-57

Archivists of the United States, 2-51, 2-68–69, 3-34–35

Arctic explorations, 4-80

Arizona, 2-33, 2-36–37, 2-39

Arkansas, 1-61–62, 1-64, 2-55

Armstrong, George B., 3-15–16; photo, 3-14

Army Pictorial Service, 2-21

Association of American Railroads, 2-27

"At the National Archives, Pursuing Two Great Goals to Improve Service to Our Customers," by Allen Weinstein, 2-4–5

Atlanta Public Library, 3-52

Atomic bomb, 2-19–20, 2-23, 2-76

Australia, 3-27, 3-29, 3-30–31, 3-33

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Baldwin, Roger, 4-36–37; photo, 4-37

Bales, Rebecca, "Winema and the Modoc War: One Woman's Struggle for Peace," 1-24-35; photo, 1-35

Bangs, George S., 3-16; photo, 3-14

Bank robberies, materials relating to, 3-68

Bankruptcies, 2-62

Bankruptcy, case records relating to, 3-57-58

Barlow, John Whitney, 2-38-39, 2-40

Barnett, Dick Lewis, 4-22, 4-23; photo, 4-22

Bartlett, John Russell, 2-36

Batchelder, Cpl. Charles, 4-34

Beaulieu, John, 3-8; photos, 1-37, 3-8

Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T., 3-37, 3-40, 3-45; photo, 3-38

"Becoming American: The Chinese Experience," 3-51

Belgium, 3-62

Bell, Alexander Graham, 2-42

Bellardo, Lewis, photo, 4-48

"Belva Lockwood: Blazing the Trail for Women in Law," by Jill Norgren, 1-14–23

Bennett, Clara, 1-19, 1-21, 1-22–23

Benson, James M., 3-70-71

Benton, Thomas Hart, 2-25

Bill of Rights, copy of, 4-5

"Bill of Rights Memories," by Allen Weinstein, 4-4–5

Bittner, Eric, 3-51

Blackman, Ann, "Wild Rose: Rose O'Neale Greenhow, Civil War Spy," 3-36–47; photo, 3-47

Blair, Montgomery, 3-15

Blanco, Jacobo, 2-38–39, 2-40

Blanton, Deanne, 3-40

Blassingame, John, 1-59

Boeing Company, 3-71, 4-70

Boester, Pfc. Irvin A., 2-22; photo, 2-22

Bohrer, Julius, 4-58

Bolsheviks, 4-33-34

Born Losers: A History of Failure in America, by Scott A. Sandage, 2-62-63

Boundary commissions, 2-34, 2-36, 2-37, 2-38–39

Boundary monuments, 2-33, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36, 2-37–40; illus., 2-36, 2-38–39

Boundary surveys, 2-33–41

Bounty land claims, 2-55, 2-58, 2-60

Boy Scouts of America, 2-25–26, 2-27–31

Boyle, Lt. William Henry, 1-33

Brachfeld, Paul, photo, 3-66

Bradsher, Greg, "The 'Z Plan' Story," 3-22–33; photo, 3-33

Brady, Mathew, photo by, 3-37

Brannin, Carl, 4-36–37

Breyer, Stephen, 4-71

"Bridging the Mississippi: The Railroads and Steamboats Clash at the Rock Island Bridge," by David A. Pfeiffer, 4-67

Brimer, Thomas J., 1-12

British Royal Navy, 2-11, 2-12-13, 3-14

Brokaw, Tom, 3-70, 3-71, 4-68, 4-70; photos, 3-71, 4-70-71

Brooks, Jack, 1-5

Brown, Col. Orlando, 1-64

Brown v. Board of Education, 3-52

Buchanan, William I., 4-50, 4-52, 4-55; photo, 4-50

Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar, Jr., 2-22; photo, 2-21

Bull Run, First battle of, 3-37, 3-39

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1-58–65, 2-73

Burke, Frank, photo, 3-35

Burns, Donald, photo, 1-55

Burns, Ken, 3-51; photo, 4-71

Burt, Pvt. Chester, 4-34

Burt, Cora, 1-11

Burt, Harry B., 1-7–11, 1-12

Burtzloff, Mary, 3-52

Bush, George H. W., 1-38, 1-70, 4-66; photos, 1-38, 2-51

Bush, George W., 1-38, 1-70, 2-48, 2-70; budget proposal, 2-69-70; inaugural parade, 2-74-75; photos, 1-38, 1-39, 2-50, 2-51, 4-67

Bush, Laura, photo, 4-67

Bustard, Bruce, "The Way We Worked," 4-40-45

Butler, Maj. Gen. Benjamin, 4-15, 1-16; photo, 4-16

Butts, Michèle T., "Trading Gray for Blue: Ex-Confederates Hold the Upper Missouri for the Union," 4-14–21; photo, 4-21

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Cahoon, L. Reynolds, photo, 4-48

California, 1-25–35, 2-33, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36, 2-39-40, 2-73

Camp Hoffman, MD, 4-15–16

Campbell, Thomas, photo, 4-48

Canby, Gen. Edward R. S., 1-31, 1-32, 1-33, 1-35; photo, 1-29

Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan, 4-55; photo, 4-54

Carlin, John W., 1-4, 1-38, 1-70, 1-71, 1-74, 1-75, 2-68, 2-74, 3-34; photos, 1-37, 1-38, 1-40, 1-41, 1-71, 3-35

Carter, Jimmy, 1-38, 2-52; photos, 1-38, 2-45, 2-51, 4-68

Carter, Rosalynn, photo, 4-68

Case Management and Reporting System (CMRS), 1-55–56

Cebu Area Command, 3-26–27

Cebu Island, Philippines, 3-25–33

Central Intelligence Agency, records relating to, 2-70

Chapin, Mrs. E. N., 1-19

Chaplin, Charlie, photo, 3-51

Charles Guggenheim Center for the Documentary Film at the National Archives, 1-36, 1-71, 1-75

Cherokee Nation, 1-23

Cheyenne, 4-18, 4-20

Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, 3-15, 3-20

China, 3-62

Chouteau, Charles, 4-19-20

Christy, Howard Chandler, 2-28

Chronicle of Higher Education, 4-4–5

Churchill, Winston Leonard, portrait, 1-68

Citizenship, records relating to, 3-51–52

Citrus Products Company, 1-8–9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12

Ciudad Juárez (Paso), Mexico, 2-34–36, 2-37, 2-40

Civil rights movement, 1-43–51

Civil War, 1-73, 1-76; and African Americans, 4-22–31; amnesty oaths, 1-76; illegal military enlistments, 3-60–61; and marriages of ex-slaves, 1-58, 1-61, 4-29–30; pensions, 4-22–31; spies, 3-37–47; stolen records of the, 3-66–67; and women, 3-37–47

Claims, against the federal government, 2-54, 2-55, 2-60-61; Quartermaster, 2-73

Clarke, Brig, Gen. Bruce C., 2-22

Clarke, Thurston, 4-62

Claypoole, Richard, 3-67

Cleveland, Grover, 4-28

Clinton, Chelsea, 1-38; photo, 1-38

Clinton, William J., 1-38, 2-48, 4-68; photos, 1-38, 1-39, 2-50, 2-51

Cogswell, Theodore L., 4-58

Colorado, 2-33, 4-69

Colorado River, 2-34–36, 2-37, 2-40

Comisión de Límites Mexicana, 2-36

Commission for Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History, 1-71

Commission for the Relief of Belgium, 3-62

Committee on Fair Employment Practices, 1-48–49, 1-50

Conde, General Pedro García, 2-35

Confederacy: A Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America, The, 1-73

Confederate prisoners of war, 4-14–21

Congressional Globe, 4-59

Congressional Information Service, Inc., 4-59

Congressional Record, 4-59

Constitution, USS, 1-66–67; illus. of sail plan for, 1-67

Coolidge, Calvin, 4-55; photo, 4-50

Corridos (ballads), 2-6–9

Corson, John J., 1-49

Cox, J. D., 1-30

Cox-Paul, Lori, "There's a NARA Near You! Exploring the Regional Archives," 3-48-53; photo, 3-53

Cramer, Lawrence, photo, 1-47

Cranch, William, 3-54, 3-56, 3-58, 3-59; photo, 3-55

Crevalle, USS, 3-30–31; photo, 3-30

Criminal case records, 3-56

Crum, William D., 4-55, 4-57

Cuban Missile Crisis, 3-66

Culy, Stuart, 3-53

Curtis, H. P., 1-33

Cushing, Lt. Col. James M., 3-27–29, 3-30–31, 3-33; photo, 3-28

Czech Republic, 3-68

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Daellenbach, Dennis, 1-70

Dague, Samuel W. K., 4-22, 4-23

Darby, Joseph M., 2-70

Dart, Anson, 1-27

Davis, Dwight, 4-37

Davis, Jefferson, 3-40–41, 3-43

Davis, William A., 3-15

De Gaulle, Charles, photo, 2-43

Dear, Michael, "Monuments, Manifest Destiny, and Mexico," 2-33–41

Deeben, John P., "Serving at the Pleasure of the President: The Nomination Papers of the United States Senate, 1789–1946," 4-50–61; photo, 4-61

Defense contractors, 1-46–51

Delaware, 1-62, 1-64, 2-73

Dell Inc., 1-74, 2-74

DePriest, Jessie, 3-63

DePriest, Oscar Stanton, 3-63

D'Estaing, Valéry Giscard, photo, 2-45

Didier, Elaine K., 1-70; photo, 1-70

Dimon, Capt. Benjamin, 4-19–20

Dimon, Col. Charles A. R., 4-16–17, 4-18–20, 4-21

Discovery Communications, Inc., 1-71, 2-74

District of Columbia, courts, 1-17–23; freedmen marriages, 1-62; habeas corpus case records, 3-54–61

Disturnell map, 2-34; illus., 2-32–33

Dix, Maj. Gen. John Adams, 3-38–39, 3-41, 3-44–45, 3-46, 3-47; photo, 3-44

Documentary films, 1-36, 1-71, 1-72, 3-51

Dodd, Edward, 2-27, 2-28

Dodge, Maj. Gen. Grenville, 4-21

Dole, William P., 1-27

Dominguez, Adrienne, 2-68; photos, 2-68, 4-71

Don, David, 4-71

Donovan, Gen. William J., photo, 3-10

Dooley, Channing R., 1-48

Duff, Diana, 3-52

Duff Green, 2-61

Dulles, John Foster, 4-63

DunLany, Jacques, 2-30, 2-31

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 2-51; photo, 2-53

Dyar, Leroy, 1-31, 1-32

Dyer, Jimmy, 3-29, 3-30

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Edison, Thomas, 2-42

Eisenberg, Norman, "20th-Century Veterans' Service Records: Save, Secure—and Available," 1-52–56; photo, 1-56

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 2-42, 2-50, 2-51, 3-8

El Paso, Texas, 2-38–39, 2-40

El Paso Contraband, The, 2-6-9

Electronic Records Archives, 1-70, 1-71, 2-4, 2-69, 4-46-49

Electronic records management, 2-4, 2-69

Ellenwood, Georgia, 3-67

Ellis, Robert, 3-40

Ellis, Robert, "Getting the Message Out: The Poster Boys of World War II," 2-25–31

Elsey, George, 2-49, 2-50

Emory, William Hemsley, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36, 2-37, 2-39, 2-40

Englerth, Glenrose, photo, 3-49

English, Glenn, 1-5

Epperson, Frank W., 1-9, 1-10, 1-11

Equal opportunity, in housing, 1-49–50; in jobs, 1-45-49

Equal Rights Party, 1-14

"ERA: Technology to Aid Archivists and Historian, The," by Clyde Relick, 4-46–49

Erie Railroad, 3-15–16

Evans, Marsha, 4-68

Executive orders, 1-46, 1-48, 1-50

"Exhibit Guide," 1-72

Exhibits, 1-72, 2-42–47, 3-6–10, 4-67–68

"Explorer's Tool: Robert Peary's Theodolite, An," 4-80

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Fairchilds, John, 1-27, 1-31

"'Fast Mail': A History of the U.S. Railway Mail Service, The," by Fred J. Romanski, 3-12–21

Fawcett, Sharon K., 3-67; photo, 3-67

Fawcett-Hoover, Jane, 1-74–75

Federal Bureau of Investigation, files transferred to NARA, 3-67–68

Federal Labor Supply Committee, 1-49

Federal Records Act, 2-50

Fenestra Technologies, 4-46

Fermi, Enrico, photo, 3-51

Fertig, Col. Wendell, 3-29

Finch, Warren L., Jr., 1-70; photo, 1-70

"Finding Ordinary Americans With Extraordinary Stories," by Miriam Kleiman, 3-6–10

"Finding Place for the Negro: Robert C. Weaver and the Groundwork for the Civil Rights Movement," by Walter B. Hill, Jr., 1-42–51

First Four Years, The, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 3-72

"First Ladies: Political Role and Public Image" (exhibit), 4-68

Fitz-Enz, Col. David G., 1-66–67

"Flip Side of the American Dream: A Scholar Looks at Losers," by Ellen Fried, 2-62–63

Florida, 1-63, 1-64–65, 2-55, 2-73

Flowers, Ray, 3-41

Folger, Nancy, photo, 4-71

Folker, Frederick, 1-21

Forbes, Abraham, 2-54, 2-58

Ford, Gerald, R., 1-38, 1-70, 1-76, 2-52; photo, 2-51

"Forgotten First Lady Returns to the Spotlight," by Ellen Fried, 3-62–63

Fort Klamath, Oregon, 1-28, 1-29, 1-33

Fort Rice, Dakota Territory, 4-16–21; illus., 4-17; photo, 4-14–15

Foundation for the National Archives, 1-36, 1-71–72, 1-74–75, 2-4, 2-42, 2-74–75, 3-70–71, 4-69, 4-70–71; Records of Achievement Award, 3-70, 3-71, 4-70–71

Four Freedoms, by Norman Rockwell, 2-25, 2-31

Four Freedoms Medal, 4-68

"Four New Venues Open for National Archives Holdings," 1-36–41

France, 2-42–47; and public land, 2-57

Franklin, Benjamin, 2-42; port., 2-45

Franklin, Shirley, 2-70

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 4-68

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 2-49, 2-50; photo, 2-51

Freedmen's Bureau, 1-58–65, 2-73

Freedmen's Bureau Preservation Project, 1-65

Frémont, John C., 3-47

"Fresh Insights Into an Enduring Speech," by Ellen Fried, 4-62–63

Fretwell, Elkert K., 2-31

Fried, Ellen, "Flip Side of the American Dream: A Scholar Looks at Losers," 2-62–63; "Forgotten First Lady Returns to the Spotlight," 3-62–63; "Fresh Insights Into an Enduring Speech,"4-62–63; "Old Ironsides: Warrior and Survivor," 1-66–67

Frozen Confections, Inc., 1-12

"Frozen Sucker War, The," by Jefferson M. Moak, 1-6–13

Fukudome, Rear Adm. Shigeru, 3-22, 3-24–26, 3-27, 3-28–29, 3-33; photo, 3-25

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Gadsden Purchase, 2-34

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 4-63

Gales & Seaton, 2-55, 2-61

Galpin, Charles E., 4-19, 4-20

Gammon, Samuel, 1-15

Gantuangoko, Pedro, 3-26, 3-27

Gas rationing, 2-30–31

Gearin, Joan, "Movie vs. Reality: The Real Story of the Von Trapp Family," 4-6–12; photo, 4-12

Genealogical research, 1-58–65, 2-54–61, 3-49–53, 3-54–61, 4-22–31, 4-50–61

General Records of the Department of Justice, Record Group 60, 4-60

General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59, 4-60

"General Robert E. Lee's Parole and Citizenship," 1-76

General Services Administration, 1-4–5, 3-34

George Bush Presidential Library, 1-70, 4-66; photos, 2-50, 2-51

Georgia, 1-63, 1-64–65, 2-55

Gerald R. Ford Library, 1-5, 1-70; exhibits, 4-67; photo, 2-51

Germany, and World War I, 2-11–17

Geselbracht, Raymond, and Timothy Walch, "The Presidential Libraries Act After 50 Years," 2-48–53

"Getting the Message Out: The Poster Boys of World War II," by Robert Ellis, 2-25–31

Gila River, 2-34, 2-35, 2-37

Ginsburg, Martin, 4-71

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 2-68; photos, 2-68, 4-71

Girl Scouts of America, 3-62, 3-63

Goncz, Arpad, 4-4

Good Humor Corporation of America, 1-7–13; ads illus., 1-6, 1-9, 1-12

Goodan, Kevin, In the Ghost House Acquainted, 2-70

Gould, Lewis L., 3-62

Government Computer News, 1-71

Graceland, by Chris Abani, 2-70

Grant, Ulysses S., 1-14, 1-29, 1-31, 1-76, 4-14, 4-16; photo, 1-76

Grassroots of America; A Computerized Index to the American State Papers: Land Grants and Claims 1789–1837 with Other Aids to Research, by Phillip W. McMullin, 2-61

Graves, Maj. Gen. William, 4-33, 4-34; photo, 4-35

Gray, Andrew Belcher, 2-35

Great Britain, 1-66–67, 2-57, 2-11–17

Great Depression and Lou Henry Hoover, 3-63

Greenhow, Robert, 3-38, 3-40

Greenhow, Rose O'Neale, 3-37-47; photos, 3-37, 3-40, 3-44

Grover, Wayne, 2-49, 2-50

Guggenheim, Davis, Grace, and Marion, photo, 1-75

Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives, The, 1-73

Guide to the Holdings of the Still Pictures Branch of the National Archives, The, 1-73

Gustafson, Milton, 3-40

Gwin, William, 3-39, 3-41

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Haas, Francis J., photo, 1-47

Habeas corpus case records, 3-54–61

Habeas Corpus Case Records of the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, 1820–1863, microfilm publication, 3-61

Hackerman, Willard, 1-74

Hall, Virginia, 3-10; photo, 3-10

Halle, Germany, 2-17

Hamilton, Lee, 4-68

Hanna, H. R., photo by, 4-40–41

Hardcastle, E. L. F., 2-36

Harner, Howard, 3-66–67

Harrison, Richard C., 2-30–31

Harry S. Truman Library, 2-49–50, 2-51; photo, 2-53

Hatfield, Mark, 1-5

Havel, Vaclav, 3-68; photo, 3-68

Hawley, Alpheus F., 4-19, 4-20

Hayes, Thomas, photo, 3-53

Head, Walter W., 2-27–28

Hemingway, Ernest, 2-42, 2-46, 2-70; photo, 2-47

Hemingway, Patrick, 2-70

Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award, 2-70

Herbert Hoover Library, 2-52, 3-62, 3-72; photo, 2-53

Hill, Walter B., Jr., "Finding Place for the Negro: Robert C. Weaver and the Groundwork for the Civil Rights Movement," 1-42–51; photo, 1-51

Hillman, Sidney, 1-43, 1-46, 1-47, 1-48

Hirsch, Morris, 1-10

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1-67

Hoover, Herbert, 2-51, 2-52, 3-62, 3-72, 4-55; photos, 2-49, 4-50

Hoover, J. Edgar, 3-67–68

Hoover, Lou Henry, 3-62–63; photo, 3-63

Hoover Institution, 2-52

Horn Ice Cream Company, 1-10, 1-11

Horton, Frank, 1-5

Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of, 1-51

Housing discrimination, 1-49–50

Howard, A. E. Dick, 4-4

Howard, Maj. Gen. Oliver Otis, 1-61, 1-62, 1-64

Howard, William H., 2-31

Hubbell, James B., 4-19–20

Humphreys, Joshua, 1-67

Hungary, 4-4

Hunt, Swanee, This Was Not Our War, 2-70

Hunter, Gregory S., 4-48

Huskamp-Peterson, Trudy, photo, 3-35

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Ice cream novelties, 1-7–13

Ice Cream Review, The, 1-8

Ickes, Harold, 1-43, 1-45; photo, 1-44

Illinois, 2-55

Indian Office, 1-27

Indian Territory, 1-33, 1-34

Indiana, 2-55

Infantry divisions, U.S. Army, 2-20–23

Infantry Regiment, 27th, 4-34

Insolvency Act, 3-57, 3-58

Interior, U.S. Department of the, 1-45

International Boundary Commission, 2-39–40

Interracial marriages, 1-63

Iowa, 2-55

Irvin, David, 4-57

Isherwood, Rear Adm. Benjamin F., 4-57–58

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Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, 1-71

James, Rose Harriet, 3-7–8; photo, 3-7

Japan, and the Battle of Okinawa, 2-19–23; and the Philippine Islands, 3-26–33; proposed invasion of, 2-19–23; use of the atomic bomb against, 2-19–23, 2-76; war crimes, records relating to, 2-70; and World War II, 3-32–33

Japanese Combined Fleet, 3-22, 3-24, 3-29, 3-31, 3-32–33

Jara, Gabriel, 2-8; photos, 2-9

Jennings, Pvt. William J., 4-34–35

Jewish cultural materials looted by the Nazis, 2-72–73

Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc., 2-73

Jewish history, 1-71

Jiménez, Francisco, 2-36, 2-37

Jimmy Carter Library, exhibit, 4-68; photo, 2-50

Joe Lowe Corporation, 1-9–10, 1-12, 1-13

John F. Kennedy Library, 1-72, 2-70, 3-66, 4-62; photo, 2-52

John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, 2-70

John Hancock Life Insurance Company, 3-70–71

Johnson, Andrew, 1-61, 1-76

Johnson, Charles, 3-41

Johnson, Jack, 3-51

Johnson, Lyndon B., 1-51; photo, 1-50

Joint Boundary Commission, 2-37

Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area, 3-32

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Kaiser, Caroline, 1-22

Kaiser v. Stickney, 1-15, 1-22

Kane, Francis, 4-37

Karachun, Anton, 4-33-38; photo, 4-32

Karren, Sue, 3-50

Kean, Thomas, 4-68

Kelleher, Col. Gerald C., photo, 2-16

Kelley, Clarence, 3-68

Kelly, James, 1-19, 1-21

Kendall, John E., 3-13

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 2-42; photo, 2-43

Kennedy, John F., 1-51, 1-72, 2-42, 3-66; inaugural speech, 4-62–63

Kentucky, 1-63, 1-64–65, 4-30

Kernan, Maj. Gen. F. J., 4-36

Key, Francis Scott, 3-54

Kintpuash (Captain Jack), 1-27, 1-30, 1-31, 1-32, 1-33; photos, 1-26, 1-29

Kirchess, Karl, 2-16–17

Kissinger, Henry, 2-42

Klamath Reservation, 1-25, 1-27–30, 1-31, 1-32, 1-33-34, 1-35

Kleiman, Miriam, "Finding Ordinary Americans with Extraordinary Stories," 3-6–10; photo, 3-10

Kling, Alfred, 2-12, 2-15, 2-16

Knapp, O. C., 1-29–30, 1-31

Koga, Adm. Mineichi, 3-22, 3-24, 3-26, 3-28, 3-29, 3-30, 3-31, 3-32; photo, 3-23

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La Framboise, Françoise, 4-19

Labor relations and the Railway Mail Service, 3-16–20

Labor unions and racial discrimination, 1-45, 1-46

Lakota Sioux, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19

Land claims, records relating to, 2-55, 2-57, 2-58

Landis, James M., 1-50

Lane, Rose Wilder, 3-72

"Laura Ingalls Wilder Papers at the Hoover Library," 3-72

Lava Beds (California), 1-30–35

Lawrence, Richard W., 3-41

Lawrence F. O'Brien Gallery, 1-40, 1-74, 1-75, 2-42, 4-42

Lawyers, women, 1-14–23

Layton, Capt. Edwin T., 3-32

Leavenworth Prison, Kansas, 2-6, 3-50

Lee, Robert E., 1-76; photo, 1-76

Legal profession, and women, 1-14–23

Lemon, George E., 1-23

Library of Congress, 2-62; American Memory web site, 2-61; exhibits, 1-71; and presidential records, 2-49; web page, 4-59

Lincoln, Abraham, 3-37, 3-38, 3-39, 3-45–46, 3-47, 3-60, 4-14, 4-16; photo, 3-39

Lincoln, Evelyn, 3-66

Lindbergh, Charles, 2-42

"Little House" series of books, 3-72

Livingston, Rebecca, 1-67, 3-41

Lloyd, David, 2-50

Lloyd-LaFollette Act of 1912, 3-19

Lockheed Martin, 4-46, 4-48–49

Lockport (N.Y.) Daily Journal, 1-17, 1-21

Lockwood, Belva A., 1-14–23; photos, 1-15, 1-19

Lockwood, Ezekiel, 1-14, 1-16–18

Loeterman, Ben, 1-72

Loew Movie Company, 1-9, 1-12

Lou Henry Hoover: Activist First Lady by Nancy Beck Young, 3-62–63

Louisiana, 1-63, 1-64–65, 2-55

Lowe, Joe, 1-9–10, 1-11, 1-12

Lugar, Richard, 2-68

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 1-5; photo, 2-51

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M-B Ise Kream Company, 1-8, 1-10, 1-11

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 3-27, 3-29, 3-30, 3-31–32, 3-33; photo, 3-32

MacDonald, Bill, photo, 4-47

Madison, James, 4-4

Making of Herbert Hoover, The, by Rose Wilder Lane, 3-72

Manifest destiny, 2-33

Making, Benjamin Nerry, 1-58–60, 1-64

Maps, creation of U.S.-Mexico boundary maps, 2-34–35

Maria, by Maria Von Trapp, 4-7, 4-8–9

Marine Corps, U.S., 2-20, 2-21, 2-22

Marine Meteorological Journals, 1879–1893, microfilm publications, 2-72

Maritime law, 2-11–12, 2-13, 2-16

Marks, Judy, photo, 4-48

Marriage records, 1-58–65

Marriage Records of the Office of the Commissioner, Washington Headquarters of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1861–1869, microfilm publication, 1-64

Marshall, Gen. George C., 3-31–32

Martin, David, 2-31

Martin, David Stone, poster by, illus., 2-29

Martin, Joseph, 2-50

Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site, 3-52

Maryland, 1-62, 1-64–65

Mashbir, Col. Sidney F., 3-31–32

Massachusetts, 3-53

Mathias, Charles (Mac), 1-5

Maury, Lt. Matthew Fontaine, 2-72

McBride, Roger Lea, 3-72

McCollum, Capt. Arthur, 3-32

McConnochie, R. W., 1-12

McCollough, David, 1-72; photos, 1-41

McGowan, Sue Gin, 1-36, 1-74; photos, 1-41

McKeithan, Kim, 1-67

McKinley, William, 2-39

McNall, Lura, 1-17, 1-18-19, 1-21, 1-22–23

McPhearson, James, 3-39

Meacham, Alfred B., 1-29, 1-30, 1-31, 1-32, 1-34–35; photo, 1-27

Meese, Edwin, 1-5; photo, 1-5

Menarchik, E. Douglas, 1-70

Merchant ships, 2-11-17; meteorological data from, 2-72

Merrick, William M., 3-60

Metler, Lt. Benjamin, 4-34–35

Mexican-American War, 2-33

Mexico, boundary with, 2-33–41

Michigan, 2-55, 2-73, 4-69

Michigan Chronicle, 1-49

Michler, Nathaniel, 2-37

Microfilm publications, 1-64–65, 2-72–73, 4-69; African Americans, 1-64, 2-73, 4-69; alien arrivals, 2-73, 4-69; "Ardelia Hall Collection," 4-69; Austria, 2-73; Boards of Special Inquiry, 2-73; California, 2-73; Central Collecting Points, 4-69; Colorado, 4-69; crew lists, 2-73, 4-69; Delaware, 2-73; District of Columbia, 3-61; Filipino arrivals, 2-73, 4-69; Florida, 2-73; Freedmen's Bureau, 1-64, 2-73, 4-69; habeas corpus case records, 3-61; Hawaii, 2-73, 4-69; Hawaiian arrivals, 2-73; Internal Revenue Service, 4-69; Japanese arrivals, 2-73; Maine, 2-73; marriage records, 1-64; meteorological records, 2-72, 2-73; Michigan, 2-73, 4-69; Mississippi, 2-73; naturalization petitions, 2-73, 4-69; New York, 4-69; North Dakota, 4-69; passenger arrivals, 2-73; population censuses, 2-73; postmasters, 4-60; Quartermaster claims, 2-73; South Carolina, 4-69; Southern Claims Commission, 4-69; Texas, 2-73, 4-69; U.S. Allied Commission for Austria, 2-73; U.S. circuit courts, 3-61; U.S. district courts, 4-69; U.S. Virgin Islands, 4-69; Vermont, 2-73; West Virginia, 4-69; Wisconsin, 4-69; Wyoming, 4-69

Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, 4-67

Military bounty lands, 2-55, 2-58, 2-60

Military enlistments, 3-60-61

Military personnel files, 1-52–56

Military service, records relating to, 2-55, 2-58, 2-60

Military service records, 3-50, 3-70

Miller, Dorie, 2-28, 2-30; port., 2-29

Miller, J. Howard, 2-25

Miller, Page Putnam, 1-5

Mills, Tom, 3-53

Minnesota, 2-55

Minnich, Arthur, 2-50

Mississippi, 1-63, 1-64–65, 2-55, 2-73

Missouri, 1-61–62, 1-64–65, 2-55

Missouri River, 4-17, 4-18-19, 4-20

Mitchell, Kitt, 4-27

Mitscher, Vice Adm. Marc A., 3-32

Moak, Jefferson M., "The Frozen Sucker War," 1-6–13; photo, 1-13

Modern Archives Reader: Basic Readings on Archival Theory and Practice, The, 1-73

Modoc Nation, 1-25–35

Modoc War of 1872–1873, 1-25, 1-30-35

Monroe, James. 4-53–54

"Monuments, Manifest Destiny, and Mexico," by Michael Dear, 2-33–41

Mopelia, Society Islands, 2-15, 2-16

Morgan, John T., 4-50, 4-52; photo, 4-51

Morris, Jeffrey, 1-18

Morrow, Georgia, 3-53, 3-67

Morsell, James S., 3-56–57

Motts, Wayne, 3-67; photo, 3-66

"Movie vs. Reality: The Real Story of the Von Trapp Family," by Joan Gearin, 4-6–12

Moyers, Bill, 3-51

Musashi, 3-22, 3-24, 3-31; photo, 3-24

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Nachtman, Bruce, 3-53

Nailor, Thomas, 3-54, 3-56

"NARA Honors Three Former Archivists," 3-34–35

Narwhal, 3-29–30

National Alliance of Postal Employees, 3-19–20

"National Archives: Democracy Starts Here, The" (film), 1-71–72

National Archives and Records Administration, budget, 1-70–71, 2-69–70; Center for Legislative Archives, 2-58, 4-58, 4-60; "Declaration Days," 3-70–71; document security, 2-5; educational programs, 2-4, 2-69; electronic records, 2-4, 2-69, 4-46–49; exhibits, 1-72, 2-42–47; independence anniversary, 3-34–35; independence from the General Services Administration, 1-4-5; Learning Center, 2-74–75, 4-70; Learning Lab, 1-74; legislation regarding, 1-70; microfilm publications, 1-64–65, 2-72–73, 4-69; news and notices, 1-70–72, 2-68–70, 3-66–68; Office of Presidential Libraries, 3-67; and presidential libraries, 2-48; publications, 1-72–73; records inventories, 1-72–73; records relating to John G. Roberts, Jr., 4-66; reference services, 2-6–9; Research Support Branch, 4-59; Resource Room, 1-74; web site, 2-4–5, 2-69, 4-70

National Archives and Records Administration Efficiency Act of 2004, 1-70

National Archives Building, exhibits, 1-37, 1-40, 2-42, 3-6–10, 3-52–53, 4-42; renovation of, 1-36–37; shop, 3-70–71; visitors to, 2-74–75, 4-66, 4-70

National Archives Experience, 1-36–37, 1-40–41, 1-71–72, 1-74–75, 2-4, 2-74–75, 4-70

National Archives Regional System, 3-48-54, 3-67; Central Plains Region, 2-8, 3-50, 3-52, 3-53; educational programs, 3-52-53; exhibits, 3-52–53; Great Lakes Region, 3-52; Mid Atlantic Region, 3-49, 3-50, 3-52, 3-53; Northeast Region, 3-51, 3-52, 3-53; Pacific Alaska Region, 3-50, 3-51; Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel), 3-53, 3-67; Pacific Region (San Francisco), 3-51, 3-52; Rocky Mountain Region, 3-51; St. Louis regional archives, 3-50; Southeast Region, 3-52, 3-53, 3-67, photo, 3-48–49; Southwest Region, 3-53; volunteer programs, 3-52

National Association of Railway Postal Clerks, 3-19

National Conference of State Liquor Administrators, 2-30

National Constitution Center, 3-52, 4-4

National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History, 1-5

National Council for History Education, 1-72

National Council of Supervisory Railway Mail Officials, 3-19

National Defense Advisory Committee, 1-43, 1-46

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1-70, 2-69

National History Day, 3-53

National Housing Agency, 1-50

National Mail Handlers, 3-19

National Merit Award for Technology Excellence in Government, 1-71

National Personnel Records Center, 1-52–56, 2-23

National Recovery Administration, 1-45

National Smelting Company, 1-49

National Treasure (film), 1-75

National University Law School, 1-14

Native Americans, in the Dakota Territory, 4-17–21; intelligence regarding the activities of, 4-20–21; peace treaty negotiations with, 4-19, 4-21; placed on reservations, 1-25, 1-26, 1-27–29, 1-30–31; trade with, 4-19–20, 4-21; treaty claims, 1-17, 1-21, 1-23; U.S. government policy regarding, 1-25, 1-27–35

Navy Department, 1-72–73

Naylor, Chris, photo, 3-61; "Those Elusive Early Americans: Public Lands and Claims in the American State Papers, 1789–1837," 2-54–61; "'You Have the Body,'" 3-54–61

Nazi-looted cultural materials, 2-72–73

Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, 2-70

Negro Employment and Training Branch, 1-48, 1-49, 1-50

Nelson, Christian, 1-7

Nevins, Allan, 4-63

New Deal, and racial policies, 1-43–46

New York, 2-55, 4-69

New York Central System, 3-13, 3-16

New York Life Foundation, 2-74–75

New Zealand, 2-16–17

Nichols, Louis B., 3-68

Nields, John J., 1-12–13

Nimitz, Adm. Chester, 3-32; photo, 3-32

Nixon, Richard M., 2-48, 2-52

Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, 2-48

Nogales, Arizona, 2-39

Nomination papers, 4-50–61

Norgren, Jill, "Belva Lockwood: Blazing the Trail for Women in Law," 1-14–23; photo, 1-23

North Carolina, 1-63–64, 2-55

North Dakota, 4-69

Nudd, Jean, 3-52

NYU Press, 4-23

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Oaths of allegiance, 4-15, 4-16, 4-20

O'Brien, Lawrence F., III, photos, 1-40

O'Conner, Sandra Day, 4-71

Offenbach Archival Depot, 2-72–73

Office of Defense Housing Coordination, 1-49-50

Office of Indian Affairs, 4-19, 4-20

Office of Military Government, U.S. Zone (Germany), 2-72–73

Office of Production Management, 1-46, 1-47, 1-48, 1-50

Office of War Information, 2-25–31

Official Military Personnel Files, 1-52–56, 3-50

Ohio, 2-55

Ohnisi, Lt. Col. Seiiti, 3-27, 3-28–29

"Okinawa: The Battle, the Bomb, and the Camera," by John S. Reed, 2-19–23

Old Ironsides, Eagle of the Sea, by Col. David G. Fitz-Enz, 1-66–67

"Old Ironsides: Warrior and Survivor," by Ellen Fried, 1-66–67

O'Neil, Robert M., 4-4–5

Operation Forager, 3-32–33

Oregon and the Modocs, 1-25–35

O'Sullivan, Timothy, photo by, 4-41

Otsu incident, 3-27, 3-29, 3-30

Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 2-26–27

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Page, Richard Douglas, 2-13

Paine, John L., 4-28

Parcel Post Act, 3-20

Pardoe, Blaine L., "With the Wind at Their Backs: The Cruise of the SMS Seeadler, 1916–1917," 2-10–17

Paris, France, 2-42–47

Park, Harrison, 3-15–16

Parker, Nigel, photo, 3-49

Pass of Balmaha, 2-12–17

Patents for ice cream bars and popsicles, 1-7–13

Patrichuk, Andy, photo, 4-48

Pattee, Lt. Col. John, 4-19

Peace negotiators, 1-25–35

Peary, Robert E., 4-80

PEN/New England, 2-70

Peña y Peña, Manuel de la, 2-34

Pennsylvania, 2-55

Pennsylvania Central Railroad, 3-15–16

Pennsylvania Railroad, 3-16, 3-20

Pensions, African American, 4-22–31; claims for, 1-22–23; for women, 1-25, 1-35, 4-28–30

Peoples, Michael, photo, 1-52

Perris, California, 3-53, 3-67

Peuser, Rick, 3-41

Pfeiffer, David A., 4-67

Philbin, Stephen, 1-10

Philippine Islands and World War II, 3-22, 3-25, 3-26–33

Philippine Sea, Battle of the, 3-33

Photographs, of the Battle of Okinawa, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20, 2-21, 2-22, 2-23; related to the Offenbach Archival Depot, 2-73; of workers, 4-40–45

Pickens, T. Boone, photo, 4-67

Pierrepont, Edwards, 3-38, 3-39, 3-41, 3-43-–44, 3-45, 3-46, 3-47; photo, 3-44

Pinkerton, Allan, 3-37, 3-40, 3-45; photo, 3-39

Pittsburg State University, 3-53

Plante, Trevor, 3-40, 3-41

Plattsburgh, Battle of, 1-66

Point Lookout Prison, Maryland, 4-15–16

Polk, James K., 2-33, 2-34

Pope, Maj. Gen. John, 4-14, 4-16, 4-19, 4-20–21; photo, 4-20

Popsicle Corporation of the United States, 1-8–13; ads illus., 1-7, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12

Population censuses, 2-73

Post Office, 3-13–21

Post Office Department, 3-16, 3-19–20, 3-21

Posters, 2-25–31

"Presents for a President and First Lady" (exhibit), 1-72

Presidential appointments, 4-50–61

Presidential libraries, 1-38–39, 1-71, 2-48–53, 4-67–68; exhibits, 1-72, 4-67–68

"Presidential Libraries Act After 50 Years, The," by Raymond Geselbracht and Timothy Walch, 2-48-53

Presidential Libraries Act of 1955, 2-48, 2-50–51, 2-52, 2-53

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974, 2-52

Presidential records, management of, 2-48–53

Presidential Records Act of 1978, 2-52

Price, Louis, 1-9–10

Prisoners of war, Japanese in World War II, 3-27

Prohibition, 4-55

Public lands, records relating to, 2-55, 2-57

Public Vaults, 1-37, 1-74, 1-75, 3-6–10, 3-52–53, 4-69

Public Vaults Unlocked, The, 4-69

Public Works Administration, 1-45–46

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Racial discrimination, in employment, 1-43–48, 1-50; in housing, 1-46, 1-49–50; and the Post Office Department, 3-19-20; in training and education, 1-46, 1-48

Railway Mail Association, 3-19

Railway Mail Postal Service, 3-13–21

Ramírez, Ricardo, 2-36

Ratliff, Bill, 2-70

Reagan, Nancy, photo, 4-67

Reagan, Ronald, 1-4, 1-5, 3-34; photo, 2-51

"Real Deadwood, The" (exhibit), 3-52

Rebert, Paula, 2-34, 2-37

"Reclaiming the Legacy: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in U.S. History." 3-52

Reconstruction, 1-58-65

Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832–September 30, 1971, microfilm publication, 4-60

Record of Appointment of Postmasters, October 1789–1832, microfilm publication, 4-60

Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Offenbach Archival Depot, 1946–1951, microfilm publication, 2-72–73

Records management, 4-46–49

Records of Achievement Award, 3-70, 3-71

Records of the District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, 3-61

Records of the Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library, Record Group 45, inventory to, 1-72–73

Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Record Group 48, 4-59

Records of the Post Office Department, Record Group 28, 4-60

Records of the United States Senate, Record Group 46, 4-60

Reed, John S., "Okinawa: The Battle, the Bomb, and the Camera," 2-19–23

Register of Debates, 4-59

Regosin, Elizabeth, "Voices of Emancipation: Union Pension Files Giving Voice to Former Slaves," 4-22–31; photo, 4-31

Relick, Clyde, "The ERA: Technology to Aid Archivists and Historians," 4-46–49; photo, 4-49

"Research Notes from the Field: The National Archives' Celestial Volunteer," by Timothy Rives, 2-6–9

Revolutionary War, veterans' claims, 2-58, 2-60–61

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, microfilm publication, 2-61

Revueltas, Gen. Ignacio, 2-37

Rhode Island, 2-55

Rich, Lt. Wilson, 4-34

Richard M. Nixon Library, 1-71, 2-48

Riddle, Albert G., 1-14–15; photo, 1-17

Riddle, Frank, 1-26, 1-27, 1-30, 1-31, 1-32, 1-33–35; photo, 1-24

Riddle, Jeff, 1-34, 1-35; photo, 1-34

Riddle, Winema, 1-25–35; photos, 1-24, 1-25, 1-29, 1-34

Rio Grande, 2-34–35, 2-36, 2-40

Rives, Timothy, 3-50, 3-51; "Research Notes from the Field: The National Archives' Celestial Volunteer," 2-6–9

Robert Severi Photography, 3-34

Roberts, Cokie, 1-75

Roberts, John G., Jr., 4-66

Robertson, James, 3-66

Robinson, Fred, photo, 4-47

Rockwell, Norman, 2-25, 2-31

Rogers, Rick, 4-46

Roller, Clara Burt, 1-12

Romanski, Fred, "The 'Fast Mail': A History of the U.S. Railway Mail Service," 3-12–21; photo, 3-21

Ronald Reagan Library, 4-66; Air Force One Pavilion, 4-67–68; photos, 2-52, 4-67

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1-49, 1-50, 3-62; photo, 2-44

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1-4, 3-9; and the New Deal, 1-42; photos, 2-49; and presidential libraries, 2-48, 2-49, 2-53; and public information campaigns, 2-25–26, 2-27–28, 2-30; and World War II defense industry, 1-46, 1-48

Roosevelt, Theodore, 3-19, 4-50, 4-52, 4-55; exhibit on, 4-67; photo, 4-50

Rosecrans, Brig. Gen. William Starke, 3-39

Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius, 3-51

Russia, in World War I, 4-33

Russian Revolution, 4-33

Ryan, Fred, Jr., photo, 4-67

Ryukyus Islands, 2-19–23

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Sailing ships, 1-66-67

Saint Laurence, 2-6-9; illus., 2-7

Salazar y Larreguí, José, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36, 2-37, 2-39, 2-40

San Diego, California, 2-34, 2-35, 2-36, 2-37-38, 2-40

Sandage, Scott A., Born Losers: A History of Failure in America, 2-62–63; photo, 2-62

Sante Fe Railroad, 3-17

Scalia, Antonin, 4-71

Schofield, Brig. Gen. John M., 4-57; photo, 4-56

Schonchin, Modoc chief, 1-28, 1-33

Scientific instruments, 4-80

Scurvy, 4-17, 4-21

Sea Devil by Lowell Thomas, 2-17

Seagrams, 2-30

"Sealing the Sacred Bonds of Holy Matrimony: Freedman's Bureau Marriage Records," by Reginald Washington, 1-58–65

"Secrecy and Salesmanship in the Struggle for NARA's Independence," by Robert M. Warner, 1-4–5

Seeadler, SMS, 2-11–17

"Serving at the Pleasure of the President: The Nomination Papers of the United States Senate, 1789–1946," by John P. Deeben, 4-50–61

Seward, William H., 1-76

Shaffer, Donald R., and Elizabeth Regosin, "Voices of Emancipation: Union Pension Files Giving Voice to Former Slaves," 4-22–31; photo, 4-31

Shah, Ariya, Gaurang, and Bijal, photo, 4-66

Shahn, Ben, 2-25

Sheldon, Lt. J. S., 3-46

Shore, Dinah, television show, 4-6, 4-12

Simon, Leslie, 3-49

Sims, Clifford, 3-6

Sims, Gina, 3-6–7; photos, 3-6, 3-7

Sioux, 4-14–15, 4-17–21

Sís, Peter, illus. by, 1-68

Slaves, marriage of, 1-58–65, 4-29–30; names of, 4-23–24; narratives, 4-23, 4-25–31

Sloane, Louise, 2-26

Smith, Joseph L., 4-53–54

Smith, Comdr. X. M., 3-31

Snell, Russ, 3-29, 3-30

Snell, William B., 1-17

Society for American Archivists, 1-71

Society for the National Archives, 1-74, 1-75, 2-75, 3-71

Society Islands, 2-15

Sontag, Susan, 2-22

Sorenson, Theodore, 4-62–63

Sound of Music, The, 4-6–12

Sounding the Trumpet: The Making of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, by Richard J. Tofel, 4-62–63

Souter, David H., 2-68

South Carolina, 1-63, 1-64–65, 2-55, 4-69

Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, 3-53

Southern Pacific Railroad, 3-20

Southwest Pacific Area, 3-27, 3-28, 3-29, 3-30–31, 3-32, 3-33

Sowers, The, by Thomas Hart Benton, 2-25

Spain, and public land, 2-57

Special List No. 20: Papers of the United States Senate Relating to Presidential Nominations, 1789–1901, 4-59

Speer, Tibbett, 3-70

Spies, Civil War, 3-37–47

Spruance, Adm. Raymond A., 3-32–33

Stanford University, 2-52

Stange, Eric, 1-72

State, U.S. Department of, 1-76

Steele, Elisha, 1-27, 1-31

Sternberg, Sy, 2-75

Stevens, George, 1-36, 1-75; photo, 1-74

Stevenson, Adlai, 4-63

Stimson, Henry, 2-76

Stockbridge, Lebbens, 1-22

"Story of a Turncoat, The," by Robert L. Willett, 4-32–38

Story of the Trapp Family Singers, The, by Maria Von Trapp, 4-6, 4-10, 4-12

Straus, Nathan, 1-43; photo, 1-44

Strong, William, 1-22

Sully, Gen. Alfred, 4-15, 4-16–18, 4-19–21; photo, 4-18

Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, 1-18, 1-22, 3-61

Sutherland, Lt. Gen. Richard, 3-29–30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33

Symons, Lt. Thomas W., 2-37–38

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Taft, William Howard, 3-19

Taylor, Cherokee James, 1-21

Taylor, Henry, 4-27–28

Taylor, Mary Jane, 4-28–31

Taylor, Samuel, 4-28, 4-29–30

Teacher education, 3-53, 4-70

"Teaching American History," grants, 3-53

"Teddy Roosevelt: A Singular Life" (exhibit), 4-67

Temple, Riley K., 1-74, 1-75

Tennessee, 1-63, 1-64–65, 2-55

Texas, 1-64, 1-65, 2-33, 2-70, 2-73, 4-69

Theodolites, 4-80

"There's a NARA Near You! Exploring the Regional Archives," by Lori Cox-Paul, 3-48–53

Thibodeau, Kenneth, 4-48

Thomas, Eleazar, 1-31, 1-32

Thomas, Lowell, 2-17

"Those Elusive Early Americans: Public Lands and Claims in the American State Papers, 1789–1837," by Chris Naylor, 2-54–61

Tofel, Richard J., Sounding the Trumpet: The Making of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, 4-62–63

Tokyo Rose, materials relating to accessioned, 3-68

Tolson, Clyde, 3-68

Townsend, Gina Sims, 3-6; photos, 1-37, 3-6, 3-7

Toyoda, Adm. Soemu, 3-30, 3-32

"Trading Gray for Blue: Ex-Confederates Hold the Upper Missouri for the Union," by Michèle T. Butts, 4-14–21

Trapp Family Lodge, 4-10, 4-12

Trapp Family Singers, 4-6–12

Treason, 3-37–47

Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 2-31, 2-60

Treaty of 1853 (Gadsden Purchase), 2-34–36, 2-39

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 2-33–34, 2-37

Trist, Nicholas, 2-34

Truman, Harry S., 1-4, 2-19, 2-31, 2-42, 2-68; and the decision to use the atomic bomb, 2-19–20, 2-23, 2-76; photo, 2-49; and presidential libraries, 2-49-50, 2-51

Tsutsui, Bill, 1-72

Two Bears, Chief, 4-18; photo, 4-19

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Union: A Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War, The, 1-73

Union Army, 4-14–21; and African Americans, 4-22-31; Department of the Northwest, 4-14, 4-16; and regularization of marriages of ex-slaves, 1-61

Union Pacific Railroad, 3-20

U.S. Air Force, military personnel records, 1-53, 1-54

U.S. Allied Commission for Austria, 2-73

U.S. Army, military service records, 1-53, 1-54

U.S. Army Pacific Theater Replacement Training Command, 2-22–23

U.S. Army Signal Corps, 2-19, 2-21–23

U.S. circuit courts, and the frozen sucker war, 1-13; habeas corpus case records, 3-54–61

U.S. Civil Service, 3-16, 3-18

U.S. Coast Guard, military personnel records, 1-53

U.S. Colored Infantry, 47th, 4-25; 77th, 4-22–23, 4-24–25; 128th, 4-27

U.S. Colored Troops, 1-59, 1-63

U.S. Commission Relating to State Prisoners, 3-38, 3-41, 3-43–47

U.S. Congress, and habeas corpus laws, 3-54, 3-56; and mail service, 3-13–14, 3-16, 3-19, 3-20; and NARA independence, 1-5; and presidential libraries, 2-49, 2-50, 2-52; printing of records of, 2-54–55; and right of women lawyers to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, 1-14–15; and settlement of claims, 2-54, 2-58, 2-60–61; and veterans, 2-58, 2-60–61

U.S. Congressional Hearings Index, 1833–1969, 4-59

United States Congressional Serial Set, 2-55

U.S. Constitution, 4-4–5, 4-71; Article I, 3-54; Article II, 4-52

U.S. Department of Education, 3-53

U.S. Department of Justice, 3-66

U.S. district courts, and the frozen sucker war, 1-8–9, 1-10–11, 1-12–13

U.S. Employment Service, 1-49

U.S. Federal Penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington, 4-36–37

U.S. Fifth Fleet, 3-32

U.S. House of Representatives, Appropriations Committee, 2-70; Committee on Private Land Claims, 2-58; records of the, 2-55

U.S. Housing Authority, 1-49–50

U.S. Marine Corps, military personnel records, 1-53, 1-55

U.S. Navy, 1-66-67; Hydrographic Office, 2-72; military personnel records, 1-53, 1-55; records, 1-72–73

U.S. Office of Education, 1-46

U.S. Pacific Fleet, 3-24, 3-32

U.S. Patent Office, 1-10

U.S. Pension Bureau, 4-22–23, 4-24–31

U.S. presidency, candidates for, 1-15–16

U.S. Railway Mail Service, 3-12–21

U.S. Senate, Appropriations Committee, 2-70; Executive Journal, 2-53; nomination papers, 4-50–61; records of the, 2-55

U.S. Seventh Fleet, 3-27, 3-32

U.S. Supreme Court, appointments to, 4-55, 4-66; and presidential papers, 2-53; women at the bar of, 1-14–15, 1-22, 1-23

U.S. Volunteer Infantry Regiment, First, 4-14–21

Universal Peace Union, 1-23

University of Florida at Gainesville, 1-64–65

Upper Missouri Outfit, 4-19

Upton, Capt. William, 4-19–20

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Van Buren, Martin, 4-54

Vermont, 2-55, 2-73, 4-69

Veterans, African American, 4-22–31; land claims, 2-58, 2-60–61; pensions, 2-60–61; records relating to, 1-52-56

Virginia, 1-62, 1-64–65, 2-55

"Voices of the Emancipation: Union Pension Files Giving a Voice to Former Slaves," by Donald R. Shaffer and Elizabeth Regosin, 4-22–31

Von Luckner, Count Felix, 2-12–17; photos, 2-10, 2-16

Von Trapp family, 4-6–12

Voorhees, Alan, 1-74

Voting Rights Act, 3-52

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Waite, Morrison R., photo, 1-20

Walch, Timothy, "The Presidential Libraries Act After 50 Years," 2-48–53

Walker, Lt. Comdr. Frances David, Jr., 3-30–31

Walpole, Horace, 2-9

Wamer, Opay, 3-26

War crimes, records relating to, 2-70

War Department, 4-14, 4-21; and Anton Karachun, 4-36, 4-37; and the Freedmen's Bureau, 1-58; Revolutionary War records, 2-60–61

War Manpower Commission, 1-48, 1-50

War of 1812, 1-66–67; veterans' claims, 2-58

Ward, Geoffrey, 3-51

Warner, Robert M., 3-34; Diary of a Dream: A History of the National Archives Independence Movement, 1980–1985, 1-4; photos, 1-4, 1-5, 3-34, 3-35; "Secrecy and Salesmanship in the Struggle for NARA's Independence," 1-4–5

Washington, Charles, 4-25–26

Washington, George, 1-66

Washington, Reginald, "Sealing the Sacred Bonds of Holy Matrimony: Freedmen's Bureau Marriage Records," 1-58–65

Washington, D.C., practice of law in, 1-16–23; revitalization of, 1-74

Washington Evening Star, 1-17–18, 1-22

Washington Post, 1-5

Wasner, Franz, 4-7, 4-10

Watanabe, Takeshi, 3-31

"Way We Worked, The," by Bruce Bustard, 4-40-45

"Way We Worked, The" (exhibit), 4-42

Weaver, Robert C., 1-42–51; photos, 1-42, 1-44, 1-47, 1-49, 1-50, 1-51

Weed, John, photo, 1-52

Weidermann, A., photo, 2-16

Weil, L. J., 3-8–10; photo, 3-9

Weinstein, Allen, 1-4, 2-68–69, 2-74, 3-34, 3-53, 3-66–67, 3-68, 4-66; "At the National Archives, Pursuing Two Great Goals to Improve Service to Our Customers," 2-4–5; "Bill of Rights Memories," 4-4–5; installed as ninth Archivist of the United States, 2-68–69, 2-74; photos, 2-4, 2-68, 2-69, 3-34, 3-35, 3-66, 3-68, 4-48, 4-66, 4-71; "Where Have You Gone, James Madison?", 3-4–5

Weissmuller, Johny, 3-52

Weller, John B., 2-35

West, Cornel, 4-68

West, James E., 2-27–28

West Virginia, 1-62, 1-64–65, 4-69

Western Outlook (San Francisco), 4-55

Wheat, Carl, 2-34, 2-37

Wheeler, Thomas, 1-74, 2-74–75, 3-71; photos, 1-40, 1-41, 1-74, 2-74, 3-70, 4-70

Whipple, Lt. Amiel Weeks, 2-35

White, Robert L., 3-66

White, Sarah Ann Benton, 1-58–60, 1-64

White, Walter, 1-49

Whitman, Walt, 2-22

Whitney, Col. Courtney, 3-27, 3-29, 3-30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33

"Wild Rose: Rose O'Neale Greenhow, Civil War Spy," by Ann Blackman, 3-36–47

Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 3-72; photo, 3-72

Willett, Robert L., "The Story of a Turncoat," 4-32–38; photo, 4-38

William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, 1-36

William G. McGowan Theater, 1-36, 1-71–72, 1-74, 1-75

William J. Clinton Library, 1-38–39, 2-48; photo, 2-50

Willoughby, Brig. Gen. Charles A., 3-29–30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33

Wilson, Don W., 3-34; photos, 3-35

Wilson, Henry, 3-40

Wilson, Woodrow, 4-33, 4-36

Wiltsey, Tom, 3-51

"Winema and the Modoc War: One Woman's Struggle for Peace," by Rebecca Bales, 1-24–35

Winship, Laurence L., 2-70

Wisconsin, 2-55, 4-69

Wise, Stephen R., 3-41

"With the Wind at Their Backs: The Cruise of the SMS Seeadler, 1916–1917," by Blaine L. Pardoe, 2-10–17

Woman suffrage, 1-15-16, 1-23

Women, in the legal profession, 1-14–23; spies, 3-37–47

Wood, Tabitha, photo, 1-56

Woods, Mike L., 1-22

Woodward, Brig. Gen. William R., photo, 2-16

Workers, photos of, 4-40-45

Works Progress Administration, slave narratives, 4-23

World War I, and Belgium, 3-62; ship seizures, 2-11–17

World War II, and African Americans, 1-43–44, 1-46; and the Battle of Okinawa, 2-19–23; casualties, 2-19–21, 2-22–23; and Japan, 3-22–33; naval battles, 3-22, 3-24; Official Military Personnel Files, 1-52–56; U.S. government posters, 2-25–31; and U.S. use of the atomic bomb, 2-19–20, 2-23, 2-76; war crimes, records relating to, 2-70; "Z Plan," 3-22–33

Wright, Ben, 1-27

Wyoming, 4-69

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Yamamoto, Comdr. Yuji, 3-27, 3-28

Yanktonai Sioux, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19, 4-21

Yellowstone, 4-19–20

"'You Have the Body,'" by Chris Naylor, 3-54–61

Young, Nancy Beck, Lou Henry Hoover: Activist First Lady, 3-62–63

Young Founders Society, 4-71

Yushchenko, Viktor, 2-70

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"'Z Plan' Story, The," by Greg Bradsher, 3-22–33

Zevely, A. N., 3-15

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