Prologue Magazine

Index to Prologue, Volume 41: 2009

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9/11 Commission, 3-47; records opened, 1-66, 2-25

Acheson, Dean, 1-38

Ackerman, Kenneth D., 3-33–34

Acushnet, ship, 3-72

Adams, Abigail, 2-49

Adams, John, 2-49

Addams, Jane, 3-60

Adjutant General's Office, 2-53, 2-58, 2-59, 3-50–51, 3-56

"Adventures With Grandpa Truman", by Clifton Truman Daniel, 1-36–41

Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress , 3-47

African Americans, 3-70, 4-65; and slavery, 1-6–7; and surgeons in the Union Army, 3-22–25

Aitken, Robert, 3-36, 3-38; photographs of works by, 3-37, 3-38

Alaska, photos of, 4-38–43

"Alaskan Frontier in Panorama, The", by Richard E. Schneider, 4-38–43

Alfredson, Pat, 3-4

Alien enemies, 2-26–33

Alldredge, Everett O., 4-26

"Ambitious Agenda at the National Archives, An", by David S. Ferriero, 4-2

Ambrose, Stephen, 2-43

American Archivist, The, 4-28, 4-29–30

American Expeditionary Forces, 2-69, 4-72

American Historical Association, 2-12, 2-48

"American Originals," exhibit, 2-24

American Society of Magazine Photographers, 1-43, 1-45

American State Papers, 1-55

Americans for Indian Opportunity, 3-67

Ames, John, 1-58

Anderson, Claudia, 3-26, 3-33; photo, 3-30

Anderson, Edgar Leo, 3-26, 3-31

Angel, Herbert E., 4-26

Angel Island Immigration Station, 2-26–33; photo, 2-26

Anticommunism, and Richard Nixon, 2-43, 2-44–45, 2-46

Apache scouts, 2-55, 2-58

Applications for Headstones for U.S. Military Veterans, 1925-1941, microfilm publication, 2-57

Arapahoe scouts, 2-53

Archival Research Catalog, 1-48, 2-24, 3-64

Archives Leadership Institute, 2-50, 3-67

"Archivist's Code, The", 4-31

Arizona, 2-53, 2-55, 2-56, 4-8

Arkansas, 1-58, 4-52, 4-53

Army registers, 1-58

Army Reorganization Act of 1866, 2-52

Atkinson, Rick, 3-26, 3-30

Augusta, Maj. Alexander T., 3-23; photo, 3-24

Austrian alien enemies, 2-27–28

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Bagley, Maj. James W., 4-40–42

Bahmer, Robert H., 2-18, 4-26, 4-31; photo, 2-18

Balch, Emily Greene, 3-60

Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley, 4-54

Baron, Jason R., "'I Wish to Acknowledge . . .'," 3-26–34

Barrie, Diane, 1-61

Bataan Death March, 2-39

Battle of Cibicue Creek, 2-55

Beatie, Russell H., 3-32

"Becoming World Class", by Adrienne Thomas, 2-4

"Behind the Words of History," 1-60–61

Behman, Frederick, "View of Fort Pierre," illustrated, 3-50

Benton, Thomas Hart, 1-12–22; photos of works by, 1-12, 1-14, 1-15, 1-16, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20; photos, 1-13, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21

Berdichevsky, Ezequiel, "'I Wish to Acknowledge . . .'," 3-26–34

Bertholf, Commodore-Commandant Ellsworth P., 3-42, 3-43, 3-44

Beschloss, Michael, 3-26, 3-31

Best, Gary Dean, 3-33

Biddle, Francis, 2-34, 2-36, 2-37; photo, 2-36

BIG! Big Records, Big Events, and Big Ideas in American History, by Stacey Bredhoff, 1-68

"BIG!" exhibit, 1-4, 2-70, 4-35

Bill of Rights, 2-17, 2-22-23, 4-29

Bingham McCutchen, 2-71

Black, Edwin, 3-33

Blanchard, James, 1-71; photo, 1-71

Blondo, Rick, 2-4

Bloody Knife, photo, 2-58

Boland, Edward P., 4-27

Bolster, Jeffrey, 3-31

Borch, Fred L., "Sitting in Judgment," 2-34–40

Boritt, Gabor, 3-34

Boylan, Richard, 3-30, 3-33; photo, 3-27

Bradley, Gen. Omar, 4-14, 4-16

Bradsher, Gregory, 2-18, 3-33; "Shaping the National Archives", 4-24–31

Bredhoff, Stacey, BIG!, 1-68, 4-35; Moon Shot: JFK and Space Exploration, 3-68

Brief Histories of U.S. Army Commands (Army Posts) and Descriptions of Their Records, microfilm publication, 3-56

Brinkley, Douglas, 3-26, photo, 3-31

Brookhiser, Richard, 2-62

Brooks, Philip, 1-31, 4-26, 4-30

Bruno, Mary, photo, 1-42

Buck, Solon J., 2-14–15, 4-25, 4-27; photo, 2-14

Buckley, Cathy, 3-4

Bugliosi, Vincent, 3-28

Bunce, Peter, 3-33

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 4-61

Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations, 1768–1921, microfilm publication, 3-57

Burke, Frank, 2-22

Burnes, Brian, ed., Your Land, Our Land, 3-10

Bush, George H. W., 1-61, 2-67

Bush, George W., 1-61, 2-21; electronic records accessioned, 2-66; executive order revoked, 2-67

Butler, Patrick, 2-70

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California, 2-55, 4-8, 4-9, 4-12, 4-13

California Territory, 3-68–69

Cameras, panoramic, 4-40

Canada, mural of the history of by Thomas Hart Benton, 1-14–15; postal system, 2-7–8, 2-9

Carlin, John W., 2-22-23, 4-36; photo, 2-23

Caro, Robert, 3-26, 3-33; photo, 3-30

Carr, Eugene, 2-55

Carter, Jimmy, 2-19

"Cartography, Politics—and Mischief", by Mark J. Stegmaier with Richard T. McCulley, 4-7–13

Center for Creative Photography, 1-48

Central Intelligence Agency, 4-16–17, 4-18, 4-20

Chang, Iris, 3-31

Chapman, Elizabeth, 1-71

Charters of Freedom, 4-29

Chase, Salmon P., letter to acquired, 3-65

Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789–1909, 1-58

Chiles, Henry, 1-25

China, aerial spying against, 4-16–17, 4-22

Churchill, Winston, 4-18

Cincinnati, Ohio, Fountain Square, 1-46–47

Citizen diplomacy, 3-60, 3-61

Civic literacy, 1-64, 1-70, 2-24, 2-70, 2-71

Civil liberties, 1-6-9, 1-32

Civil rights movement, 1-5, 1-6–9

Civil War, 4-57; African American surgeons in the, 3-23–25; and the Congressional Serial Set, 1-57, 1-58; exhibit, 4-64; oaths of allegiance, 3-55; pensions, 3-4, 3-23, 3-25

Civil War Conservation Corps, 3-4

Civil War Widow's Certificate Pension Project, 3-4

Clark, Robert, 2-13–14

Clarke, Gilmore, 4-47

Clay, Henry, 4-12

Clifford, Clark, 1-60, 1-61

Clinton, William J., 1-61, 2-67

Clinton administration missing hard drive, reward for, 3-67

"Coastal Bastions and Frontier Forts", by John P. Deeben, 3-50–57

Cobb, J. Michael, Fort Wool: Star-Spangled Banner Rising, 4-56–57

Cochran, Robert, 4-45

Cody, William F. "Buffalo Bill", 2-58

Coffman, Edward M., photo, 3-27

Cohen, Adam, 3-33

Cold War intelligence operations, 4-14–22

Collier, Rebecca L., 4-61

Collins, Paula, 1-71, 4-65

Colonial America, mail delivery in, 2-6–9

Colorado, 1-45–46, 4-8

Colot, Thora, 1-70

Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1-57

Comanche, cutter, 3-41-42

Combined Federal Campaign, 3-71

Comic books, 3-46, 3-49

Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, 4-28

Committee for the Re-Election of the President (Nixon), 1-65

Compiled military service records, 3-50–51

Compromise of 1850, 4-12, 4-13

"Congressional Archives, The", by Rob Crotty, 3-46–49

Congressional Globe, 4-12

Congressional Information Service, 1-58, 1-59

Congressional Serial Set, 1-54–59, 4-12

Connecticut, 1-68

Connor, R.D.W., 2-14, 4-25; photo, 2-12

Constitutional law, 4-64

Coolidge, Calvin, 2-12

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1-48

Corn, Jack, 1-45; photographs by, 1-45, 1-47

CORONA, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19, 4-20, 4-21, 4-22

Costello, John, 3-31

Council of State Archivists, 2-51

Courts-martial, Indian Scouts, 2-55; records of, 3-53

Cox-Paul, Lori, 1-53, 3-9

Cramer, Myron Cady, 2-34–40; photos, 2-35, 2-36, 2-37

Criswell, Howard, Jr., 4-61

Crotty, Rob, "The Congressional Archives", 3-46–49; "Marbury. Madison. Marshall. Mayhem. How to Make a Supreme Court," 2-62–63; "These Walls Can Talk," 3-36–39

Cutler, Lawrence M., 3-65

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Dahlie, Michael, A Gentleman's Guide to Graceful Living, 2-67

Dakota, 2-55

Dallek, Robert, 3-33

Dallenbach, Dennis, 3-33

Daly, Eileen, 2-70

Dambrogio, Jana, photo, 2-71

Daniel, Clifton, 1-40–41

Daniel, Clifton Truman, "Adventures with Grandpa Truman", 1-36–41; "Dear Harry . . . Love Bess", 3-12–21, photos, 1-36, 1-37, 1-40, 1-41, 3-21

Daniel, Harrison, photos, 1-40, 1-41

Daniel, Margaret Truman, 1-36–41; photos, 1-38, 1-39, 1-40

Daniel, Thomas, photo, 1-41

Daniel, William Wallace, 1-39, 1-40; photos, 1-36, 1-41

Daniels, Jonathan, 1-31

Dasch, George John, 2-36; photo, 2-36

"Deadly Medicine" exhibit, 1-52

Deal Elementary School, Deal, New Jersey, 4-36

"Dear Harry . . . Love Bess", by Clifton Truman Daniel, 3-12–21

Declaration of Independence, 2-11–12, 2-16, 2-17, 2-22–23, 4-29, 4-30, 4-36–37

Declassified records, 2-67, 4-16, 4-21

Deeben, John P., "Coastal Bastions and Frontier Forts," 3-50–57

Delano, Frederic, 4-47

Democracy Starts Here, film, 1-52

Democratic Party, 1-10, 1-11

Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project, 4-54

Department of the Pacific, U.S. Army, 3-68–69

Deportation, of alien enemies, 2-28, 2-29–30; of political radicals, 2-31–33

Descriptive Commentaries from the Medical Histories of Posts, microfilm publication, 3-56

Diary of a Dream: A History of the National Archives Independence Movement, 1980–1985, by Robert M. Warner, 2-19

Digital Vaults, 2-70, 2-71

Digitizing Historical Records grant program, 2-50

Dinosaur tracks, 4-32–35

Diplomacy, and World War I, 3-60–61

DISCOVERER, 4-18, 4-20

"Discovering the Civil War," 4-64

Discovery Channel, 1-52

District of Columbia, 4-64

Disturnell, John, 1847 "Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico," 4-8, 4-13

Dobbs, Michael, 3-31, 3-33; photo, 3-31

Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, The, 2-49

"Documented Rights—A National Archives Exhibit of Documents about Human and Civil Rights," 1-5, 1-6–9, 1-52

"Documented Rights: Defining Human and Civil Rights," by Jim McSweeney, 1-6–9

Documents Compass, 4-61

Documents Relating to the Military and Naval Service of Blacks Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor from the Civil War to the Spanish-American War, microfilm publication, 2-58

"DOCUMERICA", by C. Jerry Simmons, 1-42–49

Dodd, Monroe, "Your Land, Our Land," 3-6-10

Doerries, Reinhard, 3-33

"Dokie", cartoon by Eddie Sato, 4-53; illustrated, 4-54

Dole, Robert, 3-67

Dominion Power, 4-57

Dotson, Bob, 3-71

Douglas, Stephen A., 4-9

Dowd, Maureen, 3-26

Downs, Solomon W., 4-12

Duff, Diana, 1-50

Duff, Wendy M., 3-29

Dulles, Allen, 4-14, 4-19

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 2-17, 2-68, 3-33, 4-14, 4-16

Dyer, Carol, 1-4, 2-67; painting by, 2-68

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Eales, Anne Bruner, 2-16

Edwards (Spalding), Elizabeth L., 1-29

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1-60, 1-61, 2-43, 2-44, 2-46, 2-68, 4-30; and aerial intelligence operations, 4-14–22; photos, 4-15, 4-18

Eisenhower administration, and aerial intelligence, 4-14–22

Electronic Records Archives, 1-64, 2-21–22, 2-23, 2-66, 3-4

Electronic records preservation, 2-20, 2-21–22, 2-24, 2-50

Ellis, Robert, 3-33

Elsey, George, 1-30–31

England, 3-23, 3-25; and mail delivery in colonial America, 2-6–9

Environmental Protection Agency, photodocumentary project, 1-42-49

Erickson, Janet, 3-4

Evans, Luther, 2-17, 4-30

Evening State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, 4-46

Ex parte Quirin, 2-37

"Excellence in Genealogy Research Award," 1-4–5, 3-66

Exhibits, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6-9, 1-48–49, 1-52–53, 1-70, 2-24, 2-70, 2-71, 3-64, 3-68

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"Face to Face with History", by Jill L. Newmark, 3-22–25

Facebook, 3-64

Fairbanks, Richard, 2-7

Family Search, 3-4

Faust, Drew Gilpin, 3-32; photo, 3-29

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2-36

Federal Records Act of 1950, 2-17, 4-28

Federal records centers, 2-16, 2-17, 2-19–20, 4-28

Federal Register Act, 2-13, 2-14

Feeney, Joseph, 1-30; photo, 1-31

Ferriero, David S., 4-60; "An Ambitious Agenda at the National Archives", 4-2

Field Basic Documentation of the War Relocation Authority, 1942–1946, microfilm publication, 4-54

Finding aids, 3-4, 3-30, 3-31, 3-56, 3-68, 4-54

Finkel, Paul, 4-35

Finlay, Hugh, 2-6-9

First Federal Congress, papers published, 2-49–50

"First Nixon Library, The", by Paul Musgrave, 2-42–47

Flesher, Maria, 3-4

Flickr, 3-64

Florida, coast patrols, 3-40-45

Flowers, Betty Sue, 4-60

Foerster, Mary, 4-65

Foley, Capt. Daniel P., 3-42; photo, 3-43, 3-4

Forbes, Edward, 3-40, 3-42-43, 3-44

Ford, Gerald R., 2-19, 4-32, 4-36

Forsythe, Scott, 3-33

Fort Lauderdale Life Saving Station, 3-42, 3-43, 3-44; photo, 3-44

Fort Pierre, watercolor of, 3-50

Fort Wool, Virginia, 4-56-57

Fort Wool: Star-Spangled Banner Rising, by J. Michael Cobb, 4-56–57

Foundation for the National Archives, 1-9, 1-70-71, 2-22, 2-23, 2-70-71, 3-36, 3-70-71, 4-64-65; Legal Council, 4-64; scholarship program, 4-65

Founders Papers, 4-61

Franklin, Benjamin, 2-7, 2-8, 2-49; portrait, 2-7

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 2-14, 3-33; photo, 2-14; renovation of, 2-66

Fraser, James Earl, 3-36; photographs of works by, 3-36, 3-38, 3-39

Fraser, Laura, 3-39

Freedom of Information Act, compliance with, 2-66–67, 3-65

Freedom Train, 2-15

Frontier forts, 3-50–57

Fulghum, Matt, 3-48, 3-49

Furcher, W. B., 3-44

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Gales & Seaton, 1-55

Gallaudet University, 1-57

Gardner, Martha, 3-33

Gaugler, Bob, 3-4

Gavin, Alison M., "In the King's Service," 2-6–9

Genealogical research, 1-4–5, 1-54–59, 2-52–59, 2-69, 3-4, 3-50–57, 3-65, 3-66, 4-50–55

General Index to Pension Files, 1861–1934, microfilm publication, 2-56

General Land Office, 4-7, 4-10–11

General Services Administration, 1-51, 2-4, 2-16, 2-17, 2-19–20, 2-24, 4-28, 4-30, 4-31

George Bush Library, 2-22, 2-23, 2-66, 2-67

George W. Bush Library, 1-65, 2-18, 2-66

Gerald R. Ford Library, 2-19, 2-21, 2-22, 3-33

German alien enemies, 2-27–29, 2-30

German U-boat saboteurs, 2-34, 2-36–37

Germany, and perceived threat to U.S. coasts in World War I, 3-40–45

Geronimo, photo, 2-54

Geselbracht, Raymond H., 3-13; "Independence and the Opening of the West", 1-12–22

Giegengack, Augustus E., 2-69

Gillette, Bill, 1-45–46; photographs by, 1-47

Gilman, Ephraim, 1848 map of the United States, 4-7–13; illustrated, 4-3–6

Gimmereck, Gus, photo, 4-46

Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 4-46

Goodpaster, Andrew Jackson, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19, 4-20; photos, 4-17, 4-18–19

Gordon-Reed, Annette, 3-70, 4-65; photos, 3-70, 4-65

Government personnel, 1-58, 3-65

Government Printing Office, 1-54, 3-48

Grantham, Alexander, 2-45

Grants, 1-66, 2-18, 2-49, 2-66, 3-66–67

Great Decision: Jefferson, Adams, Marshall, and the Battle for the Supreme Court, The, by David McKean and Cliff Sloan, 2-62–63

Great Men and Famous Women, by Charles F. Horne, 1-25, 1-33, 1-37–38

Great Plains Originals, 3-7

Green, George, 4-34–35

Greenwell, Regina, 3-33

Griffith, Robert K., Jr., 3-30

Grose, Peter, 3-31

Grover, Wayne Clayton, 1-14–15, 2-15, 2-17, 2-18, 4-25–31; photos, 2-15, 4-24, 4-26, 4-28

Gruber, Robert, 3-56

Guardian of Heritage, 2-15, 2-18

Guggenheim Museum, 3-67

Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives, 2-18

Guide to Records of the National Archives, 2-15, 2-18

Guide to the Archives of the Government of the United States, 2-11, 2-12

Gulf of Mexico, coast patrols, 3-40–45

Gullion, Maj. Gen. Allen W., photo, 2-36

Gustafson, Milton, 2-17; photo, 3-29

Guterman, Benjamin, "Women’s Activisim for Peace in World War I," 3-60–61

Guthrie, Woody, "This Land Is Your Land," 3-10

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Haight, David, 3-33; "Ike and His Spies in the Sky", 4-14–22; photo, 4-22

Hall, Cargill, 4-22

Hamby, Alonzo, 1-32

Hamilton, Alexander, 2-49, 4-61

Hampshire, Gifford D., 1-43, 1-44, 1-45, 1-46–47, 1-48

Hampton History Museum, Virginia, 4-56

Harlow, Bryce, papers opened, 1-65

Harriman, Averell, photo, 1-30

Harris, LaDonna, 3-67

Harry S. Truman Library, 1-12–22, 1-26, 1-31, 2-17, 3-13, 3-14, 3-28

Harry S. Truman Library, Inc., 1-13, 1-14, 1-17

"Harry Truman's History Lessons", by Samuel W. Rushay, Jr., 1-24–34

Hartley, Jeffery, "'I Wish to Acknowledge . . .'", 3-26–34; "Using the Congressional Serial Set for Genealogical Research", 1-54–59

Hassett, William, 1-30

Hasting, Lt. Col. Howard H., 2-38

Hawaii, 2-44

Hayashi, Brian Masaru, 3-33

Headstone applications, 2-57–58, 2-59

Heart Mountain Sentinel, 4-53

Helms, Richard, 3-66

Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family, The, by Annette Gordon-Reed, 3-70

Hemingway, Mary, 2-67

Hemingway, Patrick, 2-67

Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award, 2-67

Herbert Hoover Library, 2-18

HeritageQuest, 1-58, 1-59

"Hero Pigeon of World War I, A", 4-72

Hickok, J. B. "Wild Bill", 2-58

Higgins, Chester, photograph by, 1-45

Higgins, John P., 2-38

Hill, John, photo, 2-71

Hill, Walter D., Jr., 3-26, 3-31; photo, 3-29

Hirota Koki, 2-38, 2-40; photo, 2-40

Hiser, David, 1-46; photo of, 1-46; photographs by, 1-45, 1-46

Historical Information Relating to Military Posts and Other Installations, 1700–1900, microfilm publication, 3-56

Hoffman, Jon T., 3-26, 3-30

Hog Island, Texas, 3-41

Holland, 3-60

Holt, Beatrice H., photo, 2-43

Holt, Dan, 3-33

Holy Bear, 2-56–57

Hong Kong, 2-42–47

Hoof, John, 1-19

Hoover, Bill, photo, 2-71

Hoover, Herbert, and the National Archives, 2-12-13, 2-17, 4-28; photo, 2-11

Hoover Commission, 4-28

Horne, Charles F., Great Men and Famous Women, 1-25, 1-33, 1-37–38

Horne, Gerald, 3-31

Horrocks, David, 3-33

Hot Springs, North Carolina, internment camp, 2-28–29, 2-30

Houston, Sam, 4-13

"'How an Eagle Feels . . .'", by Rebecca K. Sharp, 4-50–55

Howe, Fisher, photo, 3-28

Howe, Louis, 2-13

Hubbard, Tom, 1-46–47

Hufford, Harold, 3-48

Hull, Gen. John, 4-19–20

Human rights, 1-6–9

Hume, Paul, 3-5

Humphrey, Hubert, 1-39

Hungarian alien enemies, 2-27–28

Hunt, Jarvis, 1-51

Hunt, Richard, 3-48–49

Hurst, James W., 3-34

Husted, Lemuel John, 3-41

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"'I Wish to Acknowledge . . .'", by Jason R. Baron, Jeffrey Hartley, and Ezequiel Berdichevsky, 3-26–34

Idaho, 4-8, 4-9–10, 4-50

"Ike and His Spies in the Sky", by David Haight, 4-14–22

Immigrants, alien immigration files, 3-66; from enemy nations, 2-26–33; political radicals, 2-26–27, 2-31–33; during World War I, 2-26–33

Immigration, Bureau of, 2-31, 2-32

Immigration Acts of 1917 and 1918, 2-31, 2-32

"In the King's Service", by Alison M. Gavin, 2-6–9

"Independence and the Opening of the West", by Raymond H. Geselbracht, 1-12–22

Independence and the Opening of the West, mural by Thomas Hart Benton, 1-13–22; illustration of, 1-12, 1-14

Index to Indian War Pension Files, 1887–1926, microfilm publication, 2-57, 2-59

Indian motorcycles, 3-40, 3-42; photo of, 3-41

Indian Territory, 2-53

Indian Wars, 2-56, 2-57

Industrial Workers of the World, 2-27, 2-31–32

Inspection Reports of the Office of the Inspector General, 1814-1842, microfilm publication, 3-57

Institute for Editing Historical Documents, 2-50

Intelligence operations, aerial, 4-14–22

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 2-40

International military tribunals, Japan, 2-34, 2-37–40

International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems, 2-50

International Tribunal of the Far East, 2-34–35, 2-37–40; photo, 2-34

Iowa, 2-69

Ireland, Don, 3-4

"Island Fort as Presidential Hideaway, An,", by Hilary Parkinson, 4-56–57

"It's Big," exhibit, 1-5, 1-52

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Jackanicz, Donald, 3-33

Jackson, Andrew, 4-57

Jackson County, Missouri, 3-14, 3-20–21

Jacobs, Aletta H., 3-60

Jameson, J. Franklin, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13, 2-48, 2-51; photo, 2-11

Japan, war crimes trials, 2-34-35, 2-37–40

"Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records, 1930–1974", Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley, 4-54

Japanese Americans, 1-7–8, 4-50–55

"Japanese Camp Papers", Library of Congress microfilm publication, 4-54

Japanese internment centers, 4-50–55

Jefferson, Thomas, 1-70, 2-49, 2-51, 2-62–63, 3-70

Jessee, Fern, 1-20

Jessee, Randall, 1-14, 1-15, 1-20

Jimmy Carter Library, 2-21, 2-22

John F. Kennedy Library, 2-19, 2-21, 2-67, 3-33; exhibit, 3-68; renovation of, 2-66

Johnson, Albert, 2-33

Johnson, Catherine A., 3-29

Johnson, Lady Bird, 1-39–40

Johnson, Lyndon B., 1-38-40, 1-60, 1-61, 1-65, 4-31; photos, 1-38, 1-39

Johnson, Tom, 4-60

Johnston, Col. Wayne, photo, 3-27

Judge Advocate General's Department, 2-36, 2-37

Junior Chamber of Commerce, 2-43–44, 2-45

Jupiter Inlet Light House, 3-42

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Kahn, Herman, 3-34

Kansas, 2-69

Kansas City, Missouri, 1-50

Kansas City Star, 3-7

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, 1-52–53

Keep, Charles, 2-48

Kempton, Greta, portrait by, 1-29

Kennedy, John F., 2-49; inaugural address, 1-68; speechwriters for, 1-60, 1-61

Kentuckian, The, painting by Thomas Hart Benton, 1-15–16; illustration, 1-15

Kentucky, 4-11

Khrushchev, Nikita, 4-16, 4-19, 4-20

Killian, James R., 4-17–18, 4-19; photo, 4-16

King, Wallace, 3-42, 3-44; photos, 3-40, 3-42

Kirby, Bill, 3-13-14, 3-21

Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 4-21

Kissinger, Henry, 2-47, 3-66

Kleiman, Miriam, "A Place in the Archives," 4-32–37

Klein, Herbert, 4-35

Kotz, Mary Lynn, photo, 2-71

Kotz, Nick, photo, 2-71

Koucky, Judith, 4-61

Krenn, Michael L., 3-33

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Lacy, Leigh, 4-36–37; photos, 4-33, 4-37

Lancaster, Burt, 1-16

Land, Edwin "Din", 4-17-18, 4-19

Land claims, 1-55–56

Langdale, Mark, 1-65

Lankford, Nelson, photo, 3-27

Larson, Jess, 4-27

"Lead the Way", by Trevor K. Plante, 2-52–59

Lee, Erika, 3-33

Lee, Robert E., 4-57

Leland, Waldo Gifford, 4-26

Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series), 1871–1880, microfilm publication, 2-58

Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General (Main Series), 1881–1889, microfilm publication, 2-58

Lew, Jennie, 3-66

Lewis, Tab, 3-34

LexisNexis, 1-58

Library of Congress, 2-12, 2-16, 2-17, 4-29, 4-30, 4-54

Life magazine, 2-44

Life Saving Service, 3-41, 3-42, 3-43, 3-44–45

Lighthouse Service, 3-42

Lincoln, Abraham, letter by acquired, 3-65

Little Cloud, 2-59

Liu, Snowpine, 2-46–47; photo, 2-45

Livingston, Rebecca, 3-34

Lloyd, David, 1-13, 1-14–15, 1-16, 1-18

Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts, 1-45

Long, Michael, 3-33

Lore, Ken, 1-70, 2-70, 2-71, 3-70, 4-64

Louisiana, 1-55–56

Low, Jeanie W. C., 3-66

Lowe, Alan C., 1-65

Lowell, Waverly, 3-33

Lowry, Thomas P., 3-32

Lyndon B. Johnson Library, 1-65, 2-18, 2-19, 3-33, 4-31, 4-60

Lyon, Danny, photograph by, 1-49

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Machen, Lewis, 3-48

Mad magazine, 3-46

Madison, Dolley, 2-62

Madison, James, 2-49, 2-62–63

Magruder, Jeb, papers opened, 1-65

Mahoney, William, 3-33

Mail delivery, in Canada, 2-7–8, 2-9; in colonial America, 2-6–9

Maine, 1-68

Manheim, Michael Philip, 1-45; photographs by, 1-42

"Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico," 1847, by John Disturnell, 4-8, 4-13

Maps, Gilman 1848 map of the United States, 4-7–13; in the National Archives used in World War II, 2-16

"Marbury. Madison. Marshall. Mayhem. How to Make a Supreme Court," by Rob Crotty, 2-62–63

Marbury, William, 2-62–63

Marbury v. Madison, 2-62–63

Marshall, John, 2-62–63

Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project, 4-64

Maryland, 4-64

Mason, Patty, The National Archives Building: Temple of American History, 3-36, 4-65

Massachusetts, 1-68

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 2-7

Massachusetts Historical Society, 1-66

Mathis, James, 3-28

McAllister, Bruce, photograph by, 1-45

McCarthy, Joseph, 1-32

McCarthyism, 1-32

McCoy, Donald R., 2-13

McCulley, Richard, 3-46, 3-48, 3-49; "Cartography, Politics—and Mischief", 4-7–13

McCullough, David, 2-49, 3-26, 3-28; photo, 3-26

McDonald, Larry, 3-33

McGhee, Myron, 3-66

McGreevey, Joyce, 4-36

McIntosh, Elizabeth, photo, 3-28

McKean, David, and Cliff Sloan, The Great Decision: Jefferson, Adams, Marshall, and the Battle for the Supreme Court, 2-62–63

McNitt, William, 3-33

McSweeney, Jim, "Documented Rights: Defining Human and Civil Rights," 1-6–9

Medals of Honor, 2-58

Medical records, for Indian Scouts, 2-55; for military personnel, 3-54–55, 3-56

Meese, Edwin, photo, 2-20

Meigs, Gen. Montgomery, 2-11

Melson, Kenneth, 4-61

Melville, Herman, 3-72

Mexican Cession, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 4-11–12

Mexican War, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9

Microfilm publications, 1-68-69, 2-69, 3-68-69, 4-62; alien entries, 1-69, 2-69, 4-62; California, 4-62; Canada, 2-69, 3-69, 4-62; Certificates of Identity, 4-62; Chinese immigrants, 2-69; compiled military service records, 2-69; concentration camp inmate cards, 1-69; Connecticut, 3-69; crew lists, 1-69, 2-69, 3-69, 4-62; European Theater of Operations, 1-69, 2-69; Fort Mackinac, Michigan, 2-69; Idaho, 4-62; immigration, 1-69; Maine, 1-69; maps, 2-69; Massachusetts, 3-69, 4-62; military posts, 3-54, 3-56–57; Minnesota, 2-69, 3-69, 4-62; Montana, 2-69; Nazi-looted Holocaust-era assets, 1-68–69, 4-62; New York, 1-69; North Carolina, 1-69; North Dakota, 4-62; Nova Scotia, 1-69; Ohio, 3-69; Oregon, 2-69; passenger lists, 1-69, 2-69, 3-69, 4-62; quartermaster officers, 2-69; Rhode Island, 2-69, 3-69; Texas, 4-62; U.S. Army, 1-69, 2-69, 4-62; U.S. Army Air Forces, 1-69, 2-69; U.S. Colored Troops, 2-69; U.S. Senate, 1-69; volunteer Union soldiers, 2-69; war crimes, 1-69; War Relocation Authority, 4-54; Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, 1-69; Wisconsin, 3-69; World War II, 1-69

Midwest Center for Holocaust Education, 1-52

Military commissions, 2-34, 2-36–37

Military enlistment records, 2-53–56, 2-57, 2-59

Military personnel records, 2-18–19, 3-50–57, 4-62

Military prisoners, records of, 3-53, 3-55

Miller, Edward S., 3-31

Miller, Merle, 1-32; photo, 1-33; Plain Speaking, 1-29

Minidoka Irrigator, newspaper, 4-50, 4-53–54

Minidoka Relocation Center, Idaho, 4-50, 4-53–54

Minnesota, 2-69, 4-9, 4-10

Mirshah, Nancy, 3-33

Missouri, 2-69

Missouri Compromise, 4-9, 4-10, 4-12, 4-13

Moby-Dick, by Herman Melville, 3-72

Moley, Raymond, 1-60, 1-61

Montana, 2-55, 4-8, 4-9–10

Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section, 1-69

Moon Shot: JFK and Space Exploration, by Stacey Bredhoff, 3-68

Morris, Gouvernuer, 2-62–63

Moses, Floyd, 1-18

Motorcycles, 3-40–45

Moynihan, Mary C. "Molly," 1-71; photo, 1-71

Mulligan, Timothy, 3-34, 4-61; photo, 3-32

Musgrave, Paul, "The First Nixon Library," 2-42–47

Musick, Michael, 3-26, 3-32; photo, 3-27

Muster rolls, 2-55, 2-57, 2-58

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Naftali, Timothy, 3-71

Nakaidoklini, 2-55

Nanking, China, Japanese atrocities in, 2-38–39, 2-40

"NARA Through the Years", web page photo feature, 1-4

"NARA's Up-to-Date in Kansas City", by Kimberlee N. Ried, 1-50–53

National Archives and Records Administration, 2-16; 75th anniversary celebration activities, 1-4–5, 1-6, 1-52, 2-67, 2-70, 2-72; appropriations for, 2-66, 2-67, 4-31; Archives Library Information Center, 1-58; Archivist appointed, 4-60; Boeing Learning Center, 4-64; Center for Legislative Archives, 2-25, 3-5, 3-46–49, 4-12; conservation laboratory, 4-12; Controlled Unclassified Information Office, 2-66; Data Archives Staff, 2-18, 2-19; Division of War Department Archives, 4-26; Document Conservation Laboratory, 3-65; educational programs, 2-4, 2-70; exhibits, 1-6–9, 1-70, 2-70, 2-71, 4-29, 4-64; guide for researchers, 4-62; historical timeline of, 2-10–25; Independence Day celebration, 3-71; independence for the, 2-4, 2-19–20, 2-21, 4-28, 4-31; Information Security Oversight Office, 2-24; microfilm publications, 1-68–69, 2-69, 3-68–69, 4-62; mission, 1-5, 2-10–11, 2-17, 2-23; news and notices, 1-64–66, 2-66–68, 3-64–67, 4-60–61; Office of Government Information Services, 2-66, 3-65; Office of Records Management, 2-19; Office of the Federal Register, 2-17, 4-29; Office of the Inspector General, 2-66; online offerings, 3-64; preservation conference, 4-60; publications, 1-68–69, 2-69, 3-68–69, 4-29, 4-62; role of staff archivists, 3-26–34; Special Media Preservation Division, 4-42–43; Still Pictures unit, 1-48, 4-42; Strategic Plan, 2-24; Visitor Services, 4-36–37; volunteers, 3-4; web site, 1-4, 2-22, 2-24–25, 2-70, 3-66

National Archives at College Park, 2-20-21, 2-22, 2-25

National Archives Building, construction of, 2-12-13, 2-14, 2-70, 2-72; painting of, 2-67, illustration, 2-68; photos of, 2-10, 2-14, 3-36-40; renovation of, 2-22-23, 2-24; shop, 2-67, 2-70; symbolism of sculptural elements, 3-36–40, 4-65

National Archives Building: Temple of American History, The, by Patty Mason, 3-36, 4-65

National Archives Experience, 1-70, 2-23, 2-70, 2-71, 4-64

National Archives in Kansas City, leaflet, 2-69

National Archives Regional Archives System, 2-19-20, 2-24, 3-6–10; book of samples from, 3-6–10; Central Plains, 3-6, 3-7–10, relocation of, 1-5, 1-50–53; educational programs, 1-53, 1-68; exhibits, 1-5, 1-52–53; Great Lakes, 3-9–10, 3-33; Mid Atlantic, 3-9; Northeast, 1-68, 3-72; Pacific (San Francisco), 3-9, 3-10, 3-33; Pacific Alaska, 3-9; Rocky Mountain, 3-9; Southeast, 1-5, 1-6-9, 2-24, 3-10; Southwest, 1-71; symposia, 1-5, 1-9

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, records opened, 1-66

National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 2-20, 2-48–51; appropriations for, 2-66; awards, 4-60-61; grants, 1-66, 2-18, 2-49, 2-66, 3-66–67, 4-60–61; mission, 2-48–49

National Historical Publications Commission, 2-13, 2-14, 2-18, 2-20, 2-48–49, 4-29

National History Day, 1-5

National Holocaust Museum, 1-52

National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, 4-45–48; illustrations, 4-47, 4-48; photo, 4-45

National Personnel Records Center, 2-18–19, 2-20, 2-23–24, 2-35, 3-65, 4-62; photo, 2-19

National Security Council, and intelligence operations, 4-14, 4-16, 4-21–22

Native Americans, 1-6, 1-8, 1-15, 1-18–20, 1-21–22, 3-68–69; illustration of, 1-16; Indian Scouts, 2-52–59; and postal service in colonial America, 2-8

Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks, 4-47

Navy registers, 1-58

Nazi-looted Holocaust-era assets, 1-68‘69

Nebraska, 1-47–48, 2-55, 2-56, 2-69, 4-9; state capitol, 4-45-48, photo, 4-44

Nenninger, Timothy, 3-26, 3-30, 3-33; photo, 3-27

Nevada, 4-8

Neville, Katherine, photo, 2-71

New Hampshire, 1-68

New Jersey, 1-68, 4-32, 4-34–35

"New Look", national security policy, 4-16

New Mexico, 2-53, 2-55, 2-56, 4-8–9, 4-12, 4-13

New York, 1-68

New York Public Library, 3-60

Newmark, Jill L., "Face to Face with History," 3-22–25

Newspapers in Japanese internment centers, 4-50–55

"NHPRC: Extending the Archives’ Reach, The", by Kathleen Williams, 2-48–51

Nichols, David, 3-33

Nisbet, Miriam, 3-65; photo, 3-65

Nitrate film, 4-40–43

Nixon, Pat, 2-43, 2-45

Nixon, Richard M., 1-60, 2-19, 2-43, 4-32, 4-34–35; photos, 2-44, 2-45; tapes opened, 1-65, 3-66; trip to Asia, 2-43–45

Nixon Library, Yuen Long, Hong Kong, 2-42–47

Noland, Ethel, 1-32

Norris, George W., 4-46; photo, 4-46

North, Frank, 2-58

North Dakota, 2-55, 2-56, 2-58, 2-69

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Oaths of Allegiance to the Union, 3-55

Obama, Barack, 1-61, 2-66, 2-67

O'Brien, Gail, 4-32, 4-36; photos, 4-33, 4-36

Office of Strategic Services, 2-16, 4-26

Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, 1-58

Oglala Sioux tribe, 2-56–57

Oklahoma, 2-53, 2-55, 2-56

Olsen, Paul, 4-32, 4-34-35; photo, 4-34

O’Rear, Charles, 1-47–48; photographs by, 1-43, 1-49

Oregon, 2-55, 4-8, 4-9-10

Oregon Territory, 3-68-69, 4-8, 4-9–10

Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900, microfilm publication, 2-56

Osborn, Patrick R., 4-61

"Our Only World", exhibit, 1-48–49

"Our Story", by James Worsham, 2-10-25

"Our Wonderful Volunteers", by Adrienne C. Thomas, 3-4

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Palmer, A. Mitchell, 2-33

Palmer, Mrs. W.L.C., 1-25

Papers of John Adams, 2-49

Parkinson, Hilary, "An Island Fort as Presidential Hideaway," 4-56–57

Patent Office, reports to Congress, 1-56–57

Paterson, William, 2-63

"Patrolling the Coastline on Wheels", by William R. Wells II, 3-40-45

Patterson, David S., The Search for Negotiated Peace: Women’s Activism and Citizen Diplomacy in World War I, 3-60-61

Pawnee scouts, 2-58

Peace activists, 3-60–61

Pease, Capt. Valentine, 3-72

Peckham Guyton Albers and Viets, 1-51

Pecora Investigation of 1933–1934, 3-47

Pension case files, 3-4, 3-23, 3-25

Pensions, 1-57–58, 2-56–57, 2-59

Pensions, Bureau of, 2-56

Perry, Angie, 1-20; photo, 1-19

Perry, Milton, photo, 1-33

Pershing, Gen. John J., 2-69, 4-72

Peterson, Trudy Huskamp, 2-22

Peuser, Rick, 3-32–33

Pfeiffer, David, 3-33

Philip L. Graham Fund, 2-70

Philippine Islands, German nationals in the, 2-28–29, 2-30

Photographs, of Alaska, 4-38–43; DOCUMERICA, 1-42–49; NARA history, 1-4

Pigeon messengers used in World War I, 4-72

Pitch, Anthony, 3-32, 3-34; photo, 3-29

"Place in the Archives, A", by Miriam Kleiman, 4-32–37

Plante, Trevor K., 3-26, 3-27, 3-29–30, 3-31, 3-34, 4-62; "Lead the Way," 2-52–59; photos, 3-29

Plutarch, Lives, 1-29, 1-33

Podoski, Barbara, photo, 3-28

"Poetry and Power": The Inaugural Address of President John F. Kennedy, 1-68

Polk, James K., 4-8–9, 4-10, 4-11–12, 4-13

Poore, Benjamin, 1-58

Pope, John Russell, 2-12–13, 2-70, 2-72, 3-36

Postal systems, 2-6–9

Postmasters, 2-7

Powell, William P., Jr., 3-23–25; photo, 3-22

Powers, Francis Gary, 4-20

Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire, 2-4

Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States Army Continental Commands, 1821–1920, Volume V: Military Installations, 1821–1920, by Robert Gruber et al., 3-56

Presidential libraries, 1-13–22, 1-65, 2-14, 2-19–20, 2-22, 2-66–67, 2-68, 4-28

Presidential Libraries Act, 2-17, 4-29

Presidential powers, 1-27

Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974, 2-19, 2-20

Presidential Records Act, 2-19, 2-20, 2-24, 2-66–67

Presidential speechwriters, 1-60–61

President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, 4-17, 4-18, 4-19–20

President's Technological Capabilities Panel, 4-17

Pribram, Karl, 2-71

"Primarily Teaching", 1-53

Primarily Teaching Institute, 1-71, 4-65

Prisoners of war, Japanese crimes against, 2-39

Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives, 2-19

Public Papers of the Presidents, 4-29

Public Printing and Binding Act (1907), 1-55

Public Vaults, 2-23, 2-24, 2-71, 4-36

Pulitzer, Joseph, 3-5

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Quinan, J. W., 3-42, 3-43

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Raaska, Helmi, 3-33

Ratcliff, R. A., 3-34

Readex, 1-58

Reagan, Ronald, 1-60-61, 2-20, 2-67

Reconstruction, 3-56

Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, 1945–1952, microfilm publication, 1-69

Records declassification, 2-24, 2-25, 4-16

Records destruction, 2-18

Records management, 2-14–15, 2-16–17, 2-18, 2-50, 4-26–27, 4-28–29, 4-30; Truman executive order regarding, 4-27, 4-28

Records of Achievement Award, 3-70

Records of Our National Life, 3-70

Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's–1920, Record Group 94, 2-53–54, 2-55, 2-59, 3-56–57

Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15, 2-57

Records of the Judge Advocate General (Army), Record Group 153, 2-55

Records of the Public Buildings Service, Record Group 121, 2-72

Records of the Quartermaster General, Record Group 92, 2-58–59, 3-57

Records of the U.S. Army Commands, 1784–1821, Record Group 98, 3-56

Records of the War Relocation Authority, Record Group 210, 4-54

Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1821–1920, Record Group 393, 2-55–56, 3-51–57

Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1920–1942, Record Group 394, 3-56

Records of U.S. Military Posts, 1821–1920, 3-5

Records of U.S. Regular Army Mobile Units, 1821–1942, Record Group 391, 2-58, 2-59

Records preservation, 2-48–51, 4-28–29, 4-42–43, 4-60

Records processing, 2-66–67

Records publication, 2-49–50

Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Military Casualties and Burials, RIP 82, 3-68

Registers of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798–1914, microfilm publication, 2-54

Returns from U.S. Military Posts, 1800–1916, microfilm publication, 3-56–57

Reynolds, Michael, 1-46; photos, 1-45, 1-46

Rhoads, James B., 2-18, 4-30; photo, 2-18

Rhode Island, 1-68

Richard Nixon Library, 1-65, 2-19, 2-22, 2-25, 2-43, 3-66, 4-35; photo, 2-24

Richardson, John W., 3-42, 3-43, 3-44

Ried, Kimberlee N., "NARA's Up-to-Date in Kansas City," 1-50–53

Rio Grande, 4-8–9, 4-13

Rives, Tim, 3-9

Roberts, Cokie, photo, 2-71

Rohwer relocation center, 4-52, 4-53

Romanski, Fred, 3-34

Ronald Reagan Library, 2-22, 2-66–67

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 3-9, 3-13

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1-10, 3-5, 3-12–13, 3-20, 4-52; and military commissions, 2-37; and the National Archives, 2-10–11, 2-13-14, 2-17, 2-25, 2-48–49; and the National Naval Medical Center, 4-45–48; photos, 4-46, 4-47; speechwriters for, 1-60, 1-61

Roosevelt administration (Franklin D.), 2-36–37

Ross, Charles, 1-25, 1-30, 1-38

Ross, Rodney, 2-15, 3-34

Rossiter, Adm. Percival S., photo, 4-47

Rothstein, Arthur, 1-43, 1-44

Rotter, Arnold J., 3-33

Rotunda Founders Early Access project, 4-61

Ruckelshaus, William D., 1-44

Rushay, Samuel W., Jr., "Harry Truman's History Lessons," 1-24–34

Russian immigrants, 2-27

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Safire, William, 1-60

Safly, Liz, 3-14

St. Gill, Marc, photograph by, 1-48

Sakovich, Maria, "When the 'Enemy' Landed at Angel Island," 2-26–33

Sales, Arnaldo de Oliveira, 2-43–44, 2-45, 2-46

Salkin, Robert, 4-34

San Carlos Reservation, 2-55

San Francisco Bureau of Immigration, 2-26–33

San Francisco Police Department, 2-31–32

Satellites, use of in intelligence operations, 4-17–18, 4-19, 4-20, 4-21–22

Sato, Eddie, 4-53–54; cartoons by illustrated, 4-54, 4-55

Saudi Arabia, 2-67

Save Our National Archives, 3-66

Schellenberg, Theodore R., 4-26, 4-28, 4-31

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 1-30, 1-31, 1-32, 1-60, 1-61, 3-34; photo, 1-30

Schlesinger, Robert, White House Ghosts, 1-60–61

Schmidt, Raymond P., "A Tower in Nebraska," 4-44–48

Schneider, Richard E., "The Alaskan Frontier in Panorama," 4-38–43

Schwimmer-Lloyd papers, 3-60

Search for Negotiated Peace: Women's Activism and Citizen Diplomacy in World War I, The, by David S. Patterson, 3-60–61

Selective service records, 4-62

Seminole scouts, 2-57, 2-58


Settle, Jean, 3-13–14, 3-21

Shakespeare, Frank, 2-47

"Shaping the National Archives", by Greg Bradsher, 4-24–31

Sharp, Rebecca K., "'How an Eagle Feels . . .'," 4-50–55

Sharp Nose, 2-53, 2-54–55; photo, 2-53

Shearer, Brooke, 3-71

Sieber, Al, 2-58

Sienang, Willie, photo, 2-28

Simmons, C. Jerry, "DOCUMERICA," 1-42–49

Simmons, John L., 3-42, 3-43

"Sitting in Judgment," by Fred L. Borch, 2-34–40

Skelton, Red, 4-57

Skogsberg, Charles, 3-42, 3-43

Slavery, 1-6–7; in U.S. territories, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10, 4-13

Sloan, Cliff, The Great Decision: Jefferson, Adams, Marshall, and the Battle for the Supreme Court, 2-62–63; photo, 2-62

Sloan, Hugh W., 4-34–35

Smith, Gregory B., 3-66

Smith, Stephanie D., 3-66

Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1-48–49

Society for the National Archives, 2-71

Society of American Archivists, 2-15, 4-29–30, 4-60–61

Sorensen, Theodore C. "Ted," 1-60, 1-61, 1-68

South, Aloha, 3-31, 3-33, 3-34

South Dakota, 2-55, 2-56, 2-69

Soviet Union, aerial spying against, 4-14–22

Space program, U.S., 3-68

Speier, Jackie, 3-66

Star Books, 1-53, 3-7, 3-9

Stars and Stripes: Newspaper of the American Expeditionary Forces, 1918–1919, microfilm publication, 2-69

State, U.S. Department of, and the archives of the United States, 2-12; and the Nixon Library in Hong Kong, 2-47

State and National Archival Partnership, 2-51, 3-66–67

State archives, 2-48–50

State Historical Records Advisory Boards, 2-51

Stegmaier, Mark J., "Cartography, Politics—and Mischief," 4-7–13

Steinbeck, John, 3-9

Stimson, Henry L., 2-37

Sullivan, John Fox, 1-71; photo, 1-71

Surgeons in the Civil War, 3-23–25

Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 3-60

Sweeney, Jenny, photo, 4-65

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Taft, William Howard, 2-12

Talcott, Andrew, 4-57

Tambara, Kimi, 4-50

Tames, George, 1-39

Taos, New Mexico, 1-46

Taylor, John E., 3-26, 3-27, 3-30–31; photo, 3-28

Taylor, Zachary, 4-12

"Temple to History, A," 2-72

Tennessee, 1-45, 4-11

Territorial acquisitions, maps of, 4-7-13; slavery in, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10

Terrors of the Jungle, 3-49; illustration, 3-47

Texas, 2-53, 2-55, 2-56; annexation of, 4-8; boundary with New Mexico, 4-8–9; coast patrols, 3-40–45; maps of, 4-8–9, 4-10, 4-12–13

Texas Instruments, 1-71, 4-65

"These Walls Can Talk," by Rob Crotty, 3-36–39

"This Land Is Your Land," by Woody Guthrie, 3-10

Thomas, Adrienne C., 1-64, 1-65, 3-66, 3-71, 4-60, 4-61; "A Year of Celebration for Our 75th Anniversary" 1-4–5; "Becoming World Class", 2-4; "Our Wonderful Volunteers", 3-4; photos, 1-64, 2-66, 2-71

Thomas, Albert, 4-27

Thomas, Elbert D., 4-26

Thompson, Neil, 3-33

Thomsen, Neil, 3-33

Thurston, Samuel R., 4-12–13

Tilley, Steven, 3-26, 3-28–29; photo, 3-27

Time magazine, 2-44, 4-60

Tojo Hideki, 2-38; photo, 2-39

Tokyo War Crimes Trial, 2-34–35, 2-37–40

Tone, Andrea, 3-34

Topaz Times, 4-52

Topographic surveying, in Alaska, 4-38–43

"Tower in Nebraska, A", by Raymond P. Schmidt, 4-44–48

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 4-7, 4-8, 4-13

Truman, Bess Wallace, 1-72, 3-5; letters, 3-5, 3-12–21; photos, 1-72, 3-12, 3-13, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, 3-19, 3-21

Truman, Harry S., 1-10–11, 2-17–18, 4-17, 4-25, 4-27, 4-28; family life, 1-36–41; history lessons, 1-24–34; letters, 3-5, 3-12–21; and the mural for his library, 1-13–22; photos of, 1-10, 1-11, 1-13, 1-19, 1-21, 1-24, 1-28, 1-30, 1-36, 1-37, 1-40, 1-41, 2-15, 3-13, 3-14, 3-16, 3-17, 3-18; portrait of by Greta Kempton, 1-29; speechwriters for, 1-60, 1-61

Truman, Margaret, 3-5, 3-12–13, 3-14, 3-17–19; photos, 3-13, 3-19

"Truman at 125", 1-10–11

Tsarev, Oleg, 3-31

Tuohy, Martin, 3-33

Twining, Gen. Nathan, 4-19, 4-21

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U-2 flights, 4-14, 4-16–17, 4-18–21, 4-22

Ulke, Capt. Henry, 3-41

Union Army, 3-4; African American surgeons in the, 3-22–25; soldiers, 3-4

Union Carbide Company, 1-45–46, 1-47

United Kingdom, and Hong Kong, 2-45

U.S. Air Force, and aerial intelligence programs, 4-16, 4-17–18

U.S. Army, alien enemy soldiers discharged from, 2-29; records management, 4-26–27

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 4-56–57

U.S. Army Indian Scouts, 2-52–59

U.S. Army Signal Corps, 4-72

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, 3-66

U.S. Coast Guard, 3-40–45

United States Colored Troops (Civil War), 1-68

U.S. Commerce Building, 2-12; photo, 2-12

U.S. Congress, and the National Archives, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-19, 2-20, 2-21, 3-46–49, 4-28, 4-29; presidential messages to, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10, 4-11; reports to, 1-56–57; and slavery in the territories, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10, 4-13

U.S. Constitution, 1-32, 2-12, 2-16, 2-17, 2-22–23, 2-49-50, 4-29, 4-30, 4-64; amendments to, 1-27

U.S. Department of Justice, and alien enemies, 2-29, 2-30; and political radicals, 2-31–33

U.S. Department of Labor, and political radicals, 2-31, 2-32; World War I internment camps, 2-28, 2-30

U.S. Department of the Navy, 3-41, 3-42, 3-43, 3-44

United States Geological Survey, 4-38–43

U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Private Land Claims, 1-55; records, 1-55–59, 3-46–49

U.S. Information Agency, 2-47

U.S. military posts, records of, 3-50–57

U.S. Senate, Committee on Territories, 4-9; records, 1-55–59, 3-46–49

U.S. Serial Set Index, 1-58

U.S. Supreme Court, and Marbury v. Madison, 2-62–63; and military commissions, 2-37; papers published, 2-49–50

University of Maryland, 1-5, 2-20–21

University of Michigan, 1-66

University of North Carolina, 1-66

University of Toronto, 1-66

University of Virginia Press, 4-61

University of Wisconsin, 3-67

Updegrove, Mark D., 4-60

Uranium mining, 1-45–46, 1-47

Uravan, Colorado, 1-45–46; photograph of, 1-47

Use of the Panoramic Camera in Topographic Surveying, The, by Maj. James W. Bagley, 4-40–42

Using Civilian Records in the National Archives in Washington, DC, Area for Genealogical Research, reference information paper, 2-69

"Using the Congressional Serial Set for Genealogical Research", by Jeffery Hartley, 1-54–59

Utah, 2-55, 4-8, 4-12, 4-52

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Vandereedt, John, 3-31

Vermont, 1-68

Vice President, records, 2-67; role of, 2-43, 2-46

Vinson, Carl, photo, 4-47

Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 1-66, 4-61

Volunteers, 3-4

"Voyage into History, A," 3-72

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Walker, Alan, 3-34

Wallace, Carrie, photo, 1-26

Wallace, David Willock, 3-13

Waller, Douglas C., photo, 3-27

Walsh, David I., photo, 4-47

Walter Kidde Dinosaur Park, 4-34–35

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, 4-48; illustrated, 4-48

War crimes tribunals, Japan, 2-34, 2-35, 2-37–40

War Department, and alien enemies, 2-28-29, 4-52; General Order No. 28, 2-59; records in the National Archives, 2-16, 3-50-57; records management, 4-25, 4-26–27

War Department Records of the Division and Department of the Pacific, 1847–1873, microfilm publication, 3-68–69

War Relocation Authority, 4-52–54

Ward, Geoffrey C., 3-10

Warner, Robert M., 2-4, 2-19–20, 2-21, 2-22; photos, 2-20

Warren, Earl, 1-21; photos, 1-21, 1-30

Washington, 2-55, 4-8, 4-9–10

Washington, George, 2-49; portrait, 2-49

Washington National Records Center, 2-20

Watergate scandal, 2-19, 3-66

Webb, William F., photo, 2-35

Weinman, Adolf Alexander, 3-36, 3-39

Weinstein, Allen, 1-64, 2-24, 2-25, 4-37, 4-60; photos, 1-64, 2-24, 3-32

Weissenbach, Karl, 2-68

Wells, William R., II, "Patrolling the Coastline on Wheels," 3-40–45; photo, 3-45

Wertheimer, Linda, photo, 2-71

West Virginia, 1-45

Wheeler, Tom, 3-32–33

"When the 'Enemy' Landed at Angel Island", by Maria Sakovich, 2-26–33

Whitaker, R. Reed, 1-52, 3-7, 3-9

White, Edward, 2-27, 2-28, 2-30, 2-33

White House files opened, 3-66

White House Ghosts: Presidents and Their Speechwriters, by Robert Schlesinger, 1-60–61

Whitmer, Matt, 4-36–37; photos, 4-33, 4-37

Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, 1-69

William J. Clinton Library, 2-22, 2-25, 2-66–67

Williams, Kathleen, "The NHPRC: Extending the Archives' Reach," 2-48–51

Williams, Kathleen Broome, 3-30

Wilmot, David, 4-9

Wilmot Proviso, 4-9

Wilson, Charles Banks, 1-18, 1-20

Wilson, Don W., 2-22; photo, 2-21

Wilson, Douglas L., photo, 3-27

Wilson, Henry, 1-58

Wilson, Woodrow, 3-41, 3-61

Winton, Harold, 3-30

Wisconsin Historical Society, 2-50

Wishaar, Lt. William P., 3-41

Wolfe, Bob, 3-33

Women, alien enemies, 2-28, 2-29

"Women's Activism for Peace in World War I," by Benjamin Guterman, 3-60–61

Women's rights, 1-7

Woods, Rose Mary, 2-44; photo, 2-45

World War I, 2-69; coastline patrols, 3-40–45; and enemy aliens, 2-26–33; use of carrier pigeons in, 4-72; women's activism for peace in, 3-60–61

World War II, casualties and burials, 3-68; German sabotage attempts, 2-34, 2-36–37; Japanese internment centers, 4-50–55; National Archives’ role in, 2-15–17

World War II: Guide to Records Relating to U.S. Military Participation, 2-17, 4-60–61

Wormser, Paul, 3-33

Worsham, James, "Our Story," 2-10–25

Wright, C. W., 4-40

Wyoming, 2-55, 4-8

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"Year of Celebration for Our 75th Anniversary, A", by Adrienne C. Thomas, 1-4–5

Yockelson, Mitchell, 3-34; photo, 3-27

Young, Richard M., 4-11–12

"Your Land, Our Land," by Monroe Dodd, 3-6–10

Your Land, Our Land: Two Centuries of American Words and Images from the Regions of the National Archives, edited by Monroe Dodd and Brian Burnes, 3-6–10

YouTube, 3-64

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Zerby, Barry, 3-33

Zimmerman, Jay, 1-71, 2-71; photo, 1-71

Zobrist, Benedict, photo, 1-33

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