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Captain William D. Swenson
Captain William D. Swenson


Operation Enduring Freedom

Captain William D. Swenson

Captain William D. Swenson


September 1999


Seattle, Washington

Military Occupation (MOS)



1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division


Operation Enduring Freedom

Capt. William D. Swenson joined the U.S. Army in 2002. He then attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga., where he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. He attended the Infantry Officer Basic Course and earned his branch qualification in Infantry.

Swenson served one tour in Iraq and two tours in Afghanistan. For his final tour in Afghanistan he was assigned to Task Force Phoenix, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan and served as an Afghan Border Police advisor, in support of 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry).

(FORT BENNING, Ga) - Officer Candidate School students from Charlie Co, Class 003-22, complete the Bolton Confidence Course January 12, 2022. The course helps build confidence and trust in each student and their fellow team members. Capt. William D. Swenson joined the U.S. Army in 2002. He then attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga., where he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. (U.S. Army photo by Patrick A. Albright, Fort Benning Maneuver Center of Excellence).

Aerial view of the Seattle Space Needle tower with Mount Rainier, Puget Sound, the Cascades and Olympic mountain ranges in the background. Captain Swenson holds a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Seattle University. Photo courtesy of Seattle Municipal Archives.

His civilian education includes a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Seattle University.

His military education includes the Infantry Mountain Leader Advanced Marksmanship Course, U.S. Army Airborne School, U.S. Army Ranger School, and the Infantry Maneuver Captains Career Course.

Swenson's awards and decorations include, the U.S. Army Parachutist Badge, the Ranger tab, the Combat Infantryman Badge, Bronze Star (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), the Purple Heart, the Army Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, The Iraq Campaign Medal with two campaign stars, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal with one campaign star, the National Defense Service Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 2 device) and the NATO Medal.

Capt. William Swenson has lunch with Afghan National Army local leadership and former Mujahadeen outside of Asadabad, Afghanistan, March 2009.

Graphic Battle Narrative or Sketch

No surrender and no one left behind.

Learn more about Captain William D. Swenson heroic actions during the battle in Ganjgal Valley.

The Battle

September 8, 2009 | Ganjgal Valley, Kunar Province, Afghanistan

The distinctive unit insignia of the 75th Ranger Regiment, 2nd Battalion.

The distinctive unit insignia of the 10th Mountain Division.

10th Mountain Division

The blue background of the patch and the crossed bayonets suggest the infantry, the bayonets also form a Roman numeral "X" (10), representing the unit's number. The overall shape of the patch is of a powder-keg suggesting the division's explosive power. Red, white, and blue suggest the national colors. The word "MOUNTAIN" is white on a blue tab affixed directly above the patch.

Read Full Unit History

On Sept. 8, 2009, elements of the 1st Kandak, 2nd Brigade, 201st Afghan National Army Corps; 3rd Kandak, 1st Zone Afghan National Border Police, known as the ABP; U.S. Marine Corps Embedded Training Team, or ETT, mentors; U.S. Army ABP advisors; and Task Force, or TF, Chosin, conducted Operation Buri Booza II (a.k.a. Dancing Goat II) in the valley of Ganjgal Gar, in Eastern Afghanistan, along the volatile Pakistan border. The operation, Buri Booza, was to engage the elders in the lower Ganjgal Valley, in both the villages of Dam Darah and Ganjgal, in order to separate the isolated mountain communities from insurgents, and, through engagement and development initiatives, connect them with the Afghan government. The Afghan National Security Force-led mission also provided an opportunity for the Afghan National Security Force, known as the ANSF, to demonstrate their capabilities. For Maj. Kevin Williams and Capt. William D. Swenson and the Marine ETTs, the mission was particularly significant because it represented the culmination of a series of operations, a necessary step for the eventual transition of lead security responsibilities in areas where insurgents still undermine the state.

The rugged terrain in Ganjgal Gar is typical of the capillary valleys seen throughout Eastern Kunar Province, where a steep mountain range marks the invisible boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The valley begins just off of the Kunar River and east of Auxiliary Supply Route, or ASR, Beaverton. A narrow, ungraded trail created by small vehicle and taxi traffic leads into the valley, and rock walls lining the sides of the road limit traffic by larger coalition vehicles. Opportunities to turn around are limited, and it is not until the road cuts north and across a large “washout” that there is any real space to spread out and expand mounted formations. The road ends just beyond Ganjgal village.

The grade on all sides rises considerably off of the valley floor, and terraced fields and boulders provide excellent observation of any approaching mounted and dismounted elements. The valley itself winds eastward nine kilometers, slowly rising in elevation, until it eventually peaks at the Pakistan border. Travel beyond Ganjgal and Dam Darah is rare because of the restrictive terrain, the lack of a viable road, and the sparse population that lives in this valley - although insurgents are known to traverse the seasonal passes with abandon.

Elements of the ANSF and TF Chosin had recently been in Ganjgal and Dam Darah. Four days prior to Operation Buri Booza II, Sept. 3, 2009, the Afghan National Army, known as the ANA, the Afghan National Border Police, referred to as ABP, and TF Chosin conducted a cordon and search in Dam Darah, in an attempt to engage the elders and search for an enemy mortar position. The engagement with village elders was positive. The elders traveled to Forward Operating Base, or FOB, Joyce, Sept. 4, provided a public radio announcement to be played over the FOB' s radio-in-a box, or RIAB, that denounced the insurgents, and invited the ANSF and Coalition Forces back into the valley to assess needed improvements to the Ganjgal mosque. To follow this momentum, Operation Buri Booza II was planned for Sept. 8.

Unknown to the ANSF and Coalition Forces, up to 60 insurgents had infiltrated Ganjgal Village from deeper within the valley, and from Pakistan. The insurgent presence was not reflected in corroborated advance intelligence. When combined forces entered the valley, they were ambushed by a host of well-armed, well-positioned insurgents, and the six-hour firefight that ensued produced 15 coalition and ANSF deaths — including four ETTs (three Marines and one Navy Corpsman) and one ETT interpreter — plus 17 more were wounded-in-action.

Capt. William D. Swenson (far right) talks with Soldiers while in support of the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) in Afghanistan. Swenson served as an embedded trainer and mentor for the Afghan Border Police.

On Sept. 8, ANSF entered the mouth of the valley. Though a large or heavily-armed foe was deemed unlikely, patrols that entered into the valley historically were engaged by small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades, known as RPGs, usually from small groups from the high ground. Before dawn as the combined force turned off ASR Beaverton east toward Ganjgal Gar, all were prepared for the potential of small arms contact and RPGs, despite the warm invitation by the elders to come into the village.

Shortly after twilight lifted, at approximately 5:30 a.m. local time, the column departed the vehicle objective rally point, or ORP, at the bottom of the valley and began the movement up the long, gently sloping hill toward Ganjgal Village. Because of the rough road and intelligence suggesting improvised explosive devices along the route, they approached on foot. The column consisted of 106 personnel, which included 60 ANA soldiers, 14 ANA mentors, 30 ABP members, and U.S. Army Soldiers Capt. William Swenson and Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Westbrook, both advisors to the ABP. After departing the ORP, Marines and ANSF broke off to the north and south to take up various support positions, while a smaller contingency — approx. 65 troops - continued up the center of the treacherous wash leading to the village.

At the front of the column approaching the village were four ETTs — three Marines and a Navy Corpsman — and their ANA counterpart. Behind them was the command element, or Tactical Action Center (TAC), led by Maj. Kevin Williams and consisting of 1st Lt. Ademola D. Fabayo, a Marine ETT operations officer; First Sgt. Christopher Garza, ETT first sergeant; an ANA radio telephone operator, or RTO; and Jonathan Landay, an embedded reporter with the Marine ETT. To the rear of the TAC and their ANA counterparts were Swenson and Westbrook, with their ABP counterparts.

As the lead Marine ETT mentor crested the washout and moved within 100 meters of Ganjgal Village, an RPG motor suddenly ignited from the front of the column. Before this round even had time to impact, the combined force in the valley had already begun to take enemy PKM machine gun and AK-47 small arms fire from the east. The enemy had maneuvered into the village from the north and south using previously unobserved trenches, and heavy fire erupted from homes and buildings to the front of the dispersed lead column. Coalition forces and the ANSF dove for cover and returned fire with their individual and crew-served weapons. Swenson observed enemy fighters to his east, swarming out from the high ground, attempting to flank his position. He immediately returned fire, and directed and coordinated the response of his partnered ABP soldiers, upon the visible enemy, in an effort to establish a base of fire for the ANA soldiers in the front of the column, who were pinned down by the insurgent' s initial volley.

While the enemy fire at that time remained effective and accurate, the combined force most exposed within the wash were successful in moving out of this dangerous area with little cover and into the limited protection provided by the terraced farmland to the north and south. The TAC struggled to maintain command and control as, once out of the wash, squads and platoons disappeared from visual and voice control, swallowed by the extreme terraces. Swenson remained aware of his position relative to the dispersed column of ANSF and coalition forces, and called in fire missions on known targets to disrupt the enemy' s efforts to maneuver and mass on individual pockets of ANSF. As coalition artillery fell, the enemy drew closer to both the column and the population center, hugging the protective southern terrain and friendly positions. Due to the extreme close proximity of insurgent fighters to the ANSF positions, multiple fire missions were unsuccessful in deterring the enemy' s advance. In the span of 45 hectic minutes, the initiative passed to the insurgents. The calls of wounded Soldiers began to make their way over the din and crash of rockets and artillery.

It became evident that coalition forces were now effectively flanked, under defilade fire from multiple angles and elevations, and even individual squads were becoming suppressed and maneuvered upon by the enemy. Unable to observe the most forward coalition forces and ANSF elements, the TAC could not perform any sort of retrograde until they could be assured their lead elements were informed, and covered by fire. Repeatedly, Swenson called for white phosphorous smoke to obscure the valley, but wary of placing incendiary rounds into a populated civilian area, the closest obscuring effect of the shells placed was 400 meters away.

In his own words.

See video overview of battle with remarks from
Captain William D. Swenson

Image above: Capt. William Swenson looks out at the rough terrain of Eastern Afghanistan from a Black Hawk helicopter. Photo courtesy of U.S. Army. An hour into the firefight, communication with the lead elements had been lost and could not be re-established. Surrounded on three sides, and fixed by overlapping fields of fire with crew-served weapons, RPGs and sporadic enemy indirect fires, the TAC' s position was desperately untenable. Wounded troops accumulated, including Williams, who had been shot in the arm, and Garza, whose eardrums were ruptured by an RPG. Physically unable to evacuate the wounded down the steep terraces and unwilling to enter the enemy kill zone in the wash, Swenson coordinated for combat aviation and helicopter support.

The enemy, now within 50 meters, had successfully isolated Swenson from his partner advisor, Westbrook. Swenson learned that Westbrook was shot in the upper chest, and lay in an exposed position. Attempting to reach Westbrook, Swenson returned accurate fire on the enemy, despite coming under direct enemy fire that killed two adjacent ANA soldiers, and wounded another. Finally able to repel the enemy with the assistance of another ANA soldier, Swenson, Garza and Fabayo maneuvered over 50 meters of open space, fought their way to their fallen comrade, and began to render first aid.

Now consolidated, but still in the kill zone under a barrage of enemy fire, Fabayo observed three insurgents maneuvering out of a house to the front of the TAC. Fabayo made direct visual contact with an insurgent who was wearing fatigues, body armor and a helmet, waving for Fabayo to surrender. Calling to Swenson, Fabayo reported the insurgent' s presence and their demands to surrender to the Taliban. Outnumbered, flanked and facing enemy capture, Swenson put down his radio and halted his treatment of Westbrook long enough to reply to the enemy' s demands for surrender, by throwing a hand grenade. Following his example, the members of the TAC rallied. Swenson' s example, and his element' s stout resistance, effectively disrupted the enemy attack and pushed them back beyond hand grenade range.

At 7:47 a.m., after an hour and forty minutes of fighting, a team of OH-58D Scout Helicopters — call signs Palehorse 50 and Palehorse 60 — arrived in the valley. Swenson, still treating Westbrook, whose condition was quickly deteriorating, began to talk the aircraft' s fires on the various enemy targets he had observed around the valley. The enemy sporadically engaged the aircraft, yet appeared hesitant to engage coalition forces while they were overhead. This provided the TAC the slim opportunity they needed for successful retrograde back to the support-by-fire position A, or SBF-A. Swenson, Fabayo, and Jonathan Landay carried Westbrook, and with the group suffering more casualties every moment, the column ran, bounded, and broke contact down the steep terraces.

After what seemed like hours under effective and suppressive enemy fire, the combined force arrived at SBF-A and began immediate medical evacuation, or MedEvac, procedures. Soon after, a UH-60 helicopter arrived at the landing zone, located outside of small arms and RPG fire, and Swenson loaded Westbrook who was immediately taken to the forward support hospital at FOB Wright. The valiant effort by Swenson and the members of the TAC to maneuver under accurate and unmitigated enemy fire, moving Westbrook as well as ambulatory and non-ambulatory Afghan casualties, no doubt saved the lives of Westbrook and several others. Unfortunately, Westbrook would later die of his wounds, but not before departing theater and spending the last few weeks of life with family and loved one.

After Westbrook' s evacuation, Swenson and Fabayo manned an ABP unarmored vehicle and reentered the kill zone at least twice, evacuating wounded and bringing them to the casualty collection point, or CCP. Throughout, Swenson communicated via radio with the air support pilot, attempting to determine the location of the missing ETTs. At the same time, Marine Staff Sgt. Juan Rodriguez-Chavez and Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer were retrieving wounded in an up-armored Humvee.

Image captured from video depicting the battlefield actions of Cpt. Swenson on Sept. 8, 2009 near the village of Ganjgal in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. He directed MedEvac landing for the evacuation of his critically injured teammate, Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Westbrook. The video was captured by two different MedEvac crew members and shows each crew member's perspective of events spanning the same time period. Video is courtesy of Mrs. Charlene Westbrook.

At around 8 a.m., contact was still not established with the three Marines and one Navy corpsman ETTs, and the unarmored truck carrying Fabayo and Swenson was too damaged to take back into the wash. A Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) helicopter arrived on station, but it was clear that any landing zone in the immediate area would be dangerously close to enemy positions and RPG teams. The need for a ground recovery of all remaining casualties became clear. Going above and beyond the call of duty, Swenson began making preparations to return up the wash into the kill zone.

After convening with Fabayo, Rodriguez-Chavez, and Meyer at the CCP, Swenson returned with Rodriguez-Chavez and Fabayo to the ORP to gather all available combat power. Meyer remained at the CCP and evacuated injured teammates Williams and Garza. The convoy assembled by Swenson consisted of an up-armored Humvee, an armored ABP Humvee, and two up-Armored ANA vehicles. After picking up Meyer at the CCP, the convoy continued into the wash. The ANA vehicles stopped early in the movement to recover the first set of casualties encountered. Under withering fire and without the necessary combat power to sustain the rescue or the ability to extract themselves, Swenson pressed on. Swenson, Fabayo, Rodriguez-Chavez and Meyer took the up-armored Humvee all the way to the suspected objective area in the village.

While they succeeded in rescuing and recovering several ANSF wounded and dead, they were forced by the volume of fire to drive past several marked positions deeper into the ambush, because of the pinpoint accuracy of the enemy' s small arms fire. Throughout the trip, Swenson communicates with the air support pilot, calling in targets and inquiring about the location of the missing ETTs. After a dismounted search was unable to find the ETTs, the rescue party realized that previously isolated ANSF have been moving from the cover of their terraces to the wash in a desperate attempt for extraction, and were taking effective small arms fire, which produced three new casualties. Swenson made the decision to return to SBF-A, to download casualties, and assist the ANSF who had just come down off the terraces and into the wash.

At around noon, the CSAR aircraft finally spots the location of the missing ETTs, and attempts to land and recover the fallen. The rescue convoy provided covering fires from a westerly position as the CSAR bird tried to land, but is forced under close RPG fire to leave station. Swenson called for smoke to mark the location of the bodies, and then from the position at the entry of the town, the convoy began to maneuver the CSAR bird into a supporting position. ANA joined to support a rescue attempt of the fallen.

Swenson, Fabayo, Rodriguez-Chavez, Meyer, with another small contingent of ANSF following, moved back east to a closer position to the fallen. Their objective was now the smoke rising at the top of the hill that marked their fallen comrades. With Palehorse elements suppressing known and suspected insurgent strongholds, and Fabayo operating the M240 machine gun, they faced precise and deadly fire for a second time. Coming to a stop directly adjacent to the ETTs' position, they found their comrades in a deep trench that had been impossible to see from ground angles during previous trips into the valley. Meyer and Swenson, along with ANA and ABP soldiers, dismounted and loaded the bodies into the back of the flat-bed ANA Humvee, while Rodriguez-Chavez and Fabayo provided covering fire. Driving back down the wash, receiving accurate and sustained fire to their rear, they completed the recovery operation.

Capt. William Swenson leads Afghan Border Police members as they board a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, May 2009.

Swenson drove straight to the ORP to verify accountability of all soldiers with the ANSF. It would be determined after the engagement that Swenson' s actions directly contributed to the preservation of more than a dozen Afghan lives. Swenson was the core of the initial defense and two subsequent rescue efforts. In seven hours of continuous fighting, Swenson braved intense enemy fire, and willfully put his life in danger against the enemy' s main effort, multiple times in service of his fallen and wounded comrades, his unit, his country, and his endangered Afghan partners.

”The Battle of Ganjgal was ferocious. And it was tragic. And we lost so many good lives that day. But following the violence, and the death, came inspiration. And we were inspired by those who fought there, by those who would not accept defeat. ”

- John M. McHugh, Secretary of the Army
Hall of Heroes Induction, October 16, 2013

Captain William D. Swenson, member of the 10th Mountain Division, drives a ATV over rough terrain in Afghanistan. Photo courtesy of Congressional Medal of Honor Society.

No surrender and no one left behind.

Captain William D. Swenson's heroism during the ambush directly contributed to the preservation of many of his teammates and more than a dozen Afghan lives. The six-hour Battle of Ganjgal Valley, from an assault by 60 Taliban fighters on Sept. 8, 2009, was a joint-combined team effort of Army, Marine, Navy, Air-Force and Afghan professionals.


Ganjgal Valley

Rollover elements on Battlescape for additional features. (not available on resolutions below 1024px)


This photo was taken from the Release Point, a well-defined location where elements composing a column return under the authority of their respective commanders, with a view of the access road as it approaches the Afghan Border Patrol Support-by-Fire Position, off screen to the left.

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This photo is taken from the ANA Overwatch Postion (5) on the north side of the wash looking south. From here you can see where the access road meets the wash leading to the village of Dam Darah (out-of-frame to the left). The location of the ABP Support by Fire Position (2), the Medevac location (+), and the Casualty Collection Point (2) are all in view.

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This photo is taken from the ANA Overwatch Postion (5) on the north side of the wash looking south. From here, you can see where the American elements and their ANA counterparts began their march into the valley below Ganjgal Village as they turned from the access road into to a "wash," a dry riverbed lined with boulders and rocks. The location of the ABP Support by Fire Position (2), the Medevac location (+), and the Casualty Collection Point (2) are all in view.

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The ANA moved into position from a structure on the hill (top right) that overlooks the location where an access road meets the wash leading to a fork in the road between the villages of Dam Darah and Ganjgal.

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This photo is taken from the ANA Overwatch Postion (5) on the north side of the wash looking south. From here you can see where the access road meets the wash leading to the village of Dam Darah (out-of-frame to the left). The location of the ABP Support by Fire Position (2), the Medevac location (+), and the Casualty Collection Point (2) are all in view.

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Ganjgal Village North is seen from the terraces on the north side of the wash. In the distance, mountain tops mark the vicinity of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. This picture was taken in the vicinity of where Sgt. 1st Class Westbrook was injured and Capt. Swenson and others provided first aid while holding-off enemy approaching within grenade distance.

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The enemy maneuvered from the school via a series of trenches, impossible to see from ground angles. Four Marines and one Navy corpsman were found killed-in-action, lying in one of the trenches (7) southwest of where they had originally been pinned-down in a courtyard (9).

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Anti-Afghan Forces used the Ganjgal Village South schoolhouse (8) as cover for their assault on American Forces pinned down in the courtyard and trenches to their north across the river "wash."

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Marine Staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick, Marine 1st Lt. Michael Johnson, Navy Corpsman Petty Officer 3rd Class James Layton and Marine Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson were pinned down in a courtyard in Ganjgal Village South.

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Swenson, Meyer and an ANA Soldier dismounted their vehicle to search for the fallen Americans; Marine Staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick, Marine 1st Lt. Michael Johnson, Navy Corpsman Petty Officer 3rd Class James Layton and Marine Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson.

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As part of Operation Buri Booze II, the ANA with support from American counterparts, was planning to meet with village elders in the local store to discuss improvements to the village mosque.

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battle map of Ganjgal Valley with marked positions


  • Release Point
  • Support-by-fire position A/
    Casualty collection point
  • Road meets the wash
  • ANA Overwatch
    Position South
  • ANA Overwatch
    Position North
  • Sgt. 1st Class Westbrook
    hit by enemy fire
  • Trenches
  • School
  • Courtyard
  • Friendly Dismount
  • Mosque
  • MedEvac Landing
  • Enemy Forces
  • Enemy Positions
  • Access Road
  • Wash
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1. The Operation

On Sept. 8, 2009, a combined force of U.S. Army Soldiers, Marines, and Afghan National Security Forces, known as the ANSF, conducted Operation Buri Booza II (a.k.a. Dancing Goat II) to connect with local leaders in the valley of Ganjgal Gar, in Eastern Afghanistan.

The Ganjgal Gar valley starts at the Kunar River, running west to east into a steep mountain range which marks the border between northeast Afghanistan and Pakistan. The valley is accessible only by small, unimproved roads that do not support large vehicles. The way into the valley is narrow, with little turn-around room, until it turns northward before the village into a large “washout” area, where a river sometimes flows during the rainy season. At that point the road rises considerably as it approaches the village, surrounded by terraced fields and boulders that provide excellent observation of elements approaching from the west.

Enemy Compound
Representatives from the U.S. Military and Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) meeting with village leaders and elders in Ganjgal Valley.
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2. Entering Ganjgal Valley

At approximately 5:30 a.m. local time, the column departed the vehicle objective rally point, or ORP, at the bottom of the valley and began the movement up the long, gently sloping hill toward Ganjgal Village. Because of the rough road and intelligence suggesting improvised explosive devices along the route, they approached on foot.

Combined force proceeds on foot through the valley
Due to rough terrain and dangers from IEDs, the force decides to continue on foot.

The overall column consisted of 106 personnel, which included 60 Afghan National Army, or ANA, soldiers, 14 ANA mentors, 30 Afghan Border Police, or ABP, members, and U.S. Army Soldiers Capt. William Swenson and Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Westbrook, both advisors to the ABP. After departing the ORP, Marines and the ANSF members broke off to the north and south to take up various support positions, while a smaller contingency – approx. 65 troops – continued up the center of the treacherous wash leading to the village.

image of soldiers walking single column along a path

At the front of the column approaching the village were four members of an Embedded Training Team, or ETT, – three Marines and a Navy Corpsman – and their ANA counterpart. Behind them was a command element, or Tactical Action Center referred to as a TAC, led by Maj. Kevin Williams, and consisting of 1st Lt. Ademola D. Fabayo, a Marine ETT operations officer; First Sgt. Christopher Garza, ETT first sergeant; an ANA radio telephone operator, or RTO; and Jonathan Landay, an embedded reporter with the Marine ETT. To the rear of the TAC and their ANA counterparts were Swenson and Westbrook with the ABP.

As the lead Marine ETT mentor crested the washout and moved within 100 meters of Ganjgal Village, the combined force was engaged by small arms, medium machine gun, and rocket-propelled grenade fire from the east ridge. This was quickly followed by accurate fire from the village and the hills surrounding the village. The enemy had maneuvered into the village from the north and south using previously unobserved trenches, and heavy fire erupted from homes and buildings to the front of the dispersed lead column.

Column comes under fire
Within 100 meters of Ganjgal Village, the combined force came under fire from previously unobserved trenches.
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3. Initial Engagement

Swenson observed enemy fighters swarming out from the high ground to the east, attempting to flank his position. Swenson, with Fabayo, Williams, Garza, Landay, one ANA soldier and one RTO, took cover behind terraces to the north and south. Swenson returned fire, simultaneously directing the response of his partnered ABP soldiers to establish a base of cover fire for the ANA soldiers at the front of the column, who were pinned down by the insurgents’ initial volley.

Swenson calls in artillery
U.S. Army Capt. William Swenson calls for air support on his radio after Afghan security forces and their U.S. military trainers were ambushed by the Taliban in Afghanistan's Ganjgal valley on Sept. 8, 2009. (Photo: Jonathan S. Landay / MCT)

From his position, Swenson called for immediate suppression on pre-planned targets and for smoke to cover the withdrawal of the lead element and then Swenson, Westbrook, and members of the ABP moved east to join the TAC in their effort to provide cover for the lead elements. Three Marines and a Navy Corpsman in the front of the column managed to make it to the outskirts of the village, where they became trapped in a courtyard by enemy fire. The friendly forces were now dispersed, with only intermittent voice and visual control.

Three Marines and a Navy Corpsman pinned in courtyard
Three Marines and a Navy Corpsman in the front of the column managed to make it to the outskirts of the village, where they became trapped in a courtyard by enemy fire.
Swenson called for immediate suppression on pre-planned targets and for smoke to cover the withdrawal of the lead element
Swenson called for immediate suppression on pre-planned targets and for smoke to cover the withdrawal of the lead element
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4. The enemy flanks friendly forces

map of ambush

Due to the close proximity of insurgent fighters to the ANSF positions, and the unavailability of smoke, multiple indirect fire missions were unsuccessful in deterring the enemy’s advance and securing cover for the lead element's withdrawal. Emboldened by the ineffective fire support and the absence of close-air support, the anti-Afghan forces began moving west to effectively flank the forces pinned down behind terraces and in trenches.

Meanwhile, the Marines and Navy Corpsman ETTs pinned down in the courtyard began to take close fire and were forced to attempt a retrograde. As the exposed forces withdrew to a trench further west of the village, one Marine was wounded.

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5. Westbrook is injured

Almost an hour into the firefight, at approximately 6:30 a.m., communication with the lead ETTs ceased and could not be re-established. Friendly forces were surrounded on three sides, taking overlapping fields of fire from multiple angles and elevations. The wounded accumulated, including Williams, who was shot in the arm, and Garza, whose eardrums were ruptured by a rocket-propelled grenade.

Swenson reaches and renders first aid to Westbrook.
Swenson reaches and renders first aid to Westbrook.

Swenson continued to coordinate for combat aviation and helicopter support, but realized that they would be forced to retrograde. Swenson and Fabayo provided cover fire while the group bounded back over open ground. During the movements,

Swenson was separated from his partner advisor and non-commissioned officer-in-charge, Westbrook, who was hit in the face and chest and lay exposed in an open area.

Attempting to reach Westbrook, Swenson returned accurate fire and repelled the enemy, despite coming under direct enemy fire that killed two adjacent ANA soldiers, and wounded another. With Garza, Fabayo, and an ANA soldier, Swenson maneuvered over 50 meters of open ground to reach Westbrook and once there, immediately began rendering first aid.

map locations of friendly and enemy forces Back to Top

6. Unwilling to surrender

After reaching Westbrook, Fabayo observed four insurgents maneuvering within 20-30 meters to the direct left flank of where Swenson was treating Westbrook. When those anti-Afghan forces began firing and calling for Swenson and his group to surrender, Fabayo returned accurate fire and Swenson halted first aid just long enough to throw a grenade, eliminating the immediate threat to their position and forcing the enemy back. Swenson’s resistance inspired the pinned troops to rally, and their subsequent response disrupted the enemy attack and pushed them back beyond hand grenade range.

Swenson and Fabayo refuse to surrender, swenson lobs grenade. Back to Top

7. Air support arrives; Westbrook is evacuated

Westbrook is airlifted

At 7:15 a.m., a pair of scout helicopters arrived in the valley. Swenson, still treating Westbrook, whose condition was quickly deteriorating, began to direct the aircraft’s fires on the various enemy targets he had observed around the valley. This provided the column the slim opportunity they needed for successful retrograde back to the support-by-fire position A, or SBF-A, located just outside the effective fire range of the enemies’ weapons. With Fabayo and Swenson carrying Westbrook, and rocket-propelled grenades striking close-by, the column bounded terraces across 200 meters of open ground toward SBF-A.

The combined force arrived at SBF-A, and began immediate medical evacuation, or MedEvac, procedures. Soon after, an HH-60 helicopter arrived at the landing zone, and departed with Westbrook to the forward support hospital at Forward Operating Base Wright. Unfortunately, Westbrook would later die of his wounds, but not before departing theater and spending the last few weeks of life with his family and loved ones.

Video of Swenson's selflessness as he helps evacuate injured teammates.

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8. Reentering the kill zone

Retrieving casualties in truck

After loading Westbrook onto the Blackhawk, Swenson and Fabayo manned an ABP unarmored vehicle and reentered the kill zone two times to evacuate wounded and bring them to the casualty collection point, or CCP. Throughout, Swenson communicated via radio with the air support pilot, attempting to determine the location of the missing ETTs. At the same time that Swenson and Fabayo traversed the deadly route into the kill zone, Marine Staff Sgt. Juan Rodriguez-Chavez and Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer were retrieving wounded from the battlefield in a separate vehicle.

ANSF taking casualties in the kill zone
ANSF taking casualties in the kill zone
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9. Assembling a convoy

Assembling an armored convoy

By 8 a.m., contact was still not established with the missing ETTs, and the unarmored truck carrying Fabayo and Swenson was too damaged to take back into the wash. A Combat Search and Rescue Helicopter, or CSAR, had arrived on station, but was unable to pinpoint the location of the missing Marines. The need for ground rescue was clear.

Swenson, Fabayo, Rodriguez-Chavez and Meyer, convened at the CCP and then returned to the ORP, where Swenson gathered all available combat power to lead a return to the kill zone. Meyer remained at the CCP to evacuate Williams and Garza. At the ORP, Swenson assembled a small convoy consisting of an up-armored Humvee, an armored ABP truck, and two ANA vehicles. Returning to the valley, they retrieved Meyer at the CCP and continued into the kill zone to search for the missing ETTs.

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10. First convoy attempt

Convoy attempt unable to locate teammates

The convoy travelled up the wash into the enemy kill zone looking for the missing Marines, collecting wounded ANSF members, and evacuating the wounded back to SBF-A. They began taking increasingly frequent and accurate harassment fire as soon as they departed SBF-A. At one point, the ANA vehicles stopped to recover some casualties they encountered. Swenson, Fabayo, Rodriguez-Chavez and Meyer took the up-armored Humvee all the way to the suspected objective area, despite accurate rocket-propelled grenade and machine gun fire. While they succeeded in rescuing and recovering several ANSF wounded and dead, they were forced by the volume of fire to drive past several marked positions deeper into the ambush.

After a dismounted search was unable to find the ETTs, the rescue party realized that previously isolated ANSF members have been moving from the cover of their terraces to the wash in a desperate attempt for extraction, and were taking effective small arms fire, which produced three new casualties. Swenson made the decision to return to SBF-A to download casualties, and assist the ANSF members who had just come down off the terraces and into the wash. They drove back to SBF-A.

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11. Evacuating friendly casualties

Zone too hot for aircraft to land

Finally, a CSAR helicopter positively identified the ETTs forward position. The CSAR aircraft attempted to land within the kill zone and recover the fallen Marines and Corpsman, but was repelled by heavy enemy fire.

Swenson, with Fabayo, Rodriguez-Chavez and Meyer, along with another small contingent of ANSF members, drove up through the washout one final time. They found their comrades in a deep trench that had been impossible to see from ground angles during previous trips. The Marines had been overrun while attempting to treat friendly casualties. Meyer and Swenson dismounted, and along with ANA soldiers loaded the bodies of Marine Staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick, Marine 1st Lt. Michael Johnson, Navy Corpsman Petty Officer 3rd Class James Layton and Marine Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson, into the back of the flat-bed ANA Humvee, while Rodriguez-Chavez and Fabayo provided covering fire. After recovering the fallen, they drove back to the ORP, where Swenson verified accountability of all soldiers with the ANSF.

Retrieving the bodies of the fallen under fire
After locating the ETT's position. Convoy enters the kill zone again to retrieve the bodies of the fallen under fire.
Retrieving the bodies of the fallen under fire
Rodriguez-Chavez and Fabayo provided covering fire as the bodies of the fallen were loaded on the vehicles.
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The six-hour Battle of Ganjgal Valley, from an assault by 60 Taliban fighters on Sept. 8, 2009, was a joint-combined team effort of Army, Marine, Navy, Air-Force and Afghan professionals. Four members of the American contingent perished that day. This page is dedicated to their memory and the memory of the nine Afghan National Security Force personnel who died alongside their partner U.S. Forces. Another U.S. Soldier, Army Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Westbrook survived the battle, but later died - this page is especially dedicated to him.

  • team member photo

    Marine Gunnery Sgt. Edwin W. Johnson

    Hometown: Columbus, Ga.; assigned to 3rd Combat Assault Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa, Japan; died Sept. 8 while supporting combat operations in Kunar province, Afghanistan.

  • team member photo

    Marine 1st Lt. Michael E. Johnson

    Hometown: Virginia Beach, Va.; assigned to 7th Communications Battalion, 3rd Marine Headquarters Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa, Japan; died Sept. 8 while supporting combat operations in Kunar province, Afghanistan.

  • team member photo

    Marine Gunnery Sgt. Aaron M. Kenefick

    Hometown: Roswell, Ga.; assigned to 3rd Combat Assault Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa, Japan; died Sept. 8 while supporting combat operations in Kunar province, Afghanistan.

  • team member photo

    Navy Corpsman Petty Officer 3rd Class James R. Layton

    Hometown: Riverbank, Calif.; assigned to an embedded training team with Combined Security Tranisiton Command in Afghanistan; died Sept. 8 in Kunar province, Afghanistan, while supporting combat operations.

  • team member photo

    Army Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Westbrook

    Hometown: Shiprock, N.M.; assigned to the 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan.; died Oct. 7 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., of wounds suffered Sept. 8 when insurgents attacked his unit in Ganjigal Valley, Afghanistan,

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The Ceremonies

Former Army Capt. William D. Swenson and President Barack Obama bow their heads before the Medal of Honor ceremony at the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on October 15, 2013. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

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Former Army Capt. William D. Swenson and President Barack Obama bow their heads before the Medal of Honor ceremony at the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on October 15, 2013. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

President Barack Obama and Medal of Honor recipient Capt. William D. Swenson applaud friends and families of his fallen comrades during his ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., Oct. 15, 2013. Former U.S. Army Capt. William D. Swenson was leading a group of Afghan Border Police in support of the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division at the time of the battle. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Garry McFadden)

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President Barack Obama and Medal of Honor recipient Capt. William D. Swenson applaud friends and families of his fallen comrades during his ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., Oct. 15, 2013. Former U.S. Army Capt. William D. Swenson was leading a group of Afghan Border Police in support of the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division at the time of the battle. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Garry McFadden)

President Barack Obama presents the Medal of Honor to former Army Capt. William D. Swenson, at the White House, Oct. 15, 2013. (Army News Service photo by Lisa Ferdinando)

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President Barack Obama presents the Medal of Honor to former Army Capt. William D. Swenson, at the White House, Oct. 15, 2013. (Army News Service photo by Lisa Ferdinando)

From left to right, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Secretary of the Army John McHugh, former U.S. Army Capt. William D. Swenson, Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III unveil the Hall of Heroes plaque during Swensons Hall of Heroes induction ceremony at the Pentagon, in Washington, Oct. 16, 2013. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Garry McFadden/Released)

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From left to right, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Secretary of the Army John McHugh, former U.S. Army Capt. William D. Swenson, Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III unveil the Hall of Heroes plaque during Swenson's Hall of Heroes induction ceremony at the Pentagon, in Washington, Oct. 16, 2013. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Garry McFadden/Released)

Former U.S. Army Capt. William D. Swenson, a Medal of Honor recipient, and his family at his Hall of Heroes induction ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington, Oct. 16, 2013. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Garry McFadden/Released)

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Former U.S. Army Capt. William D. Swenson, a Medal of Honor recipient, and his family at his Hall of Heroes induction ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington, Oct. 16, 2013. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Garry McFadden/Released)

Secretary of the Army John McHugh presents former Capt. William D. Swenson his framed Medal of Honor citation at a ceremony inducting Swenson into the Pentagons Hall of Heroes, Oct. 16, 2013, as Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno looks on. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

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Secretary of the Army John McHugh presents former Capt. William D. Swenson his framed Medal of Honor citation at a ceremony inducting Swenson into the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes, Oct. 16, 2013, as Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno looks on. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

“...But more Americans -- and more Afghans -- are still out there. So Will does something incredible. He jumps behind the wheel of an unarmored Ford Ranger pickup truck. A Marine gets in the passenger seat. And they drive that truck -- a vehicle designed for the highway -- straight into the battle. Twice, they pick up injured Afghan soldiers -- bullets whizzing past them, slamming into the pickup truck. Twice they bring them back. When the truck gives out, they grab a Humvee. The Marine by Will's side has no idea how they survived. But, he says, "by that time it didn't matter. We [were] not leaving any Soldiers behind." ”

President Barack Obama

White House Medal of Honor Ceremony, October 15, 2013

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