Explanatory Dictionary of Concepts in Toxicokinetics
IUPAC is the world authority on chemical nomenclature and terminology and sets standards for the critical evaluation of data. In order to encourage and facilitate the interaction of chemistry and toxicology, a project was initiated to create a glossary of terms used in toxicokinetics (project #2000-034-2-700). This glossary is now accepted as an IUPAC Recommendation (May 2004 PAC, in press). During the preparation of this glossary, the Working Party realized that while some of the definitions are adequate in themselves, it might be useful to provide explanations of the underlying and related concepts and related, practical scientific considerations. Thus, the objective of this “Explanatory Dictionary of Concepts in Toxicokinetics” is to select terms from the original glossary of toxicokinetics and provide a full explanation of the subtleties that may affect their use and thus the meaning of related scientific papers, reviews, or other documents.
The “Explanatory Dictionary of Concepts in Toxicokinetics” is one of a number of projects addressing toxicology and chemistry under the Chemistry and Human Health Division (VII) and should be a valuable educational resource in its own right. It is envisaged that by facilitating communication among chemists, toxicologists, and risk assessment specialists, the “Explanatory Dictionary” will play an important role in helping chemists meet the increased requirement from society and government for risk assessment of chemicals. Better risk assessment will help to ensure that the practice of chemistry remains safe and continues to benefit human health. Thus, the project will support IUPAC objectives and help to improve the image of chemistry in society. In doing so, it will serve the needs of chemists worldwide.
The task group for the Glossary is chaired by Monica Nordberg, and the current members are John H. Duffus and Douglas M. Templeton.
Scientists active in the fields of chemistry, toxicology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and biostatistics will be consulted. The time period for the project is from 2003 to 2006.
For more information contact the Task Group Chairperson Monica Nordberg <monica.nordberg@imm.ki.se>.
Page last modified 2 July 2004.
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