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Grace & Favor #1

Anything Goes

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They Have Inherited a Lovely Upstate Mansion. . .

The crash of 1929 has ended the party for high-living New Yorkers Lily Brewster and her brother Robert and takes them from the upper echelons of the idle rich and deposits them to the lowly depths of the disillusioned poor. However, rescue arrives in the form of their recently deceased great-uncle Horation who bequeaths to them Grace and Favor "Cottage" which is really a great sprawling mansion. And there's a fortune to go with it, but only if they reside there for ten years.

And an Inconvenient Corpse

With no other alternative, the spirited Manhattanites move to a quiet and quaint Hudson River community and try to fit in. But they soon find out that great-uncle Horatio didn't die peacefully. He was murdered while on an elaborate sailing party on the Hudson River aboard his yacht -- and Lily and Robert are suspects. But when another corpse appears in the kitchen of the mansion, the siblings are determined to clear themselves. Without a clue how to begin, Lily and Robert start snooping, unaware that their savvy sleuthing could make them the killer's next targets.

246 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 1, 1999

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About the author

Jill Churchill

39 books197 followers
A pseudonym used by Janice Young Brooks.

Jill Churchill, winner of the Agatha and Macavity Mystery Readers Awards, and nominated for an Anthony for her best-selling Jane Jeffry series, lives as Jane does, in a midwestern suburb. On purpose! She says writing this series and the Grace and Favor series is the best treat she can have without a knife and fork.

Under her real name, Janice Young Brooks, and various pseudonyms, she's written historical novels, a gothic novel, and a history textbook as well as many articles for newspapers and magazines. When she's not writing, she's avidly doing genealogy which she says is a lot like mysteries with all the red herrings, clues, speculations, and surprises.

She gardens enthusiastically, needlepoints superbly, and plays a mean game of gin against the computer. She has a son and daughter and two granddaughters, Rose Louise and Emma. Janice is currently in a battle of supremacy with her cat Max.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews
Profile Image for Kristen.
2,477 reviews84 followers
October 9, 2019
I really enjoyed this book! A great cozy mystery.

The characters in this are charming. I love that Lily and Robert are brother and sister, and the way they end up in the suburbs living in the mansion of the uncle they forgot they even had is a very cleverly conceived story line. The "fish-out-of-water" thing is worked to good advantage in this book

The supporting characters in this were also fun, and I think they could make for an enjoyable series.

The mystery itself wasn't too hard to figure out, but the story and the setting and the characters made the experience so fun, it really didn't matter that much to me.

I will definitely look for more books in this series!
Profile Image for Martha.
439 reviews2 followers
April 6, 2017
Excellent cozy mystery! Loved the time ('30s), the setting & the characters. Lots of suspects. 4.5 stars. Really glad I have the next one on the series.
Profile Image for Lynn Anderson.
25 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2023
I loved this book!! I loved the characters the plot was great. Very entertaining!
Profile Image for Connie.
1,237 reviews33 followers
December 1, 2011
ANYTHING GOES by Jill Churchill is 246 pages in paperback form. It is #1 in A Grace And Favor Mystery.

Brief Description:

They Have Inherited a Lovely Upstate Mansion...

The crash of 1929 has ended the party for high-living New Yorkers Lily Brewster and her brother Robert and takes them from the upper echelons of the idle rich and deposits them to the lowly depths of the disillusioned poor. However, rescue arrives in the form of their recently deceased great-uncle Horatio who bequeaths to them Grace and Favor "Cottage" which is really a great sprawling mansion. And there's a fortune to go with it, but only if they reside there for ten years.

And an Inconvenient Corpse

With no other alternative, the spirited Manhattanites move to a quiet and quaint Hudson River community and try to fit in. But they soon find out that great-uncle Horatio didn't die peacefully. He was murdered while on an elaborate sailing party on the Hudson River aboard his yacht--and Lily and Robert are suspects. But when another corpse appears in the kitchen of the mansion, the siblings are determined to clear themselves. Without a clue how to begin, Lily and Robert start snooping, unaware that their savvy sleuthing could make them the killer's next targets.

I loved this book and thought it was very well written for a first book of a series. In fact I like this one better than the Jane Jeffry series that is written by Ms. Churchill. I liked both Lily and Robert and thought they were well defined as far as status and how they behaved as far as their circumstances go.

I love the time period and the place on the Hudson River that they inherited. It was well described. The characters in this book were well defined as well. I did know who the killer was, but that didn't detract from the book. It just made the trip through the clues all the more interesting.

I plan to find the rest of the books in the series and read them too. It isn't often that I pick up the first book in the series and want to find the next one to see what the characters are doing next. This is a rare find for me. I am giving this 5 out of 5 stars. If you like historical mysteries that are not too far in the past, give this one a try.

BUY NOW: Conniesbookshelf.com $3.99
Profile Image for Elizabeth .
1,017 reviews
October 1, 2012
Having read Jill Churchill's other series featuring housewife sleuth, Jane Jeffreys, I was really excited to learn she had written another cozy mystery series. I was even more excited when I found out from my friend Carolyn, that it is an historical cozy mystery series that takes place during the 1930's.

Lily and Robert Brewster are brother and sister who have recently inherited their Uncle Horatio's home on the Hudson River. The siblings were desolate before this windfall and lived hand to mouth. They lost everything when the stock market crashed.

The mystery surrounds the mysterious death of their Uncle Horatio. He was murdered. Lily sets about solving the murder mystery. It all culminates during a dinner party. All the suspects are invited and after they finish the main course, Lily stands up and tells everyone whodunnit! That was such a great scene! All the ladies where in their finest attire from the height of the 1920's (when they could afford such lavish clothing) and no one was expecting that one of the dinner guests would be hauled off to jail.
677 reviews7 followers
March 15, 2021
A nice little mystery featuring Lilly and Robert Brewster. These two main characters are likable and face a difficult situation with wit and charm. The story, set in the early 1930's, has many references to the financial condition of the country during the Great Depression, however, in many other aspects it seems modern and fresh. I enjoyed the book and will read the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Novella.
56 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2020
At least they had each other! In many ways, the crash of 1929 was a reality check for many people. Some may not have been so fortunate. For Lily and Robert, a lot of good came out of a dismal situation. I like the way they came to realize the little things that life has to offer through the difficulty. Trying to make the best out of what was handed them, on top of everything else they had to find out past secrets and solve two murders! They found out a lot about themselves and the uncle they never knew who added them in the grace and favor clause of his will. I look forward to the rest of this series and hope the 7th book will be released soon. Clean language nothing offensive, enjoyable fun read.
Profile Image for Kim.
1,380 reviews28 followers
November 12, 2020
At first, I wasn't so sure because it takes place in the early 1900's. But then I got to know the characters, and I couldn't put it down. I had a guess on the murderer, but I still enjoyed the journey.
Profile Image for Miriam Roush.
74 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2021
I’ve had this book on my shelf for a while and am just now “getting around” to reading it. The likable characters, the setting (including a description of Bannerman Island which has long intrigued me) and descriptions of life in the Depression Era pulled me in, and the mystery kept me guessing to the climax when all of the pieces tied together for a killer ending. (Please pardon the pun.) There was only one drawback to reading this mystery and that is the fact that it is the first in a series, and I find myself wanting to read all of the Grace and Favor books, even though my bookshelves are all packed with books all calling my name.
Profile Image for Dolly.
Author 1 book668 followers
June 30, 2010
This is a fun period mystery, set in the early 1930s, following the Great Crash of 1929. It was a fun read, although we are in the midst of moving, so it took me a lot longer than normal to read it and it detracted from my enjoyment a bit. It's so much better when you can immerse yourself in a story!

I enjoyed this mystery and will look for more by this author, especially in the Grace and Favor series. I really liked the characters and I'm glad that I happened upon the first book in the series by chance.
Profile Image for Gloria.
2,235 reviews53 followers
February 9, 2015
First in the "Grace and Favor Mysteries" series, this is a delightful, old-fashioned traditional mystery set in the 1930s. Two young adult Depression-era New York siblings unexpectedly inherit a fortune, but one with strings attached. Will they be able to determine the cause of their uncle's demise?

This series nicely shows the effects of the Great Depression on daily life, but also in the world of high society. This is a witty, gentle read.
561 reviews7 followers
March 5, 2016
I really enjoyed this book!! I would have given it 5 stars but for some of the language. However, the story is delightful and it was a very easy read. I even figured out who did the murders! I'm looking forward to more of this series!
138 reviews
January 30, 2018
Hooked me right from the start and kept me reading all night. A fun cozy mystery. Now I need to read the rest of the books in the series.
Profile Image for Sadie.
161 reviews3 followers
July 7, 2019
This was exactly the type of book I wanted it to be. Set in the 30’s, but with a Murder She Wrote feel to it. I’ll definitely read more of hers!
Profile Image for Kimberly Ann.
1,658 reviews
July 24, 2017
Lily & Robert are impoverished, but were once rich & high society: Their father lost all his money in the crash of 1929 and promptly committed suicide leaving his children in debt & homeless...

As the series begins they have been invited to the reading of their Uncle's will. As it turns out he had been watching them and decided that as they were the only ones to have never asked him for money, rather taking jobs that barely kept them housed & fed, he left them the bulk of his estate on the condition that they: live in the house for ten (10) years; never leave the village for more than 2 weeks a year each; and they each find employment to support their personal needs, all the estate needs would be provided for from the Estate's funds.

Things are going along well, until someone brings up the fact that their Uncle drowned but the autopsy found a large gash in his head.... Both Lily & Robert begin to investigate, but those in the know have never been able to prove anything.

I enjoyed this book, it was interesting and entertaining.

I was sure that I had read this series before, but the only parts I remember are Robert & Lily's circumstances & Robert's yellow Duesenberg
1,149 reviews5 followers
November 5, 2018
The economic crash of 1929 ruined the finances of the Brewster family. Her parents died (father committed suicide.) Lily Brewster and her brother Robert (both in their late 20s) have been reduced to living in a small tenement apartment menial jobs just barely surviving. Then they find that they have inherited their great uncle’s home in upstate New York… but it comes with a catch: They have to live there for 10 years being allowed only 2 months a year away. The property will be taken care of, but they will receive no living expenses, but must find their own resources there. And stranger still, they find that their uncle had been murdered, but the police had no clue as to who the murderer is. Can they help the police solve their uncle’s murder?
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,464 reviews9 followers
July 10, 2017
I really enjoyed this. I like that it was set in the early 1930s. It felt like it stayed fairly true to the era; especially the slang that is associated with the era. I had a feeling that Sissy was the one that stole from Lily and was not surprised when it was proved to be true. The fact that Sissy was supposed to be wealthy was a perfect motive. The fact that Uncle Harold trusted Major Winslow and was business associates with him made the reasoning behind both deaths pretty obvious. But, I do not mind an obvious story. There were enough red herrings to keep it interesting. I am looking forward to more from this series; less Cousin Clyde and more Jack Summers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ellen Dark.
520 reviews5 followers
April 14, 2020
This book was better than I expected. Brother and sister, Robert and Lily Brewster, will inherit a lot of money and an estate in rural New York if they live in the house for ten years. They discover that their relative was murdered. They are considered to be suspects, so they investigate.
It's a cosy historical.
340 reviews
January 23, 2022
I thought it was a very good book. It combines two things I like to read (mystery and depression era books. Down on their luck, Robert and Lily Brewster are offered a chance to live a much better life. The twist is that they must move from New York city to a small town and live in a mansion for 10 years. At the end of that time, they will inherit close to 2 million dollars.
Profile Image for Stargazer618.
22 reviews
March 11, 2023
This is the first in a series of cozy mysteries. This one is set in the 1930s and stars two siblings who inherit their uncle's house after his untimely death. All of the characters are appropriate to the time period and the mystery is wrapped up nicely at the end. I only gave it 4 stars because I figured out whodunit WAY before the end. I plan on reading more books by Jill Churchill.
Profile Image for Candee.
Author 2 books7 followers
September 11, 2024
Her later books in this series, which I read without knowing there were others, and then after being given an erroneous chronological listing, are better, as there isn't foul language in them. This one doesn't qualify as a cozy mystery because of the vulgar language. I only gave it the second star because the plot is good, although it takes a while to get to it.
Profile Image for Niki.
3 reviews
February 7, 2020
I didn't want to stop reading. I love the story but the best part is that each character and the setting feels real. I can't wait to read the rest of the series and more books from this amazing author.
10 reviews
June 11, 2024
This book was ok. A good whodunnit. The mystery of the odd clause in their uncle's will, which I thought was going to be more prominent, turned out to be more of a sidenote and not much of a mystery. The plot revolves around the death of the uncle instead, which was fun to try and figure out.
Profile Image for Julie Anderson.
371 reviews7 followers
July 6, 2018
This was a nice, short beach read. Not the greatest mystery, but I liked the characters.
Profile Image for Rissa.
9 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2019
Didn’t care for the main characters and could kind of see the big revelation coming, but it was moderately entertaining though.
745 reviews5 followers
April 15, 2020
This is another of the first in a series I am trying to read. It was very good.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews

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