The 1942 animated short story "The Magnetic Telescope" is definitely the one "Superman" tale from 1940s that stands out for me. I remember this one very vividly from my childhood. And thus, it was really a blast from the past to sit down in 2023 and watch it once more.
The storyline in "The Magnetic Telescope" is entertaining, enjoyable and exciting. And it is amazing that writers Dan Gordon and Carl Meyer could manage to put together such a thrilling storyline with just 8 minutes to the runtime. Quite a nice accomplishment, especially since it is a storyline that has been imprinted with me since the early to mid 1980s.
The art style and animation style in "The Magnetic Telescope" is good, just as it is in all other "Superman" tales of this particular series. There is just something timeless and classic about it, and it works so well, even now 81 years down the line.
"The Magnetic Telescope" is a classic for me, without a doubt, and one of the more enjoyable of tales in this particular series of short tales.
My rating of director Dave Fleischer and Thomas Moore's 1942 "The Magnetic Telescope" lands on a six out of ten stars.