I saw this short doco before American Teen at the London Film Festival.
Tis a film all about kids & money, in LA.
Kids of all nationalities and monied back grounds are asked about money.
It starts off with a girl saying with a straight face that spending 4 digits on an outfit for school is a bit much, but for a really nice school bag it is worth it.
You can't not like a film that starts like that.
LA is about the perfect city in the world to make this film, the difference between poor and rich is huge, but everyone wants to look good.
So parents are bullied into spending more than they have to make their daughters fit in.
And kids have to get their own jobs, or their own hustle, to look the goods.
Is chock full of good characters, some of which say the most amazing things.
Great look into the minds of the Paris Hilton set, and also the set below who try to keep up without the money.
With the characters on offer, it was a shame it was only a short film.