This film essentially begins with two young women named "Karla" (Kelsey Zukowski) and "Alyssa" (Alex Rinehart) attempting to escape one night from a rehabilitation center located in Amityville, New York. Although Alyssa manages to crawl out through a window, once outside she turns and, to her horror, watches as some huge beast attacks Karla and rips her to shreds. The scene then shifts to a police officer by the name of "Detective Kimball" (Trey McCurley) being told that these same young women have been reported missing and that his assignment is to track them down and return to the rehabilitation center which they had been remanded to by the court system. At first, he considers this to be a rather routine assignment--but what he doesn't know is that this isn't the first time that a young woman has gone missing from this particular rehab center--and the disappearances always occur on a full moon. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a rather dull horror film due in large part to the lack of action and suspense. Likewise, the script could have used some improvement as well. That being said, although I don't consider this to be a terribly bad horror film necessarily, it isn't something I would honestly recommend, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.