This film doesn't have a higher purpose than a simple, obvious comedy with a bit of action. If you are in a mood for a banal comedy – there is one ;)
This film is quite predicable but it will still make you laugh, unless you are looking for something intelligent with a deeper meaning. Then, this is definitely not the film you are looking for.
The action happens between the siblings and one of them seems to have very low intelligence which I guess is hard enough to act out (or maybe not). Anyway, the actions follows them when one of them gets into trouble and they literally do everything to help each other out.
Some effective film techniques have been used, to establish the feelings of the characters in a very cinematic way and to create an illusion of danger so we care about the characters more. I think the sound tracks used in this film go really well with the action and adds a lot of more humour.
Finally, there is no point criticising someone's work. It's always better to look for the good elements, as it will help us to understand this film was produced in the way it is.