135 of 320 found this mild
Tim has sex with Mary 3 times continuously by time travelling to make it perfect (No Nudity Shown).
Large picture of a topless woman at an art exposition
Mary takes off her bra in front of Tim, then covers her breasts with her hands.
Conversations about Oral Sex, words like penetration used in others, very specific conversations about breasts.
A poster of a woman in a swimsuit is briefly in the background of one scene Very hard to see.
Some very brief conversation regarding sex. Cleavage by several women.
A womans back is seen In a dress in one scene
Tim chases Mary around the house saying "take off the pants".(no nudity)
84 of 126 found this mild
A man accidentally cuts his finger with a knife, creating a small wound.
A character is in a car crash; some bruises and cuts are shown on her face while in a hospital bed.
75 of 162 found this moderate
Some uses of bastard, bitch, ass, dick, 6 uses of shit, and 6 uses of fuck (Five of them are used within the first 35 minutes (one barely audible) of the film)). Quite frequent use of God and Christ.
95 of 123 found this mild
Characters drink, one has an alcohol problem. A drunk driving scene.
56 of 115 found this mild
At the end of the film, there are some emotional scenes that will be heartbreaking if you have recently lost a friend or relative.