Saw this at the Rotterdam Film Festival 2019. Sufficiently complex story but a bit depressing after all, seeing the many obstacles Ramin must face. Gradually, he gets to know some new people, which is not always easy in a foreign country, but it happens often that they are suddenly planning to go to a better place (some real, some only in their fantasies). As a result, there are a few sub-plots proficiently woven into the story, most of them running dead for a good reason but certainly livening up the proceedings.
Eventually, we don't know how Ramin will continue his life further, which of his many options he will explore, and which he will really follow-up on. He has seen the existing freedom yet there are also some counter forces that confine his newly obtained freedom. The language is a complication as well as a plot element, demonstrated via the two-sided language lessons between Ramin and Leti, one wanting to learn Spanish and one to learn English.
All in all, the developments cover many if not all relevant aspects of the plot mixture: immigration, gay sex, building relationships, language problems, unfamiliarity with local culture, and so on. Ramin must work to earn a living, but we see no money problems and he seems to find subsequent jobs without noticeable problems, something that puzzled me. Similarly, there are several other story elements left unexplained, leaving it to us to connect the dots. It did not hamper my viewing experience, however.
Finally, when in doubt to see this movie, there is no gay sex in the story nor any male nudity. So, don't be afraid to see this movie, make way for living along with the protagonists and their real-world dilemma's. There are more than enough topics you can recognize, gay or straight or something in between.