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IMDb member since December 2020
Ashens and the Polybius Heist (2020)
Not a blockbuster, but a really nice movienight movie if you are a fan of British and geeky comedy.
4 December 2020 - 3 out of 5 users found this review helpful.
A decent independent movie. The previous Ashens movie was a good effort but you needed to be a fan of cult movies to appreciate it. This one however is really good. Wonderfull British humour and good acting. If you are into British humour and can appriciate the geeky theme then this movie will not dissapoint you.
The cast was well chosen and the story kept you interested. The characters had enough dept and all contributed to the movie. There was only one gag that seemed a bit out of place but I can easily look past that one.
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