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IMDb member since December 2006
Tri orísky pro Popelku (1973)
A Chistmas must see!
1 December 2006 - 18 out of 20 users found this review helpful.
In Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech republic this movie is shown every Christmas eve, and for many people (myself included) it won't be Christmas without it. The channel tried to take the movie of the program one year because it's such an old film, but there was a massive upheaval and luckily it was stopped and Christmas was saved and it has been showed ever since. It is a sweet Cinderella story, told in a different way then the classical tale we're used to. The movie is extremely charming and beautifully made, although without any Hollywood style special effects. Unfortunately this movie has suffered the fate of most non-English movies in the US and have been more or less completely overlooked.
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