
Volume 7 No 2 January 2002
ISSN 1368-1613
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Special Issue on Cross-lingual Information Retrieval Research at the University of Tampere, Finland
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Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson of the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield in association with |
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Regional Editor, Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh) |
University of Tampere, Finland
(Regional Editor, Dr. Reijo Savolainen) |
University of Murcia, Spain (Regional Editor for Luso-Hispanic countries, Dr. José Vicente Rodrígez) |
Pennsylvania State University, USA (Regional Editor, Dr. Amanda Spink) |
University of Vilnius, Lithuania (Regional Editor, Dr. Elena Maceviciute) |
Design and Editorial content © T.D. Wilson 1996-2002