- About UT Education (general)Education at UT is unique. This page provides useful links to get started at UT and understand our educational vision. Employee onboarding You receive an invite for the introduction meeting for new employees from the central Human Resources (HR) department. On top of that, there is a category on the Service Portal (our employee environment online) for New employees. If your faculty has faculty-specific introduction meetings/information, you will find that information in the the New employees > Faculty specific information section. Dutch Educational system The Dutch education system differs from all education systems in the world and is therefore unique. For example, in the Netherlands we give grades ranging from 1 (very bad) to 10 (very good), but getting a 10 at a university is really quite an achievement. Furthermore, our education is structured in such a way that we activate students to master the material, which they do under the guidance of the teacher, but also independently. Another big difference with
- Assessment policy (UT framework)
- Level 1: Institution – Executive Board
- Level 2: Faculty – Faculty Board
- Level 3: Programme – Programme Director
- Level 4: Course – Examiner
- Level 5: Examination Board
- Challenge based learningSee utwente.nl/en/cbl
- Education and Examination Regulations (EER/OER)The OER (Dutch: Onderwijs- en Examenregeling)/ EER (English: Education and Examination regulations ) is the document containing the main points and agreements of the educational programme. The following points must be included in the OER as standard according the WHW (Law on higher education).: admission requirements content and structure of the programmes form of education testing and examining study guidance and study progress transitional provisions. Here you can find the OER/ EER which belongs to your programme. personalised To make your portal more relevant and personalised, please log in. Sorry, there is no information specified for you. EER regulations all faculties EER for the BMS faculty Targets: BMS EER for the EEMCS faculty Targets: EEMCS EER for the ET faculty Targets: ET EER for the ITC faculty Targets: ITC EER for the ST/(TNW) faculty Targets: TNW
- Expedition Education: online course about education at UTRegistration for the course: https://www.utwente.nl/en/courses/1498451/expedition-education-online/
- MatchingMatching is intended for students to test their final choice. Through matching, students and the programme will determine whether the study suits a student. All universities must give students the right to a matching procedure or study choice check, if they have applied before 1 May. Universities can also oblige students to participate in matching/study choice checks. If they do not participate, the university may decide not to admit a student to a programme. What the matching procedure looks like varies per university and/or per programme. More information about matching for students can be found at utwente.nl/matching. Manuals for staff Matching application for matching admins (January 2025) links to Manual Matching application for matching admin version January 2025.pdf Matching application for matching advisers (January 2025) links to Manual Matching application for matching advisor version January 2025.pdf
- Quality assurance, accreditation, etc.Information related to quality of education is available on the central UT website: www.utwente.nl/en/education/about-our-education/quality. Information about quality assurance/evaluation is available on the faculties' intranet.
- Twente Educational Model (TEM)See www.utwente.nl/en/tom
- Vision on Learning and TeachingHow can education at UT empower students to contribute to a better world? And how can UT’s commitment to making a positive impact on society through technology, strengthen that contribution? The ‘UT Vision on Learning and Teaching’ offers guidance, outlining how we can equip students with ‘more than a degree.’ Taking the challenges of our time as starting point, it places three goals at the heart of our education: learning by doing, building inclusive communities and self-development. Interconnected like the rings of a Borromean knot, these three goals form a roadmap to achieve our UT mission: to be a people-centred university of technology that empowers society through sustainable solutions. The UT Vision on Learning and Teaching provides a basis for strategy, investments, and the implementation of educational activities. The University of Twente vision on learning and teaching links to Vision on Learning and Teaching.pdf Contact M. Poldervaart (Marike)