- Abbreviation list - UT ABCEven after working at the UT for many years you will still find new abbreviations you have never heard before. Find your abbreviation like UT departments, study programmes, etc in the UT ABC: www.utwente.nl/abc.
- Academic ceremonies and reoccuring corporate eventsReoccuring academic ceremonies and events: PhD defences ('promoties') PhD defences (Dutch: promoties) are organised by the Support Office of Twente Graduate School. See www.utwente.nl/phd-defences. Inaugural lectures ('oraties') New professors hold an inaugural lecture. See www.utwente.nl/oraties. Farewell meetings Professors who retire get the opportunity to give a farewell lecture. More information about this can be found on the page about farewell lectures. New year's gathering During the new year's gathering, the Executive Board looks back at the past year and looks forward to the next year, in presence of UT employees. The 'UT in de mediaprijzen' is awarded and there is entertainment in the form of, for example, cabaret. The gathering will be closed with a reception. The new year's gathering is organized by MC in order of the Executive Board. See www.utwente.nl/newyearsbreakfast. Dies Natalis The Dies Natalis, 'the birthday' of the University of Twente, is traditionally celebrated as an academic ceremony
- Archive & Document Management
- Academic Heritage collections
- Archiving and Student Associations
- Archiving services
- Atlantis Archive Portal
- Document management
- JOIN (UT Document management system)
- Policy and advice
- BBR: Administrative regulations/Bestuurs- en beheersregelementDownload: Administrative regulations
- Codes of conductService Portal - HR Codes of conduct UT / Gedragscodes
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)Diversity policy & support
- Doctoral regulationsTwente Graduate School offers the regulations and charters for PhD and PDEng students: PhD section PDEng section
- House rules UTThe house rules of the University of Twente apply to every person on campus. The purpose of these rules is to safeguard order, neatness and security at the UT. Download house rules University of Twente (pdf) links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/service-portal/services/hr/resources/downloads-staffmanual-en/regulations/ut-house-rules-def.pdf
- Inaugural lecturesWhat is an Inaugural lecture? At the University of Twente, it is common that new professors inform the academic community about the nature of their discipline and their intended activity concerning that discipline through an inaugural speech (Dutch: oratie). The inaugural lecture will be also published as a publication. Although the publiction contains the text of the inaugural lecture, the book can be more elaborate and scientific of nature. The support of an inaugural lecture is provided by the support office Doctorate Board of the Twente Graduate School. More information Information about upcoming inaugural lectures and support is available via the Academic Ceremonies webpage.
- Internal auditThe University of Twente's Internal Audit department forms a component of the General Affairs department. Based on expert and objective research (audits and advice), the Internal Audit Department provides the Executive Board and the management team with additional assurance on the effectiveness and control of the operational management of the University, so that it can operate effectively. By issuing solicited and unsolicited advice, the Internal Audit department contributes to the control and quality of operational management, the provision of administrative information and risk management. Internal Audit carries out these audits and provides advice in areas including: (financial) accountability information of faculties and support services within the university; the effectiveness and efficiency of the operational management; relevant processes and underlying IT systems; cultural and behavioural elements. Examples of the above-mentioned activities are the review of funding statements, the audit of the university
- Legal affairs
- ObituaryProtocol following the death of a member of the UT community In the event of the death of a (former) employee or student, there are various actions to be carried out by one or more colleagues. Below you will find a guideline for each situation, intended as a guidance because all cases are unique situations. In all cases, an obituary is written. The communication advisor of the concerned faculty/department can support in this process. More information on making an In Memoriam can be found below under the heading 'Guidelines for writing and distributing obituary messages and obituaries'. The HR department is in charge of the 'obituary' protocol. The protocol is available for download for logged in users only: If you need other examples of an obituary, contact UTLC at translations@utwente.nl UTLC has templates in Dutch, English and German that can be adjusted with specific details. Also, UTLC can translate obituaries for you. Exception to all conduct guidelines In the event of the death of a person who has given
- Participation bodiesParticipation at the UT is organised on different levels, as well for students as for employees. Students Participation for students is arranged on different levels: Centralised University Council (URaad) Decentralised Faculty Council Programme committee Besides that, participation and representation of student organisations is arranged by the Student Union. Employees Participation for employees is arranged on different levels: Centralised University Council (URaad) OPUT Decentralised or specific Faculty Council (for faculty) or Service Council (for service departments) Institute council (faculty members involved in a research institutes) PNUT (PhD students) For all participation information, see: Dutch: www.utwente.nl/medezeggenschap English: www.utwente.nl/participation
- PhD DefencesTwente Graduate School coordinates all doctoral programmes at the University of Twente. Visit their website for more information about PhD defences. WhAt IS a PhD defence? A PhD defense is the achievement of the academic degree of doctor by writing and publically defending a dessertation, with or without theses, at a university, or supervision of a professor who acts as a promoter. The person who is defending the PhD is called a doctoral candidate. Which PhD defences are planned? At the TGS website, you can find an overview of all upcoming PhD Defences and an archive.
- Policy Brief Signalling Outside-inThis (recurring) briefing interprets the Strategy & Policy department's role in providing the UT with relevant information from the outside world. This is extra important in a constantly changing world, and the circumstances of the UT are changing rapidly. The briefing is compiled with colleagues from other departments and faculties. Visual October 2024 links to visual ENG def.pdf Policy Briefing October 2024 links to Policy Briefing Signalling Outside in Oct 2024 ENG.pdf Visual April 2024 links to Visual ENG.pdf Policy Briefing April 2024 links to Policy Briefing April 2024 Signalling Outside in ENG text.pdf
- Privacy, (cyber) safety and personal dataInformation related to privacy, (cyber) safety and personal data/GDPR is available on: English: www.utwente.nl/en/cybersafety Dutch: www.utwente.nl/nl/cybersafety Most requested: UT Privacy Policy
- University Information ManagementShow all (4)…
- UT Incentive FundThe UT Incentive Fund is a funding instrument financed by OPUT, aimed at promoting diversity, equity and inclusion of students and employees at UT
- UT Kring staff associationGet to know your colleagues through the staff association! Employees of the UT can join the staff association UT-Kring. Over 1300 employees of the UT are members of the UT-Kring. UT-Kring organises cultural and sporting events for its members in cooperation with 9 of its sub-associations. This includes discount cinema tickets and go-cart racing. Tickets for these and many other activities are for sale at Boerderij Bosch Contact Please contact HR Services for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011. For ideas, comments or changes to this page, please email webteam-hr@utwente.nl
- UT Language Policy: guidelines, style guide, educational terms, translations and editingUT has the following guidelines and starting points resulting from UT's Language Policy: Information for a heterogeneous target group is provided in two languages (Dutch and English) Information for a Dutch-speaking target audience is provided in Dutch Information for a non-Dutch-speaking target audience is provided in English. More information about UT's language policy? Want to know how to write consistent English in accordance with the UT style guide and list of eductional terms? Need to have your text translated or edited? Take a look below! UT Language Policy links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/language-centre/translation-editing-services/language-policy/ English is the primary language of communication at UT; you can find more information here. UT English Style Guide links to https://www.utwente.nl/en/ces/language-centre/translation-editing-services/english-styleguide/ A guide for UT staff to a consistent presentation in communications written in English. UT List of Translated Educational Terms NL-EN
- Vision on Learning and TeachingHow can education at UT empower students to contribute to a better world? And how can UT’s commitment to making a positive impact on society through technology, strengthen that contribution? The ‘UT Vision on Learning and Teaching’ offers guidance, outlining how we can equip students with ‘more than a degree.’ Taking the challenges of our time as starting point, it places three goals at the heart of our education: learning by doing, building inclusive communities and self-development. Interconnected like the rings of a Borromean knot, these three goals form a roadmap to achieve our UT mission: to be a people-centred university of technology that empowers society through sustainable solutions. The UT Vision on Learning and Teaching provides a basis for strategy, investments, and the implementation of educational activities. The University of Twente vision on learning and teaching links to Vision on Learning and Teaching.pdf Contact M. Poldervaart (Marike)