Dev Murphy, MA

Dev Murphy is a creative writer and visual artist. Dev has been writing professionally for 8 years. Before that, she worked as an art gallery docent at the Wood Street Galleries in Pittsburgh, taught English writing and literature at Ohio University, and worked as an archivist and librarian at the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology. She has a BA in English with minors in French and Drawing from the University of Akron and an MA in English Literature with a specialty in 19th-century British Literature from Ohio University.


  • The University of Akron, BA in English with minors in French and Drawing
  • Ohio University, MA English Literature, with a specialty in 19th-century British Literature

Professional Achievements

  • Writing published in The Iowa Review, The Cincinnati Review, Brink Literary, and Pithead Chapel
  • Art published in The Guardian, The Rumpus, and ANMLY


  • Creative Writing
  • Visual Art
  • Illustration
  • Family Life
  • Philosophy & Religion
  • Psychology
  • Relationships


Dev works for wikiHow because she loves learning new things and firmly believes that knowledge should be free and accessible to the world.

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Co-authored Articles (546)

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