found: Work cat.: 2007041545: Street smart Spanish for first responders, 2008.
found: LC database, Oct. 11, 2007.
found: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration WWW site, Oct. 11, 2007:using highways during evacuation operations for events with advance notice>>glossary (first responder: first responding unit to arrive at an incident scene; traditionally used to describe public safety emergency responders who have duties related to preservation of life and property)
found: National Center for Children Exposed to Violence WWW site, Oct. 11, 2007:resource center>professional tools>glossary of terms (first responders: emergency personnel called to the scene of a crisis or responding to emergency calls for assistance; first responders could include emergency medical technicians, police, hotline/crisis line personnel, fire and rescue, child protective services, and others)
found: Encyc. of law enforcement, c2005:v. 1, p. 19 (first-responder organizations, such as fire, police, and rescue units) p. 47 (first reponders) p. I-9 (first-responders)
notfound: Encyc. of disaster management, c2006;NFPA's illustrated dict. of fire protection terms, c2005;National criminal justice thesaurus