found: Work cat: Archambault, V. Le deuil au fil des saisons : guide pour les personnes endeuillées et celles qui les accompagnent, [2017](title translated into English from French is "Mourning through the seasons: guide for the bereaved and those who accompany them.")
found: LC database, May 19, 2021(bereaved - retrieved 308 records)
found: Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1986(searched bereave "vt deprive especially by death")
found: The Canadian Oxford Dictionary, 1998:(searched bereaved "bereaved...adj. saddened by the death of a loved one")
found: Gage Canadian Dictionary, 1997:(searched bereaved "bereaved...adj. deprived (of) by death")
found: Répertoire de vedettes-matière website (French subject headings from Université Laval), May 19, 2021:(searched Personnes endeuillées which translated into English means bereaved or bereaved persons, this subject heading has a broader term of Persons)