Identified By
Birth Date
- -0427
Death Date
- -0346
Birth Place
- Aigina (Greece)
Associated Locale
- Greece
Associated Locale
- Athens (Greece)
Associated Language
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Athanasatos, Kōnstantinos P. P
- Achelis, Thomas, 1850-1909 Übe
- Adam, Adela Marion Plato
- Anonymous prolegomena to Plato
- Aristophrōn, Pan Plato's acade
- Auermann, Gustav, 1843- Platon
- Bhandari, Des Raj Studies in P
- Bonitz, Hermann, 1814-1888 Pla
- Brochard, Victor, 1848-1907 Es
- Cherniss, Harold Fredrik, 1904
- Collins, Clifton W. (Clifton W
- Des Places, Édouard, 1900-2000
- Duranti, Gian Carlo Verso un P
- Duso, Giuseppe Hegel interpret
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-188
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-188
- Field, G. C. (Guy Cromwell), 1
- Finsler, Georg August, 1852-19
- Fox, Adam, 1883-1977 Plato for
- Georgiadès, Patrice De Freud à
- Gohlke, Paul, 1892- Die Lehre
- Goldschmidt, Victor Le paradig
- Gould, Thomas Platonic love
- Gouldner, Alvin Ward, 1920- En
- Graf, Gerhard Die sokratische
- Gray, Thomas, 1716-1771 The wo
- Gronau, Karl, 1885- Platons Id
- Groot, H. (Herko), 1890- Plato
- Grote, George, 1794-1871 Plato
- Grube, G. M. A. (George Maximi
- Guardini, Romano, 1885-1968 Th
- Huber, Carlo, 1931-2007 Anamne
- Ingenkamp, Heinz Gerd Untersuc
- Koch, Joseph, 1885- Platonismu
- Labarbe, Jules L'Homère de Pla
- Landmann, Michael, 1913- Urspr
- Martin, Gottfried, 1901-1972 P
- Martin, Gottfried, 1901-1972 P
- Meyer, Hans, 1884-1966 Platon
- Moreau, Joseph L'âme du monde
- Moreau, Joseph La construction
- Mugler, Charles La physique de
- Müller, Gustav Emil, 1898-1987
- Nodier, Luc Marie Anatomie du
- Oldewelt, Hendrik Marie Jan, 1
- Perls, Hugo Platon, sa concept
- Pfeil, Hans, 1903- Das platoni
- Ræder, Hans, 1869- Platoniske
- Reale, Giovanni I problemi del
- Richard, Marie-Dominique L'ens
- Ritter, Constantin, 1859- Unte
- Ritter, Constantin, 1859-1936
- Robinson, Richard, 1902- Plato
- Ruiz Yamuza, Emilia, 1956- El
- Sastri, P. S. Aristotle's theo
- Sciacca, Michele Federico, 190
- Staeckel, O. Der begriff der i
- Stefanini, Luigi, 1891-1956 I
- The Platonist
- Vogel, C. J. de (Cornelia Joha
- Wild, John, 1902-1972 Plato's
- Wolff, Hans Matthias, 1912- Pl
- Woodbridge, Frederick James Eu
- Zeller, Eduard, 1814-1908 Plat
- Contributor to
- Plato Apología de Sócrates, Cr
- Plato Der Staat
- Plato El banquete
- Plato Faidrus
- Plato Fedro
- Plato Fidūn
- Plato Gorgias
- Plato Gorgias, Meno
- Plato ha-Mishteh
- Plato Ḥikmat-i Suqrāṭ va Aflāṭ
- Plato Il Timeo, tradotto da Gi
- Plato Ion, Lysis, Charmides
- Plato Ione
- Plato Laches
- Plato Meno; text and criticism
- Plato Œuvres de Platon: Apolog
- Plato Phaidōn
- Plato Phaidros
- Plato Pʻuratʻon
- Plato Plato
- Plato Plato's Apology and Crit
- Plato Plato's Symposium
- Plato Platōn
- Plato Platon kai Hellenes plen
- Plato Platonis Opera quae feru
- Plato Platos Staat
- Plato Second Alcibiade
- Plato Selected passages
- Plato Selections
- Plato Selections from Plato
- Plato The dialogues of Plato
- Plato The last days of Socrate
- Plato The laws of Plato
- Plato The Parmenides of Plato
- Plato The republic of Plato
- Plato The Republic of Plato
- Plato Timaeus et Critias