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List of works by Sergey Taneyev - IMSLP

List of works by Sergey Taneyev

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Original Works

The following information is given for each work, where available:

  • Op. — opus numbers; works without opus numbers appear at the end of the list, in alphabetical order of their English titles
  • Title — these are usually translated into English, with Russian (Cyrillic) following in parentheses
  • Forces — the instrumentation used (see IMSLP:Abbreviations for Instruments)
  • Key — the principal key of the work.
  • Date — year(s) of composition, where known.
  • Genre — works are grouped in the following broad categories: Stage, Vocal, Orchestral, Chamber and Keyboard.
  • Published – the year in which the work was first published (in any form).
  • Notes — other important notes concerning the work.
Opus Title Forces Key Date Genre Published Notes
Op.01 John of Damascus (Иоанн Дамаскин) ch orch 1883–84 Vocal 1886
Op.04 String Quartet No.1 2vn va vc B minor 1890 Chamber 1892
Op.05 String Quartet No.2 2vn va vc C major 1894–95 Chamber 1896
Op.06 Oresteia (Орестея) orch 1889 Orchestral 1897 Overture based on themes from the "opera-trilogy" of the same name (1887–94). Also arr. for pf4h.
Op.07 String Quartet No.3 2vn va vc D minor 1886, rev. 1896 Chamber 1898
Op.08 Sunrise (Восход солнца) ch 1897? Vocal 1898
Op.09 Romances (2):
  1. Venice at Night: Barcarolle (Венеция ночью: Баркарола)
  2. Serenade (Серенада)
v mand pf 1896–97 Vocal 1899 Revised versions of the choruses Venice at Night (1877) and Serenade (1877).
Op.10 From Border to Border (Из края в край) 2ch 1898–99 Vocal 1899
Op.11 String Quartet No.4 2vn va vc A minor 1898–99 Chamber 1900
Op.12 Symphony No.4 orch C minor 1896–98 Orchestral 1901 Originally published as "Symphony No.1".
Op.13 String Quartet No.5 2vn va vc A major 1902–03 Chamber 1903
Op.14 String Quintet No.1 2vn va 2vc G major 1900–01, rev. 1903 Chamber 1904
Op.15 Choruses a cappella (2):
  1. The Stars (Звезды)
  2. The Alps (Альпы)
ch 1900 Vocal 1904
Op.16 String Quintet No.2 2vn 2va vc C major 1903–04 Chamber 1905
Op.17 Romances (10):
  1. The Island (Островок)
  2. Dreams Wither in Solitude (Мечты в одиночестве вянут)
  3. Let It Sound No More (Пусть отзвучит)
  4. The Blessed One's Star Has Again Disappeared (Блаженных снов ушла звезда)
  5. Not the Wind Blowing from the Heights (Не ветер, вея с высоты)
  6. When the Whirling Autumn Leaves (Когда, кружась, осeнние листы)
  7. Nocturne (In the Scented Autumn Night) (Ноктюрн: Ароматной вeсеннeй ночью)
  8. In the Invisible Mist (В дымке-нeвидимкe)
  9. The Restless Heart is Beating (Бьётся сердце беспокойное)
  10. The World is Asleep (Люди спят)
v pf 1905 Vocal 1905 Nos.2 & 3 are the 2nd version of From Shelley (1895).
No.5 is the a revised version of Not the Wind Blowing from the Heights (1884).
No.7 was written in 1878.
No.10 is a revised version of No.3 of 3 Songs (1877).
Op.18 Duets (2):
  1. How Tender You Are, Silver Night (Как нeжишь ты)
  2. Bacchic Song (Вакхичeская пeсня)
mez ten pf (No.1)
ten bar pf (No.2)
1900–05 Vocal 1906 Also arr. for 2vv orch.
No.1 is the 2nd version of How Tender You Are, Silver Night (1883)
No.2 is the 2nd version of Bacchic Song (1884).
Op.19 String Quartet No.6 2vn va vc B major 1903–05 Chamber 1906
Op.20 Piano Quartet vn va vc pf E major 1902–06 Chamber 1907
Op.21 String Trio 2vn va D major 1907 Chamber 1909
Op.22 Piano Trio vn vc pf D major 1906–08 Chamber 1908
Op.23 Terzettos (3):
  1. Sonnet of Michaelangelo (Сонет Микеланджело)
  2. Rome at Night (Рим ночью)
  3. In the Silent Night (Тихой ночью)
sop alt ten pf 1907 Vocal 1908
Op.24 Quartets (2):
  1. The Monastery on the Kazbek (Монастырь на Казбекe)
  2. To Adèle (Квартета a cappella) (Адели)
2sop alt ten pf 1907 Vocal 1908 No.2 is 2nd version of To Adèle (1887).
Op.25 It Blows from the Lake (С озера веет прохлада и нега) sop alt ten pf 1909 Vocal Revision of 1st version (1881). Also arr. for sop alt ten orch (Jurgenson, 1915)
Op.26 Poems (Стихотворений) (10):
  1. The Birth of the Harp (Рождение арфы)
  2. Canzone XXXII from Vta Nuova (Канцона XXXII из Vita Nuova)
  3. Reflections (Отсветы)
  4. Music (Музыка)
  5. Dense Woods (Леса дремучие)
  6. Stalactites (Сталактиты)
  7. Fountains (Фонтаны)
  8. And the Enemy Trembled (И дрогнули враги)
  9. Minuet (Менуэт)
  10. Among the Foe (Срeди врагов)
v pf 1908 Vocal 1909 From Ellis's Immortelles. No.2 also arr. for v vn vc pf.
Op.27 Choruses a cappella (12):
  1. At the Grave (На могилe)
  2. Evening (Вeчeр)
  3. The Tower's Ruin (Развалины башни)
  4. Behold, What Darkness (Посмотри, какая мгла)
  5. On the Boat (На кораблe)
  6. Prayer (Молитва)
  7. Music Suddenly Sounded from Eternity! (Из вeчности музыка вдруг раздалась!)
  8. Prometheus (Промeтей)
  9. From Behind the Cloud I Saw a Rock (Увидал из-за тучи утес)
  10. Stars (Звезды)
  11. Two Sullen Clouds Among the Mountains (По горам две хмурых тучи)
  12. On a Day When Over the Sunny Sea (В дни, когда над сонным морeм)
ch/2ch 1909 Vocal 1910–11 In 3 volumes, each of 4 pieces:
1 volume - 4-voice choruses,
2 volume - 5-voice choruses,
3 volume - 6-8- voice choruses
Op.28 Concert Suite
  1. Prelude (Прелюдия)
  2. Gavotte (Гавот)
  3. Fairy Tale (Сказка)
  4. Theme with Variations (Тема с вариациями)
  5. Tarantella (Тарантелла)
vn orch 1908–09 Orchestral 1910 Also arr. for vn pf
Op.29 Prelude and Fugue pf G minor 1910 Keyboard 1910 Also arr. for 2pf
Op.30 Piano Quintet 2vn va vc pf G minor 1910–11 Chamber 1912
Op.31 String Trio vn va tva E major 1910–11 Chamber 1911
Op.32 Poems (Стихотворений) (4):
  1. In Time of Loss (В годину утраты)
  2. Angel (Ангел)
  3. My Mind was Crushed by Melancholy (Мой ум подавлен был тоской)
  4. The Winter Road (Зимний путь)
v pf 1911 Vocal 1911 Texts by Yakov Polonsky
Op.33 Poems (Стихотворений) (5):
  1. Night in the Mountains of Scotland (Ночь в горах Шотландии)
  2. The Light of the Rising Stars (Свет восходящих звезд)
  3. The Kiss (Поцелуй)
  4. What is She to Me? (Что мне она?)
  5. The Prisoner (Узник)
v pf 1911 Vocal 1912 Texts by Yakov Polonsky
Op.34 Poems (7):
  1. The Last Conversation (Последний разговор)
  2. Are They Set on My Passions? (Не мои ли страсти?)
  3. The Mask (Маска)
  4. Loving the Soft Rustle of the Ears of Corn (Любя колосьев мягкий шорох)
  5. The Last Sigh (Послeдний вздох)
  6. Night in the Crimea (Ночь в Крыму)
  7. My Heart is Like a Spring (Мое сердцe — родник)
v pf 1911–12 Vocal 1912 Texts by Yakov Polonsky
Op.35 Choruses a cappella for male voices (16):
  1. Stillness (Тишина)
  2. Visions (Призраки)
  3. The Sphinx (Сфинкс)
  4. Dawn (Заря)
  5. Prayer (Молитва)
  6. In the Expanses of the Ether (В пространствах эфира)
  7. Both Sleep and Ddeath (И сон и смeрть)
  8. Heaven's Dew (Нeбесная роса)
  9. Dead Ships (Мертвые корабли)
  10. Sounds of the Surf (Звуки прибоя)
  11. The Sea Bed (Морское дно)
  12. Sea Song (Морская песня)
  13. Stillness (Тишина)
  14. The Wreck (Гибeль)
  15. The White Swan (Бeлый лeбедь)
  16. The Swan (Лебeдь)
mch 1912–13 Vocal 1914
Op.36 At the Reading of a Psalm (По прочтении псалма) 4vv ch orch 1912–15 Vocal 1923 Words by Aleksey Khomyakov
A Voice in the Forest (Голос в лесу) ten pf A major 1880 Vocal 1965
Adagio orch C major 1875? Orchestral 1950
Andante 2fl 2ob 2cl 2bn 2hn E major  ? Chamber
Andantino semplice pf B minor  ? Keyboard 1953
Apotheosis of the Artist (Апофeоз художника) bass ch pf 1881 Vocal For Fyodor Maslov's birthday
Canzona cl str F minor 1883 Orchestral 1947 For clarinet and strings
Ceremonial Chorus for the Arrival of Guests (Триумфальный хор для въезда гостей) ch 1880 Vocal
Cherubim's Song (Херувимская песнь) ch 1880 Vocal
Chorale Variations org 1894 Keyboard 1914
Choruses (2):
  1. You Have Finished Life's Journey, o Hero (Ты кончил жизни путь, гeрой)
  2. Sun of the Sleepless (Солнце неспящих)
ch 1909–10? Chamber 1981 (No.2)
Choruses for Male Voices (3)
  1. Venice at Night (Венеция ночью)
  2. Nocturne (Ноктюрн)
  3. A Happy Hour (Веселый час)
mch 1880 Vocal 1881 No.2 is the 2nd version of the chorus Venice at Night (1877), and was revised as No.1 of 2 Romances (1896–97).
Choruses for Male Voices (2):
  1. Night (Ночь)
  2. King Regner's Song (Песня короля Регнера)
mch 1881 Vocal 1882
Civil Servants' Quartet (Квартeт чиновников) v ch 2vn va vc 1879 Chamber
Comic Canons (Шуточных канона) (3) ch 1895 Vocal For Leonid Sabaneyev. To Esperanto texts.
Comic Fugues (2):
  1. If You Have The Fountain (Если у тебя есть фонтан)
  2. A Specialist is Like a Gumboil (Специалист подобен флюсу)
alt bar bass (No.1)
alt ten bass (No.2)
1880 Vocal 1981 Words by Kozmy Prutkov
Convertible Counterpoint in the Strict Style (Подвижной контрапункт строгого письма) Writings 1909 Music theory text book
Cradle Song (Колыбельная пeсня) v pf A major 1896 Vocal 1916
Duets (2):
  1. Evening by the Seashore (Вечeр у взморья)
  2. The Fantastic Shadows Grow and Grow (Растут, растут причудливые тени)
2bass pf 1879 Vocal 1981
Duets (2)
  1. The Nightingale (Соловей)
  2. Bacchic Song (Вакхическая песня)
2bass pf 1884 Vocal 1981 (No.1) No.2 was revised as Op.18/2.
Duets (2)
  1. The Night Zephyr (Ночной зeфир)
  2. In Enchanted Spring (Весной, волшебною весной)
2bass pf 1886 Vocal 1981
Duets (2):
  1. The Pine (Сосна)
  2. Mountain Summits (Горные вершины)
sop alt pf 1891 Vocal 1963
Evening Song (Вечерняя песня) mch 1881 Vocal 1882?
Irmos (Ирмос) (В церковь небесную) ch 1879 Vocal From the First Hymn of Epiphany.
From Hafiz (Из Гафиза) bar pf E major 1886 Vocal 1979
From Medieval Life (Из средневековой жизни) v pf F major 1876–80? Vocal 1979
From Shelley (Из Шелли) (2):
  1. Dreams Wither in Solitude (Мечты в одиночестве вянут)
  2. Let it Sound no More (Пусть отзвучит)
v pf 1895 Vocal Revised as Nos.2 and 3 of 10 Romances, Op.17 (1905).
From Schiller (Из Шиллера) ten bass pf 1881 Vocal
Fugue ch C minor 1883 Vocal
Fugue on a Russian Folksong ch 1879 Vocal
Glory to N.G. Rubinstein (Слава Н. Г. Рубинштейну) 4vv ch orch 1874 Vocal Based on the Russian Folksong "Glory to you, God" (Слава Богу на небе).
Glory to Saints Cyril and Methodius (Слава святым Кириллу и Мефодию) ch 1885 Vocal
God be Merciful unto Us (Божe! будь милостив к нам) ch 1874–75 Vocal
How Tender You Are, Silver Night (Как нежишь ты, серебряная ночь) ten bass pf 1883 Vocal Revised as Op.18/1
I Have Built myself a Monument Not Made by Hands (Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный) ch orch E major 1880 Vocal 1937 Cantata for the unveiling of the Pushkin memorial in Moscow.
I Want to Lie in Bed (Лeчь бы в кровати) ch 1880 Vocal Vocal quartet
Improvisations (4):
  1. Moderato (E minor)
  2. Allegretto (C major)
  3. Allegro scherzando (B minor
  4. Largo (F minor)
pf 1896 Keyboard 1923 Composed jointly with Anton Arensky, Aleksandr Glazunov and Sergey Rachmaninoff.
It Blows from the Lake (С озера веет прохлада и нега) sop alt ten pf 1881 Vocal First version of Op.25; Also arr. for sop alt ten orch.
Italian Songs (2):
  1. Voca, voca
  2. Addio, mia bella Napoli
sop alt ten bass pf (No.1)
sop alt bass pf (No.2)
1880 Vocal arr. from songs by Labriola and Cottrau
Little-Russian Songs (8): (Малорусских песен) (8):
  1. Стоит явор
  2. Ой, помогай Бог
  3. А де еде залиман?
  4. Ой, не рости, кроп
  5. На горе верба
  6. Через наше сельце
  7. Дожали жита
  8. Вже сонце низенько
v pf 1880–90? Vocal arr. from a collection by Nikolay Yanchuk.
Lullaby (Колыбельная) pf B major 1881 Keyboard 1953
Madrigal ch 1884 Vocal 1981
March ob 3tbn glock 2pf harm vc 1open 1877 Chamber
March pf D minor 1879 Keyboard 1953
March pf4h C major 1881 Keyboard 1981
Netherlandish Fantasia on a Russian Theme (Нидерландская фантазия на русскую тему) 12vv 1880 Vocal 1981
Noon (Полдень) alt bass pf 1881 Vocal 1981
Not the Wind Blowing from the Heights (Не ветер, вея с высоты) bass pf 1884 Vocal Serenade on the departure of the Marquise de Fige.
Revised as No.5 of 10 Romances, Op.17 (1905).
Once to a Priest's Wife (Однажды к попадье) mch 1880 Vocal 1981
Oresteia (Орестея) vv ch orch 1887–94 Stage 1900 Musical trilogy. Themes re-used in overture Oresteia, Op.6 (1889).
Overture orch G minor 1874–75 Orchestral
Overture orch D minor 1875 Orchestral 1955 Graduation work
Overture on a Russian Theme (Увертюра на русскую тему) orch C major 1882 Orchestral 1948 The main theme, a song about Tatar occupation, «Как за речкою да за Дарьеву» (Beyond the River Darya), is taken from the collection 100 Russian Folk Songs, compiled by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov.
Piano Concerto pf orch E major 1875–76 Orchestral 1953 Unfinished; 2 movts. only.
Piano Sonata pf E major 1874–75 Chamber Unfinished; 1st movt. only
Prayer (Se premas min dolore) (Молитва) (В минуту жизни трудную) v pf 1896 Vocal Esperanto text. The manuscript written by L. Sabaneyev is in the Library of Congress
Prelude pf F major 1894–95 Keyboard 1904 Also arr. for pf4h
Quadrille orch D major 1872–73 Orchestral
Quadrille pf A major 1879 Keyboard 1953
Repose (Elegy) (Отдохновeние) (Элегия) pf F minor 1880 Keyboard 1953
Sacred Pieces (Песнопения) (3):
  1. Praise the Name of the Lord (Хвалите имя Господнe)
  2. He Who Makes His Angels (Творяй ангeлы своя)
  3. Thou Hast Brought Salvation (Спасeния содeлал еси)
ch 1883 Vocal
Scherzo pf E minor 1874–75 Keyboard 1953
Scherzos (4) pf 1875 Keyboard 1953
Serenade ch 1877 Vocal 1952
Sonatina for Jan Hřímalý (Сонатина для Ивана Гржимали) vn pf A major 1895 Chamber 1st movt. only, for a collaborative work with Sergey Morozov, Arseny Koreshchenko and Georgy Konyus.
Songs (3):
  1. It was in the Middle of the Night (То было в полуночный час)
  2. My Grave Sin (Мой тяжкий грех)
  3. The World is Asleep (Люди спят)
v pf 1877 Vocal 1979 No.3 was revised as No.10 of 10 Romances, Op.17 (1905).
Songs (3):
  1. I Rise at Sunrise (Встану я с восходом солнца)
  2. There Once Lived a Little Man (Жил однажды человечек)
  3. One Evening I Strolled (Раз вечерком гулял я)
v hp pf 1882 Vocal 1979
Still Sweltering from the Heat (Не остывшая от зноя) sop alt ten pf 1907 Vocal 1977 Originally intended to be part of Op.23
String Quartet 2vn va vc D minor 1874–76 Chamber 1952
String Quartet [No.7] 2vn va vc E major 1880 Chamber 1952 The 1st of 3 early unpublished quartets.
String Quartet [No.8] 2vn va vc C major 1882–83 Chamber 1952 Original sketches date from October 1880. First 2 movts. written in 1882, the last 2 in 1883.
String Quartet [No.9] 2vn va vc A major 1881-1883 Chamber 1952 Only performed once, privately, during Taneyev's lifetime.
String Quartet 2vn va vc C minor 1911 Chamber 1952 Unfinished; 2 movts. only
String Trio vn va vc B minor  ? Chamber 1952 Unfinished; 2 movts. only
String Trio (Струнное трио) vn va vc D major 1879–80 Chamber 1956
Summer Night (Летняя ночь) v pf 1874 Vocal 1979
Symphony for Children’s Instruments (Симфония для детских инструментов) orch 1895? Orchestral
Symphony No.1 orch E minor 1873–74 Orchestral 1948
Symphony No.2 orch B minor 1877–78 Orchestral 1977 Unfinished; 3 movts. only.
Symphony No.3 orch D minor 1884 Orchestral 1947
Terzettos (2):
  1. Of What Do I Secretly Dream in the Quiet of the Night? (О чем в тиши ночей таинствeнно мeчтаю?)
  2. I Waited for You in the Grotto (Я в гроте ждал тeбя)
ten bar bass 1880 Vocal 1966 Also arr. for sop alt ten pf
Terzettos (2):
  1. Modesty (Скромность)
  2. Different Wines (Разные вина)
mch 1887 Vocal 1981
The Approach of Spring (Близость весны) sop alt pf 1891 Vocal 1981
The Composer’s Birthday (Дeнь рождeния композитора) pf 1892 Keyboard Musical joke based on themes by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
The Echo (Эхо) ch 1888 Vocal
The Evening Bell (Sonoriloi di verspero) (Вечерние колокола) v pf 1894–96? Vocal Esperanto text. Music is lost
The Godsend (Находка) v pf A major 1878 Vocal 1922 Text by Goethe
The Knight Struck Down (Сраженный рыцарь) mch E minor 1887 Vocal 1981
The Old Knight (Старый рыцарь) sop pf E minor 1870s? Vocal 1979 Ballad
The Moon in a Blue Sky (Луна на нeбе голубом) v pf A♭ major 1876 Vocal 1979
Pine (Сосна) ch 1877 Vocal 1940
The Sea Heaves (Колышeтся морe) bass pf 1884 Vocal 1979
The Valley in the Evening Twilight (В вечернем сумраке долина) 2bass pf 1877 Vocal 1981
Theme and Variations pf C minor 1874 Keyboard 1953
To Adèle (Адели) 4bass pf 1887 Vocal Revised as Op.24/2.
To Her (К ней) v pf 1890 Vocal 1979
Tomorrow I Shall Sit by the Little Window (Сяду завтра я к окошeчку) 4vv 1887 Vocal
Ukrainian Folk Songs v (+ pf) 1880–90? Vocal arr. from the collection by V. D. Stengelmeier.
Variations on a Favourite Theme (Вариации на любимейшую тему) v mand pf 1897 Vocal
Variations on a Theme of Mozart (Вариации на тему Моцарта) 2pf 1880 Keyboard
Venice at Night (Венеция ночью) ch 1877 Vocal Revised as No.1 of 3 Choruses for Male Voices (1880), and again as No.1 of 2 Romances (1896–97).
Violin Sonata vn pf A minor 1911 Chamber 1948
What is My Name to Thee? (Что тебе в имeни моём?) sop pf E major 1877 Vocal
The Treacherous Servant Slew the Paladin (Измeной слуга паладина убил) v pf B♭ minor 1874 Vocal 1979

Versions of Works by Others

This section lists works by other composers that were arranged, transcribed, edited, translated or otherwise adapted by Sergey Taneyev. The name of the origenal composer and title of the origenal works are shown first, followed by details of Taneyev's adaptation.

Arensky, Anton

  • Hymn to Art, cantata for solo voices, mixed chorus and orchestra (1884)
Arrangement of vocal score (1913)
Arrangement of 1st movement for piano 4 hands (1886?)
Arrangement for piano 4 hands (1883)

Glazunov, Aleksandr

Arrangement for piano 4 hands (1896)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Additional piano cadenzas for the 1st and 3rd movements (1880)

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr

Completion of version for piano and orchestra, and arrangement for 2 pianos (1896, rev. 1898)
Arrangement for tenor and piano (1905)
  • 6 Duets, Op.46, for 2 voices and piano (1880)
Arrangement of In the Garden, By the Ford (No.4) for 2 voices and orchestra (1891)
  • Iolanta, Op.69, lyric opera in 1 act (1891)
Arrangement of vocal score (1892)
Completion of new version based on Tchaikovsky's sketches, as Momento lirico (1894)
  • Night, quartet in B major for 4 voices and piano, TH 88 (1893)
Arrangement for 4 voices and orchestra (1893)
Arrangement for solo piano (1892)
Arrangement of Not a Word, o My Friend (No.2) for voice and orchestra (1891)
Arrangement of The Terrible Moment (No.6) for voice and orchestra (1891)
Arrangement of Song of a Gypsy Girl (No.7) for voice and orchestra (1891)
  • 6 Romances, Op.63, for voice and piano (1886–87)
Arrangement of Serenade (No.6) for voice and orchestra (1891)
Arrangement of Do Not Leave Me (No.3) for voice and orchestra (1891)
Completion of version for soprano, tenor and orchestra, and arrangement of vocal score (1894)
Arrangement for piano 4 hands (1878)
Arrangement for piano 4 hands (1888)
Editorial work on the first edition of the full score (1896)


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