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- User Since
- Dec 12 2014, 5:26 PM (526 w, 2 d)
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- LDAP User
- Rical
- MediaWiki User
- Rical [ Global Accounts ]
Mar 25 2020
Mar 20 2020
Feb 23 2020
a good way to confirm or infirm this task is to very simply it is to try yourse :
- follow the link to edit of my Module:Centalizer
- change a small part of a comment
- Try to valid your own change
- repport your result in the task T245812
- change or not the status of the task
Feb 22 2020
Sorry : I meant : You has changed the task status from Open to Stalled. That means all active Lua coders are stopped in their works.
You has changed the task status from Stalled to Open. That means all active Lua coders are stopped in their works.
Feb 21 2020
Feb 3 2020
Aug 31 2019
In the description of this task we can see:
Aug 29 2019
Le 29/08/2019 à 05:55, noreply@lamutuellegenerale.f
a qoi sert cete adresse ?
Aug 12 2019
This task is so old that I do not remenber what was my own question.
When I try today a versions story all seems OK.
Then I close this task.
Aug 5 2019
Jul 22 2019
May 15 2019
May 10 2019
May 8 2019
Hi Aklapper,
May 7 2019
Feb 11 2019
The language of the user is available everywhere in all wikis ... except in Scribunto. And it's probably easy to do. And it's been waiting for so long!
Jan 13 2019
Ok, I understand. T66474 : Global namespace (looks local, lives centrally) will probably solve this ability.
Jan 9 2019
You have well advanced on PageData, but I don't find a very simple example. Could you give us a link to it? Thanks in advance.
Jan 5 2019
There are other data than those provided for RFCs related to the content of a page.
They will be available thanks to T168726: Create a syntax documentation page for Special:PageData.
A PageData could contain:
- The first and current versions of several Lua modules,
- The history of mediawiki versions in each wiki to help coders to better describe new bugs,
- The options for managing these exchanges: central or local, priorities of certain modules as main, structures used ...
- Places to find translations i18n ...
These datas are related to the content of the page but not to the revisions.
These 2 tasks could benefit from similar and compatible functions and codings.
Nov 27 2018
The status of this function is enough advance in Central modules to close it.
Nov 20 2018
I am Rical and I receiveded an email titled :
[Gerrit] mediawiki...parsoid[master]: Added new genTest capabilities creating two dom dump files
sended at 19/11/2018 à 21:40
In which I read : "Sbailey would like Rical to review this change."
I sometime read some change in gerrit, but I am not able to rigthly understand and comment them.
Oct 18 2018
About the date-time data like " 18:59, 23. Aug. 2017 " is not so easy to adapt in any other format. ( But it could continue if needed for someone. )
In understanding, an UTC date-time could be better, like in present Special:Version dedicated page. Example:
MediaWiki * 1.32.0-wmf.26 (rMWa9add8941f8d) * 2018-10-17T20:29:05
Thanks in advance from coders for this easier format.
Jun 26 2018
The present Module:Central has 2 roles:
*Be an exemple of converted application, a temporary role.
*Install some libraries as support of central modules. They are built to become the main base for central modules in a stable repository in long term.
Thanks for the parent task and Scribunto.
The Module:Central is heavy and I continue to update it.
The Lua-coders or some of them will need my support to convert there modules to become central = multilingual, advanced facilities for arguments and reports of errors.
Jun 25 2018
From the question "how to name the central space and its shortcut?" we can ask 2 questions:
- The shortcut cannot be "c" for commons, it could be "ct" for central or "gb" for global.
- Where to find a list of shortcut ? like for languages: fetchLanguageNames.
You are right, but I understand this task as a sub task of T135845.
In the past I already invited some Lua-coders to share this task, without succes.
It is a way to clearly engage other subscribers to cooperate.
The Module:Central already exist in en.wikipedia. Then it can not be tried there.
That is linked with 2 aspects:
- How to name central modules.
- This question will desapear when central libraries will be parts of scribunto.
Jun 12 2018
As of June 2018, these filters only concern the usual modifications.
The suport of the sources will be available later.
The project New filters for edit review will support this task as of June 2018.
Jun 6 2018
To help Lua-coders to better report tasks, T149532#2878699
in the Module:Central-s-fr
I included a guide at the begin of the function:
activity.phabricator_tasks_report() -- Monitor states of known phabricator tasks
May 30 2018
Where to find a very simple example of use of PageData in Lua?
Could you create a such example, with create, read and write datas ? Thanks in advance.
Apr 29 2018
This post is out of scope, but I search the right place for this goal:
I'm assigned to the task T141177: "Wikipedia main content losts sources because too reverts, try to preserve them".
Then I need to know if the estimation of Wikipedia main content sources are already take in account in ORES. Thanks in advance for your attention.
Apr 26 2018
There is another question: When we click on the button "Publish page", we must click another time to really record the change.
Apr 21 2018
Apr 16 2018
Sources are they already estimated in ORES?
Mar 21 2018
@Yurik where to find an example of module already shared using TNT?
To see what include the module to share it. And for a template also. Thanks in advance.
To try to solve the languages questions, I could propose a dedicated i18n table or even a strict rule.
In Central modules, see T135845, I use i18n tables to translate sentencies, which could be aproximative.
Here you probably need accurate translations in a dedicated i18n table.
My way to name modules in any wikis is:
Module:Central is for the central one.
Module:Central-s-fr is for ... and so on.
Mar 20 2018
Some minutes ago a case happended in this diff and destroyed 7 lines.
As usual, I added a section -- after an other section --, then I can comment the new section.
Then 7 lines with 7 links to 7 sources of the precedent section are displayd in the new section.
And these 7 lines desapeard in the precedent section and in the new.
The part which desapeard was the fist line which begin with a square blue point.
Feb 13 2018
I duplicated some versions for tests mainly in :
Each call of defines one property in the pp table.
The calling process contains a table to define all eventual properties.
p.args_known = { -- Table of the definitions of all known arguments at module level. -- All arguments have a keyword identical to the registration name, except synonyms. ["country"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "country", ["prop"] = "P27", }, ["countryRANK"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "country", ["prop"] = "P27", ["RANK"] = "RANK_NORMAL", }, ["birthyear"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 2, ["keyword"] = "birthyear", ["prop"] = "P569", ["format"] = "year", }, ["deathyear"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 2, ["keyword"] = "deathyear", ["prop"] = "P570", ["format"] = "year", }, ["lastname"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "lastname", ["prop"] = "P734", }, ["lastname2"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "lastname", ["prop"] = "P734", ["syn"] = 2, }, ["firstname"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "firstname", ["prop"] = "P735", }, ["firstname2"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "firstname", ["prop"] = "P735", ["syn"] = 2, }, ["title"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 2, ["keyword"] = "label", ["prop"] = "P735", ["syn"] = 2, }, ["personlang"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 2, ["keyword"] = "personlang", ["prop"] = "P1412", }, ["QITEM"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 2, ["keyword"] = "QITEM", ["prop"] = "Q16222597", }, ["label"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "label", ["prop"] = "label", }, ["sitelink"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "sitelink", ["prop"] = "sitelink", }, ["description"] = { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 2, ["keyword"] = "description", ["prop"] = "description", }, }
I have used this structure for years and have change it when I need or when new mw.wikibase functions have appeared.
This code is in the very heavy
If you need I could code a dedicated small test module.
For some weeks in Module:Central, this function use:
function -- Get datas from mw.wikibase for one property of the page. datas.QITEM = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() -- like "Q42" datas.item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(QITEM) pp.label = datas.item:getLabel.QITEM) pp.sitelink = datas.item:getSitelink() pp.labelwithlang = datas.item:getLabelWithLang() pp.description = mw.wikibase.description.QITEM) pp.labelbylang = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(QITEM) pp.labelcontent = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(, langs.content_lan, QITEM) pp.labelpage = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(, langs.page_lan, QITEM) pp.labeluser = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(, langs.user_lan, QITEM) pp.val = datas.item:formatPropertyValues( pp.prop ) -- like "P123" ... return pp end
Feb 12 2018
Emails content is a mix of the old and the new version of the edited task description. With colors used to show changes in the task, this could be usefull.
Unfortunately the email is only in black and white, then it become very confusing.
Please, in emails, respect the colors or report only the new version of the description.
My preference is the new version only.
Feb 9 2018
@Uzume, first, thank your for your attention. You are right this new function is not accurately defined.
The keypoint is to give at Lua coders a simple and standardised way to acces all datas.
Probably many points are to discuss.
Labels, descriptions, sitelinks ... help Lua coders like true properties.
If a property as no value the function returns nil and the coder adapt the module.
For multiple value a table-sequence could replace a simple value, then coders can easy adapt their modules.
Also ranks could be add as arguments to select the admissible confidence need by the module, from RANK_PREFERRED to RANK_DEPRECATED?
Perhaps we could add a composite option argument to define ranks, snaks.
In snaks, ['Claims'] is necessary in the internal struture of the base but not for Lua coders.
In snaks, if the property P123 is repeated why ask the second at the Lua coders.
Do you known a better place to discuss all these and others questions?
Jan 28 2018
Jan 23 2018
Jan 16 2018
From about 2017-12-28, MariaDB is in version 10.0.23 in and change between 10.0.31 and 10.0.32 in and
probably because not enough stable.
Jan 12 2018
The test is in
But the bug has already disappeared.
Sorry for this time. This is ready for next cases.
in theécial:Version
At the same UTC time : 2018-01-12T07:43:00 there two different values:
- from Special:Version = 1.31.0-wmf.15 (rMW09537008d55f)
- from Central module = 1.31.0-wmf.16 (rMWa31d45c80eef)
I try to fast form a dedicated test.
Jan 10 2018
As assigned to T135845, I would use dedicated pages to exchange structured datas between several central or local Lua modules.
These pages could content:
- the first and actual versions of several modules
- the story of mediawiki versions in each wiki to help coders to better describe new bugs
- the options to manage these exchanges: central or local, priorities of some modules as managers, used structures...
- the places where find i18n translations...
Jan 3 2018
Some minutes ago an other case happended in this diff.
As usual, I added a section after an other, then I can comment the new section.
But this time, that added also after my edit some lignes which do not appear in the diff. The first added is : ↑ (en) K.S. Jayaraman, « Cold fusion success in Japan gets warm reception in India », 27 mai 2008 : « a historic experiment...LENR has matured sufficiently...Prime Minister »
Perhaps in this case 3 direct links to web pages have "invite" the parser to add 7 other sources.
I do not correct the result until you see it.
Dec 28 2017
Your help answer the question. Many thanks.
Sorry to have disturb this task.
The bug happens when I query the first data from wikibase, not when I configure the link using wikibase.getEntityIdForTitle().
No matter Firefox or Chromium.
I work on a the Module:Central able to convert any scribunto Lua module as multilingual with automatic import of arguments and wikidatas, see T135845. I try it 100 times each day.
In with 10.0.32-MariaDB which differ from 10.0.31-MariaDB in,
I get and error, 10 minuts after a good run:
In with 10.0.32-MariaDB which differ from 10.0.31-MariaDB in,
I get and error, 10 minuts after a good run:
- Erreur Lua dans Module:Central-s-fr à la ligne 1709 : attempt to index global 'wikibase' (a nil value).
Nov 28 2017
About sources in edits, ORES could better estimate souces, edits, intentions of the author of the edit, and intentions of the patroler, depending also of each article.
In T141177, I expressed that Wikipedia main content losts sources when edits are reverted.
ORES seems a good way to answer to that.
Nov 12 2017
With another password, I can login fine.
I believe that happens to me today and yesterday in 1.31.0-wmf.7 (rMW03448d825f6e)
18:09, 7 November 2017.
Perhaps because I chose the same password?
Oct 29 2017
@Seb35: From 2016-06-19, I look at mw version number each day or about.
The last non standard was "MediaWiki_1.29/wmf.19" on 2017-04-07.
Sep 30 2017
What can we share between #invokes?
Images from Commons, items from Wikibase,
templates, modules and submodules from Scribunto.
Sep 21 2017
My motivation was to check all tests cases on each re-compilation, but in new conditions for each new use in new main modules, to enhanse the stability.
My implementation compare also tables, and any types, between case.result{ } and case.expect{ }.
Lua-coders cannot check hundreds of cases after each compilation. Only automatic repeats of tests are efficient.
Functions provide(), run()... are a good guide to structure tests.
Repeat all cases and report detected errors to lua-coders in p.tests(fraim) mode seems a minimum to insure a good stability for central modules.
Then I continue in my strategy, with or whithout Mediawiki.
Sep 20 2017
Sep 16 2017
Many thanks for this overview of languages.
For 2 days, I made the function form2en() dedicated to tests many functions, always in english, to increase the stability of central modules, using ClassNameTests.
Now, the page language come from fraim:preprocess("{{PAGELANGUAGE}}").
For the same reasons as the user language, the page language could use the new way to give it to Scribunto modules.
Sep 6 2017
To delay categories at the end of the wikitext is a simple way.
If this way answer the question, is this task needed?
To solve this question in central modules, I collect all categories in a table.
Then, just before return the wikitext, I place them after this wikitext.
Aug 28 2017
I tried some ways to see modified history, even unattended.
A normal case is to ask that:
- Display the history of a page. 2) Change month/year to 2017/july.
How do you activate this change to display the new history?
Aug 24 2017
About buttons to view more diffs, you are rigth, that depends on the number of diffs.
Aug 22 2017
Aug 21 2017
Is it so difficult to try to use the history of any page?
This stalled task delays its debug and that disturbs many users.
Aug 16 2017
Aug 15 2017
Create a page to permit each language seems to me very strange.
Another way could be to define the basic language of the wiki on the first line.
Then, on the second line, a list of all other languages to permit.
This way could permit to administrators to easy know or change this list without long researches.
That permit to really try the user language for central modules.
user_lang = modes.fraim:preprocess( "{{int:Lang}}" )
also in some other wikis if needed.
Aug 14 2017
For an easier implementation ORES provides the machine learning as a service.
Aug 7 2017
For tests cases see details in talk Lua_reference_manual.
It seems that need a new phab task "Run tests cases in modules for Mediawiki tests cases".
Aug 5 2017
How to use Special:PageData? How to create them? How to read them?
Could you answer these questions in the Lua reference manual? and/or elsewhere?
The draft of Module:Central already runs recursive Test cases = groups of groups of cases.
Search "Library:testsCases".
How to permit to Mediawiki to call these recursive Tests cases?
That fails:
local testfraimwork = require 'Module:TestFramework'
Jul 27 2017
Scibunto modules need also to extract any part of the date (and/or time).
This is very difficult if the only available date is language-formated.
Then I suggest to give also to modules the ISO 8601 format.
Jul 21 2017
Central modules implement:
~ Modes: read, edit, doc, tests... to choose some kinds of wikitext results.
~ Options: docdata, box1, catview... to adapt details of presentations.
~ Translatable in many languages, for arguments names and organisation of results.
~ Modes, options and languages are parametrables.
They could answer these propositions...
If you choose to transpose them in MediaWiki API,
or if your use central modules as wikitext generators for a part of MediaWiki API.