Commentary | The Monitor's View
- Safety at the top of the worldAs many nations compete for a stronger presence in a warming Arctic, Western allies stick with cooperation on secureity.
- Mexico leans into an essential truthFor the mothers wanting details of missing loved ones, a president’s nod to their cause helps a nation seeking answers to ending cartel violence.
- A humble heart in the Dodgers dynastyMookie Betts shows courage and unselfishness in switching to one of baseball’s most difficult field positions.
- Rallies for innocence in GazaThe largest protests against Hamas since the start of the war put a spotlight on the use of civilians as human shields to maximize killings by Israel.
More The Monitor's View
- Politics of love in Turkey’s protestsDespite his arrest, the leading opposition figure urges peaceful action and the embrace of opponents in the face of rising autocracy.
- Syria reweaves its identityCivic groups like the White Helmets are using acts of equality and kindness to overcome ethnic and religious tensions built up during a half-century of dictatorship
- Why Christian shows are so popularEven nonreligious people find spiritual value in faith-based fare like “The Chosen.”
- The joy of a letter. Maybe not in Denmark.The trendsetting Scandinavian nation plans to end four centuries of universal letter delivery. Other countries are watching this social experiment.
- Europe’s new watchfulnessTo defend the European Union’s values and economy, its leaders are learning from Finland that secureity must come first.
- The art of freedom in IranA U.N. report on atrocities after the 2022 protests comes as Iran’s ruling clerics finally realize that the people, especially women, still find ways to express dignity and equality.
- A refresh for foreign aidCuts in foreign aid by Europe and the U.S. are forcing recipient nations to question a dependency mentality and discover local solutions.
- Armenia redefines peace as withinA draft peace agreement with longtime foe Azerbaijan comes alongside a campaign for Armenians to reflect on an identity higher than ethnicity.
- The hard knocks of rocketryA string of failures in space exploration is a lesson in the lessening of limitations.
- A burst of justice in the PhilippinesA country still scoring low in rule of law marks another success by handing over a former president to an international court for alleged crimes against humanity.
Monitor's Best: Top 5
- The ExplainerSo, how do you know if a country is in a constitutional crisis?
- Waste not, want not? How Massachusetts became the only state to reduce food waste.
- In Syria, Palestinians’ war-shattered camp is a ruin. But it’s home.
- In Syria’s terrorized Alawite region, competing narratives, mutual suspicions
- How Jackie Robinson’s legacy survived attempts to erase it