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Browse By Library of Congress Class: History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: World War I (1914-1918) | Project Gutenberg

Aaronsohn, Alexander, 1888-1948

Ackerman, Carl W. (Carl William), 1890-1970

Adam, H. Pearl (Helen Pearl), 1882-1957

Adam, Pearl

See: Adam, H. Pearl (Helen Pearl), 1882-1957

Adams, Bernard, 1890-1917

Adams, J. Esslemont, 1865-1935

Adams, John Bernard Pye

See: Adams, Bernard, 1890-1917

Adcock, Arthur St. John, 1864-1930

Aharonson, Aleksander

See: Aaronsohn, Alexander, 1888-1948

Ainsworth, Ralph Bignell, Sir, 1875-1952

Aitken, Max, Sir

See: Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, Baron, 1879-1964


A.J.C. (American Jewish Committee)

See: American Jewish Committee

Albertson, Ralph, 1866-1951

Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928

Alexander, Herbert, 1874-1946

Allen, E. P. S. (Evelyn Prestwood Seymour), 1885-1972

Allen, E., writer on Ravello, Italy, translator

Allison, James Murray, 1877-1929

American Jewish Committee

Anderson, Austin Thomas, 1868-1949

Anderson, John I.


See: Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944

Andrew, A. Piatt (Abram Piatt), 1873-1936


Antony, Father

See: McCabe, Joseph, 1867-1955


Archer, William, 1856-1924

Arnold, Mary Augusta

See: Ward, Humphry, Mrs., 1851-1920

Artemas (Andrew Cassels Brown)

See: Brown, Andrew Cassels, 1875-1941

Arthur, John W. (John William), 1848-1921

Asquith, H. H. (Herbert Henry), 1852-1928

Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948

Austrian, Delia, 1874-1928

Babbitt, George Franklin, 1848-1926

Babbitt, Katharine

Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950

Bachman, William Elmer, 1894-1966

Bachynskyi, IUliian, 1870-1940

Bagnold, Enid, 1889-1981

Bainville, Jacques, 1879-1936

Bairnsfather, Bruce, 1887-1959

Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924

Baldridge, Cyrus Leroy, 1889-1977

Baldwin, Harold, 1888-1982

Bales, P. G.

Balfour, Arthur James, 1848-1930

Bangor, Félix

See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Barclay, Harold, 1872-1922

Barker, David Crothers, 1888-1946

Barker, J. Ellis, 1870-1948

Barrès, Maurice, 1862-1923

Barrett, Charles, 1879-1959

Barrett, James W. (James William), Sir, 1862-1945

Barron, Clarence W. (Clarence Walker), 1855-1928

Barron, Elwyn, 1855-1929

Bartlett, Vernon, 1894-1983

Barzini, Luigi, 1874-1947

Bashford, H. H. (Henry Howarth), Sir, 1880-1961

Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928

Bassetto, Corno di

See: Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950

Batchinsky, Julian

See: Bachynskyi, IUliian, 1870-1940

Baukhage, Hilmar R. (Hilmar Robert), 1889-1976

Beamish, Richard J. (Richard Joseph), 1867-1945

Bean, C. E. W. (Charles Edwin Woodrow), 1879-1968

Beatson, A. M.

Beatty, Ethel, 1872-1932

Beauchamp, Pat

See: Washington, Pat Beauchamp, 1892-1972

Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, Baron, 1879-1964

Beck, James M. (James Montgomery), 1861-1936

Bédier, Joseph, 1864-1938

Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956

Beeston, Joseph Lievesley, 1859-1921

Beith, John Hay

See: Hay, Ian, 1876-1952

Béland, Henri, 1869-1935

Belgium. Commission d'enquête sur la violation des règles du droit des gens, des lois et des coutumes de la guerre

Belgium. Ministère de la défense nationale

Belgium. Ministerie van Landsverdediging

See: Belgium. Ministère de la défense nationale

Belknap, Reginald Rowan, 1871-1959

Bell, F. McKelvey (Frederick McKelvey), 1878-1931

Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953

Belloc-Lowndes, Marie Adelaide

See: Lowndes, Marie Belloc, 1868-1947

Bell, Ralph W. (Ralph William), 1886-1918

Belton, James, 1875-

Ben Kendim

See: Herbert, Aubrey, 1880-1923

Bennett, Arnold, 1867-1931

Bennett, Ernest Nathaniel, 1865-1947

Bennett, Mark Herbert Joseph, 1892-

Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic), 1867-1940

Benson, Samuel Cranston, 1884-1948

Bergs, Arveds, 1875-1942

Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941

Bernard, Marguerite

Berne-Bellecour, Jean, 1874-1939

Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844-1923

Bernstorff, Johann Heinrich, Graf von, 1862-1939

Beston, Henry, 1888-1968

Bevan, Edwyn Robert, 1870-1943

Bevan, Wilson Lloyd, 1866-1935

Bewsher, F. W. (Frederick William), 1886-1950

Bewsher, Paul, 1894-1966

Beyens, baron (Eugène-Napoléon), 1855-1934

Bigelow, Glenna Lindsley, 1876-1954

Bigwood, Inez

Binyon, Laurence, 1869-1943

Birdwood, William Riddell Birdwood, Baron, 1865-1951

Birmingham, George A., 1865-1950

Bishop, Harry Coghill Watson

Bishop, William Avery, 1894-1956

Blaikley, Ernest, 1885-1965

Blanche, Jacques-Émile, 1861-1942

Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 1848-1936

Blatch, Harriot Stanton, 1856-1940

Blicq, A. Stanley (Arthur Stanley), 1895-1976

Bluett, Antony

Boelcke, Oswald, 1891-1916

Bolwell, F. A., 1888-1971

Bolwell, Frederick George Albert

See: Bolwell, F. A., 1888-1971

Bondel, Ponce

See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Bone, David W. (David William), 1874-1959

Bone, Muirhead, Sir, 1876-1953

Bonnat, Léon Joseph Florentin, 1833-1922

Bontempelli, Massimo, 1878-1960

Booth, Evangeline, 1865-1950

Bordeaux, Henry, 1870-1963

Bott, Alan, 1893-1952

Bouchor, J.-F. (Joseph-Félix), 1853-1937

Bourcier, Emmanuel, 1880-1955

Bourget, Paul, 1852-1935

Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918

Bouroux, Paul-Adrien, 1878-1967

Bowe, John, 1869-1954

Bower, John Graham, 1886-1940

Brancovan Noailles, Anna Elisabeth de, comtesse

See: Noailles, Anna de, 1876-1933

Brausewetter, Armgard, 1876-1944

Brausewetter, Max Georg, 1867-1916

Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939

Brayshaw, Thomas, 1856-1931

Breck, G. William (George William), 1863-1920

Breton, Willy, 1877-

Brooke, Rupert, 1887-1915

Broqueville, Charles, baron de, 1860-1940

Broun, Heywood, 1888-1939

Brown, Andrew Cassels, 1875-1941

Brown, Cyril, 1887-1949

Bruce, William Makepace

See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Bryce, Catherine T. (Catherine Turner), 1871-1951

Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922

Buchanan, Angus, 1886-1954

Buchan, John, 1875-1940

Buckley, Francis, 1881-1949

Buffin, Camille, 1871-1928

Buley, E. C. (Ernest Charles), 1869-1933

Burgess, Gelett, 1866-1951

Burke, Kathleen, 1887-1958

Burnett-Smith, A. (Annie)

See: Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Butler, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Southerden Thompson), 1846-1933

Cable, Boyd, 1878-1943


See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931

Calisch, James Howard, 1863-1926

Callwell, C. E. (Charles Edward), Sir, 1859-1928

Calmadenker, A.

See: Calisch, James Howard, 1863-1926

Cameron, John Stanley

Cammaerts, Emile, 1878-1953

Campbell, Gerald, 1862-1933

Canadian War Records Office

Canfield, Dorothy

See: Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958

Capart, G.-P. (Gustav-P.), 1881-

Caprin, Giulio, 1880-1958

Carlo, Camillo de

See: De Carlo, Camillo

Carossa, Hans, 1878-1956

Carpenter, Alfred Francis Blakeney, 1881-1955

Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929

Carr, Herbert Wildon, 1857-1931

Carson, Edward, Sir, 1854-1935

Case, Carleton B. (Carleton Britton), 1857-1936

Casement, Roger, 1864-1916

Cassells, Joe, 1887-1945

Cassels Brown, Andrew

See: Brown, Andrew Cassels, 1875-1941

Castle, Agnes, 1860-1922

Castle, Egerton, 1858-1920

Caunter, John Alan Lyde, 1889-1981

Cavan, Frederick Rudolph Lambart, Earl of, 1865-1946

Cavara, Otello, 1877-1928

Cesare, Oscar Edward, 1885-1948

Chary, Pauline de

See: De Chary, Pauline

Chase, Joseph Cummings, 1878-1965

Chatterton, E. Keble (Edward Keble), 1878-1944

Chatterton-Hill, Georges, 1883-1947

Chauvel, Henry George, Sir, 1865-1945

Chéradame, André, 1871-1948

Chernin, O., Graf

See: Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria, Graf, 1872-1932

Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936

Chevrillon, André, 1864-1957

Childe, Rheta Louise

See: Dorr, Rheta Childe, 1866-1948


See: Zimmern, Alfred, 1879-1957

Choate, Joseph Hodges, 1832-1917

Chudenitz, Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria Czernin von und zu, Graf

See: Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria, Graf, 1872-1932

Churchill, Allen L. (Allen Leon), 1873-

Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947

Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965

Clarke, George Herbert, 1873-1953

Claudel, Paul, 1868-1955

Clayton, John T.

Clemenceau, Georges, 1841-1929

Clifford, Hugh Charles, Sir, 1866-1941

Clutton-Brock, A. (Arthur), 1868-1924

Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944

Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963

Codman, Russell, Mrs., 1869-

Cody, Henry John, 1868-1951

Cohn, Paul V. (Paul Victor)

Coleman, Frederic, 1876-

Colette, 1873-1954

Collett, Herbert Brayley, 1877-1947

Colonna, B. A. (Benjamin Allison)

Columban, M., Dame

Conan Doyle, Arthur, Sir

See: Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930

Connolly, James B. (James Brendan), 1868-1957

Connor, Marie

See: Leighton, Marie Connor, -1941

Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924


See: Bott, Alan, 1893-1952

Cook, Howard W. (Howard Willard), 1890-

Cooper, Bryan, 1884-1930

Cooreman, Gerard, 1852-1926

Cope Cornford, Leslie

See: Cornford, L. Cope (Leslie Cope), 1867-1927

Copplestone, Bennet, 1867-1932

Corbett-Smith, Arthur, 1879-1945

Cordelier, Maurice

See: Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944

Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924

Cornford, L. Cope (Leslie Cope), 1867-1927

Coulomb, Charles Augustin

Courtney, W. L. (William Leonard), 1850-1928

Cranage, D. H. S. (David Herbert Somerset), 1866-1957

Cranworth, Bertram Francis Gurdon, Baron, 1877-1964

Crerie, Frank

Crocker, Marjorie

Crossley, J.

Crowell, Benedict, 1869-1952

Crump, Irving, 1887-1979

Cruttwell, C. R. M. F. (Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser), 1887-1941

Cudahy, John, 1887-1943

Currie, John Allister, 1866-

Curry, Frederic C.

Curtin, D. Thomas (Daniel Thomas), 1886-1963

Cuttriss, G. P.

Cuvru-Magot, Henriette

Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria, Graf, 1872-1932

Dafoe, John Wesley, 1866-1944

Daggett, Mabel Potter, 1871-1927

Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean, 1852-1929

Dalton, Hugh Dalton, Baron, 1887-1962

Dane, Edmund (Military historian)

Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948

Davenport, Gertrude Mary

See: Paul, Cedar, 1880-1972

Davidson, George

Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916

Dawbarn, Charles

Dawson, A. J. (Alec John), 1872-1952

Dawson, Coningsby, 1883-1959

Dawson, Muriel

Day, Kirkland Hart, 1890-1973

Day, Susanne R. (Susanne Rouviere), 1876?-1964

Dean, Arthur D. (Arthur Davis), 1872-

Deane, P. E. (Percival Edgar), 1890-1946

De Brancovan Noailles, Anna Elisabeth, comtesse

See: Noailles, Anna de, 1876-1933

De Carlo, Camillo

De Chary, Pauline

De Loghe, Sydney

See: Loch, Sydney, 1889-1954

De Magalhães Lima, Jaime

See: Lima, Jaime de Magalhães, 1859-1936

De Mattos, Alexander Teixeira

See: Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921

De Noailles, Anna

See: Noailles, Anna de, 1876-1933

De Régnier, Henri

See: Régnier, Henri de, 1864-1936

De Roberto, Federico, 1861-1927

Desjardins, L. G. (Louis Georges), 1849-1928

De Veer, W. (Willem)

See: Veer, W. de (Willem), 1865-

Dickinson, G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes), 1862-1932

Dillon, Emile Joseph, 1855-1933

D'Indy, Vincent

See: Indy, Vincent d', 1851-1931

Dinning, Hector, 1887-

Dixon, W. MacNeile (William MacNeile), 1866-1945

Dodd, Francis, 1874-1949

Dolbey, Robert Valentine, 1878-1937

Donohoe, Martin Henry, 1869-1927

Dorr, Rheta Childe, 1866-1948

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930

Doyle, John

See: Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Drouillard, Jacques C., 1889-

Drummond-Fish, G. (George), 1876-1938

Dudley Ward, C. H. (Charles Humble), 1879-

Duffy, Francis Patrick, 1871-1932

Duhamel, Georges, 1884-1966

Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957

Dupont, Marcel, 1879-1964

Durand, H. Mortimer (Henry Mortimer), 1850-1924

Durnford, H. G. (Hugh George)

Duse, Eleonora, 1858-1924

Dwyfor, David Lloyd George, Earl Lloyd George of

See: Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945

Dyer, R. E. H. (Reginald Edward Harry), 1864-1927

Dyke, Henry Van

See: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933

Dyson, Will, 1880-1938

Eaton, William Dunseath

Eddy, George Sherwood

See: Eddy, Sherwood, 1871-1963

Eddy, Sherwood, 1871-1963

Edwards, Edward, 1876-

El-Ghusein, Fâ'iz

See: Ghusayn, Fa'iz, 1883-1968

Elles, Hugh Jamieson, 1880-1945

Ellis, Vivien

Eltzbacher, O.

See: Barker, J. Ellis, 1870-1948

Ely, Dinsmore, 1894-1918

Ely, James O. (James Owen), 1863-


See: Ignotus, 1869-1949

Empey, Arthur Guy, 1883-1963

Enelow, H. G. (Hyman Gerson), 1877-1934

Evans, A. J. (Alfred John), 1889-

Evans, Conway

Evans, Wilfrid Muir

Everitt, Nicholas

Ewart, Ernest Andrew

See: Cable, Boyd, 1878-1943

Ewing, John, M.C.

Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount Grey of

See: Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount, 1862-1933

Fallon, David

Falls, Cyril, 1888-1971

Farnol, Jeffery, 1878-1952

Faust, Camille Laurent Célestin

See: Mauclair, Camille, 1872-1945

Ferree, Barr, 1862-1924

Ferrero, Guglielmo, 1871-1942

Finch Kelly, Florence

See: Kelly, Florence Finch, 1858-1939

Finzi, Kate John, 1890-1958

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958

Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947

Fish, G. Drummond

See: Drummond-Fish, G. (George), 1876-1938

Floyd, Thomas Hope, 1896-1973


See: Street, Cecil J. C. (Cecil John Charles), 1884-1964

Forester, Elspeth Lascelles, -1931

Forester, Wolston B. C. W. (Wolston Beaumont Charles Weld)

Forstner, Georg-Günther, Freiherr von, 1882-1940

Fox, Edward Lyell, 1887-

Fox, Frank, 1874-1960

Fox, Henry L. (Henry Landell), 1872-

Franc-Nohain, 1873-1934

Franconi, Gabriel Tristan, 1887-1918

Frankau, Gilbert, 1884-1952

Fraser, Helen

See: Moyes, Helen Miller, 1881-1979

Freeman, Lewis R. (Lewis Ransome), 1878-1960

French, John Denton Pinkstone, Earl of Ypres, 1852-1925

Freyberg, Barbara Freyberg, Baroness

See: McLaren, Barbara, 1887-1973

Frothingham, Thomas Goddard, 1865-1945

Fuller, J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles), 1878-1966

Fulleylove, Christopher

Fussell, J. C. (James Coldham), 1874-1945

Gaines, Ruth, 1877-1952

Gallishaw, John, 1890-

Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933

Ganghofer, Ludwig, 1855-1920

Gardenier, David

Garo, Armen, 1872-1923

Gates, H. L. (Henry Leyford), 1878-1937

Gauthier-Villars, Henry, Mme

See: Colette, 1873-1954

Gay, Walter, 1856-1937

Gedin, Sven

See: Hedin, Sven Anders, 1865-1952

General Staff Corps (U.S.)

See: United States. War Department. General Staff

Genevoix, Maurice, 1890-1980

George, David Lloyd

See: Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945

Gerard, James W. (James Watson), 1867-1951

Germany. Auswärtiges Amt

Gérôme, Jean Léon, 1824-1904

Gerson, Armand Jacques, 1881-

Ghéon, Henri, 1875-1944

Ghusayn, Fa'iz, 1883-1968

Gibbon, Frederick P.

Gibbons, Floyd Phillips, 1887-1939

Gibbons, Herbert Adams, 1880-1934

Gibbs, A. Hamilton (Arthur Hamilton), 1888-1964

Gibbs, Philip, 1877-1962

Gibson, Charles Dana, 1867-1944

Gift Book Committee of The Militia of Mercy

See: Militia of Mercy (U.S.). Gift Book Committee

Gillam, John Graham, 1884-1965

Gillespie, Jessie, 1888-1972

Gilliland, Horace Gray

Girard, Paul Frédéric, 1852-1926

Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944

Gleason, Arthur, 1878-1923

Gleason, Helen Hayes

Gleichen, Edward, Lord, 1863-1937

Glorget, Albert

Goffic, Charles Le

See: Le Goffic, Charles, 1863-1932

Goodridge Roberts, Theodore

See: Roberts, Theodore Goodridge, 1877-1953

Gordon, Cora, 1879-1950

Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942

Gordon, Jan, 1882-1944

Gosse, Edmund, 1849-1928

Grahame Richards, H. (Harold)

See: Richards, H. Grahame (Harold Grahame), 1885-

Graham, Stephen, 1884-1975

Grand, Maurice le

See: Franc-Nohain, 1873-1934

Grant, John (Pipe-Major), 1876-1961

Grant, Reginald

Grant, Robert, 1852-1940

Graves, Charles L. (Charles Larcom), 1856-1944

Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Great Britain. Army. Highland Light Infantry. Battalion, 5th

Green, Horace, 1885-1943

Green, James, 1865-1948

Greenwood, Arthur, 1880-1954

Greville, Frances Evelyn Maynard, Countess of Warwick

See: Warwick, Frances Evelyn Maynard Greville, Countess of, 1861-1938

Grey, C. G. (Charles Grey), 1875-1953

Grey, Edward

See: Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount, 1862-1933

Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount, 1862-1933

Griggs, Edward Howard, 1868-1951

Grimwade, F. Clive

Grouitch, Slavko Y.

See: Grujić, Slavko J., 1871-1937

Grujić, Slavko J., 1871-1937

Guglielmotti, Emilio

Gullett, H. S. (Henry Somer), 1878-1940

Gummerus, Herman, 1877-1948

Gwynedd, David Lloyd George, Viscount

See: Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945

Haig, Douglas Haig, Earl, 1861-1928

Haigh, Richard, 1895-

Hallam, T. D.

Hallard, Alys

Hall, Frederick William Mordaunt

See: Hall, Mordaunt, 1878-1973

Hall, James Norman, 1887-1951

Hall, Mordaunt, 1878-1973

Hallowell, James Mott, 1865-

Hamilton, Ernest, Lord, 1858-1939

Hamilton, Ian, 1853-1947

Hammond, John Hays, 1888-1965

Hankey, Donald, 1884-1916

Hannay, James Owen

See: Birmingham, George A., 1865-1950

Hardie, Martin, 1875-1952

Hardy, E. J. (Edward John), 1849-1920

Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928

Hare, James H., 1856-1946

Hare, Jimmy

See: Hare, James H., 1856-1946

Hargrave, John, 1894-1982

Harrison, Bernhard

Harvey, Harold

Harvey, Henry Edmund

See: Spencer-Cooper, Henry Edmund Harvey, 1884-1968

Haskins, Charles Homer, 1870-1937

Haslett, Elmer

Hay, Ian, 1876-1952

Hay, Malcolm V. (Malcolm Vivian), 1881-1962

Hedin, Sven Anders, 1865-1952

Helfferich, Karl, 1872-1924

Hellé, André, 1871-1945

Henderson, Keith, 1883-1982

Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1870-1949

Herbert, Aubrey, 1880-1923

Herbert, Thomas

See: Russell, Thomas Herbert, 1862-1947

Herrick, Myron T. (Myron Timothy), 1854-1929

Herrick, Robert, 1868-1938

Hervieu, Paul, 1857-1915

Hesketh-Prichard, H. (Hesketh), 1876-1922

Hill, C. W. (Cedric Waters), 1891-1975

Hill, Grace Livingston, 1865-1947

Hillis, Newell Dwight, 1858-1929

Hills, John David

Hill, William Thomson, 1875-

Hindenburg, Paul von, 1847-1934

Hirsch, Robert Reynold


See: O'Brien, R. Barry (Richard Barry), 1847-1918

Hodder-Williams, J. E. (John Ernest), 1876-1927

Hodge, F. E. (Francis Edwin), 1883-1949

Hogue, Oliver, 1880-1919

Holland, J. A.

Hollister, Paul M. (Paul Merrick), 1890-1970

Holmes, Robert Derby

Holt, George Nelson

Holt, Mary Roxy Wilkins, 1869-

Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964

Hopkinson, Alfred, Sir, 1851-1939

Hopkins, R. Thurston (Robert Thurston), 1884-1958

Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937

Horne, Henry, 1861-1929

Horn, Gertrude Franklin

See: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948

Hornung, E. W. (Ernest William), 1866-1921

Hough, Emerson, 1857-1923

Howard-Smith, Logan

See: Marshall, Logan, 1884-1937

Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920

Huard, Frances Wilson, 1885-1969

Hughes, Rupert, 1872-1956

Hughes, William Morris, 1864-1952

Humbert‏ , Georges-Louis‏, 1862-1921

Hungerford, Edward, 1875-1948

Hunt, Edward E. (Edward Eyre), 1885-1953

Hunt, M. S.‏ (Markland Stuart)‏

Hunton, Addie W., 1866-1943

Hurd, Archibald, 1869-1959

Hurst, Gerald B. (Gerald Berkeley), Sir, 1877-1957

Hutcheon, L. F., 1897-

Ignotus, 1869-1949

Ignotus, Hugó

See: Ignotus, 1869-1949

Indy, Vincent d', 1851-1931

Inglefield, Valentine Erskine, 1886-1947

Ingpen, Roger, 1869?-1936

Inhülsen, Otto W. H., 1868-

International Committee of the Red Cross


See: Holland, J. A.

Jahns, Lewis E.

James, Henry, 1843-1916

Jammes, Francis, 1868-1938

Jarves, Elsie Deming

Jeffery, Jeffery E. (Jeffery Eardley), 1887-

Jekyll, Barbara

See: McLaren, Barbara, 1887-1973

Jellicoe, John Rushworth, 1859-1935

Jephson, Harriet Julia Campbell, Lady

Jesse, F. Tennyson (Fryniwyd Tennyson), 1888-1958

Joffre, Joseph Jacques Césaire, 1852-1931

Johnson, Douglas Wilson, 1878-1944

Johnson, Harold Stanley

Johnson, Kathryn M. (Kathryn Magnolia), 1878-1954

Johnston, Maurice Andrew Brackenreed, 1892-

Jones, E. H. (Elias Henry), 1883-1942

Jones, Enid Bagnold, Lady

See: Bagnold, Enid, 1889-1981

Jones, H. A. (Henry Albert), 1893-1945

Jones, Henry Paul Mainwaring, 1896-1917

Jones, John Price, 1877-1964

Jordon, Jo (Josephine)

See: Gordon, Cora, 1879-1950

Jouvenel, Gabrielle Claudine Colette de

See: Colette, 1873-1954

Jünger, Ernst, 1895-1998

Kahn, Otto H., 1867-1934

Kanner, Heinrich, 1864-1930

Kara, Jalmari, 1890-1936

Karo, Armen

See: Garo, Armen, 1872-1923

Kaski, Eero

See: Kara, Jalmari, 1890-1936

Keene, Louis

Keith, Eric A.

Kellermann, Bernhard, 1879-1951

Kellogg, Charlotte, 1874-1960

Kelly, Florence Finch, 1858-1939

Kelly, James Edward, 1856-

Kelly, Russell Anthony, 1893-

Kendim, Ben

See: Herbert, Aubrey, 1880-1923

Kennedy, Alex. B. W. (Alexander Blackie William), 1847-1928

Kennedy, Edmund John, -1915

Kennedy, J. M. (John McFarland)

Kennington, Eric, 1888-1960

Keppel, Frederick P. (Frederick Paul), 1875-1943

Kerr, Howard

See: Dawson, A. J. (Alec John), 1872-1952

Kettle, Mary S. (Mary Sheehy), 1884-1976

Kettle, Tom, 1880-1916

Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946

Khedin, Sven Anders

See: Hedin, Sven Anders, 1865-1952

Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918

Kilner, Frederic Richard, 1892-

Kilpatrick, James Alexander

Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936

Kirkpatrick, F. A. (Frederick Alexander), 1861-1953

Kitchin, Frederick Harcourt

See: Copplestone, Bennet, 1867-1932

Klausner, Julius, 1894-


See: Bower, John Graham, 1886-1940

Knight, E. F. (Edward Frederick), 1852-1925

Knight, Gerald Featherstone, 1894-

Knott, John Francis, 1878-1963

Knyvett, R. Hugh (Reginald Hugh), -1918

Koettgen, Julius

Kolb, Annette, 1870-1967

König, Paul, 1867-

Korzeniowski, Józef Konrad Teodor

See: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924

Kreisler, Fritz, 1875-1962

Krey, August C. (August Charles), 1887-1961

Kuyper, Abraham, 1837-1920

Kuyper, H. S. S., 1870-1933

Laclôtre, André

See: Hellé, André, 1871-1945

Lafond, Georges, 1881-

Lambart, Frederick Rudolph

See: Cavan, Frederick Rudolph Lambart, Earl of, 1865-1946

La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold), 1873-1961

Langenberg, Hanns, 1892-1956

Lanin, E. B.

See: Dillon, Emile Joseph, 1855-1933

Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928

Lardner, Ring, 1885-1933

Larrouy, Maurice, 1882-1939

Lauder, Harry, Sir, 1870-1950

Lauriat, Charles Emelius, Jr., 1874-1937

Laurie, G. B. (George Brenton), 1867-1915

Laurie, Marjorie

  • War (English) (as Translator)

Lauzanne, Stéphane, 1874-

Lee, Joseph, 1876-1949

Le Goffic, Charles, 1863-1932

Le Grand, Maurice

See: Franc-Nohain, 1873-1934

Leighton, Marie Connor, -1941

Lemercier, Eugène Emmanuel, 1886-1915

Le Queux, William, 1864-1927

Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil von, 1870-1964

Levinger, Lee J. (Lee Joseph), 1890-1966

Lewis, R.

Leyland, John, 1858?-1924

Lichnowsky, Karl Max, Fürst von, 1860-1928

Liebknecht, Karl Paul August Friedrich, 1871-1919

Lienhard, Friedrich, 1865-1929

Lima, Jaime de Magalhães, 1859-1936

Lin, Frank

See: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948

Lintier, Paul, 1893-1916

Liveing, Edward G. D. (Edward George Downing), 1895-1963

Livingston, Grace

See: Hill, Grace Livingston, 1865-1947

Lloyd, Ann Gladys, 1889-

Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945

Lloyd, Gladys

See: Lloyd, Ann Gladys, 1889-

Loch, Sydney, 1889-1954

Lock, H. O. (Henry Osmond), 1879-

Logan, Innes

Loghe, Sydney de

See: Loch, Sydney, 1889-1954

Lord, Robert Howard, 1885-1954

Loti, Pierre, 1850-1923

Lowndes, Marie Belloc, 1868-1947

Luckner, Felix, Graf von, 1881-1966

Ludendorff, Erich, 1865-1937

Lusk, James, 1878-1915

Lutz, Grace Livingston Hill

See: Hill, Grace Livingston, 1865-1947

Lyall, David

See: Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Macartney-Filgate, John Victor

Maccas, Léon, 1892-1972

MacDonagh, Michael, 1862-1946

MacDonald, Arthur, 1856-1936

MacGill, Patrick, 1890?-1963

Mackay, Helen, 1876-1961

Mackay, Mary

See: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924

Mackenzie, Clutha N. (Clutha Nantes), 1895-1966

Mack, Isaac Alexander

Mack, Louise, 1870-1935

Maclean, Norman, 1869-1952

MacLeod, Norman, 1872-1960

Macleod, Rita

Macnaughtan, S. (Sarah), 1864-1916

MacPherson, Douglas, 1871-1951

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 1862-1949

Magalhães Lima, Jaime de

See: Lima, Jaime de Magalhães, 1859-1936

Magnus, Laurie, 1872-1933

Mahon, Bryan Thomas, 1862-1930

Mahoney, Henry Charles

Makepace Bruce, William

See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Malins, Geoffrey H.

Mallet, Christian

Maniere, J.-E.

See: Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944

Manion, R. J. (Robert James), 1881-1943

Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin

See: Pneu Michelin (Firm)

Man who dined with the Kaiser

March, Francis A., Jr., 1863-1928

March, Peyton Conway, 1864-1955

Marcosson, Isaac Frederick, 1876-1961

Marden, Thomas Owen, Sir, 1866-

Mardiganian, Aurora, 1901-1994

Marie Antoine, Sister, 1889-

Marshall, Logan, 1884-1937

Marston, Jeffery Eardley

See: Jeffery, Jeffery E. (Jeffery Eardley), 1887-

Martikanean, Arshaluys

See: Mardiganian, Aurora, 1901-1994

Martin, Edward Sandford, 1856-1939

Martin, H. B.

Martin, Jean

Martin, Stuart, Military Historian

Masefield, John, 1878-1967

Massard, Émile, 1857-1932

Massey, W. T. (William Thomas)

Mattos, Alexander Teixeira de

See: Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921

Mauclair, Camille, 1872-1945

McAuley, Mary Ethel

McBeath, Neil

McBride, Herbert W.

McCabe, Joseph, 1867-1955

McCarthy, George T.

McCarthy, Robert John

McClellan, Edwin North, 1881-1971

McClintock, Alexander, 1893-1918

McClung, Nellie L., 1873-1951

McConnell, James R. (James Rogers), 1887-1917

McKinley, Albert E. (Albert Edward), 1870-1936

McLaren, Barbara, 1887-1973

Mead, Harry H.

Méléra, Marguerite-Yerta, 1889-

Ménard, E. René (Emile René), 1862-1930

Mens, Is. van (Isidorus Maria Cornelis), 1890-1985

Messines, Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, Viscount Plumer of

See: Plumer of Messines, Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, Viscount, 1857-1932

Mewes, George H.

Meynell, Alice, 1847-1922

Michael, A. C. (Arthur C.)

Michelin et cie.

See: Pneu Michelin (Firm)

Middleton, Edgar Charles, 1894-1939

Milan, René

See: Larrouy, Maurice, 1882-1939

Militia of Mercy (U.S.). Gift Book Committee

Mille, Pierre, 1864-1941

Miller, Francis Trevelyan, 1877-1959

Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939

Mills, Arthur, 1887-1955

Milne, James, 1865-1951

Mirman, Léon, 1865-1949

Mitchell, William, 1879-1936

Mokveld, L. (Lambertus), 1890-1968

Molnár, Ferenc, 1878-1952

Monash, John, Sir, 1865-1931

Monet, Claude, 1840-1926

Montague, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1867-1928

Moody, R. S. H. (Richard Stanley Hawks), 1854-1930

Mooney, Nellie Letitia

See: McClung, Nellie L., 1873-1951

Moore, Joel R. (Joel Roscoe), 1879-

More, Adelyne

See: Ogden, C. K. (Charles Kay), 1889-1957

More, Paul Elmer, 1864-1937

Morgan, J. H. (John Hartman), 1876-1955

Morgan, Wallace, 1875-1948

Morgenthau, Henry, 1856-1946

Morlae, Edward

Morse, John

Morse, Katharine Duncan, 1888-

Motte, Ellen N. la (Ellen Newbold)

See: La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold), 1873-1961

Moulié, Charles

See: Sandre, Thierry, 1890-1950

Mousley, Edward O. (Edward Opotiki), 1886-

Moyes, Helen Miller, 1881-1979

Mücke, Hellmuth von, 1881-1957

Muir, Ward, 1878-1927

Munro, Dana Carleton, 1866-1933

Munro, Ion S. (Ion Smeaton), 1887-1970

Murdoch, B. J. (Benedict Joseph), 1886-1973

Murray, Flora, 1869-1923

Murray, Gilbert, 1866-1957

Murray, Marr

Muse, Benjamin, 1898-1986

Nagy, Endre, 1877-1938

Nasmith, George Gallie, 1877-1965

Nasmyth, George William, 1882-1920

Neilson, William Allan, 1869-1946

Neumann, Ferenc

See: Molnár, Ferenc, 1878-1952

Nevinson, Henry Woodd, 1856-1941

Newbolt, Henry John, Sir, 1862-1938

Newman, E. M. (Edward Manuel), 1870-1953

Nichols, George Herbert Fosdike

Nicoll, Maurice, 1884-1953

Nitti, Francesco Saverio, 1868-1953

Noailles, Anna de, 1876-1933

No Author Listed

Nobbs, Gilbert

Nock, Albert Jay, 1870-1945

Nordhoff, Charles, 1887-1947

O'Brien, Jack

O'Brien, Pat, -1920

O'Brien, R. Barry (Richard Barry), 1847-1918

Odell, E. G., 1886-1929

Ogden, C. K. (Charles Kay), 1889-1957

Ogilvie, D. Douglas

Oliver, Frederick Scott, 1864-1934

Olivieri, David

See: Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937


See: Wegner, Armin T., 1886-1978

Oppenheim, James, 1882-1932

Orcutt, Philip Dana

Orpen, William, Sir, 1878-1931

Oxford and Asquith, Herbert Henry Asquith, Earl of

See: Asquith, H. H. (Herbert Henry), 1852-1928

Paget, Arthur, 1851-1928

Paine, Ralph Delahaye, 1871-1925

Palacio Valdés, Armando, 1853-1938

Palmer, Frederick, 1873-1958

Palmer, Robert Stafford Arthur, 1888-1916

Pares, Bernard, 1867-1949

Parker, Gilbert, 1862-1932

Parrott, Edward, 1863-1921

Pasdermadjian, G.

See: Garo, Armen, 1872-1923

Patterson, J. H. (John Henry), 1867-1947

Paul, Cedar, 1880-1972

Paul, Eden, 1865-1944

Peabody, Josephine Preston, 1874-1922

Pearson, George

Peat, Harold Reginald, 1893-1960

Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926

Perris, G. H. (George Herbert), 1866-1920

Perry, Heather

See: Perry, Herry, 1893-1962

Perry, Herry, 1893-1962

Perry, Lawrence, 1875-1954

Perry, Lilla Cabot

Peter, Charles


See: Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre, 1859-1923

Phillips, Forbes, 1866-1917

Picot, Henry Philip, 1857-1937

Picton, Harold W. (Harold Williams), 1867-

Pierce, Ruth


Platoon Commander

See: Mills, Arthur, 1887-1955

Plumer of Messines, Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, Viscount, 1857-1932

Plunkett, Edward John Moreton Drax, Baron Dunsany

See: Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957

Plüschow, Gunther, 1886-1931

Pneu Michelin (Firm)

Poling, Daniel A. (Daniel Alfred), 1884-1968

Pollard, A. F. (Albert Frederick), 1869-1948

Pollen, Arthur Joseph Hungerford, 1866-1937

Ponsonby, Frederick, 1867-1935

Potter, John Hasloch, 1847-1935

Potter, Mabel

See: Daggett, Mabel Potter, 1871-1927

Poulbot, Francisque, 1879-1946

Powell, E. Alexander (Edward Alexander), 1879-1957

Prentice, Sartell, 1867-1937

Preston, R. M. P. (Richard Martin Peter), 1884-1965

Price, Hereward Thimbleby, 1880-1964

Price, Julius M. (Julius Mendes), 1857-1924

Prichard, Hesketh Vernon Hesketh

See: Hesketh-Prichard, H. (Hesketh), 1876-1922

Prince, Frederick Henry, 1859-1953

Proctor, H. G. (Harry George)

Protheroe, Ernest

Pulitzer, Ralph, 1879-1939

Queux, William Le

See: Le Queux, William, 1864-1927


See: Nichols, George Herbert Fosdike

Raemaekers, Louis, 1869-1956

Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir, 1861-1922

Randell, V. A.

Ranke-Graves, Robert von

See: Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922

Red Baron

See: Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von, 1892-1918

Redmond, John Edward, 1856-1918

Reece, Robert Henry, 1889-

Régnier, Henri de, 1864-1936

Renar, Frank

See: Fox, Frank, 1874-1960

Renoir, Auguste, 1841-1919

Renoir, Pierre Auguste

See: Renoir, Auguste, 1841-1919

Repplier, Agnes, 1855-1950


See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Reventlow, E. (Ernst), Graf, 1869-1943

Reynolds, Francis J. (Francis Joseph), 1867-1937

Rice, Philip Sidney, 1878-1927

Richards, H. Grahame (Harold Grahame), 1885-

Richards, Robin

Rich, Edwin Gile, 1879-1939

Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von, 1892-1918

Rickard, Jessie Louisa Moore, 1879-1963

Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958

Riou, Gaston, 1883-1958

Ritchie, Eric Moore

Rivière, Jacques, 1886-1925

Roberto, Federico de

See: De Roberto, Federico, 1861-1927

Roberts, Charles G. D., Sir, 1860-1943

Roberts, Enos Herbert Glynne

Roberts, Theodore Goodridge, 1877-1953

Robinson, Boardman, 1876-1952

Robinson, Charles, 1870-1937

Robinson, W. Heath (William Heath), 1872-1944

Rockwell, Paul Ayres, 1889-

Rodin, Auguste, 1840-1917

Rogers, W. A. (William Allen), 1854-1931

Rogers, Will, 1879-1935

Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944

Roosevelt, Kermit, 1889-1943

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1887-1944

Root, Esther Sayles

Rose, C. A.

Rose, Geoffrey Keith, 1889-

Rosemberg, Ljev Samojlovich

See: Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924

Rosenberg, Lev Samoïlevitch

See: Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924

Rosher, Harold, 1893-1916

Ross, Warner A., 1879-

Rostand, Edmond, 1868-1918

Rote Kampfflieger

See: Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von, 1892-1918

Rothwell, Fred, 1869-1934

Roujon, Jacques, 1884-

Roussel, R. T.

Rowe, R. P. P., 1868-1945

Royce, Ruth

Rozenberg, Lev Samoilovich

See: Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924

Ruffin, Henry

Ruhl, Arthur, 1876-1935

Russell, Richard M.

Russell, Thomas Herbert, 1862-1947

Rysselberghe, Théo van, 1862-1926

Sabin, Arthur K. (Arthur Knowles), 1879-1959

Salmon, Betty Keays-Young

Salomonson, Herman

See: Stoke, Melis, 1892-1942

Samuels, Arthur Purefoy Irwin

See: S., A. P. I. (Samuels, Arthur Purefoy Irwin)

Samuels, Dorothy Gage

Sandes, Flora, 1876-1956

Sandilands, James Walter

Sandre, Thierry, 1890-1950

Santayana, George, 1863-1952

S., A. P. I. (Samuels, Arthur Purefoy Irwin)

Sargent, John Singer, 1856-1925

Scantrel, Félix André Yves

See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Schneegans, F. Ed. (Friedrich Edward), 1867-1942

Schuler, Phillip F. E. (Frederick Edward), 1879-1917

Schulz-Besser, Ernst, 1873-1933

Schwink, Otto

Scott, A. J. L. (Alan John Lance), 1883-1922

Scott, Frederick George, 1861-1944

Scott, Jack

See: Scott, A. J. L. (Alan John Lance), 1883-1922

Scott, Ralph

Séipse, André de

See: Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Selbdritt, Johannes

See: Wegner, Armin T., 1886-1978

Sellers, William E.

Sellery, George C. (George Clarke), 1872-

Selow-Serman, K. E., 1881-1943

Sermolino, Maria

Serrell, Edith

Seton, B. G. (Bruce Gordon), Sir, 1868-1932

Seton-Watson, R. W. (Robert William), 1879-1951

Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950

Shaw, George Bernard

See: Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950

Sheahan, Henry Edouard

See: Beston, Henry, 1888-1968

Shortall, Katherine

Shull, James Marion, 1872-

Shumsky-Solomonov, C. M.

Sill, Louise Morgan

Simmonds, Florence

Simmons, Mervin C.

Simonds, Frank H. (Frank Herbert), 1878-1936

Sims, William Sowden, 1858-1936

Sinclair, May, 1863-1946

Sinjohn, John

See: Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933

Smith, Annie S.

See: Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Smith, Burnett, Mrs.

See: Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947

Smith, Ray

Smith, Rodney

See: Smith, Gipsy, 1860-1947

Smith, Thomas F. A., 1875-

Sneath, E. Hershey (Elias Hershey), 1857-1935


See: Lloyd, Ann Gladys, 1889-

Souttar, Henry Sessions, 1875-1964

Spencer-Cooper, Henry Edmund Harvey, 1884-1968

Spiegel, E. (Edgar), Freiherr von, 1885-

Standing, Percy Cross, 1870-1931

Stanley, Monica M.

Starmer, W. P.

Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre, 1859-1923

Sterne, Elaine, 1894-

Stidger, William L. (William Le Roy), 1885-1949

Stiles, Bert W.

Still, John, 1880-1941

Stimson, Henry A. (Henry Albert), 1842-1936

Stimson, Julia C. (Julia Catherine), 1881-1948

Stirling, John

St. Loe Strachey, John

See: Strachey, John St. Loe, 1860-1927

Stobart, M. A. (Mabel Annie), 1862-1954

Stoke, Melis, 1892-1942

Stout, Ralph, 1866-1926

Strachey, Amabel

See: Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 1894-1984

Strachey, John St. Loe, 1860-1927

Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971

Strawinskij, Igor

See: Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971

Street, Cecil J. C. (Cecil John Charles), 1884-1964

Streeter, Edward, 1891-1976

Stresemann, Gustav, 1878-1929

Strother, French, 1883-1933

Stubbs, Bernard C., 1891?-1915

Stuermer, Harry

See: Stürmer, Harry

Stürmer, Harry

Suarès, André, 1868-1948

Swan, Annie S., 1859-1943

Swayne, Martin

See: Nicoll, Maurice, 1884-1953

Sweeney, William Allison, 1851-

Sweetman, Agnes

See: Castle, Agnes, 1860-1922

Sysonby, Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby, Baron

See: Ponsonby, Frederick, 1867-1935

Takalampi, Kaarlo, 1887-1918

Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose, 1880-1924

Talbot, N. S. (Neville Stuart), 1879-1943

Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921

Teräs, Kapteeni

See: Kara, Jalmari, 1890-1936

Theilhaber, Felix A. (Felix Aaron), 1884-1956

Thesleff, Wilhelm, 1880-1941

Thévenin, Denis

See: Duhamel, Georges, 1884-1966

Thieme, Carel

Thirkell, Marjorie

See: Laurie, Marjorie

Thomas, Bert, 1883-1966

Thomas, Edith Matilda, 1854-1925

Thomas, Lowell, 1892-1981

Thompson, A. C. (Alice Christiana)

See: Meynell, Alice, 1847-1922

Thompson, Donald C., 1885-1947

Thompson, Edward John, 1886-1946

Thompson, Elizabeth Southerden

See: Butler, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Southerden Thompson), 1846-1933

Thompson, John G. (John Gilbert), 1862-1940

Thompson, Shrimp

See: Thompson, Donald C., 1885-1947

Thompson, Vance, 1863-1925

Thomson, Christopher Birdwood, Baron, 1875-1930

Thurstan, Violetta, 1879-1978

Tinker, Beamish

See: Jesse, F. Tennyson (Fryniwyd Tennyson), 1888-1958

Tiplady, Thomas, 1882-1967

Tonelli, Sándor, 1882-1950

Torossian, Aram, 1884-1941

Toynbee, Arnold, 1889-1975

Trayes, Frederic George, 1871-

Trench, Herbert, 1865-1923

Treub, M. W. F. (Marie Willem Frederik), 1858-1931

Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940

Trounce, H. D. (Harry Davis), 1885-

Trueblood, Edward Alva

Tudesq, André Jean

Tunney, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1873-

Turner, Alfred Edward, Sir, 1842-1918

Tweedsmuir, John Buchan, Baron

See: Buchan, John, 1875-1940

Twells, J. H. (Julia Helen Watts)

Uhlen, Klaus

See: Wegner, Armin T., 1886-1978

United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces

United States. Department of State

United States. Marine Corps

United States President (1901-1909)

See: Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919

United States President (1913-1921)

See: Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924

United States President (1929-1933)

See: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964

United States. War Department

United States. War Department. General Staff

University of Oxford. Faculty of Modern History


U.S. Marine Corps

See: United States. Marine Corps

U.S.S. Leviathan History Committee

Valentine, Douglas

See: Williams, Valentine, 1883-1946

Van de Velde, Henry

See: Velde, Henry van de, 1863-1957

Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933

Vangeon, Henri

See: Ghéon, Henri, 1875-1944

Van Rysselberghe, Théo

See: Rysselberghe, Théo van, 1862-1926


Veer, W. de (Willem), 1865-

Veigelsberg, Hugó

See: Ignotus, 1869-1949

Velde, Henry van de, 1863-1957

Vere-Laurie, Florence

Verhaeren, Emile, 1855-1916

Verwey, Albert, 1865-1937

Viator, Scotus

See: Seton-Watson, R. W. (Robert William), 1879-1951

Viaud, Julien

See: Loti, Pierre, 1850-1923

Villari, Luigi, 1876-1959

Vivian, Evelyn Charles, 1882-1947

Voigt, F. A. (Frederick Augustus), 1892-1957

Von Forstner, Georg-Günther, Freiherr

See: Forstner, Georg-Günther, Freiherr von, 1882-1940

Von Hindenburg, Paul

See: Hindenburg, Paul von, 1847-1934

Von Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil

See: Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil von, 1870-1964

Von Lichnowsky, Karl Max, Fürst

See: Lichnowsky, Karl Max, Fürst von, 1860-1928

Von Luckner, Felix, Graf

See: Luckner, Felix, Graf von, 1881-1966

Von Mücke, Hellmuth

See: Mücke, Hellmuth von, 1881-1957

Von Spiegel, E. (Edgar), Freiherr

See: Spiegel, E. (Edgar), Freiherr von, 1885-

Von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria Czernin, Graf

See: Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria, Graf, 1872-1932

Wace, Henry, 1836-1924

Waddell, Catharine Marguerite Beauchamp

See: Washington, Pat Beauchamp, 1892-1972

Wadham, W. F. A. (Walter F. A.)

Waite, Fred, 1885-1952

Waites, Addie D.

See: Hunton, Addie W., 1866-1943

Wakefield, Henry Russell (Bishop of Birmingham), 1854-1933

Walcott, Stuart, 1896-1917

Walker, Emery, 1851-1933

Wallenius, Toivo, 1881-1919

Waln, Nora, 1895-1964

Ward, Alice Hall

See: Hallard, Alys

Ward, C. H. (Charles Humble) Dudley

See: Dudley Ward, C. H. (Charles Humble), 1879-

Ward, Fred W.

Ward, Humphry, Mrs., 1851-1920

Ward, John, 1866-1934

Warner, Agnes

Warren, Low, -1941

Warwick, Frances Evelyn Maynard Greville, Countess of, 1861-1938

Washburn, Stanley, 1878-1950

Washington, Pat Beauchamp, 1892-1972

Watson, William Henry Lowe, 1891-1932

Waugh, Alec, 1898-1981

Weetman, W. C. C.

Wegner, Armin T., 1886-1978

Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946

Wendel, Hugo Christian Martin

Wendell, Barrett, 1855-1921

Wenig, Richard, 1891-

West, William Benjamin

Wetherell, J. E. (James Elgin), 1851-1940

Weyl, Walter E. (Walter Edward), 1873-1919

Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937

Wheat, George Seay, 1886-1937

Wheeler, Harold, 1877-

White, Helene S. (Helene Schimmelfennig)

White, Tracy S.

White, William Allen, 1868-1944

Wile, Frederic William, 1873-1941

Wilkins, Mary Roxy

See: Holt, Mary Roxy Wilkins, 1869-

Wilkinson, Norman, 1882-1934

Williams, Albert Rhys, 1883-1962

Williams, Charles H. (Charles Halston), 1886-

Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 1894-1984

Williams-Ellis, Clough, 1883-1978

Williams, Gaar, 1880-1935

Williams, John Lauris Blake

Williams, Valentine, 1883-1946

Williams, Wythe, 1881-1956

Willson, Beckles, 1869-1942

Willy, Colette

See: Colette, 1873-1954

Wilson, John Dover, 1881-1969

Wilson, Richard, 1870?-1951

Wilson, Robert Forrest, 1883-1942

Wilson, S. J.

Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924

Winslow, Carroll Dana, 1889-1932

Winterich, John T., 1891-1970

Wister, Owen, 1860-1938

Wood, Eric Fisher, 1889-1962

Wood, Evelyn, 1838-1919

Wood, Roger B.

Woods, Margaret L. (Margaret Louisa), 1856-1945

Wood, Walter, 1866-1961

Wright, Edgar

Wurtzburg, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1952

Wynne, G. C. (Graeme Chamley), 1889-


See: Larrouy, Maurice, 1882-1939

Yale University. Divinity School

Yapp, Arthur K. (Arthur Keysall), 1869-1936

Yearsley, Kenneth Darlaston, 1891-

Yeats-Brown, Francis, 1886-1944

Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939

Yerta, Gabrielle

Yerta, Marguerite

See: Méléra, Marguerite-Yerta, 1889-

Young, Geoffrey Winthrop, 1876-1958

Young, Lafayette, 1848-1926

Ypres, John Denton Pinkstone French, Earl of

See: French, John Denton Pinkstone, Earl of Ypres, 1852-1925

Zimand, Savel, 1891-1967

Zimmern, Alfred, 1879-1957

Бакст, Лев

See: Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924

Грујић, Славко Ј.

See: Grujić, Slavko J., 1871-1937

Стравинский, Игорь

See: Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971

Троцкий, Лев Давидович

See: Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940

אהרנסון, אלכסנדר

See: Aaronsohn, Alexander, 1888-1948


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