Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1289629579
Link zu diesem Datensatz | https://d-nb.info/gnd/1289629579 |
Person | Whitehouse, Sheldon |
Geschlecht | männlich |
Quelle | LCAuth |
Zeit | Lebensdaten: 1955- |
Land | USA (XD-US) |
Beruf(e) |
Senator Generalstaatsanwalt |
Weitere Angaben | Senate years of service: 2007- ; a Senator from Rhode Island; born in Manhattan, N.Y., October 20, 1955; graduated Yale University 1978; J.D., University of Virginia 1982; director, Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation 1992-1994; United States attorney 1994-1998; Rhode Island State attorney general 1999-2003; unsuccessful candidate for governor 2002; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 2006 for the term commencing January 3, 2007; reelected in 2012 for the term ending January 3, 2019 |
Typ | Person (piz) |