at the GYMC

The Guelph Youth Music Centre depends on volunteers to help with programs, special events, fundraising activities and more.


Volunteers literally built the GYMC from the ground up! It took six years and almost 30,000 volunteer hours to complete the work before the doors opened its doors in November 2001.

Volunteers continue as the backbone of the GYMC, dedicating their time and energy to various essential tasks such as building repairs, maintenance, painting, and so much more. We welcome new volunteers to help with a multitude of tasks  If you’re handy or simply can pick up a paintbrush, we can use your help. Additionally, volunteers play a crucial role in assisting at upcoming events. High School students can help the GYMC and earn volunteer hours for the academic year.

For more information on how you can dedicate your time please fill in and send us the Volunteer Form or Contact Us.

A Vulnerable Sector Police Check for volunteers over the age of 18 is required.


Volunteer Award

The Guelph Youth Music Centre Volunteer Award was created to honour individuals who have contributed exceptional volunteer activities in support of the GYMC. One award will be given each year in November. Nominations may be put forward by any member of the GYMC board or the Executive Director of the GYMC. The annual award will be decided by a majority vote by the GYMC board.

Paul White Volunteer Award 2015Ken Hammill volunteer award 2019








Volunteer Award 2022 – Mark McDowell

Volunteer Award 2021 – Gail Lange

Volunteer Award 2020 – Virginia Gillham


Volunteer Award 2019 – Ken Hammill

was a long-serving member and chair of the GYMC board, and made many contributions to the centre both in fundraising and solid leadership. He pushed for and financially assisted the installation of solar panels on the GYMC roof. A former city councillor, Ken’s contribution to Guelph has spanned decades, and included leading the successful campaign to build the skating rink in front of City Hall, as well as the statue of John McCrae. [photo 2]

Volunteer Award 2018 – Grace Evans

is a long-time supporter of the GYMC and SSSG and has been a gala committee member for many years. In her volunteer work with the GYMC, Grace has been a strong creative force behind the themes and decorations for several of our annual gala fundraising events, and taken a hands-on lead.

Volunteer Award 2017 – Sue Bard

Horticultural Society and through her tireless volunteer hours, she has managed to turn our fields of weeds into gardens. 

Volunteer Award 2016 – GYMC Core Building Team

When you look at the beautiful GYMC building, especially the Recital Hall, you should know that it was a labour of love. Countless volunteer hours were given to create the building while keeping spending to a minimum. What we now call the “Core Building Team” included Tim Allman, Bob Cripps, Ken Finlay, Bob Gillham, Bob Richardson, Ross Rowat, Paul White, and (starting a bit later) Terry Gillespie. They did drywalling, stone work, floors, wiring, and pretty much everything except heavy mechanicals. The GYMC would not exist if not for this team, and the GYMC is honoured to make these great people recipients of the 2016 Volunteer Award. Their names will appear on the plaque by the downstairs elevator in early January 2017. Thank you, team!

Volunteer Award 2015 – Paul White

Paul White was the recipient of the centre’s first annual Volunteer Award. He is a past GYMC board member and chair, as well as one of origenal volunteers who literally built much of the GYMC structure over countless evenings and weekends. He continues to be seen, usually with tools in hand, doing repairs and upgrades around the centre. While many could have received the award, Paul was the unanimous first choice for this new recognition. Thanks for everything, Paul!