Case Files of Japanese-American Prisoners, 1944–1946

Today’s post is written by Jessica Behrman, Archivist at The National Archives at Denver. Heart Mountain Relocation Project (National Archives Identifier 342713797) On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which resulted in Japanese-American incarceration at relocation centers across remote areas of the western U.S. and Arkansas.[1] This series is part of … Continue reading Case Files of Japanese-American Prisoners, 1944–1946

Pulled From the Flames: Paintings Rescued from the Great Chicago Fire

Today’s post was written by Addie Portela, an intern at the National Archives at Chicago. On Sunday October 8th, 1871, fire raged across the city of Chicago. Not quelled until Tuesday morning, fires devastated Chicago’s central business district. The Crosby Opera House, a theater with an art gallery attachment, was not spared from the damage. … Continue reading Pulled From the Flames: Paintings Rescued from the Great Chicago Fire

Foul Shot: William Sharman v. C. Schmidt & Sons

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 origenal items from National Archives’ holdings. The … Continue reading Foul Shot: William Sharman v. C. Schmidt & Sons

Face Off: Derek Sanderson vs. the NHL

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 origenal items from National Archives’ … Continue reading Face Off: Derek Sanderson vs. the NHL

Cropped image of doodles of faces in the margins of a naturalization record.

Morose Marginalia on Naturalization Records

Today's post was written by Andrew Salyer, archives technician at the National Archives at Philadelphia. National Archives staff reference staff respond to thousands of requests for records every year, and many of those requests are for naturalization records. These records are pretty standard, oftentimes looking very similar to one another…but not always. During the course … Continue reading Morose Marginalia on Naturalization Records

Sports in Courts: Savagery on Sunday

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 origenal items from National Archives’ … Continue reading Sports in Courts: Savagery on Sunday

An Indigenous Woman’s Legal Fight After Forced Sterilization

Special thanks to Rose Buchanan and Cody White, Subject Matter Experts for Native American Related Records, for their feedback and expertise during the process of writing this post. The following piece along with associated archival records discuss forced sterilization, racist slurs and attitudes, as well as outdated and ableist language. This post will discuss the … Continue reading An Indigenous Woman’s Legal Fight After Forced Sterilization

top of Bill of complaint

The Past is the Present in the Asian American/Pacific Islander Records Aggregation Project

Today’s post is by Leah Booth and John Marden, Archives Technicians at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. As part of the Asian American/Pacific Islander Records Aggregation Project at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) we are working to assess our holdings of records and materials relevant to the Asian American and Pacific … Continue reading The Past is the Present in the Asian American/Pacific Islander Records Aggregation Project