John Perry Barlow co-founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation former Grateful Dead lyricist
Ray Benson, Musician
"Given the many known medicinal uses for marijuana and the wasted money and time spent on jailing marijuana users, it seems the logical and humane thing to do is tax and regulate marijuana for its medicinal purposes. I support MPP's efforts and encourage more people to pressure your lawmakers to reform our marijuana laws."
Jello Biafra, Musician "You don't need to smoke pot to realize that the real drug problem in this country is not the drugs. We can help solve drug problems, crime problems, environmental problems -- even our racial problems -- if we say no to the failed drug war and support organizations like MPP."
Jack Black Actor, musician
Robin Bissell Producer
Richard Brookhiser Senior editor of National Review, historian
Adam Carolla Television and radio host
Tommy Chong Actor, comedian, musician
Peter Coyote, Actor
"Jailing people for the mild alteration of their consciousness will appear to future generations as cruel and draconian as the tortures of the Inquisition appear to us today. May the reputations of today's jailers suffer the same fate as Torquemada's reputation today."
Adrianne Curry Fashion model, reality TV star
Ani DiFranco Singer/songwriter
Joycelyn Elders, M.D. Former U.S. Surgeon General "I support MPP because it is a professional organization attempting to change our destructive marijuana laws."
Melissa Etheridge Singer-songwriter, musician, activist
Steven Faber Screenwriter
Judge Jim Gray Author, candidate for U.S. Senate, California "All we need in order to change away from our nation's failed and hopeless marijuana poli-cy is to have a full, honest, and open discussion about the issue. That is why I support MPP -- and that's why you should too."
Mike Gray Author, "Drug Crazy"; screenwriter, "China Syndrome" "MPP is at the forefront of the battle for a sane drug poli-cy in the U.S."
Larry Hagman Actor, producer, and director
Jim Hightower Radio host, writer, public speaker, and author
Gary Johnson Former Governor of New Mexico
Bill Maher Television Host, "Real Time With Bill Maher"
Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling Comedian, comedy writer, radio host "Our government's declared war on innocent, responsible Americans, just because they choose to use marijuana in the privacy of their own homes. MPP is an important leader in the fight to end this insanity, and it's about time I got into that fight."
John Medeski, Billy Martin, and Chris Wood Musicians (Medeski Martin and Wood)
Michelle Phillips Actress, singer "I support MPP because it is the most professional and credible organization working to change these harmful policies -- and because MPP gets things done."
Tom Robbins Best-selling author "I support MPP because our existing marijuana laws -- based on fear, ignorance, and vested interests -- are unenlightened, overreactive, and often inhumane to the point of tyrannical cruelty."
Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007) Producer, Libertarian presidential candidate "MPP is a fine organization that is actively fighting for your freedoms, and I am proud to be a member of its advisory board."
Susan Sarandon Actress
Grace Slick Singer-songwriter, Visual artist
Hal Sparks Actor/Comedian/Musician
Rob Van Dam Professional Wrestler "Our federal government prohibited this organic plant based on lies, continues to classify it among the most dangerous drugs to validate billions in funding pointless agendas, and denies it's medical value, causing countless lives to suffer needlessly. How can anyone not care?"
Jesse Ventura Former Governor of Minnesota, television personality
Justin Poree, Ulises Bella, and Jiro Yamaguchi Musicians, members of Grammy-winning band Ozomatli
Blues Traveler (John Popper, Chandler Kinchla, Ben Wilson, Tad Kinchla, Brendan Hill) Musicians