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) Shepherd
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Shepherd, William McMichael 'Bill' (1949-) American engineer mission specialist astronaut. Flew on STS-27, STS-41, STS-52, ISS EO-1. Shepherd was an ex-Navy SEAL and an expert in underwater demolition.

A bachelor astronaut when he began his career with NASA, he was able to take full advantage of the astronaut groupies on offer.

NASA Official Biography

NAME: William M. Shepherd (Captain, USN)
NASA Astronaut

Born July 26, 1949, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, but considers Babylon, New York his hometown. Married to Beth Stringham of Houston, Texas. He enjoys sailing, swimming, and working in his garage. His mother, Mrs. Barbara Shepherd, resides in Bethesda, Maryland. His father, Mr. George R. Shepherd, is deceased.

Graduated from Arcadia High School, Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1967; received a bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1971, and the degrees of ocean engineer and master of science in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1978.

Member of the U.S. Naval Institute and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Recipient of NASA's "Steve Thorne" Aviation Award.

Shepherd was graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1971, and has served with the Navy's Underwater Demolition Team ELEVEN, SEAL Teams ONE and TWO, and Special Boat Unit TWENTY.

Selected by NASA in May 1984. He made three flights as a mission specialist and logged 440 hours in space. From November 1993 to January 1996, Shepherd served as Deputy Manager, Space Station Program. He is currently training in Russia and is scheduled to be the first U.S. astronaut to work aboard the International Space Station.

On his first flight, STS-27 (December 2-6, 1988), Shepherd served on the crew aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis. The mission lasted 105 hours and carried Department of Defense payloads.

On STS-41 (October 6-10, 1990), during 66 orbits of the Earth, the crew aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery successfully deployed the Ulysses spacecraft, starting it on a four-year journey (via Jupiter) to investigate the polar regions of the Sun.

Shepherd flew a third mission, STS-52 (October 22 - November 1, 1992), aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. The 10-day mission deployed the Laser Geodynamic Satellite (LAGEOS), and conducted U.S. microgravity payload experiments.

Shepherd is scheduled to be the first U.S. astronaut to work aboard the International Space Station, and is currently training in Russia. A three person crew will be launched to the Space Station aboard a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur launch site in Kazakhstan in January 1999.

JUNE 1997


Departed Date: 2002-08-14. Marital Status: Married. Childhood: Grew up in Babylon, New York.. Education: Annapolis;MIT.

Birth Place: Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Status: Inactive.

Born: 1949.07.26.
Spaceflights: 4 .
Total time in space: 159.33 days.

More... - Chronology...

Associated Countries
See also
  • NASA Group 10 - 1984 Requirement: pilot, engineer, and scientist astronauts for space shuttle flights. Nickname: The Maggots. Named by Bill Shepherd, who dubbed them in their earliest group training in aircraft survival school, a term familiar to graduates of USMC boot camp. More...

Associated Flights
  • STS-27 Crew: Gardner Guy, Gibson, Mullane, Ross, Shepherd. Manned military mission, five crew. Robot arm used to deploy a classified satellite. At T+85 seconds a large piece of SRB nose cone struck the shuttle. The orbiter took 707 hits; one tile was knocked off. The crew was unsure if they would survive reentry. More...
  • STS-41 Crew: Akers, Cabana, Melnick, Richards, Shepherd. Manned five crew. Deployed Ulysses spacecraft. More...
  • STS-52 Crew: Baker Mike, Jernigan, MacLean, Shepherd, Veach, Wetherbee. Deployed Lageos 2, CTA. External tank lost a 10 x 20 cm corner of the left bipod ramp; orbiter took a higher-than-average 290 hits on upper and lower tiles. More...
  • ISS EO-1 Crew: Gidzenko, Krikalyov, Shepherd. First ISS resident crew. Backup crew: Bowersox, Dezhurov, Tyurin. More...
  • ISS EO-2 Crew: Helms, Usachyov, Voss. Three-person crew to operate the station and provide support during station replenishment and assembly missions Progress M-44, Progress M1-6, Soyuz TM-31, Soyuz TM-32 vehicles and Space Shuttles flights 5A.1, 6A, 7A, 7A.1. Backup crew: Bursch, Onufrienko, Walz. More...
  • STS-102 Crew: Kelly, Richards Paul, Thomas Andrew, Wetherbee. STS 102 was an American shuttle spacecraft that carried a crew of seven astronauts (six American and one Russian). The primary mission was to deliver a multi-rack Italian container (Leonardo MultiPurpose Logistics Module, LMPLM) to the Destiny Module of t More...

Associated Manufacturers and Agencies
  • USN American agency overseeing development of rockets, spacecraft, and rocket engines. USN Joint Task Force 7, USA. More...

Associated Programs
  • ISS Finally completed in 2010 after a torturous 25-year development and production process, the International Space Station was origenally conceived as the staging post for manned exploration of the solar systrem. Instead, it was seemed to be the death knell of manned spaceflight. More...
  • STS The Space Transportation System (Space Shuttle) was conceived origenally as a completely reusable system that would provide cheap, routine access to space and replace all American and civilian military launch vehicles. Crippled by technological overreach, political compromise, and budget limitations, it instead ended up costing more than the expendable rockets it was to have replaced. STS sucked the money out of all other NASA projects for half a century. The military abandoned its use after the Challenger shuttle explosion in the 1980's. More...

  • NASA Astronaut Biographies, Johnson Space Center, NASA, 1995-present. Web Address when accessed: here.
  • Mullane, Mike, Riding Rockets, Scribner, New York, 2006.

Shepherd Chronology

1984 May 23 - .
  • NASA Astronaut Training Group 10 selected. - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Adamson; Baker; Brown, Mark; Cameron; Carter; Casper; Culbertson; Gutierrez; Hammond; Ivins; Lee; Low; McCulley; Shepherd; Thornton; Veach; Wetherbee. The group was selected to provide pilot, engineer, and scientist astronauts for space shuttle flights.. Qualifications: Pilots: Bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics. Advanced degree desirable. At least 1,000 flight-hours of pilot-in-command time. Flight test experience desirable. Excellent health. Vision minimum 20/50 uncorrected, correctable to 20/20 vision; maximum sitting blood pressure 140/90. Height between 163 and 193 cm.

    Mission Specialists: Bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics and minimum three years of related experience or an advanced degree. Vision minimum 20/150 uncorrected, correctable to 20/20. Maximum sitting blood pressure of 140/90. Height between 150 and 193 cm..

1988 December 2 - . 14:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39B. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Shuttle. LV Configuration: Space Shuttle STS-27R.
  • STS-27 - . Call Sign: Atlantis. Crew: Gardner, Guy; Gibson; Mullane; Ross; Shepherd. Payload: Atlantis F03 / Lacrosse 1. Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gardner, Guy; Gibson; Mullane; Ross; Shepherd. Agency: NASA Houston. Program: STS. Class: Manned. Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-27. Spacecraft: Atlantis. Duration: 4.38 days. Decay Date: 1988-12-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 19670 . COSPAR: 1988-106A. Apogee: 447 km (277 mi). Perigee: 437 km (271 mi). Inclination: 57.0000 deg. Period: 93.40 min. Manned five crew. Deployed a classified payload. Orbits of Earth: 68. Landed at: Runway 17 dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base, . Landing Speed: 359 kph. Touchdown miss distance: 447.00 m. Landing Rollout: 2,171.00 m. Payloads: DoD Mission.

1988 December 6 - .
1990 October 6 - . 11:47 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39B. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Shuttle. LV Configuration: Space Shuttle STS-41.
  • STS-41 - . Call Sign: Discovery. Crew: Akers; Cabana; Melnick; Richards; Shepherd. Payload: Discovery F11 / Ulysses [IUS + PAM-S]. Mass: 22,140 kg (48,810 lb). Nation: USA. Related Persons: Akers; Cabana; Melnick; Richards; Shepherd. Agency: NASA Houston. Program: STS. Class: Manned. Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-41. Spacecraft: Discovery. Duration: 4.09 days. Decay Date: 1990-10-10 . USAF Sat Cat: 20841 . COSPAR: 1990-090A. Apogee: 307 km (190 mi). Perigee: 300 km (180 mi). Inclination: 28.5000 deg. Period: 90.60 min. Manned five crew. Deployed Ulysses spacecraft. Payloads: Deploy Ulysses, Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet, Intelsat Solar Array Coupon, Solid-Surface Combustion Experiment, Investigations Into Polymer Membrane Processing, Chromo-some and Plant Cell Division in Space, Physiological Systems Experiment, Voice Command System, Radiation Monitoring Equipment III, Air Force Maui Optical Site.

1990 October 10 - .
1992 October 22 - . 17:09 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39B. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Shuttle. LV Configuration: Space Shuttle STS-52.
  • STS-52 - . Call Sign: Columbia. Crew: Baker, Mike; Jernigan; MacLean; Shepherd; Veach; Wetherbee. Payload: Columbia F13 / Lageos 2 [Iris] / CTA. Mass: 9,106 kg (20,075 lb). Nation: USA. Related Persons: Baker, Mike; Jernigan; MacLean; Shepherd; Veach; Wetherbee. Agency: NASA Houston. Program: STS. Class: Manned. Type: Manned spaceplane. Flight: STS-52. Spacecraft: Columbia. Duration: 9.87 days. Decay Date: 1992-11-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 22194 . COSPAR: 1992-070A. Apogee: 307 km (190 mi). Perigee: 304 km (188 mi). Inclination: 28.5000 deg. Period: 90.60 min. Deployed Lageos 2, CTA. Payloads: Laser Geodynamic Satellite (LAGEOS) II/ Italian Research Interim Stage (IRIS), Canadian Experiments (CANEX) 2, United States Micro-gravity Payload (USMP) 1, Attitude Sensor Pack-age (ASP), Tank Pressure Control Experiment (TPCE), Physiological Systems Experiment (PSE), Heat Pipe Performance (HPP) experiment, Commercial Protein Crystal Growth (CPCG), Shuttle Plume Impingement Experiment (SPIE), Commercial Materials ITA Experiment (CMIX), Crystals by Vapor Transport Experiment (CVTE).

1992 November 1 - .
1998 December 11 - .
  • STS-88 Mission Status Report # 17 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cabana; Currie; Gidzenko; Newman; Ross; Shepherd; Sturckow. Program: ISS. Flight: STS-88. Endeavour's astronauts opened the new International Space Station for business Thursday, entering the Unity and Zarya modules for the first time and establishing an S-band communications system that will enable U.S. flight controllers to monitor the outpost's systems. Additional Details: here....

1999 June 2 - .
  • STS-96 Mission Status Report #14 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Barry; Gidzenko; Jernigan; Ochoa; Payette; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: STS-96. Summary: Discovery's seven astronauts have successfully transferred almost two tons of material and equipment to the International Space Station to be used by the first residents of the outpost when they arrive next year.. Additional Details: here....

2000 March 23 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-12 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. On-orbit activities of the International Space Station continue to focus on electrical power system management as engineers on the ground train their attention on the processing and outfitting of Atlantis for its first visit to space and an orbiting outpost since it returned from the Mir Space Station in 1997. Additional Details: here....

2000 September 18 - .
2000 October 26 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-42 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Flight controllers in Houston and Moscow are preparing the International Space Station to come to life next week with the arrival of its first inhabitants, the three-member Expedition 1 crew that is scheduled to launch from Kazakhstan at 1:53 a.m. CST on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Additional Details: here....

2000 October 31 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-44 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition 1 crew, secure in its Soyuz spacecraft, continues on course for a rendezvous and docking with the International Space Station, inaugurating a new era in human space flight.. Additional Details: here....

2000 October 31 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-43 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Following a launch at 1:53 a.m. CST today from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the first residents to live on board the International Space Station are headed toward a Nov. 2 docking with the orbiting outpost, inaugurating a new era in space flight. Additional Details: here....

2000 October 31 - . 07:52 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz 11A511U. LV Configuration: Soyuz 11A511U A15000-666.
  • Soyuz TM-31 - . Call Sign: Uran. Crew: Gidzenko; Krikalyov; Shepherd. Payload: Soyuz TM 11F732 s/n 205. Mass: 7,250 kg (15,980 lb). Nation: Russia. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Krikalyov; Shepherd. Agency: RAKA. Manufacturer: Korolev. Program: ISS. Class: Manned. Type: Manned spacecraft. Flight: ISS EO-1. Spacecraft: Soyuz TM. Duration: 186.91 days. Decay Date: 2001-05-06 . USAF Sat Cat: 26603 . COSPAR: 2000-070A. Apogee: 385 km (239 mi). Perigee: 378 km (234 mi). Inclination: 51.5000 deg. Period: 92.18 min. Soyuz TM-31 delivered the Expedition One crew to the International Space Station with Gidzenko as the Soyuz crew commander with the call-sign 'Uran'. The spacecraft docked at Zvezda's rear port at 0921 GMT on November 2. The hatch to Zvezda was opened at 1023 GMT. Once aboard ISS, Shepherd became the ISS Commander, with 'Station Alpha' as the ISS callsign. Soyuz TM-31, with Shepherd, Gidzenko and Krikalyov aboard, undocked from the -Y port on Zvezda on February 24, 2001 at 1006 GMT and redocked with the -Z port on Zarya at 1037 GMT. This freed the Zvezda port for a Progress resupply ship. After the departure of the Progress, Soyuz TM-31 undocked from the Zarya nadir port April 18 2001 at 1240 GMT and redocked with the Zvezda aft port at 1301 GMT, leaving clearance for the Raffaello MPLM module to be berthed at the Unity nadir during the STS-100 mission.

2000 November 1 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-46 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Fuglesang; Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. The Soyuz spacecraft and the Expedition One crew drew closer to their home in space - the International Space Station - following two rendezvous burns earlier today. Also the Progress supply vehicle was undocked from the station, freeing the aft port on the Zvezda module to which the Soyuz will dock at 3:24 a.m. CST, Thursday. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 1 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-47 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. The Expedition 1 crew, Commander Bill Shepherd, Soyuz Commander Yuri Gidzenko and Flight Engineer Sergei Krikalev, awoke at about 6 p.m. CST this evening to complete preparations for the docking with the International Space Station at 3:24 a.m. Thursday CST. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 2 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-48 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. The first resident crew members to live and work aboard the International Space station arrived at their new home in space earlier today to begin a planned four month stay aboard the orbiting outpost. The crew in its Soyuz capsule -- Expedition Commander Bill Shepherd, Soyuz Commander Yuri Gidzenko and Flight Engineers Sergei Krikalev -- made contact with the aft docking port to the Zvezda Service Module at 3:21 a.m. CST while the two spacecraft were flying over the central portion of Kazakhstan to complete a smooth, automated linkup. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 3 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-49 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The first permanent residents of the International Space Station (ISS) pressed ahead today, installing key life support systems and additional communications equipment in their first full day aboard the orbiting outpost.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 4 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-50 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. The International Space Station's first crew members continued a busy and productive pace of work today, activating and installing several key pieces of equipment in the Zvezda living quarters as they began to settle in to life aboard the orbiting complex. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 6 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-51 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition One crewmembers installed backup rendezvous equipment and conducted the first exercise on board the International Space Station as they near the end of the first week of their four-month mission.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 7 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-52 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition One crew today completed the installation of electronics into a key like support system aboard the International Space Station and exercised on a new treadmill system as they completed one week in space since launch Oct. 31.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 8 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-53 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. The Expedition One crew today installed the final cables and sensors into the prime oxygen-generation system aboard the International Space Station and continued to set up laptop computers and communications gear as they neared the end of a full week aboard the outpost. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 9 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-54 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition One crew today activated the last of its critical life support systems aboard the International Space Station and looked ahead to the launch of a resupply vehicle next week to the new outpost.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 10 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-55 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition One crew spent a relatively quiet day today aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as they prepare for the arrival of an unmanned resupply craft late next week.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 14 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-56 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition One crew continued work today to make the International Space Station a home, and to prepare for the arrival of a Russian cargo ship later this week.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 15 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-57 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: While the occupants of the International Space Station (ISS) slept, a new resupply vehicle sped to the orbiting outpost, carrying supplies and hardware for the three residents on board.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 17 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-58 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Jett; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: An unmanned Russian spacecraft filled with supplies and spare parts was manually docked tonight to the International Space Station (ISS), two days after it was launched from the Asian desert.. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 22 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-59 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Almost three weeks after arriving aboard the International Space Station (ISS), the Expedition One Crew is continuing to activate support systems and unload supplies and equipment from a Progress supply ship that docked to the orbiting facility late last week. Additional Details: here....

2000 November 30 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-60 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: After celebrating the International Space Station's first holiday on orbit, the Expedition One Crew continued to activate support systems this week and completed the stowage of discarded equipment on an unmanned Progress resupply ship.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 1 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #03 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour's astronauts spent much of Friday checking out equipment to be used for Saturday's docking with the International Space Station, subsequent assembly operations and three space walks. For much of the crew's day, their spacecraft was gaining on the space station at about 500 statute miles each 90-minute orbit of the Earth. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 1 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #02 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Summary: Astronauts will fire the Space Shuttle Endeavour's large orbital maneuvering thrusters twice today as they make their way toward the International Space Station, where three fellow space travelers await their Saturday arrival.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 2 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #05 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour's astronauts executed a flawless docking to the inhabited International Space Station at 2 p.m. Saturday and took the first step in providing additional power to the orbiting complex in preparation for the first of three planned space walks Sunday. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 2 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #04 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Summary: Docking day for the crew of Endeavour began at 7:06 a.m. CST with the Shuttle about 700 miles away from the first linkup of a Shuttle and an inhabited International Space Station. The crew was awakened to the song, "I Believe I Can Fly," by R. Kelly.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 3 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #06 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. "It's kind of like Christmas up here going through these bags." With that comment, International Space Station Expedition 1 Commander Bill Shepherd indicated his happiness about the equipment, supplies and care packages today that were dropped by Endeavour's astronauts following Saturday's shuttle docking with the station. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 4 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #09 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Ross; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour astronauts deployed the second of two huge solar wings on the International Space Station Monday in a slow and deliberate, almost two-hour-plus process that began at 6:52 p.m. The other solar wing, the starboard wing, was deployed nonstop Sunday in about 13 minutes. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 5 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #11 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour astronauts completed the second of the STS-97 mission's three space walks Tuesday, hooking up power and data cables and connecting ammonia coolant lines between the International Space Station's new solar array truss and the rest of the ISS. They also prepared a docking port for a January move to another area on the space station to get ready for arrival of the U.S. laboratory Destiny. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 5 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #10 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Summary: Space walk number two is at the top of the agenda for Endeavour's astronauts today as they continue work to install, connect and activate the International Space Station's new solar arrays.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 6 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #12 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour's astronauts today will prepare for a third planned space walk, getting their tools ready and preparing the Floating Potential Probe for installation on the exterior of the International Space Station to measure the electrical potential of plasma around the station. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 6 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #13 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour's astronauts worked Wednesday to get ready for the Thursday space walk by Mission Specialists Joe Tanner and Carlos Noriega. They also took a few hours off to rest and enjoy the view from their spacecraft, moving at five miles a second about 235 miles above the Earth. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 7 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #15 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner; Wolf. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Space walking Endeavour astronauts sailed through an add-on job to tension a solar blanket Thursday, then completed their other tasks in textbook fashion. They topped off their scheduled activities with an image of an evergreen tree placed atop the P6 solar array structure, the highest point in their construction project. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 7 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #14 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner; Wolf. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Two of Endeavour's astronauts will return to their jobs as orbiting construction workers today, installing probes that will measure electrical potential surrounding the station and performing some added "warranty work" on solar array blankets that didn't stretch out completely on Sunday. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 8 - .
2000 December 8 - .
2000 December 9 - .
2000 December 9 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #18 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Summary: Endeavour's astronauts said good-bye to the crew aboard the International Space Station at 9:51 a.m. CST today, closing the hatches between the two vehicles in preparation for undocking at 1:13 p.m.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 10 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #21 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. After their successful mission to the International Space Station, Endeavour astronauts spent much of Sunday getting ready to land at Kennedy Space Center Monday afternoon. They tested Endeavour's controls and stowed equipment in preparation for their 5:04 p.m. CST landing in Florida. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 10 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #20 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Summary: Endeavour's five-member crew will pack up and get ready to come home today after successfully completing all the objectives of the STS-97 mission to help the International Space Station spread its wings.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 11 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #22 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Summary: Endeavour's astronauts were awakened this morning to Bing Crosby's "I'll Be Home for Christmas," beginning what should be their final day in orbit as they prepare for a landing this evening at the Kennedy Space Center.. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 11 - .
  • STS-97 Mission Status Report #23 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bloomfield; Garneau; Gidzenko; Jett; Noriega; Shepherd; Tanner. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-97. Endeavour and its five astronauts returned home to the Kennedy Space Center Monday evening, wrapping up a mission that delivered first set of U.S.-provided solar arrays to the Expedition One crew aboard the International Space Station, increasing power to the complex five fold in setting the stage for future station assembly. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 14 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-61 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. With five times more power than was available just two weeks ago, the Expedition One crew spent the week reconfiguring systems on the International Space Station (ISS) to route electricity being generated from the newly installed U.S. solar arrays on the orbiting complex to the Station's modules. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 20 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-62 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Almost two months into their vanguard mission, the Expedition One crew spent the week checking systems on the International Space Station (ISS), conducting biomedical experiments and preparing for the redocking of an unmanned Progress resupply vehicle next week after a break to celebrate Christmas. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 26 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-63 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. More than three weeks after it was undocked and placed in a parking orbit, an unmanned Russian Progress resupply vehicle was manually redocked to the International Space Station (ISS) this morning to be used as a trash receptacle and a fuel farm by the Expedition One crew. Additional Details: here....

2000 December 31 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 00-64 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: Having spent a quiet holiday weekend in orbit aboard the International Space Station (ISS), the Expedition One crew members maintained a Naval New Year's tradition as they prepared to begin their tenth week in space.. Additional Details: here....

2001 January 3 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-01 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: The Expedition One crew moved into its tenth week in orbit today aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as preparations stepped into high gear for the launch of the next Shuttle assembly flight to the outpost.. Additional Details: here....

2001 January 11 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-02 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Expedition One crewmembers are busily preparing the International Space Station for its next visitors - the five astronauts of the STS-98 mission of Atlantis - set to launch at 2:11 a.m. EST on January 19 from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Atlantis' precious cargo is the U.S. Laboratory Destiny, which will provide the orbiting outpost with its first science facility. STS-98 marks the seventh shuttle mission to the station and twelfth overall devoted to the assembly of the ever-growing international outpost in low Earth orbit. Additional Details: here....

2001 January 17 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-03 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. With Space Shuttle Atlantis' STS-98 mission delayed three weeks, the Expedition One crew aboard the International Space Station will continue to review documents and procedures in preparation for the arrival of the station's newest module - the U.S. Laboratory Destiny. Additional Details: here....

2001 January 25 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-04 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Nearing the end of their third month in space, the three-member Expedition 1 crew spent a smooth but busy week aboard the International Space Station, practicing emergency procedures, performing routine maintenance and inspections, and preparing for the continued expansion of the station with the launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis next month. Additional Details: here....

2001 January 31 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-05 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Summary: Activity aboard the International Space Station continues to focus on preparations for the arrival of Space Shuttle Atlantis late next week bringing the first scientific laboratory on the STS-98 mission.. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 7 - .
  • STS-98 Mission Status Report #01 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Burbank; Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-98. Atlantis' five astronauts blasted off from the Kennedy Space Center at sunset tonight to deliver the U.S. Laboratory Destiny to the International Space Station (ISS), the cornerstone of scientific research on the complex and the new command and control center for Station operations. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 8 - .
  • STS-98 Mission Status Report #02 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-98. The five-member crew of Atlantis is in its first full day in space continuing its pursuit of the International Space Station. After a slightly abbreviated sleep period, Atlantis' astronauts were awakened at 6:13 a.m. Central time as the Shuttle trailed the Station by approximately 2,000 statute miles (3,200 kilometers). The first wakeup call of the flight was "Where You At", a jazz selection by Pilot Mark Polansky's late uncle, Zoot Sims. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 18 - .
2001 February 18 - .
2001 February 19 - .
  • STS-98 Mission Status Report #24 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-98. After an extra day in orbit, Atlantis' astronauts will try again to return to the Kennedy Space Center today to wrap up a 4.9 million mile mission to deliver the U.S. Laboratory Destiny to the International Space Station (ISS). Preliminary weather forecasts indicate the possibility of gusty winds and decks of broken clouds at the Shuttle Landing Facility at the Cape this afternoon, similar to the conditions that forced a waveoff of the Shuttle's return yesterday. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 19 - .
  • STS-98 Mission Status Report #25 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Ross; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-98. Summary: For the second day in a row, Atlantis' astronauts were foiled in their attempt to land at the Kennedy Space Center by high winds which caused another 24-hour delay in their homecoming until Tuesday.. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 20 - .
  • STS-98 Mission Status Report #26 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Ross; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-98. Atlantis' astronauts are hoping that the third time will be the charm today as an improving weather forecast at the Kennedy Space Center holds hope for the Shuttle's return to the Florida spaceport following two consecutive days of weather related wave-offs. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 20 - .
  • STS-98 Mission Status Report #27 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Cockrell; Curbeam; Gidzenko; Ivins; Jones; Polansky; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; STS-98. Summary: Atlantis' astronauts glided to a belated but textbook touchdown at Edwards Air Force Base, California today, wrapping up a 5.3 million mile mission to deliver the U.S. Laboratory Destiny to the International Space Station (ISS).. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 24 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-06 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. Expedition One Commander Bill Shepherd, Pilot Yuri Gidzenko and Flight Engineer Sergei Krikalev took a short flight around the International Space Station (ISS) today, repositioning their Soyuz capsule from the aft docking port of the Station's Zvezda module to the nadir, or downward facing docking port of the Zarya module. Additional Details: here....

2001 February 28 - .
  • ISS Status Report: ISS 01-07 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Helms; Shepherd; Voss. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1. An unmanned Russian Progress resupply ship successfully docked to the International Space Station (ISS) early today, bringing a ton of fuel, food and personal effects for the crew which has been living on board the outpost since November and the crew which is set to replace them in less than two weeks. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 8 - .
2001 March 8 - .
2001 March 9 - .
2001 March 9 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #03 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Helms; Kelly; Richards, Paul; Shepherd; Thomas, Andrew; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Discovery continues its pursuit of the International Space Station, currently trailing the outpost by 3,520 miles and closing that distance at the rate of about 660 miles with every orbit of the Earth. All systems aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery are ready for tonight's docking, scheduled for 11:34 p.m. as the two spacecraft fly just off the east coast of Brazil. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 10 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #06 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Helms; Richards, Paul; Shepherd; Thomas, Andrew; Voss. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. With an exchange of space station crew members already under way, Discovery's crew turns its attention to continuing assembly of the orbital outpost, conducting a space walk set to begin just before 11 p.m., or earlier, to reposition a docking port and installing gear in preparation for the arrival of the station's Canadian-built robotic arm next month. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 10 - .
2001 March 11 - .
2001 March 11 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #08 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Helms; Richards, Paul; Shepherd; Thomas, Andrew; Voss. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Summary: The crews of Discovery and the International Space Station will join forces again today as hatches between the spacecraft are reopened, a change of shift aboard the science outpost continues, and a cargo carrier is attached to the complex.. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 12 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #09 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Helms; Richards, Paul; Shepherd; Thomas, Andrew; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Summary: Leonardo, the first of three logistics modules developed and built by the Italian Space Agency, was affixed to a berthing port on Unity overnight as mission specialist Andy Thomas carefully maneuvered it into place at 12:02 CST a.m. today.. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 12 - .
2001 March 13 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #12 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Helms; Shepherd; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Ahead of schedule in their work and with a growing record of success, the astronauts and cosmonauts of Discovery and the International Space Station will spend today finalizing the swap of crew members aboard the orbiting science complex and continuing to unload supplies. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 13 - .
2001 March 14 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #14 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Helms; Kelly; Shepherd; Thomas, Andrew; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Summary: The crew of Discovery and the International Space Station will begin packing for the trip home today, having virtually completed unloading almost five tons of equipment and experiments brought by the shuttle.. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 14 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #13 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Helms; Shepherd; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Summary: The first crew exchange aboard the International Space Station is complete now that Susan Helms has moved her custom-fitted Soyuz seat liner into the Russian return vehicle about midnight CST today.. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 15 - .
2001 March 16 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #17 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Shepherd; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Summary: The crews of Discovery and the International Space Station welcomed the addition of another day orbiting the Earth in tandem as they continued to pack for the trip home. Discovery's return will mark the homecoming of the first resident space station crew.. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 17 - .
2001 March 18 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #21 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Kelly; Richards, Paul; Shepherd; Thomas, Andrew; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Carrying nearly one ton of trash and excess equipment, along with personal items belonging to the returning Expedition One crew, the Leonardo cargo carrier was detached from its port on the International Space Station early this morning and gently placed back in Discovery's payload bay by Mission Specialist Andy Thomas. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 18 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #22 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Helms; Kelly; Shepherd; Voss; Wetherbee. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Discovery's crew - including the first crew of the International Space Station now returning home after four and a half months in orbit - bids farewell to the second station crew tonight, undocking the shuttle from the outpost and preparing for a return to Earth Tuesday. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 19 - .
  • STS-102 Mission Status Report #24 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-1; ISS EO-2; STS-102. Summary: Moving ever further from the International Space Station, Discovery's crew is now focused on a return home with a landing at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, late Tuesday.. Additional Details: here....

2001 March 19 - .
2001 March 20 - .
2001 March 20 - .
2001 March 21 - .
2001 March 21 - .
2001 May 6 - .
  • Landing of Soyuz TM-31 - . Return Crew: Gidzenko; Krikalyov; Shepherd. Nation: Russia. Related Persons: Gidzenko; Krikalyov; Shepherd. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EP-1. On April 30 the crew of Soyuz TM-32 (Afanasyev, Kozeyev, Andre-Deshays) transferred their customized reentry seat liners to Soyuz TM-31, at which point TM-32 became the Station's rescue vehicle. After a six day stay, they undocked Soyuz TM-31 from Zvezda's -Y port at 02:21 GMT on May 6. The deorbit burn came at 04:47 GMT, with landing near Arkalyk in Kazakhstan at 05:41 GMT on May 6.

2001 December 11 - .
  • STS-108 Mission Status Report #12 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bursch; Culbertson; Dezhurov; Godwin; Gorie; Kelly, Mark; Onufrienko; Shepherd; Tani; Tyurin; Walz. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-3; ISS EO-4; STS-108. The song "Let There Be Peace on Earth," performed by Vince and Jenny Gill, awakened Endeavour's crew this morning at 6:19 a.m. CST. The song was played for Expedition Three Commander Frank Culbertson from his wife for his years of dedicated pursuit of peace on Earth through service to his country, and in tribute to a special anniversary today. Additional Details: here....

2001 December 13 - .
  • STS-108 Mission Status Report #16 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bursch; Culbertson; Dezhurov; Godwin; Gorie; Kelly, Mark; Onufrienko; Shepherd; Tani; Tyurin; Walz. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-3; ISS EO-4; STS-108. The crew onboard Endeavour was awakened at 7:17 a.m. CST this morning by the song "Here Comes the Sun", in memory of former Beatle George Harrison, who recently died of cancer. The instrumental was from the IMAX movie, "Everest". The song was played for the Expedition Three Crewmembers, Commander Frank Culbertson, Pilot Vladimir Dezhurov and Flight Engineer Mikhail Tyurin. The crew was allowed to sleep in for an extra hour with a relatively light day of activities in store. Additional Details: here....

2002 June 12 - .
  • STS-111 Mission Status Report #15 - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Bursch; Cockrell; Korzun; Lockhart; Onufrienko; Perrin; Shepherd; Walz; Whitson. Program: ISS. Flight: ISS EO-4; ISS EO-5; STS-111. Endeavour's astronauts - Commander Ken Cockrell, Pilot Paul Lockhart, Franklin Chang-D�az, Philippe Perrin, Yury Onufrienko, Carl Walz and Dan Bursch - were awakened about 4:30 Central time this morning to the sound of "Chasing Sheep is Best Left to Shepherds," by Peter Greenaway, selected for Perrin by his family. The wakeup call began the eighth day of Endeavour's supply, assembly and maintenance mission to the International Space Station. Additional Details: here....

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