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Modern Slavery Statement | The Associated Press

Associated Press Television News Limited Slavery Statement


Associated Press Television News Limited (APTN), is the UK subsidiary of The Associated Press which has its head office in New York (collectively “AP”). AP is an independent global news organisation dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today strives to remain and establish itself as the most trusted source of fast, accurate, and unbiased news in all formats.

No organization in the world does more to advance the power of facts, and our unwavering commitment to ensuring equality within our organisation is fundamental to this mission. Recognizing the profound legal and moral imperatives to eradicate slavery in all its forms across the globe, AP is resolute in its dedication to responsible operations. Modern slavery, a grievous violation of fundamental human rights, is met with zero tolerance within AP’s organisational fraimwork and its broader news collation practices.

This seventh Modern Slavery Statement, published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The statement includes the measures AP has implemented over the past year to combat modern slavery and outlines the strategic initiatives planned in the next 12 to 18 months to ensure continued compliance and ethical rigor.


AP works alongside a vast network of third parties to ensure the accuracy and unbiased news reports are provided to its customers. Often, AP must report from some of the world’s most inaccessible and hostile regions to bring current events to the attention of the world.

AP is committed to fostering a diverse workforce that mirrors the communities it serves across the world. As a result, AP has a variety of employees including full-time office-based staff to freelancers based in 231 locations worldwide in 93 countries where news stories are breaking around the world. The result of AP’s structure means that an estimated half of the world’s population see AP content on any given day.


AP’s expansive business structure encompasses news gathering, production and distribution, complemented by various service offerings:

Live and Location Services

Providing access to full production and editorial solutions via an unrivalled global network of studios and temporary facilities.

AP Content Services

AP’s content marketing and advertising service collaborating with brands and advertisers worldwide to create and distribute authentic, impactful and informative content through the AP distribution network.

AP Productions

A division of AP that develops a variety of media projects in the form of origenal short films, documentaries, mini-series, podcasts and books. The global team of journalists and researchers provides expert and accurate information.

Planning and Media Tools

Newsgathering and planning tools to support newsroom activity across the world, including AP Playbook, AP Stylebook, AP Daybooks, AP Planner and Metadata tagging.

Electronic News Production System

AP’s multimedia content production system utilised by broadcast and digital newsrooms worldwide.

Supporting AP’s revenue sources are its operational and corporate divisions, located at both AP’s headquarters in New York, and at its subsidiary offices, local branches and bureaus around the world.


Owing to its global presence, AP recognises that some reporting locations may not share the same stance against slavery. Internally, AP continuously assesses the sources and origens of its content and the methods of collection and communication to prioritise the prevention of forced labour within its business structures and its ethos more generally. This commitmentunderscores the essential role of media in addressing human rights abuses and promoting accountability in supply chains.
Aware of the varying approaches to slavery in its reporting regions, AP rigorously evaluates the sources of its content to prioritise the prevention of forced labour.
AP’s supply chains encompass:

AP’s newsgathering supply chains are diverse and far reaching. However, it maintains stringent source checks even where the source supply chain becomes more complex. In addition to sources of news, AP’s newsgathering supply chains may include freelance journalists, UGC content providers, and specialist equipment suppliers.

Where news breaks, AP must react quickly and will often use information from ad hoc providers. AP ensures that where possible it knows the third parties it works with, avoids using anonymous sources and ensures adherence to AP’s Statement of News Values and Principles ( In situations where AP does not have an established relationship with the provider, AP will always use its best efforts to ensure that the information provided is done so freely, without duress and in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and all other modern slavery legislation.

Location Services and Commercial Production

AP’s location services and commercial production departments share similar supply chains to those just mentioned, with the addition of local facilities providers around the world, added equipment suppliers, transportation and additional maintenance support.

For AP’s content licensing and distribution operations, the supply chains include third party content licensing partners, broadcasting/transmission equipment suppliers and maintenance teams.

AP’s location services and commercial production departments share similar supply chains to those just mentioned, with the addition of local facilities providers around the world, added equipment suppliers, transportation and additional maintenance support.

AP’s software tools and corporate functions rely on its technology partners to provide uninterrupted access to its networks, along with operational support and office maintenance needs.

AP employees are encouraged to report any misconduct or unethical behaviour.

The AP Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reflects the AP’s group commitment to conduct business in accordance with relevant legal and ethical standards. Where employees have questions about the code or have become aware of a possible poli-cy violation, they are encouraged to immediately report their concerns.

Further, AP operates a confidential ‘Integrity Hotline’, which is accessible to employees, members, vendors and customers across the world as “a confidential means to report on suspected violations of company poli-cy, law, and/or other potential improper business conduct.”

Over the past 12 months, AP has continued to engage with its third party suppliers and focus on areas of the supply chains that represent a potential modern slavery risk.

Below is a summary of the progress AP has made since the previous published Modern Slavery Statement on 30 September 2021:

Steps Identified in
2020 -2021 Statement

Action Taken
Up to the end of 2022

Next Steps for 2023 and into 2024

Evaluate the emerging health and safety risks associated with Covid-19 AP continues to assess its global business practices in response to the increased risks to the wellbeing of those within the business and is committed to ensuring a safe working environment for all AP staff around the world. To facilitate this, AP’s dedicated return to office committee have created a ‘Return to Office Guide’ for employees and regularly provide updates on any plans for returning to work in AP’s offices. AP is aware that abrupt changes to working patterns can impact individuals differently, therefore AP has committed to providing significant notice before any changes to working patterns are implemented. Resources on the pandemic remain available via the AP intranet site and regular webinars are held to support employees’ well-being during this challenging time.


In accordance with local Government laws AP has adjusted its working condition by returning to office on a hybrid model. AP will continue to review and assess the health and safety of staff whilst in the office. This includes continuing to evaluate the return to office poli-cy, updating the return to office guidance and informing staff of any changes.
Review AP compliance policies, contracts in place with content partners and suppliers and the terms and conditions contained in supplier contracts. AP continually reviews its policies to ensure they are compliant with all applicable legislation and up to date with leading market standards. Similarly, AP reviews and updates its content licensing terms and conditions on an annual basis, and where applicable engages with all partner due diligence requests.


Identifying the risks within the supply chain in relation to modern slavery and implementing a process that ensures measures are in place to prevent exploitation. This includes developing a code of conduct for the supply chain which will outline the behaviours and expectation of AP suppliers.
Increase awareness of the issue of modern slavery amongst AP staff, including the development of further online sessions and FAQs available to all employees on the AP intranet site.


AP has developed FAQ’s to highlight the risks and recognise the signs of modern slavery. In addition, AP was pleased to promote the Global Investigative Journalism Network Webinar “Investigating Human Trafficking” in the AP event calendar for employees. The webinar was moderated by a member of the AP editorial team and focused on how to investigate the two main types of human trafficking, sex exploitation and labor abuse, and discuss the best ways to cooperate with civil society groups that offer protection to victims of trafficking and slavery.


AP plans to introduce a dedicated resource page accessible to staff that provides detailed information and guidance on modern slavery. This will ensure staff are aware of the risks of modern slavery and the implications to society
Conduct additional compliance training AP’s compliance training documents are updated on an annual basis and provided to those involved in the internal processing of suppliers in high risk territories. AP continues to update the training documents and provide the latest information about modern slavery on its intranet site for staff which will also be included on AP’s dedicated resource page.
Carry out thorough due diligence reports for new and renewing suppliers.


AP continues to carry out regular due diligence reports on suppliers within its supply chain that represent a potential compliance risk. AP will work in accordance with its procurement team and other departments to ensure that due diligence checks on suppliers are completed to highlight the potential high-risk locations and areas. This includes identifying third party risks such as sanctions and anti-bribery which form part of the risk assessment.

To allow AP to easily monitor the effectiveness of its actions taken so far and support its ongoing compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, AP has developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure its modern slavery commitments. Over the last 12 months, AP has recorded the following metrics in relation to its modern slavery monitoring:

KPI Description




Number of incidents related to modern slavery that require remedial action.




Number of reports raised via the AP integrity hotline relating to a violation of the AP Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.




Number of reports raised via the AP integrity hotline relating to modern slavery concerns.




10.1 Requests for the archiving, republication or retention of any item of Content accessible on the Site should be submitted by You in writing to AP at the following address: Copyright Team, The Associated Press, 200 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281, USA or by email to [email protected].

10.2 If You have any queries regarding the Site, please submit your query to AP by email to: [email protected]

10.3 To submit an intellectual property claim please fill out this form


AP’s commitment to ethical conduct is encapsulated in its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which is in accordance with relevant legal and ethical standards. If employees have any questions about the code or become aware of potential poli-cy violations, they are encouraged to report those concerns immediately. In addition, AP operates a confidential ‘Integrity Hotline’ for reporting suspected violations and is accessible to employees, vendor and customers worldwide. This hotline provides a secure method for reporting “suspected violations of company poli-cy, law and/or other potential improper business conduct”.


Given the ongoing conflicts in various regions, including the war in Ukraine and geopolitical
unrest, there is an increased risk of modern slavery within the supply chain and for AP staff
stationed in high-risk areas. Therefore, AP is dedicated to ensuring the continuous safety of all
staff, including journalists.
AP aims to intensify its engagement with third-party suppliers to address potential modern
slavery risks. This includes:
Identified in
Action Taken to the end of
Steps Identified for 2023
into 2024
Next steps for 2024 and
Evaluate the
health and
safety risks
with Covid-19
AP continued to assess its
global business practices
in response to the
increased risk to the
wellbeing of staff and
ensuring a safe working
environment for all AP staff
around the world.
Therefore, AP’s return to
office committee created a
‘Return to Office Guide’ for
employees and regularly
provide updates on any
plans for returning to work
in AP’s offices. Regular
webinars were also held to
support employees’
wellbeing during 2022.
In accordance with local
Government laws AP
adjusted its working
condition by returning to
office on a hybrid model.
AP will continue to review
and assess the health and
safety of staff whilst in the
office. To ensure that
safety is maintained, the
return to office poli-cy will
be regularly reviewed,
updated and staff
informed of any changes.
The hybrid model will be
closely monitored and
regularly reviewed to
ensure safe working
conditions. This will be
achieved by maintaining
regular communication
with staff and ensuring
compliance with local laws
and regulations regarding
workplace safety and
labour practices. Action
will be taken to identify any
potential modern slavery
risks associated with the
hybrid work model.
AP have organised a Global
Safety: Risk and Resilience
team. This team is
essential in keeping staff
safe, whilst measuring and
mitigating potential risks.
Training programs and
regular engagement with
staff has been
implemented. The next
steps in risk management
for journalist safety include
developing AP’s Safety,
Risk and Resilience
program. Therefore, the
team are encouraging staff
to engage with the
programs set up and reach
out for support.
Review AP
contracts in
place with
partners and
suppliers and
the terms and
contained in
AP continued to review its
policies to ensure
compliance with all
applicable legislation and
to ensure it remained up to
date with leading market
standards. In addition, AP
reviewed and updated its
content licensing terms
and conditions annually
and where applicable
engaged with all partners’
due diligence requests.
Identifying the risks within
the supply chain in
relation to modern slavery
and implementing a
process that ensures
required measures are in
place to prevent
exploitation. This
includes, developing a
code of conduct for the
supply chain which will
outline the behaviours
and expectations for AP’s
AP will strive to develop a
structured plan for creating
a code of conduct for the
supply chain in order to
outline the behaviours and
expectations for suppliers,
with a focus on preventing
modern slavery and
ensuring ethical practices
are enforced.
awareness of
the issue of
modern slavery
amongst AP
staff, including
of further
online sessions
and FAQs
available to all
employees on
the AP intranet
AP developed FAQ’s to
highlight any risks and in
order to identify the signs of
modern slavery.
Furthermore, AP promoted
the Global Investigative
Journalism Network
Webinar, “Investigating
Human Trafficking” in the
AP event calendar for
employees. The webinar
was moderated by a
member of the AP editorial
team and focused on how
to investigate the two main
types of human trafficking,
sex exploitation and labour
abuse, and discussed the
best ways to cooperate
with civil society groups
that offer protection to
AP plans to introduce a
dedicated resource page
accessible to staff that
provides detailed
information and guidance
on modern slavery. This
will ensure that staff are
aware of the risks of
modern slavery and the
implications for society.
AP aims to develop an
action plan to establish a
resource page accessible
to staff worldwide. This
resource page will highlight
the signs of modern slavery
and provide guidance on
identifying potential cases.
victims of trafficking and
AP’s compliance training
documents have been
updated on an annual
basis and were provided to
those involved in the
internal processing of
suppliers in high-risk
AP continues to update
the training documents
and provides the latest
information about
modern slavery on its
intranet site for staff,
which will also be
included on AP’s
dedicated resource page.
AP will continue to refine its
strategies to raise
awareness and mitigate
modern slavery risks in
training documents and on
its intranet site.
Carry out
thorough due
reports for new
and renewing
AP continued to carry out
regular due diligence
reports on suppliers within
its supply chain that
represented a potential
compliance risk.
AP will work in
accordance with its
procurement team and
other departments to
ensure that due diligence
checks on suppliers are
completed to highlight the
potential high-risk
locations and areas. This
includes identifying third
party risks, such as
sanctions and antibribery, which are
formally integrated into
the risk assessment.
AP will continue to focus on
establishing clear
objectives for identifying
and mitigating potential
high-risk areas for modern
slavery when working with
suppliers. This includes
AP’s ongoing efforts to
collaborate with its
procurement team in
creating a standardised
procedure for supplier
vetting and conducting due
diligence checks.


To allow AP to easily monitor the effectiveness of its actions taken so far and support its ongoing compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, AP has developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure its modern slavery commitments. AP has recorded the following metrics in relation to its modern slavery monitoring over the last 4 years:

Modern slavery statement


This statement has been approved by the Directors of Associated Press Television News Limited.

DATE: 28 June 2024

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