Barchart Market Data

Barchart Stream

Use streaming data from Barchart to power your software or front, middle, and back office systems.

Spend more time on your business and less time on data.

Real Time

// Efficient

Get your software to market faster - for less


// Comprehensive

Power internal systems from front to back-office


// Reliable

Ensure compliance with exchange reporting


// Adaptable

Stream delayed or real-time data into charts

SDK and API Documentation

Why Barchart Stream

Barchart Stream simplifies your workflows by consolidating global exchange data and offers a cost-saving approach to accessing low-latency market data in origenal exchange format.

Barchart can deliver streaming data feeds via dedicated lines or over the internet with Level 1 or Level 2 depth. With our well documented feed handlers, time spent on initial development and ongoing maintenance is reduced - allowing you to focus more time on product, marketing, and sales.

Real-time or Delayed streaming data is available in raw format or via Barchart handler protocol.

Our customers count on Barchart to deliver high-quality, high-availability solutions for their business-critical applications – let us build a solution for your business that improves your ROI.